Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 12 Jul 1917, p. 9

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rTYVILLÉ INDEPENDENT ILA K -E CO0U NTMY N D EPEND eCqE NT1 Lake Cou nty's Big Weekly Gredaga.Guioe linaBerW«"lmnsa C«@U Cohb.d WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN VO. ýXXV.--NO. 28. PÊA2RfTieTW L1BIrE]TY V1l;Lý INiJIPINI)ENT, UY ,197 FOUR PAGES $1.50 PER YEAR IN kVN& I IVIDIIRODOBLE IFUNERAL TENUTA IS FOUND UnvrD~, 'C i IJUWIIIÔAT ROSECRANS '15 4iUJLTY; 9 LIQUOR I UQ ~~ A1ÀTENDED BY MANY SALES ARE PROYED Chm@ ar I il 11',.S Remains of Milton Bennett and- Detect'ives for State Testif y to IU JlhID I chester Winters, Drowning Having Bought Beer, Wine FOMRPASTOR IN CHARGEIHAVE WEAK DEFENSE.flrn - Services Are Conducted by the Tenuta Did Not Deny Serving i Supt. Simpson Fixes JuIy 31 Rev. Mr. Doble of Evanston Drinks but Said He Received li as the Date for Holding and Wahl of Rosecrans. 1 No Pay for Them. Elections. On0e of te most largpiy attended A sealed vect-r rtiirned ln tt, Al' TO APPOIN BOARDS.fuieraits Intheh ~y ftat o-cnety court Tuesday night litf6:e00 mnAPOITyBAoD.curr e6d edy aflern. oon and opened ibis mornIng. Man Born in Waukegan Select- a'tlicosecrans. when te r-mains of 1oc. lc ak. p L o arit d yGoenmn t a 'r WilI Make It Possible to Levy Milton Bennet 17, and is cousin. ,en rtk Tnto a~ uU oefmn 0~~ a Tax to Pay Tuition of t h tster Winters, 14, were laid te 1itri-et, guiliy on nine coutils of liav' Charge of Service. H igh School Pupils. es-t ini the Roi-cerans eeer.Bth lng soid iituxicating liucir in anti- S 'IG RCONTIN - - the~i i,. by irow»i», leth saloon seriitorv. Detpüti',es for tith Nonlilghschool dslriain.river, Sunday', te eider ctfý liut Latke ctiuityart- to hold uitlelie trttwos clfi cousi fn 1 etta eýtfe at t ey ud s-ir ûf aîhBy His Selection-Mr. Chamb- lIon on TesayIil ' v , îai îih ,rt ti v i- ui.Tntanh l isiiwfe. ers Becomes Most Conspicu- tînjUe hourds aIl b,c ei-etsd Io makp e funeral corteges met at the Mîîcîai 0. iaiioran, chier ditec- ous Man in R. R. Circles. arrangî-uwî.-iî--to '-'y a ax o lieMtiodist ciîurch a Ro'eransutai live for titi- tate, told (ut a ruse- thai ued iilitIai irig tlii.-tu,îon of? iîi l 34) o'cloek, s herene tie services wérc was uied to Ingratiate himnsi-if Vith;Aiicilif-r \V'aukegan mari t',tii bscheot lulis livinc within tincadidis- i'dce iytî uv lose tTenuta. Ie said that'hi- sud bis fronît. t rict. ArrASnî-'iejts for ihe holding Evangoen. a former pastur of that partner pretendvd 10 be makting l!it -'t sutticient to hae Ili, gî,v. of tht se i-ie-tiouss have jusI lt-enI chuncît. and tite Rev. Wite pre- jmeasuremenîs iar liii Tenuta homne erroment -ail Dr. Fred Hisi-y iti-cd1 olii e r .A.-itîmlson. ceunîy ej Pstr.Tihi calkets. ban)kfd wii o the installation of teit-pholiep oli-s. tht' irst big medical unit sent to beuiilfloral Iritîntes. were exactTenifrare -îeltd"it tf ciools. ln accord- hie swýr h uohase nTntJ.- ays, cami eut and i-n Faebut now tecle Sani lias suti- suce with a iaw palseid aitti- recent wihtebûismFecri-lt h gaged tii-m n conversation. Afier. morted] to the directorate of a mo,t apission (ut the- ste î'egielature. siih h-t1îisweecari- 0 ii at lits-v 'id si-erai rotinde uf the imoiortant brancit of the wvar fortes Mr. Simpson bas ntaii-d out i -mI-rdrinks, icuding itoth ti-rr nd zant ,,r Waukean Man. differs-ot partit of te county titi-fotiIn hi" sermon. Nir. D)oubile dweit wiitssei-. lli- valitît Tentîta titin It ia Edward Chamber,, inman borit iowiîg slf expianatory notices: on thï. sudd-ni-s or tie ti-smmlons it,l iu tii e i- basiment of an ar.u, raîsed in Waukegan. a trotlit'r wh-bih <ulv-d bhit iua s ttheir dealt tdjoiiting .houst, ahere he had storiti 1to ti- iseSLoulse and Doit lCtant The Tuition Law. md te ils c-ssii v 0f'living in enclb t1sesýerà,iîarr- lv of wne andI witsk,-ý.hi-r.- of iiei'idere street. III Partit colînîn of titi tate ail tfilt banner as to hei- îrepared tln bei- Auý-ordîng to lhalboran hi- anti liE Al transportation rnatiFrs in tli tcrritony of Ilets' Ouitv tit nclîîîiî illit. Baker i anlim ue. lie spoti- ef parîner n-tirilt-d oni iothproi-r Occ- juied State-s are to bei -nI large ot i a townishipi high 4ciîiisu district. 11i Gos, i rani as hi- i rst charge and rei- sien and plîrihiaseti drinks tif M\riu '7 daard lChambers, vice preysident )f a i-nî iîîls h m i'bi,,l ci trîct. (Ir cil,d iii.- it tthat hehi-ad married Fi'tnuta. ii -;anta FF aiiroad. duriîig te p- aditric.t rtatntainiîig a recognilzedth ie ltar' ne t6 iti-ue os alto bad loit Tilntahad litllederenseIo 1mnake ri f i he war. Mr. ChanHueirs has- four tyear ligh t,ihootilîsihl lie- orgetu stiîih a tragie leiti. ther than thaI lie, claimpri finît li- mit îutcepîed an appointaie-nt as aF D'i tuu î ntuuith sitol lîtri t frl'losiig te servi(utsathe-remaili.i bad rnei i-d nu mui-y for 1lieidri nk sitat to1 Herbert 0s. Bous r, the liii-, put pos-if ]lt-i vng n a uIxitîapy " cri- boirneto M0ount ti"-t cem'tery, 'i-rved lutii th te l'lne-, it-jury ntion's food controller. says a Wasbî luit ution of a1 ilgitti grade graduî iti paiti-ari-rs i.eing former cIai-s- evîdentis-v ddd fot tlte înuChtb sîîîckni-lot dispalcit. Announc[îent of àl"isr -idliig in - ti 011 i-h i chitO lr. ~tesfti- bv.n titis explantinl. te appoîntinerit *as mad& îiroîig. distrit. iîîcling pitîtit-att--tidint- a Cnmta evce " edalits-gi-ocrai offices o e titi- s tttaP rechoil <îndu t he aloa scitoilliea i-as and te iodies buri-ldin lut lûoktng tiser lie registrastion lisi ity E. P. Rlîl-y, presldentt0f t. ý-cI civtri t é-il huard tloica icoîi orheir respective famlly lots. and titi-nunthers auisign-d by the lo- ruad. dip_____Thé_oardof__________or tcal lboard, Il isasi-entat JhluaAr-1 .%r. Chlambers has been in charge i-Idnohgi cholditrctsai titur. of Winthroi, Harbior.,a-as gin- 'of titi traffie departîment ofthlie San- consltut.'d as; foitows. Theciti- v CRA.ZY MAN CAPM în No. 1; Anltin Anbrose, 41)8 Tenti ta Fe- aiti offices ln Ciicago. It ) -u1ti-nnf-tdent of jschoolqshsi a it 51 vInel, Waukegani, got No. 13, and a-as announci-d tîtat lie wlll procef-d ex-offio menîber of sald boardi and TIIDIN IfIG omi.ici 1îattua, 227 Southtit i-niset'j sertary it-ri-of luit shah itave- no I REDE IN 1'S.J5BiI sîreet, got No. 23. (Contlnued on Page three.) vols- Titi-îiiaining members eti te nou i it ht sciil itrict itoard AT DIAMOND LAKE citali t.h'- 't"' tid a fol oas: On r hie r ý Wut 1.nd î 1917, ti h e oul s- M an B eieved to H ave E scaped éleclonfo te uros o eeci 14 From Dunning ls Appre- I OM A S TE tres i, enîîra of titi board etfi-du- hended After Chase. calioe of saîd non-uit-b scitool dltý;N rci and al<'t linte u fi-scii-rks andlni-hq ni-ar l-Amnila ,. I N A N TT E enîlter outnciicîs and itoltîni- tla-mn,a-as scpîUred loday ln tieti- ld, A I N N T for sueii election. huit bei-n secît ait abîout titi- îlaui- ait '-lih.- itttillir tif holdingileit 005day of Tuesday and Nlarsalul Lliii sîitit hi, gosi-ined biy Sections 12Ci ry of! Libertyvitie a-as aski-d to go 'i andt t2uia of tiel- encraI ia-. ixcept thte 'aki- ibis morning aînd capture when '4ttifrwise pes-itltly desli-- tite -ti-îow. O A T F RW I H naed e vmisi...-, c ,,s ,,, t Iliî,is nt.-I___________ Tihe parts of Lake coîînty lacludedl titi-ettl rîlor! if.a recognized lilgu scitool are thei Antioch Township( Hlgh Schoolii)istrict. the, Warrent Towniship iligi Schooi District, thetu %%aukegan Touanship High Sehooli IiF ivtOt, the LIbertyvIlie Township 1 l-igh Sehool District, the Wauconda ,Townflîîp ilig)t School istitet l- Si)eenielIiîi uid.a rownshilp High Sciionli iistrict. anti that part of titi- flarrington Iigh Schooi District ]Y- Iîîg In i.ake county. Ail the' reniain- Ing parts or Lake~ county comprise te non-igh school district of thial cou nty. 1 have choswn Tuesday, July 31, as the day for Iis election. -The time w1ili be lhetwetcn the hours of 3 and 6 oclock Iti the afternoon. The town- ahip tri-a.surers wili be assignd 0 te duties of po6ting notices. opentng polfis, prttlng Up voting itootits andj maiing 'returns of the election. In so far as practicable the trustees of1 .schools -wll be asked ta officiate as ludges and clerkg of election. Ail lte nhotices, poil btooks, ballots, etc., will be forvarded from titis office In due time. 1 have the precincts for this election as follteWS: Precinct 0nte-Towriship 46-12- The Town of l3entOO. Polliflg Place- Pire Station, Zion itY. Prîecinct Two-Towflship 46-11- SThte Town of Newport. Polllflg place -Welch»s Hall, Rosecrafla. Precinct Three-All titat part, Or parts, of Township 4610flot tncluded In the Antloch H. S. District; AND ail thatpart of Township 46-9, lying In La'ie county and nt laciuded in the Antiocit H. S. District. Polling plaCe-BÙarnstable's Hall, 'Late Villa. aCntfu.onpage three.) anti tehili-ile ie lsanaitinsane' pa- tient frein. 1)utning asyltîn, C-oc- county. i- is 37, yeasaolt sud tutti te ottici-re is ostos- t George An- titony. Hua-i-ver, i- hiadtw-o carda in tis pocli-is indicalhng names if tit-u on parole fronit titi-asyluitt. Nelther bore tl ii-nme Anthony. The man a-as taki-t te te ceunty ta- hi-ne hi- is beitg itdtipenitutug word froto Dunnini-. MarsaaiLinberry capturedtihie fetîcwa tt-r qulte a chase trotu-ht titi a-oois, filsanti loni-its INTERN M EN AT SHIERIDAN DETECT-i .ED IN A WAR PLOT Washintgon bas ordi-rei U. S. Mar- ehal Bradley In Chicago t0 intern for titi penfilote ii aar Heinricit Ortit- ýman anti Pete-r Backea, activel>' n- clini-t toa-andte kaiser, Botit are In custoti> anti ifle5bilievi- tittiy a-llu' hi- mprisoned ti F ort Siteridan, a-her- altera oe iti-mied anti sym- pathties are In saf e ki-eping. Back-s lia saidtet have admitted l hi connectien a-ith a plot t0ebew up Pow-er plants aI Niagara F'alls osn the Canadian side. Hi- le a Gi-Mati ne- servial. Ortitoan la saidtiet havi- loutil> prociaimed his ilitunciatlens et te governiment. Mn, ant i rs. Chtap. Tyrrelili-t t teý day fer a montl's trip In ltea-est, Titiy a-iinuit at Se-atle, Portlandi, anti Denver. Mn.L Tyrreil,a-as torm- i-erly Migs Mazen Cale, anti as em- pioyed aIttieLbirtyville Indepenti- I i-t office. Zion City Resident, Citing East leI either case iti titi dut>' et some St. Louis Riots, Says Zion ilc autipoiy tiN ind~tren d ii City Faces Similar Situation itty times as man%ý oloicemen a if Authorities Do Not Act. tormi-îîy a-i-e usi-t. 500 OLIC INDCATEVoliva daims ih i atIidrive every- 500 OLIC INDCATE onet, roto ti- cîty ww ilnet - TROUBLE IS EXPECTEO., knoa-ietge hlm as tlicr leader, Titis sitowA hi- is ettiariini te police force County, Federal and State 0 f-I not wit thlie ids'a of-conirolllng ay ficils W rnedTheyBettr Itrouble, itbtut fcri-ttiiit InT otiter ficaisWared heyBeter -ords titi police fore,- ia to he usesl Take Steps Before Serious for potitical plîrposes. Naturally you Disturbances Break Out. a-lit say, "Cant lte peocpie tale cari- - - of titimai-mes?' To a-icb i 'ould an- Copies of tit-hlt-r beIow, wahiéI sa-ir, 'Yi-e,,titiy cao, andi furtiter- is ratitcr signiticant anti sensationaîl more, tit i-y lIt." But prompt action ln a-lat il contains. have bei-n mail- by lte proper oflîcats a-lI avent ed 10 Attornuey Generai Brundage, to titis unnhcessary bloudshed. 'i-unton Clabaugihi-ad otftiti federal ît Is true titi-se neots havi- bei-n pre. department of justice, to States At- dîcteti hifors-. do had te r-cent oct- iorney Welcit as a-cii as bt ti- Inde- breaks ln East St. Louis. anti eventu- piedent. aIIy it came, Il may go on for year2§ Zion C'ity. Ill., July 1l, 1917. ln Zion City, but sonnter or later tht We havi- bei-n readIng waith diaguat apau k that aill set titis witeîe cil> tite varione acciotuuts of ti- r-cent ablaze aith anarclty will corneTite East St. Louis niota, a-ontering boa- elate or couty musi sli-p ln and sncb oultreaka were possible tu clv- stop IL. Eventuaily? Wity not no-w Ilizi-t communities. Yi-t tîtat titisi- When mnn aim exemption frour a-ouîti eventualty occur si-ims te military service on accouttofettitil bave bei-n &now-n to practlcaliy i-ne- jobjection te iturtingthetti enemy ot bit ryone converpant aitit conditions in country, but are aillut- to multiply that partieniar iocallty. tthim police forci-t bo2.'M limes Itt Witat happeneti in East St. Louis former pizi-, witnten a-ho will and la apt te itappen i-bt hi-ne in I*kcý have clohhed people- aho diffen front county, Not race niota, but ni-vertiti- tieti- in religions i-as, men a-ht hise clashes titat a-I ii- eJust as lia- iold thei word of one man, Voliva, to bIet tehiad to bloodshedi. Zion City', mean more titan titi- nandiates etftiti a city titat bas bée-ofe bei-n amp- eupreme court of Illinois, a-hi-t ly protecteti by ta-o police efficeir, Iitling» have rsacbed titis point, and bas noa-, or s000 wiil have, five itun- thltsy havi- in 7ion Cty, surely It ts dred policemen,. tim- fer action. An investigation Thtis aloie shows the need et some 'riôla may saxi- numi-roqe coroner's action by -eltber slate ot count), but- nquesta lai-r. Malte a pisonal ln- thorities. Etter titi-e art tiangerous cetgtô fths osl ondi ottreaks er,-neoea or titiy are evi- lions new.\1 1 deutly oxpectiti la the ni-ar future,. ONE WHO WÂNTS JU13TIM ANTIOCII MAN IS MAN BADLY HURT ACCUSED Of PAN= WIIEN CLOTiIES ARE DERING 1115 WIFE CAUGIT IN StIATF Joe Van Patten Draws Heavy Scalp Nearly Severed Fromý Fine After Having Enter- Head of Charles Schank of ed Plea of Guilty. LibertyvilleTuesday. WOMEN ARE A LSO FINED. ACCIDENT AT RONDOUT. Elsie Lucia, an lnmate of the Unconiscious When Friends Same House, Ordered to Reached Side-Victim Has Leave County. Other Bad Bruises. Joe Van Patten, 2?;, Hazs-l Van Pat- Whiie working on. lte second ifloor i-O, bi is att, anti F.lsie iusl , o r u tt' Arcadia ttills -ai Rondou t, 'room-r' i lie Van i-'aieit (,tian1es Scitantt, ut LieelytviiIî-, ar- "roomer ai th Van Ptten oa-t y cscaped ,- eti-hiai 6 o'clôck. ut Anliocit. a-îre each it fl-ti $210)iandit uesday evenin-, a-lien bis clotiig TeCisi Insistence of U. S. Relative to Vernon Bars Leaves But Two Courses Open. MAY TAKE 'NO ACTION. Many Express Opinion That toi-ta tiy \agistiate Taytlor, tif Waiuî -s caogbt ini lb rt-vlii sal-ait andi Board WiIl Sit Back and AI- kegan, titis ntornîng, tit a chatrge of Iitt-raIIyty b frontbu hi ody. H ia i ow Government to Acf. dîsortieris contin-. Openalives fiont scalp w-as uît-triy tor off aft-r he itaî OFlîtrin's Chicago ds-lectv, tg-n(1ty, -lii-en wlîrled arounti si-eraI limes Its SIwcu'e ion is rife as leusite action a-ho iad tiien empIuyed by Ite villuug- lthe shtand lie a-was ren ve îuîhis triâ t e taken tiy th- counîy ittututi- alter uîedicai aid tati itcsrti-un buard, statedti tit Van Pa:îî-îî itit i îîîuîcîî -Itl s teieveul lie wiiî ne- hourd of Lake î-îuntty as a ni-suIt o! ouîIy conuteildaidisot-du rîy ieuse cuver.lits- iioliticaiton receissitiTuestia> lit pandercd lus a-ife VîNatflails n 'l'ie iujureimr- i -nw-as tinsitie 'tofroîntthte goveromnent relative tl er- was si-ut 10 jail for fty tiays. Bra. i epanio u hii imeeu ocation tut iquor tîcenses leeued se Vaut l'atciî prunîlact' lu return tote br tati-led I lut unacitinery. ilstel parents' btouni- uitIi-otit' uatulois' iurtitrn ho btru.ýtI- inii e is adtiti-csaloois tHall Day anti Prairie sals- ssonid ieîtve fLaki- counis- - broui-bt tue imachtine tu a stop barely Vléw In Vernon townsip, a-lt rupn lt I fnst a--r' ~i-r~;in lime t0 stEv-lu lithe, ant i ie 'aasJTii-ee-are uita-wo courses for lthe ed conditioiîatly. 1 pickedutinU an îînconscious condu- iboard te latte. Titiy are: Complaints front Van Palteu's ution r alr iLbryvl-v- First-CaIl a speclal meeting andi neigborsbroghzabou hi arrs.sumnoed. and sceti dup la-o a-otndsN',t eokthlinsor neitbtios brui-t abnt bs arest nearly five itichtts longinitinudvoe0rvoetti-cneso. lie- îloos-d tht- occupatiun of aa-i-Ill hiadg- in t-he- teerl ffiias ak diggçr, bu bai not een mplo matins had H iait ati osulfered cOdletf i. ffces ar dtigîrtit lst ne bi- emtiYi1inombler of otuer braises atiout the abat-ver- action lthe>' deFir-, atire t as a-lots-r, anti aftcr geitini hi-ad nnd hodiy.- lthe Luncia irin o tise 51 t isomé, H -slI- 0bshm tBot- Those a-ho attended the recent attýt-iit-slto force lis aife intoa H a ae h. ont -Br n i es-ting of titi-boardi antiiislened 1to Ill o samp i %as ai. he th a ansd Sec-ondulsuret-t hîy the pitysi- Ilts- discussion on the Vernon sa. lîf' u ane, oilsbut 2 m s iTt-otten cuati aber-, despite lita injuries,.uts womao.alto satuon 2u1 :eara t îti-. I ' imîîroved iodisY. Scitali It"t,118,are of thes-opinion tlitIlthe su- basil bei-n aItti- Vano Patten htome for 1. 4.7, cuns o et -c arru'd, and l h i pi-rvisors a-hi take thes second course, about ta-c yaCks prior 10 bu-r arrest. wau-lknoau in Luibertys iti-, tMmese is or r ioogl Titi- village itoardi broui-ht lthenmat- ebr ftebadaetoogl ter tiifore thc state's attoeruy, a-ho I -on,,,i-,nt a-ihthtii-situation at Haif -ad%-iscd titini to empioy dcii--iive A TY F BR I ay ansi Prairie Vu-a-, and assumnet to si-cure es-Idence ai-ainsItti- mati,.lthe stand at their lai-t session 1hat iTa-o operatis-es a-cres-eunt front( 1Ci. I E ~ D II: inasmucit as sthe pi-cpie ofVernon cago anti r-maineti ai the Van Palteit 1J15J5FOR jitIOjI home Ssiturday nigitt. *Titi three ~i i-u~ tewnitip bail voNd te have salOoon» weeariateil titi-foiloa-ini- morit't j in;l L1UIN Z 141CITY tb5t t Ilaasnet up tu te coit>' anti brougit ta tht' counîy jal, a-uer- 1 board te tise an anluitrar>' stand and titiy have eloci- be-u confiî-t, efset grant licenses, s-eing tit I l a-as claimeti by tite prsts4ecutlofl Attorney Who Has Opposed ppepttillons abai eien presentei 1thtat Van P-allen fou-ced ]lics ite anti Voliva for Years, Is Himnself by r-sponsible applîcante. lthe oilr a-ooîao In0ihi in0e a Victim of Court. Pi-tiiraI autitorities taleelite stand bah' ofthtti moitiy titiy sectur-t anti- -titat titi saloong at HaIt lay and at la saîid touhavs- matie bis l!igbBITE AAN I IE.Prairie Viea- have hei-n visbsed fre- tihsmaor.hVie it îîee ai-e______quently b>' student officens fnom Fort cuuufronîeti athlthlie citant5, thîcv ptnt Sher-idan anti by recruits frein itlea.- ereti lisas of gutiity. at Other Actions Against Men" val unaînîng station. Itla young moin Van Pat-uns relativesan frî-tîda Who Have Cîgar and Cig- ltaIt te existence efthlie saloonus le faili- t conte to is assistance atter arets in Their Pockets. a constant menace ta yeung mati on ltse fine a-as Impee-, somie of titi-m bath goveruiment reservations. adviing fle court to *"gins- hlm thte Tiîree more smokcýrs a-ere thiti te- Tite.-malter a-as laid before the lititt. ilaas also statAi thatlite fore Justice J. I.liisitop tut Zion City tioard ti Ilthe iast meeting, asti a T. litit tr-sîsnedtiu shoot Mt vlage j Tut-sday, WMilliam h.L Fabrya-as fOn- qui-st aa matie ttat lthe licenses be, presîideni anti othens a-ho htat broui-lit eti for smoking a cii-ar on Jul>' 4 In revoked, At titat lme lthe titrat wsu ProbabtlitY i- placed untier bond t e Ii-aas not presentitnb court anti bis Invoked te close lthe places If titi kteuu fle pi-at- esn bis terni of li-lttonne>' enti-r-t a pies of not guiity. count>' board did net, Tite cencensus pri-onnt i-ndls, A jury of six, îoa-evs-r, returneti a et opinion on the board seemedt ie h Threalened Vilage Officens. verdict or guilty anti aas fini-i $20 that a-hile lthe govi-rnment consistent. If itaas tiicause Van Pulelsniat anti co8t9 1>' i-puld take soi-b action that it vrai enmade litreats titat te a-ouîd shoot 10 Paul Grahamo, a lad et 16, a-as flned flot titi praper attitude for the board kiti Village Pr-aident William Citris- $t0 anti costs tonritavini- cii-ans-t pa- te assume. tianson, Truýstee P. 0. Haw-kins and Pi-ns anti tobacco lu bils posai-salon. , Word front Washington la tu LoiFi-lIer, mansital, that Stati-s At-1 Harr>' McQuecn a-as bineti for theei-fs-ct titat mi-miens ot et ti-a". b'rui-y Ws'lch insisteti LitaI Van Pat- smoking in a croa-t on June 29. HiO-ty boardi ber- havie-bi-en notified titat t-n undersandti iat tie ti- 15 anti not ped 005 gult> anti a Jury a-as calliel uni-estitiy close lte bars In Venn titi- village autîtorities asaunletitti- Hi- aas tounti guîity -anti lineti $5ot> ownship a-itiin a reasonable apace initiatiive i-ailpst hîo. anticeaI. lof lntimeti- govenient a-Isli-stp la. j Tittretore, If you're, goini te 'William Briltle, an enîpioy- cf lthe,______ e y r n ýy 1 e id m ir is [y te kd m 10 to le m id Is Mi 7'o ýn- shoot anvitoi>'m'toikely lthe one anti loni geongto si-i ihat youuni- p;aceti utndt'r bond-i." V'ait Pstt-n promiseti te a-ouiti îot shoot anyboi>. Presenî lu court turing liteslt-ar- mIn a-i-ni-Miss L.îcia'sniotiter anti ler siater. ProvIdini- MisasILuicia s-ver comte to titi-connty agaiti sie a-ilI hi- plac- s-d under arr-aI under tfitin1e lm- poseti. Tit is-dence as introduceti by titi opi-rativi- sheoa-i-ti iat titheope-ra, tives antiNll.qs Lucia andtihie Van Pattens tati a carousat Satuntia> nighI, anti, accordin- Di-ts-clive O'Brien, titi- house looki-t like a pa- bcon, a-ilb bottles aIllaven titi table anti place. Titi-Lodsla fniîy lives lit Lake Villa. Titi Van Paîtens are a-i-l knoa-n in Anliecit anti Van Pat- tee's brother a-as le court, but hi- seemi-tiisinti-restel lena-bat hi-came of bits brother, itecausee!olthe dieplo- abIe offense charg-t againet hlm. 'tIr. Stoiter, raill-nerorMre, Van Patter, was bncourt andti tltihtti crea-tiehi-wouiti at once lake lber honte, a-uer- hi- wouId h-ep hi-r aa-ay trom Van Patten a-hein, &liie-atimitteti, sitea-as afralti of. M rs. Loa-ten, a-ite ofthlie goventor, l.s niakini- a RetiCrase fiag a-hidi ea 3tii be pr-as-fis-ilto the-county blthe l- aie tavini- the larg'est pi-n capîla etnI-smbhsiip. Lake ceunI>' la going fifer titat flaSI Mari-hall li-Id lace a-rss, a-ho a-as lineti $3 anti ceaI for swaaing anti for chailengini- teo ght on lte street le front o!flte Zion Building ledu;sîr> on June 9, a-as arri-steil ant iimpriâ- oeitilast nu-lit as hi- failedti lepay bie fine or te ie an>' notice a! ap- pi-Ia-l thin lte staluiony lime. Titi tii-tintant a-as servet ialt a mitti- mus on Tuestia> eveinn anti talcn lote custedy, Titi -iefntiant-waas temponaril>' releaei-t, but uniss ei- [fine ispait totiay he i- -liagain hi- FOR~T SHIERIDAN IS TtBE USED ASA BM MEDICAL CAMP Hospital Men to Train at Local Garrison, Aocording to Re- ports Heard Here. titroa-n Ibo jail. Port Sherian, Ill., Jul>' 10.-M About sixteen cases are scbedsled te close o! titi reserve otftoeW forlit fai hm t lte ircit out raining- camp Fort Shaeridan pa'obah' Waukegan, ail of whicit have bei-n l ilb ovre ooabs appealeti from lte magistrats-s court 1'aiIleceett ba-aehp aI Zian City.FPins amountîni- ho pitl. In titlesent it wil becone a -te agi-nsgale ta $580 anti cosîs have trainini- eciool for the mfdical nata pilet Up ltrougit tti-si-appi-ss.andti iat wilI go le Francs and a bospital four etflte defendanta havi- fines e on lirthe aickand Injured wito will 1» oesr s$10,a-hîcii must hi- paiui unlesa sent hi-ne trom lte draft arS>' oea». lte ccnnty court tiides otitsra-igeof lte central deisartoànt A well deflni-d report le thhs afc Col. BilaantiH. R. Green, et New reacitet amy> officer today. York, only son etftiti late, Hetly Equipm.nt Availabbe. Gri-sn. a-ho a-as marrieti Tuesday aI The itespital <buildings »ow t ue H-ighland Park 'te Miss Mabel E. are marietitan are needsd for t»e9.%- Harloa-, pesented his hrides, mme- ticers' camp, anti plansa alnay ave, dialel>' att-r lte a-i-ding. a-it $500,- -hen approvet for lte oomsluti» u< 000 In cash' anti $120,000 et liberty ti-ee largewaantibulIn stha uS- honde. Hi- iati Juat spent 58 cesI double lte capacity. lai auittbî tMý for a ticket train Chucai-o ta Hi-ghlandi are ltse ebgity-four lailIng Park teahi- préisent at lte cereumony, uped as itarracks. a-here a sole violinhest playedthetii -xaetiy onesnu obi6w m - eiddng mari-h. Titanlte couple wihi se lte close e<« I hoardeti a trains for New' York te pVbo ohlb.afet tako a trip la Green's yacht,- -/ t~.

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