Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 5 Jul 1917, p. 5

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Y, JULY 5, 1917 -- -- - -- - -- -- - ------ --- - - -: um Your L'awfnl Needs Attention, use our ShadySplLw SG R AS S EE£D Force Your Garden Stuff Wlth Our FwETE1LMER Dosen by the Old Depot. Bisa Ihere 20 ys. Phone 47 E. A. Bishop, Mgr. Coal Is Cheap Now Our "oo is ready for you-Clean, Bright. Dry and Per- fectly Reliable. The more of it y-u buy at preset Pr=,e, the. more nmey you wiIl gave. You will neyer 'get be- ter advice than "BUY YOUR COAL NOW." IW. F. Franzen, Jr Telephone 5.%. UbertyvfleJ îHayingToolsi Detringaad McCormick Mowers. Side Deliverg Rakes, Dump Rakes. keystone, Dain and Deere Loaders. forks, Rope, Sections and Repairs. Largeet Stock. Piiced Right. SCHANCK HARDWARE pho. 39. COMPANY Ubsctyvinis Paul G. Ray Licenseci Embalmer and Funeral Director Automobile Hearse and Auto Car- -iag&- Furneished When,Desired. I Store<Phoné 9. Residence Phione Il12 Libertyvfle, Illiois I mou aà Arilulas Higli anad senator DUMlaP 01 Cblcago apeuthlb.Fanrt sas Rumbt aof sntor Bwlft. Don't torgt thse Baud Onucrte ecery W.dueulay evsing glven ou lb. streets of Lbertycille. Tb.y are ail re.. Sen program elewheri la Ibis Ieue. Daýy Brou. viii give lb. proceede of Ihir dance at Dtamoud Lake, gaturday aceulng, Juiy 7. ta tiselied Croie Asxi-, iiary. This bslng for a varthy canan everpoDe shouiti supporithelbybay atteudlng tlitadauce. DouaLlmbsrry our Village liarehai aBy@ bne vr .av sa muy autos pené lisrough tovo asepamsed thraurb yeter- day aud &Il vsnt off maothly viti no trouble ai amy hind. On aceount 0! lb. ciurcb pleale bolns held on Thureday of!unit wvee i regular mting of lb. Womenae"uId of St. LavwreSe eburcl i Vl~. bell as o Tnuedy afleranon, JeJy 10 stlb. borne of lire. EBdleCormiek. 1ev. T. E. ileam lefI YetP*day ta attend Camp Meting As.eblty I p- vortb Grave near Beleviders, 111. Be viii apsak belori lie Assembly thie (Thoredapi aliernoats sud exPetu ta reluruborne tomorrav.1 Lent year Ibere vere les tian on@ buuulred tilide season tîlel ta Chautauqua eold, vbile vs bave more l<hau tIree tins that many blilidren b.- Ives lie agem of 8 and 15 ho our Liber- lyville echool atone. The Influence ai the vaur chldrene live. le vorth mauy timez lb. coel o! a ticket. Se@ ltaIt yaur chldren are given au ap- portslnlty tu go. Bume S8. Fisher and D. A. Young 51- tended the Epvartb Leagne conventian at Bockard Frlday, Saturday and Sun- day. Iu comparlug lb. reporte Librty- ville vas found tb. mast efficient and lit tiret place an account o! Woodataek havlng a greater number ai delégae priment. Mir. Young vas callel opon la address lie audtence and vas raunadly applauded. Il le oped IhalLiberqlvItI can eud aI eat lvsuly membere ta Camp Epvortb lie mdle af Augnt. Thte foiiovlng offiteri vers Installed [;r te ensueing term ai lie Lilierlyvilie Lodge Na. 956 1. 0. 0. F. aua llanday ventng; 0. S. Deker, N. 01; H. T. Segert, N. G; A. Jorgen, Wardon; A. Z. Love- lace, Rigitl Supporter, N. ; J. P. Suy- dam, Left Supporter, N. G: J. L. Irving, Rigut Seau Supporter; E. L. Nwton, Le! t SeeauSupporter; -Thos. Cale, Right Supporter, V. 0; W. S. MeLain, Leit Supporter, V. G; H. C (ileaaon, Ineida huard and W. H. ilarbour, Outeide Guard. Afler Installation a finua lunch vas served sud ail veut avay veil pleased. DO VOUR BIT We kiudly auk our patrons 10 asist lu belpins aur employeeseby tradiug early on Baturdays durlng Juiy and Auguet. There vii lie no delivery aller 12 Yciocli. W. P. Fransen, Jr. 27c1 - Libertyvlile Lumber Co. &IW* bon Kîigma bx. fBen lieuadird ant ber homse near Llbereyvllie early lesit Frlday moru- Ing June 29. Deeil dwlsoée aaiden Dame vas [Dors Natitas as boru lu the Ntherlaude April let. 1855, vas mairied tu Sm Kingmin nOchiibei1877 tbey coning 10 Ibis country more tbsu 2eyean mgo. Egbî elidren ver'. lîoriito Ibis union of wbom [bris giilsand '<ne buy lied lie- fore cominfto MbiscounhtryV 8ih. te anrvlved hy lber humbaud and four sono. John isud Peber o! Waukentan, Alfred of Montaeo and WIII of Ivanhoe and aima 9Dgrandcildreri. tvii brothers sud oDe@alter. Fumerai services were held aI the bouse Sandal altemnoon, 5ev. lMntacus pro. nonneilias semt Mad rites Interwént vas at Lakoulde Cemel'.ry, JUNI3 9TAINS RECOJJOF BEINIi 'MILFBRIDES' 220 Marriage Uoense Issued Hem DunngM ntAainst 209 LutYlear. NOT DUE TO SLACKERS. Said That- Majorlty of Those Who Wedded This Month Did Not Seek Exemption. The mots f June, 1917, viticit drave loas close today, maintaîns thie reputation aivayg ciamad for il of bing te "month or brides." for lise nunlber of ztWme hIemaes l- àued lu Waukegsn turing June titis year, estabuisited a nev record lutthe city. Up ta noon over 220 licenees itau been lssued snd 1JI vas consider» sul very probable ViaI More would l'. lesued titis afternoon. Durlng June iase year e total ai 209 licences ver'. isAutd. Ou the face of l tue average per- san vouid 8e inclinied tlattîrliut te increase titis year in te fact Ibat slackers were meetIg to secure exemption f rom mailitary service by clsluslug titey bave dependents, but Iti lenot ltougit thIbs reasouing viii baUd good. tunquellonabiy here ver. mauy vto applied for marriage licences up to Jais. 5 wv ito Ino viltisahesole purpose ot sneklng t0 emcape militai-y servce. But ail men have regîsler- ed nov sud Il Is doubtful If nmny9 siackare got mariage ilcenses afleýr te t af June. A big majoritY aif te Couples seck- lng marinage corne ber. from cilles in WleoonBln. desirtng to escape the stera marinage 15v tlat exste ln thtisetale. TbIg may account for te Increases lu mariages titis June. For taI matler te records tliayear viii show a bg jacrease Inlcenses le- eued itere oar-allter years. Being Trulhful. Irutbtui daes ual ueceslttae tellilg ail one knows. Titere are trutiss lisat do ual heloug la lita general pUb- lie, and vitici aveu sa amlir circle le tumnchetabetter off for ual laoowlug. Betug a peaceniaker atten resalves l- self lntluholdnlg one'à peace. ..veawît.4lu2lP iqilJan 5XU55£ -119 oqlAaumo.masMO@AouX î1rIlaeli -eq ][ ,,*suo4eme unieîIÀ4@wa.a sl; Un sdm5515 appuepe aemas aOj,, -uoiiow-àul ut eu State's Attorney Welch Insists M A fUI That No Warrant Is Out forMA A.y IT Arrest of Jorgensen. AuD COMMAN AT WILL HAVE TO'GO TO WQRK. HDIA INJ Y Nft ffaint illRa Uf(ýi aHIDAN f INVfti Disbar Hlm-Ail Believe He WiII Make Good. Peter L. Jôrgensen, mis.sng law- Yer, bas been located lu Detroit, Midi. Whether heite stopplug titere uu- der au aesumed ame is not kuown. but it le an establlsbed tact tliat he veut 10 Detroit tram Citicago an Camp Is Being Made Ready for the Ten Days Stay of Field ArtilleryHere. TO RUSH MEN TO FRANCE. Mai. Smith Beleves He Wili Get Order Within Few Days Mon Eager tb Go. Il You Knof olNews of Ldooi Intereit Pleeoe Cali Telephýone umber 1. Judge Taylor of Wankegan. va" in village suaday. Cali st the Imdependent othic for a Clautauqua ticket. Mise M&syme Mteyer of Chcago. called on friends bers Sundaj. A son was bu ora Mtr. and tMr@. Chas. Peterson, Sanda y mornn. Mir@. IL T. lMaeGulin la opepding a fev daas t Catie Park, Michigan. A buinu meeting and social Waa by the Epwortb League at the M. E. eburch Friay eventng. Wirt Wrght came up from St. Louis ln their auto la @pend the Fourth itll C. P. Wright and famliy. The $t. Lawrence ellurcli viii holdi their picote on Thursday, J nly 12, ai the1 Caber grave norîli of tovu. Rev. White of St. Lawienî'e'm churcli vent to ilieudale tarin, Lake Villa Si. day ta baptIze corne chaîdren. Wm. Kingma arrived tndar fn Idonitana tii attend( the funîrel f hi. motber lire. lBejamiu Kingmaý Marohal Waido and iiiward Flagaz were ealled tru (hanmpaiu agairi atir- day to take up lglit artilliarv riirlel. Plats for eabon met rr.arvationm for the Uautauqua will b'. oî'..d idtte drug otoret in Libert.y ville andi Aiea oni Juiy 6, Lttle Gosrge Dsney sou of tMr. and Mmre Leonard lîisey living on Ortehid etreet,4i1 rom a tree Sudav aud broke bus arm. lire. Arthur Ul.&Lughlin and cbildreu of Lake elsla, Win., spent Saturday nand Suaday vith bier parents Mir. and Mmre.Lemw Flagg. Mir. and Mm.. leu Clybournentrtained àamber o!fiends and relative. Tue.- day oesmng 1tueebrate tIbs i 1h wedding anniversary. fl.pre.enlave Vols and Dec. Jeakin. hand lalta ad, ioulil Ilii' ,11tii1 ta bp anyilibn-,but an ijonei iii>. I havi heard 'a lot of rulîlors. but ni, tactis, said Mr. Welci. Jorgensi-nsvulte aud famlly a ro being provided for. T8ey are nol ln want. Ir Jorgense ohas recelved money tronm her busitaud ince hi, 'departure tram Waakegan.fil je said tbal ehe recelved tva chiecks. Altbough te men vito are close trieuds of te mlssing lavYer st111 Inslst titat lie vili returu; titere are <I <Ili op,,rate, ln conjunctiîîn wiîh t !ht. lrinîrju andlFrt-ehlfonces, but thîs iii.op.i-aiiof l ii rt, itla sunderstood in all '. av effeci the lndepeoOaut characur of C.eneral Perailng's cora- mand. vbich will intimate)y lie a- signed îo a vide scin lthe vest- ern front. We viI li e lanlthe trenebes lu France before snv flies." eays Ma- jor Smith. John Davis. son aofhUb. Davis. le the latest Waukegan youog usari a joib Major smjtlg commaud. lielping Mande Tho neit mseliun of the Lîbertyville fld Croise ,lh bebeld Mondayalternoon,c Jnly 9. It vas voted tii meet on Wed noedays bereaiter, but on accout of the calng liemoustratlon 10 lie given oel Weduseeda, i"sRed Cross vîll meetunai lianday aliernoon s uiuai. This viii be e l.nta meeting ountil aiter the Cbao- On Wednesday, Juiy 2, there yl lie vork an baud for ail day afer about 10 a. mn. Thome vbo vieli bu ork boti furenoon and afiernon an reîîuesecd 10 bring luncb. At the meeting h'.ld la-t Nlonday a cheik for IQ from tMr-. Martlia Cherrer vas presenîetotIbe Aixiirý, A t - of tilnt, vas gi ç-n M r,'liîeever for ber enrons gft. A clvi . t, $7,0>7 w a- rMevi-ri wthe Alait, îôiîîl ?îit'c Tea Comupanyuy ol jereitii, tnii Leiig a lt1il Cross donation of i% ,! i,,. lirai salefor June 101h. ll, neaiiiiary fully apprlate lteisdouatl- 'ni Thie. wîney reeeived for> membereiijiii vannot b'. retaiined for local funde buît iust ail lie sent in fortlb.generaI l d rose work. Hence the local fode@tnî,na hlch in purcbased aiH materlal for ewlng. kit- ting and anrgiei upplîe le kept up by donations. enteilanete. etc. lira.E dca Main bas odered t0 taire the apeciai ok required by the lied Crouslu order 10 .quaillfy as an officiai lustructor of elais for surgiesai drent. iuge. Ch~sasa iii ben lie arganlzed lu Lbertyvllle, andi course. offered under ber supervision for thase vhuî desîrs 10 tale Ibis vorh. Ai abs cl ose the meeting lionday. ia. Ciad phuamutly eurprlaed tb. vorliers by treta theb whole crovd ta r emonade Demend for Shorter Houri. 9 The demand for shorter wark bourg1 dates back lttueb lbegbteentis centurY l lu Engiand, sud 10 about tiheUime et . the second wer villi England ln Ibis9 country. In bolli countries Il made1 Its advent vlh the devel opinent of the1. factory syatem. unknowa lu Ibis cou.-4 try outil about 1812.9 paeet by the Cassier. Morbid M-The papers sld Ihat tisat Mmli1I savtoday adequately sereened ~on utu te undervorid. but I vas bored to deatls blrouglilba . wbole thng." Dlseernlng Doager-1 "Maybe tbat's hat thse PaPer mat visea lhey mld I i ws adequtdl ecreened.' my dear." - - - - - - - - - - Put U*e D~ t a e uk dbcer 0freaMIvealb dosea sproduabb business eud turne his profats baek int the business, lie g&vU un piayment to msen a" icremes, more reai wealth as hoe progremu yer by yuir. He dome more i-se gond for bhW rellowruen then lie voult Iiflehogave ail his profits lu cburlty. becaum it la better 10 mske people st-$UplisUug and Indepeudent than l:l la w â eomethlng for nollblng no mathe 1ev wortby the motives mur b. Ca r.e ofAzalsas As soon au ssisaes bave Btogpel biowsomlngseft avsy lni ,bh glve a little.vater on.e la i. mnch. WD1î eummer PMat pot in the ground out o ter well. A rather shady placels bedit Takre It before froot cores. a"i p« lnu e dol room. Water VMo ptringy until near Christmas. U 7yourépet- 1eut away soins 0f the braches. l'Wu viii promote the growtl a"d devoloe budà. tinentai veloedty of *RiM t~au ee at 14.9 mnes VemM.BU e- lgardze b.peed!ornoeyobeui spectroscopie methode. auuli 1* Miles Per second, as subjuet teou>,5 ttematle error. Jorgenmen srrtved lu Detrot villa Wih te arrivai af an advauce farce tees than $15 lu bia pociets, sud Iî î19cf the Amnerlean army lu France, it sald Ihat lie viole ta a frlend lu vas siiii6uiied todsy tatthe Illilnois Chilcago askiug hlm ol an blm $10 Field Ailliery, aofvitich Attoraey A. no Iliat be- ousld return to Waukegan V. iSmitit, af Wankegau. la major. vîli on te uext trai, go tata training ai Fort Sehridau Jorgensea là' comlng back t i Borne lime nx week, and faiiovlug Waukgau Heha~ eengivn ~ a ten day course lu instructions viii Waukgan Hebasbeen gien o ýdepa rt for easieru Ports where tlseY understaud that lie *111 bave the hll oard chlps ta f.lio* General backng f thse ho ightIde ifPershiing an dhie men loto the Iront lie deserteil Waukegao, andl my guesa rnhs le~~~~~~~ l"Iievi ebaka oe The camp which va vIii occupy at wlthn sx dys,"sai on frlndwhoFort Shteridan la itelng put int> readi- ought la 8e lu e position Io know ness. Tht vworli may toit tree days. wheret hespeae. I may taire a veek. but I believe Ibat "lias a warrant be-,i niqsueil for w e yl l e entreucbed at Fort Siteri- Jorgensen'ýe arremi ?" ae-ed a Siun dan wîthin te odays time," satd Ma- man o! Saes Attoirnpy WWiIrh jor Smih fuis moralug. [*lmil irile that d-teti\is tri- Major Sinith and bis mien atre eager F'-arrhing for hini' iç, gîýtijo t h, fray. Tbey vaut ta "No, tlier,, iý r ,t ;Iii ixîrîl iof irIllh ilIow Pîrshing and his men. b i tnai ertili,'1o nI niir I Gen ,nil Prr4hlng viii co-operte niaji 1;a - <IenMiil)-ni «bi rvýfrr i the fifllest extent vitit lte Freuci iîî il ihp î,neii'îoM- lti ~.iIaioand the Amerîcan fore- Pul Six Months Inter7eMt iM be allowed on Jan 1. 1918 on 2N.w and Âdtoa -Deposita Made on or Before July 10, 1917 Your Rusmoes Condiaiy invitod. ------------ --- Unusual SiIk-Sa4'e' FORTUNATE purchase of black taffeta sik, in short lengths enables us to offer unusual values in this popular material. We have sanie excellent pieces of regular $1 .50 q'iuality which we quote special at $ 1.50 per yard. Tii. is 36 inch gaods of lhe kind that je beinq used so largely for skirta and we believe that the saving an so staple an. article wiIl be appreciated in this day of climbing prices. W. W. CARROLL& SONS COb S»«- Mole? -as n :mummuîmsau:smmmmummam musu-----------aaa others vito beileve tat h lieylgo la vark ln Detroit sud viilelay titere gxeggsrated. untIl le ca retorn tise moueY. Wbuu vs reflect upon the while ut Bankers of Wsnkegan say ltaIan tueu Ihaba u es i tltintarouud lu th. retrlgu>âtor, spparentiy vaitinc tiaey uil ual progecule Jorgenseo- 10 b. uved Dp in aouelhlng. aimai -Prosecule hlm? Why ehouid y'. ever inces . e marememaber. vs Ihinli do ao. Wa may hais hie note, but tisatIl il i tail about thse Americaf vit couid vs gain ity prosecutiOn. bounevlfes reckleae eextravagantce la 1 issiieve tVitlPeter Jorgeusen wvîli oasal sàtxasratmi aftsa ail-.0 return 10 Waukegan. sud wvitle hmbus (0110) State Journl. more i belleve le viii b'. able ta -------- straigitten out Ilsdi bsobligations," eaId one of thee lied înovu liaukers of Waukegau. Of the greal Oliver. vho brought t he t o Charies I10 lihes csitoîd, Thàomes Ces- lyle han vritten a notable book, sud was allowed a lu the fine descriptions of lb. death eceise Cromveil'a lent vords ale re- eorded. Wbeu, bolng rentdes% e, leas v n g "It la flot my design la drink or sleep. bul my design ln 10 maite viat hast I eau to b. ou 1 mi dond 1 10 e at Band Concert!. Program for Wednesday Evening JuIy 11 th. Marcit-Th.t Peerlese ............B...Eull (>verture--Bohemian turf ........... Balle .....Annlle. ............ BAs-ter-7 Mdarcit-The Premlum . ............Hui- Characterlstie--Bappy Mois .... KWer Popular-gnv'e Every Litle Tbing lu Dixte............................ Qumb4. liarci-Fat lu Linoe............... Klefr INTERMIS8ION Mdarcb-Our Favorie Basmer.... Klefe âeiuction-Beet Beloved SoulIers Uelodi" ..........................a" «. Watz-Bearls Haves .............. IKlar Maàrcb-The Floral Parade..... *,*-*,*ut Desripttve-On lise 8.renaala-The Old Chural orgg Patrol-Tbe Spirit aofAnzerie..ZambUih GalloP-00............................e e Everyone InvW0ci mal Inteires '3% ~ nu and ÎcreEltd on k on uly le

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