Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 2 Aug 1917, p. 9

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--I~V-No. 31. MÀ$SIRI3I>TO ldeeof Heving o rs -cieties iusde of the Blgý Cties Makes a Mit. -OFFICERS ARE ELECTEr Barrott Heads Lake Coun Association With Heedquar tors et Lbertyville.« A Laie Cousty Association of I Cross bas been organiseS uhich 1 formeS an ide& for lie National I Cross officerste t miy be cai inte other couitles u intee tate aà nation. lI other uords, Chicago ficers of the. Red Cross admit i] d4he, Ides, conceived by John Brt Prairie View, uwhereby the fai crs oftihedistrict, or tthatith Mdens af lhe canuttieoutside af1 big cies. lould faim oo are m toienueacii countY te represet Red Cross. Mr. Brretts Ides a Ufat e1 tarmer te Sonate the. proceedi fi une acre of cropE Of uhatsve couid In proportion te bis uneal the. Red Cross. On July 14 làM log waa held In Libertyville tea the matter aver aid a COMM~II conistiiig of John B.l'.tt. C. Wright, Mrs. rain ItcUMU n lira, Robert Bcottuagl organiseS anthhrized te go ta Chicago tb. lowibg rtdiy ubere tuey conter wthtJ. F. O'Connor, manager of ê,central ditrict for tihe -i (Crus M ar. OCounor gave hi. peimi-M uçanlO i i<cç mumtiTY John E. B*et ta forts a Laie County Ried Associattaion i bety vieaudS tain iieadquarters ta i4hertyvUle. meeting for tuas purpase uas O..Saturdv evn fgandthe off elected wre as follous: President-.loin Barrett. I Vce President-Mrs. Pauai Hamon. Secretary-Mra. Paul McGuffin. Treaisurer-C. F. Wrighit. Tii.e ecutive carnrittec ram va- nioua townships of tue countY i eic eiectedau asfollaus: Grant-Wlliam ttrattos. LibertYvlle-F'. . Wite, Senatar Swft. Femont-mrs. Ortha Haring. WaucoflS-Joseph Mss. ws-mel-fiOy Lamb Antioch-E. . White, -'George Webb. Vernon-4Cara Hotchkiss. tieerfield-Mayor Witlng. Newport-John T*Iais. Avnn-Josephine Druce, 13ent)n-Alice Atken. Mr. OConnor uasata wrte tae e'Y district tn the. caunty aniside f the big culjes anS urge the. P.opI ujW» were inerested In Red Cross ta joi viili tue taie County Asaciailon as formeS t IAbertyville, tiei. nsrik shore ýtauns net te be incîtidOS. as thybav: Red Cross deiartmlets 0 thoi own Itla admitted thatobr ln ithe tate Ms-y faim the-4e cootnt associations as a reeuit of Mr. Bar rett's les-because lu tue paît tbi~ big cties andS especlaliy Chical' have ebtainei! SUltue bemef il iii credit that bave orne'from donaion1 maSs ln tue çcunlvydiîcts b polub haqr ostrlbuted ta, iii WflTT# PÂAGIM81ifl William Uduards, of 408 Southi Jack- hatavel off the. destruction by the iIn Grant-William Coeuasmaibai W son'treet. le bugs toa certain clitent, titi, ta the. Mthias Caaauma inmai.ti In riten otu Dm Belcy Tii. potata crop ln the vire uoris tfaim of 120 acres in sectiog la. for Inletes w tnhW r elynominal consideratian. T an ssertel tut ubile is unit wa adsdcaeInemn wUnt l Avon-jeppe W. ThOMuIpun anS ar equipped ta taLe care ot about 7001 be searly no good s It uuld have vite bougt six acres tram Cbinisp G. th men, the exigencîs. et the situation beenubaSitues. bugs sot appeamed. Odeii ln outhemst quarter 0f Bottesb4 are sncb that is uit in obliseS ta 35, for $3,600. if car. fat about j700 mes. Tila f ne- NELI W T D Oscar F. anS Rosie UgiiUMib c.sulty ta very ifficuit anS hebais XN RWDbaught the Andeu Sorenseu- tea ac. maSe s- nequeeit ttbs unit b. eu- A IA E E4IIT reos in southes-st quarter Section 24, m largeS. lb la sas-d tuat Dr. Schwartz. AT .LJa-.d -M uSTa, for $200. m f of Wsnisgan. la oniy ans 0f a IiiM - In Warren-William W. COsocatt tc ber of physiciansa uho, yl b sent bougbt tue Rose Wtrth faim 40hi te yManc ta incnase tue unît.' In Chiot Tyrreil Piok Up Mil acesonoin nortiiessi quart«e ocSèuio01 addition t ulîl requin. maY nurses. Meegre Descrption-Taken 16, nartuwst of Ournee, for-DoutaIng Dr. Schuartz Socs sot mnowusmt- to Lake Forest. canaideration. it ta unSerstood tus-t K wben ho ui be collait but he la s-ux - the fs-nmn olS for $240 pear £qt. D jous e gsi on tue graunl ut tue est-- Here la efficlemlcy. ILa la-.ýMlsnle grass taux fuIe un- ;A tiet possible moment. The Laie Frorest poile .Separtment Serl' iooaats eed of the C .-Ook D notifieS th% local department thts property ut laie. Cornes ta section CULL M MO FOR marning tust a junker drivug 6. fo n S A6.8 tue sale a! tue Wilid-n tlrough tust city hbaiii orae raP Der estis properir. Henry E.Bob-0 a jq Ç Mfl IblidiTA sealnthte.stient.The junker se- rosSer bought ten acres ta ànesat D ~kW I~U -IcureS usother horse and Irove sus-y quarter or Nectian 25, fer IýM-; les-ins tue SesI animal uhete l Henry G unS Jobn G. Weldn'Oi'bornait aWsshlngtora, Aug., .-Thie second lay. It uasacuppaied tue Junker came etibI acres ln tue notuesot quastcr clans of 756,7W~ men reglstened undr ln tue direction of Ws-liegUfl anS of Section' 24, for 1400,.ad Ul Es- tue driat uil b. qulilSfor examnina- the enly dscaription foére vus Keugu bought tourteau acres la tue dtian this montu. -tust h. rode lu "&à little rail wagon." notust' quarter of Séction '14, for .8 Witu tue' examtnstlan of thei, mat A hait hour sfier receiving tue ciii $1,400. Y quota progrenstaniapidiy, the. pravost Chef, Tytreli baSl the mmun th te In Cuba --uet Nelson andvitt. r- matshai general'a off'e iodmyan-au.police e4atton and h. vas taien back houait tue Samnuel E. Momuth, prop- ie nounced tiiat seven Sa"s ,lter tue fitot Laie - Toreat tht. attionii by erty ta iots 17 anS 27,. QueasI liligh- ,o a laeS are eimantd. tue second quota- Obief OOrdan of tuit otty. He diS lande, tu Section 35 jusI non-tvest of* A woulS b. paoteS ton exarination. niât bave ths "lutile ieS wagon" uben Baryit,1tas, fur $8.700. sn The second clse. vhb iii mher finud by the. .Wanieiiaa polieooMet Thi.Great laies Aemonf«d socle- )Y 1»0 pr ceut of tue 6«7.000mradise-Ii~Ie. The Jiuer ga isine aesty fileS lia certificat.a! Iwtapor--I i md. vil bé, cambed for mmsto repkad jA. Timiman anS saiS tust ho Uivedla I.ioc1*ebla uOt us gte prOMOW evi tbosiee elap¶4 la tue ost-p$=P.. Oicago. ilon t-laie cana>'. - Uvely. given os Christ churcb lawn onÇflr- As atteà as possible thé. bow Iii The quota tram ths district là 306. day eventag andS Ustud«Y itOeif o ediviSeS lae, goups e fortw pu To secure these a total of 610 notties anS svening. Sanieane s*11t; Overser pose of sludylaff fam rmiatiess at areetobe malleS out. il lis possible Volivu an Invitation anS be taoo OO- A leader wull in ebcarg ts-t eves the. 610 men caileS yl ii cuian Sundar attern o te eo sufficient ta maie up the ýwota. Chrurt church good BUS prupor, Iftha proves ta be tue caae It wdli statted out by referring ta il* be n.cesairy ta caîl more mes, tuai many churches use usa Tiie uork of ,zamlntngagilithe "Christ," but b. cansiderel tuey baSl mes uho are called will be an enom'- ho mare right ta ué Jes' marnâe AR mous task. The examinitians ilil thun tue Sevil baS. It was Chisti»D m % . aie place in tue aIS Dietmeyer tuis, anS Christian tuai, anS Christ buildtag an Madison street. Geverl- hal notitaiwbatsver ta So ultu or Loden bsa appointeS the. folloulisg them. The overseer taies tue pool Wauiegan phiysciens to assist Dr. tion tuat Christ bas spued tue». apos- police 0f Obicago and lna ubbe Knight In ms-ung thee.xasrnations: tale ciui-ches ont of Hiaia outu as were asied uy effiars t ha1Mot ira. J. C. F'oley. G. B. Bormanin, C. 0. He saiS h. wouldlu nReveletions 38:16,-Illinoi nfatry. bat wutbtle I.* LAmraae, F. L. Gaurley anS C. E. anS tue qaiy thiing the . Saintse»cido Sa waî for- Privato a.I U Ter@,, Danlels. ia ta fiee for' their lune. out of. subcht it i. i e.tW from tue iI8 ReparleS Todoy. abarches, for tue simple rsasan thaieamaimma"ssa 3ulp Tht some or ithe men ole.d do yoU c"'t Put lieu uine ta aid bot. ner wussasien uduS -ua" O lot us-ft tea surkbut Instead Us ties, or put neu clotb m nto aiS lgai-. abs b mlue g#oxidiýat n w voe.sxiaus ta submtt ta examilne ient. Voua ,flayed the.Wauieafla bicgoboqu ý uube dM ion uas evidenced uben tels- s cblhub 1»Inthe trongeBt terme. Heîtutqcair. , 01o9eM eOM number of them, summoneS tai apper-bnuided, Il ai an anncî cof beil anS dias&pear,. lionduy, ppeared s-t Dr. Knight's aof. be commanSed aU those ta tue nmet fice, ready ta b. exuiined. of Christ uho baS anytbingta 5 o 1 ffl oOsovauÛ*Wmm Their notice saiS "Report Mon i,- iiitue dancing *adSvaudeville 0fot Um IOiet a- sajg c Mq iay,11 yet they shoved up ioday. Ail Friday andS atuils-y lut te rfflnt1 Uý5tbes «M» tbe jewuqA oen notifieS arc urgeS ta appoar ON Inaithenre et tue Lord. Ai Chbu* l" V&W 1tal U IImmm THE1 DAY SPECIPIED. fDot betare, flyed tue Sesecrtors of tue templsae aimWPsvia nor afier. Jerusaleilifer selng sbeep sud Mt- ITe ueo Veivas e MX ~ - tie anSdavoes. anS eveïtiiieu htusé- boihig Culot ebuea14 Capi. loy B. tyver,. itor l' cem- les of tue meuey obaliers. myn ll t o mle y 411 mander of Batny C. FntI IlIeelsan- "Maie mot myir alier', bolse au - Uliai ebute s tiiiery. died la Roosevelt bepiltal.boumE et mer<baadia." se VoIlvs1 i *1tct t Neu York, Tuesauy, oU the ove o! f nled tue ebureise tut- ue» the!tuaiitex Ban t r.celving bis oanmW@solat au a=W. name of ChM i l Iaidmaie tbo bislht1 uxMq*@gq Accordipg le fiienis Sosthu aseSsa tmiiLous tms'lsius for pmt;msdMm ,bf ta itestimal dbsoIer. bea u spposa, pOU rassis.oIr*a ' *S II NaU jkv wkfRw KO WIIAT IT MEANS; AOI À AUL RÂTING MAINS LasmoeDON'T RALIZE "IIONOII"lo Plans Nvl'Lk ______________________County-Flrst'Jounley. rneutausunduthebebreklli HtW trServie Pipes Are mn usadet h g Ernest Hemmers Feuls to Set lui other words,,&Il tht, Urne that W0 P. Sadtoùa ecmeB d o": or the wooaen houing Te re-. SEVERAL LOMA DEALS. Copies of Paper Maile to col "Pers "'ave benon wrlt'ng about TO INCREASE IMTEREST. Damaed y Imuee. th sene I~~~. oiid Hlm et Fort Snelling. who was NO. 1, licmmen. btmself did ty ma -yUu . a extremeiy e«Pensive undertakins. Week WeeU.- v . y Any not know about it; ho dldn't know Fermer Lads WM Be Taken in iyOnthé. ather bonid tt 5 0 utrce tuly ASKS WHAT DOES.IT MEAN? h. wa, IT. Autos té Aul Parts ot Camn- - WOIJLD BE A BIG EXPENSE. tî*t possiIîytii. tact tu.t z ýt 1 fb Ild idrti.datrie.Hrun ty to Sei Varloifs Wok. leService company tinailing ver. 7 m W t-rtedat in OMn Som. Belleve Company Wants mission ta lncres» the rates for bot ofcefrThet Is the Question Which Er- wil have ta fil tin an affidavit and h Sut IMIPOs Red uî,.s.Rtes.. M e ese was boat my Indicate an intentio ni us ines ti, sUIq ffice7 for A rnet Hent Asoc iati onty aim Imprvane- bs.y, iaIow rehabiltate thi.e Ystsrnand place the week lide Greenl,1917 byA. . t <ille I h e i>&1rM enYsoito lioiie Ut el ROp8irs Possible. it on sncb aahasts tuat alconsumer% IL BoIes, slta.eeayof the leGenef igta e a nttdlheUD7teretil oting for lads tram the. Rdcm ie hcxreS for. It le a quit. weli S.curtty Ttle 4"-? -C ompany. since leaving Wauiegau. He wulli faineot -the county sas follown: rted Tht -It miuh ieb.necessary. for the esibitbd tact tuat the Public Uer-1 Number of evuee 79. 'e sent Yeu a eopy of The Sun neot have ta coule back bere-he am r OB and Public service compaur te replace vice Company han been furnîiàîng Number of loash,14. showtng youre5&083.1 Lslie Greenleai merely fies the. car tîuicate. moirie wor fim yar aosal of- oui iii bot voter service Pipesè-in cg"ahot vater beat at a fnaniclal loua, Total nuinher of fstrurents filed, w tae rnest Hmenthe lîrat __________ oseworfthe i iyear t u na ba ço~ ity oMeWlas et au aider trom dum te tiie tact that ft nolonger la 93. min drawn in Laie county north dst- fficlent labor. It ta very essnvia th public utiitti Commission ord- possibly te suppiy the. het from ex- Total amount of ta00s4 $14,035. ttti h eet rf.tat. we gins aur boys, a few daysfo Crins the. local Company te SUppiy bot ceas or used steamn, as was possible Bsnesba1Es it n an'Id,' m ubt35leas* 2dIA 1RhA.eIen sr- ater boat ta aIl local people wba at the. aid plant. the lowest of tige yi. The. follow- didn't get any uae, rote Hem-. tl>eipoe ftfot ou hng eopOf re-&l o h evct Tihe- Ti records show tuat the Public ing are the more ImprMilt deais. mens back ta Greenleai.tiith letter t.ronae u l e-s n th mnent tbut le Made tadaY, and 12 gin->Service enpafiY hau but twenty- luInWaukegan--G" 9 . Barman arriving ibis week. PAOR'BTlKPug . tueirouteo tb ert a ause sad ic&-l a one of the. ressots uy thie etgbt custaflers ta Waukegafl. There bougbt the W. C. s%*or houe On Thug the chance* are thatlitemn-1 13Y uniteed Pr*sý'. tices that are followed on laie com- £Upamy tsefnt eaiUl ta In2ctease the to no doubt but that the. number the eaut ide et Couàty street, OPPO- mens, fer off et For$ Snellilig, «Il With the British Army In thésFildtaid ns th- ame f patrons bie could h.e increased several foiS if the site the. Central scbOOl, for nominalCompany A, Fartleth lnfantry, ha$ Aug. 1-The.tirent Flanders a f tae n olna. u ti de Ilthas been inaun for Boe Umne Company showed a disposition ta In- consideration. flot seen the. neuspapera lately and came ta à Peuse tOdsY beosuasfiht -ram nnprovoettAssaatim bau léci that the. voodefi caaing on the bot .15.1 tis dins. Of het. Wlth an- tCharlotte M. tesus bought the do., not kmow that lh. beld the. dis- Ing mon cànnai swim. A drenahlng î.m amtorftby . »M ater malis ban bees getting d- croased rates it mtght ne possible Sar-ah E. Miller ÔOtiy oni w8t tinction of bolus given the. Ont nurn igi lfg rai uneOrM Pan eerteauo 9sd .Ti li cayedanS several instances have de- ta place the proposition on a paytng side of Ash street, +C801129 ubiOiigh ber In the. nortiiern district ofLklAie a amuddy msrslm. l0 but toureen tieadiins f 18 n o ua a0 t veloped uhere the level of tle ave- 1buts. te Poplil' Street. niiihh 0f Fourth County wben the. Syft wasdraurn.littie sbe "à Ovsl. weetou u ft . In maSs drinte .seee Sd let- Street, for nominal amuilieration. muss i s fauut.IDeideral Iueo' a The. Slvuttala T«29»0sce Society s-nypoudWs theatripluitu aet ev bougbit the. olu 0tl Me forlots 7 t V N .W T RA S atml&Tetour wTM17 omtmd DR. BEN SC1IW~~~~~~ARTZ POTATO CROF 10, block 11, ladd GgaiWs addition, IJsw~v~N ~ (ASE IIAN . 'tier DILB NSR W 1 t tins. uale deys. Aug-ts- 8. 7 an Te lOIN BESLEY ON is BEIN(î RIT DY o<~- -TKESTO APEAR TO -ANSWER DO!sonnepossible vartatteus tii fo-mak fr$,0,onte*a w plle SrVisiMt: TUE FRENCII FRONT DESTROYIN<i BUGS ~Wîîtor arl.bMo t FREXMNTIN SElWot VLV auab &e H F E H O T D f R Y 6 B fS north aide of Senti avenue f mFed FO I M I N SEf .CLVO I coiu.Wl ezPlit foWti g. S. Erskîns, fergorS. I ciayfo ýOt uyia somPhase ut '~>"Loca Yong Mn Epeot Hi Wir Woks Mn. uoh or- Abert Flar'.wb144.fbougit 38:Draft Is Put Into Operation- When ToId What Voliva Said ~ Lt7l~5 ComsinDafy-Expects rled Over Presence of Pest rm . H. wd ;ornoinal~ con- First Examinetiont to Teke of Christ Church HoeInti- woulr. gsasoelrs, -asseis - o C o ies Unit. ini Their Fine Gardons. filrait .. Wid1UGr.oinlPlaoe NextMonday. mates 'Lot Hlm Rave.' tu'JMi Sts. .cemun e,100a A.Jon F. y- ideabi en t toii.ete the. S. smil es, es 't àtion. han ibuUWMs, NEÉD MANY PHYSICIANS. ENVELOPE MEN ALSO HIT. H. Kennedy bouge 16-0 euest ailde DR. KNIGHT SETS HELP. VOLIVA BECO0 E$ VITROLIC. fiu-uieaài tc eêauL b - of Northi Coanty' . siie t trm JIL ...... ifte bveyl i IIu 'S log la "cg T "Are utoh, en wNemes Other Local Even b -utHc- Men to B-làlber ber of Wounidod Men. Wofk-Al l t. i 0, 7u Forest Mhenisa.veiusu e t' -avenue, for $1,0. apate a u s udgee 410 white la e t no musgenerally, It A smallgreen bug, or fly, bus et- In North Ccgo i-- c riâ IL. eo- Waukegan. .Iuly 31. Rector Gasater of Christ cburch. j h n4ugiiiii. the, vtWi .be .- £evelops that Dr. Benamin tacked-tii. gai-ens la Waukegan. Itrman's. for nominal eoSIdsÂtioa. Tii. mail todiy conveyed ta 150 wben shoun uhit Overseerl' vé o oa r # 4 à. 4ost brmau -gins. Schwartz, son of Samuel Schwartz, las asid. and alto ail over Lake Coin- In Highuood---JOb .fi0ci.htols young men of wau»iegan anS otiier sad about Christ cburch aiS i pô.ttc s ïibb*t lV5S. 1.1*4'"$ sega %1- or Wankegan. eeta ta Join Mai. ty, uith eapeciil lises of attack beanS st ado igbmt plac5 e parts of District No. 2. Laie countY, piebecsuse a laun foeefor ithe bea& or #ebot4w-- brederick Besley's boaPitil Unit in Ing cestered on poitose. rn. Wilslieams. er mt ina on-notice ta appear before the. local ex- fit of the RleeSCross wu s eld ai tue , o&-w aea b g ot' Fiane t tie nar utue. r. t l anS tiattuebug orinaliysilnaton.emption board sert Monday anS sub* ireclary laun, fridiy anS SatlirS5.&, 1jdý Nt. soanfaS" tii làe ce lebarasapliatin asplce o hae en o fouea uttu yar In LibertyvUlie Townshh-,fl mtttepysc eanaipn refuseS te maie ansuer taelthe OTei- pas. A"te* t nuU lie tis 49«~ feuuces gotiiy avéaticid ptstee edh an d agarRt t10à titi. index a wuich utldetermine ubether or sott seer's remaer's: "i ueuldn't par tbe for #better la " o f tai. U i rnaler's deed of tbeer$* ta f t hey are physically fit te dnteS lsligh'6tstatetisaubthsiIOuliiemd .'iutonueai ilS the- young local Physician tg ex- vengeance. At the wl-e miii gsarSens 40 acres in southuest qui~tesCf into the. great nations-i Cat>'W te migt bave said. I1lti ktue Public « ego et Mr ' mny lais. A Maff g word Saily that hie bas b..,, ubere severai hundred men bave fine Section 14, for $10.375. tir-t quota fron t ts district. Tii.-go0tboroughly mnous Mr Voliva that cO"i uilp'eApmtue meus. granted a commission.' Dr. Schwartz loiing gai-Sens.,tIde bugs are saiS In Newport -Tounship - Thomas notices uere placeS In the ma-i on uhat opinion 1 mtuht exprees uonil Cou-It viiicont esaab oy aoU aerveS et the, Raciford cantonment ta have ruineS the . te poiatoes:. the. Strang houglit i 77i100 fO t lot At Tuesdaysligbt. making Il a>i'abile lieu=eeasay',natiSfr. ntr Siloper dey fer Caias. ai'd tuais i4l for a Short ime, but asieS permis- earîy potatoes, they Say, havee- Wadsuorh, In Section 34. trOIm ES. that everyone ta uhom a notice was Tii. Sunt's ZionL City correspondantb lia turtier expena. for the. id- Bln a ecrn afitaedutb r.caedti. anerbeaue ue ureV. Lui, for 1250. addressed received it ioday. E. W. Croft. contributes ibis article viduL.. .- sie tebecme ffiiatd wtb r. apel te dnge beauB thy wrelIn AtiocIL-Maciiiel and Mary Gel- Tonlght an additiailal 200 notices teillas of Voasa public attaci on Who ulli maie tue, trp? Beaiey's unit. The requeat ln saiS toc farrslong.1 den bought 80 acres In bsothueikt wlll be malleS, the. neciptents heing Chrit'. church ef Wmean« : 1 Mr. J. H. Grson, of ths UUIvesdF ta bave been granted anSdil bc Put At the. envelope factory garden the, quarter of Section 9. ftm PrO Becî- notifieS ta appear for examination Christ churcli, Wauiegan, vuaetaUn".inoi ch aruge et Boyse Mmd ttaeffect as acon as the motter goe" attaci of the. bugs, tla suiS 'la even lO berg. 0fr nam;nmal condidoti".n. ext Tuesday. Tua hunSr.S rnore brandeS by Volivu, Sunday aft.riOn. GIrls' club uori. Cros wrsethret hewlr woin ardn. Chmin--Laies Sportsii1z's club notices utlb. malleS out fl'nday as A cbui-ch of the Sevil. Me buSil'e- 1Ren. C. N. Cvils, W*%Oaed, . min- Wiru theDr. Bee a forer Wau e i.iiw orse ole aeIpLye tuh i.Robert M. Outhilo proper- night andl an additions-I 60 notices ceved an Invitation te carne doingl Other Assistants ulî b. amioua*- opel Lnuba ying nSouth hait ot Section 9tà OU tue matieS apxt Saturday. Those uho ne- connecteS with tecuculbii . str held gin resident. at the. present time, the spray anS wagon for the.'nes. ucat aide of Laie Marie, foS -nomiinal c.ive thios notices 'will bie anieS ta cluded Icontinuous vaudeville, liton, Tiiese men win lmlp formate t»s 1cers1 'Rohert tuai-Sa. son of IMr. and Mrs.a. th h orai,. Tuis iconideration. - report for examînition sext veei jdsncessfor 25c, thirteell Siames fot plans and regulations tele bd hcv*d rOednndduyinaeS Tburfora01r,,apecÀ 1-- "au s a . M a hýu- me1oy

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