i~e nÎ~edéet*t s~~~~~~~ -MmelvIID. ~ KUMle ~PUMIoO =ainl for The VID geof uisotwloi.a my raureias. Arrtotues ai.owBaa n .& ln ICs.0PER YIAR sTUIQT4Y IN AUVAÂNO w Lý.......i...... ........... .. .. - u E L .............................................. MaiilnaR9f t »~ma. am hope in the. report tbat thie pmraimt mm- b eOf lt.eoul iuaton àaid a loI~ beIU o u .injuly. fTa "Vyihingi have been jé ekgifliporpeople wmI iathve a camu e t.fi labfflt.eu " tuuir puces 19do D. oomui the pmntb ce me gci ernment taking a A u the lm- - mtter. _ TIb av-makersat Washington are nov d.bating 9619w, heir national dry lavahaill permit the. continua- lim C& =in aukln msud elilna.e th manufacture of béer.Itkey ould do1t It v oud aw aRan, a la the Popm a tso b. demied hisdrink, etterich man vil »q rldte1 to<eti. &-Hov many rlch mon care for 1mw? Amd boy many laboring nmen desire, or con afford, t.-bày vin.? 7N, I teyr géI e oiit, proibit àait45ntlrey, not pr=aiY. ake it oblain au regards S11 tb inan s i a s u"theii. ac rworkr., 4*.@ oouuty people generafly vii approvre of the per. ai-s t thb.e maptlon board udhc««40«mLovden Boom f« 1h u and vbtcb h.uo bim of AXIluch ge.> ýgwde. it yoD Garevas sown In select'n ~uh odbàIu Wb mt. be .im 1 à I 11 emtof Ibm AIWM &My a i lpped ovS the trooVp ruevu,".a k*mioju h11for a#àmite that lii -O$Mëo,'do, gmt__.. Tiae m_>s_» bév Slhienl Te'.. vas boum ho tb. ha'. ema ento b ea- .lm AI .e Im va " "a. lad V ÈP, lalklng t. rtilgt. a recrui ah lie station Doemnt tIb *w tbM'um of Ibe girls et th. oo.aaunty are Ioslg bu oacertanextentovor*0hi iftra d vbh" cffem *e? iould AT ir l ! lb. unty 9o kIam hued u tobe ihDhungt. b er f lr la t match o! Ibbs mrt, vuhc*0e diWtm v ry dubi- ousallie lest? Doesn't t bumearotTi.ms cotention ot Ialurdy .ealug tbai arntbave a dut.ofm m Vol as lbo Naval BUt@n ad? WhaiTi.0u ad OMrday bua urly Mt tie publiaito tinklnÈ Os»é xciting oziID<bouts vere i.ld at Great Lskes lb;u Maton Wdmedy wbicb ver. vltnessed by may prum CIkt Obog.vomm.n ad meI.Piclures of mof o tevuen, prntmdlu hOblogmuondngppen odoy, aboid le lulterai thWmm- b.d t=k n lthe bouts-for UAe photo.sver snapped, mot po.ed for. Tle ns on he faces0o!tlb. voen mm v hey vere Mouere d luiwbai lbey uaw as lie mont confirm- f&, 0OnOu knockout wvwtuessed by thie hiuge AUlthe~bous vierefaut sud furous. nd h vas bout Methose Gret Lo&esfol vblhch lhe fomer o4pt. le ereservation adptaso' 1, pmriilll* ierecruits 10 box. AMdnov hundreda of »m "Mvomen fock out from Cbicago, includlng Cook togmIy'state'. attorney, and vitues hese fthts with the, ,*MMqprmclation. The change lu theattitudeofthle peo- pIs *tk mter of bodng and ring-flghtlng ueema la have IMwl)1md evemne rapldly thon is position on th~e vel- y.~uhhs ii. différence beiatthatî-n the figi moi- 1w,~~~w lb 1.- ookmd upon betore as ôobuoxions ~uov mot nas formerly; and lunlthe boom. mat- - ~ i ~w Pso-le generail recdq- v ~ 4'.4fl th muei morerespect C 72810 e amaiaADBERpa B ioUmsbsig ........81 1 00 0 Rapke,Sb ............. 5 183481 Rook.sme. ............2 00 01 Dorsr, rt.............5 22 2 00 Mouga,2b ........... 5 1 1 1 2 1 Moris, lb............. 8 2 011 O O Wselav,e.............. 4 2181 1 B1tilu11r, I ............4 11 00 0 flsaatt p.............. 5 1 1 iil O il1102712 4 AnlStars........080200001-6ô flaus....8148000OX-U auuay: Tva beasa bit@, Kielov; sariis bits, Morris; stolebase, Lit, Bubion, &Imm, flapie, Book, Dorier; Morgan; basa oma belloaffDeusll2, off Wism C; asImd ont, hi Sennett 7, bY Wleou 8; bit by pltche.Risto, Dii- lugtr; leit an bases amare 9; Ail Stars 5. NOTES Haphea vork vitb th. stick Suuday pu i i t lbe bop oaithlb atting Ilet. Bennett biaà busy day ai bis station geting Mix chma w hlch b. baniel vithoul aa lip. Thora vue ommo viiid Mvooly base rupnig bytlbborna guari but loch vas vicia Iheaisud liaey gaI by vlth ib. The visitera chammigal thei lnup frequantlMat it wl vmpooslble ta hesp teb onulei. T'h. colarsi players are adiaun attraction sud tlb busmubo eau.oui la s em axe sur. ta gel ith*money's vorth oaifnY V l d om'i 9 aiel ptWyla. NextBunday tlestc (Iiesgo Wite Rocks came ber aiagam u»d It vi be a caseoaismore mbae balMailms casaedy. Mai. fuyard J. Vtiain ai Wil- mette uni veli kitava lna Wukegaui. a personai frient! aofthé taté Presi- dent McKiney anl formor Preidonl WIlitm IL. Tatt, hua boca piaco ia charge ai the CatsoUc religians pery- tees t tise training caMP, rif Sheri- dan. he 1ev. Mr. Vitimaisi luaa Spasisit vas-vetés-mn. - DO Yýu get up ai aigt? EBanal la sursty tise hot fan; ail kidnoy and biai. der troubles. Doai givea relief in 24 h-unfs- au aiukuche ansd biadon trouble. Banalela aguaranteel iotm- ely. 85e iid 81.00'a bailé at lie lrug store. y Remarea illuroblas Dltaeky Wurriars Tic b.kiilieleot ai the home ai- wmpheusheipsi tu but our logtag etieegiansd esmisisour athistas la Maptlb gant suuday trama th. Chicaga Aitltairs. a buachaf brounette vwaesrmalnes brois se .ba clY. It wv a bOss piayed combat lth tbo OYz1ili ag nd lb. onreiefllng bSature vastairi of geUle buaaori ntWpuite»d by the viste,..Thuir rotud ý@econd sacha, KBubon,.vau go vhoh.u.liuuni mat h keptthe S cowd vIpyumani d Bn3der lasabed n bard a noas ai bis john tht h. bui on! lie hsato %luever basket and aily Io# bis BW ' liffliihait0a the lulUaImnlnç wvasoal. "b.vIstais golng ont la oriel' but the bomisha 1 mv Ibi. niakomsbngup. fOoldsnbsrg and Rupite it salsl, Roui faned andi Doriér Sul Itbm v ltb à single tcd osater, lady Coing tauscond an l11w tbrov i, frmma vh.o unisi alter Morga ba làeh&sdvbuDonald hootui Monts' gromnis. Bisiav sald the roundi by sldiklng ont. Thé,bk a "@rso nncae ight backi tbe asoasd and knotisi lbe conne. Klt. son singlel ta 1.11. Donald vas as wvbon Morgan droppeld m eîl.tirovIa eart a double antd Mnn sec rsd the tva vlbh a Oingle ta conter. Dck thrsw high la »ub Mann slsalhig and the third ron coaned: Mrris thon toot cars ai Wallace. and the non tva l anusi. We gai anothber lu the laut haitof the secnnd on a pair of sngle@ by Bidinger and Elapke. The third was unprodnctlve for tho Stars land thon ta show juel bow generous thoyr could -ho thoy tmmcd around and prqSsnted the homes bunnh wilth tour in the s@&Ms rouand. Tsn iunen veut ta batI n ti innlng und tour ai lhem cauntedan ai ilithont the sIgn f ahbit. Rudy led off ndaivas sale an Ellison. errai, Nargea popped l t short, Marris valked and leow vand Bidifer osc0k anc, lu tlb short -lbe torelng in àrun and Ilvnt le balle craved. Bennett gaI a t nd Morris scorson Wumlia«Tr, hq vaon"lolng" Bbsoes, Hapice, oise ai lld 64 t b. rebbna 0HRoWk',*mikoualeilemaet. Douter maup for the second Urne aMi saisi It vtth a ly fia shor. Toisoden >bit- .stt dl<vo morto orthe vistorshIn me Io"uad e, amitai a ilsm 0l8C Our ouain a b bl ba irfjh ades«by Rauh, Douier, Nargua" ami uaI aMi a double by flStmovwbié brooght la tiares rnis ai voul bamemeat aai hstm vo adilinal Bok baia' rtmi lb ooeing for oui dis batl l (hiefgo hasch maie aaspartinlù»lb m1 @"d pet ovriarmrier vt thelbMdlia a tva bbsgss mming tlb talai iltua. J. Mitchhll.IL ....... 50 0 004 Dixn. et.............. 410 1 0 0 Wab, 8b,ce;........4 1 1 0 5 0 Wlson, P, e........... 80 0 0 8 TNAVY 'SEN Gen"rlfeeling 'la Thot Cor- dlaltu hoReorufts Muet Be, Someha Retioted. ýENORE SUN'S POSITION. Reot e Seser Makes Roter- enoe tot#and ExpIah Hm HO Fees on Malter. -ý Waçhnjuly 2. The generai feeling la tova la that It la the lesie o! evenY citizen ta be cordial an# kind ta the naval st. tian ladts, but t the samte tisa0 thore Io danger of 'gaing too cur" lu I. Theres a lisait. tn other varia, to the depih of the cordiaiity en fan ,as soial relations are conconed. Rector\-Ganser or Chript church, Who bas basa no!o thase vho bau pianned enter taininent for the sail- lors et the pari louses, uni lipho la Il Ettbooster for titeai ln a talk .ità'T4 'lits Sa Iday hertily agreol Irttb the generai toune of Thes Sun'a edital aSturday night. -We al vent to o what vs cun ta, enterfain these ladslbvt utt he. sains time viien the Pntsrtalnmentà end, la fev days ugo. and on F5'ndy ths'y visether ai lite pari-il houes, or else. 1 were examinsi and acceptsd for 1for- where, It seesmý as if that eads Il; 1 bave, urgd my Young people te re- gard titis matie-r in a businesssiket way en1 to.,avoid thse passible flir- tattuns taitons..whess the uniforme are se geaerully sëen about toWn. It really ln a time wisen mpthers anad1 vamen geaerally must be carefni et their chiliren, for, ws muet flot Ifon- gsi that tisses lads fram the station, aller aU, are boys. are hors ioay ani gane oiomr." Wlaat Mr. Oauter raid wvasiu liffl aU siniSawh'at ohermaiis ta c ontaulsi aflen.roueding lTh. Sun'. elltoil of ai auriay. MfanypersonastppeaittTii eSun offes ica, mai ahll up en i.thePom --aul vità kaon inlereet la the situa, itu, muid: "Wbut The. Sun muid vas rallier plain, but very truc,. voiy Per- thuent and ai0uld cause maibero and girla of the. comiunaiiy to roulije the situation." _______- RT VIN 11E cuRT NEW TRIAýL ORANTUS. Judgo P. L Persan» todoy grantai a naw trAiIln the Cas. of spunner vs. Mathia. Tha date w»a Mt for .iuiy li. St le poeMibie liaI Judge Pe*sam cOutty t0 huer th.*cso as1wex presselhimeelM a a e Rlie.pots tnv.lvod. In g'ntbng a aaw ltai Judse Poisons saddIho diIIsot hhink th. Appellats omrt woulî have show. ed teverdict taelasil. Attorney H.e&@u nMIUle, rgi. senting Postaisser George W. Spun- nen. O! Barrlngtan, Ia the fareile entrYuni delainér smit <bai Sisinner braugisî against Mrs. Mary Maibis, Of tAesZurich, upiiemai lacuty courtI thiS min"usgsud argnol a Motion for a novw trial. lntthe cannae Of huàarasgumenats hé maie the pate. Ment tut the lettons ubich Attorney Ma-y Webbei a i lago vrote ta Mis. Muthis, or exact captéeai them, abouti be l.ft lu the court. Mns. .iathm refused ta hé ejectel tram ts cottage aetla-k Zurichi be. cause, ihe spya, il vas givea te her hy Wsbsr. visa aitervari trandfor-. ea the. titie te Pcetaiastor Spuiter she cantnciél lat te tiasper vws mais la an efosritatetake the pro>- etiy fs-ont, ber, ani tha Jur-y evidently, taak a esafilar v, for thoy bell that whe vas retalang lite properly legally. 11 As procrof aitse fact liatWebbe bai given ber tie «Ptory Mr&. Mu. tii caussi ta b. roal extraeats ram istters he seat ta ber la Jusly, 1906. It la copie. aofibeelettons, or the anlglttuls, that Attorney MItier vents loti la court. Attorney Haltes. rap- nssenting Ms-a. Malleis durred on ths ground Usaitishse lettens une ta play an important part la the '$50,000 breacs ai promise suit vhlcb Mia. Mathis hue brongt against Weber. Atorney Miller charges Ébat tise court Permitted the intrmiictiott ai certain îestimoay w-icn adaihe s- feUt of prejuiling ths Jury- Net Vee'y CemmoimisstaY.. My bugaenIg La ainitla. Ou. lai 110 eoavormtWla Itt» ittlh. uib- bar cUire.b. induinquliai If the7 *0u14 ho et A itbé, eniUM Odai, te ulacb bu thé l m ieUV Ibm.-al-u dagdmA» lm o egle ma@ e mnaiis7 eign service. Titose wiso lsave ('hi cago at 10 oactas-k tonight for th-, training camp for engineùrs at At- lanta are: Michael Johinson, af 284 soulil Jackson streei. 1, a wirs- mli eni- ploye. John Fiemming, ives on South Gonese treet. Patrick Curry, La* a resldent of Boutis Wankegu. rtoroIdMualistrosu, liveg ai l0t3 Hickory strest, vira mili aspioye. Franki Anderson, 622 Souths Utîca streat, ftreman on tise E. J. k. E. iliroul. T'h. restient ta visicis tity have been aseignedla t h. oae af vhtch Charles C. Day.., prominent Ciiicago ban-cr, la an <tuficor. WILL PUSH THE WORK. HIgwy WillBe But in the W«W-MayBegin Work iseptembu. War00 O.O- mt a ie ssui. vblhia. nae tion, thoeattu eand ithe mulcisaltlas of thaeNorthsChore vii be ailed.toa pproprialie for th. building of the mlltarylalgiivay batumen Waukegan uni North Chi- eu. Thse muliary, naval uni municipal officil#a ubahave charte ai the plan necuoelingWas*oeflandiChicago vita a military hlghvay uhlch vil! leurpeu any ever buiii by ordon ai the kaiser. have appealei ta Wasi- Ingion for $1,500,000 fa r use ln building lbe roulvuy, uni It la ex- pecici that the "tt.raI llinoia vili appropriais 1500.000 for thsevas-k. hi le bellovol ltatai agumsimluilan tn tbai approppntedsiby 4he state wili ho caillecili fmom munlipatîties on tise North Share. '¶Hatlaiaiete prove thai tise silltary Iighvuy vii coust approxlmatery $2,50,000-end af that sum te na- tion aid the stai. vilI puy the big sbire If thé plans mature." said Mn. Rasesell, engiaser o ak e.county uni oa af chas. upon whom, the urmy ad navy la ispendicg for the casapie- tion aifte ilghay. Mi la erpectel tisai actuel vas-k wii gait ou the bigbvuy by the lirei ai Sepiemben. Tise Onit aet by thosé la charge ai tho birvément viii b. la get an appropriation frasa lie gavarnaient. Wheu tbie up- propiriation la iocsivei, Ih leexpect- ed thai thé van lepuniment viii mu- perintea lie vank of thé roui build- Ing, ail thati h viii caîll antise gtate for a 'large appropriation. l lJe planol ta candeain lad abuiting the Noribvester anad tie lMilwaukhee Eldct-lc an tihe vest for sthé mlitas-y blghvay, uni thé roui v ill he puvél la bri'c Or cOncre' Landitlu vl b. 160 féot vide. Benain taArthur F'ésseadsn, vho bas besa Piomaiselit as a reai estate mai ln Chicagoasinces1882, lied Dat- aurday et hie home la Highland Park. f e vas bonn Bastoand nil bis bay- hoal knew Henry Thoreau, played vilS the Havtitarae cittdren. uni vas a viitrariu the Emerson home. Hé leaves a widow, two daugitens, Mn,. rRobert (Gray Peck, unidIorolhy Day- ton Foasendes, /andtva ions, AYmar Fc. Feagendeti ar Chicago ani Bsn M. Fessendea a9 Douille, Waait. TOPASSi falP Ê tA St. L.uwr.ncaEpscopat. flor. IL.IL Wlttte, P 'rlst.1-tn.hupg. 14111J4 Vu, iiavK a- -one.1. i m<n-a - - aV.11- a Join Seventt Reùiment of En-. ginees-WI in eluFance WiUhtn liFIvoWee ENLISTED AT WAUKEGAN.1 Train Luives for Atante, Ga.,1 From Chh>ao at Ten P. M. On ta Be#Rbl _Tiut la th. e y vhich Uv.ve we knavu young men af Wankegan are obauting toaa. Thay have jo*ned the Sèenth romaent of englacersauni before the lak af thisi type le dry they viii have idien macibye ta relative. and ionda f ai ukUmaand ulivi have Itorisi trains vhtcb viii carry thoin ta Ailanta, (la., vhere thoy viii go Itot truiniina. Wlthin litsveoeks thoy vIll go Into actve service, and %vhero ihO> viii hounion orders ta keep open the lins of Communication. These young men vili bravo dangers sucb as others have undervent ln the war zans. The Young men sals- ed ut the recruîtlng station which vas opefird an Washington treet but land, uni itl lathse largest naturelailw: % arkudy ceit forf«t outhor istonsi inthe10 o'aloek. At Il ociiet preuching forrt satit ! Wsconan ialitsservit*' with sermon by 1ev. T. 3. L'issu Unaied tatea. 1lis thee eesstng t 7,-10 Ie. Arthsur fiIts laaid tat enaugit soney hax Ma.aay'no unis roin FEvunstos beep ralff5d ta constrstct te new viii prentil the sermnon. specili rsuec lins uni ta purchame te Wanconda- eutihe eveing servie@. AIiran, crdially Palatine lias. Invt»d. Stockhoidera af the electric and 'Piaclng 0cr Iliuco" iii hotbc suis- siSiai roui- bave been eonsultsd uni ject ai tbs Kpvorth L*agusmst4etitx ft vas made kuova taday <bai tber Suuday ovoutnir ut the ài 6:". Um sre villipg ta taka stoek tn the nov Marlon Preston viii leai lbe meeting. cam«y.uayuni thus become part Ail msembsrs n i risndecordlallylanvitei auner of tihe nov Imle, vhich viiil'h.b@LAdie' Aid Soelty viii aisiet mci b. huavu as the. KvanaianW&Uucn- Toemday attercoon, Joly 10, at th. han&e da, Palatine undiLuke <lenevu rail. ai bin-s. "aPb K. Cals, corner af brainard ro.Co>urt amiLo*B.t, Ms. A. O. Noensa Tt la eXfaciei liai the. DeOw cia- IMrs.W. BuUdàia, amI MeLH.Cols trie i» wII opn up he Weternw ho hautleses. Kvery. mebseuni hic~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~Mn liaoifpnu h uaet,~..~l te ocesy la urgel to atted. le district aofIlliois ta Chcane- Choir robe&"sal viihbell ad n »L iia ans, amitu c haiv in a fou, yarssmeev.nag ofai bilek ai 7:80. Ipeelaà C~iog, Noriaharu ueni MluaWte.Ait, mombr. are urgel toa allia. viii exuiu4Ils Ubartyile braucit_________ aà far ap the Fox lâke district. Weus e aà e. Wft Craaug).-"Set it Ilfuuay. mi RETURNIlOf DE-iedmiRaisamide vlaéuam or iteer Cdoulai Usuppaose Oag wlta Port Suies-iena, une 29.-A salduer seerted frasa the fart, vas captured aui tumaei over ta the a-my author- MIes by tva U. 8. is'puty muhghais today Il gave rite latsr to a spy stury. For instance ans rapot vag <but a ruai German *py bai bec captured nemi the, povder bouse uni h. caril- e1 a ility floot fuse and a package af nitrofflycine. Col. Nicholson mersy denied the reports. stand on both aides et the.foce ut th. Ume Ume Tssching ChilI te RoI.. A child te hast taught ta roui la the natural aselliciby meansoai ibJett. Elie vads or short sentences ema>u lalg the. sv ars teated ln dIi- feont canneclian. an re ilia on <ha blaciabor, a"d ho qulchly eauw ta mecogaie Utesas.nd toa eUt aitl arsi vrda ln script, mon.Ln ta ye. Wiien be la maie te Spy ibo bluci- hori varda at eacb la»sca. lelaurn ta roui sud i ii. bath aiticouais tiais. IPure Lif e Insurance Annual Premium Per $1000 Whole Lif e non Participating Age 20-$l11.00 Agè 30-$13.64 Age 40-$1?7e80 St«e Âges la Saune Prpotfions. We write women on equal terras with men. Cet more protection for your dependents at a prioe within your reach. CHAS. D. PROCTOR, GENERAL AGENT Reprasentleg The Merchants Roserve Life Inauranoe Co 0vrSI 5,00,000 ofInsurasinluFore Cabbage Plants, Eggp4at, Tomatoes, Asters, E nglish lvy, Cannas, -Coleus, gDustyMiler, Rose Geranm, Lobelia, Petunia, Salvia and Verbenas. Hanging basi.. oie, Wiadow BoaePIants and and Vinca- vines. *FAIRIIOLM (GARDENS M. C. SURRIDGE & SON Ph... 102-t-LGsmabenss, DymnmdeiLbsyi For Sale at Chicago, North Shore, & Mlwaiikee Railway Depot CaptalIst te uild an Eleoic O IHoly 0*n>IOZ cePt t ia 0dY Une From Evap9dà nt. Lake la lhb7:80a. m.ila GOflOvii, *IS, Me sSad. Choral Kueb*rtal itit sermonIlam DEAL IS COMPLETED NOW. Si. .ioWe v.Lteran New Road WIIITake Over the dy colut98 4mt ~ Wauoondaefau eTrioks, Msma ev.ILce ai 1O: 0put., Acordln 10 Reort. That &aera i the hW capitaiste raytra af the midile veut bave heen inter. Snd oboal 10a& m. estsd lu a dom ta purchase the wau- Morulsg votship eg Il o'clock. The couda and Palatie elctrlc ratiram o ugprh saplaaichdrn ' for.hesmn a"i use Il lu conjuntlan v-Lb an o'theRoIOui.- eg rt IjSmsv Oletiic lino vhtch la tao ebuilt lng a soou aI tut. seri. " i fraon xiOO n ta a Uke Osneva b- h r6g Kmv>r,»n came ktM>wiItodg.dlj ee ogtvii o eerà . i Acordini tn Plans' the' electrIc toa bspromise meting and viii ho af 16 in, -ni u etdtra hwes uIlpeci-- a q Wl htoresita a il. it ronchon th. Chicago and North- gveungsrvisat7:80. A brie!.brlght VestOrn raliros line. oui the, It. unibralbrly service ltins ose houry- viii varalihi that line ta Waucania, Mr. Watkine the ake County Parm wherbIlfi il conneet vith lte lino Adrisar vii éesaat tbis meeting. whlch runs ta Palwine. Evorypue cardlally invlted. Plrom Palafine rufle viii b. jaid ta Md.vsek meetiolt for Bible Brady and Lake Geneva. Wlx. Thte nev raIl Piayia Wediesday esli I7-» rond, Il la sai. vwii n t thmrugh the Meeting oaithe Trustes. Nanday at the farest reserve which lis no o! icfeburcit 7:30 p. m. Paltine, and wvitirle tata become thpC. A. IMactacus. halter. iargegt sate park in Ililinois. Tihe forest preservo nortis or Pal Msiiodist-Epsacoffat. atnecotansovr .00 rr r lssi twb.bell Dneitt Ssnd*à a - ulaa itglr l&d0ehe! e a di AI st tg yin