Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 16 Aug 1917, p. 12

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îuem iI~. *1 KTCLffl C EAINED Waukegam, August 14. PI.neJ. Dinesowner and nfias- 0f,« the Drue DMu Company at1 mwUSakeMd lien consln> H. V. Choie- ad bave purchased tho Rosa dnug »te ci!lie. Mande . Peer. Mis 1Druco bas bee n in the drug .gheesfor 17 yearsansd at anc tine wUed-d managed tiree drug stores. bels a'ven effiient business mom- 0 a tue Ast cili ember of thre St. diema churcli, Graylake, and St. '<irector et the l4ke countY qit-~lvelapd, mrho stand» on te -rTot at ite liuois fBahei0 isou Isen 1 of t 4qba rugma, ie li ahua ewbIt 70051i Lut yee ho mas a bue brgemajontn as tax in l acte la lodge ai- "he fnS' la Incorporated and mli~ iaeWao as thse DruceCèveand Drug MPUaY. h lathie omuers' amihtion cesaduet te store under the aime m I. V. CL*«VStANO. ot wilicipal o! the former amner. Tho nom propietors are mlli kuomu Wougboet Leke cauuhy and Wsuke- am and extend an Invitation tla oh Id *cg t&ow.jricndu ta cali on thein t e Rexall store, assuring them of *t Rekal curteay andI good service. %e present ctersnbc ili ho rets mcd. 6. Cieveinnd wmidevoae ils entire lS ho thie Waukegan store, wmille Fas Drue mii -4vde ber time bc- seen thi> store àh Waukegan snd the asvlak sore. ~4SIN ~Yf 0F STRI3I3T Cetnoeod Frn Page One.l oifte 5151» boaarain tic boai Mt Tise salr thoughut avorabl) 'iMs ter a fem momnts, but lati a te te .risk. àm 'fatweudht Waik. taa« goiugtmk Il th, fr~ters, ho renanksd a ~5IM9 the mater sud trut àwte $"aaoat ie. w4o i s Um5*l ge titan oni 4M5*SO0 ho ieapparent 'uwbs.te Inag te l e ii A-eft. OIt to isA antiafter a Searcli o lttl. mOrEorsin hsI! an lieu-te body mas locateti Wesley GUS*0B.O laone udr hy the saIlora tram the Vaie and 5011, JOhil Gusiaisnl »Mald s- r brought to the surfac-. 801, iiitl t gual, -Gertruide'Ad. Lungmotor a d been rushed 10the asmIda8e padll4ine. end of the governmcllt pier as 13003f Hall Day, 8ehbOOI-Mn-'hSlI Schroo' sa the drOm»nns ecame hnowu n .1der oaa yiRse or. atter the body Of the etlO ai elanO- der, Blwte i tSouler, ýW&r"h J Bprague. WllaiGer4ei it eOrnce ed the wo 0f re mscm Maether, LuelUa leeonZ, MYra Ger- inencedto. Rescuers lalmed. thatthie, body bot, akSbOI-U Hr i GA~ eUh lWarin aud nome belleved Rena RogiIlg, Vélmns, ti, OsîIWn Ce' e signe of lits mre apparenti, Asthe lns*iauRSOtWerHU body bad net stiffened. The effor6i lus'Vva usU iaiHm to kindie the 'upark et! lie hlceh dee. I zzeaned evident lestaid an heur, and Wauconda School-4LiOyt Graham. 1Doria McCormici4' Varie 1atn. thon the ibody ot thre ma90r ms PlacetS Margaret Hughies, lile" GrAb&en. ln the, patrol boat and itnel 4o the. Harry Young, Dorothea Stroker. P naval treining Station. Duriihg tihe Wadsworth 1 àlh 00-ASflO5 Cast- trip the lunfflotor mas kePt ln oper- more, Catherine Caulimore. ation, but. hefore the, arrivai of the Rnot Jil-tmrd 9v boat at the station the lait hOPe o0 uhReBnde Samueci. d aw raving the Yon Man mau iven UP, Âmens.Schao-LIlll&n Gross.. and the remaia mre brouglt 1te orest Sho-Calet o morgue afior tbe arrivai et the body woy et Great Laes Vasey Schooi-Arthur Dillon, Dur- Hundreda of persons hearlng of the 1Oh iln accident gathied on the Suh lr North Sehool, North Ciao nutwthdteefrso the rescu- Charlotte Plutkis, Edmard Bruant, -ra. A gurd mas piaced aet tie ont- John Doleflc, Tony Méotle.c rance of the goveriment pler hy te Coon School-.Lhbhle Mille, Benja- comanding officer ot the Yatitie and min Dushek. civlias mio attemPted toev031U the kdy colHlnYug ecene of the dromning mre turne-d ,0 aa Sho-elnYug back. Juit as the patrol boat lti Wright school-ilerman. Boysen. wth the sallor's body for thée ation, Glbert Voelker, Abert Radke, Otto the govrndient ambulances carryîng Rde surgeons reached the pier andl mae Dlamond, Lake-Geradiiie A- urned bockl. brecht, Donall Poulton, Douglas Coo- The mon of Conrad & Weftel ln per.1 having the luagmolor on'tIti icuonf Haineevili 8ébool-:1Tcmr Trucks. te drownlng anq -the subséquent et- Russel School-'Aavin ReeVes. fortsetfM. Conrad ho revive tii" Deerfleld Bocnbl-Eluorm Bobs, Young mnu, was eomiêéidOtile As Emil Juhrend, William Johnstont, soon ai word o!rlte dromning bai Myran Stryker, Dorc.hy ,Colennan, been recoived M. Conrad ruelied toJ Tteore StieuinBoer Love», the pler and took a boat to lihe icone Marionse Garrihy, Jack Joiston, ma- of te occident While rescuene mere bel Hammegb Kenetit Hsggi, HéleIn eeerchlng for th e body, Mr Conrad Edtrand, Leslie Haggi, libert Gold- testedl the lungmotor hi placiug the -ring, Ullian Amen, Wllard (}oldring, ,nasi < oer hie own face anti bail the Agnes Petersen, Ver, Plagge. appliance lu working aider miien the Wannenton School-Blrdeila Flor.i body of Milon mas broueti ic thejFranC03 Carroll. pier Grass Leke'-JsbelPreganeer. Wtuk¶ Yoîrng Wemen and I(eopA«alr Srt, WOMAN DISL.OCATES ARM. CVr ICIl Smashed When It TU=no Its Skie and Throws Occupants Into Diteh. Three Young inOU and thnce maIeln of Waeekgan mere Injured cBmene lino ater midnigii Manday ighi miien ther automnobile ment lnto a ditell near Ivanioe and iurned on isaide, thrawlng thsoccupants tram the ma- chine. oveny effort hau been made by men- hors of tic pariy te cn"a their Idenfily. due. 1h lg sald, ta the haun or tic night ei mbich the accident occurned sud the alleged circuin' aailces connected mth thie smahup. On. young vomn, s»Id te have Ieen an emaploie o! E., V. hllnkew5elai o! tic Waukegan Terminal, suffered a dilicatgd ami, and tie tior lve members o! tic party more more or lsa injured. It mss clalmed tic ac- cident occurned atter one o! the Party bail trlcd hoeiresi the sleertng mieei from thc driver ontie groUnde utfi the latter mas in no condition'ta run lie machine. Tic car mas badly sma4ed as a nesuif o! the accident, il lae aid. An employé o! H. V. Fnhelateln, Wha oisimed ta ho familier mlii thc deuails o! the mreck, dociared tie car ttad been ented by the monao! tic 9anhy *out'af om." Ho refused ta divsîge thcenaines o! the occupantseto the car. stating that tie inluned persoa s"did flt misiha h ave tudr naines apelan q Inhihepaper." il mas fint sated hal thie car mas eue o! those omned by M. Vlnkelstetn. but tues alsc mes- denled as lioth cnrs iad hot seu Inoperatian in Wauke- tgan Truesday mornlng. The damaged y aris lu1u aldh have been tomed tea garage ah lvauioe. but thé mauner in whlcihie Inlured pensonsamèeecon- veyed ta tiec4cty could no01 b. lexau w'hite Sehool- Elale Leonard, Les-- lie Kirachuen, Fredrica Jayne, Walda Shuet. John Clinge, Vicier Clinge, Zoa Jayne, Lucille Kirechner, Alred Shuett. Courtney Schoo-WIIIlam Clark, stier Clark, Grecs Johinson, Ceclle Murray. Wlmot Schol-Leslie Whicomb, Irving Whitcomb. Gilmer School-Ltla Uudmensloeii, Paul Muelier, ]LIlîan Surina, Walter ichumaker, Myrle Undbenstoclt, Bittle Mueller, Otto Mueilen, Mlldnsd Umbdenetock. Bric', Scliooi-Edwin Bauer, Irving Tomnsend. Gages i*ke-John Kerry. Evelyni Van Zandt. Gurnee Schoel-Eugeue leicait. Highwood Scliool--Etbel M Iler., Onnie 'On. HoWartS Goaci. Edmard Marks, Frank ?iulip. Leols Carlion, Mashall (reoch, Conrad Siven, Lu- cille Gis. 1Wlntirop Harbor Schol-Mlhlred Knlght, Gordon Spencer, Vara Hanks, Hienry Nienhaben, FEsther Repkam. Stafford Sciool-Earl Clark, Ilan- lin Clark. Central Bciaol, Nati Chicago- Melba F'ulton, Dean Diupuxakia, Mary Jackson, Clans Paueake, nggal Pez- là,~*fuf . 1113 'or"0. 4s.bol-ome4 Bu ,Qriley - :liDa Meyer, Sa-c ah aey, boffinoier. N jorti Prairie suool-Hacel mPl-1 vill, QqGe . . 1 1ll Mumy $Iool-,.ZIla MeDomeli1 rina *s laLella Hapke, RIW&rd9 SchuSs B"ool-Beniamin Nikeiey, à»se Muer. Chainnel j.lie ehool-Corneltuis loetOlouuua Roberte. Ma)"en Icicol-Evelyn Miler, Samuel Mlller, Lucynda Miler, Bes*Ie- Waecomda Sohol-Artiur Straker. Johin araibdb myron Hughes, Merlin Ilugtes, Rdobot. lecetburf, Hathie Powell, Lobr IBrquhton. Aven OsuterScol-Bentia 1100- Jittle, iselel »m*ae, Ale LuigGe- ilevitave BohaiugDonald OremIn. Lias-of eltt grado graduaug o! tommuty, echool 0f county: Nellle R. Smtith, irabel Ei. Small, Ollvýr 8. Pauley7, Mildred Under- wmod, Herbert, Solimorman, Christinie Waguer, Carl Welakppf, lichen M. ltoke H. A"a Welskopf, Jerry B. Tomner, Iv" awiLerence, Robent Bn-. cher, AbusaIM. Churchill, Jenlete E. Smith, Bane'. . Wagner, Raiph M. Jou15 eas.te& .C. Wagnier, Flandina Reihein. RnnH Dasher, Frances A. Gels. Jouai.-L Moore brsIYes K, Peck, Katherne A. Leir, Daaso3J White, &thgoi-U sykes. Helen M. 'Mli, Bertba LU Nickoley, Eleanor M. Priopi, Henry &. Keough. Warren 8. Suragu., Marshall J Wylle. Theodure %. psldin& Wlter J. Burke, Eve- lWn MUér, Blancehe Gonyo, Elizabeth D1. 'eruett »Utie Déoody, WU]".a 11. UIiry, lieal D. Dickean. Birdellalt Ylood, Evelyn, C. Ukdahl, Rouana P. Kelly, Many B. PtOsenekie, Mangaret 8karda. QGiney4eve, . Walsh, Ediverd Rutàmu.oWi Oq.rge tuey. MymuîE.B Muna"sl, nlietta -P. Gon. 1e > WJslgerVlaHart. ,berett Baner, liena KosLnj% &Inma Qrlffel. Har«bert W. Clise. lUit Wir*h. Mo"riVayn Young, Relën B. Antan, Terlnand l<toz, Qeome Lesbie. John T. Le- Voy, LéeslieM. Behreno, Abert C. Christeneen. Howard Bond, Alle; awenfey5'. (lier D$, 'obert LoxM,i Archie Ray, ýLeQllard burge, Alfred.- H. Aen,Th eresaX.fitansen. (Imen.u dolyn Parry. Willis M. lse, Bolier Robinson, Riais D. flohulse, Charte!; Jackson, "iymond B. Mier. John H. Chureh, John R. Cole, John H. Jack- poâ, Margaret à. Burridge, tiduard Grant. b-ving H. Lange, JoeV J. G. Hancox, Edward Miller, Irene, L. Shinsky. Helen P. Jensen. George B. Gehaghty, Edniund L Crowley. Geo. A. Smith, Arthur C. Enslund, Wesley Steele, Uizale -M. Paverait, Ethel D. Miller, Eleanor M. Bart lett, Richard C. Shannon, Chester 9. Hueêtés, Be*' slo Ketchion, Harold Reddlng, John R.Mer, Florence d'uddlea, Ciars *Woe,. Ralp M. Smith, Howard A. Keddl, Henrietta Kolili, Florence Shirlina, Caherine MilroY, Raphaeil MeEvoy, Della Fulton. Joseph M*. Il Jollei, Harald Wlklnson, Tin.nisj Gllagier, Marie Korner, Tena Ka- ninski, Frank Lais, Walter Kitl, Beatrice Jackson, Evelyn fiharvln, Irene lHuaalnka, Myrtle Jacobsen, iCnglj,,QJn~8aensnArthur Verni. e, Phyllit Morley, John W. Wallace, RazsI Stephey, Esthler L Hawkns, A&. ptanaeDOýïe, Framnce .CarroliJ"Rose onne.'. "' 0 Otrtrude Burke, Jo4Is a Kelly, Oar l Meeman, Franklin A. Neyer, ?lr&n'i. KalagoFrancis Gloden, Cassius B. 11l NikOe, Leslie Kirchner, Elale Utu, Homard U Stryker, Léeslie l-'oWd. Cari Nelson,. Frank llaink, fitage, Owen gavage. Jack B. Krevis 1LaSunînA. il'ndericka Jayne, Ximat Goldrug. Theresa Kiouup, HmrI4 Toyaton, Esther B3erghorn, Path Releit, Florian C. Savasge, Rose C. 'Lohman, Robin F. MIlIler, Florence OfflMan, Myrtie chle, CRoine Benes, Hazel Benner, DÇIor- Virgil 8ellÉ, Eva Ender. Louiee C. oes y.Kesî Beatrice Hook, Grace Blank, Ottô M. Truie. Wilîis Guider, M. Beaumann, Ruth Larson. llerbert DarthyDomilArcie . SalionSchwerman, Doris Murrie. Benjamin Jennie R. Giswald, Victor Bo*n, Ar- F. Duehek, Edua M. Klepper, Ruthi leIst L. StlýkIèà. Leorand Stickles, 1. Donuellî, RCugene 8. Siroker, Ed. Ityrtle Rayes, Jeouie Runyard, Ed- woard W. Semich, Mary Huffma4, win Dram, Arnold Blueehman, -Lu- Clara Boheneke. cile Runyard, Vivian Rogerq. iarga- 1 ret R. Sheeban,> Fran* Johnson, Clin- A.dCnubi ton StaLileld, lBertha Johnson, My. Work mulAvi s ue ykepn tia ton W. Hughee, Pauline E. Marrie,l 1 bouiier as nos go.iff ......... 8lw ta4 bosa iýl cor sous tps bbeeub odile vas st eUCCh thtL& A~I)J~A&~W I t vasle «W *emuig0t dI asuddenly. * Mai t~*sMees mtu fef w hen he Mma.J m uffet 0'Wgu.onda hMrý'4w'bo0 W' &"*mdrueggt k b'wh flmw l ad usP4ed awy. SUOCUI*IS ~ ie. TPuier maws 4 y«earu *1and she f=OU161:C bave. t4ree gravit child.ien. Fun- Have you ever thougit, what the 'vaine of codfikene and aoodwillistiubusùus? Adealgcan-degtanad mite a noise tbrogb a newspaper, copy mateinal Irom other ad- vetisements, use the same slogan mntiier. dealer bas used for years t* bud up a business, nd «usl Lie licks the -punch ta uuikte "Ihome," J. BLUMBERG -who for the past 17 yefrs bas "uushed ovu 5,000 homes. HAS THE CONFIDENCE 0F THE PEOPLE backed by 5 floore of Yunr -and lt*n".ings, wbich we cati truthfuuly adv«tdsas Lake CountY's L&rge84t, qIdet and Meut Reliabfr. Patniture Store without fallie exiggs<ation. Bear .n'mind, wben you are reédy to, fur"is your home or equîp a single room or purchasc -au article, do flot lail to visit oui Dayligbt Store and get our puices. We know you wdll'pok by it. Fïours for the Best Service ,BLUE. SERGE SUIT SALE- We will make Saturday, August 18, at this' store Blue Serge Day. There wiIl be a savi*ng to you Of $10 on one of our flart.Sçhaffner vanced 5* over lasi as Second Gardon e! £den Pi tIo laswid '. cienties t hah Mesapa- tailé nly.bythie appication of MOd- e- ru agriculture, be madeomioa motler PER DOZEN ........ 750 lyGertIen f Bd". AUCTION SAt.E-Horaes. coma. PE ALY D ....... 4«W Id tarin Imploments, hayan sd #Min, Ruin'. D06M. Store, Wauceen, I11.ý Ar ait Lubai tari, on Telostapi t oad, Filon Institutions & Industries, Z1l00 eht onefeurt talile souti e! - BetlyldereCty steiet WeduMoa, 10 o'ciock. A »u trigg & Taylor,. Ubertyvllle. il. YPMa, propniotons. . a. L. t.Murrie, Ae. FS E. iA. I.. Wald & C, iLake Vill. r' Obén, itéleben. W Il+ * , GusSebon & C., North CMcae. k'Marx blue serge -suitsY.- Blue se rge' suits. have ad- Syear and we haveafine lot of blue serge suits at. the old prices and more to fqllow. We are going to giye our customers the profit instead of, taking it ourselves. Here is your chance before the new fal suits arrive., A good many predict that the war will last two or thre- yea; if1 so, -and you get one of these suits, your suit trouble will be over. Ail sizes, 37 to 50., Prices: $17.OO, $20.00 $22.00 $25.00 $27.00, $30.00 Young'Men's Ne- ;,Serge Special Sizes> 30 to 36* at $.15; the advance on these suits would make them worth in the market today $22.50. Special Clearance of Men 's Ponts, -This season has. left lis with a good am'ortrnent of odd paras.- and on every pair bought on ýaturday, will refund you $1.00. pNAOL£ succESowoS it [y Br ie MMMo

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