Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 12 Jul 1917, p. 5

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U~YVILL&« LKÇ etTTY. IflOIS, THURSDÂYI J ULY 1,1i1 -- - -~ms..: - x. :.s - g Now is the time to put in YOUR WINTER- SUPPLY, I CoaI-.W-ood-moCoke OUR SUPPLY IS EQUAL To Ail Demandsa and Clean, tY Goal Is Cheap Now Our coal is ready for you-clean. Briht. Dry and Per- fectly Reiable. The more of it you buy ai present prices the more mioney you will save. You' will never get be-t- ter advice than "BUY YOLJR COAL NOW." W. F, Franzen, Jr. Telephone 50. Libert"ffle Deeringaad McCormick Mowers.. Side Deliverp Rakes, Dump Rokes. Keqstone, Dain and Deere Leaders. Uorks, Rope, Sections and Repairsa Largest Stock. Priced Rigit SCqHANCK HARDWARE Ss.COMPANY Just- Discovered A Big Your Share iswatq rVp it ALONYSS118~ * bertqville Y&lppeniKgs t YTu Esaoy of se". of Tolopon. Numbe1.: T Aok Marts &bout hlé 11111e plg "mIi." J. A. Treptov vas ln Chicago Mondai. lia A. ltissenthaler vs a Chicago visiter Monday. Mre. Ed Wollosaud Mm. Eau Candit vers ln Chiega Monday. of Denver, Colorado, la oesnding a vcek vitnagla our villaige. Mun. Jeesie Davie, rstoraed tu ber horne ln DeKal sturday after a short viat hers. W. A. Lytaasud iamlly sa Fred Morchoret aad famlly @peut the Fonrtb ln Palatine. Wat'. tbe use of carritag a comptete atck un"ie.tois kaow vhat jon've mot? Advevtiae! 1SOo. Hughesand vifs niChicga, pent a tew-'days the paet wcek at the D. Filiers homc bere.. lire. A. Felien aud baby Janet oi 1Chicago, @peut Sanday at the J. N. SBerniard home bers. Meurs. IMike Behm n sd Ed 1reckmauu and the Mses Pcarl and Erma liryer motored to Elgin Sunday. The Ladipes Ad ai St. Johns churcb wli meet oeil: Tburaday atternaon at 2:30 lu the Agsembly roatu. Idre. Ad.lph Sadek oi Chicago, vieived a fcw dayc tht, veek wlth ber lather, Ed Appley and other relatives. Mrc. P. J. H aunubild and daughter Elvira of Chicago, @peut the week-end vltb lMr. aud Mrs. J. N. Bernard. Miss Kate CarraillIcait Saturday for a tripeeut. Bbc expece t avisr New York City, NIagama Fallsaud other pointe oI Interest. Severai relatives and friands iront Damond Lake, "al Day and Blghiaad Park aitended lbe fnaerat af Joseph E. MdeLanghilin bere Salurday. Iru. S. J. Achea and grand daughter. MaWrgurte .Wolrdge loft Baurday ta vieil; hem daughter. Mr@. Chas. Wootrldge aud iamlly at Fier Port, ib. Dan't lorget the Band Concerts svery Wedsasday eventng given on the etreets of Lihcrtyeiel. Tbcy are ait irse. Sec progratu eleehbere lu tliis Iesue. Last Sunday bcbng an Ideal day there Wa@ two epeciat cars of Chicagoltas Ipamed tbrougbhber'. ug ro Ares vbcre tbey otauto@ ta Damond Te Junior Epworth League iii bold a Einees Meeting aud Social thie <Tburoday) eveulng at 7 a*clock. Ail yauug teopie trom M ta 14 years af age are urged ta attend. The Chicago W i ht% Rltcke failed ta nul in au appearaife tlst Sunday ta, play, the .gme echeduied with the Ramareab. Let year the'. ame thiug occurred wbict wauid lead ou'. ta beleve that they are eêkeered" or word ta that'feBct. Aýt the evecnu session ai the Local Ineritute meeting 'ta N beld at tnue Caugregationai chnrcb in AreaThureday. JUly lOth, YOUngZ people fram Lberty- ville aud Ares mIll give readinge ini competition for a cliver medai." .Union churcli services mill b'. beld in the Chautaàuqua tantt udt Suuday ai il o'clack. Na chargesaifany ind. Speclai music by au orchetra and an addresi by Prof. (Owen ai the' Chcaga Normal Collage iii N aif speciai intereet. Every- body luvited. Our Newsboyc ail went dawu ta the Ineuh larm Monday and reported for work which put a littie crimp lu the dlivery oi the' papers but Mr. tSmith proved himasîf equaltotathe cmergency aud hie patrons recelved their moralut papers lu due tinte. If evary man and voana tiis1 Iocaity moka up hie or her mind Ioday la rpead their dollars mihIbo born marchants thie tain yull boom seIl nover dld befors. Out ai lova bargal olten prove a deluion and a mar& Trade aIhome and e e lava boom, Belore the oummer la over Oherida Eoad ii ha p.rmntaty paved fron; Uinoin Park lnHnibbardHiU. Caaw.- 4r %W elust sutehyet lo be buSeé. iW' le Wintis, helveen the Ilaneub Kesiivonlh boondryadluobbw4 011 vUls t o B. 0. Go0011s. Oak Park, la lI&uda. The sukglatwlt%he eue et,é; Ma"latità e. eàlsg auI .1tixUmto'*. w*We & Uha 'lires,*meubsieof lbe Libertyvili LogoN.88 el s l tiod 9110 ul'sw insatallation ô W~~tltpOcram -à- - --------- Boidea oi tb. International Barveeter Company wMICWO e aiiinug demtastra- tians in WaukegaoJuiy 13 sud 14. You viii notIl a lilght 'bauge lu th1e makeup arrangeluent of the . idepeudeut ibis wesk nesauineMotithematter ai local tuteret wyul be found orn page tva. There viii berna service at 7:30 a. mu. at the St. Lawrence Epicceopai churcb nez t Suudaj ovlag ta tIh'.tfct that 1ev. White mlibfu la Antiach at that bout. C. W. Essaînot expecte ta have the roof ou the ucv Parleh far the St. Lavreuce chorch nextweet sud th brick mark on th ev c hurci buildipg mas commeuced Tauday. Sev. T. B. Rssm aud tamily atteudcd tbe Camp Meting srviceB at Camp Ep- vortb ucar iellvidere last Bandai, e. mntulg ior a ev days. Tbcy expet to eturm hhant ldWy. Mir. sndud Mn.Cbap Ty mmcillit Wednee- day alght foran«tludedrit to Sattie, Wash .and Br)dmt Veil, Oregon, ta vii relatives. àMm. TyMP wasvuformely Iasson Cola oi this elty. Mdater Gien Ede of Chicago.,irbo le visltlng hie uncle, W.. Ede bers mas tabe o t ibabopital aI Waukegan Tue- day for au aperation for appendicîtis. At lut report h. vas gettiug aiong niceiy. Atteition ladie.sud gentlemen. The Supernueudeut ai the Chautauqua wil amard a 5 pouud box of candy to the' Young gentleman iringlng the mo8t ladies ta the Cautauqua uext Saturday nigbt. Juoseph Beuer tr'.ated hie faluber wt ai1 surprise b y dopping ilufom hij llîîn'r1 lat Sundai-. Re let on Uic 3 oocaet train for Maiilia, lova, vbem b'. le egaged lu valuation wrk for the c. M. & S3t. P. k. R. Loot ocer aur advcvhleing colmmue ibis week you may Sund Saethiug that 0interffetejan. Then them c'.'.ry week sud you wilîl hae caevibed that theE business men sud mechau, of Libertv- ville are ofeing targaus. A meeting ai the Board ai Educatlnu of LbertyvvliW ev hwigh sehool iras helà Satuuday igbr and a cantmact let for 2QO0 csltarYmovatable desks Tii'.1 dedicatian exerclssi mers st for Scptem.- ber 6ti and the opoing of theechool for -September 10. A Psy FestivaliasudFunaBoum milliie ebeld an th. C"lutauquagrounde tonlgbt r (Tbnnsday î at 6:30. Four cblidreu's ticket@ vilil be iddeu an 1te grounds s utas.iagiven igualAb chidreu vin bc tumned looie ta Sund Ibm. in dore are keepere en, be cure ta gelouon t i 1c vay. The hauauquact" t muorrOw. The churche oai lliabis have &&ken up y1he thaugbt ai prcpaaqdmase nd are miohllhiug their forces be lia t forî It years. la the caunciw4,ot.bti.denonti- nations the apirîit f seration la premlneul. The chrbhs -b6va lergor1 1progméme, mare laboras panse and a onurag"euseprt bora 90 the.prenent1 entrgeacy. Tbey reas». *n& léllavng1 lb., vanld ver tbey vilii bava the ueWl. ut hurden a, veil as isep rasîuses c. 49 ponait.y af Cbitlu b(log. Wb"ieau n d vhal 114sculest la," te thc toit for Uom* a sermoas Ip bvausbmt s10 nation $IM murentr. ofme y iAgrilutffl MpM auston. £sa t té Caune u 0fo$9sela the SUnion ,"d parlcularl 'a mýinçlostale ' ConaCSles wglog tlb. *0*5applicab. lion oi Ihat aid silalpe vemy hanse- bl ha ofa t1e land, as long ase summer Sr-ut aud vegelahies last CARDO0F THAN%8 NeW wisb tu, tksnk -Iil 1bboresud îr Ilonde fom theîr kiuosw ning stue as deatb fad hurli ai aur Boler and form se ib4bbual gilyer oSiqpt A Canning iemnstratiouna-s teld at, tii' Atuditoriumiillt Liertyî iii'.Weduee- day uudrr the direction of tirs. Fred L Banki oi Spring Groie. tlini@c Mmc iltch gave a very îuttesetlng taiý ou the best printipies oi tii'. ort and dem- onu.trated tu'.m very ticecit. She gave~ glpecîni comipliments a tu mevouicu ai Lat'. lounty, miii, eh'.e aý . are r'. ipondiule ta the' work woinderfully. The momen wvo a id charge of arrangemncte mer'.: trs . 0.C. Uridi'.y, MmrL.iHif Sliauck. r, lo. Wm. Pre«btuu aud tMra JohnaNirlormiet.I niiere are about :lt,000 naec@.of activej tuberculoiocînluthe State ofIillinoi.sudj about 700 eSsec in Lnke îulutv. S'th tiil gtîmate. iiamed upaiti igurea furu- ish'.â by the Divisionofit laiStatistici ai the. State Departuient ai Bealth. tho Coîinmitte'. on the'.Tuberculools War Problem the ii.Star'. CouniciliaiDefeuse là nîeatiurinig up ittc ar-tiwe'.job of pre- ventinig the apread ai tih.e âase inthe Ameican mlitary forces and lu prepar- lng praper car'. tir tii' returu'.d tubercu- loua oidier sud the'. oneumnptives in the civie population. y* -P J5. St Barry Tosy6dus'd wtt'. epent Sondasy with f iende la ciceaga. Mir*. IMarlon Habhard oi Richmond, Ill., là. vlsftlo'hsr son, Ed sud iamlly. 1 lire. Ailes Thameon ofi (mayeiakc, to spadirne a [eV daie vitb f rienda luo the Mr.aud lime. Fred Mordborst sud deanaber Grac i lltcd reative@ lu Lake Zurich Sonday. mm. . J. Young le et'.rtaliig ber daughier, mmts J. J. W lisan and sono of Oelvcla. lova. Mr. and 1M1s. M. inmbdeustock of Cheaqo. spont oday lth tMr. aud lire, W.. scblq. lire. i. Doam Wl Wedneeday for a tva weeki vWýIsi %iibeW daughrer lir@. 9. N. kwe,>il atsopita, Michigan. Mir. and Km 1. £diger Moffet and son Thantaaai laloWgo, vlit'.d 111dmgrand- mothber. Mmre.IL. M'uIer, Weduesday. Bila, Wmlbt aller opending several veau viii relatves luWaaingtan, D. C. sud Ceveland, Obl. returncd Lame Satnrdei. lu 111e wlndov st Declere Dug Store mTan hamen a piclreof1 the Company of Mark Nevilile a iaentber, taken ai Bort ltiley, Ba"«&. Umselimafflare McUrmick has inished BuinessCoUsgluaCbîc-aga and ls nov amployed in île 111e oSier, ofiC. Id. & St. P. Ry at Clefo. W. J. Roveoaand wife aifltoacoc Ill., vlited t lis Rd liubhard home Thoms day and FrJMsy vbile enroule iront Mluakee la her home. The Mies e.&ce Smithb md Beleu NfitaSffunéSilk 1=. HAVE PURCHASED ajarge quantity of Taffeta and_ Mesmaline Silk it short lenagths. -These are au i nae, yard widc good in b"ac, white andi mapý%<>1ofithe ad1nà cSk ors. These sjlka are v;dI wa4l $1 .50 per yard but becam e h were in short Ierigths we were able ho buy theoxiah conaideaby bclow the regular prce so we offer'the lot while ty"1- km- aI---------------------------.............. W. W' ARLL&SN CC Hayiong Tools Patriotlc tadCGros Meeting-Half-Oay NOTIC~E TO CONTRACTORS On soundy nlght J""Y "' avery enthu-1 Notice ie hereb 'v given :11*1 sealed bide u ~~ia.ti é. an m uttnereting patriotlc ;viii be r-.cel ved by the undertlgned up a TO AET 1etntl i. Itrest of the Red Cross.e dav'îo.rning u,2.11.frthe tonk place at the Bau-Day Congrega- erectimi y! a 1 roona S&hool Building lai FOR SALE-A gaod worh Ma".. wellibs tional Utiurch Dls-rrîct No 72 ut Rondout. Plans and 1200 lb, Cbeap. Pbo..2cest2, SSc lir$. S. L. TrIpp, Chaîrman af the Mem- Sperillýationa may N e en at the 1 jborty- berahlp Cammitte of thc Are& Branch ville Luinher éûoe. OMie or et my Iead-. E prepared 111e program upon Invitatio n nRo ndout. Alilbde vili e ore% WANTE-01,11for gen..rpJ hoeo ,fic ail&-Day and Prairie View chnrch- Wcdnesday eveniug, July 25. Addrce Addr-m lodi.çnd.-nt or phone 98. e. BIey. Warren of the Blail-Day church aIl blotin taHenry larroli, Cii-ik Svhool ________________ and R. . auptiuebrer of the Prairie Dist No. 72, Roodout, 11. 28e,-2 Vlew chureb opened thervlcee by ecrip. 1 SPMU@*. ln Auetralaa l m a. Dure readinot and prayer. alter wliicb the The LIbertyrîIe Independent h. sponges are knowa to lgvts : meeting w»a. mmcd 0,cr to the manage- t-eblgeetla bundant in the Austraala7 800,ig meut~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~h 0f11eAraBrnh ndUc alo circulation InLake county., espeelully la thiq i' en ibil 'Dg pogram wai enjoyed by a large andtyfrea'pe. onorhgetar t eathu"lecaudience. Mui.Mlib.Rttenîbalcr Ori-hctra. Addie,. Mr. Barreti. Addrm, Atty. 13. B. Mller. Meuie, MilWitlzenthaler Oreetre. Addres, Mr. J. M. Woudman. Intemmîsolon. 0W - Addreee, Senator B. B. Swift.AN I Y U BA < Sang, Hall-Day Church Choi r. gong, 4AMerkco", congregation. Benedletion, Rev. Wammn. Y 4 l Card Party and Dance Bcdt Ever .-zv Tb@. ngd party snd dance iven by the joun adies ai1 Mt. .lo>epb'o Cathollc churh st th Auditorium Tuesday even- log va, orne ai the hetan d mtut enjoy- ahI. affaira olf1the kind hcld ber@ far salue time. A large crovd va, lu attendante, comtng front aIl t1e uelghbaring towne Priffe %rae a warded lu carde aud amaug 1the laesMisseliens Miler wou St-t and Mies Marie Eugieireciit second; the gente timet prise golug to John Marri- son sud the second Iio Otto lloehmi. isenstor &R. iSmtgave a donation ior the le'. cream fiunddaud alter th'e cream had been eafeiy cared for tuer'. mere three'. ceers for %Ir. Swit. aitrwbch they sang the Star 8panaled Banner. Music for the dan,* va@ iurnimhed l'y Haokeem orchestra and the daumere made merry untit tii'.wee' ema' houre. Libertyville Red Cross Leads The nei meeting ai the Red Cross Aux- Iliary yl N hcid Friday, Juiy 20. The commiltee lu charge wiii have vark an baud for aIl day alter 10 a. m. A large number ai bospital germent@ have been complcted alesdy. A gentletuan viitar etthîe lied Crass meeting a low days ago remarked tbat Llhert, ville Auxiliary bad the largest number aIfvoniiers sud mas dalug mare ejetematle vork tbau auy 1e had vlslted outelde 0f ChIcago. The wvan lû,surgcai dreeug vili ha laken up about the tiret ai uczt montb. Mu. lMartin le now taklng np the e. qulred wvan and yl N the officiailu-n etructar lu Llbctyvtlie DO YOUR BIT W'. tiudiy ssk aur patrans toa asist iu heipiug aurempiayeess ly trading eariy an Saturdaye during Juiy and Auguet. tbere wmlii N no delivéi-y aftr 12 )cilock. W. F. Franzen, Jr..' 27--l Lîbertyvîllte Luîiber C'o. Tr.A. Reynol ds ClotingStore of Clothing and otherMi acise usually kept in a Firet Clan IdhitgSore. 1 have been in the mercantile business over 50 years and have decided to retire. 1 will locate in Florida six or eight months of the year in the future. Everything in the store wiIl be sold at reduced prices-will give a hiberal discount ta parties that take the stock off my hands. or I will continue to close out the merchan.- dise. Libertyville is one of the best modern towns of its size in Illinois. 1 have been Iowerîng the stock for two, months and arn positvely going out of bugi- ness as soon as possibble. No gooda to be charged duringtis Closing out Sale. LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS, JULY IZth, 1917 T. A. REYNOLDS,. Prop, il

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