Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 5 Jul 1917, p. 3

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De at urt Il"- st-b te or Iwo UDt lu the. ois. the e ,rth drd kty, oif dal- Ith rh,f,4i --'-eChatlemtný-,-Ilie ut-ris 5.itî. h.- slalen. Mis Bitrta. ln th- Siý imnansion;, Shiit-dani road ansi i'navi-ene. JORGiENSEN CON= INEi BACK BY 4T11, WORD TO FRIENDS'i Attorney Who Dsappeared so Suddenly Declares Inten- tions to Return. WILL CLEAR UP MATTERS. No Desire Apparent to Push Hlm on Any of His Finan- cial Tangles. \îtWiiin-> Peter Jorgeuseur laconi ing bac". H.- ai toasti I..pla nning tn do se, acnsordnng t-n a letter rnci-hi-O1t» a Waîircgau friend BSrnday ulght. lantitis lett-ir t-be attorneiy irose stddru dlsapnarance causeti a sen- satrion in t-le count>'. vritaa t-bat-hi-1 st-ii las at- Detroit, but- i is plan. e-bt-ty, lit i- saie .- ack in Xaulegan1 batot-, or oui the 41h. He 1saya ire plnans t-oet tut-n anti make good on ail iinancialintat-t-rs lu wich ire vas lu-j Tiree l no case but- oui- wbrn- .tot-,'nnai-i li s asi to bave commuuttei ans crirnmiiai offense, unely un nbai dn-ai withi talPir Chittenttic, but 't la salO Mr-. (hit-temiden ta annious anti vwilling t-o aid hlm vhn-revn-n possible, and vouiti net- t-unirof praigiugbm bard. Arcordingiy, witit Cliteiien fealing as ire ties and vîtlu t-ler crs- dit-9rg villiutg to belli ratiner tan rn- tara bIs efforts to ti-aigbteu utattera OlYtI, it loka as if jorgelsun vili inSd encouragement- aud assistance rat-ber -tit an syihù isueainu case be comas * ,anIbII. SflIaLE, ET as START Off TO PUR- SUE SUBARINES Waulçegan's Young Submarmne Chasers, in Power Boat1 Dckey, Leave Under Sealed érders to Join ini U-Boat Warf are. OFF FOR 'SOMEWHERE' AFTERWEEKS' WAIT. Des"rtre la Made Quietiy and Ends Long Period of Expeo tation on Part of the Five Waukegan Young Men As- signed to Dickey. M 0o1 ng 'under asealed orders. En- tign "harles Steele. of Waulegan, an(] ti. crew of Wgukegan Young mern, alilhîs pertlonal friendâ loft Grear Lkes station Saturday faon, for -'aomewhi--re" in the service of thé, -'uted States navy. In the crew vlth &teille are Mancol Talrot4, Charles Vassar, Eim-rr la ssn and Oscr Anderson. Tii-se lads, on the f aut îpower boat D ilckfy. which Steele had maintalu- ed IL, a prvate lanch for himielf, but wb îcb when wrir brokre out ha tuflird over tothe government, for use ID chasing submarlisea, bave thus formally entered the servic ta assit Unle Sain In caPturîug the (lernil Ihaots. Tbey bad ail beenau axtos tome we*ka Past, for. vhlle havlns been svorn toto service, they had recetved no ardera ta mave. -Oce, 1i vlb shw'd get Inta action: 1 hate la stick areund boire dolng notiilng." sait] Stocele on Frîday "s he stood ah lthe rm atakes main gate. And thofie arder% came an Saturday about noon and the Young men wlta bave submitted thpmselves 1cr service now are on the atr bound for sanves'ray Ito do lhieir bit and do it with a zeal . kt.feevsmade- enslgn sote -ew Mee-Po ago sulld te men wha wi.'lpd to join bhlm were examine d and0 adntttad loto he rese-. and a-.rnP~ld to tire ba hat b air-uI. rn tb.- ;o.srnmeut. Ag ausîgn o IF1 In charge of the ltwansd acting un der ardPrs of the navy d.-pariment. the- son of th., ]:l., Nelson ~.form'-r prrIid.-nt of tihe- irs, NaiýIbatik lit inherlrted hait of the- big Steele n-tate and ns tu cout. into ih.-major portrion o r,!in aboutu a vfflr H- r. nln,'; ,'nt huigahl" ben-, j,,a inoriatntra' tir e 1iromirii! nia-.% rna and -111 nak, tond n ýhi- mn.r ,- .ik..his h n-s uuchiaiong is lit-rn,'.tirati V, -r; rr Fr 'ni mýen preflIl. a M re :1311 Iday. W'. C. Fauter, wbo bougirt-t-le tai- n-, on thre ohd Waukegau. Rockford .rrd lgin Traction nompanfl railn-oad. n t n e a tern lparitiof ilin- oîlfllb n-;yf-at-. ageintpai t-luetaxer. i y eâi, th.-e.moutu inrt$2t jOn lirevirole tire biddinug thi t-,3at - ias nat v.-ry spirit-ed aitînaugi tinere ai-r,- tmes vireu titi- ruauers trc t-aeen saune o! t-be buyeu's was nna..t a rý-rn--biing. SîP,rr Osîrahmn- di-scrip Sian-. vet-,- hd dovn asr 10w as 11) to-r n-cnt- The- itajority, mars tc- rrid for r.r ci-ti Anong tir eInani- iir-ig , i.,s -st liiynar a-cru F. W. i'hiriiii E. 1'.t-is, Sitmli. ,% '. F\V. F. - Wî sa, W C. Fosier-. Mrl-.rn or (tlr-asuo andi fil, s' uison 1-' N, Ton inr-rn oh Non t. tChicagor slirn ,;a,' b)-el .a taiut nls; ,ftg ifmux rai.-.. hi-rn-for arntuutr- Of Yi-ar-. rs..aIrsi-nti hi-s et, and tli-i-t-, -, fn norr n t ri rmn.un'-;ainnsri s of O s -,iti4nsl, in ii tiir , n- i i ., tr-su 1t Ma.. t-mai - et-uh irt-ý,rtIrn ,'iimr -aIi orî 5-. rtfr-Itý-i ati o irlt A FULLzFLEDGED SOLDIER BUT 'NO PLACE TO 6O!' ioe ierreck, Who Enlisted Last Week Finds Recruiting Of- f ice Is 'Closed Up.' FACES QUEER SITUATION. Fgiing to Show Up, He Faces Desertion Charge, but Where Shaîl He 'Show Up?' Waukegan, July 2. ..I enliat-s in t-hi- army recruittutg station on Washington att-set-anti vas t-aid t-o repart thera at- 10 o'clock iis morritng," qai Joe Jet-t-tk o! 309 Cornty treet today. Acoet-dingîr Jet-iick. fully recruiteti aud signeti up, appeareti an timi- as ortiereti-but- ha orqtida igu on lire door reading: I'Closeti rp,' so heoi nt kuov viralt-oedo. Orderedtie- report, hi- mas liabin- If ire dldn't, bot liera vas nobody t-o railrt t-. He coriti go t-o Chicana alpo tIght but ar-iived t-er b.ho oldu't ltnov vire st-n luS t-be captain under vbom ire eniiet-ed. Anti halias noîb- Iug taebov uht ha bas enrola. Anti If ho doeen't report ha la ilabIa te reprmmanti forvdeiarllng. Se, *"bat-veautirs dol; sea," e, Jet-rick wvut-t o Chicago at noon, de termined t-o tell amy offîcers t-bat is lat-ep4laaa vg goad but that tseWou.- lMPpj, 5'r*ipi qgtp sadien clos- i ýd'4n- ~ 0aP A .~n o l .4 50<51r vltb no place tu ggo. Mr Wiiea is anse0of tseMostt papular mea, lu tir.Coigreg.4pli prous gallarles. mils happy - Siqpcu- tien and affable vnys lave dtude hlma a tavorite an Cap" taL n It la salS o! hltire ht ho ln ana of thbe Most linluheil vnit-esla the asvspapery game. Hesvas asen thIl eoemiat-- ePd Press t-o Usaitir.eDeutschlandi ou ber firit t-ip te th -be l'alto atmt andi ia saidte tohave beeauthlire st uavspaper man t-ote tvIev Captain Koenig, asud ho dld Itt rain t-ie deck of a launcir.ciasîng t-le Deutsechland up Che6spenke Biay lu one o! t-ha bardest- rainstorms t-bat- 3arylandars bradi et-nr si-en. Mr. Willcoihas filhed t-ie o2fce et vice-pt-n-ident ofthtie National Pross Club for t-vo t-rmas ant i is prometAon tao tha prcsitiancy la considarati a Irst tribube toeibis active vot-k lu beirait o t t-hclub.-FouttirEstale N. Y. IIERBER6ER'S MENz TALITY IS REST0R= EU, SAY RELATIVES Are o! Belief That Experiences He Passed Through Has Re- stored His Reason. Warkegan, June 29. George lin-tbrger. vino siarlred lis tîrroat wit-h a rit-rt on the umtring o! June 17 ln an effort- te commîritsunicidi-,1 hais falled t-o accomplish hil. purpose, for ire la goingtet-ogela-i-i. This la tire statemietit givi-n art by urrmbers j o! lisa famliy. And, vbat- la more te t-be point. Her-1 berger undoubt-ediy vîli not endeavor te repent tire act, fer tire cor-a-eba of Insanlty appear t-a hava bran clearati trom his. bt-sm anti ho la ralional. ré- gretting bis rash net, accordingf t-o relatives. "W. ail kuev tirat George vas siigihly rnbalanuned for somte time ha- fore ha Iried tb talc.- is ovu lite" one rilaive salti. "for- hie mînt vas lut-- Pdet atnrmout-ning for bis vite, vbo din-t at-rail. We md luieu warned, liaI ha nrlght- t-ty to bat-m hlmaself anti beîieved liraI ail possible precau-t tions bad been taken.f "Tira experience lie bas passai tirorgit, iruvver, iras vrorgbt a bigE change ln binm. His msntalit-y ap- penn t-a bave " beep reataretianti ie1 loks at- tings la adiîfferent llgrt-.1 Sa tar as iis eait-irta concet-neil. ba las faeliagbétter ihan he bas for the lutI few vgoxo." , .- Herberger. t-tila gsWd,wvil hadia- çbarget £rom ts baspift vit-lut 4t next teiný,dayas u,,bla #ý b former itroedl5ge, The eueaseisr.. In M . i e.moet imageuai os. tire t-ras comanoislmer plan andi hava êrnce basesoomt-ug undertse oua man plan. Tbey declare it- tg worklngout mach botter-virure reai good umen are etectaeE. Thus, rader t-be neSv lav tirr.-Fl na furtlier optIon hafrv"ter-. but,.ilu st-an, t-ie tt-n-s âaintplis s it aidan- ad mini lt-s nov a. oae,maa job lu al tovtahlys. Waukcgasn .tt1li as 'e- t-aluni-O the tht-en- mati plan. Thne lnw also flecaine effective which aluoisitad tihe office of tovo collector firtougugat-thast-at-e. This la.. 4peffectieJu1> I. Tai colin- tors eiected lun April, 1916, viii ire pet-mîtted t-o serve out teir t-vo year tet-ms. Under tithelw. atsenonrs- ýjNOT UP TO NORML TIONAL PRESS ASSN IIIDES R. R. TRACKS Bidding W~ pifferent and Dail S i'FÎsi Rporter Is ILaw ! ,* Lye W hich WilI Mucho! te operty Had iGiven Signal Honor by Press aHep Prùtb~t Pblic on Al to Be ffl eîted. at Washington, D. C. Oradle Crossings. SOME SPIRITED BIDOINO. HAS IMPORTANT POSITION. ANOTHER LAW IS CHANGED. On S o ' 'rIA rop- Has Bei' Mo Asodied Her 1IWl eNoi erty e ax- BüyersB id the Press% Ste't at te United Chi6êfor Vtrs- 3- M an Price DoWn to 10 Pet. States Casotto. Plan Being_ Abandoned. Wankousn. July 2. fisfton 0. WIlaaX. Who got hie A bill viîdi beeame a la.. on Fr1. The delinquent tax sale anded iis hart as a newspap.r on the Waulce- day ai a resit of the gos.-rnor not morolag viien Couuty Treamnirer Laectu DIIlY Sun In 1897, la tact vho slgning It, Ilaons vnich prlt-sides t-bat MclDonoug dlîpased o! thbe last de.-iras tire flrst reporter tire Daiy Sun hîghway Commlssioners mnust cii-ar iacriptlon. Au adjournnt vs> taken ever hait. bas jusl been sioctsd pres, grade crossingis of shrubbnry anti tti 1 tamorrow nîorning. but this la Ment o Ithe National Press Club at motorlsta muet >10w down bto te mersly a matter of torm, sasnathîna Washington., D. C. This le a signal miles an haur aI CrOeings. Thera villie h dans tomorraw. The sale hanar for the former Waliks"IL nOW$ are crossingi ln LaAe (ourit> where wIll b.- -ntlnuad ftmday to day un- paper fmanl wh bas attabied Promi- shrulnbery nov bides ltn- tracks and tii ail of t-he certificates have been moesltu the Ulnited States Capital where, au a remilt the coqimission- irepareti and taken by the lai buy- tbroàgb ie sconetitonsa Wth the.a» ers, IF THEY Dû THI-li JOBvilii ers 00istd P@3- Hre à wstheCitear thre view. Amonge li-worst On tii- whoie thle sale t-iis Yser a gesr pubiiOStlOfl. TheI. rtb ý plancest-bat corne ta aur mid are; was not up to normal sas irere verS UM-1014, «" - f big 1810-M-: .Vikings' home, at St. lPaul croýnug, large fiumhers of descriptions whicb At the 515ctet encorfeae5i 1t theGurnue. tira tax buyers rofused to a tse. A National Prées Club, boldla Inth club Armour croseing, at Lako Fores, large number wera lu North Chicago, rluasan Docouber 15, Orattan S. St. Paul trucks. bur titere ver.- a nuiber ln Wauke- Wllcoi aet the Assoclateti Press wu5 Five Point road, McKeowýn iroper- i gan. Ait of these descriptions vere lctoStil àd*Ot. y i altaI forfttd eltirer ta tire st-ste or to tire Teoadore H. Tiller ofthel Wash-tyS.Pulrc. Cty. Ington Times, the Incumbent refusdI-Deerpath avenue Crosning of. veat The gale duo flot get a vry rapîi amter terni mphaitzlng thre desîre branch of Nort-hwetern, i.akr- For- start Iis year, due intfa rtat t-bat of the MeMbers taJilMît the tenure et there were maoiy uscrPtioi.- 'àta ona terfi only. 'Fiese are ail bad crosimrgs, iidden Santon vhlch could not hae dlsporred Mr. Wlleox bas been conneta l by ahrubbery. wbich undn-r th@ iaw, of. hr. MaDanougb adjourned t-h vîbtirth Washington office of the JMtBT NOW COU£ DOWN. In this sai ""ve'l"Ime and this lluaily Asociated Press for sven veare. the. connection, Arî%mr'a big brick fence bad ths effect of wsking up the la paît thrae la the. position oai « iet taSt. Pa*ls arassing may alse buyers ta tire tact t-at tirey won!d cf tseCapital staff. H, evog04orp came under te ban. > have- ta the lean vîit the fat. ervIes begla. lu 1898 s cIlY elor Tis I. a ml#bty Wood lnw and Ilila Titis prevauted t-he Iorfelted proe*ty of the Waukean, Ill.. Doly Sun. TwsO hoped emornmlsuloas'f Lakte county Irain being au extensive- as athervise y.ari later ho basa.ll dntl*e itlh wI ill enforce il tf.tedateiy aud tbue vould have hoe ticase. tre Chticag Chrookil amie iIx protact theta uavltupublic. aliowed mauy peaple Whoboiad beau mîîed thre position of polies. reofc tt rda, va.anê Witc tamIesaa tardy in payiug toa ilrthioffice af travelIng correspondent and pelitics.l higivy c fas r for l povishîo tbe coonty treaurrer sand py p eprtr.întay o aivnaver anrtionp hait- taxi-s. thereby svoiding a penal 'v eravr petOttii lc ueaorfuueq low suauver noto ty. A toti] tfover $30.000 vartir of aftwo. Chicapoereamtso-n the ao foeo beçc soe taxes vere. paid ta the couf t-y t-t-as-Record-Herald And rta t atter j, Collecter 4J" Chang. uier alter tire sale stariu-d. Tire sum psaele teeth ev o InLk cim Meraeafw )f a, pad n eirng nethe A.'isoiate P....s nni.n .o.Z towns>hips vhlit votéS to abandon tt--su-et- viii coiiect t-ie taxes and tire Znon poicemen-the original caen an> addiîtionai hielp le may need yul att-racti-d lt-le mpore attenition t-bau bave t-o lie sopplied. The bill pro- iinndei of ather stiilar casas. tides for thc panyent o! P>eraonai 'Th ta, I he comment lu tire couuty iras taxes in Fn-btrat-*v anti t-be t-el est-air'-b"-n more eannlauce ta bthe effeet tx s t-o ie îraid onr-hlait lu Februarv md oe-haf lu Se-nteber < ca in ai it is "golng somne" for t-ady iii and ne-hit i Se.temer o era cntenti that bncaueof titi-many year. tinngs printn-d in mont-us tast about i him anti about Voila vould have mn E. TYNER MAY GET BERTH - iearng nov in tire palicQmncs cage. Tit e man on thue street asks itow lu President Wilson Mu8t FilI the la lirai Dady thînits nov he cannat- Vacancies on Draft Board for get fairt- lt-cnnt ai the- anda o! Southern Lake County. rrospecti ye lAke cornt-y Irrymen after iaviug serveti for eight ynars Botêi Men Who Resigfted-Did 5s .sataes attorney. As ona min Because of 111 Heaitt or Be- sand: -i'd bat-e t-o admit alter belng cause o! ObligatIons. prosecut-or for elgirt yeat-5 that I _______- as not lu goad enargit standing In Two meminers o! tire exemptioun tire count t-o ire able ta gel a jut-y board of a!the soutiin-u-n hait o! Lake oftwtysve men vira wouhd ire fait- cornty bave deciared thirurIlt-sut-ion enougit t-agît-c my client-s au Inurar- o! torvardlng their renigatttlns to t-itt-il. Does Dady thint t-ha tutr Praîient- Wilson, so. 't- ln expeated dovu ,y t-he votera last- faîl t-aid hlm tinat- by Manda>- ta-a at-er men vhli piaiuly bow thcy telt- abot iMl" ire appoint-ad ln thelr places, Indications are that, seein ='0!T Ward W. Willits of lHighland Park tles bas beau Iulaitedtinlt-o tire po- iras daclan'ed iis lnt-eut-lau af reigai. lîcemen'> case, t-bat- a hard bat-t-le vli lng as a menai-r of the sxsutPtlau le matie hy bot-b aides ta vIn tli-r board because ire hais other work ouf conteution. an imupartant- natunre t-o do lu faderai cîrcles. Ill ir elievedth -at- EL.,Tynter a! Highland Park, who le a soclaîso vitb tha E. V. Pt-ici- Talloring com- pauy, vilI he namard lu bis Blond. Jame-s Mort-ay, of Lilertyville, yl resigu, helng forncd t-o do 9o because- of IliI ealtr. Ut-. Mut-t-y bas boco traubled vit- h lul yes 'for lte past fev inonts. anti lia. tare lirat- le vouli nat- h abale io set-vo and duis sirara o! tira vork. Attis bout- It is not kuOva vita viii suaceedi hm as a 'inember of lb. exempt-l arad-. but It- vas made rnovu Ibis Sat-st-on tint li£asuc- ceesor vol be a reeldaut-Of Lbarty- CUT Off PART 0F ZION TAllERa NACL;IT'S TOO BI An int-crestîuta change lias ieau matie lutira Zian City tabernacle, ac- cordiln t-a aatementi af ladependents e! liai cIt-y. It- laexoliiltel hIt t-bat- teength of tUtaig auditartuns iraà besa short-sieS mast 90 fout The tabrnacle, t-bey sny, kluem *Mhu4 t-oc large fer t-ho - 5JulàaUO virci tut-e, onta iiu uUnb WELCIJ lmFI MOT FOR EVEN-IIADED JUSTICE lm COUNTY State's Attorney Asks That AI- leged Stuaers Be Tnied in Lake County. GETS MANY__AFFIDAVITS. Prosecutor .S#ys Change of Venus WWII Qmeage Ail Prosecuions Heme. clalmtthat tie ra antlng offta change ot ve nue lu t-hacage o! t-ie Zion poicemaa. Earl Cssperson and Sylvester DePew, andtihUt taking o! thieir caso te, anotitar 'couty vouiti le a mucrriage of justice, In t-bat- it voumlidiscourugethe aomplaiu- ants tram lacutring t-ha expanea sucîn a chanÎe v-lI bring over tbem. Stateg Attorney Walcir today is sé- curiag, formnaI affidavits tu preseut- ta t-be caunty court urgîng that-t-be cases eh triai In Lakte cOunt-y. The cdaimsaoftse dafeuse t-bat t-bey cannat gat a fairt-rtt-ailunLakte county because of tira feeling tavard Valîva, Dady and oters, ts anoeec b>' Mr. Weich throuei the sIgnera of the çouut-er affidavîts Ilu h-se vands: "That- tae affiaut guavi'o! no prejudice .gainst the defendants ex- loitilgamong taéaffiant>q' acijualut ances la thre corn ty and dues not bho ileve t-bat-,any feeling exista amaug any conaidérable anmer of persans la tsecoIqnty auher titan an Saruit dislre that impatial, teven lauded justice a oy bedons tu lte defmnd- eistg sem ltee ba4dand t-be people oe te otir;Mtitneflot-s Interest- api>ears te ho talo n lathesaid case by Mle rosidout. if the .otntissue mIaI fein lhe if limarkn#wlIode or the tefipr or the people ot bis lavu- elip anti af tirs county gonerally. ha bat ho bOtttIDIl u sylirg nbtot anti t-bat tir e feuda4ýts can bave tair came trieS d Atalýly anti Imi- psttally InLu aecaunt>' as lu any at-bar onty In t-lu> state." Tirat "paitie' A&98t lacreepn lut-o the Caseonlu gueonsaesavi- dent trou reports ommlag la tram- L.ake scaut-y, lirrugit onnlrY DPOpe,, etc., t-bat- W. 1u'. Weiss of Wankegan lo lu towu geting aftidavlts trom ri-sidents via svear tireir don'h be- Ileve tire ZianPaolcemenan egt-a fant- t-t-alinLa akte county. Mr- Weiss, nu 1-. recalled. vie a layai Dady aditerent; he also bas bOan close o! Voliva andi ias a vide ac- ntraintance lunte oennly. ht vas uat unt-li Dady fIlaeth -e a!- fidavIt asalclg a change o! venue ha- cause o! preirrdice that- leke connty NAVY DAY WAS TRILAjf7 AÀlIMfE SUCCESS AT LAIEPVUl IN SPITE 0f RAIN ED BY SJDÈ~ Ten Thousand Persons Attend- Three Mion City ûWs 'g I the Great Balil Which Wound From Death AfterSn- Up Programof Day. ing to Bottom. $30,000 WAS CLEARED? SAILORS AID IN SC E One of Final Events Was Box- e t as Girl opg ing Which Was Viewed by l ngs Wade Mu m Many Society Women. tInto Deep Hols "Navy Day"aithtir Great le i A triple tragedy va narrovliy training st-ation closad Thvis- ay artad at Waukegau bathipg bao nlght vit-h a great ball, tire most on t-ie fluis Sunday of tha priment heautiful spectacle ever beid on tire season, viran thm-e girls ftm north shore. unhaadlug t-he warning maielb wal- Tan ltousitt persons were packed ly Sunderlin, lite sarer iet. = i It tse groat Grill hall. kepI Waliing ont Unti. thm*gfb Outsido e, stetion grgiunds vere valked huaoa doop har ;ï a talrylAaii of rad, wite sud bIne haan a menace to lte LIqcaî ilghts, vît-h great- hattlesbip saarch- bahTr aa !toZe~I lghts Playing on th iite ta tetie luart: masthird before thre administratioan M Wso 4!lie laVert l"16.I buigas» .d~SYpaRM At anchor off shore tiarres gunicaîs IMLîther sine, age 18, caime~i vers reiplandant vilir vaticolarad of Henry Sine. incandecents.That t-he yourng ladies sra alive k>- la due tu thet. act Ihat itr. 8 p- Hall Colorful BSs. Orlîn dUi not lusitanMe ëbJ*p ý*là The hall vas dacoratad vîth ail tire theevalet- atter. hezn, wben ho MW allieti and neutral flags and 125 box-tey vere a Indagr; &M t4 Lio es vere ira-ped vihil, ii tead tact t-iaI aàirait Soffln avgl t Zv4p bIne bunt-lng. FrontheitsCellini; horigstation boys hiio hie long Unes aofirattlesbîp signal Peu- Once In a Iclnsiy huot ttanl& gbnurs% ma fSr Over a&] ilaye4 searclig4t@ Wtltah hv~~sv~.-.u 0 cogo-plates, ratatlng hetors titeir downbtg ýo . "a~~ lenses, casting nov eue beazutîul Afler theK~si>~ sirade, nov another, 'ever the 5obm. e* vmis ~à'~r f Thora vers tva spirits la evidance vers uncôacîaus. but they hoat -jpIrtt. ai patrleom and ths beem le f",wàÇ$WMe.duu te ýWbqn Pre49_ru& Wlgl ~P- MW 4 ~~tz Vies tîr*vn on lescrermn e?-et1 obsoni Là' applnà.imr hs- là t-be i*es f-ftsso-shélé utn4 - tira great band o! 250 plaes, led by daag*sos h îit lm* Liant 89 4.played tire "Star BP&U a « 8t7n-yn- vers e h lad Baunes1 ei bor. There veîs chiot-s for éousg . n -tU~g i , iead the band for fisée êréwui ïm.t ~ M 1bWI But It vas n no tttlesb. ailpla7sd girl stepffl- intothaibue ad t hl'ovsa ."anad Ç#»rigs evee', vi,511 tat . t tbfga -tQffati aplauing fr lb.the sv and inagan lte ..rl. mntth The granud BAci liesd iy Capl- lbe wtsler' t 'iit 'o- tain maffett and %frs. Nicholson, vite <'n' Aoeop* t 004 swaui ont ta -Màr» Siro of 0o1. W. j. 1Nicholson, commaandant andl gtt old of t-be Sine gtfý> reset-va officers training cam je t "tU.Brelm ~n.i . Fort Sherida. slsp and toid SOnie 0f th d~l Naît casus Colme; Nicholson vit-h ->bngtibo:eào 'sW Ut-a. Moffett, aud tirait GOinander hach, t Ota u si»g.ýIta dès q m. ,%§.MeMunn o! t-ha training sta-tairteom long and yrsI - * i tion, vlth Mrs. Chester S. Raberts, îellove avam out »o.vlterc% 1ifl vif,- o! Lieutenant Roberts ' eape<i me lu holding lb. tltrs $30,000 for Fund. rip. Ail o! them venrt dOvn a' Al boxes vere tilied sud soid at of tîimc, but wva manages b 1 $50' each. Bot- hbaicanies were pack- tin-m untti tire bocys brorgirt the bot ed with seat-s at $3. Supper tic .ets t-a aur assistance. sold at 50I cents encli. and Il 1laire -ToffMîny Offer Kolp. li-ved the ro-p-ccu-ts of tire dance, ail "Tire ouly one Wtng vbich 1Me of whiich gai-s Iat- ha NalvY RelIet regret-table aotsetits tact tit.l Association. vilIl be approximat-e1Y many ef t-ha sallor boys pileS lie &e4Î $2-0,00!. To ibis vili iii aidati the boat. Wlien Il get ta us *»er li daya receipt.. of tire vomn's auzll- eat «last savoýn in andthet .boutas lary t-o bbhe ocietY, at leastt $10.000. hait <ieS wItith ar. t1raalhze4 At liaîn t-led bard ta vrack t-ir great once t-bat If 1 put-thie Ilrea gil. la Navy Day-tha hlggest day tir t-bahtt boat t-hé boat vould go d"~r siation's history. But Il falieti. dovi.. and tirerefore tld t-be boys ta During t-be day 10,000 persans via- ' ile out.' Tirey &Il Sd s o vtitoit ltenl the grounds. At loast 76,000 Tany oesi-ic.ofwi tea massad about t-inagrounas. viewîng t.o he ee oîta. e bcb t-bar9 ses t-he dresparade ot 7.000 saffots, wt-vo or trofflU teA atbndbsu6b whenthedowPOu Cae. undoduare golng ta ha taneeti off t-hI is e. ver.- drencun-t. Societ-y led tO au- - e mat-erial for fencing tilleul b" tomobiles. Saliore tenta vers <1uSed n-t- yat arrivai, but the. Wa'aW vlth tbousands, and evary building cibrasn but mlsed rt viii ho 14Mar vas packcd vitir a oalceti, but goodti -is veal, antd I lut-statfoncelit i natured throng of men. vomen anu« andi try te kaep people trOm 801.18 children. vîirîin the lins. Tèt.e »M *W 7 In t-be midst- or t-iradawvour tire of Srnday atfternoon couXi lave bi" grent ahamn bat-tIc vas cent-erati, avoidsd If t-home girls 01n1Y tenS 0107- For tiree-qriart-ars of an haut- tae thet-rauggestio-1 made. tO th- tu batt-i. raget Inl the dovapour. Tt kaap avay froa edangeou part o! vas a marveoaus spectacle. The Taintire bathIng beOaL" added Intahe refflty. Il- vis as If While atut of t-le salor boy.-wv.e an actual battit vers be]ng fOogir in lla img attirhe »aib*M uuder conditions descrilusd by But-- tragedy, thraet-e a MW et OCliim M peau wrlters. t-ha pier nsar vhere SSaderlft. v Before tire great bail 20,000 per- whcu ha dave off. On. of tisle. sona, amang them irundreis tof so John Wallis, a mmbrof ~ cicty vomen ln avaniug govus valcb- H._First rudiment,I~od b.tim cd six baxlng bouts on a ralsed stage trom t-be na-nl itgk sb*#d lighled by searchlîghts, on thte p, not aven vait tu'Peuleonf is eltn m-e grounds. brut dov offte i..-MailS q» Chser FIgMsers O. Oft afie nes ta t-Su nnateuflIS Thre bouts ver.- for tire 5 iaaSelndadl is20 e cbampîonsbip andi vere vtgorously young vaMeB. cne t-v to koockMovns sud a . herescaqwby Mir. Sundetitnfi> cont-et-aphitsea lte Importae. 0f hbsu t, bleedlug nase haing sacured I lu .nu.-o.. tirs jaitutabelp viàyli hil andi t-bsvomen Joiuedtivth t-be mon bat-bars and ta, b redY tu go ta aPpi. 0 in cbeeritg lte sPOWtbody's rot entv a la Intronla. e W»ng tire onlooteri ver.: Uzp. Anit-er 41alit accidet OOOMI-r4 Bt t CI-s Jon.- C .lPt «ha, is 0-ul1b. .- .M.. - .. a- -yo ---

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