Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 16 Aug 1917, p. 11

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,filuRDY 1.98 1.01 1.60 1.0 6.85 4.5 1.00 6.00 60.00 D. 60 19.60 ii.70 sUb- L t the. MEYI3R AROUSED SUSPICION E Y E N WBËIN INTlMICITY His Statementà AboutLength of lime in Country Proved Later Io Be False. AN IJLTERIOR MOTIVE? Some Wonder Wheth r e Wae SignifloancermHisSta Near Naval Station. *Waukegan Locals -* flurgiars entered flic home of Mra. Is Pefersan. 125 May' atreet, 1moome lime Tlusunay afternoon and seeured watchex and Je cly valued at $150. Thli poltce vere netf iid of flic lirg- lar>' fada>' and Chlef Tyrreil began au Investigation. Wbilc na arresta have as ycf licen made Ifla sbclievedl I the police have cines whicli wlll fin- ally lcsd fa flic apprehiension of flie burglars. b Mr. and Mra. bey Hendee bave re- tu rned fran Bo8cobll Win.. vliere flic>' attnded the funeraI of Mns. Haudce's uncle. H. W. Favor. The canit> clerk drove lis automobile troan Bascobel fa Waukegan, a dia- Among thsoe in Waukegan who tance 7ci 210 miles, Thursda>'.arl know hlm beaf flic arrestf-at Hancock ing about il p. n. Midi., of Ferdinsnd Meyer, formerl>' A Grayslake paper etates that Rev. Of Waukegan. on a charge of belag a W. E. Callns. pastor aiflie w-auke- gan Cangregational churrli. bau e Germaes spy. dosesDol Occasion machi signed. laquir>' shows sucli la flot surprise, as flic>' a>'the>' detccfed fliccase. He la nov fa«clng hie va- blanInluMisststemOnto vhicli sroused cation aand during It wili preacl inl their suspicions. Winaetka or wlierever lie ialieA. For tle mponfh lie la living lu Chitcago WlienMeyer came ta WaUfu'<Inalaorder ta confinas his studica. ead aecured a position vif b a local The hanse whicli stra>'ed fon flic abstract compay e jet I it bekaievubarnsoai houis R. Chaumberlain several fliaf h*lied just comas e t ils, mtrTdays ago snd for vhidli flicpolice froin (3aniany. Bouts of hie. acquaint.. havae is searching mince Ifs dis>p sacs. doabfed Iis ptatement because peauoce vas lound this afferucon at lie semed se familier vif h le usys Latte Forent. The animal was returu- 0f fthc count ry. Thsy mode iiiquirien cd ta is ovuer lafe f bil aftenoon. and learncd fiat lie h&d lilved la New th a ansd baffer>' case agaînet York Ivo or flinese "roprevioul>'.1 Aftflie lime Meyer lisedliers, theret vas no fliauglilt iat flie Unted States would lic enbrailed ln a var wifli German>' sud Meyer ict It b. knawa thaï lie vas a German resorviat. He asserfed fiat lie lid came here from bisi father'a cottes plantation on flic Islansd of FEnyfi. He sald fIat lieIn- leuidcd ta shbP rmntflicUuited States ta Ganman as soon au thene vas a reasonable saurance Ébat flic pas- sage would ho Safe. In vlev ai subsequent lacts f lere ba saine suspicion as fa uheflier Me>'- er lad ulteéior motives iu scoking emPloymcnf se near Uic naval tation and Fort Sheridan. One man suggcsl- cd foday fliat poagill>thfe G-rmanà gavernment may have dcsincd ad- va»* information on flic naval sit- uation. Advices frein Hancock, Midi., are feth flcfeet fliafMeyer vas lunflic emplo> of Ithe t.itcd States gavera- ment when arrested an a cliarge oi f ynlg te forvard valuable Informa- tion te the Geian governnient If flua change ts praved fhe panisînent andoulitedi>' wblli e noct ceverease he goverument lias reachcd a point wbene If ls icît necessan>' ta deal ouf summar>' punialiment fe spios as an example to ofliers lu 0ermina aptes are f icd b>' court martial id &hot wiflibuf fhe compasse- flen. Neyer le ln Chicago ai flic preoeni time, probabi>' avaltiug fùr- flier probe b>' gavci-amcnt operra- tives. Prusulo Aidi. Pruale acid la no deadi>' fiat aven the smell of tf ic sclprôd4L iespïn ln flic tiroat, and la fie reglion 'of flic heant. There ore fer poisons for icis tisere la such l îfle opportunit>' on an antidote. If fliere le flue-end fliere seldom Io, for flic poison la ai. mntafinslantaneous-nmmonia lulialed vert' free>' ma>' give relief and redise. ftsc absainfe certanny of deafli f0 a grave probabilîlfi. Carrier Pigeons Mi 11Useçi. mienutb day, vien -aluplones 04e viIée1co5pIsa acopmlioue rois.éMr niei,'pigont pis>' flr part se *eIl. Fuitmca lic iMot down, sud wlee xn.miaagea nîgt libe faken np b>' enemy> opàlt Tihe pigeon, l in>' nycases, la tbe *.f5g carrier, for seldom tise bir# à* omiel dowa. A15 a nale four er 5isre ce oS it th ie aue Ub . , 1 t at t William [lIton, Highland Park con-1 tractor, wusdismissed b>' Magistrate1 Taylor this afternoon. J. C. Rogan, a delegate representing a local labor1 ortionization. appeared as complaininq witness. Legai action waia brought1 as the result of a dispute ln the Tradesanad Labor hall here several <laya ago, at whlcli time the defendant Io sald to have struck Rozan. Dalton iras represented b>' Attorney W. A. Deanc. Threec chidren aubmitted ta opera- tions for the removal of tonsils and adenoids today at the Lake Count>' GeneraI bosp"tl. Mrs. Maude Aines was up irom chii- cageo oer Sunda>' visitlng friends and relatives. A postal card recelvPd froin Calebi Colegrove and flie compan>' lu whlch lie went to Englanl states that thé englaceer corps which went Into training ln the south.lias reaclied hondan ln gafet>'. That's about ail thec card sald. namel>' that they had arrived there ai riglit and had flot been .sttacked b>' German subma- rnes. F. E,.l)eyae rcturned fron a visif ln Micbigan Thunsia>'. Monda>' userusng Mn. and Mns. De>'oe fogeflier viti Mn. sud Mru. A. W. 4yers, oa, Globeville. Mici., parente of mms. De- >'oe, will etant for norîlieru Michi- gan b>' solo. Pil. F. G. Hudson, af Hlgi>sood. raf a Nortli Chicago visifar fuis wcek. Mr Hudson l9 tle ner prin- cipal aoflise Central school. He Plauns leo move Inta fIa Fncutter bonne on ViCter>' Sfreet about Septembor 1. Thc Preabyel -an Sunda>' scioci cf LiberfYvllle leld thei- annuel pic- nie at Poss Park Yegterda>'. Miss Dale iner>', ai Pitfsficld, Ilii., la vislting relativsuoi Ibis cil>'. A surprise Pari>' vas given fihou- an ai Auna Lindem~an, oi Sevenfeecafh street. ycaterdaY, af lier home. Alil Pi-suent rfportcd liavlng a ver>' gaca Uime. Refi-esimenta yen. servcd, and garisz vebo plaYed. Theno vers ÏbOnt Ici chidren flicro, wiifnced YgteM, imPlayeti at thc Davis 1411k Machiner>' compan>', ls eaynJdxg, ion aeatIon, Mrs. Margeaet ]tolmcs, af Calior- nia, la vlitlng friands and relatives In hila City'. meit. The promotion cçO eso a most efficient xoeut4ve anid oomuw Q neOl Who lias won lUs apM thrdugb UWtbâd - ;nd close application to the job. Oapt.Ioffpo't réar admirai as mmofn 0 hie fiè lb bp the cmabut it iogratIfyIngln~ »n promoted the -chances are ho* .b ieýio Great Lakes--and, ho'. wanted, he's needed there too DP.Ch. TEE GOVEE1ER'B C OUP. V' (Chicago Tribune, August 14.) - Governor Lowden lias done another conspicuous serv- iee to the state in his masterful handling of the coal price difficulty. We believe the example he lias set will h ve also a desirable effect throughout the country, In any case, the fuel needs of Governor Lowden's constituent8, the peuple of Illinois,. are now certain to be provicled for, and (>ir hearty thanks and congratulations will go to hlm for his effective aid." Patriatle Faddreaaes appropriate for thie prescrnt crisis. rather flian nemi niscences of tii' days oi '61 to '6à, featured the camp lire givî-n Wed- eada>' nigPt a5fPosa park. Northl Chicago, ln celebration ai the thirty- ainth annual reunlon o!fthe Lake Count>' Soldiers' and Salions' As8o- ciation. Deepite flie pali caot over the in- modiste nelghborhaod by thec tragedy af yesterday affernoon at the train- Ing station, a large gsthering vas present ands the patriof le addresses end musical numbera of the prograin wel:e liartil>' applsuded. Priar ta, flic program praper. the Veterans' Pife and Dram Corps. ot Chicago, rendered a number of patriotic airi3, whiie the veterans seated about the speakers' platform nodded finie to the selections of other day sud la memOrY agaln follawed Sherman to the ses or Grant to Appomat ox. The prograni opeued wl h flie in. vocation by flie Rev. Howard Ganster of Wsukegan. The blesîngs of Pro. vidence during flic present greaf war were iavo'ied and _tlanksgivîîxg rený dercd for flic success attendant upon Amnericas iight for democrscy in ail fîmes paet. Attorney' Charle H. King, welconm. ing fthc visiting veterans, praised the achievementis 0f the bercs 0f '6t, who had set the noble exainple for saldiers who were offoring their lives ln the present strife. Tisat if la our duly fa aboliali kaiserism as flchefeena lad donc wittlislavery, was the burden of the speakers re- marks. "Pnrederick flie Great," he declsred, "Propbesicd the cfait olflihe new Ame- rican republic, and ftle prepent kais- er lias 00f 108f siglif 0fftic idea.. If ls for us Americans ta show whaf fariner struggl,,c have praved, nane 1>', thaf If demnocn.acy cao exi.t here It can exIetfln everY corner of. the c-esc"-I la fhe absence ai President John W. fleele>', aifIe Soldiers' and SalI- ore' Assocation, the recreuse vas delivcrcd b>- Vice President Penny Austin. Mn. Austin tlisnked the Sons af Veferans and fhe dtizenc af Wàukegan for flic suceesa aiofliche e union. Hie recallcd lis meeting v.'th Abraham Uncoin ai flic clos.eaof te Civil war and fook pride in flic ne- mark dIrecfed ta hlm as lic sfood ln ravier liciare flic nartyi-ed President, "fiere stands flic second rail split- fer." Perhasctfli nsasfrousing sddrcss af fhl vcning wss delivered b>' At- tornne>'A. P. Seaubien. Wlf h the ctacinent thaf Vitbaut 1861 there svoullic no 1917, Mn. Seaubien ecor- ed tinsé lso oppose fie pregent con- fllct beçause airflic Outla>' Ofmoue>' and lives whscfich heenS->- afAmen-. C& Into flicesein mens "We, inusf -prepine our country for future. gencraflans," Mn. Seauhlen gaid, "aud show flic vterais ai '65 fliat Iliir sacrifices were naf lu vain, "dt4at vs'arc net content vith paumsgfla t-' tfa anl hon geaier-, lEAlu L N aflon. Tblese .Ibfl did nof listen ta 9 m " argumenta oppOmingtheCivil wri sud if Ibe>' .ti,struggle aifada>' rWould noct nov le conducted on Eu- ropea u . but iglitIe. suad aur people vould nov lie aufferîng tflicTON bardahipu vîleichai-e helneborne lia flic p epic of i-ancce and ticîgluini. Thelicre ou- 0 man>' reads fa faik or Exeautive Committee of Na- sing or eu-y for thei-rcountfry, but tional Defense in Waukegan sudh lilp la not suffilcient. A nad Is Biisily at Work. dog lias broken lance i Ilurope aid fIat dog la Pruasan autaci-acy. Thle SEEK FOR CO-OPERATION. beset nuit ha &hot dava co fIaI ____ trai-diiiad aft frdenc Effort Is Being Made toEnlist Tlie.quartette iroi the naal train.- ing station anode a distinct lii wlll thc vat atidfeiMe as the rounds of apDlause foliowiiig their qangs prov- ed. Tlicy mOpered fwice on flie pro. gram and wel' encared on each ap- pearacice. John ODonnel. SIeoa is ai- 1cr froin the st*tion, rend ered the cornet solo, "Wken You and I Were Young, Magffie," and was applsuded vigorously. Comrade B. A. Dunn rIo'sed fhe ad- dresses of the. evcning wlfli a %tir- ring app;eal b flhe Young inç<i of theî rnuintry. snd apOke o!flhe faili piac- cd la ht mby Uithe vterans of oflier was. Mfes Edna Neiso«n reîdered a soprano solo Iliat waB weli recele cd, and thie iinltshuî-, naval quar- tette cloped ftic program in ,h "Dix- le." TheicPrograinfon bath days fol- lows: Wednssday'vening. Musie-Higli Ochool Band. 3,uslc-VeteMn ii Pliand l)rum CCOl. Prayer-Rev. fi. E. Ganter. Song-Nav*l êStation Quartette. Addrcss of Welcome -Attarne>' Charles H. 1049~. Respos-Prft5ident Joln W. Bes- le>'. Cornet Solo-John Olonneil. Comie Song-Wrsnkson Twins. Addrcss-Attoi'fley A. P. Beaubleu. MusI-N4etermisFIfe and Druin Corps. Remarks--Coînrades and Citizen*. Song-Naval Station Quarftf tP. .Music-High School Band. Preprarn for Tbiuroday. 9:30 a. M.--Busi3iegs meeting aiflice Association ait Fo9s park. 1l a. m.-Recesa. Luncheon ecrvcd b>' W. R. C. Ladies. 1.30 p. rn.-Mýusic--Navai Station Band. Pra>er-ltcv. J1. W. Funsfan. Musi--VetersaiMFicand Urui Corps. 4 Addresa--Bllabop Samnuel Falaows. 3 p. m.-A'fllet@ evenfa. 4 ta 5 p. m.-»Md 0Omicent. 6 ta 7 p. n.-Band Concert. TEUII F A À I STUR FOUND NEAR CITY OINSJ Strange Relies of, Pteistocenev Age Reçently tUuMVered on Lyman Sto pFarm. 'Fwelvc massbve feeth Iin s perfect efate of pncenvatioii have licen dis. covercd ln aslsougb on fhe Lyniant Stnong fanin wcst aetIfenosa. Arounc flein was a feathery depouif ai yeîlow dusf wîbel andoahfadly represcntcd ali that remained af the plelafocene mnnten wlio once Ouseth lese caine moiass fa et-weli. viatever pîcisto- cent' monsters aie lni th5g cod, old dayc before mai, deprivcd flien of thein fond supply anld drove then fr0,0 tIcr l unfing grounds.t Just vIa> species aifulastodontfils fragmenfar>' coi ose once vas cao hardI>' le detcrnnlnod by fhli lffle that remaIns ofILif.Liffla?" Ycs, pro- portlonatei>' so. andti no salit fie"ll aiter ail. TIe tPefhaUncoveredti ant veek vere soie, 10 tachies long, six Inclies wide, and four Inches lgli. 'Flic> were ln excellent condition and withoutf illigs, posll>' ducefaeflic tact fbat uenistry vas a uitIle under- davelopeti in thosp days and gold was ver>' ci-ap. TIi-y fttedl penfecti>' info ecd otîjer and IndIcated thaf thelr ovncr migît have successfqÀlly masfi- cafed black vainut or prime granite -if thase are fIe things fliat maste. dans afie. Althoagli a liffle >'liav from ege. thc molara tenir on a per- lest palidli vlen rubbed vilih a lie fIn ehelise. Thie latter prepanaf Ian rasued ionrf va reniions. If la ligit7 1>' lems expensive flian Peheeco an P>'orrhicldo and decidedl>' btter tastlng. The relies ni prchisforic days were uncovered etiflie shallow deptli ar -Road te Wlekednua. l'he man>' prove tlie wlsdorsai Hcsiod, wlio sa>'* fiat fisc rond f0 wIeledness in snîofii ad vsy short, and flicre la no nOctl et pensplrng. But liefore vîrtue flic Immorfal gods bave pîscdtheflic weat Of lebor, nnd long and sfssp la tise watl iter, aud rugged at Oral; bqt w you lisve ttie Services of Every Wom- an's CMlbHKre. The exerutive cammttfep aiflice Council of National Defence for the womcn of Waukegan, lias met and foninulafed plans for registration day whieh wlll lie hcld during flic weck of September 17. > The exact fume and places for reg- lstratton liere have not yef been fix- cd, but an announceilient probably wilIlibc given out ln flic ver>' near future. "àl the fi patriafle dut>' of ever>' woman ta secsIliat ber card la fled lu flic recorde oi the wnmen's commit- tee of National Defense," a meinher af this executive commlftée hlere as- tbrfed today. "No wanian la exempt froin fhi dut>', evcq if lier services neyer eliould lie requesfcd or deslned. i ui Wasikegan, August 15. Thlic hirty-nintli annual reunion af flic soldicro and saliars oi Lakea count>' opecned jtodey sud fliere wat an indication that if would prove f0 li e ncof flic liggest and mont sue- censful ever lield in flic county. Visitlng coinracles began arrivtng la thliCit y this mornlng and wcný di- rec tof the Grand Arn>' hall. uhere tliev regimtered. The veteran filic and druai corps of Chicago came here iurlug thc forenoon and played aev- crai martial airs on the street. 'Flic> were encored roundi>'. Af 1:30 flic aid veterans meýt at flic G. A. R. hall. where tlicy enfered au- tonolilles and vere driven to flicna- val sîtation. Many ai flie aid saliers never efore badl scen the 6sftion. lIollovlng lbe ride tliey went ta Fons park. viiere flic encampinent is le lng heMd. Betwcen ir aid ceven o'clack Lonigit flie file and druni Corps viii pisay several selectloas la front of flic Grand Arn>' haIl. Be- tireen seven and eiglit flere wil lie a band concert at Poua park. TFlic foi iowiug the regular progran of flie evening vhltli la termed flic Camî' Pire and whic in laeflicbg lest ure oi the encampmnt. 1 ccotinued ~ ~ -rage one.)> - bugles were blowing, fliere vas tht ratfile of rifle fine aid flic tlundeng af i eld pieces and landing guns. A two car electnie train of flie Northb Shore railwa>' drewinta flic lit fIe station, vhleli stands aquarci>' in front of thie entrance f0 tIc frin- lng station aid In full vicw of the pa- rade grounds. A local train comnon- ]y' ig campaced of anc cal'. eause ai flic unususil>' pressinig passenger trahfie Wedncsday , a lighf vooden traiter vas attaclied. Thiua vas f illcd vîfli men, vanen and children. Reporta Iridicaf. "Race." Prom flic soufli came a linifed coachi under full s tean. On flic pan- alîci tracke of the Nartliwcsfern, a few yards swsy, -atrain was skim- ming along nanth, abrest aifliee dcc- fric iimlted. Man>' psssengens werc lnter4escd in the "*race." Reporte made fa fhe caupany Imdi- rate.fliaf Edwsrd MeVey ofai ltgli. Wood, mafrarni was ranîng witb flic stcsaa train. One aorflic passengens an flie front plat forai ai the iimited wae John J. Soîsteîy, of Chicago. Mr. Sonsfeli> declancd llcVcy made no mavement fa applt>eflicar rakes. Other pas- sengers said McVey made a bonied and fstile attemPt ta stop. Those injurrd were in a train of twa wandon -aýices whli liad just cfapd et the station te discliarge passengert. ThIe train hadt scarcel>' made is stop wlcn a steel coachi limlted rush- cd around s bond 300 feet fa the rear. 'Fhe doorways aif the local werec clok- cd wltli panic stricken passenger. 'FI, crash -ame. iollowMd 1>'cies frmnhfli ijurcd as flic heas>' steel car telescoped ltseifinta the wooden coach. Ou Rear Platfonm. Ponfne>', wlio dlcd aftishe station liospitai. at 5:45, aid flic oflers mosf serlouel>' Injured. werc on Uic near plafforto. He vas liuried under flic debni ith Mrs. Whittakcr and lier daugliter. 'Flic aIlers vere Injared es the>' vere fhrown in flic aids ai o flic wooden coachi b>'tflic ia, or b>' iiylng eplinters. Ten thousand People vatchlng ftli 8lians baffle aethflicstation nusied foý the emne. Amang the' final rescacra wene Lieutenants Kauffinan and Hall ai tlic medical carpsW F'or balh an baur flic>'wanld witb oflians f0 res- eue the flinee pensonsai-bcid under flic coachi. Sallons Who bad basa taking part lu flic iock bat tie rushed to helr Assistance. lscarliU etretalers, 8111 vlial lad beena .f irst aid dilil assd OFFICIAL LIST 0F REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. PuM - î b> LAKE 00. TITI.E AND TRtUST co. %btmct.e ofTM&ItIM Tii. u.t.. *aaou-RTompbs @W&.Pboêe 4 Auguat 14, 1917. Annie Werner and husband ta Em- ma ltieswetter. lot 23, bteCk 11, Waut- kegan Highilands, Northi Clicago. W. D. $200. C. A. Newcomb, Jr.. ta Margaret Little, lot 39, biok 16, Wasliburn Park, Narth Chicago. .Dccd. 1.750. ÀND Ellliieli>' ta Michael Sheil>,-'I. Vcare recruafed.- te Dd w!. wcct 8t0 acres ai sautheasa quarter strengfli of 1,290 men iaad ferty'-ev#x Section 35, Newport Towniship. W. officers." pafd Colonel Salti. *Ag D. $1. fa eqsilpannl, v.lare about supplied., James WaIl3ae toFarank Spinor, W. have lieca recelvlng ansprat. lot 19, Cedar Park, on Crooked Lake. ty mrPfdiY. Istel>' snd riqaîre 4* W. D. $950. alidit 3W0 mors e bmas sur- tweat>. F. C. Churchill and vife te Tram- four thrr..Inchi f9014 ias,ftese» tees oi thc Dcaconesp Pension Pund. caissons ansd provide moulais feo<.' lot 10, bloc'i 35. Lakte Bluff, W. D, cens. $800Begin the Study off reneh.. Boys from fibe nbae fl Ve bo 'CARRy pACKII3 neyer vent lieyond thé s eib XrWzu4e tok e tudyln «Frence h"h.o t 9 et% sthf le>' ceuld pronooune "Oui"*% no m *I' We," and not "O>'." Tliey vers oq W1554confident fiat thsy voold go direct t Frnce. 0i.heales mar W,:. WINS nIg te ar. Touo , cni" -R ea lrooklep tise>' ould, j» Wo Just before the custamer gef e rea- HostoonIreza". dy f0 eay: "Pîcase send the package. The. IMrst 0.14 artiller>' wlll net 0* ouf as soon as yau can." flic saIes- te JFronce as the -Vinat lilinois em1- Penaoîn la to say: -Th'lis le> Only a'atillery. If viS be as flhe I&Mt sasilpackage, voa'f you plemuecarry field artilley. It -viiitaxe peoji ý if home?" If wag declded Tucada>'etai long flans toetofthse ew tyif. à a couference befyccas Samuel Insult. Jnmp iroma a stWi amiral te abi. cliainnan of tUic atfe councl afde- pis one la centisavu. to a10 5 fense, snd thc comimttee oi nêtail dier. DBoude., aIl the. tr&dlflom a"o dealers. affl"w fed the icFormer. If lis aisea Iulcnded to place s lime Plans lier Numuesat e linit for Uic nelurni ai ooda sent on Tii. regiment yl lie buias4c4 illa, applroval. Thli unt. Il vas decMied. lb.eFi-at Indum 0.14 .rtlleq egt4 shauld flot exceed scvcnty-two bours 160fli field ar-tiller>', snd 'the Fismiý sud ns> pe»rlapa lie as bnifas iorty- PLlnsafield 4anfl»err ai th ic If let ciglif hours. field artilîsi->'"d l#Me ilIflitreuaoi The st.ate streef dcpantment s'.ore is otor batai-y to e ýe cca"jÇo.eto have already reduced the numben of Maryland troogu, i¶iie vi uappl delivenieesfo t vo daily. Ilirce tan Baf- tii.cuntaina et tire Or9in aan rée,-~ urdays, sud fire fîmes a wcek luin xentfst 5ken 2lOimWl' t flic suburhu. Some smaller extua teen atatss. Thby »M alsegOve %Mp, lishinenfe on the northwesf aide re- Port f0 li08PWl uO1$F&Aoidmacipi fuse fa deliven a bliof les$ than 50 guncompo.4ae7tuOnM tae a nd OthOr.ý cents a. tatea. 'r.. Sheds Water. 'eIt A Cres uhieli lu sald ta shed vater -loa'î ieto -ý lul w 4,- lu abondance from Its leaveq ati ma dat argues." US4 U nce Uea; branches gnoes lutIste Philippines, *-4d, chanceorsmdat lbo tr>'ia'lte.ctW* n'bere if In known oses c ;" -la oelm'louaUgL Uflwni la15calea .Imonasy poa2. 1THE POC MTUI POCK ETi BILLIAgU6> Waukegan 'sRFnest Bikïard Room NO W IN'F[WL SWNG Nine magnificient tables, indivil lighted, which insures the bW tof! sèr!i A cordial invitation is bxtendod VoeY man in the city-Come in and visit tmp They- slould realirefliaf tliey are al links ln Uic chain for national de- fenre." The registraftion card takes stock of each woman's panficular abilit>'. Women t lb al" ofkiifle l libe requlrcd ta de extra work dail>'. or ta, Àassisf wen tlie emergency ar- rives. Mr$. Pannie Gradie, as dhaimni of flic executive consmitfce, te put- tlng forth even>' effort to brlng thet Importance airflic registration liefore1 aIl wamen'e organizationa aoflice cit>' as tis realtzed fliaf onl>' b>'co-opera- flou can flic event lic made a com- plefe success. A systematIe can- palgn of edacatian is to lic pramotcd. COLLISION ON TUlE ELECTRIC mifon,>_- f An: resd Bur- if flic eo m- Ooone a f ee 1 fiat t1 flic Bd ,for rr fie ranfcd incIlf., immer a spe* e vas y flic or snd toa d- led f0 n dis- or vit- 41 Super- 1. -r vif g red o i uac- 8e gos' îted ta Ferdi' lic ne- sot su- bled. .4 for, as car- ri-vsons D>Jger. r, Moe' ,deck. aipson, i-vions rercoe, ýta fis. saloo ion lis ced fie If for a ler but- flic dead' and wounded" oiflihe shaam tiglitbecaine a grima realit>'. Bege for Daughter. Porfney wa uncanselous, but Mrs. Wfiffsken and lier dauglier were not so fortunaf e, and flic môther beaged fhe nmen pifeously te save lier daugliter. Chief Engineer Fallan of flic rail- wiky compan>' taid s reparler tliat negîcct of orders caused thée wreck. 'There isafna -question'"lic said. 'but fliat disobedience ai onders b>' Notar. man McVey on flic second train, la rs.opousible.' "Our Instructions to ail motormen prohibit a speed af mare flan ten mails an hour whic approacliiag the Grcat Lekeasfation" McVey fald station officiais lie ap- plied the emergency brakes flie mo- mecnt bis train swung around flie licnd and lie saw tlie local standing at flic station. He thlen ran back itot flie train and escaped inJuries, se- cording ta hic stafement. Are Waitin ~ f fk Greatest AMA or 'WE'RE READY,'_SAYS 3011i AlHave opWZWgfrI struEton-y RL.sat Lieut. Col. A. V. Smith, of Wn- kegan, le mare flian plcsesd witli tl announcement froan Waahingtoa b*ý the EiratIlîlinois field & rtillery. q« whlcli regtment hlai.second ln oo.m' mand, sud at present acting liead at Fort Shieridan, wUlIic fiône of tflinit commanda sent ta France. Yes' monflis and months lis bas eWaed at tlic dels>', but like s good so141er lie lias been uncomplalnlug. Nov thst the Information lias lieca given, lie - malien no pretense of hidlng bis @B-. thusiasan. Waukegsni yeung men vlio beloitg toe lcregient aeeno egsaislaad. and f isaviii fitheateat sageraiecs fliat ordeifi to move are being avalt- cd. Tise local young menn yl »Y fareweli f theîr relatives and theïr fiende vifisin a ver>' short lima,mas flic order f0 leavs the fort' for France rna7 orneut "lOut iiy flans - 15w. 1

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