Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 26 Jul 1917, p. 11

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~Report That Dozens of Men Have Rushed FromWauke- gan. t6iEnist It Denled. DAVID HORNING ENROLLS. Carter Harrison Fitzhugh Is Amnong List Who Entered Arrny in PastFe as Consldring tbe recent diW1 se- lion, il was generaliy supposed tlitI there would b. an sWfui rush 7 tâ Great Laites by young men WbO wlshed 10 eniais before beng 011ot1 tb a branch Ihey rigt not déàke. Reports CYCu havé beau that sIdeh was the case-that th eré Wâà a lg rush. 1: vei'tlgatlidi. howecer, àboWi tlitre was no unumusi number of aP- plicaul'.. in fact,' It lg ust ordinari. Stuc,. Pliay last. wheu the draft nlimberT caine oui, but eeveu Lske couaty mieu have appllmd for enist' met eaIbo11 naval stati on aun fllown: Enilitmnts. (r Orval Charles J.rretI. Liben yvilie, apprenticc seamnan. Enrolirnsnte In Rerve. William flehry Hardiig, LaIte lFor- est, yeoniân,.tiral clans. Davd Conkiln Hornilng. }âlm Wassbura, Wauiiegan. yeoman, sec- ond clans. Cater Harrison li'tzhugh, Jr., F'orest, yeoman. third casa El1 Morrgoti. 220 jambei mreet. Watukegan. yeoman, second clans. Édgar Sidney Jouies.,l18» South Victoria treal. Norh Chieago, sip'd COD*(,. Ont Clans. Fredetick William Adelbon. Walî- kegan Y. M. C. A., carpenter's maI.. third clan. Young Ftzhugh Elas Carter Harrison Pitabugh. one of the weathist heirs of Lakte Forest, la now a third clans yeoman t Great lAItes. Hlm entrance Int the nay ws very unostentattoti. In tact. he came Io the tnation aone andi relied- eti entirelY on is own abilitY 10 ge throiigh, rathpr than depasdinig onà hlm family conlnections and "pulIM to landi lu s better Position Ilian rouidti odinarily come to a falow. He aP- peared At the recrultlug office with1 an, order fr. the Public rorlk» office1 tbat he be immediateiy enrolictilnlu t' he reserve as a yeoman, Ibird claas.1 Nobody in the recrutug office Iter bu; ha seemed tb theni ta be1 a very ordiuary fellw andi then hati1 na refleon tb tibluIthal be ras con-1 nected with nmo the b.beat known1 familles ln tha state. hecause asn a ruja these yonng men bave coma wltlî their taîheraè or friands who have hati "pull" asud ladett hem lu offi' cial capaclîlas, w re e leentereti ln a mo8î ordutîary wU&. Ytzhugh was orderedto take the' examination aI, once and he pasacd tl lunfâne shape. in coiînection wiIb the enistments at Great Laites sud the discussion about the ratio of men dratet lu Illinois citles as comparedti t the regltrattons IIt is statati by an offi- cer aI Great LaItes thai the cltY Of Evanslou ao toubt bldoltuthe istile- lion a! haviug bat more o! Ils yofng mon enlit thau any other cty là the landtiproportiontae 10 Its population. lu 0il il la estimateti that about 800 young men front Evaneton bave en- listet before the draft orders bacame effective. IM4ÂIN POP. ULATION «À»S A would net have to be ihude hUor. tihe quota was filued. ThusiIf severai cele have to b. made bcau» of the large ai. pop- ulation, don't you ée how nmny mr* Wouk.giiaii.Amaricmne are Il- able to ha grabbdi. With 4147 reglatsred. in the count y snd a total of 1528 declaring theni. selves &liensa mt the. regstration, it la seeD thât, sppiying to lhe wlsole coun' ty. It meana that one out of every four will ak exemption beeause he la flot au America. The probateenasd lu Chicago and Waukegan against lncluding register. ed aitons in computins division quo- ta« wam baied on tbeè repeated 'charge that It vrtually will drain nmre dis" Urtsofo their ctizen regstrants. lu olle distriotilu ticAo,'tii. chairman iaid he ifeared the 'war depafiment ralnt gravely tmpllred their abillty ta f1f1 teir division quota éven If they sal led every retiâtered man. "Wt4iave a quota of 423" maid the Chicago chairman. "We have found by investigation 60 to 65 per cent uf out registralits etber are alieDa or marrIed iienewith large tamiiieb. 1'l iaubt If our entire ist of 6,000 wll 1u4niab the. men required." Puopla As A whloe fePl r.tler Il- dIguant t0 think that Lakte couty's ratio 632, ia no much grealer than aur other ltouty In the state where thé éultiietn apparentir have been Ro greter.ln the oavy andi army up to the present ime tban haî been Ib ea» la a Uke ounty. ?j"*TIES 4wý3D TO SSESMN3TS (V.EtlflUBdtram pais one.) et Lake bluff, la one of the mot ID. dignant obJectors. Mr. Feld neg- lected te file a schedule this year on hi@ pers"nalproperty, andUiheassa- sor, using is prerogatîve. peualized hilu 60 per cent. an Increase ln as semaet of $9000 ove r tast year. A. A. Sprague of Lake Forent, indi hixself in the smre boat. He aiso waa penalized 16.000. and ha beeu askedto10psy on $6,000 more than lenIt est. Edward V. PrIc of Highlaud Park, hoeatio! on* o! the largest Iallorlng esablJehmentm in Chicago, ras awaY lutI year wheu the asmesmr placetia au n*ebmmefaîof $70000 on his homne.t Mr. Pries la aakIng the board for a substantel redtifon on the grounut thath inl aseaseti entirely ton hish on the hbuis o! the amount cbargedt up agaînst other mllionaîre residents o! Lakte couuty.1 C. Ir. 'Boynton, rnultl-rilllonalnei revident o! Highland Park. bas been mkedt bpsy on an aseaseti valuation1 o! $14000. He contlnis that Iis la Ion blgh and askg a redaction. LAuIs F. Swif t of LaIte Forest, wil bhoaaked ta psy au atiditional assemen u atheusessor neglecteti bo saons hlm for a bouse anti barn on hle estale. The board bas not yet vîiteti the promisnes but it la expect- e ta tha le assomesnt flî uha lu- creaaed eaI JasaI$5.000. Angut 1 la the lime rhen the board tegins 10 recelva proof on the complainte rhicii have been fileti up 3 t lient. Naomplants are camîi- ereti unioes matie before thal date. There are aay nunaber o! objections to ho a ltn Up. *t inlaaid tht realthy réidenits of Lakte Foreet have ralseti troug ob- jactions ta Assessor Thomnas Apple l.O n the groundtit at les ausons- iug theni unfalrly. ;i - oWsmblnued ftmuaun 0") Lakte counîy (Waukegain anti nOrth- arn lorusl. la three anti five'niths; lu othar wrds oua man out of evaty lhree ant i ve-ninths (whic4Ile sa greater ratio than lu Chicago), viii be axempleti by thc draft board ha- causa be la an llen. This meana thal thal maur more ful-Amerîcans in Iis district nul be Wlld. Supposiag Ibat out of the 610 mca calleti for exarninatiti front thia dis- trict No. 2 (thet cail trice as many as the quota). that eran balt o! the alieu population proseuted liailselvea foi exemption on the grouà8~ that tbey were foreigners. Titat moulti rn9an that It roulti leave but 200,aIl- AÈiericaum ta make the selectlons frOin andt efther summous roOlti b" i) 10ha lauetito the registetati manto bappear for examinatiO lu i 'orden 10 CiAI e quota. «4ow,*Pen duppoio.'thhre WAS NO L>ÏtEALipOPULATiON here atai-l wild bh a ntunslta Con- e[M1. *11 lt at olthe610 calierd he wbo halleti 'from MIlaSou c," ani dernanded a demonstration of Sams proreais. "Say, man," Sam was saylng lm- presaIvel', "dat watab amin got no backrards forty f eet sud-' !Spshi The man fran i Mssouri had rudely lulerrupteti Ssm'e orato- rical high dives, snd a second laler the negro ras struggllng lu the wa- ter. The spectatonm looketi on wiith much luterest. Wbat Samn had said about dlving wss absoiulely true, but býe experieuceti cousiderabie diffcul- ly ln comlng up tu the surface, aud wheu be dtit lwastt 10about lusilly for help. By tbis trne Sarn'e audience was convluced that although he was an1 excellent tiver, he could nI swim1 a sIroIte sud rescuers began tu ork. A "*human cbaln" ras formed. sud am the negro was about to disappean bien.eath the rater for the third time, onle of the men ras loweret from lthe Pler. sud tbe negro grasping bis re»- cueras leg ras drawn froni the wa- ler. badly frightened. ThInge would have entet aithIis hati it not been that the negro be- uan a saarch for the man rbo, pusb- ed hlm Into the water. Ais he was leavlng the pier, be saw a sallor who hati been polnted out b bisa as "the man f rom Missouri." The sailor de- nied baing respansibie for Sam's ret- llng. wbereupon the latter grar liel- ligerent. About Ibis lime a rimben of salnre tappeareti. sud tortuuately for Sam, an offîcer. The latter called the patrol la time to save lte negro froua an sngry crowd andtihIe fouter was la- ken la the wagon ta police heati- Squarters. As there ras no charge Finat, Il aaould be keptInlxind that today every man wlao is reglat- ereti 'sf11be drawm. -~ Second. only lie firaI hundreti or is îNà MIto, rho rare drairn tiraI, nl be ~umus ~néetiatilu any district. Third, Ihose rho are osileti for the tinet quota rnay net ail be passed mbnt the armY. If not the nexitmen' la Foster Kelmer Suffers a faff the lislz, lu the order in whlch tbey From-Buiding at-.Mîwaukee appear today. nIl be cailetion le fil an1d 1Puth , helbexemption boards nil Poster Kelîrner, 24, of Libertyville notily Ihose wanteti by popting tia ras brought frarn Miiraukee te the naMes at the board hetiquarters. The Jane McAlister hospilal at 7 o'cbock boa.rd5 s W1 nWIs notices aise. But Tucada ight aller haviug suffencti a If tie mail misses il la ao excuse for fall frorn a building wile workliz luInt reporîluz. It is the dutY o! every Milwaukee. EBthiega *ere paralyzeti ma"fl initheiOrsnt ames drawu te as a result of the faîl but the InJureti finti out when ha ie rantet i bl ok- man's condition shows Improvcrnent Ing up hi@ namne on the Ilia that the today. board wIll post. He ras employeti as an electrictan Filt, unlesm q, manis aumibar ls by the Ciicaco, North Shore & Mil- sntong lie firaI oua or tro buadreti waukee lectile anti ras eugageti in diiwh the prolbblitieo thal ha nîli ulalIai repare rhen thc acldent oc. ÈW tra*m at &Dy lime duriug the rar curreti. Ha ras given Oiral aid Iront- ara 80 rentle as te ralieve -hlm of ment by s Mlwaukee physician anti any uncertainty' for many menthe 10 -hen hurriedtetothié lty. a WhileIlb came. 1ras at tinaet toughî ha o oltilose the use o! is limbe. the atteiiding pby- SimpftJtynd Wimdorn. siclans now blleve> ha may neo b 'lo maintalu oneseîf ob thum ennUi eperrnently crixipleti. la nt a hancship but a pasîlma. If one - -"~ ~'r w1U Uva e " a dwuey-Thoreau. ~7191~7. ______________ - Pagê 11fr.. ssked, "Haa my Dame been lu the FORJJR RESIDENT -PASSESMISRSTQGS Saamue-i Dowst, On. of Wei! Knowfl Waukegart Prodccti, Dies at His D S P E R N EI Home ini Engiewood, lit.DSA P R NCEî m CAUSE 0f - QNGERN anrÂ~ne (;s urge 1'i d niains tsî1ai tb s tttdau etror.1 The - sha, s attourney takes the Po- CASE S TM EN U~ tion:1iat the circuit judgp basn jurieictio to pss on the ndings ENT thIeappellate court Poid malolains DER ÂDVISEME Ith a t the remedy for tbf' defendant il" -tu tal,î' an appeai btu e supreme court on a writ of error. iudge Edwards Hears Argu- Attorney Field matntalns thaltth ments in the McCanney local court ha'. concurrent jurisdic- Habeas Corpus Action. lion wîîîî lihe sapri me court. Prîemtm' Case Up. Siîortly aler : 'elok Iis aller- MANY AUTHORITIES CITED. nouin ,mtorney .. A. Miller argued for the' releaee f bis clients. Pather -~~ Fraucis and l1%ther Cyprian in a ha- Waukegaa. .1 îly 2i. beas corpus action. li!i maintaitis ('irculi Judge Etirards lod,îy hbî(tir at the wilnesiîes wbo te'stified argumîentîs lie lie habeas cori ts case, against the prie'slts at the prelimaint- lu wblch William MUcCaniiey lus eelt 'ry beariiig omnitted perjury. Iug bis release on the grotnd thaI the appeliale court erred in reductntt Mmd 17-ear Nmp. the antoîut of thé fine assessed Sîuiue tine ago a womatl ln BrussaIs againet Ihm in tho llquid prosecution ws ertiist-d by chrîrcit bles rlngIng lu here several nîcutîls ago. The cioi cotisf'<uenflI' of a lire. She boit been aske lie atort ~~to nrash .lm isleeli Jor ueairly 17 yesrs. When site aske th atOri--Y to funist hin wokPe ti r n Perfect bctîlth and with a liaI of thei r autlîorilles and ienbrdI ealeet httn bc ahil renier a il-elision the ruiddlý i" kfl lIiie 17 yeiîrs âge, before ali of flext week. fr11 off itîto ber long uap. Mct'anneîS ss fiiied $1,850 aud s'îî t Lng tenil. t Tii.' appLale cout e cti'lîl that Ijtîsfîîelewantî'd to know why lail Th apellte curthel th Illie di i tilike titipractice bis mugie the ine was ex(e.lvo, andI eut il lessoti. -Aw, Il takes me ail day toi 10 $925. \c'îi'ythroelgh Attoc. - vratlc'î'9 hall heur," he replled. pE AMIn TO ETT~mWTiur Xul.SLA it needs service,ý44ýJ=ItEeflts, and replacýmeflts at times. IS IT BEST to take your Ford to a speciaiized shop where on1y, genuine Ford parts are à'ld; where every mode machine for Ford wobrk iW in- ,ýtalled, and where every mechanic is experienced and selected for #ach particular branch ,of the work? Or to pa.tinze the 1 Jack- of -all -Trades" mechanic found'in the average garage? Then Bring Your Ford to lhe Authorized- Ford Agency WilsoQn & h 215-219 Soutlt.Genesee St., Waukegan. akers?"Ha ynM nl h Thpe wmn h gv brale Tde wbedheabya hoogehr ab whih apesried lbe y HptvaDa newhiaer snpad heplice o HAt cily elleve the Identificationl autbeotic. Relatives of School Teacher In- said Mrs. Bede Armnstrong, the Yong clined to Doubt Reports of 1 41;e dispatches may be true but we Her Disappearance. an'ý inclined to doubt theul. Ruthwa a very quiet girl and we were Dot HAS NEVER TAUGHT HERE. aa*witi-esle bad any acquaintaflces in llavanjii We did ntknow aewas Visitd He Broher, ede rm- 1,9ngto Cuba untîli afew days aMo £ ie erBohr Bd r-wbenî Mn. Armastrongs brother, wbo stronlg of Sheridan iioad, ait s aiat iake City, wrote us t Last Fall. that effect."' -- Misq Armstrong neyer made ber Waukegan relaiipq uf MIs Ruth home In Waukean and dii nt A4rmstrong, whlîe gnave-ly concerrîid teacli here. She visited ber brother by newspapAr reports; or îîi#uîy'îîer:j a number of limes, lier lasI visIt bis- ous disappearanîo ln llava.iu;, Ciuba, 1lng durlng the past autuni. She liv- ed 1n Chicago severai years and lat- are incllned in dojîlt the truth of tlie er went to SalI L'iko City, where ebe disPatches cnrried l in 11w lîlcago'l aught In te publie sehoole. Saine papers loda3'. Miss Armîstrong le , l time aeo eh" accePted a position la sisier of Bede Arn4tron!'. 2I1I; Norili thie Yo iiugstown, 0hbi. chools. and a Shrianrod had ireen teaching there prior to lier Misg Aruîstrong iý; si l Ian gene 10 Ilaana t. e ellalîl l b"I weeks ago, andt on dte lgbt orfliily 18 1', said 10 have disapp.eari'd. Stie was agalo eezi lu Hiasana, Tuestiay, whu n ;hc'leaped rroin a sp.eeli119 liere bati not board from ber for în e before ber departure for Cuba and thé news ihat slip bad zone tiiere wss a surprise btb tem. Sbe j'. 281 yeara aId. automiobile and 111to reugeIni a Aloohol tIoftmeV*Spo'ts lionse troni a man wa lic Wiis utIný , hen tornltUre 4igoopei marred or ber. later, ribedispatch ttates. she scrsîched ooprin#Ie * $Mw dropa of aI- baileil anonîr car aind rode awufl. cobol on the VOU*hmirfMe. Itub a mo0ft fearing publiclty. When aski d dry eloth very. ,Mx1417 qver tidis spot bhe aws Mliss Armrtrong, she id said and the marki j i*neip>ea. Dopot to have shown grean concerna nd le the alol temuin cnthe surtae jor it will çttt ifhi> * " 04o JuIy Clearance- -WAIITïSI Values to 82.00,iD an wai sts ot goed styl: aud fabrlce but have Ic been alightly soled~~ fro handling. C Childrecn's Hats for both boys and gils.À Straws, cloth and lace trlmmed styles. Ail sizes and colors. Women's 85e Mua- lin Pettiçç*tg Including extra T7 EXTRA- Milddy blouses in ail styles UP to 40; plain white or wltii c6lored trim- Ming. Maribou to 7.50 Ilandmome Summer fors -al the rage, newest colorRansd styles wortil up to $1.50 lear- iag at $469. IWomen's 75c Bungalow t' Aprons 33c On al Corsets I Mennen's 15c Talc,, P.wder Mennem's rgular 160 _ talcum Pontier in sev am eral odoris; very spe-19 ciel at ...... Womqlmalo capse'wut g gles and. mtroffmenm. au l0bp1'rk it an>' beit; 3uty Cleal., nce, at ............ Up to $8, et Scores of good-Iook- ing, siiappy styles li wvanted fabries and col- orings, as well as 'most ail sizes. $30 Coats 14.50 SOc GOWNS for wrm- pei; good, fit a ises; tiret- ty styles; pricedi speclal 51ai t 3 r sale ............ 85o GOWNS for rornen -in fleab or 10blte: rxnliial of crepe; aul aises.. $1.49 QOWNS for iwor- en-bandsomde lace trim- meti-%styles; ail sizes; priced t 9 c ouly .' i WOCUNNSUIT& for romeu; newv styles; e xtra quality ..... The biggest skirt sale InL the history o!f our business. Waàb akirts; values UP t o $20.oo, omorrow for ..... 79,ç Wasb skirta, values Up 10 $1.00; toniorror IA for .................. One lot of heautiful milk sUd wonlen skirtl values UP td, $7.00; Clearlflg- 3.6 sle ..........3.9 Wash dresses, includiflIgtbq uew ginghais; values BUP $6.76; lesf"i Sale...............2 Here are the uer mnOâtola1 beautîful effecti; values 1* 4t 13.75, CleB.2'lig sale ............... wg Parasols; vaines Up to $2.50. Clearng.gale ....100 Parasols, values up tu8 61 Cearlg 49O sale.............. <>OM43u Yul El tg ti tg n a b t: 1 fi IMI« id Il Ki

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