Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 12 Jul 1917, p. 7

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-e ---W- LT'RR~YVlSL ~DEENDNT Tý R ý»Y, J L LY12, I19l17 ~ ~;r-~ T DmD j;5 Wlim Iealy of C5itcago W&@ lhe I ~9 <7~5!$/4,C4ag- I gnons uf Ojear Edsîrond Titureday andi FcHtled by F.. OUCE Phone Il Lin. J. O'13rien and son Joito, Ana ------... .... Marie and Renie fQuinn anti M r. Eti Quises Ordgr& Taken for Job Work. anti tamlly of (Chieago vhelled st the J. Ddvertling rates oTi application DufS ebh.,, Tb.r*day. i'ry a pounti of our Opeka coSe tt htUîei v8elel8uci et cents for the Êtret pounti aid une cent for Iheir Childreu's D&y éxarcise unday thes nezl, maklnig 2 Its for 'iteThe mornlng. ReIWL$tort-D)ruce Druit l'o. The Allear andi Roeary Society 01 the Mmi. ftaie. *arwotd if Iving Park, Boly ('rose Catholie Iihurcb- gave an Ice visgibtd Irentiabhaie and ti tAuhiocb $un- ('reamn social hn the scitoal Saturday ev- day aitd llanday. conlg. Ube protoeste. $91.20, werc turneti Thte consoutbitgble iving lu etminteti aver 10 te Anzfllary of ltelied Croigt. wben yîîa tuy 2 hbo. ut aur Opeka coffeLUre, antilire. Iloucnfrook and son for 80c. Guaranteed lu fho as gouti ai Clive utfIMondego Lieb-gej are vi-iling atuy 4thi euSse. The Resah t Slre-Di'ice Wtillamo Krel. Drng Co. Mise Edit Petrsgon of Chicago 'tas Boruntusi),r.anti Mn. Frank Winkleoi thlitsguest ut Misa LounesKei'tan Tues- llundav, Juty 8tu, îwin boys. 015e Of day. tbe bablea died ehortiy after blntb. Ums Virginia Lord uf Chicago wai tse ' . andi Lr@. (Guy Thqtae of Uhlcago, week end gucil ut ber grantiparente Mr. visitedthebbc atter's isother. Lisr., Mary asud Lire. C. W. Peltis. Drues, Sturta ia, tSunday. * Titeodoi tEditranti and fmihy motor- Thte Palutiriz.iiebeadi reuiion 'ts cd nu Lake Gengia the 4tit. itelti Sunday ai Long Lake. Lrée. Humbert ot Chtadwick, asud Lra. Lir*. Wibur Crary Ie enbenbasninghbe' Stryker of Wbeeing, 'ets.hie gcetp or égi.ter, mis@ Julhi et ,lHampshire, Lr1J1-Srye ai tc Tuin girls tsittrîilitM r. anti r J.tA. tryaiz a Ford G.,iiatbi Friank Cremfns uon Jufy 4th. PhlpBte fFrdC. imtdh ClemreittWiilmttre e"tutsheweek-end autit, Iru. Wut. Hubo, SnndaY. 't it bs grauadniutber. Mie. Elîzabgeîbl Ur. and MLrat. Fred Cbristtesnof0 Whitniure. Chicago, are littng Mica Margaret The inneralout ttclate Lre.Ahezi- auger Vedder.t-, 'tai teltstathIe boise tut ber pretaaiery iialId 'os toti t b Mri. ant idLit-sJueeîi Turn)er aieîSatur- md 3 u.aRdCo&boha h day atternoon.' Everett pienic thé Fourtb. 1.eotiird anti Evi'n - Hutitia thicaisa, Tite Ladien' Aid o!il titeSI. Paul*e @vent thuitli iti, rî.-t4i' nt. tEeirein -ute eeenelieiby % ire t iList'e-i-,1uiua t'ati - t igrasnta-i n1is tti tiid-ut, lite fiteregst .Kloiini e istitirug lier 'tii-de ci lt-fî ' ar-h ît.Itumhiae te aent. Lre larkert ut Chicagot giia< l -tut taev l Wber it. Beiti. V, F-soiof ew York City, anti ca ii-ii s-r îwlu-.. t.ilht-s Isur.uneuti Samuel iAile ut Irvine. Ky., were the ita ity tras, ite ite. A eu ~ýJuti f tbeihn ntlbii. Mrs. .i. C.fiole scratchesimanti a bedly djIeînuaaa. 1 lire Wna. Sebnleber ie risitiig lier tas itso reuîsui#-bWtliarteoti'uideret iere, t ru. rEd Clapper of Sleririlit. ver,î firturete is,iieil in i lgu f - to a h ____________ Btiat iof ber paranits, Ilf. anti Cra Piitny IPaagbzigolet 'teek. t - UE.LjLr antri Lit-. BHakiiusanti daîîghieroi drug tore.adt tfWiuete. wereiegteeo irat Mr. Wii.-gatr preaoîhîsa svery stiiit l LIre. iit-ti.'readt. Sunday. ingsannon, Cine anti bran MOIii. M. Lte1 ulyQinn of Chicago, visltati Lewisa a jt>ung iutîto 'tkitg in the beroicoter. Lire. Peter Duffy. Jnly 41b I SUPERC D A R inlores tfthe!iuutay sahiti wa pt-i-et;Miss Ai(-* Strayer of Ottnvievw, bas anti gave làbtifL tala. Yeiu are iînvtteil beec i itiaig ber Onrle, John eeter, the I E ;SL E A lii attend Snlysho.PA fk I E ;S V S1A Th@ Ladies* Aid .ueitty ilti meet onuiMre. E. Wilson Gehiart anti daugliter F eflu'înaîîîr, Jufy liti with G racs of Chicago. wyen teguecte of lire. R M C U T À 1 Lire.~~~~ Jîh jsri J. A. Bat-bell, Jr.. Salarday. Tht romamunty 'tas partir sîieken! MinesSule Ea.ton vr'thebguest ut Sunday aiîcra.ouslà u liai' that twai MiesaBd it Ringdabl ot El1blandi Park,. Martin Sveîte WilI Not Have to Young boYs wsii. Irun ltri te river! est 'teex.19 Go to Jail Until Appellate 'ttmîe batita 1'iqfty were Mlton Ben- MWise lEmmna Kart-fi anti %In@. Karct (if Court Makes Ruling. net, tluisiut o if *lIt-anti lIt-s JutîiPortage. Wio . vtidied aI itie bomestof Bennett,. ii theter Wtuet-. itdet sou.tGeorge Karcli lest weMWaukegan, Johy I of Mrsl. I e i.i.t lerc ith bliai.s se ie se (laulys Tut-ser t- t iliantl Park, Marin Swî le will be ailt10breat!he jut rcutits ýat îîî.înihooti andi 't-e1 W"s te gu..t of Yiem tutb Litilirati-idmore treely for te-next te-sumonlt-s nieieti *suittuctihy ttit- ir t-i-t#s, wfi, Monday. 51 leasal. for a lnpree'seas s-ae re bave tl. Itarti' It u.i patltu of ln iltole Lre. W. Tocu-osi-of t eau-r Faihe. ceiseti tram ilie ahitellale court this comuntnl«V' Pa., lie siîting ber umeer, Nire. Frank morntng wti sescI as at sîap of sent- TIcet.'turitl ittuy ,aii -ciy juite iPetergun. 1tenc.e until th - higlitr coutilas ps day. - niàiiigdtitîg. nîttesen tireitraekenso Fred Horenterger ant i 'îe set-e thel d tc arte uin hie case whicit lier Urt- itet lir" e aatrie Lutuedruvefrt-ton!-gilesîs ut titeit- tiphi-', George Sityderof -b intu n tup coitan atpe-sl. WhF lauleait-r.lme , tut s1end titi-fnurth I Wlnîethi-. Suntiay. S. elt. scase orighutalhy 'as itandieti wi , ithtnitt-liai- iauia Itirri, Nit-s tlarencîe tht-mien anal chiloitit- of Ilv yAttorney lorgu tîscît anti s-ille lth. reri-n-iteli (ii Cheî tiicago,.are tite-gueste tut Lre Anna latte-r loc hlit- r-curd attd a uopy ut Clii- atti ut itit-i-l u i ci î-i î h- b ut-ii -iltt-mn -thet'llhoutextcptions la ute appt-ilaIe at i hue. lir' anti Lit-s.Chai, bletti tf b,'euiiw.cout, hi' nuglecte-tIolu îay tht' ducit S etci..ei ttu Cii-an :atjt Latke were tNuniiay gui-ste et John Sel tg'm. D'e, andt ý uitpcercelleas nec, r wa-; Fir- t&ett ii-iig ilte forti tolit e 1 . Il)N-oti)0tw88te gguttOf lire. rreciveuf Thîies otiltihase mat(-iti irtc t -o. Lui I i Ie)ta-iFi e. boy. 1Frtuee Satugday. possib'i-leîtlace- wete in ithi on a '4ir. snd lira u', M. tîuuttani aitdi augt- jbeu Huowniiîn otf Chicago. calieti on ottntiteta notice ai. h.' sas senlencei ttr cailet ei itTiti 5 uudià_t. 1reati-eas unday. laotserte ttIooda s ittî li n addition %ir andi Lra. Il. L Nilis aie tse proend -Ioupaying afinc oft 75 pareitcotfta 1-Y,ît t. lumuJtl.î tb. 1Womans trient isla sLarge Triai Atorney fGeorge Fielt i iiiadf tii-andineGtid'to1 - t1ote sîck i Boule of Sentit Presorptiun. Fine for itiwetP*s s cse andwt t u- he Ut'one-wtt-t pr.'ei'u& t-lItai1.biaclabeeis. eczeme anti ail rongh sainses-ou-i lite urut ufi o.rtre-ans tit Sftiscnslti sUfiuikegXait, anti clear complexion. A real cn The Swett'îcae5W ' t iaing ranceh ioufle. Gel a 35e triai botte aI te drug s.tore. ada Intereal becau-se titere wtre toutep unusual teatures ou tilOne ut'te.' ment neyer 'tas eeni-rd tun te-r- MULufl ' ~ ortie ut court, anti for tuatIreaci-ut court offit-lala 5ere sorprisi a feus The foiiowîng familleso of Iie vfctiutY daya ago 'then tetast' was brotgitt autuedt LakoOeneva, Wls,theFourlt ipp 10 fîndthaltISarite w'tas iot serv- - ~ I James Armont-, J. El. Boniier. L. 8) îng lis sentence. tus' swien titi' case Bonnet, W. M. Bonner. V. fi. Strang, would btaae bean tifcoîerîtl ta i.-t '.A. K. Bin. Davidi Young, E. A. Mbrlin,, knoffl hati al Swele bimself tîc i Oi - i W. ID Stewart. J. 8. Dennian. W. S. anxlous andl starle e t nak itnqui-î Webb anti (Io.' A. Janitteunt- ries. Tht appalata court is ape-ct cd Itd Taylor ant i nly uf Chicaga, have to give a ruhltg soin. limnexteal movedt luM'a. Latheus bouse for Ilie ________ somer, The W.olgrp A. Truaz opent Suoday tn Wauke- CAN'T f V ii N SWAT Amebie Webb 'tas aLHighliand, Park viulor BturdPÔ TATO I6,U IN $ 10 - ÜFanîkuer andtiltif tWaukaegatt Ceur Letd andi Swee as Ithé @penont elime'tit tieir daughter, O U D Y made-Usés anY M r. ant Lir@. ('tarente Sunner andi - Plys àny miak cf DiseRec- diugiter Jean af Edgtwater. speob'Sat- ThteVirn police are getng pretty ord, any sxe. any prc-No b sarp eyec i(su îley tbink). Lait Sun. Extra Albeum 1o .. ranti nd a I li etthe bonieof Jon dayinomniog a man aarted oott h pFzny eqitài trer "ter anti A. L.. Bain. feeti hie ciickeon etrit e roar of the ta te nost exsesve Phoo. Mr. and Mr@. Victor 0. Str.sng anti son lot. On b-le way down te pett wbici graph and 'tuB do everYthing anti Jeuie le iraog aubasd 10 Titre lako, led betetn Bomne rows of potataci thata Tang achie m do lchi , 8turdyite spieti a tew potalo itugs anti bp thta aldgMahn.oado Mciian atria1' gan brushing temn off. A couple cd -The MELODO)GRAPR laa IMr@. Osar Neaitus receiveil word frour 'thunkies 'tere lmmedîaîeîy husîlet Maler Macrne for 0* 10, Michgan ufthIe delh ut bet- fatiter -Mr. ver n bInterview anti 'arm hlm *not Il spe lO « t&dtci. laur. Site 1.11 Frday to atie the lt 1garden on Suoday.îî We have iteen funerl. tld lb-aI ceeof these camie police stoot lut front of the tire station ha Dr. 0. E. Janîboon antitanmihy allentitt Suntiay mornmng antihitthebcphtoo tb. louerai of Lre. Janmison'ai brother. grapiter "'tork" ta ýta*se their pîctures W. E. Davis as Librtly'rllle Juiy 4tb. Thtis rèinds a taI lant sommer Il Lybui'o Stewart anti famliy ut Chicagot, was a icrimec. for anyone lo delivei speo i te week-end itit A. H. Stewtart. n Uk on. Suonday, but litai yoo cool; go youncelf tb Ithe ZVorcreamery È lire. Stewart ant ielidren ciii remaigel -a sup3aiy, andth lal titile it tits - - foi' somet lle. turbo lb-e "pence of te ciby' for à L 'rsalrol@3utio gvtcln..iîy altesaiedthe' a na51Iboy laune a fine galuoler, evi TII1, eU XÂLL STORE .boer nfor Mise Ruby ffl ng a tGOurntea ný7,Il a l lb o h Satuday.oId aiolin.engineea i ta,. sae m "The Store 1%«t saes You m i Mn1. Carde (âaAland Mr&. gpkins and bours oin Snnday marnings, anld kha DRUCE DRUQ CO. ýdaUitter speol lb-b week-end wlîh lb. tbe neig-borb-acd awake for block QraysiakeAI. Menmo Webb faa, jimily.m. .-'~ ~ - 1 Pagre scen LAKEVILLÂ Mire. iteek Ô( Evaugtou, vicilt;â ber "ltr, lMr&.Thayer te lest %aeek. .lr. Feek cerne out for Su nday. Th@ Kerr ani Faleb familles aie ocup - ntf< be sea ton collageoniD >ep lak" for two week. Uî,.uMIjoplîig 1Ibi-r uutiing Fred Hamnu and igîe epeul laurd&Y ln the Cty. Mr. and Mr*. C1itun i>xQlt bave mnved to the 'tberfarnt, and Mr. Iliun wili bhi-p about the îluck tarin. Mir. and Msra. Frank Cremini are reciving congratulations un the arrivai ol twin girls un JuIy 4tb. àdrc i. . Weber went tu waukemba the firit of the week to talie more treat. inente 1cr ber rbeuntatiom which doue not es'em to iniprove ane rapidly as her frends would wlah. P. W. Gray of Chcago, vins a $unday gnest at Albert Kappieceâ.' 1ev. $aundert ut Chicago, ocnpied te pulpt Suaday oven:ng and gaveL a Very interestiug talk un ic work. Word recently recivedt ron) Mr. and édis. Boicue tDanîiel@utfPortland, Oregon, annonuce the arrivai of a baby boy (yu Saturd&a,.Junc go. lirandpa Danlela lu aIl @mile@ andi rece'iviug te congratula- tions bere. rs. Herbert 'Çeëontand cîhildreà tart- ed lait Thurey for a viKit wlth ber parenté n Sonthero Ilinois. H. B. Tuwer andti wfe etarttid Weduee- day for a twu rountitsvit withrelativee near boution. John Bowling du ovetie Ford tu)t rayc.- iaxe lait 'ritureda, antd in lurnint< arouod ln hie br,sbero yard. te wheeis lucked and caucet i hlmfo run loto a trep, throwing hi*s daughter, M re. tdîpardeu tbrough the wrind ehid and cutuîuig i-r face eu itadly hat evrrai stii-hes lied tu be laken No otherserions iawage was, doue acide 1juin thtebake-ulo. Du you gt-t ui) ati î,glt' Sanol 1* 8urely te btst for ail kidzicu and bitA de r trouble. Sanol gîves relief îni 24 houre front ail baciache andt lIai- der trouble. Sanol le a guaranteeti reinedy. 35c and $1.00 a botle eIt te IIETIIlUMPS TO AMAT WRECKED, AÀJIU<E RIFLE AUTO TURNS (WFR; MiNETS;t PITCJJES'L, NO, TRUTII TO THE RANME IS BEING 2 OCCUPANTS BUR. r LAST_4iAME HERE REAL 80MB STORY ERECTED ON BLUFF lED UNDER TIE CAR Another Straw Is Added to the Commander McMunn Denies Naval Station Acquires Sixty Removed. to the Corser Home Heavy Burden Local Team With Empbasis Statements Acres North of Foss Park, Near Beach-Driver of the Has Borne This Year. of ChicagoPapers. NorthChicago. Machine LostControf. LOST MANT GOOD PLAYERS. ALL BOMBS WERE "SHAMS.' DONE BY NEXT WEEK. COLLAR BONE BROKEN4. Difficuty WiII Be Encountered Reports ta Contrary Are Not Capt. Moffett Declares He WiIl Two Women and a ChiId Arb in Gçttipg ai, Good Pitcher Even Bemng Investigated, Open It to Use of Neighbor- lnjured in Auto Aocie* for the Locals. SaysOff icer. ing Gun Clubs. Near Uibert7yvillé. î HETNTOREAI. îre reci amyaxalrswitt.Il develops hat Captalî in1fei'f Tvo u len sioe naitaes W utgan, Juy .neased the tirs accident of the war Great L.akem station aitret' a- hin learnu-,d narrowily c apdfaa for the Ameriran aviatqp corps here uiea ee'oabu xt ceInuebut71lSrdyiloic TtIhfoeha@ fnduced Heatht te re- Thursday. Il itapiced in L.ake Midli- . rt ce taotuxyarsIiîi- bu :ilSna ono main on the Waukeflan team waa the igan at te naval stution. Hani 0f landi just nortit of Fos park, s lien tire Ford attomobll inn ho bie ta tement made titis aflernoom by moud wae t0 have droîiped bomba ont North Chicago. and on tai site bas te' su r'- riding tiirned over mb a Thoma.n McCann. H-e admits that the "tank" wicb took part in ttue )(guri carryiflg on work for the con- (itIdi on Shierfidan roati about titre., Heatht had ilgnea C contract wtt Vieall bailole biageti ai the naval trai tr nu n-e jih 'fWakgn 0 !lt lng station. srcino oenrte ag. mlsrot fWuea.ýOeo h Chicago Magn"ta but says thal the While the seaplane. guided !,y Titis range wvîlihout scii by seamen mon sutteril a broken colliar bone ang moment ho iarad f l sfcs Hantminoif. was skimming along ti- OrT7V riid'u ttT-y wil practice a badly vroncîieuiand br taled back, sent a mafisoga to see hirm and ar- wter prellmIna.I;y to taking 10 lth,' here iiaily, u"ing saial antis and re wll(i i)i hii ei escý(apI'd witb a few ianged terine aatlVactory te the oe air, a floiating log punclored ione utr volt crs. leuis about tht itheail anti ruiner bruiwea, the pantalons. Thte criplld cirait cal twirher. îlutîered" along for hait a ile andTI iitr,- wili iCin ail abut tlfort,; Tho mtîen s îr,- enrouoofrom M310- "I have un agreementi wttHeath t Il lcoiungèd itead townwaril, uvhjt. large, o. nd te largeta are alrpay atvutkee ta Chicago utend sets travetilà by ~ich e eree l pîlh fo us lammonti and En8igo .Johnî J. Mîithon thu grottnd ready lu hie Pecte'î. at a rapid raie ut speeti a( lte time'of untaicho alit 0f A teug ci a foreasi, cl Blair, is fe ilow aviator, swuaiIohtn are now tiuiding- ttechbltta't le accident. Wlttieîr tW a teer'ln untl te lt o Auus aileat,"Mir -or their ]ives. They were noarlu' MoCan aill. "On te lti of Augurt exhaupted wben a boalt rainte na-ttiid ele "itooling wiil bie direcleti geir limite or the otan aI lite wbsel lie lr ta have n lryout sitite New vai station"Ireacuet tent. tewardti he -i o-'icontrai of îc nul known, Vonk Gianta.- If Jice faits ta secwre a The aboa'e ta5lite extntoth ie au' Titi' ran' saNlîtrt-semble in prac btltlite machine skidded Irrta te bethwthtec e viirtun cident . Every mornfng haper liti (hi- ikaîlvet crv rebptut the rifle ranige Iiit.i cra.9hI-d toto te fencru and turn- Wauegn10rytethe effect that lite tiree boabds u'i-ii t i'ttt Shteridan hly te sol eti ctttitphely over, burylnx thé lwo whicteieairmen vireta dropt o1t diî-r,. t, titj t ntebnath thte wreckagis.. Titat tbe lige of saît tull in-atu heconîbatant s tram tht'air. we- C('al i tr tt 551. tai lthe l n iving nearby callet] medical ger le nel a gardon ~ - -lts' founksluliehe la icmst.te at eh-ni,"tr.I 'w Ill permtit rifle clus - id ~ilir .E od INr qf "3 LI; Tlireend of Nort d Iv T htomas licCanti, suho dlire-cts terrible lrastcdy mgitb bae itappen- i i iaie uprratittg ln ne, aht i('bit-tige rsponded andi atlended ti-e tht' destinles' of te owîtltiltdev- t edin c-sae te airtuttIrealhy gotinlto 10 i lc'a i ractîýe On this range. 'Injurpti nian li the Mre. Carie Corser gregation. Titere la tini lotilit hi' ibe air andth ie to-n drappth ii' girg tuant certain itoure on wihc110i,1t,. near s-iere lte accident 00- b-sbb to-ia onita becausc tttt'y wer rt-ai sttifftolu ,--i. crd fe ri*n h ons ltat McCann-o hdii , hnbginstead ot blankaF'. lndicaiing eiutt oîi r-.nglt ons ehare of 111 luck Iit',ason. Here wlat an exient big papers mitreprît Ilt is iett that lte targets wil tii lihuiicianLook te men 10althe are a tes of lte mislii,î it-l titsent. news, rt-ad Conamaider Mc- be sel Up and that te boys cao be- Nprth Westernt station witeru tbey - tIruit iteloca -tant Niuns tatement relative ta Ibis gin prarticlng hy the mIdille of oetIibuardeti a train for C'hicago, leaving stukth oa -em atler.I Firet--Eog.ý KiUey. rtaîn and 'rthere la absaiuiely noîhiîng t10 lit wee lir aithe latest. Tht, targets are . iroir areeketi machine at lb. Corst- star fitirat baièman, Jumpstu lthlIe ;lor-treport. Tire bombe; in queiton, s ittelus oruflnary targels and are net bor'ne. den (<ty teaâ of Cicaago. 1bienke, were matie untier diri-ciion 4fofcrt îta" y cool rolieti, like titbNe 1 Atoter auomobile Secod..'i~ady"Urlecil tic he bs ordnaoce offîcer and placeti by te-s shicit have been maintained. t which lwo women and a chilti Were siond- - dy so andecli hîbittn the boat. "They were net real iteGeiLie tto abrsoettnei arpttdt acocr t'O igu rkth>ýsesson nd nw Sbomba anti bad te boat flot met wl ththGra kesaiohrb mne1nJedi eptdtafv cUrd heing given a.t obt w-I ithte (Chicagot an accident. wouiti bave been tiropp- te alatlon was esalaibed. i near Libertyville Suntia). ('ube. d froeilte air and nobody would11j bave hésenbort, for they wers te RECONSIDER CUMMIN~S AMEND-11. Third-HeaxWy Penn,, star pileiter, amne iariesa bombats iat we useti M 9NT. 1 C.UCZ'S LAKE CIUs ELIECTO. who burieti a no-it gaute for Watt- last week. NWathington, eCe. C., Juiy 7.-rÈh The' truel.Al<e Country club 4ea. keanlaîtsàoo lmptitolie ;u- ican'liImagine how Chi copa- Cmisamfdet10:t oo i ca nnuai meeting Satarday lavenin tien City club- of Ciicazo.lierasîîinled taI etoryr becance fI -and electedtihie fcllowing oflcera:ý viras, the resuit tof me fertile Imagi- protibilang the' walhdruwsf of iquor Preaident-W. T. McCanley.-- Fourth-I'el1 Jakubik. bhird base-- nation. abcoiuiely. No, investîgation in bondi fol' beverag. purposeai was Vice Preaident-R. C Harper man extraordisiary. Jumiptheiel 1il on becanse there waa no oced for recansidered by the sena. by as'Vitei Treaisurer-W. E. Pratt.- for Iwo or titres game-, but tow tae ny.of 44 to 39. Tte amendiment had -qccretry-H. C. ChiOl'»m-- SeveraI tournd visitore watciteti Direclors-D. W. Ellis, ("harle, '. back agaho. te allan t atile. Titere was an ath- been adopted lite yetterday. Many- liihlenbacit. F. A. Bratngon. G.' H. Fifth-"'Tommiy" Flynn. 1ulturLt, carvinal In lte mornlng. In te senatora switched their vote* todlay. King, W. K. Renan. star lhird biasernan. jumpedt'daute drII hall in the afternoon 2000 pe'r. sons danceti. Rogers Parle team. About îwo itundreti guesis cantoouni plicht (ýieauega lu vco hn,;-efrote Chicago, among tem being W ednie8day July 18 at ChautaUqua Pitced au:ega tavieor>in ýe.Congre-sman Martin B. Matiden. Ttc entertainemenl wasagît-en yes- fia-e gaines layedti Iis season. itiîterday Intead of on l t - heausi' n r ss n n H b on t l s cd bisia ast cante- for te oejkl tî'atîli te Pltof the muntirwa hIbitil Tnte4ho uy hnh o ldyor te reath aia tatoswebite nt own game- hy pofing te longe-r Ii ot rncvatr wr t h evermate o litsutlitaidetiiîîîuîî iruîewing litrte when te ptaradie uof.i UiU U eve mae o thsoth idediailod.bluocjacket-. narcheti pasi. They C a t u u Repot-te Vary. tuere L.î-ttenats Fernandi Gauliu'r. Just ariat Hetah la ba do nuwis , tPaul Prou o't andf Mauirice Lafflu' ,,'-yY. kt t '.- not lînor, sltere are bwo spathra, w iusar xett u toheCt rouinr,-,concernlng hlm., îten itatu. e avitationt c.îtî aIitîntotîl -~~ t-nlstruclors. natt trumr Chicago. Ont, anti il noN- t Get Rocîpe for Canes. ceeta te mt lprobable, la Ihat hi, Wion te Frencht ofticerst guu liiik bas been igneti up by Nl alnl trnu e utfliePîîs 4itntd for bis Chicago League liagnets -p.1 aicatons-for maitin At thu Thtis report tates titat be wîîîlu itIittie creant catît a cili of iAIllt-, ~C- ' for te Magnelu next Suaiay n titi-jtjackets puretiamilizcertes i ttu u gaine againat Pontine et titat civ. Icen operate-d hy the Nacy Rulief A,-- Titeotier epor. atd l lasai 1 sociathon. Qnestionhng leuf ta îîîr -1 Theothr rpor, pd it a sid o champeot conee for thte villonsq î haae been coîttirotetiby Healtli Nra. W. A. Mofftt. site ilf Ciptaiti self, isataI hl ta l be giva e iantu- MpffeitI.eomandtng te statian, anti by te New York Gi-lnts. Manager Ini te nIdtaiOf an admirîns, autienri- MeCraw lootiçf Heatht over 3everal thie ltrencbren soccesstuhfy negoti- Urnes ast sîtmîur and itas notifiei1 lite c -m-i___cete,__e Speni- tat ho ie a ii ive hbina à ehanutetp mWieWaUkcgan fana eiusitt a MUST WEAR UNI- greal demi ut Penn tbey have necum ~fM 'I IIE evenmursdeepy atache ta leatît. Iilf IaJ, As. anti bis going iiili e one of the- bard- t stblws helca' ea se hs AT THE STATION lb-at biestallar pliayittg bas doett tmuci ta1 put Wauîaegan In iret piaci' Effort at Washington to Pass -In te City League. Anti-Cigaret Bill Meets With If Tommy MucCann neetieti 5ns Much Opposition. more Ail luck itlta lte tcctltaI lite Is eervlng ~sisetence ln<tbo counny Jai ît iaîunuîiformes. ititeretai ti- naý and la not aie- la scurry about antivalshtation or 'OXI shOre" are nflotl- secure anotiter pîlciter. ~ eraleti anti wihi n01 be In foture as a recuit ut an ortie-r ta bas 9017e torlt aIte station eOmpelling ail. frontiteappreuttica' seamten lu lte IIhs fiens. 1ta wearthemir ul-, 'MOliF N TU Phigtef ie pre cent timetere ai'e -V Ii4JIIda, sluea who hi- en Inclineti ta le AT BÀ L M e ýýrcahs.anti te heati offIcers 'tare L'AVC'TIflKACI'MI>I t i ncinet-a luton100strict for ter. JAI3IlUITAsu)U~3iwere tFo iany ni-w men conIfng In ail y thie ie Ihai itl sPte Im npose- i .bleta10fitten t OIwith onitortos ,U. S. S. Preston, Torpedo Boat lîninedia iely. th a "Bomewitere on te Sea," July 3, Thont.LOG, tere arere many otfit 1917 naval station toin wito made it a Waultgan ailySon'plan taLuien civilisanclolbiing a5s oon Wakea Dil un as titiy letfte station.t hf P receivet ycor paper trou l'ideuur th,-ni-w ortiere Ibis cvi le- i .redat a ur ld1 e ra Inîalîîs an tInfraction of ruhîts andi et many utfnîy trienuls on If,, rol ot et l]ite punisheti aecordlogiy. [t la b-anr o reistatiti iaI la-.-noliceti titldîring te lest few days - -4 la attniofrtnitraionHni.1 hto aokegan men arito tit t lTiq RICH)IOND ?tailSON floéotM"WBî$e'110lu etbeen in te naav alinost titree mantilea o t'ice t"fi l(, stationliav-e beenSp" ounte closing nigbt. Cdptain HObicons l1WB Qonlà. aub1laiet»t I ,.anti 1 like rit etter tvery day.- îeIFirilg bin ttorm't tonr te(,iretj nalsurmccd n>qotet101ea- v'

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