Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 12 Jul 1917, p. 2

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~',.e ~1t ~a i DR. . L..TAYLOR OMf in a ivt NatimWmal D uMWUes mous:-Ito3:805aa 'Itn ~ iiBroadway, Oppuite Parta Laetvti.dntole. DR.'GOLDiY4G DFNTIBT Biouta8 %0 12 a.-1 to P. Over tiret National Bank 018e. Phone 19-J.- IL«. Phone 157-J. Ubeftyville. 11110013 DR. E. FL SMITH. DEIITIT. OVSLAIS COt"T NATIONAL BÀA.a uouU-8 te12 .m. sud 1 t bL Lffirtyvtii. lisioli CHtAS. N. STEPIIENS, M. D. PEYSICIAN »ad SVAGE ON *se" MealUeticc Kieteo e dI,.es teai i% F ar. NoaeTh-ni E9e. exaniae< fer Gasses 0à«e ter Oua Co. Te. 1110 tIbertytille. Dr. S. EL GRODINS optoe.d" " id Opidua ECVk",WeNEiýAY QNLY. OM« t OVM LOI DEUG STORE nome .00 . mce &m .0le . DR. 0. P. EIJTTERFILD. VETCgUÂET SUIIEOX AIMerA? T AsV VTBU&IASA. ELHANAN W. COLDY Ozu aiame, Cook A ve. Phase 16&J- UEUTYVILLE. .ILLINOIS LYEI L LMOMN ArOSS»-T.A-LA -W 1.bertyvMs .. Ilinos tetIm Bufldh. Eu. l lam *. Omce Pone. PAVE.MAC OUFFIN. AITOEZET AT LAW. - Tib~wU~Immsa WuKusiW, - IL11NOIS à àmPham au ~fi~tD.NCIR rmYUcuAM SVIGEON Ugas~I. hlma.eoeweeae. 0.SIIe WELL DRILLING AUSPIBMAN & DOLAI ZION CrTy 47 fOR HORSE HIDES &uIlcfrise md Iferliaido.W h. I*t Lsv amerM& kHe»sasor cati* ýs ialwl, Phone »2-2W-2 SÊkçy foika during ls Summeet sizzle cooked M" ison Au Electric Grill > ran Electric Di xSt ove 1o r .an AKE OdUNTY TITLE TRu8TO.. an Lbàarçt* orlltle. Titîdi Qatmted. Je AM&sonlc Tample Olia, WaUleeg&n. i July 4ý1I7-John Wasanielfski tOta 'RATES Peter rzymnkowskl. lot 12, blOaKt 16 6 cents per lnoeacai insertion. Waukegan Highland, North ChIca o Les* thon 6 linos, 25c first in- W.1D. $1,600.$2 1 oy L>tuder snd wtfe to A. 0.,Pt sortiop. tel., lot in northwest quarter Sectionth ------- ..... ...23, Warren township. W. D. $1,750. ~ _________________________ Frantk Dalton et ai to T. J. Jan- . . . .. .. . . .. . sen, northbeSt 40 acre. Of aouthsal pc 1ýquarter section 27, UbertYV9ilatojra FO S =e hlp. Deeda, $L1> f- -k1. ..q.++. .. .. +. Bddget pecktiuw lid husband HORS ES SOLO, bought and exchange#d te T. H. Durat. nartia 40 fest lot 16. b Second baud barnoasnsd vw&o«@. Sunderlln's Jackson Street subditvision,.s Capta or terme. N. . Ladd, phone 4, W&tkegan. W. D. $10. n Lîbrtyville. 19f Andrea lî*rrison snd iiuaband ta Axai Norplot ln northeatt quarter FOR BALE-Team aor borses, one big ÜbWa4.ti~ Villa township. W. D. ni Iranging 6 year aid mare; ouejuak 11,0P l black' mare 5 years oid; drive sIngle Estate of D. L. Jones te Nellie S. or double. Phone 945 Y 3, Wauloe- Oo0about, lot 14, Cory~s addition Wau- t gan. 147 3t kegata. Deed, $2. 0-"ý lema D. KaImbll and tusband to FOR SALË-Neari uW gearil "hY clora . Gray, Southa 48 teet af north leader. ase manure apreader, chsap.1 191M06 het bhoélt 8 Original Town. Tii@ Osborne Farua,Area, iii. Phane walea . W. .1 215M-t2811 Julia L Stick et ai ta » Louis Wal, ,-OR SALE-Tiiree good driviag n&th 26 14 test lot 9 block 12, 0115- herses, welght about 1200 each, lau Waukegma. Q. C. D. $1.e young and saud. Ase tva carrîag- Thursday, Jaly 6. es, ne ictria andtwopet doble Hermuna ratzke ta Charlotte MeB. Ci,~~~~ ~~~ RfO coiadtopt obelussell, lot s Gurae. soutia of e harueas, al in fine CoudIUOn. Can Grand aveine and west of Wll1waukee J. trie seen at Crawford'. barn, Zion roud. Q. D. $10. r City. Ase six herses, seven carriag- G. W. Fot te Lulu J4. F'aute, lots l es, three uadertakers vagona, eleveu 39sud'à- -ig West 5 feet lot 41. in bloc , aax Bluff. W. D). $1. jsets double carr5hge harnas anal A. C. Vanick te J.- W. Herriott. lots tiare. Pets iieavy single barnesa&. Agy g and 33, lock 13, Waukega High- c or al of above wiilb old chbeaplansd. Notb Chicago W. 0. $1. 0 If tairezut once. .ddress arl.. Mary J. Durklu ta J, D. Durk.In.t CalAX loti aud east 10ftet lot 2, block 2, ilolander, 2967 South la Salle Stireet. Biddlecom'a Northi Bide subdiviin,0 Phone yards 1184 Chicago for furth- Wavigan. W. 0. $2. i er pafticqlams. ltl vAunu Murray ta T. D. M4rm-y, nui-b vded tateregt lunsit al? lot 3,.Ila + + + +..e block 3. Waucouda W. D. $10.- ++ H. A. Sebvermar. and vif.. te + RWestEquarter paqn thwesttqua rt hec + Poa BAUE lion 35, Warren towniship. W. D. . .. .. . . . . . . 110.00. FOR ALEWe hve niber f fne Jan Prtilowskl aud vifg te Â<An a unuer i fue l>ovsk. lot 13 bock 16. Wauàkef -boumfotaaorrent. Dynonitàatin, gmm Highlands, North Ciago. W. -UbortyriUe. iu n1).îosof. 1.iSn-.aeemf. FUR SALf-..N, Il 1-.lî.,e .bt WhViyté and wUje. (exceptsonuth a 100% footicenr: ilIII*adBd Park Ase. 97 fest), aSU gonth o rarti» etlot B, t sCçnd addition te North Bide. Wou.d AddiieSs ro -ad . BUMan.ASioc, Ili-, kegaa flDeed $2. R.'F* Sc Andrev Cariaon te ldai Bush, lot 12 block 1. Cumtmings & Coe South Bide V1>q1.L*j» en Oca s. 0an d 'aaddition,,Waukegsi. Deeds $3,000. bal àoaT4hdLaba zugela; -aBod rue Batae Pauline McMahon dacea. thrdgh remi. Htctie lgbtandte Edward Lendaberg. lot '7 bloc 2, tarug»Iltlivi lcti lgtado ivlta s ubdivision, lagleside. sa udlvigvter. kigeryiemhis latin i s -$1 - bil Wd»ga. saY tersas tutaha rtbt punt- James Maran and vife ta Mtre1 - caier.. laquira Paul MacOuffl. 26t1 Bemua, palIt lots 3 and 4. bock 11, McKaY»e saiaad addition, Waukegan. FOR SALE-Rouie on South Park Ave, W. D. $1150. x.wibb %il moderla coureulsacea. (g'j Jamos Blanchard ta Henry & Mur. mio Abany 8688 Chicago. 27,1 saret A. Vikermn, tract of land ___________________________in sections 3, 4 and 9, Wauuoegau SFOR tSALE-Chaic e teadence lots on township. W. i). $1. bleKilaMy Ave. Ail improvements. ~ a ~ ruwjwvq.v FOR SALE-45 acre farta, 15J umile north UE Q THE W E ofLkilla, % inile.outla Antiaocb U IG irhW E JameB. Triggo, Auhlach, Ii. 28e4 lA RS + MMCJIiAXq.S+ q MONEY TO LOÀN. W. solîcit lie In. quiyoffthae deuting ta borrov uoney un Farmeoir otberImpraved LakeCounty 1teai Esiate. Firt NAlainal Bank. Lthrtyrtlle. Lîlnle. WANTEO TO RENT-Dwelling bouma wblto.8 m rorne. Léave lformation as ladepsndeaatoffice. Ciosing out gale st T. A. Reynold's Cothtug tore at Ltbert>'vilie. Illunos. Everythlug at reduced pries.. WIilmil toan ou ne lu bulk st s good dlenunt or viii contInue ta retai util stock ie coeed out. 2Stf T. A. Renolds. A Number of Deals in Wauke- gan and Vicinity Have Been- Recorded Here. LOANS TOTAL . 65,300. McKinneymHamngton Co. of NorthChiqgo Files Certifi cate of ricarporation. Buiness ai lhe recorder's offici for the wveok eudig July 7 10117. by A. K. Baves, assistant fécretaty. Baiurtty Titi. andl Trust compaaY. Number o oravoymancs.S7. ,Number oai bans, 23. Total aumber pf Instruments lied. f - ----------- - ~.+ +++++ + + * . TotWammnut Of Juas, 65.3»Q. Ch fig i'oua m +N ' nia~bas beehh f.rly bruisk;and .q ..q .+q.q. ... . . . îoa&bout the. average. -1118h îFOR REf4T-Itoua li modem anse. the folioing r the more %lPort ý"e" t4ey addd tolu Waukegan-Côra A. Grtay bouilti *mdhushe aèdôd t q+q.q.qq..q +.q + t h. Emmal D. Xirumleli progertY 0on th tilim amophee ' OB? and FOUND + wet s6 West slYeet, W à aimiffl1 4++..+. ++.+. . . . . + +Consideration. 1 a minim m degre. Of LOST-Lest Fridsy, near Ballard'$ Jualle SJoan eàta t ' boe uglt norIa place aoi Park avenue, goid Oued hn bntivl Jd« ûaeDoerYe o cea aci vitb pesnre lu cmansd euat cow6i't o!Con avenu ia Go tevoivsr lob. Bavard for reluru. Frank neae street. for a'hliminai conèldez Kîlectricat Appliances Manin. 2 iation. W,1 ltaruey E. and Belle Wyte bought1 op uail. hast develop. LOST-A gray checidmalcat, droppelthe Judge Joue> estite protOty on fotatprobabiy soute place la. veet aide Northh <enesed strdel for a1 Wrh" it pnedd Wkrren. tovnship. Revard If relut-a- nominal consideratlon. _,# i4 neff ti and.. ed 10 Bun office. Letters aad recorda Ida Bush bougt the Adrew Cari- o! vaiue lu coal. 159 property o etsl<ê' Melister Pub& & rV iS o iWashington, July 8.-Another step for $,000. - ~ ~ ln building up the selective conscrip- Metre Se-man bought part o! tihe tion army was taken today. Provost James Moran property an cash aide __________________________ Nia,-hal Gentrai Crovaler dlstributed Souith Park avenue, just -LOWIt 0? a cîrcular notlfying regtstered, men Glenrock avenue, for $1,160. NA*E MINE EXAMINO BOARD. tO hbld themeelves lu readîness to Mary J. I)urkin c0naYe' the '*âr- - _________ * appear bofore exaiinatton and ex- Perly on thi Aaath-1Wul. cof FcAwi &palnofild, 111, Jaly 7-The njew emption bosadff. Finît of ail the. dr- street, -e t oNotii h yeïdè,io jo- ,ite mine exemilang hoet0d bn an,- cler sOrtiee the regitrant to flnd seph RÏ Rurita, Sud thi. properti on ý0p iqs ts .nemberahlp ai folaows: lb. office o! hie county or ctty local the norti ciIde of Sealonal treet. veet *Pï mHa, sprlugftsl; william board sud then ascertain If he lutende ni Hickory street, to Wal ter B. Dur- iL. ffla, aIinwmttepjin Tuttie, Wp llsa exemption for agaiulturaî kmn, for a nominal consideratIoaa - iiore*urg, M Joeaph C. Ziano, o resons, in vhat dstrtî le muet ap A. B. Legnard Co. fled lie certifi- ç001tly ply. ceale of incorporation, vttb capital and -Marguret ytckerman bouglit th* Jaes »bsxéhard fursa on Noth O be- daS r itSections 3, 4. 9 and '10, Waokegan township. Lnpgt <>9.. * '4its certificats,« b t- ýorporation, Wti capital aLÂk cof. $20.M0. ,u LaItýe Villa-Axel Norien nuoit the ioian"es',prpery rua.Airo larripor.fi4M0 In Warreu, TownshiP-AlS Dl.ý Potter iutta43% foot lot at u. jee taàin tk quérter. Sec-tion 2S.. front loy S$qeu, for $1,'150i .Ia LlertyvIlle - Teika, 1. Jaisen bought the, Frank Dalton 40 acres 14 soutaeast1 quarter Section 27, for$ nominai COomrtion. la $Wreat-hIartln Morse taotght niue acre. laa~outhwest qauter Déc-i tion 85, trou Herinan A. Seiiyewini for a nominal ooaslderation. ' Ia Avona-Jaeob Prederýck bougiat the Frances M. Býpwn ptoperty on, West aide Goo4spW* bouevAr!14ut Rond ake, for 1,500. BOY STRUCK IV AUTOMOBILE lQUIT£ PAINFULLY INJURED. Walter Ciiehowraki. 14. uf Northi Chf- cago. ia paiufully injured at il n'loack Tuesday morning when he *as slruck by an automobile driven by T J. Amaden of Chitcago, The boy Wus reaaoved to hie home ln lhe car, ahè later w va teuded bý' lv. JolleY. The boy vas rldlng his bicycle on Marion street at the aime of the ac, rident and dl not obvt-rve the- approacli of the aitoipobile. A.qIe attempted' ta turil urouad lac rail dlrectly ln front of the machine and wtia rown b.- neath tic vh.eis. He suffered a nnm- ber of calts about the- head sud body, but noue of lIs Injuries ver. consid- en-Od of a serions nature. fa a c i d s r a t J7us .n 4 6 ltO e rcofrutrogug lb. ratel, pro. j .Weto#.pimpo and v4leg oter, towo contribute th0l Jo. .tOc.U Ab 1060f Libetyvlle 111ou tewart Ave., was read. Hoved bY 28 As.!8i.0rkoa,.ws . 249 ~Wrzguaîçs ueaby Smale tbat perislt- Sion biÏmdâÏbd*%. 9Rt 3toder to lay e 8. P. Ev Imiter, labaar un hfl re0 F"«, HeadCo., hi 40 hluthmewer on conter of Stewart Ave., -.Libertyvilletubr uluqber 2,48 lOOtt. South ofi McKlnievAve.. under fte Ce. DemanêWIuSn ,.rgeerowr .. 81 0' u e. Tteetre1, wor.. 80 t aupervision.aitii. bevrer conanittee. W A Schosa eceao.......320&W. a. studer tu stand ail epne *~rq ià re NeriO E oli r !.... ... 9 50 ardaUvMgae stt ie ........ 218 Petituq Io dlsucnect certain terrltory S is Il Ud . ,Faure to John lestei.,sç fniîîd aaîari .8 ooIdibdié *lllaooUb.rtyrrldtterin M~taPr ~. Dated I :eh1e800r -Ig ead by E. 8. Keel., and othoie. 1. L. Stafford 300O Oedlsaa oN. 288 ontltle4 au Ordîn- a C. IRerlgton s 3<oo am eLerylmg Cli. Taxe eirsy dlt7ailt the of ýta1p.iora 4 iXOîàyad at . IBrown 2<0 villag. of LIIrtyvillo for ud during ithe iforyem rea~~ e ~ Frank Petga 2. ~ <0 tcai jear endiaag the 80th day of April *U o easaVoWht su&t aukcaoe- ~" ~ 80> .01918. wasi ead. 'Movdjy Suie ~.a*mlFW IrIg..osoràg - John Whitney B0sc~dd~ ars that Ordînatace No. 8 00 mne 88505. a. sbon4.. l*>Sc'etry (<~- W00.y2898se ret.b. paseed, *pprovred sud 836,W. r., (»ovi4- W')"tarY (ju. bIU». a0()publiaheit ae read. Carted &Il. rotlug Unomalar rof the. North, Shore.u% GaoOod w elrd~ Moved hg ~Wrtfi. t e.ouded-,by Minable BC tue oaiaSy a M.coasicfw retn ao, tuat l i Iùývled and warrante te 1 Uorrd by 8maI. secouded bl Colline drawn qqu th iàomb;i.,* e. >p edthat th. Street coumittee b. iustrucled oeat4vartua t i>ces - 4ted C&Y@.edtaentaocisld.iralk Urdtiance Nu. 274 B i ul S e ui tt Oae d ~ v o i g y . n F o u t h fl î r a t C a r r ie d 4 4 V u t i n s a y e . It a th suit l 1;à.ed Omonicatioi Ia iÈ LWre r st ej 4r b.oo 'doe iyW& ek&b att on a maory note for srova ed ov3q.ul.escn. Mvfbà0aaeeom1eb aît 0vaa our '~5i 550.Il cvereby Sm" Othat the. board convIrtutit #25adlourl- t&k bta u gsompan'. ta amuein tapmeomlbu the loe ~ A~.po.Village erk. Mr,.-0oodnow sala of thea 8uWt 'i 14 SILOS AN SILAIE. gucesaful LObcounty' lv. stock larmera vho do uaDoo silo., are bard te Oud. The elle le regsrded as a necea- sary part of the farua eqnipment. As a peUt ft ili réenst silo Inur, tuis tach ram agaln brought out-ihat m&U tie difieeit makes ai silos keep leed equali! ccii providag the silo le canstructed IMbu. takea cate ai lu the rfghl way sud tbhfe d properiy baudled. The aime aiflthe silo lu bud vii dépend 1 upou the numbe- ai livestock soruaili kept on tbs tari. We shaeld.havi ati least 10 or 15 iead ot catti, lu aider tu make tii. moil efficient ne@ ai a sil.i Oue af thi. amallestt4elna lu the counle is on thefarua ai Augnet Tetvrt ai Antiaci.1 This sleisà10 feet in diaineter and 25j et higb Tiiere are t wo ailier allas iu Eh. conuy &bat are 16 fest lu diameheri and in bath cae@ le@, than 20 bead ai stock are keit. Froua a silo ofiâ I diameler 1804) pounds ai silage sbôuidj b.e reuaaved daiy, the equivaleut ai over 45 paocds tu esao i ead oai tie. Mast ai aur dairy men prefer a silte ai about 14 feet iu diameter aud If greater capaclty la desired, tbla iucreaeed Ie wecred by added helgit, ratier than by lncreased diameter. The Parua Improvemieut Association voold h. glead ta mmnii plana and spécifications for building a cieap homa miade selo, if soyone deeired sa ella al hle type, u-a iolve>stacorlj thibe uer or for tempory nueouly.. Wbh Sai née more atiage for sumaier asdng? Cao we affard te un land lalued at $150 ta 8250 per acre. fat paslure purpuses. wheu eucb .paelar#e la gaodoly a 1ev montlis dung 1h.jear. Pasturpe may lie good for four or Oive sadathéand naguaaily one mature.- cow will require about tva acres for -a nmnaanzing. At a coneerrative esi. mate tbe lacôeùtf roua suci land ao iaandled canotu h greater than $6 or 08 péiacre. TheI'sls aise tbe"addeý >"baei r aiversiiocklagf. One ace. j land shoaald praduce' unnnaily frirn 1i %ëa tebntons or godé iufag, more td '»Ment ho led ta dflry t.pv 40 'p, ' î '&i~Ut rouglaul Ib. ysar. On bhig laticeotlud',i sth a6Wt alô laSbuu t Du or patures or suttr Yr.e and Auguet, tie taisant autimaoed for dairymen. ," Becauof i le laie eprlng lier. La but large &aU o tItt6o*i gderftijuy0 srued as allagu saga* oÎ*uaiT I*" Potaul factor ln nUl 7ïekée talli t rt. ion.Stock art lad eLii the YèU b s ii lsamenof C. C. Aumi.lnit8rldà 4n4 Austin Clament ofi Ub.rVY11W »0Ié4 la .aaentialunl ou hilafarai. lt5t vbo ieed silage dinia;tbl seineSW muaths a eau . qqed lu alnaam6 .rery mect otai li àty, They voald be glid te teli li)boesqb.t O144 thlnk. et the pruchlc,. » 'Froua lie preespitWdicatiourer forti ,lias wiii le bat$$ l0 oIE couîy tii 1 don. Ail1borne gravai téedq-carelly Pre smired aud îiroperly usi ilîlIMatIwlI iaelp te keep i ,#illai o6wuee» fooabaàu 9 ,' Tii. Ubertvvâfe tadéendb!t 1 te blggest etrcuatýpn .Laeç1tl 7rour yaara o-o ald -Mr. Osborne1 Wortii Shore Oas.itd'ei a* tank is noté for Si. The. note bas become lue. and I.luit decidea i needed the- moiiey sud filet! suil .~The (lad- ai'Wa INvè lu Highland Pari Thie suit, however,, Indicates vh4t irais' generally' believed 10 he true rwhen Mr. Goodiaow rettreal froua tbe Company, naanely. tlat friction had arieen between the. Iead pfficialsaio tia. compaay,. vhlch brougbl about bis retirement. Mr-. Osborne bas ai. raye bain one et the'leadiag factoru ta .the North Shiore Company ànd 1h ay be liat demm~ds of Mr. Gond- nov for painent of hts note precli> Itateal friction helveen hlm andl Os- borne, viaica brouglit about Mr. Qoodnov's- retlrMnh receatly,, foi- iowed ver shortly by that o? bis son Wiao vaumanager or the couapanysB office lu Waukegan. OFFICIAL COURCII. PROCEEDINGS VILLAGE 0F LIBERTYVILLE fiaar meeting oi Village board ield Jul> 8. 1Q17. Masting cled ta arder by Praildeut. pretet Prei- dent Morse; Truses. Collin#, Davis, Qioidiug, Hart Suaie. Wright. Reading of miuui of iat reaular and adjouned meeting ver. read. Moved hy 8ma.eec«onded by Wright thas minutes h.saproveil as read. Carrietl aIl votlng aie. Treaeurer's repart for Joue 1lui.wa read. M pved by 8mak. evunded ty! Coin@ that hreeaurer's report b. accept- .8 aud placed ou fil.Uafred ail votiug lTbe folloeciug bih-a were read P. W. Moore, vrark ia park-... 25 001 D2uniîs Umherry. salary...... 7-d00aa 1Treptow & ilasôn. paint .......... Ir,5 Albert Kilehmbu, MlarY.; .....70 (I)) Public 8ervioe'eurretI, for Poaver 82 2:1 Publie S*rývIce, etreet iighioig.... p27 75 JBCNNOW Jby geffting a Fiok for your .palre4xjm. hoîunds of ucidy', s ers of -cozuelét Fisk equiprnet began yea agomiwhhthe purchasoof ausingle tire. Fà- pret e pro'ved to them that the famous FiBk Non-Skid is "h greatest dollar-fot. dollar tire value on'ile. maket- and the standard of Fisk Quality je bigher today - 71u~4m .S aMDais comw ubmucwèàp Fal, Ym SUMMER TIME.. The4bees are buzzing in the claver, the corn 19 g1wng. --ffiie long- lIî,d laves glint in the sunshine; the boys art shouting and splashing ini the 0d awimming hale, and the- perfume ôf green. 'grô*ing tbings nia.keq -the mur sweet. The fariner look» over hie fields, reckoning an full grngriesa and welI 'filWfj ofts in the autum. He ta enjoying the * l"rri.and fmas and the fruits of hie garden, and prepauing'ta lay in store , 9 of provender for %nan and beast for the unprodctive months 80 "o114) follow. No onecint doser ta nature ini his wor< than lie fermer; -- no one know, beer than he th0 niteeity of providin forectM future. kikewiaè. no one should- kpow ý>ter ,ban h he icneçeite, of laying, by d4dng H-ie Productive Ytim susffiient stores toa ast bim, and Tbgse Dejesdent Upon Ham, During. Tbe Latter Yem O f H4aLâfe, and when he liés fot the sane energy ta womrk am n<iw. A" *AceOtmn - AidA ifelInsurance Policy Are OuW Ai Necer ht i ul as lofts fun, 14. ins full af. cornaad autiand sedî for 6etçt eteaaon. dia cuss ir~ita ilbi brxstea0 ke4 >a' he*thy ci, and to à"w a comfomtbly ug lif irneoi, lAta The. Future Vtiu w posh dsimsons -when croap r w iwth5s uac- omqid"arm bard ta pay. Ilit WlitWould Life BeWithout Saui ehO , Po noi the boy,# gotfer more fun outaôf the awuqming bhote *pmnlfr. bqýuse they huiebeen depried af k .11 wntcz.when 4ss hnow. was dcep and thé achool kept t4mi busy alf d.y? 7 Dom fot ' Lu.e ,mr,daive mare .sueùüth anid satisfactiauxwhmerthowis out aftra1d sruglewith nature "ha if he hadweiely ta, go 'out and #kýk buia any dey of the yeqr in order ta live? ,T him wha lias 'tharMfe60pn and energy ta work, and ta lim who hai foresiglit stiîtl ha givýCofrt In His Decining Years. The Bees Are Buzzing tua The Claver, The Boys Are Shouting And Sptashing lin The Old Swirnming Hale, and sumrrwith its joys and « ~ dutio, -fa hére. Happy the Irian who Can L.ook. Upon It With Joy V~ .111 IlI ki el lm 'b - 1

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