Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 16 Aug 1917, p. 1

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YVLL1II PENDENT Lake Qc~%'sfBig Weekly -AUKE~ EiJ (hjd.Guoe<orekio CutCWui A M mWdYS VOL. XXV.--NO. 33. lzw]yg IP"iB LEUTYVUlJ.4 LA~ OOM;TY, U£ÀgOJS, TUURSDÂY, AUJOUST 16, 1917. ONE TO EIGHT. $150 PER YEAR IN~ ADV&M I __________________________ t AM CoM SIN Lake CountyGes4 Capsf, 5 Firet Lieute antsa l8' SeconSW utnns ONLY ONE MAN PAILS. Lily. R. f. Fowler Atone Fails te Get Commîission-Wau- kegan HaFne RUoOd. * HOW MUCH 114EV GETl.(i *,In the. army lhe pay recelveti S *by afficera le: * Captaîns, $2400 per yaar. e * ffTiet enants, #2.00Ysear. < <B second leutennts, $1700 < *year. LAKECEcXeJNTY'S S4OWING. ln offloere réserveo mnm, Fort Sherldan, Wmukegen and Lae outy drow d.wn ommny honor.i Lake ..awly aiswod fleur cap- talmno& IN* 1o ugOleutomandfe% .lgéotm osqad iounofbel. Ney, on. flrtuailImnmoy and fIve Lélio wr hWalvl in tho ds-, Irbti4ath.4 e mmmlae. for the Young men Ie baie bus taklng the. offlcuoW training cours. nt Port er- id. for te t i mItirée. monti,, s- ordies to the.officiannounSmient by the. var dejsrtusuttoday. Tour captalis*è. Oav* *rat leuttmnolt.. sud egitee asseond lioutouances vor, 'awvded Lie county yoeang The avaria ver. madie au folovi: Thoma atIt. Wankegan, hms. ROY IL Bard. Hghland Park grill- lma L Ruynoldu. IHighlIand Park artilllory (Wls.-Mel. troopo). FIRS? LIEUTENANTS. GeorgeCarimon. Wanheumn au. to>' (WIu-NuOb.tooopo>. Clardon Va. Ripe.Hghlandi Park, Albert Obee. Port Shealdas, ltton- loy <Wls-IIL 11006w).- William M. Burk. IDhiiwood, ln- John W. Bown. Highandi Park, ar- SECOND LIEUTENANT. Homer D.hirnger. Wankegau, a tIller>'. Milton Dams. Wmiegan, iantry. Abert Mackey.- Waukegan, cay- Bradford West Waukogan. Inn try. Ncholai C. Wetzel, Waulcegan, quarterusater corps (Wis.-Mlcs.) hucopg). Stanley D. Andersont. Lake Forest, so f William Anderson. Wesley X. Bebel, Lake Bluff, ln. .fntry. Hannbal H. C alri Highlan PrInfantr>'. intantr>'. Egbiert H. Spencer, Highland Park 'infaDtr>'. F redenlck W. Watson, Lake Forest * Infantr>'. George McKnlck, ' î.e Forest cavaby>. * E. Allen Russell., abo Tarest, cay alry. Louls Pl. Swft. Lake Forepi, cm' George W. Kretduegr. HithIa. Pari, cavalr>'. Home, M. Beaul, aie Bluff, qua? termastis' cotise Alvin V. Mayer, DerfIoli. quarto mater corps- 1 Jatées A. JiateO. Ebo1I48a artilri. Thi.on!>' l rOfle *8 hubot Wukfflayensnmm tnfalio Il >f a rigorous oemp.lgn vhleh the. De. parboent o! Justie le makfnd ta appre. Wnud &and m I l who came under the. "A oapecfleti and failid 1tu refflâter lune 5th. The. following quotatton sbould rmiepeclai attenton: "it toutvit.aimp"rtanceltite (Gaverai- ment tiiet tolée who have escaped lotoan andi prooecutlon under tii. EoDUItion Act be appreh.nded, re- glotered and prosecuted. To tbati ud, the Depanrtqsof a Justice desirea prompt, tborog nuito conntry-wld. earcii for tii... poisons, folloveti by vlgoroua criminal prosecutin 01ol&Il %bus ho are apprelsended. Altbough tbe draft bas been made, thos per*ons wbo are feunti andi refflosred stîll mf escape the wsective draft b! the resoon of their d.iay. The. local exemption boards have instructions 'o register sueli portons ant tiy viiils. habl@ fur aube- tiun under the. draft of Jualy 20th, 19417, just a» if tbey bati reglotereti pcior ta1 tbat date. Tb*. discovery andi n-glIéra. tian of aIl persoisi suijeet lbtu th Cou- seription Act te 0f great lssportaasceta tihe raîisng of the. Army, vide trom the. euiminal aspect o? the eca.e." abiouiti jol lied a persan ber-eenthe uuoreiagea viio sb. ot regteteored for RODNEY K SWI. BOARD, OfREVIEW Asked teEpan Why Assesa- mont Shul ot Be as Large asIt Was Last Year; MANY ENTER OBJECTIONS. Telephone Company Raised- Spend Two Day ln Hearing Mère Review Board. Rodney B. Swift, of Luertyvllle. tate senator frein this district, vas called betore the Laie Connty board af rOiew at Waukffln. Wednebday attrioOi toexplain wiiy 141 assest- ment thii year ehoulti flt be ae hlgii ae lait ypar. The 'assfssor had de. crease th le assesset valuation about 8300, andthelb.menuiers ot the revlew board we unWtlhg to stAnd for aucb a cul until tjie tuet, were ex- plalned te them. Mir. Swift explaleti the mater lan a ver>' comiprehOisive way. He -point- gil ou the1 It vould b thee mieset l tilas1 tu e vorld for the value of F1 - T EEflN4I UNE CODNf ER RED CROSS Theofihoro o01i*@Lake eounty Chapter 0f the B.d Cmoo omt saîurday, Auguft Iltla1th@ VJIlJm Hall et Llbertyrill.. Darrng thé. wok .very auxiliarî in tii. ciiapter'a jerlo*,on bhdd ten vlsted t'y a committ "buInvted each organi- satTon 10 tmus,trou' the Chicago Chapter to the. LMU . utny Chapter for tii.purpos. of gSlfýIag andi strengthen- ing the. RodCrofl Vorti In the Conty. Ti'nhe ugmo clspter bal prevnloely adviped a&l LskaQount., au\iliarles affili- ated i wth là %tranIýr to the new Chapter. Tb*. foqfteen t' wnshipe over WbIch tSI. Cbapwt'hae jîtrisdilction sent represeutatvn 10 fie meti]g on 1Satu'- dey, anti »ven of the ight auxIlièries organised nudWr1IWcago ditared their Intentions i $"Iserring to the. new C12apter P*nd al o*preeed t h.e, r approval of tii moveam n ~uni? y th. w..rk. Antlocii iioqugeU*n itp iret ablpnment o? euppli.. Md *e irms iuember.hlpo due@ lob. p.iat* ie Chapter treacury. Plans mioel ecte,1 t',llnanreethe wôrk so ubat tbo43ptsr con ur3lsh the materièh for àilitaauxiliaripgi to carry on thoir supply aiork. Mrs. Scott, UV. Martin andi Mme Murray -es . abdlas a commttee on "wareboadoom.d .bipplng." MNBADLY HURT Emnil Hapke of Kihood Meets Accdent in Rater Strange Manner at Rondout. BACK MAY BE BROKEN. Believed to Have Such a Way That His Back Struck on Tie--inHospital. Emil HaBite, o!fHigliooti. a. man warkng aItisthecd mît! at Bondant, met a ver>' nausual sud viet mai prove talai accident. Mdondsy afler- noon. vieg i. vas voirking on tise SandeUeMi job. Hapkg, 1> a carpen- ten anti has voncti fo, C.traclon Bosdalrom for *oau tine. He noi lW In tie Laie onnlty guneral hospîtal. suffering ijuries, the outccuîe o! vbIicis mn. uluer uncertaln aItishe prebenhtIUme. Il seunsa that Hapice wvas sllIng on a beami hw as beîng naI»edtho a hig ie aote h.building hi a der- riel. A roe etatacbet tram tise der- DISTE NO. 1 CALLS 183 MENTO COLOK, Bclow is thd initial list of 18a men cafled into the flOw army fronî district No. 1, Lake county (which comapris8& ail of Lake c~ounty excepting the towndhipt of Waukega-m Benton, Newport, Antiocli and Warren). The exepto board in district No. 1 is: Dr. (fIJoway, TbertyvleWr Willits, Elghland-Park, and James Murray ci Weuoon4a. 'I expeot thoe men wIU get ordes from Wahg$u within aifew days to report for dtyat some tra1uè,g camp," u4d Dr. .G*owaUtmdy. Wheu reference iv» made bto he- itm . iesd in the. W~UI- gani district, iDr. 4 d< I oe h M . . board 14 uliowing too much UIelcy la the »Moieof Rt tingtheaii sg . Ibehie eeyoi64M to cou& ov»raud se. the way we make these feiRovi get lu and flghtilong- oide the 'Americanboyis. We don't exempt them ovor hors unidos vo have -to." ,- -- This Iist is the fi-st portion of the drafted mn from district No. 1, and to ifl it 650 men were examiýedi The.. lst as certified includes those who passed the phylioal examination and who did not ask exemption. In ail dW. trict Ne 1has to call 327 men. %%@ next list tobe Srti- fied< wiUabe forwas'ded to Wanhinon averhe no ncw M tàiselobrve draft, arsast hlm and Its- 550 property te GMprecite . a ""-'u b la il&ciilrmaeo? the auxllllarfes or MUU c h aloi rcsin " w u ý%fl ' Tcm& medilatel> compuioatvite s 3frBinIou I ,000tula arm. He explsiiedt! hs1branche. là atseCiiepter were add.d te aupportlng th itilh iean. The. be- men Are examinewhl<3h will pr a. ulabaugilDivsion Rapt., Bureau o? c "le st ailjI umbor & hmid Oet- t.. iBoard af Dirotors. A membeohllif wvasthat tlus roji. oulti deatfirst 183 men caed into the army1 investigation, . 1. S. bparument of tie during thse foot an" mouth @eldsm- campaigewWviiiulslauneti ln wîfrî$37 any paantrain. but it aseema tlia Justice, teleplione Brrloue4700. Cielca ln andi near Libertyvlle. andt tisatWfourtean toÏWa4swiltl ompete for frelgit train passe&! alon. andtihe 1436 William Pretlick. Fort She.ridanx. 12532 go. andi dispose o auclaperan u a he Us tat b51is .farcevau placedt! te Ionor o! wbtàua ebeautiful Red vîeoîextenhîng aboye the box car 261WnAlah . . nis. Hghlandi Park. 1764 Inuructions rsciued froun Mr. Caba4ffh under quaratne. mkng It Impos- Cross bonnis.. TM msetinx of Ssturday va'. met ii nougi te catch lie 109 g Km,! Rchardson, Grayslake. 1 63r sible tea hip out *Dy' lIe stock bati siovetimc ltreta enhbusiaam ru" mch a ay a il broie tie 2889 AdamaLukaainp, Round Lake. 9701 vssDlrepreaented enothor lom.. and pvedlctes .aucceu. o. lhe uev suPPorttng atrantiswvilci ih li.the337 Ayrello F. Roncero, Watscosda. 18731 othy' Objotea. Un. L i oa»oq s.derrick,aM& ua areluit"Hpie. wo co Placensa. HighlIandi Park. 258 F ~ IfL fYOfficiais o! thse Chicago TelopeliOe Ivas rIidig on the. hum. vas îîrovn 1267Lesi, Lo.Behrens, Deerfielti. »04 TIA N N4M O GOTO comay bave seut nmanrlyvtw &iys Wl VUS hevl ainathse train. Portuiste- 26RymndBPaai, rknou. l201 'k'IIVDEITATBoard. TliuY objectedtehothe U08 ui5omt 5iiet107 Irving H. (loldenberg. llsrtyv'l.. g IIU~I8~i1IIIAment l is.the oiloving townsip~s: fo! thecar andi boui davis vbere 89WIIh S , e11 D.erfI.ld. Ela, Cuba ad Waukesanladeti on hi back, pr.smabiy oisn 8 ueiW hinkr a e'rc.30 S UI'EPPRSO Tse akei 151lb ma.mesthO UU ffR000fts ,mluito.309 iRay Bîpsur Cook. Wanconda. 243S Sprivnfid Ili, Aas. 14-COI. SHen. cut. Insteati af euttlng thei.&a»»og. Ho e'a imbai t tise Lake county 420 Hensry Cromuman, Deerfieli. ry J. RoIify, coloneI of the Firsit fieldi ment t" ma meses.o!th,.boardi or re, hosPital ati Dr. Martin o! Liberty- ý79 . 1 mtiier>, and f orme5iy VSU 1corrs- viev Increaieilb.hevalue of te coe Wahington, D ., . ug. 10.-ln a ville Vu it5flotite attend hlm. Hie 2374 (2.o. L. BaThrntHAln«UseqvIie. 841 pondent for tisa Cicagé Triu3n., permtienis certain partsiof th 8alwntlc isal.tRsi31I*dar lnAurance injlurits wer. ofattelisa anature liaI 1, ae aauGaaae 0 wli ad tise Frt Illinois troope inta o cîî pl9" pititeti before bfthbonsnes o! Il wmi fut tisaI possibi>y11b4 bck wvii02JameRoit. P Guli. Nôrtis Cisia o i 9i France. Colonel ReUUy, becauueof~ A nunlber of Libprtyville abjee$ura 'ioigsgOday witE Ciflval o! lhe broies andi an X rai plqwp- was ta- 1686 Cafla Malaria. Lake Zurich. 6" ble wlde oxporieusce n France, wuP appeimeil betr tise boartidnes- presldentl, net only wvIli fIging men ken tê<4A.etermine the exact statua o! 2011 Clatav G. Hollan&,.Graysimke. 12811 Iabad. colonel of thse Firet 5I'tIiNery. day., Ioda> Hilghlandi Park realdasfth ie nadol e b uq«M lla case o! bla sPImtl coiwn. The aipparent de- $962 George Garnir, 'Laie Bluff. 611 The Fîrst fild atilaery incisides volcedti esir objectiona. diablIl>.,but tiuriWt tir soervice forait> o! tise coluan latilcatesetat >1 Joseph Rian. Hîgivo"t. 1067 thu followlng hattalions.: 15doriiio"a caa>'o d s l eeatooe i i e from e bly iii.bis ck ruai!> vas broes 32Pai..Dvel nlsd. 17 V FI1S8 OATTLUON.-Moadcuarters fIiale viii appeur hefurt tiseboardi <vuunmeant a minimm of $47.50 a but it WvIiirequin. a tov daym thA e- 2319 Jas. P. Luedie. Norti> Chicago. 3888 et Waukogau. tamorrov 'a bJect lte an lacrep monts. te rmlne th.e suent of liteAmos . r-Iornjurie&Ih 45 Batt.Iéry, , Chiagole utel e$a. -Tuba alovance Prole. for vives. l"&PX* la a V« lknova cMOOM- e1771 3605.. Begin, Laie Torest. 71 m.~ryaChieg. ~chUlds'uor allers vii. have beenau&luthe ort oitis ditiss'& vifs I«wgt6r C. COusoorArea, ses " ftte>' C, Fort Siseridan. nfJ 7 fl EN deprivedot0f Iluir cftuatma support, andt o-Udr 3833 Waiter J. Meyer, Ara.toc SECOND 8SOTTALION--4icdquar. P fl Y Mit fartiioraore vi l Çftuo a ajatem, 1818 Samn G. Helnrlcis, Barringlon. 2602 " ut eh a jani~for fannmes, et Ilie vie 1456 Lloyd W. Batog, Labo Treel, 519 B o . Chcago. I T LB R YVL E mai lume the ii.lWMv.,, for 0E U 786 Harry N. Rudolpi, Highland PI. 1164 mttory , Chicago. bee violli or 1nartall. iflseti. 1549 George Burrlige. Libort>'vlIo. 2061 BtéyF. Urbana. N AU ST 8li andi aid iu the re..ic, nso! thioe NT@ f~ 5~~jj 290 lrnest Felgenhauer. Barrington. 1967 Wauk.aa pepl~ er. eectnlied yaom of Pàymet Compusîsor>'. T f[ U 966 Charles M. Bernardi. Làbertyvîlle. 1808 totmy vhoa tise>' loredt liaItise Misa Mary Amann and Lionel lEdur thse ystea il viln b. On- 1 M IAe 1t1?1id 868 Harrs>11H. Kraft. LaI.Vila. 1943 r-! PI Irl ldate vmr> voalfturlevefor Bull Principals in Ceremony v£nllry ausOU ail offlOm ad usen te Î32 George H. NIchoUs, Wauconda. 2941 cmause Lient. Col. A. W. Salth, o! on Wednesday. affot at leait $15 a mabi o f tiseir Wife Sprains Her Ankie Friday 379 John Edigar. Deerfid. lai Ps'madpenendivsanichOfrn -Husband Fractures Limb 1800 John RAY Wylles, Denflelti. 1639 thse arganiz*tlon. andi because tiere IHOME ARRANGED PRETTILY. the.maximum mloment lis overys>'çee nStra.17 hi .BrieAu.1 anc fnl!>' a!1Wauegan Young 1 eon-haifmthpa ontis'. liai.16738Chu. Ecsrom, ae at. 2406 men wio beong ta lue commnand,. te On the eigisIn day uf August aI 6 Every Boîier Muet Alli *puy.1249 Gustdave CEchîen. ,Lke Frt 24e 6 imalorlty belng lu Colonel 9Smith,'s ALS FO A W GN o'clack occurreti the marriage of In addition the goveraenut viliipay 114 RM AON 58 HRuolti i. Nol, Liervluf 3110 bedqar os etli 1 mnu tata is MryAmnn dnete u \r.anallovance to -ver>' man's family 1613 tohts Henrv Meypr, Wauconda. 1698 number of Watikegasn yuung men wîîî a.nd Mns. Lawrence Amanu, o! Liber- hotlbthe etent of depenstabllt>'. For Tha mistontunis never corne slng 26 lnrR aehom i oel 2 àbe lu France wiin a ver>' elort ime. tvville.,te Mn. LUonel Bull. exml nvaegl 3 auot > bas b-en demonstrateti on a nut- 26Olier RCagenh, gLtrk. 1010 92 "*Ready ho go andti lckled Pink," The veddlng praveti an exonjition to rviearai 5 a ieber of arcasions bttperhaps noue23noietMLPgiu antis 1h1. il eaculateti Lieut. Cal. A. V. Smiths of al>' pneU>' affaîr. anti one h anti dtwu cîidten 1e muiltaflaotahmretr- natnth as t -1531 (Clarence E. T. Schaffer. Li. Fret. 2476 the Finit, happily, when Intormûd t r uestIe ve r îesent, wio eal dovO east $15 a mofltb. Tise goveramentJaeT.DvsamloLirt- 2209 Mîtton L. Spencer, FI Sherîda~ 1 kFort Sheridan of 1the neye tram thse tean elaborahe flve Colire e upper. sup' leinentetvbien ~etm- M. Dvsalneiapcî t138 oe nA cMle.Defet. 147 cily af Washington. Col. lienry i. whlch was serveti by four 1111e girls,Iliv an allovance o! $32.50, amksngtic Fo s par ttNnti Cilaplc nld 14 Cm.E P e> mrnton '1 0 ReiIiy la in Chicago on buine3s aud namely: Misses Ellabuh Lux, Cele- minimum Incarne of Use tamli - PrNot5hiao lg ria 30 ap .DveHgln a Colonel Snmith was lu charge of thse lia Young, Manlan £die anti Helen 847.50. The taiben can mlot as mach anti sprained une of hen ankles very k tli ' tîs Igsadpr. 1191 . #sevcrely. She vas rernovedte be15r 2816 Bdvard Kramer, Nantis Chicago. 1781 camp. Amnann; iltl.Mies Florence campe more as he Iý1easea. If tis.r. la an. oeadw1 . adu o 18 la .GutriWuea. 2939 The exact science o! modern anlil- of Chiçaga acteti as page. AIl venu allier chIt! lhe guvernment vîli allow ton - iib li pfrsm 28 ta .Oesrm akgn 1r>' varfare. as conducteti ln the tresset! i greanti ville tbharmo- 86 amomntis mono t lIme. . 650 Morris R. Noethling, niginît. P j 822, trenhemof uroe, n te daly areniz wih t- lo scemewhih ws 1Saturday nîgi., MNf. Davis, vino i. 574 Wm. C. Wonderli. Highlandi Pi. 1064 of t VrtroIlingo s rtu, l lir edii fn a Is r e à w#evi h . cInsfi m w i va !tuis sam e m ais ho l bave a a team rhu taILibertyville. as elp- l.'AxoelA ndtien , South Chicago. 1 0 ed ef otiseF eian. rtlerThnapgeneanti v law . mtile.iotler or ftlionactaly iepentient îng l touletlie canvas anti aquiptuent2662 Niels .IeaataLaie Forent. 2162 ai~~~~~~~ ~~ tFotisia.Tiehm anianvesalI D,, na hlm. Se can Oblai. ma mfllotment o! a tent show Ibat ati axpeared ai 770 Lloyd L.'* McCoffey, Highland Pi. 19 r- TheoMotlcrs anti men of tise regi- al>' tiecorateti vils branchies, flv.ow- of tram tise goveiment for .1the Llbetyvllle al tise veei, on bie vas- 883 AlfroedGiroti, Lai. Vîia., 1507 men hpela . rdre _ tee er l us anti Japanesu' Iantesg. 3The prW by>'allatineg 08moe o o n.lusbeman ' e foat hie bal, 6 yna .Mupy90gsat P.12 id Traisce.vwIthont tise prelîminan>' of bride .ecelveti man> beautipi atid 7. That a privais vith a vIte, an. nti teîî annie raut ushs25 o eGnueNni-hcg. 9 geing te Texas for training, anti they simOful glat. Bi s, a.attireti e s hiltiren antiad i a ctm-anceaundur lttlheo ,t!ralu seb 37UiGeorderiner.or Chicago. r- m* training oves>' effort ta b. able visite satin aW lace. caruylag bridai îy tiopendesstunm ianhm. b' £151 $20) thîgi banc in mos a!iesloe. 780 Mari liey, iablani Park. 2646 te ahçv that tise>'are seat>' vien tise ruoa. 3MiajÂoIIn.Miller,. v i- ~out af his Dey o! $83 vaulti geltroi0 Ne vas remavedte bhie bonema nti a 5>e ýgrt C. Dovd.n, 'Lliertyvlie. I1 r- cll e britiemali., vae laventier oisIf- il,* e gvumeat for the, tmil 54.80Phisclan summoneti visaraetid36% 1rWilamLeTaet. 73 1Th ise laIn cmandoffon a8188 à rss..1ýlwé lam, LaueFent. 2163 ClHer *Isset camntloyonmti à ei~monts. glving lise fasl>' Incomo fracture. Mr. Davis la rathar a2UL .EtrnWugfl Coi. ear> 'J.TMll00«49rgelavIence M"tei a bM MS- ý #7.60,si î.lavte.ghil $ Mac eeiîsahps scifs ~15860Thon. G. &ihtital. Lbertyville.10 rjout. Coi. Sailth a! Wauiegan' Is The bappi jomiscouple vw m o. 1le Moth for spent!lng monte ftisben > am be eoa Ort" ac 4 Berger Cuidion. Chicago. 1984 ~ Ueo~la camanti.natia b>'.thse i5hisrt'vile -bWbe»iensfits up-te W0i Menti. oiavs vut6ae ,. 49 RImer MeLm'euhIn. IHighlandtiPL 10a tu I et m oU ýfloîn l 5pntn s Meoi 'tiet aci 4 ts.mer ,ft ie,-dtihlsbenetitelaisrt d ter thidagit h I. v b#hOlad up for thi. îo no ori.Om a. ~~~~f thel irga. mW. Icihion osldl~ llialf m cordl; te i. dsofe 2_____ 314 whfu" Kelly. Noh l bias. Mrt uee tire q&"'M$10lm0terhl'al teaM9M ort gm l t a I'It etj e Ml mf 31 uI«ý A i& é. ai tTi- j~v%8sb'ts go'PefTUtÉéi« U m dlul i 1U$0SU Edw. 8 3Omoa 5. LabO I0rO . l~asam lamua rmU taom $1.000 josol ati 'the ai vm; umt > MuMichael G.DelHsiaPtPa. sW~~ Miiutol ma. t ué --c' 'obaly be P'riday. T46. froM district No. 1: Vernon W. Boisel. Jr.. ldobe Ble Jisa P. Wiiln. 1*10 Part. Lia. A. Broyer, Greyslébé. Ermeet H. Brown, Ubuiereili. Wm. o. Benl, lihlm -part. (ho. C. Kopp. Nortiimégwuw& Carl B. Hauffua. Huwei Vietorlo Marvall. igIodi. WliteHarutisi. .&oo, Joseph Beetulia, 8*1u TOWL-., ' Josmeph Seii.d, Eead lo* Bari 1I. Mid". lab »O Set AlbertlIolt del'U. Arthsur a. (bIbles, Bmie4agtms O'io4à=t ~ Pasqet i. 2hb" 1*. Gea- > Kareh, fleeUeêi Bichant! Brouauilmose, UboetI'iu.' Raymnt Faulknor r. m*sluM& Horace L. Kapple, Grai'iahp, PWIllard Rank, Prairie Vlw,. James Jensen, ae7oe4 Jolbi Scarpulllni. uke4 John J. Caraia, 4Deestiti lRai A. etee AkistIua, Walter J. WIIaPar1Vmt Lofàis Knaok. ptarie 1w. Glavanni caane. Rm 1Pietro Amort I. Oshei eClarence EL Catlevw arigt, 3V)ncoist Alimuaca. lodgut tsilvia BattisIlini. fiWMvOti Chs. IT. Kellnur, Ub.Vqv0a Win. C. Colenman . poUe Louis P. Fuement, PraIrIe 11v. 5Nino Blondi, Highliandi Park. P orent Thonnpee, io mffl abo. 1Oreille Sack. lilgiLmatipart., 2Wm. Ray Kerr. Laie Villa James Mccuîoci,La.Prt aWalter C. Flia.Higilanipatw James B. MeKmnse. Labeo Vi. taLrin J. Coin, Hwgimn Park. 9James MeGratis, Laie Visu. 9George L. Deneen, r«x Labo.., 6Franki U oltije, prairie 11ev. 0John B. Krnmrey. Graymlabo. 1Frank Belttu.Hithvooi. 1John Richsardison.Lak.eToPet 9Arthur . Sani>. IUpia Porwal 2William J. 21,, Ing lside. 4Everett W. Hook. OrGMmbe.t 5Wm. H. Morris, Ltberbtyvlle 2Geo. C. Lavpeaoe Linorty*tu. 1lDaniml P*"o,' OrVulmi. 7Edtgar W. MMrd.. Lu" Forent« 6Lyre Braugbte, 6WsoA4m.6 0Gorge DdoII , emu 4Hem ' . kiuore. IWgIvO 7Robert Amsga.~8 Or«a . M 4Rineev -IL - 3 bebps a /. 4 a 4 'I 1

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