191, î.FF~ER'fYVi.LE I N',- >1-NJl1C\~fl. ~I1fT~!1~ '.-. * - ", 12M.e-t 1 faly fte rd »lCP n a.mm. B*W4asst sodop 111 lie b.put op te hlm trodecide ' V fl1J Ch. bri ehe0boat.. and MWvbft INS cautlMORALwbetber places of the type, as for ex- I ÀZ'UN.GO AT Bradley. Tb.y are lcolY .ettWedlu thfIIv W AS S luti. OOtHU-bsbnd atinD VI! NDI II<Iw bore br.aidw.extnd ratis AUm4ber net te atmpt It as lie said the ample, of Hoboken,.NN J., wbere re ho m barsm i a t Fotete nd nr atula T 0 F A I IJ Eater pro"ably WZ O N E S R O P E D On FF ' centlY a rd r fr n M j rG e e rli O S1 The Rd. Cois uzOf FAUoRE.oxÀÂman uied William Henry was. UliiFrankiîn Bell dlrectlng the saloons te' iL akerwrkîvmetbetul! a i uOlrOU T O 'An AaAE' b oa hotdistnce away N EAEC JER toseat 10 P. m., wan iguored, raU T ED CI>1E IfLOWdhlF. J.DRUCE Phone Ilerr stand6ryTUp he jo.lnglymm N saÀldR Cone order. Secretar1' Baker seemed . .... 2og)5. yogi arecordl ltattid te teoer. OeufS Taken for Job Work.tatikhtwieHokn rate onappI catmn. c anue udehlp aveuf If von tare nMet ack n6 PwneJ s'dentr 's tFdIvv" PesientsDFie-Mle nry one o tinktha whle Hbokn mlht iSnCotrDruMStre ura Ae r atso lctIlsion ri ai ako rwe "Yo're mo,' cr104 M". Jackson, as Order on Monday Doês Not lie exceptd ithe campe at the Chieà- Defi at Voliva ahdd l"s Anti- liai. Mrt.truecs bsIes rak brwa ueu h.wek-end inl Diamond Lake Friday site doe efretin the :de>muîcpl ie >~ ~n Pr, ~ Smoking Ornances. umi u tascelbsns neFank Wb eke. M alanh.thlta op<of -Taken With Cramps. The sengsetion of divlng into deep Cause Change n Prohibition Chilcago, would net.I1 wr@»abt ".J"bWtk ieter a ngi obe n f tts ntaeCut.ilthe pureent opinion of the wa r EFFACE SIGN DURINî NIGKT ol Rchardtron Was a Cicago vster boys foro Y. M. C A. w Suda.uts. ADnulSGBllUSWWitniy of Konea, HUSBAND GOES TO RESCUE. swaiîowed mucti vater. She w EuO department that the order draws a.___ Mmr. Carter Beak of Janestii, iloi, d v idstt id enudi0relatiestu RoboafHaetDred glg m ahé rose ta the surface. PAE TL hr edleaan atoet Feeling so Bitter Th-, NigMt rsa*vesu i-ed bt Ci we. Vl*!*li iIwre.yfb ain wbatHn Dr d ldvlug ste b" klcked the boat ARE NOT AFFECTED. for the national guard, the camps of reaie n red oettswe.nin oDv n wyfo e a a o ilet h ainlamadalfrsad Policeman Watobes Ou'tsîde C. 0. Longabangb of Chicago, vtd ]OP£ t a lox' Snietsartng tu- ers. Jackson oDv an awytinbr» wisntblteheainlamadalfrsad bis mothberse ondal. >n bbe5b She Acoeptéd Dare. groi t s Oto h.calme Up. The bus- Exeoutive Order Also Sets Hait stations occupied by the regulars. Tobacco Sign. Mm. 9. B. Wbitne.y vbisdt at tbe bbot nud brlnglag on othir complcations, - baud percettved. th. danger and dived Mile 'Dead-Line' in Cities- Autbortty for bannlng tiquor froainGra euclal ti4U of lit. CUITer, liondty. lir.ts. EUS Uidi tàêi aw *5*luit Mrs. Mare Jackson, of Chicago, in, seeklog t. aid er. Rln IsOeWich icfiy0fmltrycmsvu odrt oivastisai fln b4'2à ~ ,,),u Sturyafercon.ftér bab»,on vir ofChate£jacAulnu s Oe WgchLong coerrled n the piirsîdctmtnsec-as ce."rn olv ou fl Me Frsones Gea ad B9stiTaulson, I rarla ad ontédww>tr l Jl4lkao, manger for anic~.all h rowning voman Hd Been Sought by Drys. tiOn 12 othe pAct t tinze Uc . na iealyo 5ý"el visltaifrt.nds sr, FOI Loks Sunday. ioIvasduidgltrMd, a boit concera, lent ber lre lu Dia. threv ber arme Hal i nc n inth Uiin Cuthart ise. FrankFeagn a ofVoldars, Wl., Survi~e bstideberbroliberssanSufs.moud Lobe, about 6:30 'clock Fni-'lhi won abaolutolY heiplees. Another Th. presldent'a order on Monday president ta Increase tenmporarily the ed that you cAný" visid relatives ao neas lut Thi fUmserai ariebih Tuisiday mOraing day ulgbt tbnaugb ber unwvllllugness man wbo tWos Ilttlng ln a boat a fe elsting te the five mile dry zone mllltary estublisbment of the United The former baside, tbe lîtter out- a' ho t hfh04b15 aisln t tae a date.. rods aw5* rowed Coi their assistance &bout government training campe and States." vide of the drug store lut Zion City. Urist.S.Lspaldlng of Mlton, Wt.., t le t.emsryt"SE. O B dore you te dive," ws the tnt but, got tbere toc lite. reservations, as exclusvoly prlnted together wltb otber devr' patente. vating ber daught.r, Ui. John Palmert bl DW15 o h Lb ilaou.. recelved f rom s ammn amid Hie. Word t.-- sent te> akeg suad ln ht.nday' Delly Sun, doesnt havie WAWMafl1UMtyU ~sowft afertin eiont rti ensi,- »Id ImW. Nttsghhor&.@bc. viii ho gm"sla nusd rwho vas rowing a boatatner h. gtappllug boks Woe ru8bed ta the any offet on the north shore because KtYUIflhJ TI« i TUF ltSat eeion. uZc riVeso Da'14 Fleg of UbortIville, vl.ttd lu the ocuimiUly wr. shi bébau val0on. in whlch esi, attridl lnh« bath- menue. av î vas Impossible te reacb that terrltory la now dry terrltory. mM Riluide the vlndow on a 1lsrge pl&- friatis bone baeay. YMMlng suit, was alttîng. the botte* by utvlns. Toue grp- It doostthavi any *f.ct on the '~j ~ ~ IAV'card aipwars the firet s auad thl K M Its prestence vas keenly tr, .nted by M r. and MUts. <iuy ToorCi o , ~A anmber ut out youang munhave bisa "Yêuri on," flung bock M-a. J5c- pllng bocks vire viedl ail ngbt snd four saloons ln Verelon township bc- &M.Vlv epe acerl vdn sonittehoeo Ml.MayDo cle!ua hédotsmn to aitteVs, eol a as, r viiti t h.buecfMp Mij >i~ alsdh 13 retsaont.u Mg and a moment St r* ain &Ili theUicnez: day before they ftnilly cause i-lItDey, uhoesthe niarest A VIÏ"¶T1IV irr.teLttcîe.ao -« ovg h *lb. 0. A. Mitchell. C. Dliz>., B. Humey, . he inuterd.i ra located the body. Te miswèe IYIA atd a bu egtmie 4 RU À A 1 »KI to thetact tthon.niht ..,.meared ta» hino edoy. Dr.unCIsie s nnt, ]V. Ni«, a 3 o llr . e ints.tedsi ri* hippcd te CflilagoSuuday mornîng. fromt Fort Sheridan, and thug net b lack peint or limp black oll aver An finoev later. . ixn.I ewndav lu arder te ecRac Mr., «md Uns. O.0 se. Mletteaded th The autos bat aratbe bard iméteffrsonteprio.e haadwthin the prosidential oid.r. Tlhua, rOXL.ake Postnaster Was Vic-, te Guard Othir oSîu. l i t.Cale b l ÀCncgo gsWag op snom of our bi.er idobr aBaebr r.Jc-up te the prent, h.tauai fVe- timmof Political Fight But Tescn aaebrik'all.one, on oftelit.cru» Eunday miternlis ehic awkius son, frantlculy vaving lber arms. YIELIN Mnon Saluons renmaine the mme-thi He Wins Out. i' lin lgtoeverybc't whô Mies MrelaWbfclur le tskînig a.t, o alh lis beau impe.esbl.elncDs, as Bank beneatb the surface and vsTH preldint ha* declined te make the drives along the main Street Pqar. manhevaaton vslln br ler ~truttck* wonestock &ad op a Mon- drowned. B SIL I) lE zoe. road encugh to include VernonMATLîntatUcat-mkfatnvi Dakota. day ivening absiDt benuable ta Rot The Jacks->ns have a summer home drinking places.TOULSHUT mear the big sigu daud ti f, nlgbt. Ut.Als is netn aeai Dismond Laie and bave zone AP-I vvI)U RJ, h. order la a severe one When Hîs Wife Attached Hs tedu tr ebekp 'rýngt Mi b er T holmsontersa i otni on b.Ladino' Aid socetty wul muet Wed- 1swîmmîng qutejoften. She au A' her Sas egards the bawdy houssand , a hedintr t .bp Ce~ngt ofbIdset olnse visk.ot 01 sday, O T uge s iutr.Jmshaaddne hi Iatlbuer Ure *Pa§ ~and SuspenIsion Follow- Indeflnlfeîy. lie started lu T iraday lu ek e",krtltw th otre amn aaIl ufnedtero ud vnt suit th'i"ssaie, tpran twte on whd, Govt. Was Vexed. tght, la u, as ibody at±i s King. ItlaevTory important lbral1late Frlday atrvv adwetou ire aos i.Land Producing hrbecaua., fo nw ite molest the atgu there vwS b. rouble. cou, ale avetléd a elstrti's cèe.membrs bo presnt sa: ibis Une. for thein customary plunge. mi- tni. ag rs o oa h a aoayoywocnuu Ahpymne o ae hn.tcaeted epe Sot ilt tkeadatoe ! O n îtt,îup» of Pta- the seotAttendaishJacknduneaAdhippy mun u FoxdLaae. Thun1 AAWar cofSigna st the pissent Primeso eoap tiela ari-lO su-aJl 4ba ledl ako n e ohradatîd toes for ft eWorkmen. a houa.eofthat character laya hlm. day night, July 19, vus Postmaster, it is apparent that Zion, 115 117 in bargain. Dra. Dr"g Co. loi-m -as celebrateti the marrilge of v»Man entered a rowboat. whiie NMr. self open te federai action, whereas, Hovard L. Scott, vhen be heard that' a vafo religions Ideas ad '-:4r for 'Tl* <11h aninul teusion altbogbermanVernueNixon and Miss Titus, the ieu:. Jackson swam nearby. CMAY PAS laTebfuaa c, twu d lm t isontriflit e apoe. da iraîe ha olv eonl lamnlg vas bold et the James Ebiramon Evr bt fLbryîl paaa t a.mrl naeii ffn'"' men,.y have hein a culte action. fbvic o laaou 120 :aba r enced ,roU ei*d t. bd home La Gryslaite lait Thuieday, tfitJ- cburch i-sadlng the marlage servie in that Henry dared linre. Jackson ta Men Greatly Indjebted to the 1Iln connection witia the Important yean. Sexton 0i1 campany's atgu or. Sheri- telsg prut. Tho dai was Ideai moui tIseprooceqeof the Alendaiele uuily.1dive, andfit vas in the csame spirt Hi e &it m eft edsav oicb t l httemnl h it a etat tai llanIsd la the unieday thet itspt. Bradley gave the bride say, tour-1 that site responded. It i. beleved Wire Miii Owners for the tmoveaduthe, exnct on, Ivea n testain g etappintment enda a long flabth a n is h@ iobetue wonu habs on tlhIe st% gatherlnge. Thei AIindale boisver e aguird Of bOnorl Uat she astbaie been rendered Asitnc Gre.th adth'eect odr I ve n <>ut by s end a red o os of'n sv ot thapie. Be feit thet clam vilI mes o tbe bomne o! Atty. suad a ltie nie-e ni the bride vsn ring- helpiess by a ciamp. ~Jl 1 epsil htteodrvi e I l~ naaln rv u a-mn. Teeaetescnlsg Genille A. Follanâbtse la Winntka net i barer. tfteîa weddugsnpprinCapt. Hueband and Mothen There. Ta h lnrcnSee n ieinterrt apiy tnt only ta the ital mixup vblch. at one tieseveuvuas erected ta caver up the ol' sigu.> Bradey'i cotage thehapy cople ett Jackon bd ben erpretegbis ,,tootahe AéricinStde tnde po1Intchvbthepoit rs. Scot cot ammmci. Baiy otgtebpycul elt Jcsnhdbe acigbs mpany titi a fin.thlng vhen If camps where officers and privates are attache-i Scott's vages, sud Iunctei li. Odeil bassaoiblpropetty taoJeppe foisa short trip, &fter vîcbh ey viii be vife andti aIthe rirai: Indication that decded ta abanidon its haylicld vest being trained but to camps in whicb Sam Rot very much annoyed ai surha b e Thompson. as home at Aleudaie wbrc thé groom ehe vas ln diairestsbe svam tovard of Ihee plant, &M t tIlit over ibis soldiers are stationeti for guard andi a course, as hie doeant stand for sucb senute. iScott Is8about 24 7cra f lits. A. L. Wilson le t Fot Wayne, .uperlntende the Sloim wat and the ber. At the samne moment Mis. Y-ar ta lis employez as prtvate gai-- bier duty. actions amoug officiaIs. Mms. Howard L, Scott, di ci-ced luti. brd aatsbi eciulcnrt Jackson's mother and the other nov vhen the omplyes arc iraîng 'Ch iden' re.If la reporteti that matters reach- vile of h atnset iIIl ____________ lotions.wounout ed a point ane Uine about a year o s ho va. jugt reappolied ta th, P- woauce. ut ta ov ta lier assist. what a fine lot of' potatoes are being Here la the Oider.ta ct a upne yted- îintbsecpIn aUc-aa ance, ut intheir exctement tecame raised on the bg tract. r. " ohpefson. wbetherpeactlng mdi- d-srtment, pendiugxcatienslementecf bis Là VILLA ~~~ ~ ___________Isa con! useti that the bout spun round ,In ail there are about Iity acres Nophowehratn d-lifet edigastemtofbs etmdettseadbr 1lS F.B.NionofAta Iwa afrmrf- _ and nter cultivatint 1 rs,-viduaiiy or as an officer. member. ýdome,Ie atmtters. Tbey finuîîy vere mu ieta h u e-f ed afe d let ee RiSLLi n circles. increasing, instead of d- e ar0 eigluptieteshe raae nt ersnativeor empoi. dju.te by a scttlement betvecn trîcd ta preveuit Scott5 't OlP0tisit- pastor bers. sqent a oye d___tnt_____jRUSELLe____pat,_____ln________ he tacteepairpesebutie orefiso helpir.butat lssancethttsene h ment.t with fri-ends baire sud preacbed Sun3duy creaing the distance ta the drovu- vas divided Inlto lots 100120 feet anti, al corporation, partnerabtp o on0- NIns Scott bas carried on a flght Idlete-l evnn.JE. Lewin pies-ed Sueday usoruiug ihg voman. arcording ta tbeesetImate of one man ciation,oraangetp.-n.br indtauvn Stth ti sd ie hrbntMari cîNaiealda M. ingu wilbwitb The bushanti reacheti bis %wîîe*-u *ho bas Peti moch attention toas naetrpesna thebr r ts opevn at be taita aiStersa ic nl Mr.aukn . ebet uday l e aaiaide Jut as ube sas eluking. V developinent of h. petetocrop, Ititis replyloan niiui;bigrupaneta pwih mt $0at, midse. d nd H tiang*«are iiu Teevssv"ngn t,-tc itiy b sogbt o kep br bai beileved the Yleld vIt run 300 bush- shat], lu or vithintilve Miles or uni'Passes ExaminaClou. apygme10aekaUat:ad bd argret Miler. Tberewas avery Cudcateutanthqatacre, leiilthtrtacamplirexceptlsas tberctenufletar campusccomes hontnaaerugo athBorethen vhygsbouidhe w vabout 1 lm tahlm ee c. tt-aOt Mism. Gertrude Miller mat'iaz h Saa chooi conveuntiocn aitficae- above the water but %lie seemed The polaioea. alreidy being dug by Providesl selI or barten, dlrectiy or! O to a thrd as aoie, tand'a lm sincbie ve y ve oe r divarc .e ebpe et l sa.crâne. poweniesa Io aseisît. Uterly exhuust- many Men, are fina specimens >. nI4iposioffticethnvrasedoffce adte i sianY? I ee r ota et I man a'iurdy..,iPicked up aaspadiYvterday ltitreti', elthen aloeeor vtb uni'Iti h o pnt gol uut etesl s . seywslte tvo ui,-sJ. E. Lewis andi vifwv*s entertainto -d 'tthe bant i IKaUî relinquilahe4 Match megpd egbt andti a'fothër atceafourlchnebrwth o pn eeoi ugs.ActteetWi B u e W & ln t Cl (0 1 M i e M at lire. U ni-r' atu rd ait nîzbî an ti a rs bis b ud en and t he smtim ank l be - o un ces. iuct..n g.be.r. a e on v n , ---y an i l e i ce p a i s atif on iiyS fo rt bis u al e o ou t w er b of ttunday. neuti> the surface. The vire vorks people bave nsed'pesnorgeorirv ysutalponmn snwmdebthpe- Mir. sud Mr@. Cr vte ers inu irs. Onie Eoenes of WbIcevater., 'ig . John Rouge, vbo vas ln a beat t1ils land for yearis for rvàging huy. pel-son or goisr sereany stia- po1tet snvgao yte r. asnue the deaimol. of t e e WakgnStrs.BThis vear, because ot the generaijl Mi îqo oayprunecp ient and yl be confirmeti by the g oaietciî !Uccs: Wuukega tsu ndA j. shie iedig a ev dure vithi> lic home neun by hrried ln the dIrec tien of demauti for footistuffg, the campany. uta' Iis prohibition agmcsrlg llc-teitNeso h. jind is amiyfolieso. l-h(-drùonnni'omi]>, and titi&aiLnludecîde t e abandon the 1hAY featurejor cliiIg alcohiolite iQuor shah flot Whicl ab Naevilie, III., for atriait. Un. sudtMra. GuoDeotienlertained bspsrt echbrblr i ndt tn he l'and 0,cr 'Iathe em- Spu Io 1the 'ervng of wlnee orlilqu- When a womaîî hegîns to noitieTMkecrmHO Mn i n. hprdo ieneds ranm Caifoiia lstteek. suani,. but lie arrivefi a mioment ton pînyca. But theY tiîdnt stop there. We eesaedIe ut lk Liovo lu 09 Csga.a- tbeudsd the fanerai tirs J L. iidting i@ futertalaig hern1 ate., e iiu .O ii thn e ey tpladte ln atiga &I ng.' a py rta hoe a mf degu ýeat- elt..crof .orteau te P whlm-y ayb md of titir aunit, lira Glîmure iliWaukeutuoc>er, %Ira. PO Weil tWauiegan.Th iin' >d ine e edfe ltig ham!orthue ieouss1fl lhrtaovortbieh. thl osdtbl-wit If- d u ea . 1 a p e n e u ret fiha ée . Teti' liceeor ut, dî n't ers u . 1h er cjn o lp r ha n O . s i n e C in cn na ti T im es-S t ar. i eto b it d rà nsidertb s e ig bith C t toSe Lm iweedb»y stop wfuere. bers atyUic' 1 Iii.ary force,,anti u trlng untiîlpdit ls~.ftais Twedani UeveestbUauY V ts.L1< nie uiiithi fet-of -arnar epalugath Ioayng prcon. whether 1actingt tiulyGrounde fan Suspicion. until sufficient atiert teta fi the tho* boustlest wemk where Irs. Tweed Ôieuceo. clieti on reltives laet Thuna rty f Wagon randey aee puncusl a te paig . iuîî.-.-"U<c yereîliy think I1tuarrict in the waii andi ta PerthIl.l uti t ël téi o rsun 4 - oes'wlh utIeBordeaux Mixture vitb ut ofas a weîber, offiqer, agenot. reprc -i'o o ormny'H-Weh het efneibhit u litr l- c Mr and lire. JohnCribb jod tw6 arýTHE BODY IS RECOVEIED. out az-it -cost tabth men. Thua. the -ntac'nia:î. ar einptoYe. of eny OP-wym oe.a evgIg t14 .tlrdbbb h em i nt i r s. ohn r' » ;atv ~ . Spencer ow ard and son T iune of M a iIJc k , b gs are being ta e n cai re 0 oî. an i, taion. p artnershi -p tir cLor ipo- wa uy o, ba r n g i g t 0 a t r f r a a Plug t at O lt staau cto ip t anti sMry n Or qiictrtzfiendsl is in'a. gI Toc bots o youMate .aesot'the men mereli' have te do the boe- j_ 1 i o s a ous.éI encv tirito. on ato np 0 Eanson Uturay agti . rCbkgo oun voa. ngm. Theiccompany therefore Bot onîylas an a&ent, reprpsentatve or e-i whefc tbey u'>ited the Leclfonti famiily. who was drowîud in Diamond lake. sgustaiet the losq in mauy tons or; ploy e of utt individuai, stiai senti, el Gi. A.Mitchell anti Miss S3te"loKerr :--"--- Fnida- n ight a- a resuit e! b-r un- hyb ttook on tif, expeuse ocf .o-bhp, transmitt on rawi. ci-Tîin una @pcut Saturdey ,evenlng Sud Suadoy . I I L , vîY ns m u-adre a e i-upanu. spraylng their employes' anr.o aneb t, î'pel iutb Mr. Mitchell', parents e iCiUcsga cevereti late Sàtu)daý afternawi aar As a rsuît the vvrkneu feel eytasmte or transp.lort-'(lin>0 uîy Haod1neei % uda e"ctvbiuo v er gcappling hooksaitbat en use t Itndb.' taithe company vhick has gianner bny.air-oholtleictIs ncimtd LC L RPEETTiE ord everig, lippe and oie te jîgip WI %)P eld ic heMi[-ail daty ant ilahofthe cprevious mght. helpe ti fera cut down the prospectivej .ig hevr, aie or vine, ita an place LC L RPFSN A IE i ecm~î.. tipei n ie ictiatth tanhpi c bi oe dayl-big% ut iean he eoet.1 3a5 lu bis rigt kne e eand SRas oý henCunealn1 hrhSudy~ The body vas ilying in thirty- lise feet ce-! h itese tec.vthinIte miles or anv iiuiary reg- M s lteat homean lie«tIýh S seeterneti ta bti lrmelié.eto! ater. Tbe Inquest m'as.hekU Sat --ervation. i-accrt fur use-tulie ishaine 57 $6 a week to Start. State élgeeéatoaa, on, OWI1148Yav veniug e las uIe i M, troncs'lTaylor taber day evening. Deputy toronEmE" - AINE MAN IS aherein before auttuorizet; proviti ny tw busts chapsi e urred the marrime f a!Yeik hobe a t LRy Lake ha tpg &peut evrai yard -Conradi o! "ueanpe.iinL, -Fd tat he11th1-111 ulmit>ofselling experience if aywif w . b e gsmn e ilo GrtrdeMiler te ay.das ithbe fthé A B Stwat, A verdict o! "occdental tietb s-a,z ~lhJanI>ncorporateti city or towti are vitit- ernc F. B. Nimtuo reating the simle is at-iage Un. anti tre. Lybeno Stewart anti etunned ULL 11MS lu rice mi)fes cf a miitiary' camp. theCheA. . Seri i tw pe'eceof he maedttOdasauuter r-v reteueti te Chicago CharIots Jackson. tbe ubaunti, toitpoiiinoe lcslbre, flfCaeAdetsn gny seu~ ,mte reens l Leim etlaeTueeday. o! is efforts ta gve the Ife cf!isa BOO CfIED A II I srvn ice.îondupngtus le, trnu i ser.gllt ,.r " 129 Bg A g ncy Miss Clara Fot. rstuneed bonesfiain wlle, and boy iebe hai al but îtacri- N sien or transportation of aicohalie Il-__________________________________ SCIÂD vit~We tesWetn, Ill., afterna wveki tib Cers iceti bis ovu lni the atlempt. TbrePlc rrs eFres Ma r s uadinîpnsed byillteisregulation shahl SOwt eaies. finiaes e as puiled ienuth the va- Plc ret aeFrs aot apply taany Part o! the ineorpo-______________lui__________________ tir. antd trs. A. K. Ba"i anti 4aughtei tsrhi' bis vife whobuai tvined ber Who Had Valuables of ract ciii' on ono distant morettaun S maîored to Chicago Sucday toi visit ab arme tlghtly artount bis neck. Mafule.ae- i ie trim saîi camp.( i s >. l r c o S P E CIA L the Clarenuce Banner home. "I thout t w as ail off," Jack- Ray' Bake.i, alautr ipo b Also s Moral Zone. Mri. sud Mise. S. J. LVoy and sons son sait lu teatifying ai the inqtist. ed on tae estate o!J.Oge A our, 'Untier atîthoriti' e! Section 13 e! hs . r c o motomdsta Beidere te attend C& Sainu- 'But au ve rose for the third time sny near L.ake Forest, vue arrsgted ni te camne att the keeping on settingj O ne W e<èk Oniy uty reunion o! the LeVoy laINDe.. wlfe's body' seemedtiet grov lt&P day, cburgscd vii tiavlng robbcd the Up o!fi"Ou'es of i11 fume, brothels or Bit, sud lim. A. W. Paffard mnter- anti aite relcaseti ber field. 1 vas 90 deati body o! James Young. ktlted bawdy bouses wthin rive miles o!rt Tbree 10C bars Of Oat- lained L. J. Chri.tie atvisud isa are nearly exhausted that I could net lu a street car accident à Kenosbaanmmnilitary camp, station, fort, Pest.V W rte8 all kL.*J o mea ad uteand msmlnaue f-an hiailautayani oI br p. nt as uat.He bil7Sudaraininggtitutnmnortalin o mhilzaîo aIaIfg4 0 aoap for uudoy. dit not risc again lkac' niYug afre platc' living useti for military pur. Ut. andtitins. J. B. Denman aud ion Contrary ta thc firat reports.,tirs. the Armounr satte. vent ta Itenasha poses by the Unitedi States la prehîb - 19e arc pndlng this vcsk vlth C. E. Deu- Jackson vus fnt an expert svimmer. together Sondai' morning. Tbey be.-lied. " fl & r'a n ~c e man anti lamily. Under the instruction o!, ber bue- came intexicatetd anti Blakegley is The Oniy Exceptions.Lfe Ac d nt 1 25c bar Tai îhampoo W.Sru n alyo aueu au h ailandt vt a!asupriosea te baie stoten $70 anti i Th on!y ('xeePions tranmapplîca- îasif, ccien soap for spent Sunday at the W. ATnu home. do:î: Btrokes, but vus qulte helPiecGegnId watch froin Young atter Young lion or? tie tuw arce icrporatet i-c d lIat, iuo tacr o erself when uni' distance boat met vitb the accident tics andti owîîe vllhin rive miles o! and e ,Auo 19C ashigto, 0.C., uly23-Eab-froin shore. For this reson lber hua- Blakesici' vas arresteti ou coin- th, canloomients, wbcre the deut uine i ~~C WsIshento à CfJivmiey zne . baud bati cautioneti ber ta do iben plaint of Chie! o! police Owen ls reiiiiei lte liai! a mite fot'as oblthee Gls llehd lmen taivcamiles rywon avimngi S'ya atrtia t O'Hara o! Kenosha. Taung's vateli. soiers' canmp. The han applies te 19e cnodeted by Prisidient Wilson. At shore'.. He -ase taught '-.n boy ta reietration carti. anti $70 vere round dicorder?; l1101190. as well as ta su- an3d Ik '