>E1~DEnTTH.I&Y, JULY 5, 1917 'i Womnt9' fri,.nd ta a Large Tria (iotUla0f Sanol Prescription. Iice for blak htads. Ecz.una and ail rougit skia and clear compleion. A real sktia tonte. (jet a !5c trial ottle at the drug store. uledieesctlocf EflIee,e la the aet cf eflclsncy, by aay ebeae. umnhadreced? Mladrected to- *10 produts asnaend ln ltalf. la- obobd of toward the developuftut of1 vte* iitiative buman ladlvdl- > workast.ubeai product laj ý; Utweath au incidmrt-nfl wh, for the very joy of the worklug. wemrt exploaveiy.-IndustrlCl Manage. Ilent. A Lma Range of Masmialua à great range cf inintaini omnS tarneff m ithe castemern sd of IL»a Amm1romtbwetetabeod the Mins @Mririver. In places thlywere a mie ig. Weaber and ,olcanlc se- tien woré tbem dosa. tbe sea covered t hm and toda>' tbey are prairie. tm'O - y- FullY equal ln 'eTqS QOSIt ho the Most expanive Phoo- grapit and will do everything hat a Talldng Macine eau do -The MELoDOGRAPH la c Mater Macbine for C0* ih pwg for iII ai D. LDavis lut wse.. Frank Patsrscp and wUle villeS Mci. and idra. poumron utiliocklard, avec là$ weekend. M. and lMce. Arn SehIleber and danglar Hln..ltdrM. and idr. Arnold of Lalirmpguaday. v. ami Me. amuel Frciasch and dbugbtec aifEcglewood. are vùdalii M. ced Me. AL. MaMie M"ta yu. J. A.Reichit, gr.. aMd I L Rebcelt, Jr., lat Tuaadar foc Juieburg, Cala.. wbe the, yUl vist fKuibei eiceol tuc two weeke. Miss Me-lb.Ha i enUtailud the Si. Pm],@ Bamagelleal Chiaah Ls.gué Tri- dsy evsulng." "mes.Prank and John Hamcet of Chcago, vers the gueaia of Mms. Klemp Sonday. Miss Frances Biedeesadi wus lh. wsk.emd guet 0oh er doter, lMe. BOY ilckina o! WUItls. mm LucelledROY West of EIgln, aani lb. wek stcie in ofahGeorge 'aia. Me. Sarah Adama and Lois arn viat- log ber aon, E. S. Adams aI Graylai.. lMca. una Sherman la speuding tb. wesk witb ber son ln Chicago. Wns. Gcloway la movlng tat the Match hume. Christ Menxer ced wit. apet Suaday wtb A. lMenier of Sherme"vll. James icfoway iavîng solS is fart la moving intoMdcr. Vedere place. The Boy Scouts bave gane ouitfoc s buie anS camp ovir lbe Fourth. LA1RI COUNTY mA 4iETS CONTRACT TO BUILID NEW BRHINE Mrs. George Lnder aud cblidren of Q.q iv.ej.t re ElFmbursi, werehbe guesîs nof1ev.Leader ~,~4 pVU S4II~ Qlasi week. SMiss Clara Pyle cnfrprtadned the Mu Edtedby F.J.DRUCE Phone il Sigma Chf, Thursdayeveaing. Theeven. t Ord ra Talio n fo r Jo b W or k. ing waas@peut ln playlng carda. MIes ck*.dvriiing raies on application. M Lidred Whiing wasi awarded tirai pries -ani Mies Rida Blorenherger second prise.. Everet F-ook oi Chicago, epentBunday Miskleanac Meyer insatenalOm mer wllh hic parent@. sehool at Lewis Instituts. C. W. Crary and A. Gi. Tenoni tranfiacteil Mie's Dorotby Supple wan the guest of business. mise REunice Knox ci Highland Park, Miss Vîivian Seeshuiz oi Witceata.lfaut week. K<an., le vlsîitîrg lier parente. Mr. eud LMr. aud Mr@. S. P. Hutchison relurned Lira. Edgar .eeultz. frain Glemburg Friday wbere ibe>' have1 Miss Loretta Way apeni Saturday and bien visting Mc. and Mr@. Ray Geniciiel.1 Suna>' in Chicago. Mr@. J. A. Reicheli and daàgbter Elîza- Rirs. White and wffe oii Libertyville, beth were tbe guesta of Mrs. Howard @Peut t(aturday nighî ab the bomne af Lipse>' of LiGrange. l'riday. Alred Meade and lemly. LMrs. F. . LMeer wa@sthegueio ofMra. Mr. and Mcs C,<0. Lungabaugh spent Alex lirebuer oi Lake Forest, Thursday. the week-end with Mrws Sarah Lange- Mr%. Joseph Liuriaeand son and Miss baugb. Elieabeth Kinse of Dubuque. Iowa, are Wm. H. Ceveland of Mt. Va.w, Okia., vilbiig Mca. Ed Sellâg. ls vidtins relatives bere, Ahnoni Front la fiiiai the St. Lukese a. . Oleoi iransatted îîugines lanbspta". Obimego Monday. A. SLhaffer of Eveustoni, sire the 3.80. Adam@ and fantil>' mutored toiguss iMieldcdWlogSua. Cblisago Bonda'. LMr. and Mre. Vinard of St. Louis, are Mma Loulie Thoojeoun was a Chticago viiug their aon, Lloyd Vinard. 8 Panar Mooda>' MhissenSida and Mabel Horenherger )Dnt fait t. g.t a hc, it if <ue Luela vFiiied their Cousin, Miss Ida Bebrens ofl ehoeolalao s ai89c utth, itelail tort-<iencui, ibis week.t Drmes rug Co. Mr. aud LMre. Rumayae Stryker andt ThabOanOeca Star# eniartîioed oeveral don Alvin of Ciffgu, art viiting ai the t entelde Chapters lafet Friday eveolng. hume of Dr. T. L. Kuaak. Abouat 200 were pc.a.î Lre. Albert Clapper and dotoul Chicago, Mss. y. l). Batterst.î.ll of 'A aukegari, aie %siiîg Mis. Clapperaé parenite, Mr.t wm a vlahi<ic berc,- isuti<Mia.. 1 and trs. -nrry Segeci. e]bih i. sîîlit cin th. ,t.-In ;raî.. 4 Iiaefy Elle unir fumiity, Mr. Iluge-re fakte i!c!-. X.,iii .lii h.î t.ii.tilîî ,ice th,- 8Iici ic..k itiii'î.î ,î.i, 1. u,.td 'A l r.uni Me.f. Wiin, i hissêi« i iHi Un. Mr And. \irý, Et 1 ,I f tWaukeeh 'l, tuii, " -.ertei l ilo"f ,i vt,ite t il-ir -, î,lbtiî- iei,l-in MandM" 14M.ise lifrr,l WiiItiitci agoa . ~Me i,i .\c,.igî übepp andt opeedlng a oUn.t t Laiisun uit 0444.1 auglîrer l.iiiieali i .eue ere ti,-c (;rayalake. g-ýt af ir. M r t M edii lrn. Ms. Water 1Àtille ut IL, iii,i 14ak. wu,.iî.i, a elior ber.- Mutila>'. r1). tiactwu. and Iîiiîi i and Illîs Mdes .na ADini..aici i tre stî,jj'Àng LÀui ii> laciUUO Uit 'hiag, Vuimed ai the 1t uil lire Liirr.% l, a 'i buis l 'W I'.i oit 1 ý UuLt iPt..re 05.-cthe o .'ik- dayu. ; u-td Mir. ESssîleaabegiviitor Jun... arie>' and wiie af New York,t uo*da>. liied ai the nomne(if Eugeue Ender lat T1%rs wâg #alanre atte1iiiance ai the w,51. Red Cri>tntaitrii, bon:" ai Mrc. Wn. ic. Fred Hatcb of Spring Grave. Peter Tueeday altfrau. deiuunstcated caning t.a îthel)eefileld Dayyonr lParis (Green at th Iteli Calng Club Monday. Store, leeah tork andiiesi grade. Djnce Mnl. Wm.ltaeY's$2SO Airdaie. Brigt I Us'ag Co. S.auty, wilIlbe ehowa ct the Wonaans Uiss Béatrice, Wagner îeturned îrom Kanùul Club ofiillinole.Dog show ai ihed PrOtre View fat Friday cter a visqt Ed&Owatec Beac hBotel, J ly 13 and 14. witb relatives thece. Mr. Koeblin of CbicaQo, W&& the guesi LA EVILLA MdiseEva Bowling aiilEugene, Oregon arrived fast week toc a iew weiks viei wlth relatives and ftchads. She wae a ceaident bers up 10 a tîw yeerse ga wbeu she witb ber parents movid wet. Edgar Kerr la apnding ibis woek ai Mfl.M.J.N fbis home here. _____________MuasFlorence] Ker aiCounucliBnff& Th. Ladies' Aid aôct, *111 servi les Iowa la visiiug at tbe Jas. Kerr home cream Thuraday sesalg, July 12. boe. Mise Isabelle LeVoy ai Beividece, Il., The Ladies Ad Socety wiil meti wiib la uallng ou aId fiandeanSd vieluig Mr«. B. P. Lowry ai Fox Lake Wednos. rlatlai. day Jol>' 11. A Picale aupper wlIl hi RageasSlîaug cI Waokegaà adcenr on>served. Wlbur et Calfornia, were Mlburu Mc. BarditBowling 1lit ct rday vialtirà TouSay. f oc a euîmere vieil wiih relatives la Cl. JeeseDenuman, gr., la vistiug bie son arasd. sud famil> for c tsw weekg. The B. Shepardaon faml>' la enteutinlu M. es4duett liii TusSa>' for tbe lug an auna and cousin tram the wssl. vmee. Mma Paddgitt i ,ltsd relatives la - tbeagoTossdy ced Wedanday. Mri. Ella Day nment and son ClauSe of W. B. Stswaeri t 1wilk spt seviral Chicago &pent Stade>' ai lb. M.. S.Miller Scys ln Wcokegthe usat Wet. homo. H. B. Twer expeci b havi" la a short Md. A. Kapple and wiie @pent Satorda>' tin.. tor Sq1ht9op~t. Mais, le @pentd a sud ISanda>' wilh relatives et Cryata tew m aua"r colS home. iLake. .Mr. uud-res. Peter Siceng and daugb. Frak Sherwaop @peut several days ter, MiseMadeline lefti Frda>' foc a e iw bis wiek la theeli>'. woeka wlth relative@ lu 0h1o. lMca. Blanche Lusk and baby ai Chica- Sevecal roni ibis viat>' spent Thurs- go are vtstlag (hi Nadc and Fred Ham. day evenang eh ibelGcayelake Easiern in famille ibisweek. dziiù Chape. Lic. Page ai Newarki, N. J. le vlltteig Mise Hooos J. Cannon, dauWbte brda ai is.E adok E. N. Cannon, and Dr. Milton A. Wîies e agtrMs .Cdok of Chuepo, were marrieS at th. Pa-aon Me. J.RB. Wetiake, Miss Myrtle West- ega MW àaDa>' atternoon aI l o'clock a.Sàrlaks sud Miss Ursula Kicein of lver a&,wèdOno dnerecwaesseýved 10 a îsw iLaie epeni lait Widneaday wilb LMra. C. <inviteS gueta ct lb.home ai bac parents. Hanlin anS $ten.dthb.canning 4em. Mm.I. 4. Weiss lb.heoldet dughtee<>atrt - cf B. N. Canonand a graduaesaurés il R. Huoes>'bai resalgned- 4isposition lOblcgo. OorMutitleettïudsd. 'viii the Hrwbaogh LumberCGo. - JOEQMEL«!L SUED FOR.$35,OOO ON À PROMISSORY NOTE Lake Forest Hardware Mercli. ant Nam.d etndant in a BIg Sut FIIed Here. 1 -RECALLS COURT ACTION. O'Neill Was Found to Be Dis- tracted an-d Had Conserva- tor TWamedMarch 5. Josepht O'NeliI.a 1L:îk.'Forest hardware marchant, wi. anie-ild- fendant ln a suit for f i)ilied in circuit court ýby thi (niîiineîutai and C'ommercial Natioftal btiîk o! thicra- go. The suit la on a liroiiiissory fnote' O'Neill lea alegid 10 have it-iljAt,. gost 23. 1916. O'Neill made thi boan foc a pprtod1 O! six montbs ai the rat,- o! 7 pic VAN SICKIE WIELDS SICKLE'ON FOREMAN; IS 61VEN $25 FINE ANOTHER CHGKED TENANT. tSection Hand Tries ta Get Sat- isfaction for Poor Meals by Cutting Foremnan. XXhi n .i.n Van .'iciui,. iilpIo1..ii as 5.-ct ion tand on thii -Noi'th SIiii eiectrtc, didn't like the eoiutig tf the' caok tri the. - c car .'qoitlmeiîi. statlofl.d souiti o! the .naalstation, hi telt the ç,rop<-r man ta kick t10 ss tb4 fOcemiri.iJohn CAMP,. Ife :ickkirk' Campç Irrw> o paclty iîim 1tof'iii the argumen t wilc foiiowed. as Van Sie- kle, too d jnio-.m th,- boxiear asud Camînp sas be-tmw, the former grabbed a knife esIl d tsrled 10 mib Catui). Tii foreman .reViorted Wthe >-North Ch. rago poile, -bo took Van SichIe t10 (Officiai Publication) Report cf the condition of State 5811k of Cake ZurIcb I.iii.'ýt l aLt. /.uriîim, State of Illinois, before' the cornmeoce-neus of business to 1, 21.t da1er>îtJune 15.17, asi made iii the Audîtor oif Pulic e couatis of te liSt A imtepur..Iaîm)t to i.ao. RESOURCES 40ioli. iii .l........t..... . ....... ............ ..... i I ,,îmi le iii. îii......... ............. ....... :î< i»th.îr 1lamîîîi i .......l.t.........................,4,7301 94 $69.280 94 2 <lcrdraft,..... ............... ........ ...... ......................1 3. 1o t l' leiti.: 'Utid , tat.-,................... .(i'Off0l) i a ii iirity aîiniîiîii-tyi ...................... 4,800(1 00 1'OIieve.iu rlîl Plr.t................. . . . . -,72 54) ()th.'r tî,iîîie andii .eiiritîe, ........ ...................... 2,9>5.500 14,627 50 4. Msetn-iîsl.'îuis liankilig boiuse ............ .. -.................... .. .... 7,'.-o8 72 Furnîtuw and it îîre ...... .................. 17o1 48 ()tl ,r .. ... ...i. ...l. .. ... .. ... . ... .. il i..) tri frontBaniks. National ...............>............................:1:3,42M 4 33,428 1;eh ul n Hand: Currmnoei........-..................................i.l( 0() ([îîld Coti.......... .. ....>.................. I 190 .oilvër -ii.. ............... ...... -..................... .... '-5 4;14 Mlnîîr ,-îi ..... . ........................ 125 (68 (,8618 63 M >h.r Cash i iourie. th.ekso anîl iîthr cashiteiî,-îi.......................... 285 (0 Total ltesuurî-ee ............................-..................$1 ,3T LIABILITIES ELA PLANS NEW BRIDGES. John Brazili of Barrington Sub- mits Lowest Bid-Awarded ContractFriday. John BrazilI, o! Barringion, nl Friday, was awarded the contract for building a reintocced concrîte bridge at Barrington, lis tîld fec the wac, biing $1.850. There werî two uther' bidders. The ibre.' hid> were: Jtobn Braztll, liarrIngton . . 11850.i00 Jo ' Rutt.North ('hicago .. -2,247.35 Continental Bridge Coa... 2,886.00 The bridge late to ,. uilti by village aid. tbat la tbe village wtIi pay haiti the cosi o! the improvement. The1 structure -wlll repince an old wooden ridge that bai .'xtîed ther.' forq someUtie. The plant.a15te bave the work complotec 51 the enrleet pos- sible moment. 1 Cousideceble bridge work la te bh. done ln lb.' town of Ela efoce long.* but the' plans wlll net be,combletedi before the nexi meeting o! the counîr l"here la beb.' a bond election in th.' iown o!fIEa on Jiîiy 10. ai whili1 lime îthe people wili voie onthi, g muancesui sofumwortb 0f tonds for the, ceos4truiie'on of hridg'-ý. [zIt-Il Ttîe wî, csî t,eîi t îici.t i.. ii -,,;ir 1 if ever, mesepi IbIs eectiîînlamt Ttîilaviiy a(ierluuîtî Aterrîlli' rain andîlhal -.iurm w tutu dune i1ite a gîîîîideal mii damage. A heavy wlnd aeeampanying Ali indicationt» point ta a very saile Fourth. Not evea a lire craeker was heard.befon ithe fourth whteh te very1 unusual.1 Me. 1. L. Siver entirtained ber nielce1 tram Chicago a lew days laei week. E. P. Siver entertilnec compan>' SUD-1 day.9 Ama Corrda @pent Sunday with Warner1 and Chari.>' Colby la Kenoaba. Tbey1 ilvsd la titis cammunityr when boys., 9 Wili aud Leoca Corrda vlattd Griati Laies laet Tbursday, but the @terni Iateciared wiib lb. prograni. Meis. P. F. Sive entertained ber mother and brother Sunday. Mes. Brookiios and noee callsd on oid friands oune day laut wek. Orrie hnemss of Wbitewater, @peut Fuld&a clt wlth the Corrla famly te vieit l@ is 11sou Bugene. Laurs Corna accompauied bhmeison Saturday. The annual raunlon of tb. Bennet amlhyiwaa beld Batocday, Juge 30. ai the bomne of My. and Mr@. Allen Dixon st Boserons.i Mim Iros eWhssler ai Springfield. icn vialdug ber aunt, Mr@ es.(a.o. VcFrrl. Mrg. WIII Mdviii. enterialned bert Ims »aice, M&TIy, EvlYD and Charlotte Scot, Do Yeu gei up et ubgt! sanel la sucely (hi hast for &Uci uS an sd bled dec trouble. 8"nnIgivea relief ln 24 bourg !rom, ail beekache and bila- dec trouble. 8"0lal a guaranied cemedy. 35c and $1.00 a bottle ai Due drug store. lii irr. for lnac n(eM il.- i, <ili- .*., CI. te-. , -.n D Fir.t ~ trit,"hr.-.."r:'!' r nr- ake Uilla trust and$avisos Bank-. o;t ,! hours and sou i î. ;e i tiii n 109. vo!> I aiinfý, uchaýfrioy,ar iha., bl p ri'e i nt.!~ .~i 11oi eiiiii,'eumieîCeî t business 1h~~'M rnluîç'prce" 2lo(IY i Jiiî* 1917. as mif-titi he ,tudiîiir of Publie. Arcounts Of Ili.- nustialPetiolera i t] thp rtin.rii-rin the rretiîîh ieîrtî lii> tîr'if lii ai, , uîhîIcLulas. liparing ln c'ounty court s 'I 'lip ,"feth--i halîino rs eiroiçaîiy, I .troit, EOR S ViiiEinnet or a conserva' r. lîttî lias, hii 11.01io Frane .by ii.'REOUCE goverrninîîni He cors Into l'rne f.:îiiînne:, GO. OWE SGN 00 BLL n Bti'lî orîmaso. 0 dd> iîaîi1 fceil esiate........................ ............. 4-,0m)1i GOV.LOWDN SGNS OOKBILL on Brtilt crririsio, I -tuy tc)jàf oi n (mu1lterai eeeuriîy.. ....................... 8,204)00 III, Ilntted r 1- 'types of Frenchi seroptane imotor,. (ttrlý,aîîeandl disct......... .............. ....... -5 8, 01 *,05A M Springfid, III., June 28.-mn the prprtryt hlwrowic i tvespne face of vigorous poesafro rtUnited States ta ibe ork:....lb................de ...........................32 ou 3u20 bkdelr prttewtt! do on blq retiien ta thi§ country. Oliher loonds and setnriles ...........................'1,5-(0 0 01 352 boo deler ofthe atate. Governor when hie wl engage In mantifacture 4ý Miecellaneous Reeouree: Lowden today slgned Senator Bailey's Friueadtiue ................ ..... of aeroplane motors for the U. S F.iuean xue...................2595 bill regulatlng the sale of text books 5 Due fromn Bank@: ;ihntesa. ne h i i goveruiment. He' goes wlth six others. National ... .............................................. 8,938 69 8,938 69 pubhiaheo oobcstaea r e rbir.___________6. Cash on Band: publishers of achool books are requir-Corcency................................................. ,2C7 100 ed to file with the staperintendent cfj Mrm. F~isher. of Lake Villa, whos.' Goid ... .. .................................................835 00) publie Instruction pria. lista, together son, Archie Card. ln a member of! Siver Coin ................................................ 1.M75 with copies cf the books. Bourdae o Company L, Tbirtieth infantry. U. 8. Minor coin.................................................834210 4,651 95 7. Othpr Cash Rfflotice: education are retqaalred to adopt books A., la lhueb worried ocer fallure Io Checks and otJ>er cash Item@s............................ 700 7 00 from tbis flioi and ara prohibitsd from hear f rom hlm ln over two wee'i. He Total Resources .......................................... 181i1 chgnling them Wilftlfva years. The always before liai wrttten frequeutly1 LIABILITIES bill further apeciles4 that ratailers cari- She nos fears tliat be may bave bien 1. Capital Stock Pal&ln ....................... . ....025,0W00 neot charge mors than tonnpar cent sent tu France and bas been denied 3. Undfvlde<l ]Profit* ..... .............................. ..... 2,012 55 above the publishera' lsted prices.. the privilege of Informing ber. She Leu, carrent interset, expene and taxes pad . 1,988 99 286 GOL RIE'T B OWRE1asked this paper to help determîne 4.' e"fs COAL PRICE TO BE LOWERED? the ~TInR@certilcaes. ......................................0$16,419 79 wlB>' Vntthin te cae bt SW.DR. ,ubjàt ta noticeý............................ 22,812 79 Wshington, June 2L-People t h.! chances are, If is regiment bas been Dmn., abWet 10 cbsck..............................22.4710O5 61,»B8 es United Statea will Cet cool for $1 and sent itbrûad. it won-t ne known until BiMullanae-.. .............« b..............i.000 ,000 $2 par ton oheaper durlinq the war the' boys are on Frencb soli. Totai blablities.................................... bthan they aram now paying for lt, tthrough the action today ofthe cen-1 The plant o! tbe Wlntber Botor I. George A. Mitchell, Cashier of the Lake Villa Trust and 8aistUga Dok, do bmitte. of ceai operators atlinq in con. ilTruck Company' at Wintbrop Harborolemnly sear dte a i bc,,sttement la tni# tolb.he.t of my kâow~mn Junetfon with the ceai ee.mlttee cf' sas ellgbtlY damaged on Tbursday bhilfse. A. ubteff the. national council of 'dsfbnae andI afternoon b>' tbe hall stormu and water ST4TE OF ILLINOIS, (0UNTX OF LAKE, sm. 1Subscrlb)ed and sworn W0 before me tbIs 29th day oi Joue 1917. S.cretary Lan.. The ilofetmit ftIowed' spout wbich. passed over Wlnthrop M-8. Mllir, NoWay Public. patriotie appona by Soitarfy Lana }larbor. Windows ln the plant were and the defens. ceussfI te the ceaI broken by the baillatones and there eMirotera. The agreeinSdf .#ecta 40!was a sllgbt loas on accouai of tbe ppr cent of lth eani oofiit 6 h.'looda whicb followed the beavy raii,.T y ~ i I d p i d n a tA Tuesday JuIy i 7th At Chautauqua Singers PFrom the Famous Tgsýçge Institute to Be Hiere Chatut uquaWp w E are ho hale amé gif f gol d faPhiomed litâtliemuod4ea aug1 W chautatiqua' weik by i i Booker T. Wamhiflktofl àtnà ion. ým" t1~fmSs Tumkîgée 'Normai and ludustial iius;titutt lt Whlcâ< bO late Bookeur1 T. Wiashington was fcundee-.,i --i - These silîgereesbhave traveled avec the con i nlt&Àl Bina. Tbey bave bein beard oun omeocf the Mosal fashionable lecture coMrss-l b I eobti>' sndt bavea clpes.aed lu an du frmeghctt metodtes, whlch vili le a feitue c h n oqa folk eougadialed enrýlnUa aasu alu.eUd Tutltute.'.1 1,uet , .. The men are c bighly Iralfsd greop c et W i J t»ý 10 haou est rai lla .Ty eh le e mthe IMf ««14 cent Interest. ltfelIldue- FebruaryinieaptlStci adla-------------------8500 < 23, 1917. For trylng ta wield the siekie. Vaji 2 Surplus Funde ......... ................. ................ 1,750 00,1 The bilîl etp up bal oriN arri 5, ikewsfc -1 r ogttehy 1:1. lf4%ivided 4'r,îuitte.................................1,tatti 29 Lieencrent intereel i'xpetlse and taxes paid- 811 28 1158 00 ONeill after a trial in e,.iintv court JutieNees.j4. 14upoist@: at WVaukeganu, wasndjuitg,-i to b.' a Vicior 'Malleka was fin.-d $10 anid Savîngm,. euhfect la notlle..---------------------.........11,484 55 îttsltracted persan and tbe Stale bsok costa on compisint of hi., enatî lt Demnand, subjeci to.i-b ...i-k---------------......---- é,7146 406 of Lake orest ws aiii,)intéd on- 151: Victnaanitret-ertitieaoseP.t................................. a,192 o o!Lae-Fna ws hiiitîiu cn Vcora .tet !. coedhi acliers eéheckm ...... .............................. 7 00) 103.M30 11 sprvator. Repeeted ciiîi.ha woman in lr)Iiîg lutint. t "r fa5Tuai Liahititiee ......................................... .$131.738 i-l O'Nillor the conseraor i<ké,é ent shieh eh.' îaid e h ad ntri i.v il ýJ. Irisl. I oct( ýier iifli0'-iîlt, stai,. uftlllitiéîiso. lîiutot f mLake,.lse. th,- noie havi been wilriijt ulail a'- Vanid. île îl-,i<i iii It . Pl ni i I ,,,-Xii ielidé) lI.seoî rIl%, îîH.~nî sonl eoe rordin'. la the eteyoi- ni ad, é \lîMke Shoui. aofXVsii ý-i i.sf.ini.i îar îhiî t iiial,,.e staement ist,e %il-i)fiadluent foem III. itl.cd $:t and lcii-m . îst atplain iik t i tb'e ln iv knowtedRe and h,1li,1. thîle titi, day ofJunp 1917. .::~: ii (-iu-ate. ulufu a! Yié- r :iiri toi r iF.. AIFick,. Nitacy Public. Iii îtia te t~t ~, i,-i.i Ne 1 si-e é) nut-lui itn i o .î i i iin ME 13 REUXLL STORE 'The Store That Saves Yoo Mome9 DRWCE DRUG-.CO. ; krajysl«ke, 111.