I M£IeUaAlbreht, Cor. AU Indoar Excursion condncted hi the r <ltkAban uavor ocllet ai lb. Ana l ~OMN[euaUoukl clurch avec Lb. corner 4t! i*pl soi Laboet-MUlsat CommuatilIl Illouse july 91b, 1917 a% 8 p. M.TYna viliib. orrylIfyou mis it. A dînlug car VUiib. utteccbad for bungmy excursianurs. Toot. toot. a&l &board. 'Mise Barriet Giyuch af i lwaukee, apeu odai et Lb. borne oi Mr. and Mn., R. C. Kent. 1Mie. Lilliau Brwn and a f riend iram Chicago. apat 8uGO&y viîb ber mather andillita' hbore. iqpLulu ()&k a.uborne over Sun- r Ulm Lerse Meer rturued homie Bat- trdi avenlug aller a vsek'g vudt vltb friand le a Milvaukee. MU. ne.oyd (l3odrel and Mie. Helen ase aun pmdlng lb. veel aitb.h M". alrM. Chai. P. Pratt aud on or Dcbsstit.N. Y., arrivaiti han SoudaI qvoMlg for s tva velsvltalet the heo Mr. sud lMn. C. LPratt. MM. Fruel Murray 0a i Wrl. Ole,1, W Um ltmothransd allier telai ae la or'Ilsp Mms. Daeeludion sud son 01 Ohicago. ave sg the< l. vek vitb Wsucanda ag Or&li emr an hvWsllg relativn@ ait Lo«nG oui. MbInn My saedofol l<biand Psrk, le.spsuaUg lt.*ve.k st thehomeof b er aa.MM. D. fi. Murphy. omsdacrt la to begiven hi tbe VemacuDa Orchemsaon next Waiuae. "aY avisig, Jniîl ltb ai Lb. fiwai tehol grminasiefi n.pragracutbue bisit grnvaed am ioliovs: Uure-musms....[........... Ocmba Voca UoSie at...... M%.W. Cool cormsoio-lluodm Fantasia...... .............. iewi rIt Bo.bmel Va-@4 Mou. Haror .... . .....rchstre EssusgSiecled..155Doroti Brovn V1ola8lo~8elcti.. lsHiatiDvoral Usetoa»-40inlaGorolte ... Otsr tisehit o4a.>SIeelDW.... .EdvlO Pisgg Tua i ilo"Hak. arIlbLI" ... . .... . ... . .......Pelil eliaiw Flao ob-ismaai Buis I Basstt Po elay"Klg ia..orchstri i 9- a Wte& ..... i.mBravi VIol..........ta . MUlm Diou MM-ldouulAir ...... Ocher 1IMs uiouio iifitâent entertais .u w* l vi, lu aucoassudU y«u mi» Il y«on viisenra re treil Ae agtstid. A. (). mýouhr ma&t ie s tu b. City i Mn.asigUn. D. Lyon@ofaiChicait, .@Pm%*$lbweek-end viLI Ibeir parent. mMsd mm. F. Mtchell- A. C. fllibwdos u"i ve sud M. W. Ki4t vwon dtyalutm iMondai. Mg..PrmnunMd amF. Blancilf @peut flSaseMaabtlaepeuding niera bw *Mt r am 1Grbyakse. Mn anopiihmtae speai nday st lb. DMaoaeu boiptal vItitber slota, Uh Eamr. Emma Mail. of Chcagao, visitai vlLb ber abse. M. .MmLLUelbs Bonaday. [Iua&uMd UMilditai ltinhulr ayat BSaefa.y honi.. M&. W. ilaacleiul asfew daIs ai Mi.Cam visitai her m tadiaulil t Waakegaa Mol.d u ilnslatin la tb vo* vIOlh«ierasisn, Slcbard, vbo vwu eMU b" a umion bsn. KMu A. e.Mails, ualMn. L. L. Uutloe Suredt 'dilte rs ricy. Mir. 0*4 UM. Itilsuti of Cicso, fera vil ba patriodi e tiugla the ab**ehst SIfflDay Semdw evl stli7. BM.i.ud*9tassaqueoailm Am l4 OMM Auxils. OSeatr IL -& Svlil selAty. .8. MILan Wol lAie.vOla mi oâlefpromlsiat u ail qqak. Fb lMi@ oesl Ma i fara *ismal. Eeryca Ivitai. no aisos ha.é Fb lddw imAin iimeeL viit Mn§.P. Min Krimm, vWaovW»operaled ou w lbhe saousse oeolia Ma nprovln Chaduanto. vIa ayant lasL viol wt* vil 4iir, n.L.b.ithoi tgt.euelfableb on la lb dCiy suuduy OanTe.laE uoraisgliens26, 1917 alSldR3iebl~*SuRdoffhoGrave. DL ML a~~iaeu ditamas0aiAplehli v éiel tausI Frobusucer t WC" Ob IP.aS 091Fvlie MUI t ~.wsa -Jws ~ 'n.of . M. and lMneSay Kmaisudtidaugh- terni Park ftitie @Ayat the *firot ai the ve.ket W m. Scbrecka. ie. Serina sud Weley Boar- are apendlug th summer ai Ibeir home bere. A. Chard and iamlîY ai Autin are vlsting rlative.. T'h. Benjamin family aifUchkagaare qipng Ibeir atinat the AlIeu meort. lMn.W. Sellar adi danghter Balan 0i Ohio sud Ume.Cava Uarh 0ai Kîuo vire ofit ai . m. Munh Tueday. DEU3ESNEW OUT WELL HUR Chas. Russell, County Superin- tendent of Highways, Favors One Commissioner Plan., MEANS MORE APPLICATION. Adds, H owever, That Present thighway Commisoners Are Consoientious. Chaue. Ituasdllconuty upenln- tendent o! higlevîys.leaifthet aa- ton tht Lt.epassage of île lav vhich educes the numbar of higitay com- telaionen lu eaM oh n*tpvrontrm tire. ta aue, yl vork ont spien- didfly. l'ils blîl hcovues a Wv wititout the signature ai -the Sou- ernor. Mr. Russell explalua that thore ls Do tauît tu b. iound vlth the higb- way commissoners lu the different townships ln La*ie couDtY at tht presotat time, as h.. helleves ail of Lhit behocouaoleatiou ansd desir- oui of doimag their ful iutyetai mII tints, but tb. trouble cames, b. sai, uhen lnooa«enytnt men are eleet- ai ta Lb. pooltiong. Unierté nev lav. liemasya, le."' vER e but ona nighvay comeu- edoser, vhoseaduty vIll b. tanl attar ail tae roads -tu bis township. lu thaeuaonty 'af Cas e ethInles ibis plan viii van vit hthe hest ne- suite. bécause t vili enable hlm ta rouler service to ail Parts 0f the tOWllpp.Wbmu then. are three comisianers lu a tovnship thone .doubtless a le omo tempialian on tae Part o!fel to do ail possible for bis1 ovu dIstrict. There 1la tili anothon thiug lu fa- veronf te bu, accondinsta LIte couuty superlntaudent of iigbvays. Tihe oua conmlesloner yl ret-ve Smttliclnl ucmpenpaUtiaot ake Il vantit biswile la give cl timene- QI&to 0 Watwork and lie vilI ho "au thie Job" practically Il Lb. lime. Theu, tac, thaga yUl not ho differ- enceniof ctlnoa, as aten existe amaug t-lina commisione. Won'a friad nd a LargeTrial Boatle et BanalPrescription. Plue for 1 abis ees uni a&l rougie skia tasieAW ea 18e 4alaiboaileib J~ 16at Catuu -01%éreception vblch vagbold aI lbt brld.'o ho.m le &Umd@d bl m&BI »etatrvesud blende. Tb@ MaY triends 0ot h. young coupl nitte Id vlehlug lbern sbocnadng JOY Mud proepertty. They viii matte their home tu Chicago. jay Brai. vOl giva the procieds of *Mrnr dueet flaand Lake. S&u rd&l svaulng,.July 7, te tbe Red Crois Auxi- flary. This h.luit for a wnrtby cause erer> mie ebould bupport the boys l'Y attndiag ibis dance. iiu. Matsi snd Lpuleellini 01 Wagkofan, speut Bunday witb their sat, Mir. Mary ra. Mr. sud Ms. .Jacob Fredertekaf Round Lasie. vloits'd relatives !lu ti ivcilt Suoday. Mir, sud Mr. Oo. Hertel ai Prairie Vil. es nreointcahoretthe h. omneof tht' i.ler'î eleler, iMrs. Mary Stofiei.' %y iii Bteiumil.r aud famulî of Chica&o, eWaeu Tueday and Wedueoday vltb roltivea loes. . Micel Obenataf vasa MhfceurY huai- nm snler Ssturday. Tihe mat darice sud upper given by the membere of lit. Mary'isriab IX tthe Ivaubo. M. w. A. bail tst Tuesdey eventag vas ou. of th. Most eucceeeiui avents 01 tb.eeasOn. It vas corsidered ous ofl th largeet crowde that @ver cou- grglted et tb. bail. The proceede vlLb ail expins cpud mouutiug La 1182.76.- The msnsgiDg comOttae vishueto extcd lie. mait#sincre aboule t m1l aipeclliithon. irom Lb.enalhhorlng lovas vho eo kindly reiponded by their pneencèe or 6tIOItOi. LA=4 _j Tb. Ladies Aid wviigiva su' le cnrn @oa l Lb.hecburch un Thursdaî ulgbt jni'y12. rMIes Fr.c. VanZadt relu rued Io ihome lest Frdsy &siar spending a yeor ut amn Diego, Caiifornts. cCI6iANS TAXE UP MOiT TOMuE VURNOR MW. DRY WILL SPENDTHEIR MONEY. Ctub in Question Has 35,0001 Members amd Aufl IJoim in ProposedFlght. TbirLy-five thaumua men have en- Usgted lu the Oght vhicb le te, ha ma"e ta make the. areàadjolning the Great I.ake naval fraining sta- tion sud Fort Sheidan dry. A nation vide ilgit agalnst vice conditions near army and navy campa vas tarted by one' Chicago club at a dinner ia»i ulght. Au effort yull b. made' ta bring luto, the camtpaigu ice 319 aLler clubs of the association In the Vt-î ed Oitites sud Canada. T-bey bave 36,00 embers. Tv'enty-elgbtIlli1- nos clubs vilI be aaked toalad Itu- medlateiy. T'heChicago club intends ta maIe Its iitial efforts ai île Great Laies naval tralrng station. Tht club or Rockford vîlI lea" thti ight at the proPosed army cautoputent ther'. .AId wil b. given the authoritîtsof eery camp that mai b. esiahliahed lu the siate. "W. are golugtat throv evec-v penny the club linasnduievtrY bit otf hiarshals WhoRaJse Varlu Waukegan Md OrI i ca-. go Places S Mmo Few. SAY ' COME IN AND SEE US'.' That': the Message Given to Certain Storekeepers-Oth- ers Found Not Violators. The 10 United State deptY mar- shals Who descended on Waukegan and North Chilcago Saturday afternoan ln search ai vialatars of the gaveru- ment lave pertalnlng ta the sale af liquor. dld flot meet mucli succens. accordlng ta statements of local dep- ttty sheriffs, vho accompafltt theta. Howevem. It la admltted that ln a number ai cases they toid Iteepers ai places Investigatedti t report lu Chl- cagota 'talk matters over." The principal place lnvestlgated ln W'nukegau wss the 'F'nnlsla Mercantile store oni McAllster avenue. There the riarshais mode a most thorough search but tound notbing cantrary ta law. ili tact, thfey tound na liquar or any- thlng Ilke Il. The same vas trie of the Armenlan place on Oak street. a barber shop an. MeAlister and Heina- hals avenues and ather places on Me- Allsier avenue. On Market etreet la rwltere they found same vhom they ttald ta -cail." The&m@nle true of certain North Chicago places. One Waukegan deputy miade thia r"mark ta the' United States marshals: à *Looks as if yau tellava are belng triade the 'goalts' by theoe troquent 'c sida' which reveai notthîng. It'â a 0lot of pouLIeis.", r nd he says the deputy replied: "q Buc. beglnning ta think s0 myseli.- v we w tic lui AI a en tu gt th a H t'l tc fi dl r el n, ti tc p v inlec e aun uster juta tra igiti ta proteet the sallarg sud the I a solilers tram viclouz conditions," tamnittas. Berlceo or lte club vitre acoept- ei yesterd*y by Charlts F. Wellen. repn.setiu lh. van deautmeut îamnlaaiop on tmnulg camp. Mn. weer bu meder uamlata abig mreailan plae fer th soldIons s»4 sallo.s la a Clium »,~IWIUSg on la GIrant Part,, Fe blserh inisusf Oua a buru Il It olla«tMs«»s ifPRcP sir. Tb anl 14 mix guhpiy jusi patons-ciwai"uonilM4adels ile« I mu engm anw t ýita Iel m men, evlti* oiet duft1lUme. Ut%*« hcpate cf *MW la mne WÇbkilMo laina"udablmee" e s.Putas lIe buaya'& &Mi cevurvilleàadotsh kpt vil.à bald llO*er.ioemtd vitJea 1 per cent sSuam et aaIc Mi ou a place0cf issea pdihpt ce fa aa "aYcort»vwihobiaams. vith Do sean au 1111ePain Thé Oambi""areulself« mle vue Po- of asetviig auss mat glce for the M"ffl of imnli epouhara vas tut- ed la Mai, 1810. lu tbe lu$ evillaeti BothwlI Sella." .Iuoamm« Isil ivsiably emi àth 6«p"»s le caot vhge..muymbut geging DolUF tira, a*" ralmnig Lb.hémq te 8 mum dai Oe assoisihla the tom et eosatie. aftIan lIa"bal eau Ob":inà age. DIII~T F ~ - DNANCE NU. 288 I3flJICT ' An ordiuance ievylng the taxe@ ta de- cel - !ray ail tht necemary tapeuses and 1lia- ifll>IAIbilitilti î.i tbe Village *of Libertyvilie far e CIDENuiu4 DI3ATIi' -dungh 3t IUIhIEDTA iAprîl A. Il 11 IN U ERT CAÀSE ' hereae the Board ori 'ltÈîeS (J !the ______V illageaoft.herty vnb'. did, by un ardi. s A verdict ofi"occidentai deaih n' aee y athIor addi ,as returned taday St the Con rad &. appmoved Liy the l're.ideutt ibstn, oul etzel undertaking mrrablahmeut by Lb.elllnb da ai JuteA. AD. 1917. ascer.C e carauer's jury in the ca erailrv- taliugni the toteal auout OL &-ntPnIa. .g Honeri, vho died ai. the Jane Mie- lions fOr aiH coprai. parposis lesi liater hospital liriay atteruaon, as Lu&&de thb o lfldrOutth@tla' lsvY result af baving hiti legs auaputated et s@&i fiscal year. sud ibersia specified îier a St. Pool train at Itondout. lu dtl tb. purpaeeejar wûtbic eld a arly Thursday nornlug. prapriations voe made sud the aOum ar The evidence ihoved that Houeri 0uutWo td e eidp " Lad tarted fraeinil bomerne uChie.- qooebtodtudbvtb rg ;o for Miwaukee and vasridiug on TÎiei 'JeVil bc rode utder a treight car, stadinîg a fSetr 7Thl ter e eeb ev Lride, phen the accident bappenea. and .seess-d butth sreinrs antunts 5 [e dazed off toe leep nnd (ell under and rtslned or gthe chetvers] ai uas la ae wheel. or the' train. le, nanagc'd aur.braieed orysemupoîtba romrla ,crawl ialo a ditch where he lav ubredylwupn&lrort enbtitaotaxation vithin @*Id Villge or two [ours before bis pilghtwa. aI Llb.rtyvile. asth erma ins aasesd fscovered. and e.îuallsed for ocland ieounti pur.f Dr. J. L. Taylor testi(ied thît tiht' poses for the year A. Il. 1h17 thal la to rason Hauet idd net leed ta dealh Val!o urpoeu u iii npaylag lira because bis Ie&s sert' manZied the ueceeery coutingent tapeuse aifte le hadiy. Iil. eaid lIat ane oat Hlon- alamsaabldvlliage the sun. ai tva thon.- t ýrt's greatesit regre ts was that thce dG unrddIaoT20.t) ews vauid cave w te cbroken t i0tahhi elid ippropriation ai twevntytvo ntIler. Tht evidenca> indicateid chat hundreti dollars 8200.00 leitaeb4 derlîed le St. Paul ralroas waeIîn no wa from liceuea, the e.timai.d auaaat of te blame for the accident. rerltps rome uch'llouree eiag ae ioi. Tht condition of Richard Wiliams Iovs: mhbo had bath legs bîdly mîngIe-d Frot billard tabla., pool tables.,havi- when ho ttied ta board a train ai lng alleys and otber lcenus the au ini Ronout Thrsdy i oring Iore- $»0-000 said nmtofai 120.00boasbenu ptndout.ebusdma mruing, apprapriit.d fr taepurpan aif muid iared a l soev.atlua>roed a-con tingent fond sud the balance aifsald ay. Ht bas practlcally recovered tund $2000 00 le itereby levled ta le train tht shock and vhlie Ihuany be râl"ed hy general taxation. ecessary ta amputatbis limbe tht Out oai muid contingent tendi na appro- lape ls belli out that bis lire CIau le prlated @hall b. paid tha)e pearl ex. ittve. penses oi lection in @%id village, salane ___________ of the Preideni sud mombers ni the ohn Skwarek of North Chica- Board ai Trutese, salarie.s of the mein- go Prves Himmef to Be a b-n ai th Sord ai Local Improve- MoatGaIltit usba'J menta, eslay ui Village T rtaer, Mod Wlat HUSbsala»ry .i th. Village Clork, lint for lb. Wheu Justice Iqelmus Ballî con- attorntetnploieai on Vilsge busines, cluded Thureday eveulng iliai the saisrî for dii Voluniieer Fi'ompauy ienne ot lire. Skvareht bad dug up sud other pravisione au tuarBmpre- the gardon Patch or lier ueigbbor, ÙLIon. r.piug sud aldila lulb.con- boe BelàkY, le ftl&àas eqanletruttln of aildavain luid yllge, ehould lie set ta NorM b lesa flksr.plrlng aud lmprovlug vile prop- tb« heymue k«. thir een aierty, expensts oi lb. hourd of HiLWtb. Ibs tby uetkap tei gese ansd for the purpothai pif lice home So e Oud lia. Svare 12protection of mId village, lnludlug Lb. and oti anssd orderai lber ta J3,11 If s&W"rofaithe.Villagte Marsui, $2M0.00. elbe dldn' t par-et For tb. purpoae of ai ng for lb.enm The Skvareiep are a datetmined aetPaire, manltansce lmpraveent sud and tbey retusil L a py ont gond contruction 0f $tracti, alleys, blgbvsys Mmey for au uncertain garden. Sa. sud avenues of!adsu d uVillae ai vIUlleit van'î PI«aMut tan te wam- LbrtvlIe, lucludlug thte con.invition mu ta go ta jliu, tey ialked ih over sud repai ri 5tecrasang,tbi sum ai .balvoeenthemnslvea, hnsbautd and $8000.00 oai happropration the vrite. amut ai$1800.00.la eb. reltendhi taxa- fIf youU jet me go ln jaîl lnstead lion sud the balance 01200-00 latael he af My vIre, l'11 aubmi t yseli," sui dedrled frou Lhe Vilag's shmreof the Svarek. Tovn Road and Bridge Tai, utaklug a "DUftn't matter ta us., said the total for lb. ahovi uieutioued purpose Beirilys, addilus. '*o long as sont-ae. 0100f.00. body nattera fon tbe iepnadalta$ u» nFor lte purpose of psylugtbe expanse. airIlghting lb.etrete i»d pihlic Isa l3o, Oarok vent ia jall and liter $16100.00 offail aieib la te b. rals.d hi 'a tht, ev ulug l vi i i hrotigtt h lm taxation. Ci higsllaUtry lu "pittltib liaset Mnas Mintese01i metings, $te. the la ber plaua." Rail atay leare about glati f$10000, -aIloai bh laa obu ibreadois. ýrui b hitaxation. - - ~~For l*0 pu*-aSiof partl nL.lhl t it ila uthe'UbartFi" h iniaPiti1 amaillusbiM"-t 01 sevr, vammel 12ir e My ni»" 5vaile. yen vil, No. 8Su a st the a .ute ofai150.00, a "aim FE mal Ing1 ont ai'F serv g le.l îlep thel OUR be bon Tw DO tai bui av by t th ai E H. D. BÔYD lie Wsconm Land MMi. WiscomaaFaim withand Without Stoc. LiboealTermes. Real Bargaims Hi. D. Býoyd Libertyvilie, 111. Phone 53. Startiuà a Telephone TIL: . WTH EN you have calledlor a nuin- Vber on the telephone and y,u hear avoice say, "This is So and :si Mr. Such and 'Such speaking," >t know at once whether you have the' right numnber or flot. On the coutrary, if te vaice savs 'tHelloi He!IoI' you are in the dat-k, and yan are obi *iged ta %vaste ime iu ascertainlng te identity af the p2rson cal1l.g. Wheà called ltote telepitone always ifltro'4'îec younslf ai onice. IL saves ail preliminary quet.cjn- lug, and avoids coufusion. Çhlcago Telepbone Company A.&I. Andrcwsl, Manager Theodore H. Durit. Prosidint. w. a. Smith, Vice Pr*ld*nt.ý F. W. ChurchilieSecritar and Manager TrELEPHQNE S8 SECURTY TITLE & TRUST Co'- iA8ST .ACTSIOF ITnLE TfllS UARANIIEED Cap1tal$125OOO.00 'I WAaLitGAN uti W tblalahiraletiby taxation, l. cpruhor mofaiCioe élm lld 'or Un porugie ai pavlng tavill approveil APY l 80, 1872uniÙ aa md- lbbais of sald vlill for tb.e um of Mleute thereta. ff00 .acb, Nai. 9 snd 10, togetber SectinY. Tbal ies Vlliap! Clark iâ Internet 091 $6,000,00 of village cause tiis0 urdinanai to b. publitbed ance Ibonds@aifealW'village, the sutu of vîthin ouan.mate tr the panas. nM ùq,>00, &ailf ai hla to a b.rsieded .am e a newepaper publibad or t«arsîlon. olrculated lu tibs Village ai LlbenrtîvWa. ?or the purpo.. of kseping up Lb. pub. rWtIau VI. Tbie ordinatnon shsal be park lu eaid 'Village oi Llbertyvili and tbe.eaîe la b.rehî declred In ul dnaklng lmprove.pauts îharaau, lb. lore "diil et ro n alstar itpas. 0of $15o00, ail of vlueb la ta h e su ad publication accardlng ta lav. ad hy taxation. Tbhis rdînance shall belnovn a - or the. purpase oi usylng for the diual'cO NO. 288 utenano. and operation oi sud r.. J. B. Morpe, il'reoldqnt. e to the village wateriyetem.nclud- Atteet gtb. construction ai neemasry vork J. A Treptow, Village ('ierk. lbth village lot vhereln pumplug eta- IPaee.d Juiv 2,1917. na l ocated. thaesnmaif $,000.00, a&l Approv'd July 2, 1917. wblcb le to ta dprvedi rom vpaser Pullieaed J015 5. 1917. ric. iurulebad ta vater consumera. For tbe purpase aif.uaintatllg and Fxn h epnliiy pln Lb eulîar. ad iar seer White taklng up s aliatlca stemt lni the Village >f llbertyvilla, lui cburch one Sundsy, a litile boyv. pair. and th, u.cmmemary i.xlanslane gented in n.section reerved for C* rtoi ta b. made hy the villag., Lb. dren for that partieular service. UI 10 0i 16(0.0, ai wiliPb 0100.00 10 ta watching the eblidren contributi e derlved trônasever service, llc@n.e pennies tnml being under the 115 elatfare granteili o ab. grai ted alon that 1c haît ta cantribute. ring tbe cnaicg fiscal year, sadLb. Calleid Out loudly "l T vitbheI blsueai$400.00 li ta bc reend hyta,. mother." Msklng tLb. Wreate &Mount of vaelve tbaueaud Dollars ($12.000.00), 1vhlch Seven Lbousand tien hundnd ýIlums (87.500 (00), la ta bc malsed by gaLlton, ai wblcb One tbouiand ibme uudmv.d Dollars ($1,300.00) le fat bondi mi IDntereet berfboiam repoidad for. Euhb ni su4d sumo aifrnaney sud tbe «grefaiteoreundeemed neceesry Lb thSourd ai Trutes of isid Villagi 0 deiraY the uiecarî expeunsud lis. l14Iéseta the aluressld Village durln ... eo fiscal yar eanding Aprîl 80. 1918, fou M respective purpose. aboiea peclficly ut forth. Section i. ThattLb.varions atuata - lo iortb are Ln b. raised hî taxation, Lb. rauegat. &Mant 0oielal$7.500.0ô, bât aira ta b. approprlatad spropor. douate fractions aifmuid total sum of B e12.000.00, sud la casetai lur. ta r. elie or Polk-t aamud aggregase anm of CKSa eîii e7,50000, the detickucy @hall b. deduct. uetmerm spots iveit yenu onb the i pro tata, lromialid variaio us . e lae lcin. lor ta- Section IlL. Ail aLter expeuses :and stance, there is a pretty aprpitosand cash balance. for Dîîmond Lake esur the fiscal îear endlnx Aprîl 30, 17. Shoruehe orth nr contlnued for the purpose fur vhlcb tacs Bluff junction aey vire appmopriated. andi ride ta Amen. Isectlou IV. ThéithLb.Village ICIerk b.c C , ..ý and b. in bereby dlrected toafie vli b. he 8 . IiI-«ikfore Connty CI.mk ai Lake County,, ilnote a Mdi. , o. eurtified copy ai Ibis ordînance e. pro. >hh. d, t. vided lu Section 1 of Article 8 of &D Act'-i-. bc5l~ of the Ganerai Asnublî oi Lb. State oniÎ_L.a~ Ilteole. intitiai *'An Act to prov id. for s.DI5l aMy A, As NO .T thal cm~ tbe o c lie dit-e -.Tyr dira nad mit the toit PR nie ont ta thtl the il it lie. toi~ asn: tim Pol pl Inu titi ta lin pai bal ptc 4!KAD LDAI!, abotr sd uitbuslBAYOibd bflt yeus the miioter »Se illaiprtico1 mbjects lu the Public ecbo& O l a1& laM 4nm P -ratiegaiM &i t he lb. unvarstierousthe piape. DO vAs oua ci t» lira a duestpru ta UrOe b. usm ci the mch@bl as a social ceiter. l ini gftsanoca hautauqua addroms bM eho viliidiscuse '?be Challenge of th* liTwenth ctury," a te, rse ctical aud up to the minute statemeut ci b vTal, problM c o Lb . bbc"e snd girls mal bacouit more eMcient lu the art et makiug a living and building a lite. lu the eveutug b. vill giva a hait hffr tg&k eft« the. drgt bau Od ncrt.