LIBE TYVILLE LAKE COUNTYINEEET INDEPENIYENT WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN VOL. XXV.-NO. 27- TWELOVE PAGE8 UTIR TB, LAXE OOUNTY, LTJ, THURSDAY, JXJLY 5, 1917- ONE TO EIGHT. $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVNÇK TWO LK ACCIDENTS AT RONDOUT IN 24 HOURS Irving Honert of Chica% Faits Prom Freiglt Train 2 Miles Nortof Rondout. Richard Williams of Belville, II, le Frightfulty Inlured When Boarding Train. Waukegaii, June 29. I rving Honertt h youflg Chidigeén who tilu under a St. Paul frelght train noir Rondout earty Thurmdiy momling, adwho hasd-- hth iGuer imbe ci off, dl*d nt the Jane Mr.At IWer hoipitai et1 i 'ctock ttis af- terflbefl.The Inqtueit Over hl@ r mains wil b. heId 1hit evening. Hf neil feaitents white itealiflg a ride en the. train, and R was white a@41aP thet hoeftiti trom the train. Wfth hie legs cut off he tay in the dtch for bwe heura before discovered and luto o ate shompia. HO va cO'- iciomai i th iIs Utieo. W.lth llablnumaflashes iluminStiii the beassus sud reveslua tue true citent of hiela M19,sud viii the falin s in ite cool sis fevered brov, Irving Houet. s Chicago youth. I&y for oses' Ive iow's on cinders praylng God te s.nd aaslgtaice. The. Young M& a d fallen f rom aa inoving freight trair. k h of lis i.-bs tad beer. tut off bunder the vbt-t1s Ofti- r".(On .l'g vas cul off a'i ekuei-, lth-oh'-r near the Not once Iurin.g tihe urs he iaY iR hWisinjure1 condition did be loge ,Congclciiiui. Taxlng bIs stneIngth te lhic utsaoo the y0ung insu craved tu s paitiou ver. ho oil 151 hl heai&UMM thlb.ragls, SM by se de- lux bé 010009110in lWsoppina & anht paageUftml. l'h. ea5Uof tle. psasser train on on.eoftheb. tsi %'t. Paul us »wv tbeminu iii bis hea au the raile vieIl CUlya quarta? of a smle diW&»t. ne appUe the emergeidCY bs. Pessengera vire lirovu frue ibiOt a5ts. ici lie englacer :coaeffi lu hvtnglmg hie IraLu te s sto, beore h .could eruali out lhe lite of lb Ma» On the traicks. The trula crev racel ta the place wber. the. Young man lay. He *ase tili eeâsua. .., Umsk ed, It i 1amn eâll -liv."," m ' - tba P005<Mmn i he WUa1 lle mb £ a u e car. He -asta, k.w eROUdimi ud va$ Plaeed IDan mipelnce there and tlien brought tOIC the. jane licAlliiter hospital in Wau- kefal. Dr. J. 1,. Taylor and tDr. J.C FoleY ressed the. injned limb. -i w". stealtng a ride 1 vas solig to mikwau'iee In >earcli of vork. I » N FR CaR MAY BE 1MPRISONED Detectives Arrive at Rondout in Searoh of Freight Car t No. 590m9. THINK CHILO MAY BE DEAD. Last Seen Plmylng Near Car in Superior, WIu-Car Due at Rondout tow- Officiais of the chîcago. Mlwaukee and St, Paul rlrOa arn e lal Rendeut tolay te searci lhe freigit yards for frellit car Ne. 590M,9 vicb la bboltvel te contain 5 tsar c11 William Metean. vio lt>ap- peared front lhe docks lu SuPerlo?. wis, last Frid51. shortly after the. loading of the car vilh flaseed vis cosplelel, lue bon cloiel snd suaI- od and the car startel film Beneoli ville, 111.. vhicii is alec on the. St. PaulhUe Tii, Officiais belteve tht tiie car la lu the Ronlout Yards Or 11551 l wIl viieach tuer. toulgit. Every rairoal empleye along lis route bas been varisei 10 vatch for lie car and teo pen Il immollately refflrilees of regulatlons, sudInsti- tt. a thorousi pes.rcb fer thec"ii Traftes5Wer. smat outfinlu aldir& tign h by c damait la15 le lavff tmthlse avil! b hostiS baore lat.' guesI 1fehi asleeP. 1 avoke vien lb. train cruahed my lover liba. 13trange as it May eM i vas net la pain. 1 suferai frot ombsof blondm sud amn satIsiedthbat 1 vould bavem lied on the. reedolde If 1 bad not suc-1 ceeded incravllg tothle position on1 the ralse," sou the youig minu bon. of thie nueise t the Jane McAllster9 hospltsl, -as hoe lay on lh. opemtins table breathing in tie anesthetic. The youa imn says he makes is home vlhh hI» motiier et 1428 George street, Chicaao. "*I nannetenuderatand how lie l..y lier. with both limbe oui off for two heurs. It la rmarvelous." said Coron- er J. 1, Taylor. Tii. young ms'. condition lm re-j garded ax cntical. Hia motiier has1 bes'n sunimoneil le his bedslde. Richard Williamis, ef Belvllle, 11L, 1 liatLoth legs eut off below the, kne(- et 9 o'clock Ibis morning viien in attempting te boeraspeseenger train ou Iii' Si. Paul ralroad et Rendent, b. nissed hua hol ou tue ratUug and vas thrown isMler the It"i;- The. legs ver. dut off between the subi, and kuee. Wlliams vas piaced Eu the. Lansen & Holland amublance an vas ruabelto1 the La*ke Couaty heepital. vher. h. recolved the pro- per cane sud treatinout t tu bauds 0f Dr. 'LA. E Uon. YeterIay moruling s Chisaa hbabth Juga cut off near Rondout. viihih. te ell! WblIe EMU0& a5 e car spd vent under th. tratin.HO occupE.. a col et the. Jane MOMLs. ter bospital. Williams la 43 years of age, in ipin- gle, sud has venkeil forer ii.. Paul ralilmod for the pat tventy years. He carries an honorable dlecahrge froin tue United Statez army lu bls pocltet. Etlvw« learned at noon 105! that Lhe young man had pianned to go to- Chicago tgday to vieil frietidi aad that thi. train vas pulling out of the itondout depot wiien lie atte=ted tu iboard ILt Re bus voked wltii the ~ectln CCPw t Rondout for just en(- week, Dr. Brown said this afterfloon that there vas a posbiUlty of saving the young man's legs. He ays the vlctim ls suffering tromn shock and tbst hie chances of recovery are flot thie beet To reachlitls destinlatilonI luili b. neeeesry fer lhe car te Paue tbousi Lake douaity witsUy b.lng searciel. sccomdlng te ffet iiSi. The clenba in the, Roudout offce say they bave ne record of lie car iavlng passai urou*h liai Junetien. The child la the son et Capi. W. 8. MoLesu, for many years s a lor on te great lobes. Acorling t10 lie. who sav lb. yeungtcr last, he vas playiug by htmaelf asud suddenlY dimeppeared. The -atru on the. va- rious slips near the particular dock on vhlch he vas lagI isen have been dréMed vititno resulte. Box car- No. 590.090 ot lb. C4icago. Mllvan'ce. sud t. PacI ralîva. 'be,- Uoeod te centain the body oethte miss- Ing Wlliaàm MCL«hi, 3 Ysra 0. Of *uprtir, Win., vasfound sud open- ed TvIdy. In the. Glewood yards. Tic boy vas note uni. Tie bey vast seen playng near tie car lu Superler lest p'ntay sud Il vas bellovel be had tepu Iocked lu Il.C Washington, JuEy 2.~-'Officersansd min of lis asI are te vear facolmi- lies o eisprints of h. Index ingera cf thelr rlght bands on themir denti- fcaion modale. accordingtot ordora mal, publie todar y theliNMss>'De- psntsmeut. The order illcte 1h51 g? oar>'m* uM us alusrsê i puaeWiV vithI stan of ucasem bb e lwvul ~ .N." andulâ Ous ew et~ho ou mse lte dt. -aibis ith MaiUU MtM olbmr t id à-aCkhla te lia Mervie lilpo4 tâ*IF.~b »P tom udut*mbb & eStuç* 14 assis ci WesiItlà CELERATiONaT [ElACE PARK WAS ADSCE Tihe Patrioiic Celebrallon sud Picie ab KenIlr Park vas s great sucefes. The vestier use Ideai sud ith.e pîit of Patilulienmwu@ manilet Ilrougiontl the day's ativition.1 lunb tht orenoou lie Saiaroe su ad1 Yancigan. cnoaed bats lu the. Natioual sport. lbe Ysunigan.combni ur ntsecound best lu a 12 teu19 confit. The. siternoon prograin opeuel vili seiectious iiy týe Lbertyville baud sud the utnglug or National sud Patriotlc songe by lMm audiemceunuder thi eade&r. chip of M ru. Bila iaBmng afbain and a prayer by the Be". Zabsi of Ares, Atty. B. H. Miler acting me ehairnan. Lieut. Col. Wallace Hi. WIgÉdau gave aç short but abie sud instructive talk on0 maltera of greut imiport to the. NatOn »di lbe people la <suerai. Moter Bernard Decker of Wankeganf tàon gave a rscltatlou "The. Fag" wvhlci vws veilirendered ansud hlby compît- -td.r Senstor R. B. <vif t stirred tbe audi-1 ence viti bis thniihtug reniarke of pat.e iotisi n d masol oyaity and support of the country a1bIet.i rying moment. lu reflato g te constitution 0f the. C. 8. b. *&Id t vas the.Bulwark beblid wblch peuples of every. n;tionailty c0" rest mefeand iecure amI late ilrst docu- ment whIeih gave freedom tute people sud la the. foundation of ait otlier pro- uounciatioms tirougiiout ltheworld lu the. lnteresee09sfthe.masse.E Arthiur F. Stldon vas mii% sud point-a ed out the Ivo extrema.ici governwuâi1 Wb"ici ork evil, sud lhe happy medium n vblch wolb for the botement of aitE peuplei. lRe polull e aRuOSené as ibining exampe 0f both extrem» sud% hem ta Sb@i tnite States as the happy( tuimm viere justice là ietd out tof ot 10 ialiue.t lion. 9. 0. Duan, 0f MasosCiy lowa wu Doet on liii gogmunae& dsPgbt.d lb -aeiium o ili a strrla.adlvese *bMinela vihpotaothmsMm ngit. In Oplig ho 5.14 1 vaswa asret i ëime nov Io acidyor eriticléesthe' rase- ouose et ur t lg lbe risonfl bustu my anvs arelund mut painting outth"iar ouicsuns, ofiwbat- «Ver ationalty, uhouud uit.lunl* comn- inacause nuder the ous fig. salId bis mother camne to Ibiseountry su orphsua at the age of 17 sud thal obaricnou, bal bonen irem the opporuity tuchonte sud act for bis ovu advancemmit and "ild liai bad there not bean ulta feu tco many republican votes lu the slsfr et lova hb voul hbave base. th. gaver- uer of tiat <et cominuvoh. Oui future lu ibis country ePa b msplod out by ourseives ebeneas nuder eravuel bad@ ilaleIluthe band@ of thiles ofroyal blrth. ln relerrlng 10 tboe bo ssy vs couid bave kept oul of the. var ho sali tuaI Il an Intruder abould break looblbi bouse sud merder bie vile aud chlldesu tulho coul keep out of t by runniqg out Ihe back d0cm but that sprt of tuse coutry la nett hat kiud but thaI vo viii give soins of tiie crovued beads a ýb.uce tu1ook obr a ie doorthirough vblch 10 escape. Iu Clo.Ing he omlth"a nov liaI our Biag le on foreigu soit ha bopsl Il vouhd flot rature Unîil i ngi Bhall B. No More.. Miera. J. R. Aeman. G. C. Orldiey sud Max Cohner tie committe lu chargei of tie prograia n rt1 be cornplmented. The eveing wva peut luaf rippingtho' llgt fatnatie tas. Sue STA. AT N. CHGO. PUT OUT The atorin of Thureday played ha- sec viti the North SAbeselectric Une vien l~I*tnlng at 2:30 struck the sut-ebation aI North Chitcago sud put It oct of commssiou. Il casadlay lu service fer about forlyflve minutes. the delay belua longer tban would have beeu the came hal flot the sanie storin put eut cf commision tue cosupsny's prIsai. phione eytem and the long distance linos betveeu Northi Chicago sud Jtilaubee amd Evanston. As sonoo p lvaspeosible the. coupquy get lu leuci vlt th e sations aI lies. tva places sud carrent vas thcg dlverled te thehUe frein tuero sud the viole sYatein va. mun frein Ihes sations. Tic boit ot llghîning lestroyel tie llSains protectera ý-smd ths carrent phayol anl boust tb. usaeiu.ry t. the. Noth Obicago itato esuait m exteaut ual Il 'Wop5sqSesy toe «"0 isIM W i41 gabsa 1 l* émiS-'p ~t. ~i.Ua *' Deteotives Piok UmSWWhioh May.Rufftin A ê*the 'Area Safe-IIop FIVE CAGSWERM USED. Investigatorfor U~f'As- socatin ive uI WImde, Facta'Toqls.- The. Ilinetils akeui Amaclsion bas offered a revamdoc $mIfotheli erreet Mad convictieon vIlluon. ybar frein thé.date o e usb sgisy ofseci peoe Impilcated uli te iioomabdis bsrglsry commbtted ou the. CRisa' hauk ci Ares on May 1M. The. Illinots Bamier' Buletin cou- tain e .flovima reoert of the, buralery ,,r'ive chars.. a i uity7ewne ver sed o £o ain acobestoi L at.Tiie Plate témia vûwf Omo lm-U u n u&d the ttiorfistulesMd yod' vorb vers iaagsed bp tbmeforcesaf tie exposion. "Our t yumlgter laeoeveallng vlhthebisautiortlblI asmi do"cav sud a sgoal iser Sf1111 Impression hem been securel foier tltgtiOn purpom. "Thepeple of Ares iclo*si su auto trail lbe mornlng of lie bors- lary as far as Lsake mais, sud lier. tst il Itletasurmixci liMa aFord eur vas use sud tiat thr.. mou commltsl lie crime. "INeghieora near te bauk iterd lb, taxplocion as oarly me 3:30 ou lie mocutug ofte burglet'Md m ralsel liat the 155k vas bel"UÉ t*ed but b9ed 4to e ise is fh.' *% bkeîs' Boee#,U jun im Issu. ectaro an adittul*-bmir.Tse m1bgg vias, %"yiet romu Mthbirvetk- Tb*LIbostml dia e IOwius l'uB5 APPELATE COURT Attorney Fi~ Is of Opion That SupeodB Must Have ,BZMSSsued. HE SEEKS URTHER WORD. Expects to CMt Ruling Pro'm the Higher Court During the Month of Optober. That the record ln th, Miartin Svete case Mid the. coî)y of the bill of exception, really vas fiW.d ln the appellate court i.te theInformation r.- ceived today by Attorney George Fleid from the. Cloraof th e court. T'his shows t*tmgi p to that point it leaet Attorney Peter Jorgensen vho represented Buete. vas flot derelict ln bis druty. 1fr. negfleel. ed, however, te psy the dodket tee, and Ir ho recefved a supercedeas did flot serve It on the. sheriff ",r other court officer. . Subsequent le lbe disappearance of Attorney Jorgeésgen il developed that whute Suete hasd been touind gulîy of selling iquer in anti-saloon lrritory, foi' vhichb le was sentenc- ed to serve 100 deys lu jail and pay a suhetantial dune, nie lad flot been placed in jal &M tiie.was 1no hidi- cation that bail been aun)ea!- ed to the aplielsate court. Atterney Fie.d at once took the flatter Up viii the. dent of court ut Ottawa uitb he.risuit that the. in- formation giren a10ve vas recelved today. "It. ip quit. iie bWthat tête an- pereieau vas OMýt- Mr. Fli4 .514 "odY. "if Uaibs* . cse I-b s ll nd e a s a mrg,,d 0 u aval. o«t of Junutil.4bbiokr ert pns ses on tbe cs. If toUacadeai VUs mot tweed 1 ghaIi sgou-al t once to get on. '«l find that the 0ourt tcok tuis msatter up st the Apeil terS but open agreement contlnuued it te tiie Oc- lober tortu. The ruling deubtles wiUl be handed d inclOctober." IWARD UP» P1ERHEAIf bring thierequired rasulte u»i pail a compimmah'nblieClîlesusoetLae oCo., lu tbein prompt vuspeum te lcs The servosivaoiless bysalnghbg Amer- je. ater vilci ome 300 rsr«amllen blabifor food coumsvtio e eupassed cul by the ladies.ofthle Bel Cmos. TWOSITIRSDIE ON IUITliE BIRIIYS SISTER DIED A MONTH AGO. Death of Mrs. Kendall Friday Ooourred on Brthday of Mer Brother, -Robert Smart. One ofthtie most pecullar coinCi- dents ever recerdel lu Waukegan camne te llght TburAday viti the death etrlira. Lucy A. Kendsalet North Oouuty street. Site vas s aîe- ter of Mm. James Trestrail. vie lied In Waukegan about a meonti 5<0. Both were aitera of IRobert Smant. ot Waukegan, sud William SInart, ot Hs-re la the cetticîdent: 1-mh e 1.5h of Mre. Trestrail iock place on the tlrtiday ef iber brother, Willam Smart., CLIN(S TO OV13R- NONMIWIscul TURNE BOAT TWO.DSRC IIOURS; 15 SRI3SCUED UNIR ÀAKM W LAI H. J. Derking, Waukegan Bar-; Wîil Include Tefitory in Lake ber in Close Escape From County Outue Reg*lr 4- DrowininginSquàwl. year H. S. Dietriots. SUFFERS FROM EXPOSURE. T0 ELECT SCHOO. GD Physician Is Endeavorinù to Interesting Fuatures t,ûw Save Victim From an At- Law State Superinte;or~ tack ofPneumnonia. Are HavingExplalnod. For tve boune Thnruday siterneon T. Arthuer Simpson, ceunty supevia- H. . .llerklng a barber aithtie tendent of icheolys for Lake coonty, Strang & (inlldge suap la Waukegauit . a atSpringfield ai s meeting aof111- clung9 u e .bottûofcian everturned bois countY *upeitnte"uelut*, eau"o rowboat onuFlux lake sud was cmr- by State Supi. fllatr te discusth*. pletely exiautteil snd *bout resdy Xew law relating te high «cho« dis- te give up the fight for Ilite vien htsa Inde and tultion. signale for help vere seen on shore The superntendent In calliag Ibis andl a motonbeat put out and sved meeting sald tigre ie neaeity of hlm. 1 aeting qlcbkly as the . mev lau île ,Mr. Dienkiug hal Zon. tute Llake. 1for an election before Auflet Msd sud. hetel St Fox lake 10 spedld s be beiieved & ailqetions Ibat may few daya outing. He va. fsbjng corne up can bettes' b. ttriseld out froin a rouboat Thuroday atternoon et a meeting tban by mail. viien the lake vau cburued by asud0- The glast cf the ev lsv s 1th" den *quai, vhich came up about 2:30 there shall b. orgased In esci o'clock. The. lîttie boat vas svamp. couuty a non-higb sebool district in- SOIURL NSVUJ.SPAI AT CONSERATION IFIII lu eoulonmiug vlîh tihe requeit froin F'ood Coutroiler Herbert Hoover church. el ail 055! the United 8tateo beid pati- Ofic servIce 8uuda). 11ev. T. E. Ileam anrangeid a very lnterestlng prognamn. Aller a short eong service Attorney Paul MacQuffin u echairman tif the meset- ing calied upon Ellev. T. E. Iteans. Aler madling lMr. Hoover'@ tetter 10tiitheMin. liter. of th. Nation Re*. Reain spoke on the subjeet '"Th4o meed of unity of effort", snd empbaeiz elufat that such uuity inuet bo carried out, flot alon. by the elàiers aet the front, but &Wsoby tb. cIl- Isuet baI e. Atty. B. Hl. Miler vasmeit and @polie very enthuoiaotcaiy sud forcefuily on the theme "Patrioetii, not Orly on the. part of the natà ve bor, but of the forsigu horu .1,0" sud pointeil eut liat ho vas of (lerm-n extraction. Mmra J. B. MacOuMal, Preeldent of the Local Red Cross AuxUiary, dilt uposi lthe sulleing lu the. Nations a# var rs being grieter han thst of a»y ohlier uge la tb.henrd'. hustoaji. Sbe s"ith.îu voeu&abu% 400 members of th. Local Auxlary nysd made a pies for more. Tb@eout number was s duet b: lirs. 'lis Ring lugrabam n d Mr@. Augnls Harînon whicb vas very blghly appre- etatuI by aIl. Samunel nUl, Weil kuowo business anuasd fiancer Wo la Chairinan -if lhe Rstte Counei of Defene., lelvened s vony abls adîres. Be 1sde cicar the unbearabie act@ wblcb led up to lhe dec. laration of var. Re exprssaed hie admi- ration for Preuident Wilson Who la "Our Presidoul" nolvlisiiasning the tact that uortbsrn Illinois la met of the sa&me poili". Enumeratiug ltii aioplil- mente of tihe lat @lx moula ue miinsu tionsi lb. developinulof lhe amy sud navy Msd hhsmoblllstionof lb rocre- m of thb country. la cestnlg ho Mme.a et-tu apW Ici UbetfUo lspeple le resoalplr oblation u b"Ibis sit as tuACug arly Puabs09 Ui l vtes VP- py of co@4l, wcd ai sshbk hfod sud cma~ing et b". &»ut«n &. &.avlit mune a ihwulq addrées on * Chistoi atrtbUm." aad poiat.d out thal " s vr,ila Iholait ania leaus ruggls bslvsu lb"mais @@ of bummb t lo tmlmo uhethe r tbey sha" goveru hbernisîvesor b. go v. eed hy thse 1evwbo believe ln lbe Di- vine rigIsi of bing. W. E. WatiiLai ts County Farin Ad viser, outhind the plan of Food Cou- troller ifeo sd h liedalgres t frlth Iliisahe mm@d vas sure It voulId uey lu binkging ont serte-Lu points Of elidîeuce. Demite-tie".ltnthescourt de- uled lie unoton fer a nov trial and aose e ls usximmpenalty Of $100 a sucolon " sou. count. Tt the. ftne sud caseUmesth ubslaIna lte day, ratier isbai an au Ippeal ln big arguint Mr .11 aid-e lb. charge liai the-JurysiOnl have beeu draun trom lb. box ratier tian bMZn "picbed." Wlth regard bo the. 2-Tite d.ath et Mn.. Kendalloce- teslimony of Dcblupon. lbe star vit- cunned on lhe blrtuday of ibr ire- ns o i . se . i .'lld.cllme lier, Roert Smnart.j Tics ville the leati eft teir tve ststerps would be a keen tiev to the brothene. Robert sud Williami mari, tiey vere harder te bear iscaus, îhey eccurned on tueIr hlthdaYs. It~ la deubiful il such s condition etaf taure oser developed amy place lie- fore. Tic death cf M". 'Iisill vas due te'a septie ceidittlc Ibat grev Out cf île buiming 1« à tunebr. Mss. Kxmubll lid *etbls aad -ha at la" d er-deth Wuai ot en tirely mfufbotu. lng questions te brins oul biesMte- menti tiat h. purchie lihquor at tue Wuben place. A motion fer à nev trial ln tie came of DemIiok Butititta vas te hase bêea argnel today but va. le- ferrai fer a tev diays, Upeltta vas teiul gullty aon vi> e oms. - patritlct aaevs oiri yealerday la a4l11 hé SUWY s ot!mà Lao epty la Malp"me li am pemi b>' Preelieut WYUIm l -u~ the day ty usuerotm agvlug* W0-,Itu led Cr"i. Iy flot included, ln terrltarY bavia IL, four year lt ait dlol, ii an IbisM nen-high acheol district I sif tc a boardl of education emslotlfl*et three members. tie co0unty aÀk tendent being & toorti me*ft lie board, but ex.eMllo mgd buff ne vole. The dmli çf baacSIt I be to ievy a las tu 0lia *f ucheci district (v I"sidi1,t of allb.hetersitory lu tn e a~~âI lu a foc? Yer hwgi skm =- for lia puaSs m~ aI~ of aSglu u<d IWO, tW.e or amF hl*adbo- Tbkat thl Im axce 0»neperont o 0< ý - Include all Ierrito 1» t b@ 11110 w!th the. exception of tiist tlu li school. This ]av aleo protIdes floc bo e a atlon of nov b*Uli *lloi dwitl 1m for the. abaudoimeut 0<t seM11111@ and . thatIf ss i liai sboO,1 fails f or toee- year te aal s1411 b. i 4lolvd. - Under a rMoett lau 115 flt I taI, but alnC liaI bW ~ I e1 unceumttittilal the eout.Imm basaen luOPeatipli. lb. Ç£Sbse t Ilon teins pull bY tii. distateS SU vhlci the, PUPfOScre mon flOTS IN £AST &T. LUS Rset et. Louis, lit., J.IY -49M ~ L.ouai s àunio e s yle sti.10i5 FIVOe n lnoWn l i U oef" # lnjursd, »M rnetiOuly, lua*à e r1'. Ambel d M u of nes.osa*» U ' th. streoti e fyiii MeOMu mon and tihe pfls Ces. Adudhloal uSMrdUuia-ehl rughed 10 Ibis alty. ff . t 1 s Mu they viti ho unable t. reaiteSu'w.b night TiIs attemwn&Hal «kem» aM .u dereo cloe&i Unies. lthemo, eoinmt.*dt* ffr 31000Oto , ii»o.usd0" tb. Cty ~ USdOipu" law. Rioting iln lmit 1 est . buS-111 troquent of la$Ie MiimeU have 0oOUr.d ieWoo wW" U * grecs&,todayi nota, hbas~, ep thé mcmoeulein lthus 118M. At the VIlloaPO Oclb ibmeL Chicago, Qeudy. Tom Q(SUa& lit Ingleide. set 93 out ea 0 pse'g lm, aboellng luniii CiOi vUtk»Meu*» handicaps ofP14pur Osait.J. M MW5 vas biis. aettiug $8. OrabatsVU Weil up ampfflishetop ess A pal. of r00.-.é-W Wmtisbave hem mwge te» U buta aubi Lak.C92±9y 's Big Weekly l Weces agooec o.l" l hliself atrugght glu lb. vater.t H. vas fortunai.e eougi tk catchf ll ot the everturueil boat sudr hung. ou grimlY. vavlug bit srlfts snda aheutin -fur bis. lie vas ton farn frein shore for bis cries te b e umd snd Do oee uticel bis pligit. Theit littl, noat drifisa ma nd sc aitf twbe.a mus onoh ma.ottle" Il 'adi preisel sommen. vIg -bisi A iev modests Iter a notai 1091. VUl oMisud bock lb. W&%Xq kg a i borni. B e vas tabou te, a",I wvoaralé UW vasi& lS i ho returmed home IM«o la th.e vesi- Ing.1 lIe coutracted a sesare 0014 ustleie resuitcofils ex«pevlsuc sd vamU1 1l&t-lloday. Meuibera etrbis tus'tly are endeavorins le gave bhtsfra ans attaob ci pnuwnala. Mr. [Bock-Il gag euldes at 32i Northt Genese tree. JUY DRAWN 1L GETS NO JAIL SEItTNCES Will Pay Today--Motlon for a New Trial in Butt CaM to Be Argued Later. - Waukegau, June 29. That the Jury vas dr&wn illlgally va, eueetflie strosgpont«cma. by Attorney George 11.14lu cnocnty court tIaisnorng In argulng for a uev trial Iu lie ee ofFrank Wen- ban, Laite F'orest lruggIst, vie vas1 found gulty on one count ot bsslngi oud latoxcatlnglquor vîiaul a Il- cens.. Attoreruy 1'lod ciai'gd furth-, or tbat lier. vua u errerlu the1 i