Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 26 Jul 1917, p. 4

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Lbertyville Iideenn TýLcoWI*Y ndepedent - Wu o ~e u *~ ~~~~~1 L~ ~ty~fU5~ Orn a pnoao st WgaoUerui chB Piloco ~for LaieS CutrUe u.ver esml iu.Wlci iumia.-. AvetuY" EsesNd nvao kpgMWEI~n wT.O..........................P . ..... ... ..A .. ST ......N..... ... . ......................:S....I..................... .. a n e A ô .liSe,é --------------..M................... lORm B T001 UP IXK L 014-IME Tfl WOUING NAN leW»""TO Do 00. Dmonlake lrmb people arid aloibt f< Maaq aum Nr. gu1ke b"COSE Ué'Mt a ot« hi aoés vbore qi« h»-«rutMM 1:E m loue ,r the nbuneof Itla U» i.homo. of OUMer f*u su%9 ~it to LYObm tu auto laminta ui qa l~ots "ad aratyfiel thalth*%ey are ooltent 2hq auttouai lb»m zoocamm ba ~ u~t vm ni hm t.e»M uev yulthoy have *m0m f oewuo, h. paMmon cnot teforde rota bag-ouiload oea, md appriia'e dt i nàitiéoôb.eparil for "'th.edry U etbat v iv lb. àeroee fuserua Aidtheb odues off ti Ther., iLake Poros th ey a~ito lathe. cty, uer Ibir owvanames, vitimares -6 hêd.ulualemyprlu the .cases. You'd tblnk hbey voild be asbariad h ave Il seul lbem lia uch berg Iota--ou oud lh l iy would at 1"leahdlgulni1 ta Xo vonder Ibal Bey. Thomnas Quayle, m.e" r~of Itie U5 and Oarde Leaglie, heitates t0o ven disus e m- laUtt lcorne. fhm Lake Foest rogardlng hait-car ho iqur __bl Iy for rlcb roaldents Ma44NT go over 10 lhe cases 10 road 1he àmof lb. oie. 10 wliom It wus shined-be probabiv, MU It Iv'ould ating hlm t 1h qick tb realise that 1h. men' vii. iuia &0u hadouta to t10 nW1ln 1h. là* ud Oider laque blieved In »"Pr.pardliu" i Ibi JIdWuei timeo of Pose= e dryou. Wo don't *M ur.b,1r tayleha stiiway iorder Ibat bis mbu iot fan on tbe naMes of the me»n10 vbiom the - =vfyle 1 effitfor bf iltUigoutý-he MM tat i ho ookil a the i bek ose mboaoe bofea -17 of lbem-tbal b. wioubd'b. expect&66 ta critlclui the xvmý.Tharefore aybody-*ho lgfrm that he tonlabajob a nmen-he WAOontoi14 -for if be IUD looked aI the m anad laoud bout 1hoa% maievhat a fus ho buld bave thrid pamntbhé» pronhist m18 wuialthy fre du ho pay am ual 9 OM "M"Oi nk he aàof Lok, couenty(oiid e,- othmr bave talked muiiad mon-iabout dir: If Ibat bappeal- mr fr "rpad- Th@ Poisto Louse or Potato ADhe hba fmou"d ta h attukchiu@moe ur pita Isà"da .Lae county. It le poosble I*bsba pona iyantir- OUI oUes ur Data fo YW& 9 re"r.S mmeaurseaore no% taUesla ie omtroL Tii %olato aphid 1eess Ier rapidly sud aqtause considerable damaégé even untu latw>AugulÀ. A cige female1wdom a50 ijouni vhbicimatura la taver is. ain hée."UY h e rai ge»mfora od urin orne sason. Tii. colonisa of aphls cluater on lis ondei aid of lbbe lton ti tom and bloasma ai tie poita. Thsyecomnas té trmina àava tu a unp Msudm.iecasethe sues tuobigtasdud M oummah of lie »P frontl*e planttat bey yul complote- lj dW. À acere sttack af tie poita apild for Iwo veres y 60erlî efleei Our laisér"P. Saloofl1 An. Said to Have Put \58 làR inla uardhoUse [n ttwontof Commttte. The ChicagoDelly News tOd&y printedtb. iflovIug artcle:* as «declard todaY Ou OPen eslocea ana vice lu the. vlclfltY Of uonth aboi re y sud uavy traliig ems bhle commttee i Of ial81by. gien. or th.eouncil arNatioail De- fanas. Charges0o! axity ma v er. madoegUlmathte board Of mupervsit or Laie. ocuty. Dr. EsCiielle Fry a la chaimm f s fthe.comnuite sud Pr*. sided ai le cu meetin. Salou e ut68 in OuafdhOiusé. Flly4llitmuabave 'been OoaiUit. c eliode aiControl-Hssvy nain um&7 ted tote iegndhouae ai Fort eneri- " uash oni lie yon.g Insecte, colSdais edan »a tle resuit ai thi e Uitig f ' mai retard iber grovth or liejiamai hosalon» near iy. h vas cbatgd; eue ettaeied b h iuudisecases. prWodaconi maman lest hi. lies under a troll« 10 Msd peradsllt Inectà A W q»78 MU car lu tient cf s saloon, t- 'Wb"ic he ved, K.roeoaEmuision Spra: Tle ihe iiss mat emerged lu an lut.xieatedà le a çpray tble St.01 ommaiuseS W condtion,.lit vas essarteS. hili ene érsi farmersud 8mail gaz*rdo.Theécemitetsetuai ui t wulva 10oth lie00trOl ai0ii ftl elO whtereued tbe open deliance of lth stS bave bitimg mauih partesud att&*iofi,4k@ coiety lu grantlng Ueusu sani-ai aur hardy plante. Ti @PMai ta tour -sioo a liall Day, *bout formula leasnfallove: Kenoue 2 four miles tilmP'rt Sheridan and the galion., valet 1 gaion, easp (OndiUs re rai laies training camP. thougli laundry aoap> ypund. TII.,.qusuti. -Col. Nchosad Capt.,MOU 1aet -té.amfre lotatci solution. The eapap t , hve rqe tii. alt n giobld bh cul up sud halleS lu valet loseS. Tii. motion ta eyaisthli l tUI desalved, rsmaya froune lirSe thon ceusas hadl bem tabled bY lie chair- ad5 the keromes. Puuep tiissolution Minuoaitle board, Who then ennaUnced bécie snd forth until h la thici and adjourumaut 1 nutil September. thej cnemi, vbicb vii ebov yan that the commttee couiguds. eop sud istosene lare wvaliuexed sud Cr o il Io thee Ul e o dngr tenof heiplnt .The wvan's cummittee la triang.I heing linurad by the contact ville pure Igae n okatryuggrslv k@romene. Wben the shove qusutlitlng aiea ta a i sitnger uggirs Uv- ol aosp sud keraone ais ltbanongblv igna n lilgtacinst parts f ai ae tota1 pai ai the solution tiie young men and wumau, but to audiappI, as a spray. Neyer mir ibi@ preïent laxities. Ml waas id liai epsyonear th irs. nr arot Sheridan and lu Chicagotheie social avil vas on the Iucrease. 1 Bamember tbsi anly contact spnsYei Âmog thame wurklng in caujune-È eucb Ms the ahave vii cotraI plant 1 tion vlth the. board are Dr. W. A.É sna ineetg wth onwing mautb parle r F s the Rey. T. R. Quayle ai Lake i.. j, nrr ,,U:if titVe the spray Fs, AturBrrg arelHn chonid came lu contact, with evany W Fryeinet, r Arthir urrae Fllieu D. @letncm 0u1ae iserions Infetation the rthlugrRyols, Dr.thW ilait, D. spray majibaye ta ha repesâted vitle a usey, hunrs.Aynln, Dr WiiIieUlm yei, If aIlthie aphide are onutkilied bhi Pure', isr. AnleSaesdMs the firet applcation.Jes.Bfad Lake Ca. Tarin Improvament Aeou. ~, W. E. Watkine, VOLIVÂS HII( Countji Agiulturai Advbse. Seveal Degneca Wcre. AROU IM UY11% Hani- quitter Io one w v ItIoul, BOARD IN nj Y ibut a elacer la one wiio doosant beglu. -ÈutWlo Times. . .- - Peeling Tour Pls Boesla ans cffTorau s priug uhegts: "Measure jour iealilib7 jour ympauhy ilhi morua g 'M aprlng. If liere la no rempouse lu jon la lie svakeuiug ot natture. il lie prospect of au tari! morulpeg vlk dom. ual bouilslsep, If lies varble et the frai blumebird do.. not urili yon, bcv tlist lie motulng andsaptlng o jo ulteeineput. Tiens msy iou teel jour puiac. of Mion City, has beau aroused agalu b>' the puttlng up af au Immense aigu board ou the aiSe of theZMon City' ding store. The, aign advetlses nearly ever3 thlng uhat ta dlstasteful ta Vliva and la ana oi the shsrpest thora.. ha bas baS placeS lu hie aide., The Bsîgu board, vblcii lm ana cr the largest evar put up lunZMon, cautalus tuhe faflowIng siatementa: SIX FOL'U.AS 0F RACINO AT ville tisftd~àlm*ui 'rar rama Plaalprvet~regnrmfroshppngIhirouy HE WI3UUffIN SI AIU t RM dayaaote rec Il.UinLnu Clu. . Four Days of Harneas Racing, Includes Two slap nu e York pcllasatp lor ei 500Stakes-Professlonail and State Auto bave enlae Ierc-Operaion in plans deterinined upon Drivers WilI Be Seen During Friday ànd Sat- by Ithe United States goverment. This, to our vay of urday In Chamtlonshlp Events. tinkhng, would be a very effectuai way t. help emboaraa f -____ th. warring countries who gel much moîey from relatives! &nnae u. 20,-Vollorufera d hi Louis Dlabrov, vorld'e chain- i America. Wakegn f olks have contributed much 10Iuoead'utfo erlgviSdpiuittrcdiesdalo!t. the sbipmenta abroadt, aid the change in permits would gIenty _.voie tiesi patronam etaïd iibsWscousin racing drivers vho vili con. have a big off ect here. 7aes'a3tate l'aitsept. a10'. TViiore Pte lu ire oite chymplauahipa for 0fte of the greate8t endorsements, one o! the greaesat vm b. tour day. corlioetrotter adaiS hieh traphues sud mnney vill bh "co~~>Imeis" if olngthiga or otbng fr sr=le=d e~st o'pnd sgomsme 1t. moug the trapuies viii he iii. O olseIa coplimnt) hat ewspper ! th U lend 15. a b iegdyylPabst Blue Rlbbou Cuit. actuslly Worth 8ta.s av ov» ise gvenla ee lu~tus drft us ibe 2 e .uc2 ae.« b«uL -1 e 5ti57 FLAG IN THE Looingt te ~ioe popsitonil a eenIba U cl c 205tr ud ,On 8 PIcqStail e LAG VT ORLD. Iam.believes every5Ml e» o! nb. laid 2:her Theces orst sAmoricUn flag *ver acOme 1 a ewsape. Desnt h.hol evry in ligbtepace vIlab. racsud Ma n mda, Tc ags mncnf ti. ii.d t accountablo for knowing bl ubradail IMilAnieDay, l 0,0 m irOf mlade and, bythie wrny, 1he lare- otiiot tatscoicerning the dtafî? And, wan'I the nous- I Oiin.tce a ue wS :12 Max S hoe o f ihe big featuésa of the the Only mediumn by which hli nformed the. te.» 10 'efralfaIr t. will ba uiifurlsd aschiday II~.TeebS.and night wville patriele airs are M M'lio men? Yes, and he dld Il without a centos expense .atiougle erna racing etai thWls- & une b>'ths crewda, ut h hande -cm tiie mre be said of urocuring »$itllons o!fvwu? Do -cotetin a 'ir hlia anel hg onuthe grounuje poyiu aocom- plune and la ewuiyot Ofrand iruit panimonts. OÏ-àmaerm DONATE AREIR MATECRIAL as do the. niiber, it rnmains for tia yegFslairà..--> , nuvupapers? And still, at every turi, the govetr*meit 10 prmet the banner proggOf ils Ç,000. Ta became the property of auj ube.;o "andt ~ he îwsppersby Iis id tat » sanu ye a hs tory. 1 great dever ibis cap muai h vann liree trw 0 "bnd i to"the ewspperoby rle ahi bletoacitalahIbis, becausme in successiona. tb" of tryig b se. what it can do for hern i iturn nelutbers or the Chaniber af Ctoierce h la experteS thbai alurday yu]l hi ,ft.owmtiuuou8 services the papers give. But, uis lraft ?ad the owner aoflthe Pilinote!lhiay dSvated ta theeMte chamnpion- bulàésýUncle Sam %lepended on the press to do thi - a ranee Ohneo h o,00the chi«ento'.uefor proie.- Imm, thh t,*%e whobo mater-noWiy the men--aid mony tea n an e viii omes @lonavi ii sitempti lu love: Igdl. é~lia4u1ity taiua placed o» lb. press by train the Grand Circuit teCoq W for th ti$ record of 49U scomds, maSe tqenationalad otar a ~o be Milwuke ricke a inte i«- Bas. Dlahiov bfflaYel110s clii ve hê l. hôle people read -Ihe usvspaperm eu traci uhal vi iausmmbolis rsa traction of as secs4 lIE lii uwk i j~~~u21 ý 31 lu te luite4 eb ave M » m'à SM a tnietat Dlbrov nI &feeOrt 1 lves RaIBeymuSBoa~t, 5 lb~*sk ssel aer iebaewou s ~~ va mmd aod t 'n..11118uwOIMM i r T4Us'tw * - de15 Ot 1 os* fer fhums.nov en for. Ths wom*bs diSSour «V Zon City, opâst00 *m tS PIA use *t et ueloo wesrry safoulbim of, paetu edilbfe, elgars t:. YCFJ GAN IMOIK IUN ZION CITY. Psy ne attention tgt.ho. Who try te flop Yeu. TIET ARE ONLY IBLUPPINO Th* nit te emelce ln leu was feer, .tabiOd b> th* . aupftme e ont of Illinois ln lth* ose, « theCity 'w.ef ionva Umene.u-Vollulfl 2ml, q Illinels emprotecort repente, poe 10. Thom e àisdanoe hall la ths building end a p0aolelg pitysi clan la the baook building sino It lae il"ed u Utile or ne possuhfllty of Voliva pisclut s a,#ite" aigu boutdla front of uhd'ist- et *a hlch bua sed Vollva moi hie followers a much dlacom. fortJM2 .MLEUlct. uniR f% b. a cq echool z CI4ANCERY NOTICE Siale aofllâmol. Caunly ai Laie, om. lu tb. Citeult Court of Laie Counti. Dalober Terme A, D. 1917. ChariesRotnry Potenmos va. J. Soely onidiej, truseeo Alexander Brodle Brysu. Joi&a R. Jous, Thoron Parier, Mdail Schmidt, Mary Schidt. Moes Feas- vo r, Joseph C. Brilion, -Leclla ,P. Smnith "unknov boiraset law ar devises.r oi Alexander Brodie Bnianç ecad&," "unknovu bire ai 15w or devises af Judia H. Joues, decssaed," uninown beire *i lav or devise.. oi Thoron Parier,' deeased," uninovu hoire sti law on devisa., oi Maria Schmidt, de- coased,"' -unknown huits st lav an devises.ofiMary Schmidt, Secemsd,"j unknavu boieursailaw or devisees ai' Dietrich Smith. decesee," '«uniuovn boire ai Iav or dsylaaaeoai Maoee ane- vantb, decessed." "umainoun haire ai l5w on deviesce ai Jameph C. Brlttan, deceased," "'unkuovu boire at lav on deviaee" oi Luceila P. Smnith, Seasd," '1unnown owuers af sud persaneit n. tereuted lu a certain note ai ituenu 15th, 1856, due 3 jears alter date, pay. able ta the order ai Theron Parker, and eured by mortgage hum Reubec Farneworth ta Theron Parker, recorded lu the Recorder'@ office of Lake County 11110o40, In Bok P 0f Mortgafee.on pOW 168, ,uortgaging the lonth Wet ate ad Section 26, Township 44 North Range 10 eaut of the Third Priuclpa Meridiau, lu Lake CountV. Illinois,' "nkuowuownere ai and persona ln tereoted 'in eIgbt notes agsreègatins $8600 001 cignen by (i.'urge %% sagner n Elizabeth Wagner, hie wife, payable ti the arder of Frederick Ouenbostel, datai Marcb ldth. 1884. due elgbl yeare aite date, oecured by xnurtgage retorded i the ltecorder's office of Laike Couuaty Illinote. lu Book 79 of Murtgagem, pag 800," "unkuowu awnere of snd pereon Interee.ted lu the 4 notes of Leweim hilij and Caroline E. Phillipe. to th. ,,rder( MoeeFarnsworth, datit Match 31é 1865, fur $250.00 @ech, payable ln 1, 8 and 4 jearos aler date, witb luteret at 6% per auuum, payable lannualli aecursd by mortuage recorded ln tI liecorder'e office of Lake County, Illinol lu Book 8 aifliorigages, page 566, m or gaffiug thé Eaut hall oi the Sonthwei quarter and ail of the West ha i t i Nortbesot quaýrter. lylng Wet af t Road leadlug from tliamond Lake Forkiavlle, lu Townelblp 44. North. Rani 10 East of the. Thîrd Principal ileridia In Lake County, Illunoi," and "uuknaii owuers oi or persona lutoresid lu t ?IMt'hall ai the Soutbweiàqluarter ai ritp art ai the, Weet half of the Nort eaut quarter lylng 8 outhwesterly af i Boad leadlug from Diauoud Lake Vola; aiea that part ai the West hall the Sauthesat quarter described foitove, to-wit: Comrnenciug at t Southweet corner of the Wfet bail sald Southeast quarter; theuce Nar along the quarter section line, iorty (4 .hala tethelb.conter af eection; thec à ant iorty-live (45) lunke; thence Sou three-quarters (%) oi a degree West for (401) ebalu. ta place ai begiuutuag, ail Section twenty-siz (26), Township fori four (44) North, Bauge ton (10) Eaut the Third Principal Meridisu, lu La Cauuty, lfluale." lu Vhancery, Geueral Nuinher 8627. The requioite affidavite having hb llied lu the. offee ai the Cieri of Circuit Court of Laie Connty, Illiu. Notice le therefire hereby given ta ail the abnve uaned aud'uukuown defoi suie, that th. aboved named compu su &t heretafore flled filb Bill ai Compla ýelu mdidï8ort oun the Chaueery side the ai0, anda ta asumulous thereupan lei ont ofaidl Court agaînst ail oi the ahg nsmod and unknown defeudautsertu hile*au the firet day oi the tern i 0 etCircuit Court ai Laie Couuty. [flic le to be holdat 1he Court Houeln Wa cngon, lu nild Laie Couuty, ou thef 'P Momday lu October, A. D. 1917, s-j i ilaw requlred sud vhlch seitle ed pouding. er Lewis 0. Brockwsr, Cier] - DS ialuH.Millet, CaMP1IOM-t'aE urc &r et. Lawrence EIpisoal. ce wii e id la the VIlagKHal bAgf ias moutb 09 Augua t tims ii @"ylest 7:80 a. m., but tiers ii sc«iservim t 7:50 p. w. Bandar ,li hU bs bld et Il & m en- ed F g ud in ty,1 bce In ,t, 2, et ly, the le, e teu the ai thue and~ the toe thet 1 of euth k.C Bail. )-10 For TaX4 Service Phone 202I [The Libertyvile Garage PaIkfine, Mi. AUGU ST 8, 9, 10p 11 or RA NG $500PURSE ifo ja- eeil t ocety Firet ClamHors* Rachai Evoey Day Carnival Aftenoon and Mdmlao, me Mmd ne N9 CHAMASMRPCAUT OS Band- Concert! Profram for -Wdwmkdy Evening Aug. let Sundaî serie.: Sumday' ebooi l8.95. mmoenwommhp sai il oack. Thore vwilb. no Christian Endevas meeting but lite u a rdu ent. v i cit e Ye théliepuumao01a ithe C. 9. Tapi: "Uvaffllstl. Eucatloaa, md dic lanIndustrIel Vre .latoein ailslao," Tiées yulb. qascaimu*i and talo by menuets of tie C. 3.emiet>'. The bout oi lie service h 8. Mi&w.el PmjetmoengWedaidap *veniag nt 7:80. LaSte' Aid meeting Thuradsi 2:80 p. M. C A. Montanus. Ninleter. Mathodist-ipliscoum. Service vilil e eld nmai Sueday w lollowa: fler Suadsy.aubool aet 10 b'eioi. lu themorningat lla'loci Bey. T. B. Boa. viii pruach on the ub. lut; «Wituooeofor ChristUnto lie Uttermoot part of tie zIii." lu tie cvenlug at 7:80 the aubjeet of theanenmon yul h- *The@Boul and HoetilePhile. tino.." Tht. viii ho ipectal mulec by ti»cbi can sd Arthur E. Kraeckns n l élus a sala The public la cordially lu. vIded. "The Canimunlitea Becresions' viii t 1 the. aublect aifithe Epworth Lee"uemeet- ing ueit8ondal oveningal :45. Samuel B. Flaher viii tend lie moetxng. Speela musici A cordial nuilaion toa l. Choir robeas" viili bhdld ounl'nldaY eveang of tus Voci at 7:80. Ail mem- bers are urgeS ta attend. Thero vii ho a very Important 1 M& uss meeting ai the. Epwarth Lesgue ou Fridsy tvsulng of this week followed hy the neual sociable. Ail LeAguere an b hein mriend. are urgeS tu attend. Nois yeek Wedu.sday evenlug, Aug. jet at 8:80 there vii h a very Impart. sut meeting ai the officiai hard. Ai memuber. of the boardS i.ged ta attend. Bare Floors Unhealthy People who leave their kitelhen fioorts 'u- c ,overed make a mistake. Iu the tiret place, its uinsanitary. Yo u cant dlean an uncover- ed floor properly, no matter how liard you scrub. OiIc Ioth and linoleum are catey to keep Jlean. They look nice,, and. they last for years, depénding upon the grade you buy. Look over our patterrne. Lowest Prices. C«rptow E* Maso#t Meat Iater Have "Pep"9 Meat is the natural food of man. A boîutiful Creator put it here for lis tise. Mêtat'is the great food force that drives the human machine Our Ments are the Best One of our tender, juicy steaks will give youi a new and brigliter outlook on ife. A meal of our rich pork chope will cure the worst groucli. We ýa1so handie ail kds of Fruits in season Be gôod to your digeâtiùn by supplying It with our Superior food atuffe Earl Hi. Corlett *1< p-I} Id 1 1 ---, T ý.. march-Offlcdn of tbe uand......Jevel Ovetue-lele a of ut ...Barard Walts-Tee Ces ..................... JOnle MMrc-FldstyF............... .....King ge«lon-Beztebt mcm Lucla ... Donzetti popular ...UMy Drmann China Lady ... ..........................Ao tyne Marcb-Oid vens........ icrme INTEIIM18SION ldarc-Foretat Foremoot ... ichle Sel«ieton-Tanniaflben.........Wagner Wats-4iolde oS o ................. BuIt [March-The Pra.pecton..... lue...0000 Reveie-Mditatio ............. Morîson Karc-geroi oi Luzon....... ..... Duble Charactenlnte-Zamperite.h... . ake Mdareb-The Boomter ... ....... lein Everyone Invited. 1

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