Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 2 Aug 1917, p. 6

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trni ji c iDO N o addson the lttor snd i od Whiou tho feflow reaised that ho J~« " youug man .oethlng ie show tibM f7, ibe ppreatedthecar wich bAd Do ÀéI > . RM~SLL been tiv«iM. go ho gave hlm bis 'dlU 1Frlnds in Waukegan Of h'smarne. aga.,'blrhpiaco. Urne af ou- ¶ j llsimoul rogirneni sud other luor- Ineldnts b~t ooti in V- imotou that eould b.mdfo e eryDayCam Lue. purposo0f Identificatlinlu cae ho vas hllio. ]r. Edvsrde eutt h15 RECEIVE ,FINE RATIONS. iltie bob toeilspareuts ber-. "Vie ctllWplety te st. go *" t To Sa e Raonsdont vorrl onci aIoore." youug Bd- Rains ards told hie parents. tue Sotof Food. W TO ÂF Two Wat«m yongmou. vho are aIs ~ ~ ~ i Mla t . 5.RSS Wyo- AIII <S CAIJU O ub& bave vrittez. a ltter tu The.y- iii la lel ic te lurnany i-teret- .IÂ~ I~ w n tmg ~ ~ o ,e~0S f cmp lire. Thie 1.ev 15e Mâ4 lawaven d Retriek. inuitu:Wauken Residents Pleased thqght tht of mtkean at PMm s eing Pvomoted by tu- earfro a oupe o WmegmtheGovernment. bp oys a fov miles f rom home. '* are mittoned aM Frt Russol. PLAN SeEES, A SUCCESS. Uht. ie ll es et of Chieyenne,. Wya. U h beaatifflly stuated ou a le'valWjl ia T tHndeso phoau. ilMa htH Wà o 'A vide md dividez the harracls L"osiAllenWNIBe ma"e fnBthe i.fficer' quartera. with the Stibjotto Draft. WMsl rada between.. Thero are Mon roalmonts of cavairy ei thls WaUka«iipeuple recolved ,viii wwmmcii satisfaction the nova tIrons POL T2o o f the . i8mofts are. ~Washutocs uat tëosare belug tlir 200C904 sud the third la preparilil on te draft aillon btc, thnatioaM a~Slly. a&MY., illerbyredutlng tii. number Wé 'have betvem six and eigt Of Amoulcmiwbo yul bave tu ho bMer drll s* ay.Revill indrated. Thore are f0w oties tn heufflet r5l the day.reill lse th. cousnrv bîch. are bit as bard as sefleda 515I le orti.MusWmuea u atr 0f allons for la sewvedl an sd drill dstatea7. tii. neltatton ra tnthei.Pro - 0rn ~se. luth mouted aud dia- pOrU t Miè0fale hbore @ s bout one gpeiod drill tram noarly amy potelthrt adabi.cniea higier thiila lu Chicago. la the pout. Another commun iult Wauk«Ma' draft quota vap fixe. le t o i..Io fellOve valknin fu rout by tho umber of hos. who reglit et suother vho camine a mnodemn ered. Nov, if the. alloue arp ta be won*mor0fwarrare. ThM a . oin.- e.mpted Ilte uis utait' burdez au the Auerican eItlaeuB. inlg we ail try te avold. for the du- Tii. Word tram Washugton le tî " e'0fthie tva men are ot very the affect that l tah d uStes ai It or cosay. tii present imè la negotlatlng. viti Drill la stoffed 'ai 11: 30 aud the the. allie. lu legaise drafting, of man] hundreds cf thousande cf llons il mail la dle'trhhuted. Mens agaln t tht. country lu flght under lhe Amue an sd reel until 1; 30. Thon mare lceu flsg. Befor the ime for a second lev Tape are eounded at 9 aud ail lights the ecemasy abragation cf treati., aud action by congrese viii bring th a» out. 1 amn sendlug ormenu of what elena under lhe draft law. *ée serve. tai ve are tvo coo., but lu every section 0 fuie nation a, 4011't tell suyomLe because vo didn't Oulcry aginsl lhe "obvionus Wustce know It aurselves viien we eft. of lthe prenant law as applied ta ne Taure trulyreacied COngmoseand toiced ectie' IS&WSON AND HETRICK. 1 The McCnmber resolution ta drai Tvo umle menue are includcd ln alloue ia befoxe a aub-eornmtt;eec the ettr an shw tht te tropsthe senaté forelgu relation., comm!, lie ettr gI sow hattii tropstee. tinder the remolution allens ma are recelving excellent rations. F'OI-be dravn into the army or deoait. loving i.te t. three menue for eue upon refusai te serve. At the l1e day: 'a' embassy hIl ssaatd thpt negoLil Breakast-Hot cake and eyrup, tiens are uler way to bring 150.00 1Italiaus of miitary age ln the uni finel bacon, bread, butter, coffee. el States u.îder the prov1sionuý of tl Dînner-Pot roasi of bei-f. brown draft, At present neittier the Ita Pr Imp lnnno,- American rovertmeritq ca I. ýh Dn i te ni. the l- .-y avee c-an, b-nI.<-olcej ay hande upon them. swee (,on, read cofee.Eaci of tie aliled coutries ta ex- Supper-Beef stew vitb lumpîtues. pected to acquiuesce ln the-' cd coi-n ,,arch pudding, apîute sauce and jnulliltcatton of oxtttgie-t-snul bread, lepd ten. agreements. Fer the, not day the menu fol_ Thpro le au ouîi1sually iarz, o nm- ber of aucn lu Waukegiiui wlioia-li love: ho nfectol by th. proposel action. Brealua Cer îai umusli, rielasd the resuit ondouuhidl Wtlte *econ, bhaleI potatoets iu jackets andIthat tiiepi-sentunfaîrnees Otftthe brown gravy, breal, ces.ffee draft wiib be obviatel. Dlouer -BOs5totiliau ýkItiiaus,.bell .1 polahoes sel onlone, lin-ad pud MAN WHO ROBBED FELLOW LABORER PLEAOS GUILTV.ý Supper-Veal 10sf vt h Spanlis mMue, mincel potatoes, stewed pea- cies. rasin cake, breal. Iel tes. iETS IDENT1FICAI TION 1100U FROM A State's Attorney Alowa Vasili Litas ta Plead Guilty ta Petit Lardeny. Waubegau, uy26. Vaili Lituua. atlas 'Bili Litas" ai-- realed sevoral laye ago au a charge of having etolen a pockoiboob otalu- Ing $i6 f rom a tellav laberer vhile vos-Ing on an extra gang near Rus- sell, enterol a pies et gulty te petty larceuy. iirough bis attorney, J. A. -Miler. uhs afttoneon. Julge Tayles- Robert Edwards Send It to His He pleaed guil te dierderiî Parente Here-Took Cm cndho avasasf gîd e1n0,butyp - of the Prisoner. dsieie t ay t e a ie.t*t Litua vas braugt lu Waukogan bi LATTER DIED 0F WOUNDS. th. foreman of the. extra gang, via Cà"! LM o mo Man tter 1014 lie pici. barud tbe mlgsslug 7W lbd&titýo- moueylulntua'e oas tho latter *b"va iout te mako ibs ,get-sarg tuinedNo Adres. trSm lie camp. Aît ha premliusgry hOaItag befor Magstrabe Taylor Lit- Waiknam4 25. usvas ubousd ovS e tuhie grand Jury The poats pi lobet Biverda. lni $IIM bc"& vio e lua mome of theDr. Vi-erlc IW1Iy hbptal unt tu France bave jij, O t ( lw* reoelved a letten ta wvilck fie lohoOUIRgmsueis Ulan iuierebtilg T W O IO A hi li boe oapilul ai is worki " N R À Bhoo! q tbavin care toi- a G r-, wàubeml4 ilau 20. rnepdol4lies ve ad becs' aerious1r' -Propritors cf batbineu oua suMd WlWqsdeAd This psouer giewveryvos-lise intert't4 lu tie Ilesbusinees ft%4Mhlî sud tld lb. Waukegan man are conaugtag co u aden onL * of bis lire- Aamo her the pi-ent bot 0"11, bt U A&e Lb "d MoLube 111fl v« Î% 'va± v otw i o edut te sag as"ue b lIa oll. oh 'aite iea Md - Plttsbus-g. Pa, rogistered «t lie Oa boils hi Gln. tbr.vas ! G:ee Snd? i e y *-p sb .-'4 W &o T b m w a e e-'h te s'd y Wealthy Residet Who Had Alde"d ' ,in ' eHbiReil- HAD PLANNED DEFENSE. Viste ci*y- Juil amd Tehl BfltWS sle Uane$ -Says Commonty Was FolWd Kocue Addiaglos'. mayor 0of' Lake Foret. hlaa vlthdravm f rom activa Iplereal lu "EstheoriFrancia" who. durlng the put 1ev yoars bas receir- ed hundreda of dollmars sd mucb par- semaI asistance .fromn lie Lake Far- est mayor, wlio believèd ln hlm. Furtiermore. Mr. Addngtlan, muet dîsappoltel over revels.tlitSsuad cliagrimed io finI that Fraucia vas seeiigly ual what he bal beileve< hlm lu ho, trauklî tol the Young insu lulnte counli jal ou Tueeday tiat ho vas thrcugii wth 1dm for ail ture nesd regretted that ho b.d aIde. hlm lu the putinl face of!tho develP mienti. Mr. Âddington, after Fraucie' as rest, had confidence lu bis innocence and even teck step a te assist lu flsi defeume. Que day be sont as lawyer te ialk viithoheioung maniln luai îBut, on Monday evoulma. Mr. Ad- .wth a coupeof local peope sud, af or hearing viiet tbey- hait to say, adiitted hý vas Érpribed. aud Ininedlgtely vent ta the jail viiere hoe taîked vith Brthers and then told bie lhe vas tireugh for goo. Feooled nvrybdy. Another Waukogan person who. fi a year and a hait, helped Frauni i lt von fInauclslly auI etiiervisé todai admitol that she had botr feol, addtue: *"MunIdre e t ee ln Lako Foi-est, Higlaud Park, Wln elba and other clies have been aie foolel for years. He ta a smart youn man but'f arn confident ho la geilt of tie charges 1ha1 hav e boon mad and oven more eft hein. Il bas lee gaing on for a long tirne sud the ba part ot Il is liai. because hoe sinart, ho is in shape te pi-e a mok serions menace le a communili. -t have ici admit liai he oigel for a year and a hait for 1 hlleve lu him. Thon came rovelations Ilý a'tounded me." POLICE" ARREST A MANC IAR iED IT ' Missed O niy the Spanish- BEINfi, A,'IJUQOIER' Arerican War-Caleb Cole- Is ~~grv Off to France.nI'nG er, I I rrsd o m pla ~ i nt~'5 iatmt, (< rote. aged 46, residing of Young Women_ ai liii Rimi ,îi imid, and lie eeu ot - - ;cert o loie, t o n h atils v-ny te CASE CONTINUED FIVE DAYS' William Davis, 35. a r-ioder um- ployel Stt he o 7-oheru Brasa compa- ny, vas arrosted. ai 7 ocgblast night at hils home,1002 W= hngton streot. en a chai-geofet isorîorly cen- duel. The ar-est of tie min follow- ed tb. complainta et Young wven cf the vest Bide vie charge Davis, viii being a ¶hugger." When lhe accuseod man aPilared heore Judgo Taylor lu police court thia morning e ho leaded not gullty te thé charge sud the ecae vas@cotîn- uod five day. lla i.theantirnoChiot Tyrrol Inltenla tablmfg ithe mater up viii State'e AttorneY Wlcii and au iuvetil*atlan lotolthe man's sanity vill Ilkely fllcv. The allegod "bugi-r" lo ail te have been aclve for the pasu several laye ln lie vlotiity oh West Weshins. ton ad ButrIck streeta. A ehofi dis- tance north -f Wasbimglon treet le a vacant loI covered vihihigrass. Davis la sl lu baveb ludiblaseif near tho idevslk sud as lie youug vomen ver. about« lu 1pose h.Votild attack thein. on. ut the alegod.vic- tlm who clalmel to bave bteau ugg- ed hi Davie, W.dnesuda bgt, came te -tee plice tatiflTbar«Say ulghl and identfifelhumý as ber iaimf h. cisimol as the vas pfflet ie vacant lot Davis rusb.d&troisle bigla graus sud threv hls arma about her. Whou sic aucceedsd ta disenga bercelf. lie "hugger" asked lu a. matter or tact vay, "Offldlu l me vhoe 1 coul fInd a ciiosp emi lua boue?"' Anolier Young vaman 1011 of a 1k. attack maIeaiio,.er. vlalcbshe said tgok pisce, uenda igil a - eyhinz sud t lbethar.lap b *e miliaire. Hi bond wvars fd aI 8500 by ludge Taylor tbis moeilng. Ho vas uable to eecure bauond vas remanded to Jan. sion ofe ogîruirs, vie ai-e te tube uit the work ef ronslructlng bridge.; ber the large 'Amprican ai-ny w-hdiseau vii li e on tuie firieg lino lu Europe. For sonýtitme pasi Mr-. Colegreve ia lic-ot sattoetet. Alants, Ga When lue ceveiel erdora ho go ta Franco le ie uInet bave ime tl ei- FraddV 0MeV lCuWOsIyiglebut iHo~ sttip .k. PF~ Ite a Frenay. ll'reddyObr, a- . reMdaC5iIti0B of ,P»<kg Dkd BOY." tepa hi*ef viiere b, finds lt-and tabou ovory,. thlug e ho findé. Mes *lÀke Por% est's great overtovetluB trouWe lui, uow. cotleftoPOUl aumsGordon maye he's ieli-haunted~ . e tiwshe zoit receut daims.: 1 nu's tbrif A n mnar fFrdys vith aid botties; bis faly .turued out. Climbe ever roof s ci LaXe Fareat haus sJut lire & M Plahiae verv kid ho etu, up 10 Thoua~d~Souht Relief at the l.ak.eBatiing Beach le Popular Place. HIJNDROS> Go MOTORING. ýllj DoOfl Mot Aftftt04hch Relwf.1 The. predlcttomor shall we oel i t a tifoat. 0f thie veather i- tiat Suday wou»liehothe. hottat dey of the. yngr, provod correct te the mi- tntnet delail. Not tbîs summer ba've WaukegaU people mweltred uudei :CIL~ a terrifie onslaught of hoat t ~ fthe 10.11semblanceOof 50- lief. At t30 otloe' Buiiday after, nontheI lrgethermorneter under The Sun &wUlug reglotered 102 d:- ro,*lhau n id1iOnthat t mlgiit sur -aveu hieber. peopleo auusilyhave booea 0e ta .00k relief lsy sittng OU thei& front porchea!ouud no sollace lau Ibi effort Sumdày. There wub& brly a breti of wlnd gtirrlng and the ter- rifie beat vwualmost unbearsble. Mauy people elomd 41l windows sud dreIl their homes and remolmed within. thereby keeping out rnuciiof the0 heat. y Doulng thie day thousaflds sougiii irelief by viatiag the lako front Park. d ilundrode wolt lu swimlning. Thé. dernad for bhshousses ...en gros that au cocud ont be accommroda"e S&or« eswro seen lylme ou the. lcourt home. lavu. Hundreds vont automobile rlding ln an effort te got rrelief, but tis. ffordéd littie coMi fort, for whule there vas a littie dbreezo lu the sfteruoon t vas Irait the wvrong direction to give mue] d, atsfaction. d, Thoee whp sttended the bail garn idon tiie mutii aide eweltered sud had ne dlfficulty keeplug up their ethuei snamn. The. marvel or ail was how the ,.playere. wbo ver. unprotected by oramy shado. could stand the direct raya intotithesun. Ice cream parlors did a land of fice business. With extra fores.c ý clerks it vas .almost impossibleoti i.wait on ail cuetouiers. Thoneand [d f gallons of tee crear n sd aso ngdrinks were sold durlng the day. Ity Ae t .HAVE ruUGIfIT IN otALL BUT ONU 0Fl ne'IAS A ba Colegrove Famil y of Wauke gan Enjoys Rather Un- usual Distinction. zTP;n ihi SIAR ni:'7F à veult 0 bu' b for»~m te md ms $I* o n a., tu; ois ,d i ter ho Th t, il toi-n te Wnukegau sud bld hie roIa- Si~ a,. ..." 1tives geel byo. ,Tii. village of Waucondla 5to baveo U L Y NA _n ' Caleb le keeping op the repotallan a faciory.CR E T IN ABL af lie tamiiy, hua father, a Grand As a reouli of the. village people Ai-ny veteran), declarel pi-etili te- haviug gatton togetlFi aud, raised R W RO IE E ba lay. "Oui- tamily bas the reputestion $2,000 insile etfi-igit laye, the et et iiavlng fougit lu every var aince oBinot Vile l'oor companyh as. de- Mis. En*mllyHrchhèerl De- e the Ilevolotion vith lie exceptianofaied to locale ln the. ville and claÉeé -UbiebI Was Cruel lte Spanisit-Amerîcan van-" plans viii lie proceedel vîti at once to Her Many Times. i Tii. Colegrove famli, aCeordîng 11> bor the erectton of a faclury 10 se- Mi-. Celegreve. originalli came Immrommrnndale thoir business, vhlch ai- SECURES AN INJUNCTIOfi. Elgan.In ftheb.Rovolutlonary var r.adi bast a vory brigit cutlooli. The tiiOy foueti ou lie side 01 Great ]Bnlt- company le te malte a goal floorn u etraI1ns4im froolDieposina ratm. Ever sinee- lien thoîr efforts for wich thora la a bit demand al- of A y mFrontIn- 9bave been on nbait of the llilted ready. 0e ~ Hr 1States. Itlatestaled thst voc'a vIS atart là.u-eina hHr In lie Civil war George Colograve aid. of a couple 0f vwee eu th le W*ukogan, July 26. enliste lin 1861 &Bd f ougit .trough plans sud spectiations yul be lm- aiin reabl rel. he ail four uears cf lie stragel. EMa ished.,- mly atUtin eisobiiergf. MmP-a- tatior aise emiitel, belua a mombor' Theolan là tu omploî bebtysn rie Vlev.hbu flled - sUalIl circuit of he oamons Nilieti-elxtb regimont, thi-ty amd horhy-hands. - courtsatmg lmoncefrol boer bus- vhlcb coutaineit go uany Watikegan Tismle the faitaI oI ctory 1vhi ,bu Job; Carl Membcbergem aud M i sud abodouly es.Me el ie ii. illge au sudl ~d le gs- ye- actin.ratier. sensational, e n oaa f lieefig battles of the eral feeling i. thatht a the torerom- , y -vinIukowl in u lai seetl. Wui. mer o! more Industries wvici vilI mluisere theu l isy lvred fo- MaUY Mur. Onlgrove 14 prend of tho tact it alveitageous ho lbete tiae. 5i . te t bSI bis son lias olleted sud le do- _______se.1 0bl 11. a, e ae tmg bis bit for tbe !7s1b44Stata inu w s ft nd la, a Fuse T arle Atu 3. 31 nWauseg1917 -lb promeut var. i@e ciaifregret la Botte o ah BaudPrescrpion. "Doeter .ting ber - ~bu>, fIat b.aItoc 011 te lako 'an actilve bîsckebis. s nd a&U rougI h * bmnb4d vs of til 4 r. - weC-C t~ Ëm but l »ys *10SoelrOck thti sud clegr complexion. A TSSaI skin elstna fculi et0~ gae«)t ho becomée, co«"OiCel hat bis tonte. 0(W a Si trial botto SI th h o er 7. ilKlo kd ia-do». eJoua are ueeded, bY lie cousIn. drog store. ad 1amb à& , MUd eluek leei ises lxirgor tÎteho is.-and iU '. Pieks up evorytmlug b.eamu. ta- Irmak Burke aud hie doubalier aeit a42g vncb ansd aie., sudd the. part bt,Gpod SamtamgalaIô leebocI 0* * MrR o ria0f Ji ý2@0Po tp$ >cM soaleirQoi. h.ea - ybmi - omus. hia ex- Ai etole'Steve Suttou'a big motor b.uot. tr i va'eîerttdfl, pe.ber rq. f oIc àride.-"Y lt=.IbI borse na s lankoe Bit~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ra J'ed apalii 11e a st OUWaphimu stjeet 'Wet ,Bât remy appé the'llmaxYeuthalli i àater- 'l s4 aud lot bit ouly f rieAd Whvus vîtt ibres la b4 is' moliier sot tbat aae olmg ' **-Wie joi rilg I SpMlu eooUlnt rma hlm, 4own. 9îol b.e police ÏaI hlm au4 iocked hlm k »à **la@ itttheii, "b'redd'm auch Sa11511 boy'. 14"hh irit>r d gaa * Ml Lo delicai lu keep. ta jail, Plemaore a-ais -i.. qg10% and rolataichit le im out go he eau gel air." And p ltar ae' auto eh* had gari ZýïIr-tise Mîneefa hotoillFOX tii let hlin oui. L abe , fo; n de, 0 hgtt i t er vwhe plia Later tlie mother phoned the tvil- *ho. .afae boist hfoëif ta the leu eopa. asa".denemem04by the t1,4e, 'Jey b.d the stoppai the sif, sovei ber trous th. the tonneau and. lt14 her- ta "hast lth ui whyfsB the WarAed lo.» *âd-bcae&M ote Burke bomse. 1 tai.s e'44 a htover viiere s"a YIN MAIlvâ,dw 4l wby oy eh. sot hore bot ly. * w « ý w n afer a long -qrw"nt a'wplkod br aoùsud.thOeto Joseph Diugo Swears Out War. ia trtid o bave bain - rant f ^&## e"tof His 19 sa'ee.lththelia trouble' vas. osd, the Y OdW f.gcod f ellow liai ho à M. eCi apokeop vitb: "Sors; coule oun lu. c Waukeaeu. July 17. _ t ber a bite lu eal. sud let ber lie Cbarging liai bis wite. Mary Duge o? davume .9, hal eloped vltb aslailer or salor, Oie vas given breakfast sud tiien lie ]osepb DugO. of 1228 Lo*rabe la a fev minutes she vas salop an in, atreet, Cicago, avore out s warrant a couci. About 7 o'clock Sherîf utn betore Justice Fearmer tbis morning Grifflu vas calleil to the Burke home for the. youug voman's arreat. viiore theotle ot the young vornan Dugo claima bis young vietite w ax repeatel aud b. breught ber to ber Chicago horne Sunday morning, Waukegaxi vieothe boarded a train and vas latier seon lu Wsutegan ln for Chicago, where the ssiI ber hoe the corpnpyof a seldier. This lu- vas. forutatîcu vas gîven Duoe by bis Whether the girl teld the sherlif I cousin. vbe le employed hore oin a the naines ef the thre. meu vue bail Northwestern steel gang. Doetien treated ber mo sabiî la snet kuevu came te the. rity Tuosday ln search aas lhe sherliff vas lunith.eeuntry ail] ut the youug woman but taliol la find day taday sud could not i. lecatol. her. The @tory tlid by the girl lu et- i- His second visit to the. city lu the toct vas that the sud ber parentes soarch for bis erring speuse vas bait been -ai tie Mîneela for soin. made ibis morving vien ho meught days on au outiug, tuat ber fatber'a the aid ot Attorney J. A. 'Miller In auto vas lu the. garage Weduosday findiug ithe voman. mgt vicu tii-oc young men auggeet- "i vaux a divorce," Duo sai! x- el that thoy feri a part y wlth 'ber cttedly. "sud 1 vaut it bî'fore Il 00 as the tourth membor sud take a o'ciock ibis moruing." ride lu tii. Dillon car. Oie says tbpy He was olteis u was Impossible, rode eu sud on and fluailly wheu the sud hoe thon evore ouItith warrant. remeuted the prospals made te ber. Accoante liv an efficer. the dis-. sud dpfiod lhe youug men, tiioy final- tract'-d bushand wisited the local ho- iy stoppëd the. car sud practicaile tels leut. lits searrh was wtthoutt n- .kicliel er out in fthe roadway. suit. Hele eft at lit o'ciock for Northt Shoesay s tby tien drove away and ChîriLo wtth the warrant.. loft lber stainding lu the rond, gît- Tist- the- si-i-nu womali wl-ffi it ing h'r 'the laugh' as they di-part'-d. ctarg-d w il l atin- dospe-tr I ler jThtis. sht s-ait]. %vas litthe i-arly itour- tnstn :i:, n Ch-icago withir, the- past of the uîorniîig. Stuc hait no il' a ,v .2 Dito ,ainim tli a' -n -ilr-e . a, s tartf-d te walk faai'r- i i , ýght un t hza nd sacs, a nd 'alI -I monand ain uni il slip ciiet W, dil tvorcefils wtf,- as-. 5000 tbthe lHurke lioni,, .ui(ro,-e le t , a,infg i'r- r e'i-l I t vwa- 1,.tb lai 4e , und,i fli,îi t!,i, , t1'rodax - il lu ibadii v o ,ai endi-itbe-r w ,-k-wnêandl i-- bei d i ml -h t t,,.,- iaritel l'r. and th,- vontr wimau, eryint, bit-. a -i, ,- - r iFart C, id.til ris. .-xplaini-ii iîiw shptic îîp<c ated ÂsIassinuiury at thel,- '4 hoelinf WAUUJWA R&SES ct-s flint tii- girl eitiitr fraîned upj WAUCNthtAI i oici siter, ie anud ber fathe-I TE i ta m or that shp gave au ae- suruel naine . Th, imanager s-aid: $12eOOOTO PROMO0T "We have afl obody by the naineo NEW TILE FACTORY yeung woman s'tpin eré nt out Desmet Tile Floor Company Is voong i Wednesday utgut. It to Ereot Plant to Employ ms ei a oeohrhtl1 Ahii t rlsI l.Ini'I CIIR4ES IX R M SI ser adi und i)l ie Sho roplune aîîack - 2 1) - p. in. Dancing iiith, 1), a -11i n ission 2 Sc,-tront*4p. iiii 61' nderthe aiispiî-eso et l" ;-f - reîimvi, - I 7direct te Naval Station via Noruth orc Line. Fn-m CiX , z, taLe heE FIented nI 1i-h,7e -, N- 11, hre Lino sa Central Su., F vmn:ton, Visit Fort Sheridan Also via the Electric ke the o-fficers of Uncle uni's eu ietarmy lunrthe making. Neudertuiiy ifissiugdrulle,teurl lialfitetion. grenae-hrôwing, yonet charge%, artillery practire, c. Narth Shore LUne ut direct ethte Fort. Chicago CityTikef OfMen 137 South ClarkStreet Piiome ntrai S286, Gr te sca'iptlon [!lollcIt . lAY n1ght. wvile defendine Victr sahsi, charged viti aflowlsg Wien to pauturo lu a *eiSILbor's Malekzko vas eatefon the com- ut of Guet Seausak. vWho Charsid e fo rm e r it ii m e n sfeai. a g is t .City ordlna"c. The compiati-, gvitlesa. mot ouiy bte. b. Of- ading fovi as pum.but eaPitd aà ng dockilng as voli s»f ilnued «h tu hie yamd a# bouttul. The defendaut edmItbtcf thei Ste of th». &leu theiI ù,i.c%;;;o as mot in the **%Ume& ova t kh. but vua dolng We bit-In the. o4 Conservation aoepla- ,by de. eurius inurni"rblhuas. Ater * evidence hâd boom butr Attersav rve for the. detfàtdautlkcod bli ,unt ws« mot gnlty umder lie or- nauce sa ekme s ot a3 aZi- al lu law. He, sked thé court and t City attorney a brief an the pote 'olved. The. court ordered a coà. uanlceof thie eue. Corne Sec the U. S. Jackies at Great Let tllese %vntithifll mati- o'-mar's meni see that you appreciate whaîîhuy aie wîlilglg t,) (1, f,,r yoti, Show thern your pat1li 'iýrnl and help to miake ER EE i', hi u Exhibitions -ts'Wednesday ýà4ernoon :e-. 7A ve lý

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