Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 2 Aug 1917, p. 11

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~t'TJJ'RSDY.AUU ?, 21917.. ,Pnosà, TKwssa pulcw Ilthlb st of 150 mon, tht tiret callsd froi» District Z, Li#* couty, for phy#lelaal Ostàen befoe the modicaO bofrd, Monday. noxt. The>, end ,UsrM. piro urged te femêmber ttsst tht>' ghoild appear for exassinatîen Oi TH4E DAY SPECWFIED, net befoe.non afior. 258 Erneat rank Hemmeus, Rt. 1). 1. Wauiogau. 2522 Guy 1. Milimocre, 139 Norh 1tL 468 Ray T. Helxukamp, 1726 Lincoln St., North Chicago. 1436 John Lndsay, Washington et. 2624 Lea Smith, 418 Lake av. 864 John Zdauowlcz, 1441 Victoria et.. North Chicago. 1894 Robent C. Mogg. l.bertyville. 1878 Oscar Killo. 619 Cummlugs av. 3257 John Kulmalo, 702 Helmbolz av. l0ý5 Max Stern, 1024 Prescott &t., Norh Chcago. 2(e22 Wm. Kinlaz. 126 Washington. 1455 Ryîsud D. Miller, 325 Wiliams. 783 Frank ,eronowlcz, l4tb & Pres- COU t as., North Chicago. 1813 Joseph I)orhrdc vlc.721 Cum- 2787 Arhiur t' Quî.n, 208 S. Coun- 1858 Fred G. Horhach, 204 N. Butriçk 2399 Robent Suomi. 720 Helniholz av. 1752 tCharles Barona», 1122 Victoria or.. North Chicago. 2494 John Itîmba. 119 S. Water nt. 3200 John A LYotiund. 806 Grand av. 3092 Oscar Otqulat, 1207 MeAlsten. 1117 William K. Saudmeyer, 368 Frankln a. 1572 Peter Mathew Grunwald, 212! Seward at. 2762 Ear>'r L. Shaw, 115 Mill et. 1743 Launi i. Solamaa.ý 108 S. Mcii. 2195 Josîeph T. Stewart, 105 Spriug. 2036 ('las. G. IlIated, am Ravieav 337 Vinceuzo Baiesut, 703 Market St 676 Theo. Georgopoulous, 729 Blue Island, Chicago. 275 Geo. T. Livîngaton. R. Y D 140. 619 1Harold Biomtroni, 833 CUM, mînga Av. 1195 Ilîcjamin A. Offuer, 3010 Eze-~ kiel a%., Zion City. 664 Samuel H. Schwab, 325 Genoste.. 2166 Mlaud Mrchîl!, 775 Mfarion nt. 946 Frsnk Zîcpec, 1022 'Wajaworth av.. North Chicago. 1913 Albîert lilaha. 134 Jefferson av. 596 EImer Rl. Wiilgton, 1340 Mar ion St. 3067 Andrew Unger, 1019 McAlter. 2620 Lewis L. Reane. 220 Grand av. 2936 Walter W. Robinson, 502 Cen- ter t. 1267 Walter .zana, 1281 Jackson et. 214& Jacob Hadnlk, 1034 Wadswori.h av., North Chicago. 636 John LinksieL, 1014 lth et. 149q James C. Kimsey, W. Harbor. UtCOYER PLOT TO WRI3CK E. J. &,E.;; SUSPECT IS JAILEI) A plot te wreck the E J. & E. rail- way systeni and tie up railroad op- erations lu Joliet la believed te have beau uncovered b>' Joiet Police and speclal detectîves with the arreat of Emil Youug, a coufeeeed I. W. W. worker. ailroad detectîves say the man bad *j plans of the E. J. & E. systent lu hie Spossession. He was arrested alter a deeperate baffle white "Inasecting" a puzzle service switch lu the Et Joliet yards. He was taken ta the count>' Jail. A partial confession 18 said to bave been obtained, Indicat- lng a nation wlde plot ln which hle wnrk was but a cog. Details of the information gaiued from Young are said te have been turued to Commissioner L F. Mesor of Waukegan lu Chicago aud a federal probe of the plot asked. Precaution- ary inethods are helng Put ini force aloug the Jl." Ues and special guards' placed atiImportant points. Special detectives. witb Youug's hart ln tîseir possession are today at- tempting ta conuecfiug bis actvitles lith sume careinu>' arranged Plan of pro-German workers or members of the I. W. W. Great secrecy la beiug ohserved and orders have gons out front the railroad prohlbittng employes fram giving out an>' detaila of the ar- rst or subsequeut occurrences lu the Investigation. 2453 William H. Buchanan. McRca. 21.45 Hierbert Brambhoiz. 135 Chesf- 548 John Jarina, 1416 Wadsworth Av., nut ei. 126 Leopold Kucler. 1031 McAlister. 3300 Joe Brute. Waukegan. 3070 Adaiph Yehaiuen, 1127 Lenox av '?1 Samu el Ahon, 20l21 Elisha av, 1679 Afred F. Crouban. 1718 S. Vic- Zion Cifty. toriaet.,NorthChicgo.'2725 Huger Chrîsten.qen, 1246 Sheri, torl at, Nrth hicgo.dan rd. 1237 John Pater, 1225 Jackson 8t,, 2-,83 1,eonard Smith, 318 Grand av. Norfh Chicago. 2756 Nlatti Harsylo. 1102 McAlister. 784 Stauley L.etvauowicz, 1619 Greeu. 2993 Jacob J. Bastian. 111 S. Coun- âld av., Norths Chicago. ty Kt. 173. Ton B.Turk 219 Garie av 0loi John Bonus. 902 Market st. 732 ToilpyJ. Tuar, 2809 .abe8v . 1031 George Hilson, 120 Browning av., 107 Edwin Ahlsàtrom. 7GJh och une 1546 Ornu E. Chttenden, Gnrnee. 3149 WVilliami C. Grur, 3019 Gîdeon av., Zion C'iy. 1563 Howard A. 1lagerty, Wadsworth 1331 Mats I)uda, 1117 Eighth at. 2099 C'han. R. Waters. Atioch. 1695 Ca zlmcr Nagînski. 922 101h nt. 1369 Nels A. Nelson, Zion Home, Z C. 487 Max Miller, 1352 Wad8wnrth Av. 2691 Henry Smith, 1030 Auih et. 18 itrfakvs 25S ak 616 Bryan Husîed. 182 ictr alkilm 135ce Jck 373ontonty Cao 2ShS. 3090 John Mark Gaks, 2703 Ezra av] 371 nto>' Ccpo. 82 11 St Zion City'. 1676 Anonu Fajnlk, 1009 Sheridlan rd. 132.1 lians P. Christerisen, Anffoch. 1266 Ynrngy Spacapan, 1106 McAlls 1847 Chan. Miskech. 1211 Sheridan rd ter av_ North thicago. 79., John Dracopanaglotakîrs, 126 1891 Gregorla Trojio. 478 Gray' st., Washington et. Topekua, Kas. 140, L.arkis ný Garahedin, 230 Oak St.! 77L . raiton K. Fuikerson, 316 S. 2599 Peter J. Coonk, 214 \'icinry Kt.1 Sheridan rd. 1536 Nazaraih Simonian, 670 Mar- 311l3 Fmii K' Kanet, Y. M. C. A. Ion Kf,1 2684 John Pauluivac, 131? Prescoti, 1922 Louis Recla. 2708 Eflmiibi5 51 Kt., Nortih Chicago. 29.52 Frank Nagoda, Gurnee.." M" 31159 John Kiaminer, 3105 Escol av, 1723 Frank Starjai. 126 May Kt 486 Jaseph Micell, 910 8th St. 2*98 Steve (rsbclsr-k, 713, Marions 692 Gustaf Ji. Gustafeon. 100)9 fennz. 1779 Walter J. Vandermark, Y M.e A. 600 John 1.sck, Kimbal Av. N. C. 1236 Rolo Worth, Gurnor-. 3256 Oto Kallanas. 1307 McAliter 2247 Jno. Geo. Kepoulos, 137 Wash- 1986 Morris Freidmsu. 321 N. Coun ingtor. Mt. t>' Kt. 2011 Wm. Kîngel>, 110 8.lica st. 810 Steve DebeIJok, 1448 Sheridan rd1 1639 Bogus Sarkisonn 428 Oak st. 42FakKzn,11 lAitr 2;,49 Emil Bush. 934 îLncoln St. 42FakKzn. 14Ncîse 1682 Frank T. Cunimings, 22 E. llth &v.. North Chicago. Kt.. North Chicago. 3285 John L.oitner, 816 May etu. 5>07 Chau. G. Berg. 815 Heimbolz Av 2719 Hearst W. Cady, 1011 N. Coun-j 309 Warren Harry Flood, Gurneeý y t. 437 Allen Palmer. 307 Osk St. 3053 Angi-lo Papakastas, 720 Prairie 2967 John Morrnai. 1321 Jackson st,t., ~Mlwauskee. 2962 Edw. %V. Petrie, 117 E. Wasli- North Chicago. ugton st. 3254 Matt Harju. 621 8th i. it18 lirexel Arnold, 424 Grand av, 1324 H4ermoan Sehotanns. R. F'. 1). 9-52 Stefan Andrzejewski, 1424 Lin- 604 Stewart Smith, Autioch. coIn St.. Nortb Chicago.r 43 Cliffiffl erd arce. R. F. D. No. 1. 927 John K' Bush, 1605 Wsshington. 2181 Marri Moradlan. 7231 Oak Mt. 2868 Herbert J. NteNeany-, 447 Bei- 1768 James Strahan, Russell. î'ldere Kt. 154& John plukac. 812 Sith et. 1484 Helmer LeRo>' Fauceti, 3115 1264 TheM4or Staucitic. 118 Tenth Giboal av'., lion City'. a., Narths Chi cago. 739 Frank Kenik. 809 Market et. 100 vraudaâ A. Maughmeu, 3000 1751 Louis Beyer, 86 l4th st., N. C. Elimbetls av., Zion City'. 601 Philhp N. Lyunggren, 1642 Xic- 924 Wilhert W. Harul lu 908 BeivlI tori& St., Norths Chicago. dere nt. 2455 Charlee B. Baddaker, 420 Gen- ,(24 Robert Iandon Nellil. Russell. eseeeti. 420 Kuute I. Oison. 915 Lenox Av. 1014 Frank Petres5ek. 1432 Linolu si. 1178 Joseph Grenus. Grayalake. 514 Jas. Tranithan. Winihrop Harbor. j2874 Peter Janelca. 2 Sheridau rd. 433 Earle L. Crawford, Wadsworth. 1329 Justin Mlsslanwicz, 13M6 Un- coin st. 11LUINKETT TI4QUGHT THE MAN TO SETTLÉ IRISH -,P1gBLEMS Ssr Horace Plunkett. s:ýr Horace Pîuiskett, recently chosen chuirnian of the Irishs con- -ientiois for the framiug of a Home Rule constitution is grenermlly regard- ed ns the ont. man in lreland -apt to find a solution of the Irish prob- lcni Plîinkett was unauiipously fIor the Ss 'it>tinof acha4irn n i *1 û_EOct day Of tise convertion. a lqs i an unusually inferesting penson, an P U UU avîstor, an artist of note, a polo play- .e r, aifterateur-in tact, he lase 0ver- Mn. ud ia.Veie>' toaen i alue anod s0a copipllased thaf lu Ms; oleyPoser0&Làl'j Part ieso-smetimes called thse mod- Forent bave as tier tuent tise Duke n u Louaido Ds Vinci. Me ia iu De Ovieo. Mme. Po#oo "saequaint- IA- 'caon.affaira eaiimpertânce cou- -i.' vIo~l ~d*têl nimt,~'witb-..f ansd Lao -Jugt 1322 SarI S. Cooprider, Anatiach. 1146 Fritz Auderson, 603 Marlou st. 110)3 Mari EL. .t. R. F. D. EN.1. Waukegan. g 2319 Walter F. Reebiteuwald, 1012 lilîvIdere st. 1395 ('bris Anton, 801 Market st. 2479 Leonard 1-ougli. Zion Cilty. 606 Laewrence J. McDermott, 718 Washington St. STOLEN CAR 1 FOU ~Q NORTH, 511 AN ROAfÀl Local Taxi Driver Finds Miss- ing Pearce Car and Returns It to Its Owrier. Wau'iegan. Jîîly .1. The new Ford tourlug car beioug- îng to W. W. Pearce. Jr.. the mayor's sou. and stoien about 9 o'clock Tues. day nlght fram lu front of the Public Service office, was found tItis afer- noon about 2 o'clock, on North Sher- idan road. near tise Boween Country cluh.b>' E . C. Campbell, local taxi driver. Mr. Campblol noticed tise car lu the. middle oi the road as Le passed the country club about 10: :30 o'clock Tuesday nigbt. When Le paesed the sase point an heur later the Qar was lu tise dltcb St the 4de or tise road and parti>' iddon b>' baunes. On hearlug of Mr. Pearce'a ]osa he noti- lied bu sund went ion the car this sifterneen. He wae rewarded wîth a dollar bill wben ho Preeented tihe car io its owuer. Curse of Modern Lifo. To est ssint ynu l B, and ll you iike., insv li eîîerry ltue, bat l will tic n nne. The e urse oi iode-ril tei e9 overeedng.-Dr. 1lrnnk Crane. JUNK! J U N Kl JUNKI North Shocre Iron and Metal Ccmpany paya hlgbest prices for old Iron, R~ago, Rubber, Metal AU i tda. Speclal Attention ta OLD ÂUTOMOBILES HIglest Pnicea Pld. CALL yS-ý.FHOWiE 912. T PUT II!Fff hie, George, and wc need youn strong, broad shoulders-" If you have a boy ln Use uavy elirn- Inafe such phrases f rom your next letter. I)ont write theni. Tise>'are dum-tlums te tht. jackle8, sayp the Great 1..kes Recriiit, the mauthi>' m1agazineý puhllshed b>' the 'officere and jackîcs of thE, naval station ai Great Lakes. lu the. Auguat Issue ai the Recruit a camuisigis0on "WI5 at te write your saihor" esds the editorial departusent. The ediiorlal' says tlat "ftuli>' 80 per cent ai the letters recsived b>' fie sailors cunvey, instead of go'd cheer, s tale of woes ansd Imaginar>' griefs, as: "«Mothen's aick. Uttle Johgne, la down wkth tise anealeo, and tLh iX -sie. itil jîo.4iîlîh a lincture of After much manuverisg Il w LAKeH5ff É Rs rIlid."jinally decided that tho police' would s COIE 1, l iuîîte. îîîughîýd Iii'ind iht>ir have to extermînate the skunks with N ÂSM sifý11A >oulig ban ige audibi . ong distance barrage er thret IN À A I< OE lIiglared nild gaslied. The. situa-dg which tried it e bnse UP FOR -FRESII AIR î( !iiiianoti) adî.rnarra.îjg ___________ "I tthilor nffb er followed. Soon Readjuatlng AmbitIon. i nwre a; a gi-ocrai exodus. fIni> a A lot of young men are amhitlercg Nlcir n flc firo f Phei i cr iSo îidfui l d w' n- ias Ipci. when tbey sart out ln lOfe, but as churrh (if ho k' Forest, asi irserii bedi ' W'i;tt do , un iiiîakn of iluiollier 800fl as they discover that a man bas ai praver nipliig. T' rsi r hymn Smiih-askî dlh, Iastor. to %%ork most ot the titue te get te hadl been sung wvieii Iiiioiigli tfi bjln kîk'r iîllrlle ~t the top they decide te learu to play 'Skik, rplýý1 BoilerSmih. pool Instead-Detroit Pr.e Pres. 'windows carne a iîe-riinaliig nîlor. 'î ý,îîe vicrinoî îîrred wibh gas ,1b niff.r(1a îcrîîlîng fîm1îlfniîk1nv llii iljse,'ihr a SeaWays ef Thinking. Iemlier 0< ih, (oiigiegiioii wbat lsîîolhing 1«Ttî dibut ieadjoui'n.- Beware of the man who talks tS. that?' ,Te fanlil îf kînks tîat broke UP mueh; it la a aigu that Le doeulttie th.prayer ieiî,ng was ]luîratcd yesý- tbinklug. Tbeu, tno. sorne men tblnk "Suphîrftîlhdon I sliould icrulay i nal burr.%r on lin estate of with their lungsansuBorne with their sa>'.' replie.d an erudite graduato of Uîorge J1'.Fihr Jr. e tornacba.-Exchange. GALLIM tiw 5 .. FI~N rit JAL TERMS? Geni Crowder aat Washingion Warns Youths of Penalty in Rushlnq Weddings. ITRY TO EVADÊ WAR SERVICE Exemption à " ds Must *In- qunie Into Dates;of Marriages of New Brldegrooms. Because the obave bAen a, um- ber of nsarTl8.gea0fetspecied slack- ers in Waukegan ice .lîly 20, the telegram below le keeuly iibtereeting: Washiugton, July 31.--'Young men rwho thronged the1 marriate lib'tnge bureaus stuc0 Jisly 20 in buipe the. government would.exempt them from îurry service prabably have gotten married lu vain, They nia> even have eoulmitted a' ýmisdemeanor and beIlialîle le prose-, cution. If tIfs i8 Sa. théir war brides, as aldlng them ln the mia- itemeanor, aliso wilI be hiable to pros- icution. IWarning aued b>' Provout Marohal. Provost Marshal Gener-al ('rowiler, aroiised today b>' thj reports 0of lhrongs of men of draft ag.,iiîsading, t he marriage lîcense hureaut in the larger cîties. zmade this perfectly plain. He annouuced: B>' Section 6 of the conscription act any person who evades or aide another to evade requiremnents of this acel l gulty of a usiedemeanor, .iud local boards are autlîorlzed te warn persous whe cdaim discharge ou t he ground of Marriage contracted since the date of the set that both parties are lhable to prosecution un- der thîs provision, if the. fart the marrtage was contraeted àclely ilih Intent te evade the, performance of milîfar>' duty. Marriage Atone No Ground. Marriage le fnot of itself vaild ground for maklng dlaIm of dîscharge. ýA mans whose wife la mainly depeîid-r eut au hîs dally labos' for support may claim exemption on that ground. Only exemption boerds mun deter- mine this tact. Where dependency le cîalmed anîd the circumatances show a hast>' marr-lage sinces July 21), hy a man whnse nu4iber la high hiu the avallabte lst the actual fart oi depeudene>' must be 0losel>' scrut- uized. 6N$CQM' JOBS, Orut17,O I 116A The eeveral Waukegan men in training at Fort Sherijan, even if neot given commissions, aiter ail ma>' ft be thrOwn out cOmpletely. Resd tbis: Washington, Juiy 31.--Tbe 17,0000 men at the offîcers' training campq who do flot recel-e commtsaious Sand are neot splected for further training at the second "eries of camps are te be offered appoinfuseufs as noucouî- micsloned offîcers lu the national army, wibh chances ni prorgotion lat- er ta commissions. Coupled with the offer, acceptance Of whiCh requires enlistmpnt, at the. cofle.ttotfl ofthe camp August 15, is a reuw-wed assur- ance that after t he second oomps close promotions will be madi% from the ranka of the regular army. (The. Waukegan men esUll are et the camp---i other words. they arm sf111 hopefll. ecaîîse the>' have net been sent homne or rvjected. rThis looks ocuragiug and gmorn f them ina> yet get Commissions.) CrOUT EiLOw[. Jg1EN YOU IWÇTU TO SAIL09 0 #Y S "There's a vacant chair at the ta- or More Shirts from $ 1 to $ 10, inlu ding many beautiful silks, easily w'orth more because of t he rapidly «i»i* cost of manufacture, must be sold at radical reductfons in order to bring our stock to normal. di"Save Your Bit' - Buy Shirts Now Panamna & Straw!II Specil -A few womenslp«t Hats duced 3,f_$2 vals., to close out at95 BATINGariev HATS RF- SUITS yBLOCKED 113 North Genesée St. Odorls, Economical; Adjustable Shelves; Sanit.ary, Well-Mhde Nickelod Hinges and Loocks 25 PER CENT DISCOUNT ON AML THREE-DOOR REFRIGERATORS' lb'giili . i-.{)I?'figerators, îîo'svat .............$2625 ?eoilar $39.00 RBftrigerlators-, HÛW it .............$29.25 Utgiliî~$4'î(H)Rf'igeratîîî's, iîow- at .............. $38.75 l?v gi ilut i $9.(l()Rvfî'igeratoîis tît tiit ............$44.25 Other Refrigerators as low as $11.25. Yîtîîoili. lojee otf Noxx'slîiwiîîg a T1îeîe is nô "Il Sumuner Fur- mide variety of stove that can niture at a 25 'Ju g o o d, Durable eoiripare with the disemlnit. (S v e Suitcases uit low' Round Oak three- dIi i wdplav.) prîiesi. fiîel conîbination Willîiw Poreli fRoctkers . ......... '.......- U 75 Offjîer( 'lai",s.........t d thliî tsit toii îîaîîotfac.tltre ( édllileilQ îîkies, w'itlî l<>id ................... 50 Floort and Table Lalîie' ................. 25% discouîît SEE US BEFORE YOU BUY- Schwartz' CARNEY'S 'výa wl 1 1 's A Splendid Opportunîity - to economize on necessities. Hundreds of dollars wor th of. new shirts of every material in latest pat- terns redüce- . 1 I-R4 1! palm mumg-' h -irt

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