Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 5 Jul 1917, p. 6

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--- --- --- 1WÀÏIWÏÀ TÛPý CNE Sl I.KIiI ÂE t IIeT SEIOUSV LII3ftI3 1 T Y WitIalflmaLDiVer for, D. Louis Musche, Jr., of Milwau- T. eb LfoTr" , in - 1kee, Telle Caunty lIe* He " .UIMMia Upton. 1 Is 21 Years Oigd. ENBIE SOPPE ONTRAC ,.cr, anothar ict,,y for Cupi. ENSIN STOPED O TRAK;C. orge Muscha, Jr.. of Mlwaukee. AtteniptsW t.u, Safety but Wl. cou *ldn't ge bis parant' con- Tran Ws ~forsent to ed Louise florenpeu, cfth nhusf*t ~tlig-ha passad the le ttheacount-9 +ME CiAà IOt OlE.MANDEO ty clejik sud gt a marriage ficcusa,t ù*W~rMAV~îaitougli but 20, years of age.- Thist r$at Kllîmu, -the atetet.uto cj:- tappenci on Wednasday. tif, hag net had an occident be- Thisl monning tlue police chie! re- fore le due, chiefly, ta good Iuck. ceivad a telegranit ram thte Youngt ?;e" ep .ut toànn have notlced mns tather asklng fliat thay arreet thMt ae o e àhasm ban driv. and hold Uic boy If ha made a net- lue uratht ha eldom drove wth temPt f0 Badine a msrrlage lîcenil,f h*Ii Imhm en fthe tearfn wheel. as lic vasunder age. l lu ýthe.ANmlayw euta «'Tour massage caine too lote. Your tlrout hi@lof.ttbond out of the . m o va n"rrîcîon Wadneday,"q OeIn lu mch a WUY » a eInprema w» the reply sent ouf by the po- jgpl. that ho wms drlvlng wth lice. hand. The o.KP" Jui a- -rit. 7og ma»%Aïd ha vii 21 way mmumd ooiuiauIl ho asmm d tbare wagM othing for us lu do tryi, te 10* g ooPO té, the btýtake bis ord. Ho gave Mhie home èw Zs<j ugý, M. w hef addrem# go Waukogm.itnad ot as Mogpd.MMiyaaikea," -sai 'on.eofthtei. "Ut7 aoçr"c' or thouh trillen. oWuemtma nlu«i- ilW l ày ltuà aturdey thate ti u aa uinmtla hlm enple*er hmd ha ie tntion tim quBfflmdet, e ry practice.fol- Ms atrMsa.O £wu« IWod h Kîlilgo. hosie.nW alte eJrMu e ! M lke 5*10w ,O i uton le: Wmm KIl. nuhoaeul al a bt p aur e tea lip 'Vusngont or both handm wed ue @ay e&Ob fth fe "m Cty 1",fltc ccident apperbed this ydleIeSrusno i aacf aemigla defcrmfned thaf lier boy vîlIl o9 Waukcdan, jly 2. suppot the vomait ha pronied te wina K il"a, 1638 West Washing- love, houer and obey.1 Opt gUraq, vho drives a motor truckt "Waltar muai gtve » is heYonneS fur lb. D. T. Webh Coal Company, wasbride, or va viii alinte hlm from J 1 àeomIenlJuréd thus moruing about Our home., We do et lova hie vile,1 11111 oclocli vheu bis truckc vas bit and wva vii ot bava bar ln oun bya soutlu-bolInd fraiglit trajû onut ' c home. Ha vilI ha glvau hie eheice "~ bwestern ralroo ab hot as bon Ai 1 laY cYas Ou hlm." ba amile vest of Green Bay road This efaemelnt was made te a Sun Swt* -sccond atreet. The reporter by Mrs. Muclie cocu sItar w demÔullshed. Millulaped a me- lien arrivai lu 'Waukeae. *cut beator the crash came, but was She epent ail et Pniday night lu *~tquicli cacugl t e-t ouf of the scarchin flcth e htals aud boundlng ~a.Ha vas hur-Iod,.limp aud bletti- house for bar 50 naud bis bride. bit, luto a dtch about 25 tact avaY. Sha vent te the iannai'y, but she 'POm kinri1es Are ai follova: Tva brx- learned tht lier boy had not procur- leu niba. cuisto ic behaud, arme snd cd vork thera. lts,4 and possible Interne] Injuries. 'if Walter le 21, vhy did't lic Killîsu vas dellverlng a load o! reagiter. He ddu't ragiter_.sud pister te flic Wilson tarin on Tala- 1titaeevas no eteon wliy ho ahoul. t grapit re e'teri le bmcdt happan-'lia la nef 21 Yeans old an flic girlt ad. lHe dkd not notice thc appreanu itoenctfcad hlm te panyryhar n ovSM of flic train and vas nef avare af ie thaf lei launder aee We wlll et icIt dangesr unfil bitlemachina vas square- hy aur boy If lut' ilI liset terasoi.a hY on the tracke Ilu the' paf h ofthfle but li ecaunof brng bis vite mb a urE eaPidlY approacliisg froight train. -Ha home. Wa villi mest hlm lu obtain-1 suifs lute becarna excited and id'bis îug a divorce If necesittiy," seid the çoufuslo% .gava bis angine fto, uoclimothar. péiolUne. fhereb)y ehohing if and stop- The boy's fathen i.ýs uperiutendu- >lut flue englue. WItb thé anginei uent e oneloflie largesf tan neries "dead" flicar vas but eue thing te In NMilwanltea. Tbhé boy bOld his d-lýump--sud Killan did se. But ha parents a wseIt 'ago that lia -antei was moenttoclateto avehi f0t gt ouf et Milwaukee and make self tram uuJuny, but liaunudoubfedly bis vey lu the vorld. Ha foi Yoed lis lita. tonrlad ha nef icaped Ihlie as coing fa Waîtkegafl. Xl b. vouuitihave beau crushcd lunflie apedth isfheknwNr lute trae p ii sEtoppa" suduccrew Çder n muCPa-nYiu t a kegsfl, caZIeId Hlali ta a sseaby lannhouse. go lie gava his son s laffer ot luire- 1The Ceni-ad à Wate 1 lmOtor anibo- duciion. Ha did nt kuose f at lis lance broetMthUicvlcf ln fo the jaue eau bad married i.ouise Sarnusoht Mlltâer itoptal. D. E P. Gavîn, untîl a boy friand in .%Illwauikee gave s»Sitau MifoçtheiNortht Western iail hlm flua neye. Z",&. amU DiaU theamanbuance to The boy'e fathar bed supplled hlm 4%f .t4oafflean sd attfend- vWl a utomoblib, sud flueboy's th tic ltin's inJurias belon.Uc ahn lmeftthlceOltgis -tiI ~5 U Stde.caurtcd Mis Sgrensou in tfluaute -w four qdw#e. - #AMA IITIIDY TWELE YEARS OU> Gres. ait es frinuug station lied a biuui&damlvearY Sunday, but viS ceSlebrate If on Thureday. 9=»W ulPossesion o!f t. sfafioU X- Osrf navy waa taken by Reur Att- mam LUrauBn onjuly 1 »05. 'llte con- pinutsa lid *ken six ye&anud If ,Wu thefrMt Iniad training station et tic navy, an" the largest lunflua Cautais moffetirWho 100k dgre ât râaB zbtaderv,êiu ù1eye. ira f* emberthelite ed and, bot lunflua parler o! banr home. MA ROD ÀT >O'INTSNEAÂR CITY' Grand avenue, froin flicNti Western subvay east et Gumue foaa point linosf reaciing the bridge ai flic river bas bacu givcu a nov cosf oof 0s ad fr;bcouple o! days4tf vii ho veil for matorigts, t ie ak su4lur coursc icu going veett ram Waukegstu Wcst 'Washington strccf< Iust beyond tironoBey reati. aise lias beau ouled durtug theo pat counfle a! days sud af ftue pi-sent fineie l rather liPPeny. b 041 elso luibeau placd ounf lu. q#4 tg~p ygad juifnor* oftet MmVIiiStation and siso on flie Golf public sud tgp.vl le tivrted tu Short- dan roativithl mise vs amrecoutly o41- Uira 1 aet anewarn alue. vo. vin . flufa UiartYiUIaipdt FUL IIXPLOUEi3 Near Panic at BroadWay The- ater Frlday Night When a Roiture FdrhExpolee. 10,000 FEET FILM BUENS. Firemnen Save Theater Buiki- ing-But Seven in Theater .at Time of Fire. Tan Uio'usand tact of film valued at $1.000 vai dcstnoycd by water sud fine; on annami afwly escapcd baing biured ta deafli. and the Broadway flicater ou South Ganase t reat wee put ouf et commission for twauty heure vbcu, Friday niglit, a film ln tbe movlng piclure machina booau exploded. The explosion happenqPýdlun the early evaning. luckily botora the shov bouse bacame crowded. Thene ver. but seven people lu. fthe bouse whau the film axpl<idcd. sa thera vas no partie. Jne Zelechover, eou ol'flie proprio. tor ofthfle pictura lieuse, was operaf- ung -the pictura machine, lu s01e usinier flic 'fae ep" film affadi- ment veuf vnong. sud the film bocki- ed Up in e the machine sud explodad. ln a scoond's tima 10,000 tact 94%tlJi. JUii. vis afiro. The picture macbina. operatorar stgred44flic dapr o«tle >oOtý. He ft1llit*adlong te lte floor mnl vae tlueipcarried tfa aplace et satcty by Policeman Max Lerythe, who vas flua fini tu give assistance. The tire departmcenf vws caltd but every Inchi of film lu Uic boof hwvs destrayed hefore flic blaze vas 'ex- tiuguished. Had thare beau 300 or 400 people lu tlic littia theatan whau flue explo- sion Inuit place, net oue af thoin would hava mot Inlury by tire, for flic fine'vas shuit lunflicstecl caglag whldu le naquined by 1mw. The oui? danger vouid have heen t nom a gan- tiraI pauic. The. owuar i'ethfle prc une lieuse sud hie aides vorl;ad ail niglit lu repair- Ing flic damnage autd ai Il o'ClOck blut aftrnoan Fnre Chief O'l"errall stafcd that tlic fliater vas as sale as muy te bca found lunUtcefeafC. Moviug picture, oparatoni claimi fluet the explosion vas ana vhlch'la apf ta bappen lu lue basf cquipped fluefaten lufle vorid. .They cdaim thet every device kulovu whicb se- guards fthe public was atfacliad te tlic machiue used et flic Broadway, and f bat the accident vas oea vicl miglit lappen te eveny machine nec ln use af leasf once ln 100 yearu. YOUNG WOMEN CARRY. CUPI)) TO AN ARIZONA CITY Waukegafl Young Women Wrete té Tùeon.Pdttmaster Asking for 'Addresses.' Tah Tuscon (Aris.> Citizen lu a ne- cent liue printedt ll. itemr, vhldh naturally luterasseWsukcga eOPeol bacause if givre f te sanies of tve Waukogsn Younig wvannho are vili- WnU te mako liappY te liveOt Young mcin vho are loeseme: "If thon. arcef vo lonesoeo ung mau lu Tuscen Who vielu, naY. year far comnis fit onrlfae, her eliculd atidrees Poftmamter Aonsftdt. Hielias ou file flihenas 0f tva Young vemen vlie viel to venture Info long range courtship and don'f givea sdamui vio kueve if. They vaut gret f0 get ac- qualuf cd. Tbey say titey are gond leokers auti-vaîl, liare's'tflltter: I-To the postnaster: I Twa youug ladies, cousidenadtof ha good lookint.- would likt e tcomo acquaintad viWtvatw Western yauung yau te gise us flic nsinas end sal- dresses >o fs ev' if you knov of nous, please pulish this lu yaum lo- cal paper. Il Titanking you lu adrance foi- this Il400 Clayton treet. Waukegan, ni. ""P tii5tt-ipmfpa4V pusouncsi ~iMuld sOPosefor cor- 1 Io *0 iMt- tbey varthtrmm fir regeu-OIcMn LEAUE Dy A WIN 1, -,,.ONW~T FRÔX1U 19URLEYS 'É I 1 l3AS ck I s Waakeganf, July 2. Former Lpca W~oonkeeper (By DAN M. CROSS.) sU u imself ta the It's a habit! And wtli Spencer MWerif Heatht On the mound if hccomiflg hrf chronlo! FI the seconld coisectvr IN CUSTODY SHORT TIME. time the McCann City Le-aguiers shut- Out & visfl&g teani. wbich, hy the way, His Counsel Expecte ta Get Hlm gives the locale a record of five white- Fre Tro ha Algd wisites out of elilif games payed-R 5 IIqohanAlee record never before equalied lu Wau- Error a0 Court. kegan. William CAmney, eonvlctcd er The brilfiant victory oftlte locale sellîna intOxicatlng lquer lu anti-es- aven the Mduricys Sunday places Wau- loon terrlîory. fOned 91,860 and sen- kegon on top ln the Cit y eague teuced ta serve fifty days ln 1.11. standing, altbougli the locale have flot gaye himsesf up f0 4ieriff Griffîn. plmYed as many nomes as somle of the Tcchnicaliy h. vas under arreet but ýothar teains. Haînrnond, which hai luIl reallty Ifvau but- a meiter of lield top honore sinca the echedula, terin for lue remalued lu the office opened, dropped a berd-foflglt game of the sheriff ouly long enougai for -Sunday. the locals assumned the pos- his counsel Attorney George llds, lion. i ta 5acure bis release on a wnit of Pifching the hast brand of hall that habeas corpus. liai been seau on the local lot thîs ses- The petitlon filad lu circuit court son, and vhlch lies heen equallcd ln yAtre ldspsu tath the paat only by Henry Pennes no-it,' yAtre lIspt pIa i aPpellata court basd cnt MoCanney'a no-run victory *oser, the Roseland fineLu hait, making Il $925 Jntead nIý Ëclipse team latsi ason. Spencer, Heath, bmicked by extraordlliat7 fine $1,850." Tiis jugment ot thc appel- support valut ight inuinge gans late court, eccording tu the contention the Murlsys vîthout e bit hcîng reg- 10f le Id, la void on lis face, as ha lslerad agaînst hlm. Untîl the fifth Lu- B>'Y flua biglier court nuas no rigitiful ping only tite men an lnnIiig came aitbcrity toeiitigate the measure et ta bat. vhiloe l sixof them efruckout. punlshinct. 1-e contende that vhile Qt the othdt nIne outg, Fley, a new Uic alpPellte court cmattafirni a Iug- iman et seeoc ubse, eecurcd four, the mnt or vraut a nav trial, that i$ other Ov bein« dividad îetvacu thea cannai reduce the ainouut of a jug- liciderà. lInflue fifth inlug KilbY 'ment. bootied a grounder and titen failld ta On this grOund ha agI t at hie cili- cover secoi Ou Snaen tlefd ateM e nt ha r-leaacd irom cuslody on & fthc bail rolllns ta canter field and writ Of habeas cOrPUP, and court of- &Jlovlng -the ruunuar taefaIte thînd. fliccys admît that if the circuit lutige Hleath, hoveyer. vas uudiaturbed, and hOlde witit Attorney laId titat M(,- eaPired th-?M1sidetho- ulmae. 'Cenney vîI igo iorth a frac mn. lu the eigbtit, bad Pitcher O'Neill liter hcariag Lh. pe44UM o flihe preducei a bit, theq gamns mîglt have atee? odaY Judge Udwarde ord- tons lto extraInsings fr tvO men r. the wni of habeas corus Isqued were on base et the time and the and fixed Wednesday. Luy Il as fthe Score vas 2 tô 0. McOarr- bail0111910d day on vhlcb fthc luarlug vilii faIe -the tiret bit o!flice day. Maftin, place. At tht fIie Attorney Fild vhiffad, but Picrun put MoGarry on1 I ilI prosant autborltlos vhicli le second sud bîmaecf on finaf vilu ia bit thînkeslibould causa the court to an- bctweau short and lt'ft. Haulon bon avwen th(- prayer of bis petîtion. nowed a Waukegan bat-sud sfruck. States Ateorney James 0. Welcit ouf. ONeill came up, wifli visions Of! essani cd today titat hea vould tlgbt gI-eat reuovn but rolled feebly f0 fthe effort ta tree McCsnuey on the Heafli.alîaged errer oftIhe higliar court. Wif b Ive dow i n lte tiret lnning, __________ flic locale acored two ruti- Jakublk second frein second ou Meteveils bit !3 PICKPOCKITS ta lait, vhite the baffer vent ta sec-j and an flic Ilrow tote icplate sud 1IÂn scored a momnent later on Bra n'si M È - R double f0 ighf uW,'I O'Neilll pltcbcd vel for flic Murleyst. -I M--1-C KLI but tour of Iba locale' ighf bits fg _____ urng in tlie ctoring. Oua bit vuweg registared lunte tounfli. snd fir eaDetective Srgants From Chi- niera coring ntout af run 'unflie cago Protect Crowds at Na- slxth, lte I,îcl of sccring bins <uel val Station Entrance. enfircly te flic breaks etfflie gaine and nef te peutr basa ruP"'ng. !'SWANSON LOSES BIG SUM. SPARKS PROM TfCIL:DIAMOND. I1niitii4ean ILuoges 15in rch tolded bis fi-tainad dcparted--o 'é and Two Checks Amounting more. lies titis wih Rogeýrs fiark. to $62.10 by Theft. Feli x Jaikutik vite necetut Iv -qutf te lot-ai-,te play wifli Font De>dgt-, Wastegan, June 29. la. bvamo1iiýd f ivig o prrnies Sevan date-tire sergeaute otfChi- et safary and r-îîîrned. Hec wt-come. c.igO. Sfiet 10lite Great LaItes naval Volt-y, a Sonthl Chicago man, lias ilalion ypsiî-rday by nequtet otf apt. joinedi-i- I.filling lu. a -eak NVllamA. Itffetf lu guard agaiiict spot at -f1vonîd.Ha Ieoked immense. thieest thflicNavy Day', celebra- It vas lite badlHeasthb culd nef fiait, anrecte-d fli-e alleged pickçiock- negitar a non-bit-no-nun gaine. For etq as ils- leaders et a gang et sevt'u. sevau iuuîugs lie leld flic Munîcys Thie thnee altcged dipc. vho s-ena htllcs, sud fithe its ln the lghth arnésea n d u frowu into flic hrig waniý regiciancd on . 'iitch-ots." aithflicstation.,.wcre: Josephu (Lag- pitciîes the hlttan ucually alleses ta gie) McGunIt. 'Dx' lohelon and Ed- go past him for balle. yard Meyen. They were ftirued avec Jîîiy Foui-ftîle locale vil' 'uaav a t taining station ofticers sud viii liard flot te crack lunflic Roscland lie prasacutfcd. The other tour- EcliPse f cai. Rluluchart. tormon1 "HicItie" Dean, George Vagie, vif b Waukegan, sud Hamilton, sud '1futoli" Smitîh sud Muse Barron, ofliers Ou thet aim arc velI knovu vere sent bacit te Chicago udar s liera. Henry Pentu, lest yaar'e premier, gurd. local hunIer, fcnMenly pîtchati for jDasiita e t act that flue gang vas ltoseland. broken up, nef oua, but a score on Sunday's statistica: mare, people living oun flic LaIte Murieys: 1 2 3 4 6 6 7 8 9 Shore lied their upckefs picked Tluuna- Hile-----------..090 0 0 2.0--2 day. Runbr-.-........0 0 00 0 0 00-0 Tl Waukegan 1 2j4 56 789'g Te fret minutf0sufer a lose vas Hile-----------2 0 01 03 0 2*8a îcagan v Ù>îeshe po<k t book Ruce----------..2 0o0o0o(o o o 1 *-î - vhile hoadiug au lecticcarz Uic NOW WERE ODN TOP. Icerner of Geueaee sud Washington Mluieys. AB. R.L i.iB-SH.PO-À. E. efreats. Smiti.l-40 0 00 20 0 Gafncy. b .. 3 0 o o o 2 2 0 Tbfs marning Swan Svansou, ef A. Lebsu. 1lb...4 O O O 0 7 0O0O McAllster avenue, sfated thaf ha W. Laban. 3b. .3 O O 1 0 I1 1O()ad 1sf hie pocketboek on flue etreet MeGrn. c-. .3,0 1 0 0 2623 canp vlils u-turnlug fa bis, home lu 1Pictun, ...3- î 1 0 o0o2 il olWiukeanu rom IBoudeut. The pockt Haulon.... .i 0 0 O 0 1 ô 0 book coufalued $15 lu cutreucy sud O'Neill, p.- i_3 0 O O0O01 0O tva checkses aznuufg te $62.10. Totale-.... 9 0 1 O 24 10 0' Thoas Tyrali stoati et the corner Waukcgau. AB. R. ll.SA.SH.i'O.A. E.,. et Waslulugtolt and Gcuasce strecfs t IÏOuuitnn. cf-.- .2 OOO0 0 O'ÔOOdurnug the rushlionne lunflic sItar- Jkbik . lb.... 8 1 1. o 1 2 4 1noon and there -à. ne -imaiou but U ~entvus, ll.4 1 2 o0 14 i1O0- viat hie premence if thaf terminal BrOm. c -....4 0O3BiS47 1i(O sent the"diEs" to tie sutluend -)f Iog,âBit-.... a iQ 1 1O0 j8 O fliceday'a tipr. Dufy, If-...... 8 0 4Q1 00 WlIllans, ri...î 0 00 0 1 0 0 Theaag" dWdp lld aforeait Hleathf pu.. 30i1OI*lkea vilI be giv.u eaiiearing oMp - - - -- --";tiea tUb-»". sud nt.laposetile Touae.... sa a a-3g.1 4M t1 *à ti t ek"ovt tethte gm StuiOut-hg Bliestuf;w #.,#y(NM4i. S.. Bas. ou ball e., ipbàu ; .911 attea ttowi reufin 0oII. 2. Tva-lisse t-rfU- Don- Tt là gatUlm ii ueman V W u" r bW la pIsS4tby t t &OUl5 Lft viiibisb n lu Uthe poket of i mon Ou baeem-Waukegan. 3; Murbees 3. Umpr--CasoiL Tbàe-1U4. ' - froci lAke O.est. CAL BRAIT BOARD Exemption Éoard fr TýorthKer Part of Caunty Organizes and Begins Work. ARE PREPARING THE LISTS. Thms Muet Se bone by iýy 7, AwailA * t ~net f rthe Ws*egan, July 2. Dr. Fremont C. Kuiglit af this citY lias beau alacted cliairman of Exemp- tion Board No. 2, whlcl i ncludea Watt. keaen. MW P. Wandel of WmukoWa bei beau selacted clark ofthfle board. Ex-Senator A. N. Tiffany la tho *tuer member of the local board, vitîc Iu- cludes the foliowIng towue lunILake county: Waukegan, Antioch, Naw- Port. Banfon snd Warren. 'fha selec- tlon af the chairman #ad clark vas vas, acessery befon. flic board could get down te business. Ward W. Willltatof -Highlend Park sud Dr. Chare Gellovmy, tva mem. bers of Exemption Board No. 1, vhlcli pllctîK Gà . 5IMIià im4"4ba1s cal board natunafly la belng kepi very husy. Theme copIe, muât ha complet- Pd and sent aut by July 7. Tlh. boIlai flien "iI eit w-dans, w4i pr*b- ehly vlilI ha isuod lml"eirl, giv- lus ta the licauilintv ta pracced vif b lbh- secflive couscnlptioa vblcb ta fa lili, lt-niie au army of 726,000 men. Memberso et lclocal boardsaaY lliey hâve recelvei flot flic ligitetee Intimtiîon ase le vleu fluaIt orklm l Af thie pnei.euftinte th-fn chief t-eu- Ve-n I. le gel coptes outhl. egpisina- littn 11sf eut on lima. A tart ef intpe-si le Ibaft-e a- t îptlott <card districts et lk,- coult>Sar,- nol tîîerely the nerîliandi soulli parts ofthflic cunly. but ta", diviusion ofthIle eunty le ftased ant Ittipititien. antîd uefw I, tiI ciiltt,: treâted ire divilîlt as fItleiv Fîrsi District--atikegan loi îthilî. ilenten, Newport. Aufiocît. Second District.-AXI]lie balanet- (,f tht county. 18l , t %et derlide. l hi- îtatu, ort i. Tvîî-r. ut IligillantilPari. vire r. M i. il i otr lasts-n u (11iig d itîol fl:i hipi. t Itif i t-t-sstr tçe Taillsît-' M rr9ý, out l.lî- ilt <iti lie Joliti \î ,, eto f îîl a townseh ipu a Demut 't - 'Vît il part yliues )itat uble-n tirasiaInl the naîuing or Ibis board, ut lthe amp finie lucre lia' elis-eu a <laie f0 stitf ef dis tde JI up btIwt-en fh-,two par TEST CASE 0F THE MINORS' MOTOit ACT liAS BEEN 61V EN UP Thena viii ha ne test case ot tht chauffeurs' ordînauce lu LaIe For- est under whirh-l 1evpersane undan 18 yaars of mga ara ual perinittad le drive meono cars. Titis vas decided yeeîerday vhen Mies i-allie Lette, dauglutan o! Fnank H. Lette, etfltha city, pald e flue of $5 sud caste et- ftan pleaaing guilty to flic charge. Authoritice e!LaIte - Foreet ane makiug a canipaign to enfonce flic te hcararested. The Lefla famlly 1.9 prominauf socislly, sud Il vas et eled ou Thursdsy thaf Mn. Lette vas plan- ning te carry the case to fteesu- preme court. Miss Ltta. drevflic 85 belon. Justice Vickammmn. ChiaI Gordan lias arders te anresf aIl undar cga drIvera1 and lie lus le- oued opifractions te bIs men te an- raston. and ml. Tht mciii, fbat If Wiukcgau youngters drive cars tbrouglu Ldkc ffl>res fiey v I2>p rrcte d at boit until a sati adonyboadà beoul arranged or , ealot me ; a justice eau ha secur>d tabaiM fi The Uiietyvllla InOpdtnt con- taisi, fie L&TI ca.y neye !j!ý Ê' SPection of tha local milk dainies sud battflug Piauleaeuld ha strifcieni. lu rcply tote Ii.4opinion Il base bêtu point cd ouf that such Inspection weuld nfl show the condition usior wbich the mllk lea producd-it could flot -assure consumera bluet bbc wia frae from Impurities. for whle eék wo%$K nef reooe au- IMblpkillq on etung the ~~*~ but If daefDot remove ltae Under tUic dly ordinance vhick goes lufo ,-fect July 1 if la prenid- cd that lu casee lc ItY fInde that suy offluhe dairles areputcf hclqffoUD- ductcd lu e sanilery manuen ftha city lias the- powen îo forbld local dairi-1 ftr m ufi-hs umre mW. of tila. unfil conditions ara rcmt-dld. PsU- une te comply vîihIbis ondar gîve the îity atiibority le raroke flic ti ceuses. Plilc-eman Iooth bas prarllcally t-enpls'ted tt-e wrk off'a uag s inspection ifut flicdifi-rent dairias tbreugliauf flic ceuiy. MRS. LUCY KENDA»LL Weil Kciown Resident of Wau- kegan Expires Following a Lingering Ilness. Af 11:130 'clork Ibs moruiug Occur- ned the deafli et anaeofthe fluabs knowti resîdanîs et lAIte counI v. Mn, Lucy A. Kendal Ir.e KKedal pase- ed away aI lier home. 1021 Norfth Couty street. lien dealli cuming ai sa greaf siîock te banerelatives, for if ,ai, but a few wcctîc ago ibat ber aster. Mns Treairail rtasmcd avay. Vit, dea-ed watt hemin lu tlîlb'n gitj insus3 cranud liast undrade et andtil adet lLaIte courify br home ail lier lîfe. Shé, bai l ved lu Wau- Itegan MauY years and lied bundrode Site l-aves te motruETAOIN .. Ste leare eue dauglifar, Mre. Mae Crawford, et Waukegan, tvo broUi- ers, Robent L. Smarf e! Waukegas, aud William H. Smnart o! Antloch, and Iliree ciafers. Mri%. George Wedge of Antiocli, Mrs. John Bain of Wmuke- gan. sud Mr sJohu Sithf. The lat- fer la nef a resideut oetIllinois. mrs. eKudall vas 65 years a! âge. Funarai annouuicemenis viii ha made Set urday. Mme. Kendal *s boru lu Mlburu on flic l7fh day ot Septambar, lu 1857. *T. rd"Solah.0 TeWd"Belai," ubicli la 6017 ï= the ical bo f the. 01 Pmalmu and tire. times in Hsbakkuk. It le probabil a terni wtîih bea meaning in fte muMca1 nomeeas of thte Hebreva, thongit viat t=a meanlug mal bave becu ln nov a mat- ter Of cojecture .F. BAIRSTOW imw u FACTURER 0 F Marbie and Granite monumnents Cemetery Work et Every Description Corr..pondence 5olcitéo PURE MILK SUPPY Polnted but h Immlnp.- tion of Local Botfting Plant le Not Sufflolent. START THE__lNSPECTIOÉ. bémiere WIikrýWb d d fot to Purohase i Dirymen Who ltave Unlf rDll waukegan, Jane ». The plan of the clty to lnmpeck *l of the one hundred and twenty-fIve dairies which are suPPllt ing lk tO the local dealers eau have but orne effect-lt will ImpTove the quality 01 milk ha La asold to the coneneT here. one city conimissetoner wÈo vau lncllned to think thal lt ic flot MeN- eguary for Waukean b o 0D Lbth tg d ti t il tg

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