a i-~~'-~'~ ----.- an .l.otzltfa. fTum, il nlgt b. said, ho wau 1 "ftreifian" P as wofl, forit developé ho- loftIa col W C7iaa to attend the rmcet "toast of tabernacles" ~faaybody bau azy doubt as to whether Voliva actual- y me.*I bis pepl ion and as to whether tli.y vote éeion aot Tuoedayin which Volf m had a cndi - orby.Depte iterrIble Iboat, hspipe aad voodtbey voted no beavily thâaI Po e aioe ol. u inon than the Independont can- sijrms. Voliva wus able, theretor,,desiti the ehg io.iterut in a non-igh- sciioël loction, la gel ie ~ uinwyto vote on lhe hotest day of Cei rosi. 0n, vhmm you consider the heal of the, day, that vus "golag Smn." LA E SltA'UIl"FIRM july 25, 97.-.c. Parker and vite. te G. S. -Farwer. e st part of sents 5g8et of lot 11. block 11, Orig- luai Wakegmn. W. D. SI. I.L1.. Srang te V. H_ Strang un divIdeS inerestinlasection 31, Now- part tovnshfp aid secion 36, East Anticli.- W. D. $10. C. p. 05011 and ite te J. W. Thomp- ama "d vife. east six acre. of north 10 Scres of Sctbveet quarter of south- ma< quarter, section 35, Avon lave- aMp. ,W. n. 8.M0. Mater in Cbancery to H. H. Schroe- Soi., 10 acrea la mortheat quarter. naottbvft quarter. section 26, Veinai township. 0.04.,000f. Mater la Chascery to HL G. anS J. 0. Widner. lot luanoriavet qurter.1 nor*ISst quarter soCtli 24, Vernton t i. ee.$«IMasta i ChMnery te Uja Kicuil. pu art baat e mrthveat qua- Sillaeaatquater, section 14 Ver-' amatevnablp. DamS $1.400. loir », 1917-MUastu Oba"ciY t, nae Groom, trac l and iase- tien l» a tovusblp. OseS. 81640* p_ nM.,fibbrie8anSwl!. te Cuin-Oý- (t*mo5 Sportamn-ivi'Clsbtract of tend -tu »mn14 West Anticcli tip. Q. C. 0. pI. Itate Or 3qttistas Ceoman te Wi- lIon Coisman. 1»0 tcreala eaat bail saetimu 28 Grant townsbip. Deed". $1. JiÎutaiav pkotrovaki sad vife to 8"1&alw Fudla anS vile. Iota 14 and 15 and l, b"ce#,- Waahbum nParI4 Nh Cblcagc. W. D. $1,326. Zely 27. 11.-Andriv oredaee AnSIe!.teO0. . NMauaOn"d vile, mauthwmt 10 acta et nortb hat south- *at quarter metion 24, Avon tavu- bip. W. D. I82l.. C. H. MeMt nltsd vite te A. W. MeCune, Wat3, bock 4, ltldgeood park. Hichghld Park. W. D. $10. garoh &.Miller and huaband te Charlotte 1% stearn a rem.ton vert A e Si tniet UHtstfoot a orcfnorti il". la section 21. Wauikogau. W. 1U Mater ila Ctanery ta Anna U .and fliga- Hat, nortb 40 acres af saut! halt southveat quarter section 14. lIt ertyvlie township. Deed $10.375. John'Go~tb snd vite te J. J. Ped dse lot 14, Washington Circlo, Lai FaorctW. D. $10. July 2, 1917.-J. G. Boeaa and vîti h> MaryH. Ecesa. north O621/.Is, lota 23 anS 24, bock 34. Lake lai aW. D.,$1. »»». Wrtb and husband te W. 'W Crackatt, soutbeat 40 acre. northeai qarter section, 1, Warren tavnabis W. 0. $1. Mlary. Morman te atSuoe M»4 vit.. senths bit lat 7, bltock1 Kb> &iI Povct'a addition, Waukcgai Jl1*3.117-.ant, Kirk et aI..t flaviS gibbons a" wvte, lot 15. bloc ., ir &Povel's addition, Wauk, HI lerges.Houatand vife te Job *\ uab, Wotse, Hollalresreaubdîvi.i w, aý'LOGO <Ae. Q. C. $1. Xlater imn iaucery ta Louise1 #ijiier, loto 148 and 151, Comnmini *Cup&Wg lilth avenue, additii ma Ë MavifAdIsi aubanS tea01 pluzatlo, jt ianS 2, Lewin Pa àu" lot 4 Lobe Frt Sd ditianl, Dru tek.. W.». $8,000. Passie J. Walther anS buelband frlalis *8. Lewin Pal labe. W.1). 1tu0, ut I mamanWvt10 J. a. Gr -t~<iaàl ta OM ll80a They Are No car. Though r am bave a gia.. oye, a wooden leg and an artificlal arm. ho can ilila au atomobile If it beloago to hlm. a magistrate compta ined ln delre- catlng Nev TYork ilte law. The Whlppocrwlil. The %%hippoorw~ili does not bulda negt for lis eggs but lpys them on the ground, uaualy 'u fallen legv<o. 9 Tony Ysoot eB" 6n0'Oer ton Grn uyby Justic FarerTueayNgt MAN DID NOT TAKE STAND. Girl Relates Story of Attack on Her Said to Have BMei Made Early Friday; Morning. ïWaieceffan, July 3L. on the ovidence of a Young '«Oui an emploiS ÀRa ba haudedat filai- lad Park, Tony :'Yzkotich, sllîged «-buger." va.elacuud ver la the grand Jury Tunday nlgil.-by JUutCO Fariner. under $E.000 ilond. The liouf was furnhehed by the. Yaung ,an's fa- ther Monday nlght. Trhe young vau.u. hroUSgh au lu- terpreter. rolaWd tbe mtry cf Te- kovlch'salalegod attacisupan lier wvile aie W~waimtlng fan aa tniet Car an Maron treet, oarly lasIt, fd&mmr ,ng. She clalmed 1the young iman ap- proached. ber and liegali toa aSSesa ber. saylng aile vauld bave to Mat] an hour longer for ber car. Suie istates ho offored ber maneY and Ia- vileS ber la came te b118 hans. vthh hlm. She haen crceaed the, Street and Queen Quallty Mhois-for Women nigh bo..bÏiithedrogglit vul4' eau for Ibbm ute0 Il bmppébe - tha lii.druggiit w- ui at. lthe t4S . gd lthe yauntvllat »eM«n* momt lbouai car aipfGouxi stopfledil a&M tode oe eblock, la 0- der te drop ber alleged tOrmlàtor, le ila mid b bve rfoaed, hgvever, and àa *he, meeS bMariai and May 7utreetI6 h. again apprOaCiie« her and aie pan, Mie overtoek-lmer ithin a f0w yards she aald.,aaager-tbrcving oie amn &bout hoe amne ~.placS heo ther ba"d amer ber *mcttwhen ehe began to acream, fkt iseIp. er cris m- tracteS bye.71ojng man Who came 10 the iglir' reeoan d drave the man next nigbt when th1e Younig volan identified hIm ta the.police ma ber agauat. abie çlalmed ta have bien apprffched by the, Young 1man àobut a montutmNo wUie vaiting for a cau an th1esamne corner. Thie tva Younfg meS wvbc auueq»the i la assistanice aIsoatok tbe1. stanad carrobcrated ber'tcry of Yekovlch'à attacil. Attorney J. A. Milter, represeitling th1e accuaS man, 515not put bhl-cli- eut an lbheataud. and on the. rfequet aor praaecltor JieaG. Welcb, Jua' tice Fariner ardeed Teakavlch kilS ta the, grand jury. it i. not ka vu wbat daese »the Young Manivil ma'e. a thar tlim at aho claima t h ave beau intoicated at, the lime af 1 the alleged attack La Camille Front Lace Corsets Smart New Sport Sweaters at $5.98 and $9.98 Beautiful sweaters of the finest woolen yarn; coanse, perfect weave; corne in purpie, gold, rose, French blue, corn and beige; two excellent values at $5.98 and $998. Fibre SikS weaters --- Special at $7,98 Elegant sweaters of the inost attractive fashion. The colons inclîîde gold, French b lue, apple'green, plum, rose and green; specially priced at $7.98. Tub. S-kirts at $ 1 A9'$1.98-and--$2.98 An elegant seleetion of new tub skirts, marked at -prices that represent consid- - erable savings. Gabardines, piques, pop- Iind and waffle loth. Smart belted, gathered and pocket - trinimed styles; embellished with fine peari buttons. A Great Dollar Saleof Blouses Styles without.number-all of wbich po&ssa distinctive note in designing. Materials are fne, dainty voiles, organdies, riec cloth and 'barred maij teiiais. Trined styles, anîd sport 7nodels, wîth collai- and cufs of (hecked voile; choice .... Blouses at $1.98-An extr erely large clever assortnient of voile and organdie blouses. Styles that reveal pretty bits of lace triimning; others that are daintily ernbroid 19 ered, an~dnany nobby sport models ....... 19 __ Bathing Suits at $498 Womnen' wool jersy bathing suits, in -tavy and black, with attractive colored stripes; excellent val- tics at $4.98. Bathin& Suits, $1.08-Women's black knitted hathing suits; good quality; special at $1.98. -Bathing Slippers and Shoes at 59c to $1.65. -Bathing Çaps, attractive styles, 25e, 35e, 50c. New Smocks--Special $2.49 Smnocks are the popular suitimer garmient with women, mîisses and ehildren. They are ivool, conf ortable and attrac- tive looking. We show a large selection. At $2.49-Rose, blue ýnd gold rolored smnocks; also white with colored collar and cuifs; $2.49. At $3.49--Clever newr smocks ini <.01-n ('loi', apple green, Freneh blue and tose-; crash an d linelie; blaek tie; spe, 3.49. Aecrdlg te toiytoNd I7 ur- J r qc 1FE b11OàSd tbintadré, t give lt nu.HoeBmyesfie mor -' ,o UT %. IIO~ j , IL Ilowes, oft la he*wn g02046 Defendant. Whi 8Iqls oumwa ruh ote"k aai«'teW etr ent 01> 0W R.K boMu»n co ay a brt W ht a tê* IM dgy W M h~pi eeyalms er- Farm, Il Out enBoends. wmlacked uP tor a tme. I1b4d "Y ar litMeIUtile ringerlna a Very UnL- evenn ho wma taban bock to~~, rY-, m e. DENIES THE CHARGES. "ewhr o er e' te, u rtiiOusorthe.ove gel- euee until Augnat 8. Bnde ribkng wtaiëtra Says wife.Took HIs Mail andit~,000 ooand Murray pmptiy soud b*ý w ito. o. Meut a I ID4iW the" -bottie Jiut eolaPWe, He MéreIy Fürced Her iCi bailland waa relessied. l i agloo om Pacs Surrender, It to Hlm. 4 ýboeceo h ae i- John W. Murray, auperintendent, Of The* r e m nUmerOna monm ents caig t i er4 i u lcei U rftf teJohn R. Thofmpeon farm et liber- ' 8 retlcORrm htlmi1ha nitsrillaoti W. - eaWinpgaof chairs. M o f hometca4d tu bis 11111. linger on bi$ tlt tyville. 'was placed under arrest tate bcwe.,,r are wlthct beeks. T49 *1 basid an4I anctiier finger wu.1119a Tuemday afternaèn an complaint of hie e<14.118witli b&C118 ef wMCII WO bu" eut. Tii. InjureS memnier bled Pro- wife, Mrm EltaMurray. wholcharged are soid to bave bien lntroduced btet ou hlm with asat and batterv with In- Aie Minor by tbe Pavoant. W ula1faly tent to kil. Murray la charged vitx 1DMgaI the, 1 joba qu A m tin. i h eton. d a w I ot a v in g b e te n h i e v i fe v e ry se v r ey . A B a s e s lc i. Accordlng to the L bertyvlle aulii- À Ar l imsta ti ng ut.T w A » rd o orites. urm tg aidto bve ome rümta <1k steak. l"mvarite 10048 are The. acordion. lteer" ID4l OrD hope in a partialiy Intxicmted candi- gab berries rooda. Inset lare, baee ,. meut of rural mualelans, vat InventeS tion snd beat hie vite go aertous1Y troga and ait kMade of 8I .by a Vieuneee,Paaiiaau. ll 9. ~rd, Thle Uaverul C&r Equipped wlth WE HAVE A BODY MAE FOR YOUR 1SUSUNESS m m EASY PAYMENTS m a The1 ever IocreasIug us.e of FORD DELIVERY CARS Proves t to bc the one best method of déllverlég Ioads of 1000-Ibs or less." Most dellvery cars are sold on tlme. The sav- lng ln dellvery costs pay tue mothly 'InstaII- ments.; Why not buy. one today? 25%0o DOWN 12 MNTBS, TO-PAY ICan, You Afford To Be Without A FordT WE CH-ARGE NO IS WILts O'N ' AouMez Frd Apmoy 2 #*ýL "mes 31. .1fo.b. DETKOIT 8 montha -dit to pay ý 7eï J, 411", down