Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 26 Jul 1917, p. 12

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's '4 tyileIn-,fepend0À- *akie Cowsniy Independent - Waukegan Wéeekty Suin TUOLENOW AIE IU tbIng otbat decreases amanlspowr ina 501<9AT 4CPC comnmunity whefl holos office it in the fa&et that. ho la spinelesa. The public likes a âi~r, but the. quickest prices Drop ta NorMal, After way for, a mau to loue prestige, power and i nguence in ta Havînc BSwn Sky-lIH* Dur. showi bis opn e sclacked. -ing ýMany months. Lake county men are flot "pikers," but they don't,50 CENTS OUSIIEL LATER? wanit to bW called. upon to furnish an unreasonable ratio'j of men for fighting iu Europe. With a county M1k this. One Merohant Prodiots Pota-~ havlng 032 called for ln the first draft and with the rea- toes WinI à" %Ibt Mark lisation that so many mien enlisted lu the navy aud AMDY After the Harvest. tram hors (and credit is supposeti to ho given for those), it dosm sesmtbat the proportion as fixed in Lake couftY lesWaukegsa. Jul>' 25. liot jiut.No doubt it le V517 easyta inake rnlitgka inlu The pricesor potatoe. h turtîing. alotiug the draft quota, but thon when it le a ca s uh- Yea. l's c0rpietely upset. milttlng lives, t'swrh ue loolg mxci thingsUp amd Wbereas a month uan tubere wr fln~ng f itWABa=mst . Lakecounty did its shar brlnslng Il s peck or betten, tbcy ans S_ _ 46 centsa apeck lods>'. ov enucil a andnmor. lu the. Civil war-it wîU <do i s u- au.u more bushel toda>'? Weil.,accordilig to anes -*in the. proet criais, but it doesn't want to bave it, rub. grocar. Oie>' haven't as.tarted bilylngU bed in. them by the buýsile agala-tte>'have tbeen us-a ta huying b>' the peck OrY At Sparta, .Wis., a few days ago Judge Landis, in' a hat peck, because of the prices, snd« they hsven't corne to reals there lea fgtaantthe sale o! iurt oder tteIii axa no15w prcvenutg buytng b>' the bush-a roservation near that city, cauetheii arret of Otl#Xellar, el-and so they're nov buylng tilcue George Mcklplue and John Mooney, artMierym0fl, sud G. <oî>y in peck lots. By the buabel o à ES. Smii, oscar laruon, John Baye=s and lPr$A*k Gaggen- tbey'd bing about $1.70" mneler, civilan. Thie civilians areciiharged wlth Muflng Last week potatoes were aimait liquor ta the soldiers. Thus shows thé fedéral goverumentduliiatte'aeno-bntl> lock wth decled severity on any cases where soldiers «ruh 0cet ek ansold lutozicat. InLake county tiiebsu, Who, Imiier B ta or > e~ eçk. e> tI.dw weitif l 848UtVtd aeçltib1ro$W -111s-'-il ie.ôwnt.50 contoa BI14j. aSttitude of t;ýt6go11 eàt and thit î1k uhy Vu.7 laue as a resuit of everyiuody havng plant - ktead!aaty retuid te heu to soldiers lu uniform or even cd thcrn hibs year. *benr the uldtgqlu a beencovered by a coat. W. know Garden produce vsn't selilug in la- o! Intances ýw1asreRMDaymen have cbased soldiers out cal stores as in former yeare, in fact 5,V the dernand la ver-y small, due ta thie of their plac«, M 'Wauldn't even selU them pcigrt or fact that everYb&iy pianteai a garaien' giveiâ but matches, but yelled at tiiem: "Get out, nd af sorne sort this sesson. DOCTOR EFISSESWaukegan Poat, G. A. R. Durifli BUT'IIT'.IA 3INEI D M Rf M th las fifeenyesrs be ilad lléd til 1»oMEssC.kRlj; Dosdes is wdo r.Stewat$150 MUSTSERVE iitiIV M&~IM~lA. and Grave S. Stewart, ail of Wau. 20 DAY JAM TER" ZOAFlivu A F1iINE 4'kegan. He leaves two brothere and a sister: Grant Stewart of Wauke. Judge Persans This- Marnrng uhE~~5Amlftgan, Rufue Stewart of irk, Neb., and tien Who As- lira. J. Wite of Kenosha. Overruled Motion for. New 'at .gy$Wai nPteads Trial inULquor Case. Guifty and Is Frned. Animal'% Influence On Vian. -scnntDr'voulai be bard to estimate the lu-. CASE WlLL BE APPE.ALED. leaseD.J. A.. Consel. of Northl fluenee apirnals bave hadl upon man. . jffeago, refusei ta, preas the charge Fnom the sartiest dawa of lvilizatio a lretHaeW ds'Lk of.âsamnt vtls a deail>' veapan uonanimale bave beau kept for vrenUailr oHvWr Lk 1mim zore, vha cacaped vîtil a fine purpoae andthue> have aîways exert- Countty,' inIn lfarttation la of $90 te avlug pleadeti gult>' d consec'ible Influenice upon mnan's Braught Out Today., to disordenl>' conduct lu police courtIlile and character. - - .. - .....,....I ukegan, Jul>' 26. 'rueasce'mgt. nore wu ee r.-.DY Shon!! Grt*n, Suda, ater Oie for- mOo'a lleged aauit ou Dr. (lonnell, suddvau latan releaseti on $500 bond. * zorc's are.t came about vwhen ho. la allegeai to have tacaten hie vtfe a!- ter retuuiuig borne tn a drunken con- aitio». Dr. Conseli vascaliet tat- tend the voman sud is presenca la MaMaita haveaa enrageai Zore that thes latter drove thle physila frOrn bis house witti a shotaun. Zorcradmltted the assailt when De pleaded guft>' ta lorderly conduct lut nlght ani d d hva- eo)drunil et thle ime ile did mot realîze the iMriousnenseof bis action- ~ AUG SNCE CH4RISTMAS. ivil war Veteran, Resident Of Lake County Over Hait -a *Century,_Is Deàid. Russell C. Stewart, ageti 75, a vet- cran of the Civil var, passei away this morulng nt. 1:10 O'ClOck, at hi£ borne, 415 Porter treet. lie hati been alling aIncesChristmas but badl not beau confilted totais betI except f or * thle laut twa veeks. Mr. Stewart suyered a ligbt trake of paralysis about a year sud s hall agna andl neyer quite recovered ishi * hil. Tva veeks aga he bast the amus of bia vocal, argans and vhile t thilamtght have been due ta anotilcu stlght strêke, there vas no othér in- Aldcation o! such a condition. Thle deatil of Mr. Stewart cornet as a sevane blow ta membere of the taml>' via vere rnakîng Plane !oa, bol dIng a golden weddtng anniversary on Dacember 18,. tile ear, as Mn. aud lMr. Stewart woulti have beau marrf-d Just ffty years haa U lvai util tilen. Ruasel C. Stewart vas borninh Oavagof, N. Y. Ha carne to1aie' couat>' lu 1855 and baut lived inluthe eauity ecrnsînce. l'or years ha liaý ci on a farce ucar Russll, but came *te Waukagsu lu 1891. Up ta fourteea Nons ,ago ihs vas amployeti asa tegfmlter. Bine than ha hiait béae * ML Stewart .ervedlu the cvl c la CMulpy>' . Tblrty-second Il "wp*~uteere.Be ,zerved duriez 'est or the van and va ýA * 6l U re &OM to to, il. To ContractorS Scaleai proposais viii be receli'éd bY Ra>' B. Dixon. secretar>'o! the board o! educatian o! bihi scilool district No. 121, Gumexe, Lake count>', Illnais, up ta 2:00 'lock p. m., Thurada>', Anigut 2, 1917, vian the>' viii be apandati'sd reaailn palle at the tovu bail in Gurnea, III., for the flioag ork. t-vit: The general contract for thle crac- ion o!' a township igi sciloal for dIstrict No. 121, Gurnea, Ill..,nat in- cludlug 5lumlng. aud beating, sud ventilatint, andi electrle wlrng. as shovu on plans aud descrlbeti lu general specificattoas propansi fan Oie watt b>' J, N. Coleman. arclateet, witil offices ai .1100,éei ~~cu avenue, Chicago, 111. All proposais muet be accompani- cd b> 'a certif lad check in the arnout off lia (5) per cent of the otractores proposai matie out ta School District No. 121. Plane andt sPectllcattone for thil iwork ma>' ha abtataxetion application ita J. N. Calemnan, architcct, 7100 LSouth Chicago avenue, Chicago. Ili., ror tram Ra>' B. Dixon, secretar>' of thie board o! educattan, Gurnac, Ill. A full set o! plans and specifica- f lions are on file vith Ray' B. Dixon, s .accretar>' of the board o! aducatlan, E Gurnea. Ini. e AU itbut must be made out lu thie rfarm calleti for lni form of bld bounti In each gencral specificatian. Na bIde viii be recetreti unless splans are returneti vitil bld or subse- equent ta delivar>' o! bld. r The board af. education reérves y1the rlghlta reject an>' or al bise. r. Dateti, Cîrne, Ili., J;, 19, 1917. n . AY 1B. DIXO>N, il Secretar>' o! Board a! Edocatian. Jol>' 21, 25, Kkly. IL. e ke Ma s9 Ln ýJK! J UR~K! JUNK North Shore lron end Motal Company pays higilest prices for old Iron, Rags, Rubber, Metal Al Kinda. Specla Attention ta OLD &UTOMWO»ILE8 l ilgiest Priues Jld. CALL 1J--Pt4*K9012. wauid not appeai is easu, but that ho wouid puy the $150 fiee andi go to joli for 20 das. Count>' Juaige Persoastil morulng aver-ruled the motion for a nev"tnlsi ln the caae oa! Dornuclc Buttitta, chargeai vitil having soid tintoxlcattug Ilquar ln anti-saloan térritar>'. and not ouly fiuai hlm 875 and cocaseou eacil s r i s I i I arveý li 41ay in the count>'jit o laya on esoil coont. Attorney Max Przyborsi, .whe o p- reeffted Nutttta, wau given the uaual i '4ffl5 Xi wblcIi taprepars a bh ot 530W0 50 sothat hos ca take su &»Ipe uèsàppeiiate court. 8fltt*a v.. ound gult>' on the évideco et ichael Olffallo an md bia amseiaie detetive. secret ssrvee msn moloy.ed by the sttsa aLler- nsy's cElRoo tiaecure evidence stiut îileged lav yelatars lunLabocoullt>' 1Tit dt5esottold of having visitei Iutttt's place an Market street. aber. U*# sMdthe>' were served wltLs 4e2emt bluds of lîquor. 'Vhs>' ,ald'tb.> OI1531d any suspIcIOU Wb Buttitta UigbM bave had b>' pretal justotli umnen for the telepbce iOIeu.'hs>'pretended tè, ho tak- ing mb"ueeetfor Doles usai But- "ft'à place said when ihs engaed Lilsu la am Yersatlon the>' brosched& the subjeW et i g a sdrink sud sel the>'Ver'* scooimodated. la anpilis t a new tria Attorney' Prs'bu~S poltsioutthat the vord ~~La.>'41* ot pas? 'before "coun- t>'" ln tue Inormation and htatougbt a nov ttigl bouli be granteai on til error. 'Thée Mate asked for.,suddvau gives. pormaallxou ta ameni the tn- Correoleti List From Washing- ton Shows Eleveri Numbers *We iven Wrong. Washington.. Juiy 26.-The comple- tion o! thle master draft llst shows that includlng ail thé adJustmeutà fouud neeasarY in correctlng the af- ficial,îlot to make up for the numobers that vers 'ead upeide dawn or vers mtsread. snd slso al errors lu tran- scription lu the rushl o! the drawlng and theo haste ta get the figures tao te vire.there are iese than tva score variations betwecn the lust compilai b>' the AuSclated Press and the mas- ter aheet. The variations. mùan>' o! whlch already have ilcen correcltd. are as follaws: No. 460 la 8,649; sent as 8,469. No. 693 la 5,170; sent as 5,107. No. 6U6 ls 2,595; sent as 3,695. Nf. 1292 1n 10,063; sent as 1,063. Na. 1899 leq 5,307: sent as 5,037. Na. 2089 Is 1,179; sent as 1,170. No. 2187 le 10,021;,etas101 No. 2290 le 1,143; seut as 1,041. N o. 2762 le 5,616, sent as 6,618. No. 3089 le 6,036; sent as 6.136. No. 1246 la 9,P6i3; sont as 9,053. r- Eusentils at. e "evmwat Tilere are five eusentiels 10 acbleve. mient lu ever>' lns: Vision, inititive#, s@oùaiJudgment. confience,.sud Somiage. Andi cacil o! hiles. qUuaLh Ia laspireti and fastered b>' knowledge. -The Business Philosopher. Safe stotage 'Expert mechanics J~iht prices NTery best, materia1s I deal location C o- operation ]Expert workmanship THE G'riwe, Gaage PORMBRIY, 271K BBACI SL. J. Hewà Son, Props.- Ita, 0NI '3 3 4 vie im -rusJacksn, 0fobtuh.o 4 t qe!u bis i but "il 5in un,1f it devsl9ps that the souple bai ýbeau s ualbad te baar because Ita bas 'UNIT.-paetn, u broat snob a traglc close to what th I ttélt t a tefMpogMttétereuewal oi bai>' ED À tS>AT9[ tUne thed had bee toether for s cutwa aused the entranhement 1i >Olqo WoanWh L8tIJG fiD' nbovu, but kIt le mmibat tbey bailoab" hm mond U bke and flusband pabed uk Ibeir diffeces anq ad s 1«1O m W t . Had'Ben tetrangsd. dcided *on the nUtlng at flamad41 use tee la elon a"it Lake.Por hst enao bot we S ex-*M eet tratou'. termentei feu ï la conetton wlt thOe tragk tremel>' happy v*ben the>'sta>'ted out *6 Olcia bg ussi te coagulaIse ta drownlng lua &MOn4 &Le ka l for their littîs boat trip om the labs.e , OrduYourWe Give Groceries The July. Cleàasce Sa-les IAre Now tHighm Ti BeuiflTub Dress Skirt Arrûnged Ini Four Oleaanoe Lotx Tliz sale flot ouly in- eudels a large portion of or own regular stock but - special purchases whieh bve just' arrived. Ail 'beutiful styles. Lot 1 -Values to Ï2.00 Wash skits of gabardines a n $ .49 novelty weae; ail stunning new ruodels; choice... Lot 2-Values to $2.75 o! fineul skirts O legardusine,$ . 98 pique and novel-- ties; many style s E at ........... Lot 13-Values to S3.75 D ie t I n C-tive styles of fine gab- $1 9 ardines, an~d nov- - elty inaterials;$2 9 ehoîe.. .... Lot 4-Values to $600 Skirts o! imnport, ~_ ed gabardines, ~.98 ~ piques and fancy _ weaves; reduced 3 Women's $6 Pumpa, special $4.85 -New " Queen Quality" pumps, in a great élearauee sale. There are niany clever styles, designeti of white kid, blaek kid and patent leathers; band turned soles; covered heels; regular $6.00 values, pair $4.85. Womeu's $2.50 Pumpa, $2.19 Girla' OsuvagS 'lpper Nobil> two-strap gumpu a!fvwhite Deaiguot inl the popular Baby Doit popln; ,mediurn igh, coversai ilel; let i wtilbow; "Specla- aur regular $2.50 valules, -8i»8s81/2 to 1ilnt.......... $1. pair ......................... -irsi'212ut... 8.0 4 Inanto' Blippers-Patent leather slipperai, with side or bàck strap; hand turned soles; wedge heela; excellent $1.25 values; sizes 3 to 8; 98c. 5 Because of thé back ward season, we have been able to make some very, advantageous purchases from a number of the best Wash Dress Houses of * the East. The following offers are the resuit of our *saving:«O The Wash Dresses at $4.98 itversfMum" styles arerincluded in thil plendid lot o! nummer dresses; poet and dresa styles of flrencl ies, ta cogiMntion, col- ors; also plain and fiarsd voile.. Hgi waltad. bslted sandcout styles; value. tgp 815.00; boiçe, 18.95. The-Wamh Dressesat $8.95 nvi> Clever styles ot white voile lu coMbMa)t,ývÎtlIs ord ed t voile; other esuart-modela developsd o et l'rencb glngham, In )6- attractive colored plaida. wblte organdis eoll an d culae; cholce A Myriad ýof New St*4e In Blouses of Dainty Vô'les A Oreat Special at This is one o! the very best blouse offers of the sesson, and should attraet the attention of a host o! careful shop- " pers. There are ut least î4 dozen- wnning new styles toa. choose froxn ail of which possess some certain distinctive f eature lur designing. Hand embroidered, he;ntttched and lace trimnied models; $1.98. Boys' Sport Blouss 50 'BloMsestiat are guarwgfted tut-proot Ths>' ~iarte . aious Rayas. make, o!tfâue, Q0ool chaza. besys miMed'e,< aipa atpancolor;. New Arrivais In, Smocks Wamsn's. misse' ami sMdr.V scoos.fer, bot mamwerwesr. o. n çdt% a st4uing dfbctOisft gesW ptteed $1.8 ta 88 .9 Two CleorauceLots of b' e

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