Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 26 Jul 1917, p. 3

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Lt~ETYVII~1 ~D~P~Nj~Iq. T~JR0AYJ1JLY 26, 1917. TO B TOO LARME Lake county vas a surprise te bum. "Icannai understand lt," ho vilI have furnishc, Its regular quota of 78957, as 27,304 already are in the service. The banner ctty of tbe stteoli Dan- ville. wli, c more umen entered the servie" tas volunteers than vers ap- portion itet thet city by the full tato quota. ln tact, 86 more mon veiua- teer"d f rom that ity thon the otire quota, eo thaï; ln the .quote nov cal-. cd by the edjutasat general DanvUlle la neot asked te turnisis any mon. Dan- ville wlul not again be calci on for flghirrg mon until after the sube&- Qu-r 'q"uota caiied, If anc la, vipes oui the tg -'xoees tise city airéady ha. S angar.îon, tbe capital ditp. canty, aiso has cent a large number of mon ta thse coin"ans avolunteers and the citY fnov laesked ta cuppy only 322 Men. The Ujgh couaty undontise net quota said. "I arn Intercated beyond meatui-e but certainly wîi 1lok IrIt the Mats,- ta ecwhether or not tmre errer bas been made. Il daeOn'b seem fair that we should have such a largo quota. when »Mornfaithe larger counities have aàrnuch amalier nuniber. 1 arn frank te aay 1 cannat under. stand iV" Dr. Krltht says notices wili ho masled out ta the Irai quota, prabais- lv about the latter part of tuis vepk, sud the meu caled yull be iold vhert te aPppean and taise thein physical ex- anitilon. If thse 306 mon are se- cured before the entire 610 hive Oen e'mminod the romainder vil net have le ho examiued ait histlime. Danvhlo sanner Ciy. When tise 51.653 (net) quota nov csked ofIlîlinois la raised the state eaul la Madisan, in tihe soutbvesien section (If thc Mate. The total now askod ig 1,284. La Salle couuty aimea get a bigh cal-810. Many Aurora Voluntoa. Aurora, couuty @Mt0frl<anec conby, asissifer ooeiy M6 mua, ma tiet City sont a largo nunîiber of voluntecra. Ail of lKane county, anc of the rlch- ont and mont popslons ln the slate ontaide of Cok, isnasiscifor only 443 Ma»s. Tho explanation lu ail theae cases luiathtie Young mmu got Into tihe servic, as vounueers hefore bbe draft macblnery gaita oging. Punie af the leua populona couties ln thse tir ond of the state don't have Mauy young mon and ev are ccited. Jasper couniY. for instance, davu lu CONgressman Fooeiers district.,visero lhey anc ail Democrats, lsasissid for aalY 50 Mou, ani Hadnacouuiy. dovu on bhe Ohio river, gel avsy vuth only 63 meu. Pope couuty, &lac dovu ou the 0h1o river. vbicb vas ibe home ceaUtY of former Secreiary of Bias James A. Rase, meets lia reqiremeti Bacis district la tise Bitais given credit tor ail mes vbo bavs vlua- teersi mine June N4. Iamden Pàddeýd Conous. The Quotas isisd are baidon theo svOlleu etimaIs. Of POPulatm ar bS- irarily fixed by tise War Deparirnt. vbicb ive Chicago au excesa popula- tion oaif1.050.0t bbas beau expialu. ed uiat the luftated igur«-es vs.uff hecaus tise, officIais figurd lit vonli bc more oquitahie ta hase tise general quotas Ou tho prceutage of rogUi- tramis rather tbcjs population, visicis nis the laregr ecies, 1ke Chicago, vbore 50 mey lchoring mon resude. Gov. Lovden bas protosteil against this inflated slilmate, but lb in undor. stood ln Wasinlgtou tisa the ab- trerY figures vil stand, &Uitho qua- ras vill ho furnlmlieias announcid last night hi Adt. Gen. Dicismon. "o-aeDela>, in Ixàmlnationu. Il viH hardty ho possible ior tie boards ta coninci 1h. pisysicat exani- nations thisa veki. iii. Gem. Dickson naid luat nlglit. Osiers ta begin tise Phyical examinabion yl ho mnt ta the boards by tise pravost mareli genersIal .Wabngbon. bômes front tise lais. bave complalu. ai to Mayor Keene Aidington: Týoà mucli lovelliesi ou the beach about anures. 7 'Tiey corne front Chicago or ftrul Other snlburiss-tbesoen." lois Cma> Plaint cantigues, 'and thoy ire adilet ei to-iliat ln, tliey upoclise la am betbs. 4»d 1h.y i&et' go tg muais Ia isthlug ar btiing 9"8t! Thse IUbbtlu eduoed"t ee tains tbf LI&¶'M T wt i. uSy o'sgmy gai uotig. Go ftok Aftr It Theso amen gai ta tbiuking bise mnalter. aven. Tbey rmev tliey bai Doi done anYtig ta varrant a court action ani couli net figure out hoI tise &gis 'liaicomplainoiagainsi tison. Se iieîtalissi mettons ovon amang some o! thein tnienis. Amnong tbem waviE rie A. fiolax ani Violes Runqulet. Tisa.mon, ibsy a", tait! ibeni ibey vre toolisis isi bave psud that fribute. aiding ibat bisey badi mot vidlated amy tav, aid ug- geastilthtt iis07aefflumy' tisens tsacis to tho trio and dernmin blisir monoe' bock. Sa. Wedueasy migisi Norby, Omit- Mon, Salax sud Runqulal, veut letiseh Mokan bomne ami plaiiy stefi biset u hey vus-e gsven b"sStiseir 75 tat ibey vwouli causetise re et Rebeas,4 Brickmos a"i Semmsyr. Robons. tisey deolse.a. nmiby mnOi 'wr gmet c Ètise nm. ltbouais tu. m es ise lb« ut glir 1-75 back. vbit &frtte ing nattera oven uisoy doigi ibattisey labd boen vlcibu et blaokmOt l, a thIbm-sore wvsme bing te la., tise natter belon. lte ieto e Mihos-lIies ln lhe mosmilmme tise otitestitres mues vent tulthe 50115e vIlS eacoin. hai mis rou*ed. thé girli, vevr &U 20 or, oves-, mAi vaaobs(m ai- aostmi . «GO tell blie *W.t*%alter- ney," tise polisimii. But Robon 4".,l.eivtdif »t a eer -gle tise On Meet«We. Tt **lm ythe mur beiu te baseSem le: ZION POLIcEMEN FAcES CIIAI3OF ASSAULTI!«i &0 Anatiser cisapten vas acid ot "Smokingin Zian," late Weiuesiay atternoon. vison Canstable Hicksa vent la the neigbbonlng cîty and ai. retei Henry Maler, ofthtie Zion Po- lice, ou a charge of asasubi and bai- tory. Tise accussi policemau vas taken betore Justice S'armer an - Ieaaed au $1.000 bond, tua aspear tor isearng Sturiay Murniug. Tise camplaint ainai SMater vas nait hy Samel Brits. of Sion Citr. vise chargeslise.policeman vils 55v. lng uasuliei hirn viii s deaily vea -pou. Tise trouble came about, it le alegM,. vien Britqe r.tus et alùo l &foiiafer bavlng beau cou- mamisi ta do no isy tiseaffiner. Thse Poticeman la thon sai 10 bave daims Ide revolver amidlas-ced the fendues te tbrov say tise ohnoxlous eei, Thse occurrence la sai in bave taken Place Sumiey ifienloos. (Sllon Va mpa side e oW&I- ksgse hi an atiorsei sandi<%.of o police eokqr et1lioeTise rosognis amas vas esinol by- 0. ILTsnley, e PoePeti 0w ea mChlw. Thse besaing et. tise «»eaela »M -for : 0 e'cbocki atetm Mouia& i - --. _______________________________________________________________ - EETS*W"0 RUEV -COLLECTION 0F tiERMANS9 EARS e tg tg tg tg ati can see bilîs rnucb hIdgber than li uYm Tu1RVmEuE bave evor sbon before. The hi]s IE 11 TL S are a slope of about forty degrees, and about a Mile ta the top. îr vas A EIE TIT A ln these idontical vales thet Napolean C P D À RT massed hie troaps. Prom the top of B 0Vpf th ilyucen see the sea lu the ST OPN distance, and usually aIrpianes or_____ sbips baver about watchlngptetOf caAs rsTh nlEx iy for "strias."g patint-tOf icii serts Toldhat n E- There Is a long flat stretch of land etLnmn oudH de tram there al the vay back ta our High Tension Wires. camp four mlles tram the water. W. are not allowed ta take pictures or DEATH FOR AMATEURS. bave a camera or 1 wouid bave sanie Wires Were Arranged. in Such dandy pictures, I have started a souvenir belt wltb; a Way That None but an Ex- ail the different regimental Insignia pert Could Escape. on ft. All the saldiers bore have theni and aiready I have nune, and That the wlre thieveg who, on dlv. different buttonîs. I bave a ga5 Tuesday nlght. got away witb bun- belmet which a wounlded soldier badý droda of pounds o f heavy capper broghtdow wth hlm. whlch I am - teed wire tram the Chicago, North BLACKMILIS ZIONIST RUFUSES ClAROEID BY TWO TO BE ARRSTI3D; YOuN6 FINNS hURE lIAS COP 'PINCIIED Henry Siater Appears in Jus- John Norby and Olaf Carlsonl tice Taylor's Court on the Delare They Were Made to Charge of Assault. 'Corne Across' to Three Men, SMOKING IS CASUS BELLI. Who Thought They 'Had Zion Policeman Attempts to Something on Them.' Use Moral Suasion on Citi- PAY VER BUTzen, With Poor Effeot. PAY VER ONEYBUTWaukegau, uly 21. CET IT BACK LATER. "Pe'ac.. , ta thee. Are you a Wattiegan. .ly 20. trenger In Zian?" Charging that titre s suth ide "No. air. Beat it, or l'Il knoc'k yol7r men blackmialied tbem for $75 ta d--- blocli off." prevent tbom startIflg a court action Thus did Special Policeman Henry againot themn on the charge or violat- Siater addressa'Samuel Brittie on ii'g à lavw wich doemn't exist an the statutea. but vhich they explained Elam avgnue. Zion City, faut Sunday consiod merely of taking undue iporning, and that was the repiy he lihertis ith a wonian, two Flnntneh recetvcd, accordlng ta the testimony yeung mon today explaincei a rather fedbyteeena IJuic wlord story ta The Sun, on lits ilg-oire byhedenatnJuic gestion, laid the motter betore SttA's Tajilors court this moralng, when Attorney Welch, vith a suggetion Slter appeared on a chargc of as- thet th e tacto be in vestigated. sauit witb a deadly weapon. Sieter Thoge vho charge blackmaii: &a waff represented by City Attorney John Norby, 769 Cumminga e -Tedr obaiinCtyanA- nue. Tedr ob fZo iy n t Olaf Carlson, 116 Mott avenue. torney Williamu Weiss of Waukegan. The men the above tvo charge Statesa Attorney James G. Welch ap- blaciled them are: ppared for the prosecution. va liokans, 814 Cummnfge avenue. lye Ericl<son, 754 May street. Accordlng to the testlmony offered Charles Sunetrom, arne. at the prelimlnary hearing, Brittie But, the latter trio, on the other was gmoking his pipe whlle standing band. lndicated their belle! In inna n the sidewalk before bis bouse on cenice by appearinz at the police sta- tion Thursdav P%,Pnlng and askng Sunday morning. Siater, who was on for the arrest of th; two men who, duty at the tîme, accosted Brittie and th"y doclared, had offended the three attemptpd to use moral suasion on. yaueg-vomen lnvolved, teofnigZoit rti tq The nomes of two of the thrëpteofnigZons rt~ tp women are wthbëld heenlle îîiý1. ping on hie own lot la said ta have1 sem ta have been innocent victima. dared the- policemnan to lake hlmi and nf a tangied mess. jwihn thp latter advanced Brittie One young waman who, it la charg- pushed hlm off the lot. ed. vas an sccompiice, was Hilda IZ m'as Ihen Slater drew bis revol- Vinherga. 754 'May street. She, the e w young mon deciare, got $10 of the er, hile Brittle ran lnto the bonse roney tbey paid over under protest and lter returned arinrd with a but which lter tbey got bock. ' hbilliard cue. Speciai Policeman Gel- . ilere fa the story told hy the tva linger thon happened along and after men thraugh an inlerpreter. aamg lsfwihSte' bly Sunday night the pair attended arn hmefit Saes'bly meeting of the Finnish Tomperanco the Zion peace offIcer advanced tow. fociety. Nortiy and Carlson bad lady ard Brittle. fionda there and, ai the end af the The latter standing on bie parch prograni, tbcy tarted ta take, tbcm again uttered the defy and the affi- home. Miss Vlnberg. not havlng an escort, asked if ah. could go alang ceri deem!ng discretion the btter vith Carlson. He acqulemced. 80, part of valor, held a consultation, they started avay. ani ail Ove direct- while a nelghbor calied the police ed thoir stops tovard the lake wherc station for renforcoments. Other they went for a boat ride. Latr tey enthom an. a ~officers axrived but Bittle vas not was a nîce evening. Uaoy alat an arrestod. He remained calmly amok- the grouss La front of thse May stremet lng the offending wced vhile the place and viated for smre Urne. peaceoafficors withdrav their co- Tben. on Tuesday ni&tathe icHO- harts. kan homec, declaee ltae young men. A number of witnesmes appeai-ed Lb. Ultimatum Of psying $100 or go to aal vas put ap t tlsern. for bath the state and thse daeuese. Hokofla, they declare, vas thse ane of the rebellIons ZiOnios having spokemman. Ho toid thernUath(by a package of popular brand of cigar- bu violated thee state law viicliettes praîruding tramm, ispaciet saId tisai young mon vho toioung vS hîîc ho testified. Mise Nellie Brit- vomen borneUnuder the circurnatancos they di&, vould go tsi pris for four-le. the daughter of the complaining teon years. Tise yaugg mon, lot long vituces. deciared that ber ftbler diti n this country, vers amaed. They oynt Use Proîanîty viien acosoted b amsit4 tbey hbU doue eotiig Moui er hlBitehmslftad of the way. 'Tie otisersu nsoied it 'fcr hl rtl imlfaa did not maîter, tisat tioy vers amen- he used the Wrd "damn" "but ihey able under the lav nyvay. Use that word In their tabernacle," "Pay us $100 for we'ro going tsi he stated. tendMism Vinberg back borne toupIn- State's Attorney Wclcb aaking tisat la"; puy up or vo vlI bhave ion @tater ho baund aven to tbe grand ursted and sent ta 'Prion fortor teen bear, tise trio ia cbargod to Jury in the num ai $1,000 and read bave told the tva urprnsd yaimg Uic rullag af the mate uprerno court mon. wbich Invalidâtes the Zion City ordi- -We bavent gat that sum bers," Dlance prohibiting smoking. Ho de- said thoy in amasement and seeming ar<Baorldnoigtaadem "Go home and get it," tbey ver. Brttle and attempt tsi dissuade hlm told. fram smoking and Ilien vben thse lat- Ad tbey did. Ou, they cogld ter made an allegod brsaeb of thse sempo togollior but $75. Tliey @bt peace, attornptin40areat hlm. At- lb. um. tboy say, returusd t4ithe torney Weiss aslied the0 came ho dis- Hotins housansd tursd lte moaoy mae ntegonatstbscl ovor to tbe tiro rnon. Tlsy dise a-oIme h rud htbsci later Uisâtt1hey vors toid that Mseent vas acting in te legal diechargo Viaberg wvmSigven $10. Hliaisst ot f bis duties vboa ho atternptd ta $25 vhiclb ho tumnsi ovor tu bis vIte.t areat BritWo for ning profanlty. Robert Edwards of Waukegan Tells of ýMfàting Feroclous Fighting Men in Europe. IS WITH BESLEY T14CE UNIT. Tells etftnteîosin9 and His- torical Places Visited-AIso Tells of His Work. The parentis of Robert Edwerds. the Waukogan youD9ng 5 itra hleaa niember o!fILàJor Frederirk Besley's base Itospitel unit in France, have receivod a latter froui him lu wbicb ho recounts bis arrivai at the hase bospital, i duties thi-ri' and is bopes._ The leter ls a most intereat- ing one, Likee aleltters f om ahroad It vas openod hy a ci'nsor sud Ihere are whols- paragraphs which are hlotted oui bY bise inký Tbe Waukegan young iians h -tier, with personal referenee-s dioted. l.9 as follava: Yesberday ve began orîr duties In Our hoeplte.l vbich w, o over already establ.iaed front th"tBritishi. itvî wece quarlcnod. a- voli prohably know troni previaus h-rîers. Ilu Eue ]and for a weois. We h.ui liard drilil thoro lun marching and othi r- milita- ry functions, and aithre expiration af our veeli ve vere ý,-nt ru [An- don, wbere vo stayed in the- station for ahout lhree bouc- tii tho rime wo wore In the satlun 1h. Englisia, Scots, Canadiens. AustraIians. 7çev Zoalandere, and te rest ofthIe Eng- IliaI spoaking aIllies pourr Into the station, and ver. borne aw.ay trom thoîr ]cave In "bIIgbts ha rthe long troaps trains. Every mornlng th-r'- ar'- about four trainloade of wounded and leeve men return to the front, via London. W. bIft London about 8:30 and travelledl for about rhree boucs ta Foîkstono. the British embark- meut port. lier. vi' stayod untîli about 4:30.,vlien vo looki a trans- port acrons. Iu Fal'cotouo vo visted a large Canadien bospîtai and 0ev many vondertul casse undor treaimeni. Borne af bbe nurses vere Amerlcan girls and bbcy- verego 5glai tose se us that tbey gel have amidsisovod us about the isivu for about an bour, Xou perbaps M ii eueben rosd- Ing& caot four veos ego.that ibis town vas raided by air planse. Weil, vo MWv several et the vrocisod bous- os and somo of tise vouned wba were isisen ta, the boopitai for trent. ment We mcv ance I*Mg< bous# ihai Iokei as tisaugb sois giant knif. bud leftith In hal'it. ut oOn. Part standing and bai crumpled the auiser tuia dust. Tisore iu an airahip malt service scronsaand vo evwabou t tosu air- planes and airehipa visiteorocang. Tt ouly talkee about »oyeualuies. We ver. motathe dos * by c 5fliimlimixture" lSte ai * ngcorps vhich eaeaid us toa a omvaleecen camp, visere vo vers entostaiuod 0,-i er nîghi. At 5 o'clacis tise oert day vo ese am nled ta the city cMd cftsr lu- speetion by sosme bis% Vgench aff liera vo vere sont ou our va>. W. arrlvei tisere In a fev bouse lu rec- ord Urne for tnaap trauna, vwhki are ln tise hbiht of taking & rut every hallf mile viie orne 01' treight passes then. Tlie ol~tal ve bave charge «i bas aIl Unglisb speaklmg patients, aliliaugb vocati bandlyUnies-stand tbem. The vendt1vaaamined te la a medicl yard cnd ai praeot la filei almeet campletoly vih &AMtr&- i"an Oui sol. The ltter *mel*it MEITS MIN WHO HlAVE kOLLt. TION OF OSAMANO'SAS ed "Wili Women PromR i"by tise kaiser.beccuse of thisefu eodty la batlI. Tiseyire tise S2«««uor aiU tmols. larng tise 'g m»~s viso make c spectaly of mopnviu Io as, igisi ocraoff.,ai 56 oùAt «a» boy they geitoMntluit mwlo«ga Mlgbily aceral ti auns bfi the A ruad S ommo front M»eaW eut&t. i=ouandmi me sop. davisaitnn loe of laioners bavsee fltioui ,"*,iY. Tbey are al pacia lu otilo carsudmaicciba six CLusison il. Ttlb isvry Interesiing tusi 'e blies tralua go ibrougli. SWe aro a long vcy ont 0f tise abolI dim ,oves tiiniîmiles, bqai atilI lu tise quiet of niglit vo &IMoM lavairi- ably boa, tise large inSu tpi* ug ose enotisere positions. Iltasi-me. romls &.*OV tisingt the freitilgisior tu% bit novir ies ocij. isnov- lug tisat 1,aumls. 1 vuim ot bave tise unit It ver. sIlov« o l'4!0so. 1 »Mevgre sub a oogei andma luttotiug voi., I vaut o ggtata tise sngUcal Wrd visete 'tWs'wvmit Tise <Cao le pltoisilam 1~ VOLWVA LMuE Declares That the War on Ta. - bacco WilBe Ptsshetqt - Limit, as at Present. TO ENFORCE ORDIIAmO Asserts That Supreme CoQI Ruling Does Not Pmoteot FolPî Iowers of 'Lady Nicotine.,' Moan City, Jnly 19-The ver agaffl tobacro ln ZMon City la eicg pumiss to the lmit by the authoritios te that clty. Tbe mayan. W. H. cote dinen. and Chiot Becker are doter- mined that Uic ardinance ab&Ui ho upbeld , although severel semokors are hcing Induced ta viotate tbe 15W hy the Independents. believing that bbc supreme court bas rulei the or- dinauce Invalid. Mazy ernaolrs bcbàg decelved hy thîs lie, ad tue oon lind themset[,es. baled lui0 court. and as Justice Roy Mason sMi In Waukegan wbon ho Imposed mu flnes. It Io my duty ta tine. tison mon for violtIng the existlng lissa Cily ordinance as 1t Sud It and it remaîns for a higher court ta, test Itt valdty" Thtis ls the position. and the onir Position,tai mencaocnversant viii the 1ev cotaise. and thoue vho are meking certain Young menof ai ion City scapegoats know very voit tisai any infringement of the odinstuto as it nov stands muet hrIng punlali- ment at the lbande of the lav. Several enut-tobaiçco signa have been tacked up ln the business lIte. triet af the city. Tbsm signeares PrintelIc n red -cietons an cartbossi. and read as tllova «~The use of tahacco fi otrictly ti- bIduden lunZMon City. No Sotie" vouli think lot violting iis rmtile. tien. Visitons alvirs volum mi Sbavn Ivery courtésy. "Zion Oty ls tho pMjvato home tise Chistian Catholle APOiSSsà Cisrcb la ZIan." (algue&) going to try ta keep. Thtenuntry ahounda ln att kbnds o! souvenirs. tbey cen fuî their pocketi froni tbe victime' bodiles. TItey nover draw thein long ugly kuives without draw-9 -ing blood. evon vbenihey show it1 la yau thoy eut Yeu se tisai you bleed. Wei te gel back te my tapie agaîn, wc jub loacfod tsie iraitva odaa-s vo vert ln camp and trencbed our bell touts and acquainted aurselves wvh c the grounds. I have onîy eue other fellov. TrankSwSanson, ln my tent.1 atthough we are supposod to have1 four.1 Yostenday vo Itegan tearnlng 0aur wor<ý. The orderîles have 2.5-50 bedg 1I eacb ta cane for. In the morning yau j bave te got up and -go ta pour yard11 hy 6 and supervise tls'e "llgbt duty"j Patienta vhile tboy scrub the place ont. Yeti have about daur te hetp 1 Yeu att the tume, ta Yeu dan't ueed1 te do the yack yau dont vent ta.1 When 8 'clock camnes yau are reliev- ed and go ta îour breakfast. Orlo felîow takes cane of ftty heda every olher meai, visle the alter gets bis off ie, tf pou serve meals you sees that aIl tihe food is distributed prap-1 erîy and help tise L. D.s pasfi., They wasb the dishes, Âtir Ibreaks- tait You gather up teuold linon, exciionge ut, get tise dinnor menu aud taitset ta the cook, drav your Buug- plies for the yard. and afier about 10:30 pou bave the bedu sircighien- ed (nai romais), 'and ydou csn ai an the lob titi dinnen tuf. vwhen you ca11 for Your foodad m5etisai oac aengels bIs ipecial ils. Aller dîle- uer escit Man gels a basin. and, ln4 my vand ho vaubes bbmasof. Thon1 Iyou holp the doctors and nurse, go1 tiseir rounds aUd thon change thse uoiledl linon ani remake tise bedu, At 3:30 everyone, Orderlies Incluei, hem tes, and et 5 supper la serrvO& U W. Nicher Vasafippitei lieu- tenant comb*nder and exentive or. ficer of tho Great Lakes naval t"i. lugstaition, Wedueadiy, OUuCeaiIMg Liieutenant Commander W. H. lie- Munn- Lieutenant Commander ne- Mtnua ha&oen promobed tetaeiontm 0f Commander oi tise district. The dieiffbuba e.î asissi te la- -tie Alexander 'Courisyr, a Bristol -la, vio, lett i#ihomea.on Tuemiay. He ok ois ushlm a six pOar o0W mon. Lober Lu the day tU»emuan vas men st ÀnUtOch, Dl. Hie vifs lias amiai fbat the officers locale'isim ais àas tsars bisehtale sufferlugfrtrm mo tai trouble-Kenogba News. lagg misti Ter M UON&. I. Fi ~ig roatat -tho Crooeroaàs is uafl to traveler who knows wheoe ho wants to go, but it advauoos no reaaon to à9Slu once a man on hi. wm.y to one towu to go to aàeâoré Soine qfvrtsinug *1 of tue «Sigzipowt" vàkhe -it infortn.t'ho poopI1e that thé uliore i. l but gvoo no re<wn why, they abould' trade thet Th et o!M 1 *fui advultis lafiaddM buklaugs No maom ebgm9lp the oo# il the, ady lt 4 pm tduoos u!fllm" -o4y i~bpd prernentbmai mu. " M Mut -v.*i 7r Shore and Milwaukee electiel rail- rond, cscaped Instant deatb la due ta the tact ibat lhey ver. expert lino- mon, lu the opinion of an offielal o! the eltcIic rellroed. H. asmert tisai s trap vas laid for the iblevos vhicb would have tnflicted sevore borna or possible deetis hed they ual hotu expert 1n ihe bandîing of hlgh tension vires. The electnlc rcilraad bas tout hun- dreds of dollars vorth Of copper vire during the last year. This tact and the apparent Inahility to get mucb trace of the thieviila stegad to have heen vhat caused the officiels of the Conmpany ta lay a deadly trap for the thieves. IL la aaserted that the high volt- age vires are 90 arrangea that il woutd hi' nexi to impossible for an amateur tb eul it dowo witbout ne- celvlzsg the full current tbrough hie body. The expert lineman. bavever, knows just ho vIa bandle thone vires. and la ahie ta make a saise gel away. i-P tb the presont tume bas Iteen Impossible to get much trace of the thievea, Tva or three vire iblovea have been plaCed under erromi ait different tintes, but tbc rosi thieves osera ta, have esccPed detection and are ahIe tsi carry on their depreda- tiare auccoastullY. The ihetis ire conducted et euch a Urne that it ls PrscticallY Impossible ta deecat tisor unless a debective ahould happes ta stumble on them uuexpetedly. Tise Plan ef petrolluug tise racks ib« issn trli. but even ibis bas f&Ulbd to bin3 tise destred resultg. Otti- clals ai the rosi do no et bot admit tisai 'tbeyire pmacbcally at thoir vltW o»4. IFor taxi ~P160.I . el-s No moilIIZATION PLULI spoingleli, lit, lu>, U.-Wmt" mebumten « thse nalom ir tbut en* day o.f, thea ffteeei'h"e juant genlersi bre o'tO -yWOtIml etnutelona s le io r, tisoe s5ê Ad diers would b. moblli - ThseIllinels guerda roosi l tw ln Juns tiat lise>' weld Se oitàli<* Ïe fulie Jug>, 25, M thtiess6i lion Plies ba* net pst iwausdoulug 1 : pA9f&q%"&ý

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