AU8T~9~ Muiadeo&, Jo. Davis, Havod A0as, Soi TaiSm We-orm thoaos wivous mt ta uolcgo Eondayl a nus, taS oft draft. JaisSyke, DaoId trang, Clilord huMer s*M Roy Pester apsat te .pâlot ý"* .mplme se Loug LA.. Im S rami Plokelg4a0 *aUbt.r o heagod4.,aie sps.dlmg uIswe dUs *Mt àE. adm eo a. Froderlit a" bedy. Miss Vs NBaldin01 Pbiladslgb$14 vai ab smiet aiMines Ohm Oouma la" P rue ma- Umrdy. D.Pcommd vwin a"mmd EnsAuma mssmmdiiss %mlaMuMams Vin. usuffl s ome asSunest cmp »W E~ mm ss O. A w ,spnt Ube ffl.aud araflm09 4Ovaigu 111« luati @10m tw pu-@vosim 1i Du Moa&i n.J. M. ValUer and k-81. the batsu rt 0ofblm wo w ubsi- h. hernies.agemsdlm nommer Sohool Mu. Va. Whits of Wsukeffa, As, img Ohm bewosk wttbar bultmr, ii. Mâca lasbolPalme.r -SIX sy pent ai « vet yulinonda ln Chcago. MmsL Wiloon I lesIWXing relative* la Port Wayae, lad. Mdiss Anm& Bonard of Chisagola apoadiag borvacation at the l'rod DmJrdin homo. Jooopb Rffoger 0<Uliao. mpnt.tbe Weekend uith risao lta 0Galkm. Mm .Wilbar Cray le oig & 1mw dale wite ber parents ut Bampsblrm, Il- CittAs Toube mado a trip ta Borllng- ton Tnsmday and tram cher. motored t4, L.Ake Osmava Miss Loretta W ray open& Tuesday Wilbur Crary ontrtahsud hi@ father and ather relatives of Streeter, lit., tSan- day.ou Don't faîl W o areadvantage01Our week-end candy -ipoclas. Abert Kapplo vas la lb. Ctyon buel- gm aturday. Mr*. Daymeot bas returned ta ber homie in the vity alter a montWe nuiit wltb thehMiler ýàmiiy. iMr..*nd Lr@. W ill Fisher are entertala- Ums Fa. Potter wan ln Cheago latj .~Wedneeday. r Er. J. Lonard and Mr.Mcseuisy epent: a le w daye thie er.ek witb Mr*. Lenards I daughtens ln Chicaga. Friendi uoftir. and Mes. BerS lnoo Newaygo, Mc., but former reedets * ber. wila ta. lierooted ta knOW Of the arrivât af a littIe son receitly. Miss Tettie tirimohaw viited ln the eiy nsierai day. last week. F. Il. Sher waod la epending tuis Week ian tbe City. Chao. laer aof&aywood, sPent the. week-end ut the. James A twel home. Mis Mildned La'lànt ai Atloch, viait-j ed ber aunt, M re. Jus. À t1eil lait week. Misses Bertba and Mldred Bianbaugh 01 Blgblanid Park. speut a fea. dayo lat week witb Lake Villa friendi. Mm is.erce has returned tii the home of ber daughter, Lins. M. 8. Millen ait.r un extsnded vat wlth Chcago relties. The James Krr taoely lieds gueutei lait weeb Lir». Mitchell and Mies Benne- Wes i$ 1hicago, m'id a iènd train Wbitewater. Our yauug mer are heing called tb Liberty viJik, batabe the. examinatlon for the V. S. Aruty, amang them belng JIn McKeozie, ]Hecepi Fahen, herman Meyer, AWeek End Candy Specials At The Rexali-Store We have adopted a plan featiiring Week End Spec- ialis iniCandy fri., Soto, and Sun. of eacli week, anid will offer a of i b.Box of igh Grade Chocolates For 29c On Munday, Tnesday Wed- Sh esday and Thursday you vin. rester, joi h plai Pm F redDatst 7 - Mies [ara Oavpmnter of Chlsgo, blé <'hts ar u% Uit, r8 . Slimood. à, daMbtsr wpM g o àli naîd re Me. C, 8. aRmfta"itouesponlt flai@d D. Mis'. 1atweek. Mother VMIMWWrUtibbrpiésmtèôht Onét.Mmd"b dolm uae. Mr. Mmd Mra. N. Durmtt of AmUsé, F l ad viwu*suad ?Are. Frank fflut 809MdY witb tWr amnTon &W VoiletofWedswortb aad R. J. GlUmore wbo anveot éit misitattied la Uns of Bristol attsaded T. B. Bi. aI Mlbura 2. A. wilSon eot@Osg Stud n a va. The. l"w s'Aid Sasai 13 'd». ViDae Win. Trofttof O. Dslots<j is istla Park, Wimsds5rAng. 228&d. Sa s lmaltor EraMA.K. Daim. 01 tii Days of tho vagi. leu oBU »d Mr. lavat Whlto 01 Lionthamis vWst.. T'h. Upwoveh Leaguete to bavesbce bml:~o oda: détUhliSJ sMv. 1> M.O RUWhte, ta is th o Mr.n Mr. sud Mm .P. AYuy sud Mr. Mr@. ID. M. lwi Y ok, Augnw ot 8. Mis W. P~stu Jongdsu auto top ta .~ ~ élas Ruth Pollock returned lkoue Fe1 _________ day Ipu o K lb. 9 A= J -aid Us OU. arris sud son lb.laies Ai bldtsituaplcistii. J. C. Chopebous S»ndW. at Domae aspart WsddMy of tus à M. l(a m U P. amd son esaL isymmof <Dssrblaed son C. E. ;»MLN.Lavreses Ie eeOlmlmg 1bur Dnguss fmilIyOuda>.1 almU«, 4the Misnes Dufly 0 of aluatA. B. Stewart gVa» .part? l.bho 011e. of bis grabd.dasgbesra ltI brtbsy On *M re. B' U-M" lmvastahea tueOaAusuos3t&4.Covoe emne lad for 14 cif miSuhumet**Wme*& " astsL. belit«tie Mmd.à éa ovad Amas*"ai"R te. Eo rPort. *Bous - Merada-fr15,4 fro. Ciii.t lfor is dat i » a* mM m»ob ek lie Chrd md auly vdOm la At Pyost viking Mr.'Johs Bosmer ilaropotsi la a vry mutais condition. WskgaMItuday. *~E a omain o b atmml R.vrs il. bonbuasalam for be parspont Ï1a74 lest vomI moteniago to SI @ Min s1141>7 tract daagbter of Mr. aud Mcd Vlecousl. , Mn.. obOits troux of< Ginsuad Vwu- Evr0eslle nvltadgothoeburcb es. mer Book on of Er. suddlin..Warren vims ",,tSuda .urnag, as B.~ ook of IMilbura worem aarrlod Ang. 1 St oreson vîll preach nsapel tgly theh.» M.B. edurci la Waksau by Bro. Io«P l.FUMOIRn. 1Misa0Dora Boock vaubride,,- Mr. Mddlire. J. B. Kmlsv ver. Vaube. MaOU sud WelY Strmo, acted ne buet ga batm Wtrsaturday. ammmk. nwry uartied couple willl gan ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ mk buli.vsti éotboir futur bome on the. faim wst ofàoabum .Congratalation@. ROUNDLA" Tho@. Kldde new homo le.rendy loi the plagtore. Mis. J. Vaft and EAloi cCamle.Leelle Kemper and family &ud hMis. aiOPeading the webat tibmo f SahDodge of Vblcaga oiled on reia.r F. Davis Jr- at Grajilae. tivAu la this vleinlty Sanday. Tbey werec Iftire. LYli Ltarler returned bomne mlter enOuîtanIon Gravefor atwo veebsi 1pea4ing a veet with ber mother wbo oating. Walter White. ie mach lmproved et preseet wrltlag. Ens. Jas. Aannnlem utertanng ber mother Mrn&.Kolser of Mlvaukee.. is. C. G. Branard vas a basinessecoller in Chicago Mondai. Tom Valiu sud family of Gmjr@labe visited at lb. Peter Meyer hume Sanday M. A. ad. White vas ab Vugel. Solon Mille, Suaday- Mr. and Mis. Hueun moiured tu Van- began Monday. Lire. J, Davis returned t her borne la Bnrlingtou loaa bis weeb. Lir@. Straveii fchîtatto "peut several desa hehohme ,of Cloue Junge JP. Mre@. Chas. Melbee and Miesm Esther For- tin ot Chicago @peut Sunday ot Ma. LIt- vilere. Mire. (lesbie and tamUy @peut several day. viling finonde ber.. Misli. t, irfaShssnme mnwark la E. Richardsona stare al ter s vacation. Lir@. W. inonimne and Mr@. P. Flary vee aukegan viellons Manday. Mr. Erau and ianily motared ta Ke- aoso ondiy. Mir@., ora returued to Chîcago Moiù- day 'alter apending o ev <lasortthe 8"0o1 Ectema Pri.clptiun l. a binons old remedy for &Il forma of &-sma snd skIa diseaae. Sanol l. a gaeianteed remedy. Ot o 35e large trial hottle ai thé dnug-otere. Adi DEERPEMD tir. and M@. Jack MacCaffery and danuhtsr Janet a! North Chicago, vers lb. Sondai guete of Mr. sud Lins. john Garolsu. S. D. Nelaon aifLhhetyille, vas lhe gunet af Lind. triet., Taesday. MI@. Thayer and Harold Vaut cf Effingbam, vere ithe gainaIs aI te hume of a. M. Vont lait weeb. Mise Lans Petrson vas thn gansu of MisseLMadelin(inoine aif(ilenvlev. SUn- day. tir. and Lri. Swartz sud tbreqchildren, Harrv liteveate and Lire Blanc ai Chicago, were the, gueste ' LMra. C. a. Johnsiou Sundi.y. David Schnied-er ofI'rhago, la 7i@itirg ah the home of J.- C. Ender. Biisop Svengel alîlpresch la the , L E. church Suturday eveaing. Mile@ Hazel Fleming af Chicaza, and Iludie Knaak vere married la Chicaua Walter White home,.tra mrlg Mr@.RubyWho a caingfor aby ey Linsr. Frank Pareon ofIidaho, le vlriting Mrsent. Bay a Is canoln orbet- at Ithehome oi E. B. Jorduai. villen Mna ienç aLbr> Mr.and Mrs. GuBtuvsou auj son of viii.. Chia- aga, ver. the gueste a!fLir. and LMre. Lyle Ltaller,, aur mail carrier vas Bert Kaston Sanday. catled ta Lhertyville Taseda> afternoon tirs. Sýteirward o! Notfileld, enter fon th. draftexamlnotîon. Fornet Thom. tained ithe WoaaMisionar> oiet> af on ânaiber ai oui populan young mea the U. E. charci. le to appean Tharaday etternou. .Cassin@ and ltichardEaston, tRaymond Mira. 0. G. McCandleuslin viltîng frienda Meyer and LesIe Baggie are ou the Fam atind îed, Ili. Inspection tour thi, wenk. Dan Weasling sud daughter liladys o! r Grand Junetion, la., are vlitlug ait the RSSL home of Henni Plagge. i- Mis. Mariba Kareh ls vîeîing her The socdal vas vsny veil atteaded on .istsn, tMre. Frank Seaman of Partage. Frday nîeht. AUl had a good lIme. We The Ladies' Aid vil met vltja Mrs. J. Mies Helen Shthnleber i la iiut aihie D. Marray on Tbirsday attennoon, Aug. hume of George Voleraif Bighland Park. l6th. 41i Iatermtsd Invised. Mr. and tins. Hlmtra, of Shermer- Tbrsaa Hansan was tabou la Evanslun ville, ves the guette attira. Thos. Duffy haptal Frlday aigbita undergo an Tnedsy. opelatlon for appendiciis. Mr@. Julia Sîrayer and daughier of Annas Hannon aad Bue Chas. apent a (ileniew, vesIbme gues.e of MI». Jenale ev days vlth the Cornle farnl> and Vettan libis veeb. atsnded th. socable. MIs. Chas. lves Ml.. NantiyLicPhereon sud Wayne la Dafan, Oregon, îh. vas lormenl> utftMorgan of Elghlaud Park, vers the tii place. 1 gueste of tir@. Almon ia.owere, 8unday. Gladys Merville ofiZîan Cty, le vlsîtig MLinsd Mn@. Richard Whlîlns ai Battis Mir@. Geo. DeForri.. Cneek, Idichlan, are vlsiting at the hom, The B. G. Mnnnlo famlly colleil on the f W. A. Whtiag. John Bonner famill> atunday nlght. Earl Clapper o! Chicago, and tire. Claude Neilîl&@peutl Sunday vllh Mr@. Seinquli snd children of lils Island, Carris famllî. are vsitang ai George Goodinan's Ibis Mrs. E. P. 8Iner @pent part of Iset veek ,veeb. VitIIr 'euivln W S aitrnsleau îî. g K. L. C. E. of Ibm U. E. churcb had a Wil Falknr f Clifrni, a vnitngbusîneis meeting aI lie home af Anna bis fathsr and brother, Frank Faulkner. Franiz, Fnlday uvenîng. MaIn. Powell of Vaukegan, le vltinu MIes Beesi, Florence sud Beatrîce ber daagbtsr, Lire. J. L. Redding. Csrolaan etunnud tram teKalb Saturais> viere lii.> have been attendlng aum mer Political Maint. acbool. Neyer undertake onytblng that y0u lors. Bergman ansd graadsoa Rarold csnt get uomebody tb da-LISe. of Cicago; vie lbthéweek-end gaessieof yu gel UDataunignti 88h01 lo Tb$ WosaI-sud ut athe bome of sureiy t4 e« oitfr *9 1 hltineyaid 'Dr. T. k Xamsk ver. Mv. and Mri. der tibuble.s.lmi'feir.1 1 @ffl a>n t5suVMa eloOf Chiago de »b ais M MeaisnanKe = 1. M =I, 11, 7 - , Md s 10 eu t ta* u, *Bd Mr&. bd~ et o!Chien**, - - a- M 55 60Et Misa Ir",.MiUW fChicago, wa N 1fl1fl3 LE TE l theoi v,$ , -d. -hom't e or rau jjU Petraa bon:î of Wbvî.îîneibirFAIL TO CIIANCi liS ENJOY13)VIRY 1S On Suandoy .talng Clan. Henry OEaOe5I Joli dai 8. ELECTRIN RUSULT YKJM'tOUSYIA Hewàbora in -ad. sum~ m came tn Amer"c Jacob Ritzenthair of Prairie Chicago, North Shore & Mii- ova fotpal. ea. goan H eerfi.ldse View Heads, Ust With To- waukee Annual Report ~ mo bedegOWIJ' sad sx ciidre,, tai of 1,216 Votes. Shows Recent Sains. Mne. JeuwusJàbàuw ireMi. Ahert nffi 1 rled il sad lesase. s -Otto, Edward and JOHN C. BAKER IS SECOND. INSTAIL A NEW SERVICE.i o wi e pre_____ti TuoaRaw l>om,'Jermeentlla btic OîJhn uJOs f lon ity, In- Naval Station and Fort Sher, ae Desas ~dependent Candidate, Low dan Activties Have Been thieaho Via oeswti bchch tolîver Man With 1672 Votes. a Boon to the Road. thel or kilW.Iosu~t le ont of gan. Colizty Oupeinatendeut T. A. Slmp- In tbe annuel etatemieat for th. Tn Semila 'iomdors for the llver, mon bas recelved complote rtIns on 7f oended July 31, 1917, from thesi kidma>.aidon t .A trial l35e batti thb. isnulte he bm non-blgi mcboolCileto. North Shore id Milwma goW 0e olSaol iiicé*ds,çu. Getit ai 11. lection on juty 31, visa thr.. mou- ralvoad. thIe.a Is mt a but ot ieb"901 PlIedi dreg et r*. Adv bars of the. board ver. eloctei. Te PrOOiPrlty on whlcb the line bauont. Wl oomplet. rehurna 1n no vay chiange ersd. Tihe statement coverfmg as ft tic71 A patent bas j«Ibeen gratd t10theincomplet. roturna vica.aboireel do.,the ontim S er, aies Ia ibe m "I Cathierine A. ffliWood, of Lae.Vil- that John H. Sayrs, th1e ladependent OAX17 pirioda vien tbe roid vasdo. ls'w la, on à aiaitoiltevice. candidate ef Zion City, recoivel1the lugtuile botter ta drths"Po t fAtl Chicago hut bouts Ibat imade fwt« a umbuof votas. john itzen- teginie. wilh ended vit thé eOvl- ie physicai ssiaMfid0m sbetore the or- thaler ot prairie Vlew recslved the arable P. rivai of musin, list fm Wamblng. aigostnimber ofvotes. Tindr Since tie hlne's veOrgoflsja t e t" ton, pSiolby uDt Mvi 1to "-iili n fbY. of M«ionCty, VOlivas candI- addition 10 lb. insu'l p or oSpro>- j.r1 Ibis w evoriMaMreJacted for d-do.ate, vas oue of the tire. *led. emiles and 1the establishment Of a&My> a foctive teeh. Dsa s0.prlntedl reVuls- The beavy vota Polled la Bouton la sud navy buse by the goverolmt mnttes lions a tygogépUlcal, errer ic5Ueed vbat gave Ponby h4 bilg lead aven St Fort Shieridan and af Great Làes. ha4s1 exmnlng ppo" to10roquiro slgit gayrs..naval traiaing atation, aa em ena bas l god noar. Uteclo. ecivd Under lb. terme oetith. iaw the daied. mec. froin Was<lutas b.fore elon Lnevly elocted board meaibera must 'The setion adlolninig the. ln..labinil vas officiafly àted, changed the Most vitihin ton daysa &ter the slec. leeung v itih eretofore unbeard of 0M 3 requinemenis Io t=. lien and Psrfect hbeir organiatlon. actlvitllssud thea.nleicarrylug an po At their nerI meeting they ma. tue nImenae business botb vays. er tai levy on tie dirict vilci permit& Sp«aI Traîns R.qulred. tee 1 M PAI M Sthem te aiseos. lax payer% for tulien The nev construction 'wOrk alani 055111 of pupilîs lu ànon-high echool dis- tie line, which meassthe Inaugurs. nd SLACK!U$IARR D, trict via attEndhigb achoal in som ienlofO! elhlturtier cllvitles, baiene- the je otier district. CeBOitated ivo dally special traine on viti N E DATS A IN The couaty ruernendent of the:Chiago ndNothwstr ral. gIP'B Tueve ond là and true. snd clerk ihat tbe lire. men recelvlng the' the PurPOse Of ce.rrylg vrlien t0enla non. of tienst ithelb. shlgtesl tracsbilgbest vote bad heen locted. and and front hea. vorl. or lacker tifoll It pedigree, a-s The complets vote vas as follows The p5551lg te sud fro of the mil- wanted ai once for sentry duty su PreclncL ll5Zry sud naval farces snd their Great tales shaiosr t vas announc- r M.. wfrlende beeP the seheduies of 1the ed Suaday. iy Conjlrmsanan Fred A. Un fuln l day sud aight and ham fre. Brten of Chimag, whoasa mean- 'A~ ed I tborrow P 9fromîlthO. ed ber of tie homes oMmlien on naval lines te ruau a traitera te its roga- affaira, Inspectai th. station on fr1- ]orlaiequipanent.i day. Benton ...171 383 427 380 Tiie sbovîng of gruwtu la ecra- "The doge are ne.ded ta aid thcePlie Station . 406 711 598 708 lage 0f *68.417 aven lhe precectJag Jackle sentrles In geardlng thousands a ...... 22 6 15 year lo îald te he due entirely te the offe o lmbr t hesttin rotCuba .... .....5 10 5 10 lacrease made during lb.eIet quart- aS1.toflmbr Ili laloitrmGrayalake ... 10 10 10 er. The showing of lie firat quarter theft by nigit Wl.*a." al »d Mr. Fremont... 5 10 1 6wzee frthnta o 96 Briten."Colte d Aiedaes ae Gant ...... 5 41and lie second vas hardly as gond. Prefershle, but gond mongrel valc- e ron....7 8 t 2 ________ doge yl do, provldlng there la rnn eVla. ... 2128 1 21 alchrstakl tou us~ Nati Chicago E 6 1 6 I WOrk Under DîffloultIes. chance fer patriotie cilizens t0 do 1Nepotl...g Ch ina tlae<e 1l an oit weU lIat -omeilg for Uncle $=sasnavy boys. 1I neviot -... 8l 10 2 ba@ been drille-d te n depthiof 3,600 feet The doge vilb i b te b tof Waio ..i 0 2 10 vîhth-IbeMOit Primftlre native tolte. care and viii he adopted as mgiah otl 62116144113 MO ROIS DA1R Citongr esatBiotnpasdt The Farta Chemical Co.. DunîIlk, dîina a liestaton. d., saye: 20 punade Powdered Char- ______________ eeîva~a-, U' coa, 20 ounces Sulpiste o oa a 'CIIAIWLROAD S l-oSdaan 0e cpackage O! Paye Hog Rentedy Si mxed and kePt before bord lu Self- TIIEE(iO ER UR NO lAN LED INA Feeder or other practifal container, f AT FORT eRDsea.Omaîntalna Hog Heai resultant AT ORTFRIAY O P OFIABL W 1 of a rapld developmeaî liaI shorlens REVR W 'S M#1IS ýfeeding perod y maximum Hog- Pound Production tram ration ai baud Wauron<Ia. Atig. g.-Clalming thît with consequentaîl nca-eased Net Fort Sheridan. I., Aug. 6.--Gov' dun i a mannen viereby hie stoenk hog leaders te test moril and economny penîrsut hre iate-tllnheMin Io]rs have a chance of gettlng Iof Ibis mixtare af once. Direct res igan and Wgeonin-witl bc bore on thFrr" and liaitie aeceiverahlp la queste for further Particulars te aboya Frlday, Auguit 10, for Official revleiv ltfrle tItrat flel-addresa.l-14 of tie youug men vho three monthi (s ~ tor va w massf meetings af stock- Tii. independent baCcail ago vere civil ctiens, but aroe110w roldea-s have beem ield to îaii, maltera ready te receive commiseionu la theoer llnIedStaoinatona siny One wa-S hold at Late Zurich. Sat- Govea-nors Lowden of Milnute, Phil- urday, acttier et Wauconda today W a lipp of Wlîconsin and Sieqper Of-rThe idea vas tu gel at the ftats lan an e MI-chiaran have acceptrdl an Invitation Tirja-a, ie whaî criab, don.ta te apprar f'lday for thie lgreview rermedy things and, If posiIble, tae LOCAL REPRESENTAT The tr Iviewegins ts 2 . the road out of the recelvers bande Muat live athonte and ha Tie evlw bgîn ai2 p.w. r pasîîy ave ne ma naed.ary, $6 a w.ek tb Start. BOYS ANO GIRS' CAMP. AGAIN A BIO STATE FAIR FEATURE' Boys Bond oft Fifty of Relout WIII Be Asslgned Entlrely to This Dejartment-Over 30,000 Children to Sitng "The Star Spangled Banner" on the Openlng Dey, Sept. 10. Millaukee. Aug. 30. - ttnder direc-b tIon of Professor Thomas L. iteviel of Universitly ofWisconsin, Who aa il le tlnclo Sam'a repreieniativo ln chIa Wonkl n Wisconsin, the Wisconsin I State Pair establiihed au agrieutural Boys sud Girls' depariment ln 1915. i and tbIs deparianent le destIned ta ho one of tb, atrougeqt factornsofthle1 greataunai exposition.0 Dadas '1915 and 1916 the Baulger EIate farna boys and girls miovei greal Intaroat la lie competltluns An4 dent. oastiona of tis departntelat ad thekIt ntereet tbifsyean lndIcateâ s ret- Vader dituction ef W. H. Wes,. T IL C. A. shata egaoLbbos orlt, a"d the Y. W. C. A., t1h. Camp estab- 118ffl lait yar wvi ibe eoitinaed. Bsandl gils are taken car.oç ber. iutii4 It. e etire veelud"" con-1 lW a Sadditin 0 tt' tbeY È-6ëa ts aI S b iprt. ~va3qa v051'ooe4 - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ý be ebs ttAt~1h boys and girls durlng the ngbt fairm Profeesor Bewlck bas planned a mammotb pageant. sbowing tbe ad- vance of agriculture ln Wisconsin, snd It will b. presented entirely by boys and girls, probably en Monday, whlcb ln Chlidrens Day. One of the. big teatures of Cbldrns Day-there were 32,00M erbool children on the. grounds on this dny last year- I ERTSON A SOLOIER BOY,.j Louis Gertson, the. brdmàn who will thrill the. State Fair crowde with loops and atuats, sla Oeof Uncîs hàa,. now mltHary plan. e ra flycra lii. m pahn aarn viU b. the singlng of "The Star Span- gWe Banner," Mdi by the ]Boys and Girls' Department and. aU l 0te Isbands aad orchestras on the. groudb, Jraral boys »S Lits sihMU amy amiv, pige Md pouits>la tM& *CM. Pegu=&nscmshU$MMosb mh d~ a.s to sohmlpol ,et isiprnm~ selling elperience if any, ref ere«.e $10O isys sny make of Duc R«>c osan msise,anY pricb-.e Extra Atlscbmnts ccdcd-. Fully eqai in Toue Q=d to the Most expense afn graph sud yUl do evcry<hig that a Tllng Machlnteu àw -Tie MELODOGRAPU la a Msater Macjulae for, oly $mo. -It apisbs for i"Lsoi .1 TIVE, Young lady. mlve telephont. Sal Statq age, oducation, Fwith two huai»»o Chkîc Chas. D. r6ctor rc Writes ail kmds of Insurance, Are, Life, 'Accident. and Health, Auto. mobile, -Plate Glass and Workm'en 's ÇOunpçnsttion*. Seehimb.oreph PHONE 1Ide 1 0 2 0 410 A.0E 2 0 4 0 0 1 24 1 ;0of pl oeff Ends, ýil Chase Advertising Agency, SfAdvertising BIdg. Itéd - 'M' praspective pseaus tp~' t tlCs navettxWi assuming Ithédo=i= bhat Sowdiafy M* a w. uiq te- hoqsowite. kl ittanoe-iie tU. -w& î alatare hi ot Ut us OMM *O.WB 1 t th1e %M» tu*& lâ a abtalg *Ils"hua-et bus.ei È .sa tee ru of hesplug lb 'vhiatée" .mave a.i-1- -a ho raet atir. 1 L b. Grest la%* staita4èm jso dm ubbod a> au ok ~ leWor and ols, ru; s-bin.9-scê I wu. Amy, a amnio sa notbing s esta ast lis malts, la tact b*m*.49*Oan u la ti. tsilarlng lis.. )l*-the n&aWs - « of hou.- ,, salorm eaau t nttanont t0 bis oUs hlllM d -Mi ul 1 b, trtaed ho *mit tbe mu t 5t- iL tien, on <le quis, mot a 1ev et saellescorne tra ubst oriss good rofnd beafl lsfrt"S I* banks. viiera ltb 45**0W besu drawing 4 Par 0 bM n Ic 0, Il a F ID ti c