ai," ~Iv n ----a - ~t-atô recul-ring on lis bAillai 510. ~ tlhe, lie DaSte vas <mairieS usanlabous- W. ~ Wsubnltted the fol- mmuflUqgêneraii th 111100b.. .Jun il,111. .otin...l.. o Twj>moUte E NOIWT., Oàigleg that ade"d for îvo lots, *th bijta r M~rochnor prussidinioebngclo o, ~ 6 ALL WIIL E SOGý,O L t Ro'a«fellerwvas fiIedlth t a ndt tk tl o mg Iembers prmet: U ' 1~motion uW Iel '0* ae.e...0fore P'Vdr f fraudulent Intention or deprlvlng Bupe«visone DairsRw.Barnstàble. S bte liwý ot:vlth th à bocke, am i tt n*«OM vages.......1493 J J. .lb»o, Ned BB alýa, (Ne P oU 'làStayed Away I Iother hirs of their portion et the gesa, Clark. Crépu. IEger, Holdrldge, Thoé TYoung Aye are superviser'$ the ftfong aa u 114 Cat Vaile TrmUelav.Dai NC4ug rW o! helat Ewar Pyne o tIli KIic»~r Mrtl. eYq Eraes, Clark, Crapo, Martin, Mou. report of siceipta an dlsus ia Saflri vafe...... .. te00rNsolt Jhn ton, ayond loughMarch 1, 1917. tqJune 1, 1917. ber father, Irving 1Payne, aW a cbuh. Pltatdac. R, hl, VRocèb ah trto~ hmp~.Vra Respocttully guRattff...dsto 4.e Ple, lm joen . Wgukegift. AUSUSt a. reffdent of Llbertyvile, fOed a suit Webb af Antioch, Webb of Wanuii WebbOftago ar hie Sp- lor im 1irim 8"&Pblmlg Ibo »»mber et thoe vhé appeur, in circuit court ioday, diractodWlt.4 "e.Holdrldge. 191?. MMMM Q«étý oblhin C. daitre 1tue 0dItC on b oadbad4agalnst idsa Payne, ae ustafoon. It AsflkUIrlOiBDler qrMupy la l~T.W~ 4 jw tekg10lae tbelr, OXSU* Ji* la rgo4 that âtre. Paruie fouiid the Minutes of proeing nlotlig rad » rU*Mal 1Balncel Ieeurî1........ 44.40ylg h.lius ae~ s'alashi»r oU~ he" ubnd's eMt&&fiter and upes ti-oonai S uperviser Mthe M. Maitord Os.. w, * 318100 mach.en fé ba;vé been called. This lae to thb~e odied, and f1100 il for record. Tii hePy aPpyoved iOie !Byr ely ereStn ad-Oeio ad a *. .........38.81 Reepecttully subittod. Thed, morne 0fpétitio was présent- . iff.rdiat P-es n oh l deposlted ........ 18.00e ééalepn ftct. mtia that sieoft ecourti akdte nuuuiy ti .s'n To olngptthe n vas Pree01ciand l ie eo eacant Joh uniig MaJc11 3-em0811 t ram m a" *«".THOMA V. MURPHY. "ho oe. eon acaleS are out of the the groufld hat it vas flot recordad e heS1M:bN Bardornaerv. bioduy hnss. mLunch,... ..... 2.4........ 9.9 l W. IE.WI city.BOMO' Of tutu canuot hé le- by lir. Payne 5jjrlng bis Ilfetime. amot- f à&Caufty, .fllnots:. Superviser àurpray moved n .an Mtc -nircOoito 40.00utpas8....... ...... 17. qtO g 'lstvmoe ta t cat4.l~ voortir. aitncs t ~ j st frt Inth dclaaton The unoeragnes résidentas adtex- amnendient tiiat the.matter ho laid March &6-Cash t-,c.ived 1V omePaer.repo#*b.acceptât! and adoptod. bas 1ies. ouad i atthose, asileS for sed iodar thst the lote .BOyard Mmtt nyVlomaeti.foloe » rS3y .te.teg ole or T5Uleey. ipovson.........2.Ë MtonmvoOa S pettiinru, e mkethefolorfo YOMMt*,voe eig eled frMat-ch,5-Cash recuel&Ifroa ftwooMtor CO., Superviaco Bairntowmyevn d euiBjOU4i i e te .In One cage It Payne, puseS the. tvo lotomoome 'change la Roulte 10: SuPer-IUsr prhy's motin wu car- Mm unerson.......33.01) 0411404114 ......... .40 jurli te the Lake County General vas dlcvmed that ans at the menn ie ago. and had the undîsputed iltî Toe abadon Fonte ý10 and,, lnstead, riled y the tlo*lag vote- athê-...ecled. Pu Ser8vice C., calleS fr examilnaion lbas a braken tîe tat, .ta belu on thi.eouty lin@ at May a l'homo vOtag Aye are UuperTsor 1 JoùmuJoaes............7.00 Ugbtisma paver. général Xodtie ried 11*14 e . esirethéace north ta Rolllster's Car- Batsow, Crap<i. Eger, Holdritigo, Rat- Matc -oh rceve fon iobexPetise............... 8070 PiàWOdjoflurned sud vent te the On November 14, 1916, Mr. Payne ners, thence veet ta the White ochool ton, Maetiior. Meyer. Murphy. licCul- Laekola.......1.0 . Stevenson & Co., . Hompltol. Amnt, g lme caueS for examina- made a viii In vhich the follovlng boqese, $once north te Hawley's Cor- lugch, Paddock, Ringdahi. Stratton.- Mtc -ahrcietoaSOnt-mal expenie .........44.88 îp,~o ik nvdt dor lWlo, ti"nce part et Route 10 as 13. cuit..... Pt- < Ce, mmii toiorrov morning at 10:80 tion le Chatries Wâton, who nu> ta bequesta vere mado: ~j n oMnosCre. hm olgN r ue atch 9-aRoelvl. ro...g....-12.00a.........27.00 o'clock. loy« a*Tdap vas. omployati sa  brother. Hart-y C. Payne,. *05 10 thence inotbveeerly ta Leuis PetOt-' But-gess,,Clark, Martin, Monelian. ILP. Fat-iisa........... 10.00 MoionCa..e bcoaIthe. Bruad shop ln Waui&s recoîve $600. Cornet- on lkoutée . Rockonbach, 'ionpeon. Vorcoe, Webb March lO-OaL recoîveti trou equipiteut............... .60 Moincre. kaz..- 0% Sturday ho rave up bis A aliter, Agnes B. Payne, vas te Alsec on the rond from, Hone9' Lake cf Wapkteson. Whte.-9. Mrs. zirubner ........ U....71 UkP.Spud..........134 pMsUoab«ie4, nnoumnîg that ho recoivé 8500. enth to- Css.vford's iCenpelo. tiienco Supervimor White movedte t lathie Mot-ch 1-.Cash recefysti trom à. A. Tailor..........384 baSaccpte a osiio astIrnt-n AgrsddugherGenva aye *t 10Raviers Corners: abandonîng matter oves until 2 oclock P. M. Wsd- * tirS. K* ..............18.756 G¶10.THI55AY -bàac90aPBUS4 ié" Agadagtr eea anthat part of Route 10 tram Honey aier. MrhPlOTabrclvi roa o* the 1illn Jollet and Rastomr ail- wvu te recelvo 11,000. Ikq eat te MansonCoDrner over the Motion, oarigm. Mh.10Ca eelve.....r...n 14001 Vot»e zvneker, Waulteanm, Bliautos, ma& .this bIt« au om iIçliésof !A.finMinute cifbis11d. Th. e fllavag petitionh vers pro. March 10--Cash recelvei tram pi0vusffl..............158.38 jea» 18. 1911. vS itué etérng he arbr bs. édrlDaaSn, wategtW6 1%p bY lred Khiteer. Super- enteS adon motion cf Superviser Ms. verartI............ 12.00 Whitl 5 tu Ca., Badmtprun efltrm voe blot oierusth bo-br bs.Feera Dm, ia..vastaget ser., t-andi 67 aIlers. IMeyer retenm! te the. t-oneous Au- March 10 - Cash recetv.d 0esehî«............. 18.94 viii Charnan Klrochnor preelding àa fA rianS. Harriet KenyOu, vas te Superviser Meyer imovedti tat tie ssernenti ioumittee. tront Autant E54)5...... .se Wasblmgton .undry sud the. fallowing uembors 'pt-suant: Alâspugli hls trimais are-of thte.opin- <et $200. pétition ha referred te the Road sud State etfIlUis. Match 1a - Cash recoived A *aw ..............278.5 ffpervlsoore sruto.Erhah lm. telt te yomWng ua vnt te JO. A bequest of $1,000 andi alil theBridge Comnquttle.Lakeomat>'. sm. tram lira. Jeînes Efus.. 54.46 A. Meio.Burgess, Clark. CrMPO, )ilger, Egor. hobMotion ast-t-ed. W. C. eR*i, beîng duly avom d e. MAt-ch'15 Cash recoleil . provinsses, general ex lcee Holdridgo, Klrschner. Matin. <.fouhm J l i d bho forgot te ioimeold.ftuiture vas made ta the. Th. o ,10ID9spétition vaB preset- possanSdaM» that ho la tbohe w froamues Joiles 5O...35 ene.................77.94 MAetiier, Meyer,, Mounaan. Murphy, bavu. f dvaiinaddt-ose for him vite, Ida Gusiafson Pay'ne. cd: of the tclqWlig describeti property. Mtch 24 - Cash recelved P. EsistpvMoCullougliPaddock, Ringiahi. à«U b& he j,ýt noicewbk ha AU teselexcle, hostiulaedOryshake, It., (eioept Ibirnsefvile Plat) «Il norti tof tr0oit-Ms. PTrimbI. s.... 13.00 hou t.........100.38 Rackenbach, Stratton. Tiiompson, Ver. mbai avte d onaterhcoquid - tehchrgegai tahont arostidJoue. Il.1917. Pan rod-nd utetAiuo e h ton.-rh2 ahrolved Mrsj14"el4 cesWebb ot énuoci, Webb. of Wait. shot bvgveevo Mudy otaveo a ea ha-g aana ay -mlTo the Hoorable SBrd OfSupot-vi- @estl halt eutheasi quarter, Section trou A. G. Taylor....... 9.00 Mr W vee.... ........ $0.00 kea, White.-26. »M e b dliee to M hm. An effort oblate, ho mlght ovnetat he tinte of ,oe.f a!1ke Coonty'MleaI: , 8M Tovnship 4", Range 10. That gamd Match 27 - Cash recolved <kioego ?ele 0C., Abseut-supvsmm Hutton sud bc$ zonemse talocale bis viiero. bis -Seahii. - 1 vlsh te report the tolioving tacts tract la amsseS as Ifty acres, vhs. trcs utMimaeriRay.... -69.00 11194==Ue17 0.........29. 21 Kirkpatrick.-8. ahqsthrough the Offlclaiset fthe, asothet- section o! the VIII r- ta yod.a"M"ngyeux- favorable action the sut-voy shovs that thereste onit- Mat-ah Se - leceved trouame .br Minutes of preclding meeting read EUII1. ,qu«etthe vite -the îwo lotsin thIbrecu:46.89 acres la the tract, this naklar La" County ..........1500.00 nus wwages .............8.10 anSdtipon motion of Superviser Eger »unoui «Ma ganMother, 8 YOMW 014a doubflaeeamo«nt on 3.17 acre.. ne April 12--Retled front lr@.Mut»91001, appn>to& jL-Bui t le belng hept of thon wbq Umetion,. It le providoti tat they My Incane dom eDot support me 5and theMotore aks for a rntand cf Biais Kolbe ................. 48.00 uureoM gea...........03U.22 Tbe fclavnScommunication vag fo h nsa ft»,u a jo sdar-e ta'belong te ber no lqng a u e IVon kont ai houaevork ta maiue ends and Cone taxes for 1910 Qu an sa- APril 128-liseeved front lMe Boffl Pteeted: evéry pôsaedforu vIM i iu«"0 romains hmbisvdov, but tbat in ceae met. Ny gt-enddaughteruts. .55 ock, mseS vaiyQiatiao! 145 and the1tha P. Pairuan.............10.00 aunreses.......0.0T4ieSa-So0uerioe fLi te éote hoL ,Ifitje Qud teyOtber rt-mwiariage the>' are ta ho g v as tàkofen tho CotaI>' l9PItal SonarO ylrecouniendti hat thé vert- APril lI-lReeot t= UMeRlm tns Caunty, Illinois: t.hueten.I I atuSte ~s0me turne aga tu bo openited on for oua tming bodites o! the. Town cf Avon Apostai Loukanoif ........40.00 nurse vages............78.08 'Iout- petitioner. Albert Baseley, 'r~S~.wvouufarlyinw.~en taeIthe grantidaughter, Geneva samois. A Sactor tolS me tlit AIvsS retund te hlm a 11km proportion APirl 13--ilaceled froAux.s- 10133>ÎisgMMhtOB....72.25nantunie your honorable OtI $eguap lte dpeft, ther w'il ho Pay-ne. ber trouble. When hie couty Soctai! af snch aqogs taxem. nuse R1odo .....ues........72.5boust dtlst hlie lthe ovner a!ft(ho foi- dust tt vry evroyasthela lt- Pyii5 oah eiexanibed bler lhe ald il vut iiad.- Wu. film1. Apru 2-oevd ri oyAthutr tesOIMt, lOIWigProPerInt-ahie Town a! Wamr dex uth TFi»mlasté aw M.ýPanlod«htkplaa onuolde but polypua ln the une.. vhlà g uheçrrled anti svcrnte betteeme Matirjtim 0 5..............3.0t .. 60.00 couda. one acre soutbeant corner nortii 14 strict On ttspoint. May 24. 1MT7.On June M 11017, a umefei upeciaitreatrm, nt.d t-ccu tus 111h dyo u~A ~11.-May 4.-leceved fri.sMrs. Ti iaLbtsals itco otei ure eto 7 ,y»M bous bi ben kept in dOCUtiSenpuepotting te a omtiSfo, upuiSei Dr. Gavlnas the proiter uaLWA HBB d........ ..... oel& eteneral mx- That for the year 1911 solO lot vas huî v to ie *presse t mtInt u the tvc l.ots-ft-oetmt. Payne te Ida aje. arge pofmed -thefor~tionCQUIClark. Meri-.esP"dtru 1r9.. . 205 tat welas toellhaue of$1,800,land91 lter biv.4%Ot sàb~dee5» ptie ft atafuan 0f orChicago,-as p~iacedu*sete huo mefor ati IvTlhe n - Highland IParki, 11. 805)1................38.00 lrbow & th"......9,0 as sses aias11 the $1.81an up askwg.ct. t lices bo tcotiinthie rewMrner'a office et have agy rnes o ret e , oBor f ue i, 4-Isoolod Ut5icus e.methe M&êtb in eu Suerisrs C.ay..........10005Doih , ...... .9 , mteo a tast hauserfe b91 een810, u 5V gg*»M 11004 , XWgb*dob, bat W%%*esa. 'The dSed; -hedate a! YOM- oRable Body.-'Waukegatn. DL. ur7-Looieà to 0-- : " pu 1....895b'ti.seeo o 91 a$10 l ta * er 1 114 ulseuettatht lpmUUhhy. etSl-:e'It .......18.00 A. J.114=3 velue; $870. seasseSvalu.; 'esvm ,oîicAI* 27,1914. I fflEnt te Eat JiDur et rng1Oa yu o. 8RbevdtamKp eu.iw............76 Tour Petîtioner aultitherefere ask »$Q 5*5 ech amaPMteanthat Mr. Pain. anti Ida Gus u pe. Ulw~tmove0ILhit 1bmcdéesir iii. tsot mo Mr » - ,em ad............ r. , *rJtbt'yeuo aIîith t n talio vot zuarlei.puvl. o S Y e o-hth ~e Oasaîv podyrse fai pibt p»tax lo, .......Soodfanu...... 0.......006ut taesfate191 omnesooeen 14 chargeS ual lmm. Paynte foanS uttt(exoopi Waiegn, Shields anS lieryear 1916., bingsup ea t silI Le* .... . 5.00Noe elt ~tt AProduce valmsU etf 83è, sud recommend tiat lte dSeeSamonat er papers 'liong- Dt-S$>. 98.20. 1 wulShbuey aokiu an ves Y1--ai 8-ece roet mGeorge Oi.-Wol4 ......26 thé t5Xng boies of the Town of motonýgd2w tiaton it tb'V*cf abtalnlng oa llaem -............" e rs Sl-St-.Wauaaoda refond ta him a1Jou pro. 4019«ÏO bler huu>bd after- hlmdeath -Thé, fohoving petlIos vosposealrebate of eaitoast $90.00. Mai 15-Recelved trou Mre général expensa.........25.26 Portion ai aueh«cess taxs. MOUrcu-d asdProeoede tetafile fitlinu~ sdo oina uvsrBin - Tory truuy yout-m, Rose. Mawton .... i...... 1.« d' i. c: HzSmîth, ALIIERT BABELET, unsediataly. - 10v referrod ta the Ucmao Commit- MRS. J., H. SHUARIN. May 1-Raeive trountNec. ur0vg............. 18.116PorD. L. PUTNAM, I~31Eciresft-ie is t-.tee: UhsrtovnJ., MIuaIIô........o JO"n vm, BSiUvuiso 'eyer môved that thé i-vPaneciini uie Ioa Sat a Mt-ch 8, 1917. May 28-hiecelveil front lire. =b-,lnàdi nt"grounds . ..- 7.00 roneosis Commtte Er- Payne ftmtiitetlt deS, bkha 1keCouty. es. Te the Seat- orcf upervisoM Lake Rose. Newton ............ 10.00 WII empae......1.0 noionst-iemns cmite %0 ieed whib i laasseted w»To the Honorble ChblrÉs andt le Cnty, humaIs.- muokfl.....1.8 gttnàr* Dot SmliY'red duran; bis fetkAi ndte pi .. wi ilsthCounlr tlentenen- 4 4791.28 DitMItai Msnutaturlas Co., The tailovlng communication vas vus11arS0 ihili jaenion Mu te tt tif i z RftetahebmattacheS aopy of Diebutsements Mat-ch 1. 1917, genala epenso.........1,06 Pr"teid anti on motion o!f lupervi- 1 %, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ blI Ulotf-agn ie tirblrgyo~1c~ mvotm the tax ahdue&d o e f ta Juite 1, 1917 .........84352.668 t ~~re t i oute MY W eatoe. lus a cl»ouS lit-titI, u C03b qt' PotIionro-ar Sixg tacalyout- attention taua*a rt-or Balance la . Treaut-y June 1. B"Stipervlackae moved that ithe lo o! Iofliats, of lie propet-ty. tOiid e tgunt ta asciiet the la carrying set-onsaon Itemof 41M0.00 1917 ..............-...$ 438.72 report ho acceptesl anti adopteS. Dofattumnu ci Public Instruction 114te5 loa Mt-rt-. Thucout l aeed a nfliy ~- ~ M prtiéset .fthe Tow «anal cmous tthte a eloIburseenents, Mat-a 1,-1917 la .June Motion <mrt-eS. Sprinome, Ilainois, -UagiaitJon Mrra. hé oinJoý"kd t, nMf oret : to-vit: J. P. Jolinsait, Melproperty Con=n.This amnoot la net 1, 1917. T'h. talluving t-sport vas présent- 'May "8, 1917. sharul vlhh A ult nai u isvue. sMe sid* lie dW4 lnquestion anSd-Cmj.ILH.Niplmn, Bad&vM , asseesablo and I iet-eby pétition rau Miss Sobvarte, ad: DmeOonty Supoulaiandet: vithuh $9eb*-t.11 hall vjoit ler. te -~IfWSftf eiltet, J0IIta et-Uitand refondth le umont aor nursevage . .........$ 45.00o et Honorable Soard of Superva. The naînes cf tho elegatie front last lle wooapintarcler Idé~... le' your 'OôftY te tathe BSe staBte Fait- '151vei vsdlainlsuek ili amon- Wletu Es3toethe tai ofisemed ihereon. lT-e. flultng, U05W.Saolbv nhensntttsc. lu tIl mrl- t- ror net thele hr hOÙLtLL 4 ' 3huee oum i Véry truiy yourm, mIone vages ...........150.00 0Gentlemen: Shlbv m insn etl r lab, * Uqtyvlli. lt for: a! tput-fout- 1h51t! rs. Pain.eeMures the z4éiuLpl Raiers. WM. Grppe,,-W4.' I. DAVIS, DaviS Dia Hairlietian, -We. ihm underligla, membeor or4 cs TbIs-' a uvery Important. soie'Atit C.' ultaC. W. MI 04 elC- X' "'SuÙpavaor lThompebumovdé tu -,à&Agnai na3tisn. usqehk I&euw uty spîtai coin-* d1te atention? Bea. te ilu ÏoiýÎPluhnkr, J è uin tuti! 10:30 0Valoci tomorrov gemeral vasen........... 104.00 M5)i beg4esveo cbataeclo- TaYursealneerely, 01 ntnio fthe vII, io po uiuWh"qu cqs m nrin.Lu.-Nei. n'ot: .,P. .BLAIR. 7%0 AU* 1teAt eat Mu--rntsaeii heptto. ~ 'aa théAtha iem e A Nsti- ncONDDA. eti a,,'aes ..........111.56 1enoee-c i. asma a tbhrog t ui Couitti aud b.mde son. D _____ ueue,__ 1,l'Of 0loiit mi BIlmon*, ouli- isMtSèl. StJho -ml aeThn ,~mme po! i tfhe Boa oyvs to m ~ 'asat-eseS I ieJoh R Tiuj.t âite 0rosit-t'the paleet Wmkaua, rM.. Umsse vge............ 60.77 bremcb of tl ntth ln lutini chos té o uatt 0lmi? am frm vhet-. hela employed as - bww*<mmotoatm ar@*& l'ovni, lcenalng ' nq1.97.' mias WcÇnne.cOuditios. and reu end thait the ' T. 'A. SIMPOON. Ohn, 'te avlng aUegmdly Tqra-c u I* e tapt-avide for Bogat-Sard- met puratantla rjument S.lg.5..........300.00 ieiesiilte @S*'h-egagd glu-0. A. Appley, Superinteondent of tue k»" bis wffle do-tOa he lam as- 40 ta idmt- St-b vth aiaat-msnm râeyu ldalia Nehhy, - ic1h 1 MoCouait? wacW. M i ndCounty Fatrn, ubmittetithe tollov. imshlhi il ov n hoduet5~qs «OCh esi ak, ta bolo, *&W Maite, folur. '- -- -- l ent-i osill,-s -s tage arnsreport: .A pIydptItn a~ W .......a.. t 0 -the ' ka vsimt lie*55litugt bforro"ïs '- - 1eî18H up ýrfre f-makateuranReport: .A Wë,ÈpMtd He Wi'Ï h au et ogtht beflark "Cauestiursevais........196.00 anS catrais a t'uanti move ont o! Laie Ceunty Pou tr . etM uert rm Oal,»POtm o.Hodrth aopio _C elborlyvlhle. hiînols, aIU t-ivilepilue t tsudd. 02011e.- id iesttte e H.-,,,,~~A. B. Brown, tr dpton.une 9, 1917. ty JaS at WWAiuetan, 'ven l,, »Nn T" Om bte o t» "t - !lews.X*U. Mpel t àpnWlî à1qmu Amount NId Oui uqasul on lionS. - "" ' v é seater smqrpy, mecidue4a, ultkUe . useae-----108.61 WlLàI*Ï'*R1?ON 3Am ISheal AOC., _____M__n&_____db I. 1. W. Slterand 627 , gS"ba Match 3C. Wý-hiecage vas 'Ieti - 'allera. WUOt. Vèret-deWab' , - bWbb -------91,--T .l4Iuio.el.....$ Sofutlugil deveucped the .. e3OPcI9 NU '¶hefllKagptiin i p-set a auean . laI the XMt-i 1-Stadard011 Ca., 1 ametat s PitIit dw-bo», tu.'.tbo' ' Absent: sapt-wvt" aaeetrick ................." lb aole......25 Sothtsg Jorethai t tMllv t-avo! tisffes tqita, CIoienai Ilmh pexkki 91i 9th . 'aaiRublier Co.. tuti'8t -the. Matai 13IA. Hueec flt prftt-iuôipan" Mt-. Murratayhé tOvorY Iumuanbeng neeSs. Inu 0. roLé "a mbeetIntengfp asrend e4dpument .................ýcnsus, StSliva sl ;«#u atby...27 -ewlt, t-ebe mucm ie e h»uemworqmo ,1 eoadpio:Match 1-.N. Smith, set-y- bal "vi<mb au a remauois Ipos.-thegi6-g sd Illefolovmng reboewasm ri ie avs e atc 7OS.Ygl.6cv tien a! Attorney Donne. bV uaiseWse paa «éondons . o oio ioeemae ar'.v .imtri vu. . .7-01"O-eout i'teusi e-Ie uihsA iCiseW1h515 %bO1 lu 9tuent rep Uquta ot oor ! - laié i-- .-.0ht Ou he çq~ 9ora' aib$avm.......11.26 TIwyMay UaI>W »M8 Of -à The arel frui ndMIOme- il itiais eau tiSlic h"C ei -O iBi- ~ ig a.nltv t ~.a rh '7- Pll arueo Pà *54 ationas eM ________ e. _-5*1f W.' e"e 7C k.Co8=1Onera e Mt it1dC. H. A t. on. e tewel e h psu ..t*. . W$Wof. B limaol5, g.............. I». eJwlkianc a Comment hnl9nl reiglit on noter ............29 baSo hé-lr.SaIe . TM Ia -lta n,>,- 'Uslgnbt', el.Pat amlépfhL' Lm Ic, a~ 23.-olwmdabicmota A ' Md 1s bave 'béop- lItee 3u=gla th-B ma. 0"t, M uaSre.s t Iois by Chaos. Webb.........'19.57 e~U'aterah ,,h et-ton. lrq6wm'ymesImi butOt he L W.OS ad,ýlm apiatihl~:.W.6.6 *t* tie . £ Match 22'-C. M. A St.P. Ry.. 451 s l-lsce «Ch o ue rM er.-"! <ae o- e .W A!#<- 34r M. B., examiner of ieWtOh.l8is'i0l' 4saitg -fVsIalplte n W ehr mother. 'Vatw nevot taî A W.frsalusConne.y lo e,*5stmu.t.......1 .30 à;*Iumv.elI4eli Ci--se a........15 meen ba. uter are aMt" "wsuu. , A1W' ~ ~ fttqHnrbeliS oa -M*idFte- c t » frlb od Sohc ear. MarOb, 29--c. hM* St. P l. _________ mlme1' xceiei ety.'Wio ICAR>"W. MI ibitHo:lae0t1M ifgd - e rz _seerlex- "'n . ;& fTI. - i!, te4iLt nesapap...........5 - ian alhte ite uietai1oj 1.I Ba11 s at teRa eLLM ' ioral ex11- 4 ul at N~ A- ea alt oMt-i lWl ei 25.00 vubcoa mionV etApril *--Lee Wellw4 liuU.ý pur. nuteBih ue fllrvisor liseiber mOoS il tat the Ac Apm .10,..,1,. T5b........... 26.00 C-s dlaad bha. eh. 7.0 _MOtIoarlo -ut'iutAB.i. ui'uôpCtsktuiash iWvbdrbWa.4"qi ~1'bull.........5.0 Tbilsiata. -' rnrdtreed lié oth Cqut g c -'.« 6. go TI ea mai chi vt lai Ca Di l toi D. )w4»