Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 2 Aug 1917, p. 7

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bu beoàw bq ilbuer Mll Oaats i q1l. v d ",$"0is.Lg Wu14 a 8~ ~e tha t "Mflwof m tesIçmmfrthe berm" 4roawr hefa~ian o L ks. I*.mosud ret 1 udl . SW lu@7e. 4 beoleuried nii te0im u C. u kla Toms caoeT.ed Ki >bOaDP . eha the tis 5. of inetour crs grstlin. ou nhspc gier ela be ofItheils rongof 8 Pr eas Tt"uci. fsra cVna Elle lbein g aa Cblcsago seon a depbchssai wils tne caler. tai. In rlativusore, ut Sonl Wh.o wsoe:Wasae and afCbeb vs- la qgieetv bue aniboe veed twr th s ai nd bilotsedIvo bqis "Y chave o09 wslDicgbuss pes ttilu p e I .0b retu el l i" l lao Ce ie- tis l asikletoo heltle. ow di DocS oudai ai 8»Wo.eIAt tle. clîjofne thfaidentovavUrm wau Ds oced sbutd blple riand0havetheb. dr nd o *coumbn wd e b e antlmg iina th1e@ f nieims tu fre e uteact lo atpn Wb@Dtu verabut wu@ one dtalcose I vhuutieie n s auld about leruad aactie a dcsp clael vhlch uhandbai 1 cr oss aorite butshra bu Frbnie ia vu aljaad liev am'aiepleru- m a fh coutdy eopleadommerha h. vuges ocqnajtd lv i i. nM~i« sass qt. uv Whonina . aetpi ioa té Luka,.rchaope" amieof tisse ve cha nerot anin bI eel tâpei beri b.ho. Se u& cgrceflstr hlm for iii v otis kn boyth, ne ll tie laime&ol ti.acie Tnt leéîvas eino n. nearWbo bis 11114 I ie vmorgae li e ~abuttuei sooneral wsve. preea afng n b aet 2nsplocue. Ai tho@,exac.cAtion veot kuoail va eme lmet belon. tiseoy . bn ni11litwsv diiDolhadviei lietw a' collus lnwuilo in.Me Fris, aSars, oa scn aSUU. of each week, lànd will offer« 1 1lb. Box of 11gh Grade Chocol4tes For 29e On Mund ay, Tumaday Wed-. neuday and Thuri3day youi cin get thase libooatQi§ Sfor 50o Tut REI3LL ISTQE tecaàiblsms obbl lb. aunelV $Ida evqlng, es. r1 Mns. Mihord teausoff Dote, On»»o. cmely ofte plac, la eldhlag mm -li hera c ofn shilI.vue hal at tbe home of Usw dru, lire.CL sonw,or.hvluaLua» issai.un'va.mem id .iit i e ". BHulal Guetta aus d taul spes neday i W. NI. 8«»msd ftffitM- -Mr. mm u" op~ace %ad bave M,.r7..iatmsk is ocuffl t Witas ua.. iPW, sn il Id si r hod Uuedav sud lobOM 5gumowu M..Jobsl Wn 1"09 Iosbscmw RI&.. aulul lie Grumbiiool ruuwos MM im neceAnissuceI LAIP orse, speal i, vgk.cid iiwbertn, limm «Ws Eubî#leupof OmGuie. epsaêli. iptel vec i WuI, lt tI. vkiniy. Mr.a" lirurbli loerof usont, Henry 'Berbaum, Aged 23, of -0hOP4 , sDmwrdW hIle ' MOY IS RECOVERED.-I -POpldodtT00 a Yox labe, Juiy 81-Ie Seau 1541 l Id % eeeiwtp Ibis Yesrh rosh qos, o. ,il fl Ihu wui meslie ame lu "0e b lave heu e eeale aur~ v~ smm 28, 1 tu. - lm s. 'ete1iSI 1et b"oteSa Pltalce SBU. *MI ethers bo je 1o«n et iM. Inh a a soinu et ie yousg mem Idived for ihi. otbetu prooorsigup. bookcps. Tt" j vusim about an = ' bdl,. hIe bdr yneowed. am 15L..L ...erm mm Sbla a .. Ibo* eusse-Ms Genevieve Coe- au., annomcethie engagement ef Mri. 004 lirel. P. O. Barry, of Gur U& Brrny, t. arldiBuchelu, son of Mr. and lit& s 'lard Borciielus. 802 MutI fUtit street, Chicago. WiiUm 094M OfetBarrtngton, for man y earse u*lpledb> lie Chicago amd NorthiivgWmra tliroad us a -train eOlieelr, menimewn ov many cou- muesdied JuYi, l. n Sherman boa- pitai. 3iala, fallovlng an operation hurand" 84slliu wie e42 yenrs i# à* lk. @wvewd 6v bils vidov uni bdlk;,WM CWflOn 085, Jr.: is fatiier. qsu M. 00uU. us&a a train case,. tcr, amil it rtbes, lRay uni W»it. er. ail et Umitotoi. H. was a mem- ber o ut ldu lgoda. No. 709, A. ?. a A. IL.; Usirlaton couscli, No. M. ILM W. A.; Court cf Honor, No. M7. Eanblb, &Wofthlb.Brotiten. booIpot EalUng Tralansen. et aI*0e1wi Counly Caserai Mr and Is A.J. Waisbt,,dt 1ivooi, a boy. Juigmmotr eq 'wSo vofm*.e teleF law-he EUe tMCathierine Dus Va. l*0e&auIsMeEU l0e oa mpay. The piatwR as Um s pm lei b>' Attorney' IL . oVwOis seaeri amle LEIS aatemani ibis Rl.tb sbore properl>' cuises feiig p le e elarel IREP- aT FOX LAIE States. Attorney Welch Causes Warrantstol1e Issueitfor Three Men. RETURNABLE FORTH WITH. Dot miants, in Inforniation CamesAppear in Coult unit Furnsh Bail. 'Waukegan. Jul>' 28. eltesa Attorney James G. Wclcb hile Bcimhig aufed varrants ho b. sycrn ont befor. Jtloe Lee Faimer for lie aneaiof tirs. Fox lake ne- Pitt kapèe, vie ame cbanrei vth bavins Sal inItexlcting iwqor on Bond". Tbu Warrants venuplacel la Mie baU fliacfBerif Griffn ho sem". The Mens sainst vi e107 are Iguelsae: lobs'Ourlait. Thcero"ProvIdu tuatt héeles ehsita [cbrou Ito ecourt instanbci ami ftlta euelte attthe" vIl! b. brvougt to Waukegan laIe Ibis afler- acmu. metb ll alfttealai isterdar from 1 I ,.'.. riumd. I t I i f e s 'I. s c Mie Sui f Tre.(Jislil W« a. Mu i.ta r@evMhm lW@ vas ex- Ivo 50510.0. everal 119 x &Lbe-reonrt eepers recomueihome Moulai lmvlg pel a tineI.-l Cvn ad of Mayor lUsMe W. Mdinton et Làke 1againuft wvitnf aormations ver. Ili- kWi WOSWaum4m L .Boce e. ty gg crEaliirOd TSS.Forest 80d fil VUshie Opinion bud ed la counii court a 1ev iays &go, Ssau.usb II.mons' l neuIt te on persanal Investigatien, tuAt Lake ougagtie. w itb baving smiiIl- e Nie FelceBoi of Gre., p.u lut. elt i ves cnf hiet u ng mas' onegt people ma. ovcnlcyed 51 leth e s t o dy er vitbout a licetu,. Boday vitI blnde hors. ve sumem oe tuChicage Lunie- oppcstMo s ghbeftsreane D ers arnaloed ibefir Julie P. L& i Mislu othPoiock viii elurefram liately after th.eaccies'hteck place. theîtrangof 8ellers. Pres tism rn n Vr aedI Dcbo Vvidai ofiiis vssk. TireiiI.nhg Of BOrbg- --k» b5 Even If rnealehate valnes 1ebaul uniaer ibail atm er he> bai enterai tir an Mm d.B.Denatland$O bute jitibea plac, fl ae caeI>' gdrop," saili Mayor Addingtoss, "I plet ni t 'geufty. Willls retquaed no Wildeiis Tueeiuy. >eai. The deathitollIbiuasummus believe mortl abhm.properly ovacrs Thee îAns ef tbe deftnute ad ?4eena. C. E. ilsuman mai J. B Den. prqmiiee ho lb. the. beivit@s ntumany veuli accept tb. slhnatlan glail>', as lte amrnualetbail fied la uacb ceo man of Wtlpte..suni heIn famuâ flseprio eytmre. iti nt t aem oo t-I mostonedth il>I-oIGeneva Sonda>'. Il seenis tiat Berbauni, vitb John aprinIfhitptllcdt'14 a sfhoa devna Ions AticiaDiHikoy . Beomle>' ani Charles A. Deing, the, nation. Bul 1 bnovthbere la no H. Rapat, $800 bail. I Severi fruý-ALIOe &cdBick venw t bahlla..- He coudi avis a lit, feeling of dIscootent againat the mil- Paul Wlnklen. 500 bail.p tîe.d the Tovnship Sunay Ocool tic, butl the îeiieî lie o eppesi lo.' tary encampmcaha. Lake Forent peo- Itammu Rusmusea. $500bail. MisvectisaMan. hvchnaf h o @ and wver e ne or elgi ple vauli reslat amy altempt ta ne- Mmil KappeIIiü. $M 0baih. c mni" Mm a tnvr . Joof ly ev whnmers tn go ta bis aid ani lie move the o'MlPe. Herman BStaiel. $1000 hall. sud ahtthm eAB t thg eride'. e.nsle malt Tii. boi>y vas recoveredin. Myor Samue A. Hastings of Wlthbtise exceion oftStanzel tise4 25, atnih Mne fC.the uhold aresplaoyut au heur. Berbauns vas ers- Hluand Park uxpreaeei bimeel! lu charge la easçh case le tisat of selllnga Uts an R1. . vq aa dawo . n a ne» . ple b . heAnserican Radiaior the. aime velu. FHe said lbe nortb on Bandai. Stinzel le changed vitis f rom tihensnirn-.Anercan iiapitui ani eneIle Chicago. sho. Iep r epeople ceaieredItila compli- selling vitheut a license and ibis ac- bas vieliuil la tie vicinit>' ion cesveal _______m__nent te bave the soliiers stationed ennunis for thie act tisat bis bail vas vea. Mr. ani Mr@. R. L. Orang viii]N I C U!v itii Ibem. higier. mule hbem home in Oranger, lin. W. )J je4IJ pTii. cases ai v er. îlacei On triai ealami con-taînîationi. - N » Cýc.11, vbici m-.9stiey pnobahi>' viii Mr. uni Un. Robert LAoa Srang @peut I~T IBA1W W RISIA c~b e reaciied about thidleiof Au- thie veek-end vils relative@ uni tnieude M iVDLiiiA IN ANK ~guat, visa another panel of jurons befote retormng tw Gragin, lad. N T viN K yl come In. Mn. ani Mrs..V. L. hllnaag utniei - lIU&*XJsFA1U9 ,a Eiward Hovard and vite. et lb. hie vedi o f R. L. Strnxn, bis rot her Elvin Pohimnan, on Day's Oaut- Mineola batel. ver. cbargei viltiih und i" l M seluebvucion last veet. mo in Chicago, Meets Ter- PL N EllY U S hegai sale cf liquon on Sonda>', but The Ladims' àid viii babilaun i.. rtmurible Accident. 1di nol aPpear la court Ibis mornîng social Aug. 9, at he hiebh. 'li enter a pie.. Mme W. 0. McOulre anidcilliren vipil. Washibngton, 0. C,. Jody 20.-uv the' _______ Ing relative bnWilmette Ibis ve.k. Lake Zurch, July ±6.-Thla mura- preent plans of the qgvernament are LA In lb.thelred man an tbe Auguet carrld cut thons vii îebeuno sion '5 CIIIDR N ARE VILLA Poisîmantean, four miles entbe t riln esbliched a a tesilit he Chàa. Caine veni ho Chcago uni vas Lake Zurich, gel a day off la take 12 wàvauneant G.rmany. For pensions i aIE H R aperatei ou last Satuniuî for humer. year oud Elwîn Coleman ta Chicago a ystem cf Inçurnce wil ii bubul,- (i61YEN FREE L M IV E. A. Willen bai b.. Iunlise city vils for a iays eutIng. toled. hlm an Fniay. -The boy met an aviol ieath by be- Unden thse gooer s' p.soaî CA Mne. Floa.Christensen undindise leu-À MEN < heils are spndilg the sommer vitistheIii ng crusbed in the elevator in tbe even>' memben of thse *vwy, navy andj Chniteuea amuî I S.Dukta. Fis-t National bank building. an¶d marine corps vosali ho t4ttilIed Mn. ani Uns. Wright etsrtulued a Thbe parente of tie lai. Who live t llu rfaengning freioim e eMi8H1eled ad Ms numberoff frisais from thie cil>' aven near Lake's Corners, were prostrat. - 1 P > a prmfflncgW e1 Gradie Take Children to tbje Oandaî. cd vian tii.>' ot vend of thei sons lhaussnd. This Insuuimewould bel Presbyterian Hospital. alurdaî evsulng vas ibac>'on In tratte end. He vas theur cillent son. asured by the govermlls: In les of lbo vllage viti a baud concert I lie l'ie P-blman famity le veli Inovna"> pensions. - parb&Dmu behllud metig in ndabot akeZuichwhre he , n ddition to thie foin of Ingur- PERFORM 2 OPERATIONS. pankdanola le bal un a ilesi~g n un abot Lae Zuich iie e tbyac 1he familles or ailier dspend- ci lb. MUl Proinoea'àoelt ion lathe.bave IUvei Ian>' yeare. antf s! oldiens and egliors In lbe Feet of 21 Months Qld Baby village hall, aIl veil atteaded. T he boy v us cru sbed le de t h b - se v c w Id b r v e ' o by a . S ai h n " d r G rl t UmesManie McKeuzle @pout ceverai daisy enu lvaé il.sal nheu~c oulb.podu o-ya- Stig en lOdrGrlt lai week vii frenie lInteetcla. tena lvtran h hf ntelolmenîs of lhier pay, epplamented Ude. Fred Basale entfnlalnei a cousin irs l ocor efthtie Fret National Bankt by famlfy allowances W he isgavera. Hv ibCrdFr uni frieni fris the mt>' a ev isys lset building. Tiie deutb canceil censuden- ment. veek. ahi. commotion In tise cnovied sicy- __________At a result ot free medicai atten- RIoy Marrie vas lu Are& on businees acraper. tion wiichbabs been given tierns Ove last Prnd,. Younsg Piiorman bai gone te Ci- IAKh ÇCR IMiV Waunkegan chlidren soon viii b.e E. . niP. . unaisateneicago witis Carl Belecbmit, 24 îears III ~ ~pacedIin a position visere tii,>' yl ac.uvL.o1 nd ..Evu nos ~a Fnded . li. auemplôye cf bis father, Auguat IlOII< '(L el peto ee l 1e ae muci 11v.W.E.Evnsva l Eanta alPhorman. Beiiscbmit vus on lis vuy IF4Js Ibeir pisymates. The Ove cdl- lent veek lu atheniauce an a convention te tbe beadquai-lers af draft division dren vere tuken a thie Presbyherian ieii thsee No. 1 In the. building, vbre ccunty Pr on optli hcg yMs d Remember the Saidconcerte ai thedraft beusiquarhershlbai en estaui- Hiland ird ongme l inte Hoitai l iscpoaonb>'Miser la park oesy Weduesiay mani Baluniay. lsbei. la learu visetiierlb, vas amena ltei States service. veli bova la Mrs. Fanal. Gruaile. Proose. o h. equaily iivied betveen those iraftei. Wkokesau eltiser as freruuieste n ftesideabb f2 tie bandaid the Parnk Improvement As the car stanted upward the bo>' or tiirougb mer. acquaitace, la-.moutus, hii detormei feet, tuese Aasalahln. ecune flot ni fu otwur. Fladlei: Élus Faxon. Rivas-i Goutie>',m Assoiaton.becme fintandtel out!azd. lle orgeN. oodowmembers belng bent la aucii an ex- M. uni Mr@.. ZivuniLaren and lMn, bande graspeii the, tou ssating on Gog . oiolent tisat the cbiilui dte valc aon audmire Ms.ponion@pen u#@nay ib ithi.ebaft betveen thie fiani sec- At present there are lycive Ant- le unîles. Tise local vomen tuait them fiternut Ares. ond foots uni betore lthe operalor, euh boys Ia thi.esenvice of Une e SmIbis mid te comileheat surgelons via C. Upvbaugb of Hîgilani Park, via la T. Angeles, couli stop the. carthie 1boy asutehlae: Le. Waters, Cy l pe rfreuhoeainasars tova on hosase lasi ve.k. vas cruised ta deati beteea ht un" Mark ICck, Ra>'Webb, Joua Ka&iut.o-hc fefetwr tagtnd 1Misé Eva Bovling la .pendlugIbislb.thebaft, lb. body drappla Ig tthIe WUilDavis, Vincent Dupré, Iflaci Thevbai ii.fepvretr aighhened vesk In Chilcago. busement. Taylor, Hardi Huler, Frederick Ti pl raiataparuti' as cs. lire. lIe. Burnett wvasqolte iii lut Cnwde Gatherntah$con*. T isi<ll awodýad & Aote fth hlde.a ilo we.k, bulleo Improviug. Croviea!fbernifiedspectators gatil lndGiar.14, sufferei a broken]l'Iau an&cd T'he jadis.' Aid saclisy met thie vesk ened about the scene, attraclei b>' tise dent ut Hammoni, lad., about tva Weiu«e iayvth Une. C. B. Haniin ta cries and commotion, anidsa>' sav 'COLORE O AUTOISTO INJURIES 1 yeurs ugo. Tise bone was set uit lat finih u Iher vrk an isu-saun helsod>' aUintotea llait botheni. CYCLIST AT NORTH CHICAGO. lime but dii flot kbIt lgetser pro>- basuar tu b. htii lu August. Police of lb. central station tot Walter Mtthews, calored, a resu- erly anti bas beconue on croolci tiat F. . sumbs as I i Cicago on uaue-lie body>'atehie Centrai Undaien rg dent ot Lake Forestwvas SIteiGib>' lie girls fInis it difficoit to val. nise» Tis.duy. roums, 818 Federal street. Chilcago. thie police oet Northi bceffl aI 41 aShe wîîî se gîven treatemtn fer 8ev- Tise Junior League met. veny Wei- o'ciacl: Tbursiay utternons on the uesiay afernboan saheb.chiurc uni tl. coeajlainl et John Naiakekliseho'ieral isys le put lber la proper samp. lltis.aie .jo a eodsaialtis.. Wle yis av li baluie l. changesthie negro vit1 living rua for lthe aperation vblch iI vi nclude littefoke njo a ondsocal ime Whu yu hve he ackcbetheliver hl dava vihi an automobile. NoI8- Sreaiing lhe -boue ansi resetting hh. Mr. aidU. Wedd- M. and lir. or ki u, nze c bu 5ont1 ai ser. keveli, Wvi a vue ding 'A Motercycle Sbepanicon, I& , Sbenqoi, Relie RIcharde, Tri SaloIli ogs-vobiuns fan tie. Ilven t.fle tise, suferai cu-eiiminer Tise oiler tire. cbhdrea ver &aIl Rev. M m *"osum, »MeBaamuimbic kidus aIS biadier. A t"la85q bot0i e iflil ven tbreva frocs' h msa- trouiled vith-,detective,.vision., One Maith Oleum&& taniell Buwwdy sbo iSa iicuii 0.011al lts oie1 reîchid'aeese er, se lad that bu ennu 1 jola94 MW rboAir u'Wbes the plieattempedea rrescouli milou ee Icpria n abis sciseol lin . DaIseII~ad bIsvec, UsoJ~m Flecpiho ~ fam-.. enti vls b* plete a nsiooks. Ail bave laed thiir vision cor. W~nia tpea viil vIh br ce -- *" lbéro.v% arretei. T", he î.rectei. Tbce are o.ay &.tevc1e tiiid vi6laPoniieni. Ome, al'W* v:l4~ athiesviinomne 't« fer-eu aes vicrethIe hvo Waui.sss' vs. US ~ ~ ~ a - IIDvIdIthe y0mfoue -vIo la en lave seCotud u metiste *4m" .Ai-Pi l«atral at ion for citulren, Washington, Joli 31.-Rvery nlnt 'd man viii b. credite t i e fis tate'S M M N T . n@v national army là drawu, accord.I wng te a son d ement d o! y ti.'L the ffie o PrtontMarhalGen-, concerning theassgmnt 0 qots WhHi BathzIMIt uO~k by, the. governors af the. varione y Rescodby 1 u . tttS. Emch loeality bu iS sed te, MieIE, Jf KcaOgdk, W OU underataid that Do candidate based ro. dro*ning 13'eooMpasUIM h icen alloved lna 111elainent forti.ftofMlsnsOt10 men enliated in citiier the national uda aten<ooe viesash ue~ lisard or thi esmair armî stucs, înio a hoise ii. bIstinida fune 30. In noms insinuons local a' elth bttm.Ibrtmatiy a~ bhoritie bave believed tbey voli Odewvr.ane1 . ot b. caligi 01105 to iornesi y, mm be of peryon wrsvoua b hi oer tihe nt$onal mi. but bave been bady frigbteaed blet nouest, dIappolnted te fini a quota aaslgned for ber epartence. * the. tDepite the. bundrede vis Wl..the quotasare made for the gathereiaetat helocalvus te 05 gives' in ed Sheate fr eé Immaccident or fuer cceil, mIleS b Who. bias este al "Ce th b ti.theattention 0ffh60 lits guari §%Uam lit qotas for the. second in- RB NK XI la bellersi nov that the. burda te be throva non the Iccaities w be aller for fie second irait han ___ fS th*Os f l, lkere viiib. o Dnvor colî.. > 27--ëtw 'cluentiy enlutlnents te b. crefltdFibak.uyhe8aar. vl! saUt 'U ani the. second increment wyul b.,IeVde i&aito om t nialler ihan th fe tin t bws e U te Stteès Ylaincop, Whitethe shreugtb cf the. second Lvag reiirei ia.Rlen-iae ýncrment ie stai a mutter of cou- spencer otiiervigeCharme CisaplM4 teus,liloi bell.ved hbat ilt à etgtamU ceà 1atle V" read someviat legs thau 500,000 emaume for mflltay servTce undér thb.Vision of the. diftlculty tn equippiug the. men ack the. minute Nnglasd, ot vhi and the. neceseary tins. te b. iu a mubjeci. calu.HMi. WiII Keep Ranske Filed. tntement vain glven la sauver te au Moreover the. conacrlptio bill un- eîltosial published la bord Nortb. der viciithe. men bave been draf- cliffe'g London Dlspatcb. OgIllies id into service provides for a "milte comedian te do hie duty Mad Jota lin men unies arme." Tiee en , tei.. r hovaover, a provision for thse draitingI_________________ or men to keep up tiihe rngli f lb. million men usier arme. It la belley- si: hat the. vii deparlment yul st- mue the. second icrgmeah so hbat bher. Witl itill be orn btuealu ut ]est M0,000 mea under the osnI»- tion act and penbapi 100.000 te coin- piete the. ranka of the Rut two in- crements. It seeis mnt probable nov, ton, bhat lefflâlation viii b.e «acted to iraft allene. vicb ie ill eso serve tu agreat extent te fUgba the burdensý,xx placeiUP u fflay coummutlesvere bhe allen PoPulation tg verY large. Agitation in the cash, partlcularly [o Pensylvania. for a bigiier rate of ai lmad Swccila 0* ,o.pennlt.on for the producers f bhee ricd '-- 0 0g milk. vas reflecied in Chicago Wed- mid.UsesMIY NUfl a nesday, vltb the. attendant possubil pkIB3'5 ami iai fDico E.> 1Ity of 12 cent mllk next visiter. <is.Aa 1.ay rce Col. W. J. Nicholson. commandant Flf inallaTM st Fort Sheridan, u eeie o o ienti xegv lice that'be bas been appointed as papi, nsiviido brigadier general and vIl ii. piaced that a Tahking Madsin mmd ln clarge of the draft ln this dlvi-1 -The MELODOceorAPfit sion of Mlinois. He bas be.ei ln fl e Mit er ll inu fr wa eerice forty years. Announcement of the tblrtieh an- nual barvesi picuke and reunion at HIckory hb usut been maie 1>'the commîtte, ln charge. Tbursiay, Au guiet 3. le tise dute 1sel. Ahil inis o! amusement uni a specil proar&Abl bave iseen arranged f tonle accu- @ion. Wanted: LOCAI, REPREENTATIVE,, Young ladr. Must live at home and Laye telephona.. .. ary, $6 a week t. Start Stat. age, eduàaeion, sefling-experience if any, with. two busines references. A.dvertising Agency, Advertisng BIdg. Chk4oo rChas. Del Proctor' Write ail kinds of Insurance Fire, Ide, Accîdent and Health, Auto- mobile, Plate Gias and Workmen 's Corhpensation. - Seehimbefoepl*cingyourt PHONE IUR. LUmTy*m -: :ýj - ýe

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