Ad" lA ÂbrechtCr Mr$. ars yndewof i..i....dPark. vlaledwlth relalilse be r rday. S Mme G. P . &4603"n af Elmhuri, r~ ed onu Mmed ber@. M lr. and Mi. Ferry of W beatoii, motor- ed bon SBudai %0 »pend the day viUi lin. Forans and laiUy Lt Fulday a&v--k occurred on the linsH»Whou a regb -car ilpped on uako daow dans. By mfflngff ;imAlbrect lssPendlntg tih@ wt.h ber grmndmother, lMrm.FrOd Th, bosi Red CrossAuxlia w ifl hold abuliýase eslglu tb. Qyunamiuin at Aiea Priday eiteriiooflsa. 2'ciOcx. EVehy eb e hopld try ad attuBd Ibis moisslg. Thesnase sel .aIst lt tllcd at tbe baà hWStr tv Isy ai of d work. The ettius5g»nsloe bas ans lerifor thefr mosy, e ly irs'e" tbeIsieS to eome uuà Mig. Rma KuIgmenetertalned qut$ & nua* bse sr iends 01 Chicego. ovr andai lélter Mesers and Pa& 1.11. moarsituaLake Zurich tha lbal gainé. la. Knlggbas announced that h. iul»ig ds lbild a nev garage. A -M Imm RiglU Iiitale charge. 1&@. C. C. Grsen, Nouahel andMise j; EIs-.itride attsnded lii recital iilvea aI Libstyrile by ie. ingrsbai, Tue- day alghl. * Mie 8. L. Trlpp @Psnt TUWeAY at Prairie w rlaltng uith ber parente, li. à re. j. Rchards, lire. Ada ~~~~~b "y aMs'Mw la anfOunm" l Oa'asnUiIof nul W.dnssda bsig 9b Mm .lu aRder ad son #pet ledmes. ig Î IAutUilm ~ta~Bnd aail emerwaa - wwvà M iSms R.rils us* smit dbolimtwomacle hiIejfýu- te l*% P î MWuiles S.L 0 . ?sip, latm. o. T Mr.An~Latmra. V01 4g*~*~, UguA los ,e Um. Rual Wu c ommllta-um rt ,oowétmwu*âargissi Appluco- Mm RAWMa Rouis. M.. re fl Iaddie -l MeC. C. Grén. Publly OoMSlte-E. Ha. Buisa Mb. MW iMcr*e, Miss maris Dtrieol Fuge.oa..lSlees-gm Qu oollButi IL tlKues, B.IL 4Trlpp. ewtalarafl. mms.E. il. Bfubl Misa luth W", lmsBlanche Shaddl ' Hra Roues. Les N. Shadle, Turnei lilcox. ieJaunis Kennedy, Miss Booth Gardn Ry, hairmen. Raymaa rstov. Lsfoy Kane. Miss Besie Milii Mrs ie ai er, Robrt Roue.. > Ik. B. A. Carnes, chalrman, Mr@ liether Male. UmseDorotby Hardîni lire. Frank Dolph. bu. iýsn velllug vitb Cha. W.hre mal balnly iersetlb pat verni. iéa Poss debwennian of Llbertp ville, spenlBandai vlthbbr fous bher.. Mise Biabetb Hertel entetaluel Vauhegan irisude Sundsy. Buiai .venug, J uif let tiere viS le squ~rltglihsrvceat8t.Mahew'o Dyon gel ap at igt? Sanl la *«si*1. hbut ianalidney aldblad jW. $roubie.. &moil ires reflet ln bt* bm &4. R malbacacie sadblad- We 4"Me ianoll aateel sser U nd$100 a balelot the MIMise floWle wu dIr~ octiàfor ber M.. nde. eer wy. rateand~e rlves. Jus. ime»sand vile are etertalàn f riendâ row Chiexa Ibis ýsek. Audrev Bowers aud Harold Mlllrer ba"e rsterned boue trom NorthDakota uhure bbisybave hesn i fndlnnmse litas on mm .Bavera'Win.. B àLb.i1?evllie aad #Birry 4-M'l eoietsÏçÏt Monday vth Wrauedi riend. Miss Marguerite Lanipbere 0ofWEDi, @pont Stundo, vili irende bl* Mise May DalsI ispendngtboamier at the bau, of ber parsutebr.. The oigilrh vatbPac IbseUtreffq rilg largecrovâs. Eec Rt n b>'.le oradsd. * NisesO Ellsiieh and Loreta Daley of Elgin, vas bonnwe ~ Boudai. iek " of isaiChicago, Épect Su- loY ailhs.haaeo0f br»rnta ber.. mrm lilciuru returue home Buud&Y aller & ev day isriit vlîh Chicago blonds. 1 ast Vnday îveulng au .nlertalunsut vas giron ai the Palace lbeoie for the buefit of!thb ed Cros Mies arlon Carter af New Yorit Cty, rsuereè a aunmberoai Engllsh song and readîng vhlcb veM. uuch appreclateil by thé .audience. M"Carter tua acousin ai lirs. ktàrvey-Prim.. The Maflover Chapler No. 555 of the Clak llsi. Prldau evenng, Jane 29. The auoundo bail tianheatth11e Bariett's lu a fast game on lbhaine grounde Buday ilnnlng bila score ai 6l -a 0. Tii. gaiens aslntOreslng throuib"te b. vulltousIa ptllng up a geuaslgbl. ourboys bare lsat Only ope gSOM"bi emon and that vas at gondes fur verne ego lua àtast and eloge gaine, tlb.mscoreblg :8to1 and Ih.y &à vetimg lot, D8u tlai-. tl & »aM» argamogeflugrouadà ~paer lm Slasie Gem ees Lai. esomba mit Beaio Mda aoba lboyktmneaeO.. Rushalie',oaioat * bllyg eolewimW ta marri Idm ÏÏjlr*. 10% b* moy for 0 eoil.vedd4* l * . li%«sher V.leS Msi Ui* fboo a Bi or V rod ummmm. 'TM bidela énSl 0 muet amléble ia pel dugble ai 001001110a 09 hie ikfftqyéosh ba inW#à tie4 o, *àsofM.andil OurIioSgeliy ie.iii «sol a e0v rlaitO n W. nt, a ride lenda IPISole ndt<hebi" o rend f h bapvm 1 lc ourn iteim .ad Mont. @HXUYand iSpoegi reele a througi iii.. Flequar Rible O lub aetlng The blequar 11,1eC1Olu b tCou5nolà. vemlt Idisn bî e -Kdatloà. ai Chi- caga celebrottel t4e dose oÏ Ihe Indoor Lmee eau vllbm automobile trip tu L.mle Zurich Sunday Jane 24.. The club menibers enereCuetsaifour vSI."uovFi.sbe"rm». HrvcyT. Wood. VIuaqII, vba prparel a nmptuous chîcl. tu dinnen for tie '% buctorshootera. Tbe #blý@ble lh me. preaid undsn lbe dm&-ul.b ÏÏ tsseou n i. Belere lavu avare laal»d vilh Coud tbings ta selt mOfI l thealieacomng tram si gardes Ibat Mr. Woodmaan leworký iag"'l la IGrave nPelgbborliood. Ap- p&rMtYllbt.dotihie part 10 reduce. lb. H. C. ai L. Te piscede ealtance camle iron M. Henury Kropp'a paulrv yard and lu eue>a 49 lareiatltiso that the rifle mon,@ am. muntioan vasail tîpsiaded beiareth ciîco e oannlblated. The inmers gars a uaiey rote ai theMe tu tobhoiaujadhi bis «. al &ute, aM vora iee b'entere a bililot Vits IL. M.oolman la au A.1 enli- eur mi proiler adlolacisater lie vsfl QI o!bis guets iludaeaiy« pi l plesiolOUl»neer bmwcb aluitl ias90~ C Ilamens acai fOt Mai iftàmiet ed r-* nlîau4l uor IMassitauce b. mceir l- bp W.. oodma (saisM ol se" yl b mWýool'rmmfliaom M iUs.i. mai 11* * Mm mi uty c. '~ i - to uisestmg la the . Opumui Amo pFcr datenometaI2 aO,=c IEmi omember Msiu try and attend JL Chabseila bon gone la .9#", v;;z;a, For a eêsael vieil ie i Mm. mai UMs ledwlVrtsen d uagiter or Bop* hPail, vers auséet thel teguel Virts home Balerdag, aIdBuon. Jolun Batosb Mad vIf, er. callel go àlivob at Veuéi oR accoues atglbhe 5et01hé ti air uMater. .Wli Wogne us d %tvit, i antou, ik51151 oeuIvésboe. oudaiy. Âne. Vires aolod bsrn ecool ot I preamont csonter vllb a piculu Vriday. MieBertha Keblier raturneliq. .t (ram D@Kalh Tburodd#. dhebm ait.o attendiMgtlb Stats Normal thers ltheti lir. Hrdlng aud âsoghters vwe. Woulsgsl visitais ThBroda". Mis. Stark enaterlIelM Éoberi Wmebbir bGalai, y Mises llsb*tb W'tî and4mber Grabb ara soenllng a bey deaset Rogsrc, Pari.* bey *xpeet go vieit Lîncoin Park v. thes, Chbale Chýamborgin ofI rving Park, %pont Bandai vltb the bonis p#opis.' Jobu Gras ud vii. re .WauXega cailens Batunday .vealng. George mol Emlly Bates of waucotuds, vlelted relatives boe.the Orsi pifith ire. Bertha Wlrts ang daugliter and Mis. Emma Grabb aîr..u.l the bazami gciven hi ths Episcapai ladies at Grays- laite Thnroday. Albert Buoyder and iamily rlalted et Lake@ Corners and &eneded a christen- lng surday. A Red Cnoscmeeting vashbel ai th 9bnnch Sua aveoi-g -Tbli vos a union service of Aiea, DlWriiud Lal1ei ad 1lvanhoe and vas iaiplhy attsadod» The prograns vas &il gééd and Mi. Milers@ addrsodeaerves speclalmention. It vaes esling aoupuriolile and nadeý ererYane ted that lby vautel ta doait tbpY eonld Io bel: aialoultits arcal vorl. A goud mataf botb moendu woana oinel lbhsoc"$y. A son 0f Ur. amidlre.oais Lrorn, .aMed iteeu ymie, wvosde lislumUiur too.lWr Thurslay. vi. »o ur. Lopen iorm.rlil dla tibl[vsItI. lire, Amdrev Truàà lu saterballaber e r«aI nolce ai Low lela, Fred Rédlle af Bosses, Win wu N Md mm a & bDeaua». gui vlth lb. borne 1.1k islamml la Ur. larvuaiertA ockiord. KIL, sps 0, 49rdaye in I rlaW.- nl uNr Llay tf-W*abmgul ible b. »paSulî i t It bar sona Mrw. W. B. BtVart t 11%e lods. ai bit vlewnly mm lutas ibuieilay taorganalous for §Wl Cross wrt aad bcaslalloekp,!r. MRn chapter. 4 #M wDawph OcOuis.Huith risaI1 hipsi'im coisîirabiséslxtb hirbday lbfir . SMad. Abo, o f ù*ailb eddim eaI MIs marlorte Canna. d . 1k ofaiblca. go, aoobplâce Tbuski, Jué 28. WaiIb i8eolaudm U tblso, iel lis ho.. folk$ this Woui. lire A. W. Bafford bat s Iu "srlouly i el the Post veek b4tîot p4eslrlhlsg lsea lltbit botter., <'t Tbers yul i 0Pa%rtt rougc sud sermon a% the Olu!* 1Spaday aorinig ïand.fn n d lp1t*Mr'epsking la lb. eveaiug. Archis Webb and- WÙuac Baik Irans, nacedbusiness la Knoob* frldaî. Woiman's fi end tea aLarge Trial Bottie of Sanol Pr'escription. Fine for black heads. Eczema apd ail rough :1in and Clear cmplexion. A reai .1cm tonie. Get a 35c tria bottle at fihe drug store. mie Stanger and son vlaited the S. E. Kuedier iamily. J. hianelifi and laml &oo Mr. ]Herschel sud farutIlycalied on rsetives sonday. Mnés. DerireRitzenthalercailedonfrends Suuday. Mrs. S. J1. Moline al scou viitedl ber dauthter, Idr-. L. L. Masther tbeliretol the weel. The 1:1d9kuiit amlly .utertalned Mise Co nli u d lIr&.DeWlst ad twu sons n'ver8uuiday. The boy# viii @pend lb.) sommer ber.. Mr. aw t m ,j. Moyers 01,)sloeulan vlslted lier sutr, lr.i Bacilast day. Mr..and lire. A. C. Riebs'Iasnttrtaid -Mr. and Mlin. CarteaumnbâaildeMie. Carteauz lgr, EruselPorter on Mr.biid ins. lROY Pedrée of a! ths 51Wla'tSon. day. Mis. Bort Binai vas cailelta Des. Plaine s he bure part o ci b*utesiby tbs e.rioaess ilumua bur ~.-si > Pranl. Weiis a4, wDi automl t VaukeganlutTeo4ne vbwSuUliaI e Mme a brave sllri a iw ser tS"a weoord at the b1ogl a *%W, rg Ie D3*4JoU aîopeammfor lb Faurth? IU Jo gel ouq et loU Bras. dance l>auopl 14t., Btrlay. Juta 80, viemt *o beantIflul Sae, 00ou@h4x8 vel .1*1, colton amm 0on.2,8 eil. îlm bgiron Tib& cuW dlCrou AulJlolyvin laid Ar.. P$ide aiteioon at r omW"14 Rv.rp aubur ebauld îry ouI ottenî tbis meting. Mir. mol Mms. arvby arold on MIsL ayl.r, Thureda isro oea. Nih.. MuiByad blrno . i lgrlatim al rerià Gsorge milibolsd vue . a p.mon lb. vosl la Cheago. Mn. S8r% T.rpnlag and lldbtei ai ValpMIoa, lvoretel eolubr e J. Broclsoam Mdl "Dly, Md amIMs IL 13091r" »daM Y"-r rislld mia- tMvp WWadbrisc*. uoade. Tb@ choir vil gre patraioprsgram ftunio srntat. Juiy 1.011: 745. hone- PUTS SPOGKIN :PIANO, us Wdu NMWW; ' X.iIst Mw*ûad Yakee. =,=GÂT, Who vil 1e bêestoof atheb.cbal ý* dla lb.he e -~~ O ~co whe tIti unie, pradulu poli *uko ;Odm vaytb<101 Wbille.; il. Sut. h. neyer trie. <I Wl ~ ou tbe plate <'Perbapo X la i»l poyng aBecethoren mhly le wl.iceliout tërquvlki the plana la ifle Ithe id riseeln 0egmauget air. TbgJMrInla aveiitrlalou. th 11 1ev I la i#ano la John. John .m. ot et dl lapiano. Bren 0M tIi slsIbe stops nul there.Ilie remis rgtasohmlnWbvice Taggart playe £for 2. '~ .- blets omeimes 1e and .¶"Igartnias toggtbw. John la a elomenle. felowbut b. maies a great MUsa bitinierébath la plci> aU«ipronlhclmtim M - vtsle a ubJet matr. Mn. TAUFat ate maie. e u ailntali. o bu@"uesouiy tleb bala bng 'tbls. Ilt ecltes'Mmr7 Ua, Xo. - 14ImV' and '?vlliue, Tvinkle," fne _______________ bagplposs, ro l Ui. PLIë dý horff ia nI ,on «g litre bkure. .Piero l.boblnd' bisb back, e0w-er hie hosd mol apsid TeVidear Tai.- lut Noeic oin- PMIybsbal mg- f of soeetben dit- f J raent parts aie 'Od Ooantry bu people le tauqila tavus bai records mter i. bas90 ga" nIls. TlIfY BUY RECORDS AteOU h TO Titi os.. tacla t ti '01 c.ouwr«xy iDotesRAT 0M. OoatrilFlder aIý borne.Ttis -on Coutry i'ldI*," wbom lTart lmp uatms 'se»M I.- emêmes a mieteWrm» e w bl anlbace1telangi- i&g Tio pp~ la octe ressuaWVby helouk . lggslatea i Tanawmi euUe laMamIe Te Tl tIpped the. bani orer, frghlemel th. borse, wblch startel lau but farlunmtely became entengled lu -1M hamneeualdteli, mter Il hadrt In f11o t»r oda. n'h.youag lady wu. mot tlarnyn laai aith -bu baYlbut a egit In lia, top and dregied. Tic drer ofl theAuto vga go01g at lbe rate of 4& aillm ,n Onitr iastel'. he a truci lb. bugyM M« as lbe yOilg eomanwvs lilrla Pb, the rigait bail Md*.of tb« e0. bu or-Sâ stmos týpunpoasly. fne u steppai.but P" mcoan extra ir~ Md i w egl ba fr bee*,b.eiepMO& 4~ *lh e pr voIio & jtrend of fbod Prims àolinou - &lfl .a raWMtY value.of our h 6 oa r cesaidiel. OurdAw yproduele do "l sire lb.0 tWestloal gO»utd trou. *d ous. Wou. £ven Ili a d*try wascMonlii. a ously th@ bom .auunptlau aof.1k le voil IV. WNpre,mgk or dodry praduete uusd la »Mms e aber lacIsfor ms fi otbir eolflus bsrsdarys pro- itul.0 e ot to eyttatmhu. p#w* ç tpsr usuioaiq&aln 99*M paboblshy lb. Unlrsy of gi.~ J. Vlr.Preslsel ofai be food. * A Wn prodmets Prim Blue of MOUi Rsry W.lhl (Holelgiq. , 4R10Ib Protéide 8986 lb. solide 172 lb..alMe Pet .818,"1 .1' 88 Il. I " 2 Il '. 054 ii. stior becounse an articleaif foo ouly vben piaqil on lb. bloei. The daIrj caw.l. e pluceraiet dibie foule durleraii but îva ysIrs of ber liieti. Bétalillk prlcs lnLaks Caunlyréal Immni ls mw&,-np. 4r, quart. -Delafl bes prie e ary brom 15 te 42 conte per lb. Dp aa weballist as 8 ente psr Pla mnewgystrias power1 ie ut obnlil la equli to 8% Ogg, 10.t ocm offtovi, Il onumof@aieuran seak or 12 oans ai rounstea"., ligures pubbiselby lb. U. 6. ofai lnlu.) 100 lbo ai s11. mf ii vl rais 15 la 17 lb o!o eoti&Webw»&U al 11hoboottffegenes is equâal1ofbi bseakm. Mlii â malotiel' dW"ryprolncte bars sot Iollotred lb.eai oh sy.rockeila Pims a oflS. Dudne lb mopli af jam ble vomnyir àb n rvowsive $1.40 e 140 Ili 1* bslr miiior 8.4 gaetepar qrl. TW emtmftlpie fer t" Mpeest mlx mia pstole 02.12 prow 1111, o bu eteluaruiMoTue UassainrIssre.baegm. kWh le Poo-&" a temiesiylova bslson , [itflet hala ia dN mmasci s dabameeeesi#0 voueso lsa oof»y m»goula la 1010, mv i oi epae la 06 i -I Dawa"n. Readleg-Eetber Budge. Reclbollou-Roloud 14.1er. Bola0-Clareuce Ludvlg. Slieeda-Gordon Ray. jiecltatiau-eele Kane. Readlng-MisMarie Scbauck. Qoartest-Mr. B. Brauf, Mr. Ludvig, Mr. W. Brou%, Mr. Holer. Piano and Viallu Duo-l-MIsslisais. MIII and MWreDora Bous. RMctation-Donald Poutton. 8oug Duel-Helen sud l.bbis MJil Boc«g-0halr. Tali-Rer. Davson. ilolo-Rayaond Briela. Bang-ChoIr and Cougregatlon. UitYSTERY-MIOUDS DEATH. The body ai W. R.chitwoo. Grut Laies oal TZ*ling Stall. allerU vho -as hIdI by latug thiova fus. a DIi. betw*m «MMdru mlBlaim les vseh. bu basz shippel ta porr KCan-"s The ubfpsen Vaesusd0 by npre1% la retatIves et the Kamsa ltg", eà aider &= tselie gr.maat oct sta th1e trolnlng tatIon. Tii body bal boen bsttipeÏ*tly a veeiby Qleï. taher Patau o-f' arvard gendil,. or. dois fer, M aeh ý"llorat t blM r«"»« the 411.liacb r , aiChis. Woods boly on tie reai aIetM>. Trd las« v-14.Dr. ladvlg of tic Groat Laies baei>tai corme veat thera andloo usk eoninent p Ouame piule lu order tla thorouÀy, eslaw lheb li entlty et tiheuman, egoy- «Mnent belug wery partienlar ln bliu 1respect- No Information regandlug boy hf vaod came tb be.ridîng & train &am 1fr0. the naval station vithoutlelayo 0f absence, or il anilir onaetlaa eare avallabie. Messages ver.onuf 10 Minneapolis. Minn.. and te Tope-, 1Kan., by bath Dr. Fmi nul'M, Putnarû, sAlng for lntowlaUon, bul noue vas necelrer! other tha a te 1quest comlng ira.n Topeka tia!lith body be ShIPPed there. bout nô Oat Lrangements wore made regardlug the [expenues of shlpping or Chose lIut. i d by'Mr. Putnm. 1*er the navali station amfclale ordered shipineut by «roe ta Perry, 1Cn.. thongbI t la Underataod the govorument dons nul 1asapine any funVal exipeWs. HITS RIO, GOES ON. s A veiY bail accident happenel.osi the Milwaukee ra Weduesday eveu, 8 ng due ta caîless drirlag of an mile truck driver who cshed faU ahcnd t nt a buggy driren by a Young vo fman frm Wadonoth. bu ~tλAN AM CA99 fire.Works, DokWrive- 6oods. ed- L.rgest line carr~çt.L~le >11b t.iIct1adey hoeInàmSIi0tcd 4, i;B ýlw «Moeio wkreeu oo .1 v lm . - . 1 ru ni emry piUuwie tu iD ' O>sé dIW(v4tuol. sý qe ia 5cle torneaobly ume 1.2 quhr aif.Onkpar. iay, F*mltâ areaga houfour >trao"* IUIbt4yrile8o faw usM on «W. arerage &bout 1 quart pur day. ., tnlag hou 1 plat bof0 quarts, lb. ais. a"bat bsliag uWUsjr a bfally of plat ai mlik d. Biar fodltdl a lovbuai!sveon Our dalry tara.. RigfomsaLeao ey ew mlhiri aryloug brom 8 te 4& IMW -em fa is et ilb. iaily magieOov. Muik, mOW varilid ira. 1 p4lt tefô quarts or se ikorsul.a.110quartoeurli. A cul<>ofvwil.IM, àday fur s«M ioiilà bot "laie i. Bliltaaour pwdl*.-dalry covi mies. siburtag ai manurs, dscsassd crop yisîdo,, smoller fora soine. lad 1'bsptWetofallksbould ba'asel on lia. omstof produclh o ai>i both pro- débas OW a !Ihub*tor& cigi Pta far liblWIoi " tn lrsalmien d loa. Studylaode'alussud mazdt 014. This le aos vay tlamit tbWoaal" 1*Latbol paussrrotlouc ontwIslab aur bouse pohIy.e Iiounty TariAdviser. %U . txcmmosIFS QUpTAý. eulyhu more.Ihàp .-#Mser*d lns quota fer th. Red Ces" Bond, It was annd.q tca day. Tih* amOt ao@ asi- ad te county "W 431,pS0. forty-two tlwuands doll*ew.rp relsed. Chicago, Jun. 20.-Henry Werner aiWoukegan, fil, arrst.d severai Weeks &go on chares ofaI ntsrf.rnq wllh United lt.. marchale whe vers ssarching hi* horne for evidenceof il violation of the, Ilquor laws, todey i.alved examI.ition befors United Slt.. C omngtwsontri Lewis F. -Mas1o, end W"e hold ta te iderai lgrand jury under ButaS bond. Tmcinically opeainm aal-el à LIIU Tue. ami a it