Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 2 Aug 1917, p. 5

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,, ~.- U~jI~O8, TRURB Y, 4VUUT 2, 1917. Ir a iboa ove spu Already we bave inspected avery ton of coal we off er for aie and you niay depend upon its quîlity Clean, Free From Dust, and Ful of Fire 1a our (Iuarantee Now ie the âmne ta put in your coal for the winter 'For Prompt Service Place your Order at Once W. F. FRANZENe JR. Teleplion 50. Libertyvle HaymgTools Deeringaid McCormick Mowers. Sidt Deliverg Rakes, Dutmp Rakes., Kejjstone, 'Dain and Deere Loaders. forks, Rope, Sections and Repairs. Largeat Stock. Priced Right. SCHANCK HARDWA RE Phm3.COMPANY .ibmrtyvile. Paul G., Ray, lcensed Embaimer and FumriDrco Automobile Hearse a nd AutipCr -iags Furnemshed Whn Dd. .1 dm ________ i t~ -Now is the time *toýtiu YOUR WINTEVi~L OUR"~PY18E~A OurSorvîce The,.But. DmveyOmw"ou D. o aS 2Zs P4» 47 Judge Bi. B.tMiler ettented e meeting of tir judgcî o! tis.ecourt of ctaam@ st tie Bamuion ('tub Msnday virea thelr onganlzetioa vas parf'cted. Ticir tiret regnian ecesion viliite ietit et Springfietd tie tiret o! epteaiber. Mire. J. N. Bernard cntertainrd the Happy Hon, Club of Chitego, of which eh@ ia a manaben lait Wedaeeitay et a itinner. Plate vere laid for twelve. Alter tinuar lire. Baernrdaecompeniri t te club on a nator trip to [>amoad Laie viere tbey @peut the aflarnoon. lien frona evary tova ara going to tir front. Every man, voman andt cit vîli vaut to belp lieus wicn tiey are liai and voundmiai. ion ean do t1iti tirougi tic Bcd Crocs. Wae tiare aven a time ln iietory vie ci a voaderful opportunity for service tac praenlait? Neyer. il YTb r ow of News cf Telbou number 1i. Paul fla iiametd bu@" u luChica. go moudbs ,a John WIlsueejmd vilswe Cr.thinage loin to'Ur, éd ieï. WiliI DUaason iloudail JJIYIlob Miu es i maabrswua avpk.ed vkitiorls LA*e* et Wi WulWells *ad femityr eent a fcw fort the pont wvet Taibrd Lake. a" ori rem Md "Dly of DéePillne amv %n YIIîRUbeeyvIle ruiaIvee. ire . . ph" 1 a k of ois.,Ia peme hls iihW doter, lmre.jack i hk oi u"ume ltte non W«"lY brokef hun mmin ocualIa a Wfro a buggy.1 apet Sadoy st the C. 0. Grdi.y home.1 JeSkilduore 0f Chicao, SuIne pa l ê" for a vst ttbe Woo. Waidrond Ile. B. 8. WbIlt Ieudey for a fev veer Its ii irelative@ nt EmgleRiver,, Mie.mFred Berg of Cicago, spmat 't'uredayv wI hMr*.Berge@ elter, Mir@. Jack Ilmb. Barry Holland roerned from Ranime CUI Bundey end lait Monday for a vnit to Wwemn npointe. KrM. sud Idre. Thomas Corlett enter tiied reative ýrom Chicago end WIe. eoudeimelàt Tbnredoy. lire. Joe Calamie j(ue@>. Valma Wlton end vîti Pare. Jack Sink. Unre. Paul Ray amd eblidrea epent a w daye viti Mise .oyce of Cicago rturolng home danday. Laet Bnnday afternoon Be,. Reana was ealled tet Barri agton, DEi, to officiare et tahe fanerai eervice of former pariciboner of tbat place. Chas. Bernant and Wm. Jacoba lafit Thureday for Delavan W.e and from ticre they viii go to ldiauneeota (bn a iwo veeke trip MIr. aud lre RH. Lichtfeld and famaiy, Mir. and Mir@ C. Brum dmd family and Mir. and lirg. R Nltz and famlly made an auto trip t Fox Lake iast BuDdayv -The Battis ry ùf Peaee" at the Liberty Theatre Satrrday, Augnet 4tb. Matiner at 3 P. M. iti evening chou e t 7 and 9:15, Se tbeir add in tOI. The NorthSbiore Leagueof tOc Luthier- an Young Peope@ coietie fwill et in Llbprtyvile8undaiy, Auguet ,t )h. 1ev. Baiey ot Oak Park, wil 1w the epeeker of the day. The offilcers elected by the Lutlarau Toungt Peopie'e Socety for the onguing term were: Pre@idFnt, Mie@ Clara Cuh; Vice Preaideuit. Mi@a, Laura cbwerman; 8ecretary. liieeStelaCreecnt;Treeurer. Rtay tloseeli. A compan.: rog etc Great Lake Traiuing Siatios viiigivea aVandevileo .hov st tbe. Aiiorium lire thc firet of liaptemlar. Waic for furtier annourice- ment and data. A tire alar. y>. tuanaed la fron tihe vire maile teruttory Saturday cvenirrg but upulutaion It wae foutu t lac but a pile of tar papar and rubib that vas icinI r oei. tamamtamtht i ail anire a year and a hall tao complete thc contract. tIr. Kelly wau bora near Wrren- ton, LA'ce COUnty. and »pont bts youtt lu tiaat vcti. He aaovcd amwaà f rom tic couaty a aumber of yearc ago and han heem forglng aicad t t rapld etrides. At tic present time lac le regarded' au one of the biggccti contractorg talntic oaata-y. Tii le Indlcated by the size of lie contract11 1NAVY ENLISTMENS1 Do Tour DS"Jddla the lied Crm jugeB.a.14ilv ent bc Gre liaf p,>OOOO BOAT Iiee B.Utlcjohlm i@eapending her CONTRACT iOES TO D.A.*Ohnrehlli of Osego, Ill., riaiteit FORMR ESIENT heparet, lMr. and lire. 0, E. ('burchi 1____ ibis vmek. Depodtie la pattaisavinge banis a,, Wilbam Kelly, Formerly of iucreoWMmlgti hé rate of about une Warrenton, WHI Build Merch- mâillIon doliare aveei. anit Shipe for Nation. lire. wIwwmmd dangbter Marie of ForS W"», ladimma, are vlittng at tic HAS RELATIVES IN COUNTY. Pme joel u bre Jbe. hums Famn of Chleaâgo, yé. Ed Kelly of Hait Day la Broth- umeo , a l mter a few daia er-john Kelly of WftJefl vielS jÏ vl is. Ma *adberg. -ton la Hia Cousin. The. wu» Ms'bmebeen dcaling out somae prtty varm veather thc pat WattkegaD, Jly i7. valk but rnodeigtie thînge dovn a bit WIWaaa Kelly, a former ILmie coma- imimetty résident, la dofng bie "bit" for the Goa. Rlaitmbolend wife of Bradley, S bt." fodrIn ic Km»lyt I aer II. n m siu. U seàithaier and 'îwo ane& truort he eom y tkiha dauhiou 1J~,MjeVic, veitd rla the senior menaber cftihé m, bas tue. ~ ~ ~ ~ us hn UUdpmtbeca avaidia $9,000.000 order The lod«»OcdO le tic 'Slgn Post of b lauid marchant ehips for thcelUnit- gueuse" ainhw»advcrtislng ficld. Tell cd 8Mte. Thc coutract celle for the trmdin u blle viat Y0D Lave tuo eilifhe builing of tvcaty carfo-carrylng thiongi Our coluflu. eeia Durlu the pooe Wmek corn ihe beenThe chipe arc toulac of thc compos- comning op la lua@ enmd bounde and from tg type, cSMsroctcd partly of steel prevesu loIdicatfouse va iii et a boucti- and partly of vood. 5ai vesse!i i fui cr O 0baimi e@en thougi It may to bae a tonnage of 3,600. It l:esc- leallttisIe ë6. 4 -1,.-- B andà AR NOT CREDIEI TO L Au COUNTY Ad&t Gen. Diokson Explains Tat La Was Adhered to, VeryStriotly. EXPLAINS LOCAL QUOTA. Head of Illinois Militia Says Draft Applied1ot Situation 1 Before June 13. Lake county's enhltments ln the avy or marine corps and army en- liatmcats aller June 13 did not cotant la arrivlag Lt Lake county'a quota for Uic local draft. While It lhan leae aupposet geraeraly that navy mmhetalnta e eicreditea In a coin- maty l l draftlng thc army, It aow appear., As a recuit of Thc Suna Iaqilry, that etach le mot the case- credits verg> 51,c ouly, foaý arlm3 en- listinentsanmd evea those, If made af- ter flan18 ot eemot allowed. Thc Sui todmi %cved* titreply to a telcirmax ent to telntant Gea. oral Dickson, hcad of tic Illinois na- tional guard:- Sprinoolld, 11, July 26-Te thc DaiIy Sun, Wauksegn, Ill.: With refrcnce te ynur tàiegrem of JulY 24. The apportlonmont of quota was eurefully made ln strict conformity with thre 1mw. No credita werme &liw cd for enlietmente ln thc navy or ln marina corps and none wcre ellowed for enlistinents alter Junc 13. An apportionment eheet coverina the un- Did you ever ry eteria service ior a givra hlm by tir goverament. Hie tire efstfte ai liol with latter of Grayeake ii big< crowd la jouar ovu hme'! A Home freadraartere ara in Claicago. 1eapanation wilIIla mailed tomorrow FOR SALE-Ou. ton of yonmgdu»m" Eeouomlc graduelle Iroinsthe tUnivrsity Mr. Kelly lias Many friends ln te aIl exemption Voinds. Pleame ex- 20e par poubd. Feral Pouili (b. of Illinose@mye ii saveo tinse andt tabor Lake couaty. Hie brother. Ed. Kelly. amine carcfully. 999 Havon Blyd.,Li 'yEDL SipQ ni pracicin luber borne in thrccbiig conducts a road bonce et Hall ID.y. DICKSON, Adjt. Gen.1 tiane. Hia cousin. John Kelly, sttîl reeldes Thre Bun's telegrai on Tueîday fa FOR SALE-ebmp, a btgeto-o mue The l Iclaurela belle wil ring tonuaia Warrcnton. Mn. Kelly miaies ecv- Adjt. Oea. Dicireon foliows: at sic Fair, liAearyile, Ill- 81p1 (Thureday) s 6:15 la unirora wit beblle cral visite to Lake county and lies Lake county people feel Ouest FOR SALE-5 poiemeuger lmo 40io1l ait over the of aie ane0tncini the&tir mot friends are Interestat la t e discrimination ln Our quota ue iret-ciaeecondition. Wtl ba wM i hep in tic etgitesvid@e emaiel for one bi contract awardeit hlm. ian lisr comparcd to other blgger couaties forecas. Wtll demaeutrate. 05pe million mommlrs to tieR led (Cnoces e- oyi<>o lie attendcd thc Warrcaîoa coneiderinq many naevy erillet. 427, Waukefan. aloi clation. sciroul m&W many ofbis former school- ment& from hors. How doe.Kf iiolioeivecnrende, a great mates tiln live tn tir caunty. hape Wl otllu sg01 FR EN 6ro- stn ebl service by plannIng tie famtty dirtaries pc? iîyuteiubal.1 FRRN-rom iaau rme to edua te cet î rsu.Thougi thc Kelly-Atklaeon comia- computation anid enable ua testrass. Good gardon loi. Pion. 1" toi edue th éco of i.elq. nd y n iras bren engagcd ilusteel con- i provo rror on fairneet In apport. electing tic fond od nourish tir bid Y. tructlon for years, tir tank novnu-I lonnient?----7L [tite not "Ltvc to Rat." but "Eat detie e1mt0n fanwvn Liva" tiat 9bould bp e prerent-de etkt esmeba !anvyn turc, officiels sald. Before actuel Tîg htMi aHpy For Taxi Service, Pham ' motto. vonk a begîn, i l vlIlibe aeceasary To wstcb lte corna grov, or tic blo.' Americe'e mcn have regictereit for Fer20 vice. and bave lectrrafted. Tiet peit to expend appraxlmately $500,000 lnusmra set; la draw bord lrath aver thc et tir bueinece of tirher hli eben t ha purcitase o! a sit.e for a shlp yard plowshara or tireapade; ta ruadto e'trled. Nowtînp tn tir iousewiese ad ln the erautpnsnt of the yard. maitm0oe, t p y , arc kn tia et of tie land tW regiâtor cVcny food eu Optionsi on several place have.m emc ay-Rsn tlainer and master r in to service fnr tir1 benu takan by the company. Tha foli@ at home. one mont favorably considered la near Poster Kelluer wam ltokn befora Juii e eacgoua, lss Morris lait Iriday to aneecnrin echarga Preiht facilities wyul have muai of etenliagNoel Duraud'sear. Iteppearcl to do viti the final selection. If sal- MN Y T O N O tiret ou theireltl ni July tiecavr '188 lsfactory agreement cannot be raacla- taira out and rua dovu b ,Haàll t)ey ed, tire ship yard rnay lie establici whrailwa e vtywecird. Th. er on tire Atlantic coast. LAKE <tOilNIV I-ARMS vas in@urod arcernet tieft sud the' _________ laeuane.-eCompatnv le praelecutlarc the acre> Mr. Kellir nltas ben releet a (n SIIOT TWO BIRDSo9 bond ad the casee ,ntinurd. George Mason andt ad Wm. u lse sudckad wifenautoreit to Mlhvatke. i PAYS JIAVI FINE todey (Thuncsday) fra fevdaye vmsrit Seam Leo. a ,eai.. band employad Tira prople of ti'rtyvlie are eordintly et Beach, wam arrectait at 7 o'clockI If yeunt-alaplate huying, building,.l o tu a lavrwt4)o attenat an ice crearuaiocial o. Suttday morning by Deputy Cama ifflup jour fores; or if yen have haae fiW&b be givan et J. A Mneon'@mhome i Verno Xarden 1{rrn andt brought 10 Wauke- tonhpFdyrcig utt .frgan onta charge of îueîîag vuw u due whici yen viii te re-fiammaewe asuS la tir trert of the Prairie Vev Redi Cros, a licence. Ha piaaded gaity ta lthé jpimaimd te quete yen eur et terme en Fam. .tuxîilary. charge andt vas flurd i2ti.40 by Judga a.g..Loa. Miss Bers Bover, a deputy lu tire Taylor. office of County Cark Rendes. suf- Loo had iragged two emall birds aeWtr lcsidt umeaFamMisgst fcrrd a painful lnjury Sunday, when jttte time of bis arreet and stated ha investers, sire caugiltich index fader of bar did not kaow ha waa vllating the left hand lu an electria fan.. A daep tew. He paidthte fine Impouer. gaBli va. Infllctcd. rcquiring médical attention. Mire Bover vas endeav- Do you get ni) et nagnf vianot la orlng to tura the faanarotnd on tia crly tire beat for att kidnev and bad tabla whetheli accident happeurd. der troubler. Sanol i> relief inSi Acodngt nerfe rprs 24 irours frons ait bacliahand nt Sa M a Acorlg a nerfmdrcrrla der trost. Sanot s guaranteerl- 4x m - party o! four Waukegun. pcople bail be. i l - a rerLedy. ; anrd $1 .,f)a a1totee t tue LBRT'I le YILL iOs ducking la Fox ai tea aturday atgbl, drug store,. and had what migbt have been a vary ai closa cal o death ieid aot help bren at baud. The car vàs drivea down a steep approaci toth le laie and e- -485 ...... US fora the driver cotld tp It bad pluagedItc w ater sevcral fest deep. H .. W plwW a t The epectatore veutt(o tic assist- ance of the local autolate. The Uades'mà id ofUterad. aE. chuncla - will isvra lava pant.v and scidal in Tieclcoing ont see continus at T. A connection with ir em gular meeting Beyiroid@' Ctothlng Store. Beraime in Tursday, And. 7tb on tic aburcI lave.m&iH Ues. Sudl Tire preidant, lir@. Paul Mactluffin vîli, be glait to annoncua t 'ils lima tiat RAILROAD MENS STRISCE ENDS. tir meu brsiip of tice ociety bas ettein. Chicago, JuIy 30.-Locoetives md to tir ceatnry mari for wbieb ve eteamcd out o! Chicago rail road have been earncetly ptriving. Ail mens- yards at shtor-t inîcrvaie today puiling lare anit frienait are cordialiy iavfted, long trains of frcight car, many laden Tie mev Bepublic Truck itithea Pter with militmry eupplied whioh mre be- Pireci lire eqnlpmcnt arrivait Moatay. Ing await ed ut Atantic ee,tpointe. Tic rqutpmeut conss of two laddere, The. ewitcirmen'i etrike wae'càll*d off an axe, pick. row bar, lanterne and i 5.6:0 a. m. and ail. ralîrcbada enter- place for a goodiy amouat af boue. [mil tir clty began rapldly' restoring Tiereara also tvo mai baud ciamicaf normal traffle.conitli& _e,. anke andt a large omesvilci lm bult on Thre strike ended at tiecoonclusion tict-uci Thesa chemical tanie are for of a nigit conference btwecaarallway qulc me. untîl Sitheasoe le connectait up. managere and rcpresçnltlve et tirre Ch!.!LlmlarrY"and OscOlre compacy rallway brotierioode, r.p"sfmning bngti., vtî L. E. Goinlg and Jt. W. tic Srotherhood of Ràllw*Y Traînnien, Bart otihe Plie and Wat.r Cômmtte. teiic llmd thre etrîke. bad the tMmci ouitlli e evelu mnd are»NOTICE. vlt MaihA.d vii i rpeoual lueper. Ileaae Tage NéticeTba My vwu@ Miaf là l f ybdd an&600Aoad 1wyi net #*abrtMe ab Wslrom'ae@tore, Baiera ha nuepoWlifor basai debtionérsied 4e,60us4 uMder a Upec 0of laie bb« h. Ch"e.;JUibeg otS*L~iuuss'ocurei. 'iel813a4 Ptêli. aa~,u!yw, 1.%j i0i w, - We are showing1 sme prettp stylIes in wais tit are particularlj adapted te the present hot weatkeu'. IGeorgette and Crepe de Chine in white and flesh and oth4ar deli. cate sbades. Some witli collars ini contrasting colors at $4.00p $5.00au 6.( Tub Silks in handsome stripes and made quite plain fore reai service and easy Iaundering-$2 'r Lawns and Voiles in plain white and new strýe effects at . Middy Blowse and Middy Suit. W.W. C ARROJ.L&SONS C ------------ Prograis for Evening Aug.,I Idarch-Officer of the Day Overtdre-Lffltpal....... O Waltz-liooullghi onuwii. ï , .. mil tnteameseo-ForgeiMe N'et M s~ liarcb-rlaJlay Belle... .... sera&--siy Nlgit...... J Maereb-Tbe Matmme........... ig INTERMION March-Daugbtcrs 0f Aurc...L~ Mdloy-OPeratc ie uiotw..... .... dý litrch-Fort Gay Walt.s-Bover 0f Beauty..........lrook* Marçi-L. M. B......................Ua one Stop--Go Ioit .............. Baniton. Solo--Bomewhee a ?0Ula OafllBg.............. Dmerptive--On tic Warp&h...-....b Evoeyonae Inv",à wut 3Ait TOO LAYE TO CLAU8Ipy FOR8A -emlla.O ec or 200 amelizo mit. Adjaiito-oU.I Lake vlagce. Tbi. laya. adjolea ma 1rmcently soid for 8125.00 poer mmd le Aret clam fAr:ogl.aiad g-8»d U4 1luge. Uet lac oidwvithi iauk veeka 1Primo S100.OO.per acre. Terme iu-elia. .Get lusyltf on wantlt. R. W. Charcb.iI 1. 1 1 Up

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