Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 16 Aug 1917, p. 5

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LEBERTY VILLE. LA.KE OOUNTY. ILL*~OIS, THURSDAY, AUGIJST 16, 1917. Page Five Now is the time to put in' YOUR WINTER SUPPLY OUR SUPPLY IS EQUAL To Ail Demonds and Clean Od-r Service The' Beat. 1)0" w É" .OU d Det.%MSes. em.. Sv,. Phone 47 E. A. Buehop, Mgr. o a fl ------ M oss. as s ss * :u If ouWant to MIi our bins Wihapure Carbon Coal, give us your order Don't wait until the Iast moment until the price. goeu up. Get it now, get it from us- W. guaantee you Perfect satisfaction W.>F. .RANZEN. JR. Telephone 50. Libertyvifle *èeerioga'nd McCormick mowers. Side Deliverg Rakes, Dump Rakes.. Keustone, Dain and Deere Loaders.e Iorks, Rope, Sections and Repairs. Largeat Stock. Priced RightL SCHANCK HARDlWARE Piiî.COMPAN~iY ~vi. Licen mber eand Fumerai Dredor AutomobileHearse uAn ~ae r4p gsFrneishèd 'Wheni di 9 ý P eibertqv11ie If You Know of News o! Local Interest Pleas Cai Telephone Number 1. ss:.s::sss s Lake County Fiur September 26 ta 29. MdisS Gruce. Ieekler va. a Chicago caii. or Tueeday. Wm. Brnett and vite @peut Sundal at the L. Drury home. The Lbertyvili. (irammar ehal.vlll open an eptenuber lti. lir&. Fred Mo1rdiioue and d-uablelr Gruam are ,isîting ln Indiana.. Mabel Oreseiey oi Chicago, epent Sun. day al: he F. Llghsbody home. M,,. C. Hamel attended the Foresers nonvention ai Milvaukee Monday. Mr. snd Mr@..O. Mutins ai Chicago, @poat tb, week-end utlb. Win. Ingrahant home. Ater u ehort ,isit vitb iriende ut fipringlielit Ted Kunke rettsrned ber. sonduy. lire. Julil. Maxwvell and daughter Lau- lse opent th. e el sud vith lire. W. E, Enekineý TIime Alices and Elaia Huds let Tueday marnlng foy th. Delle af ch Wlsconsin. Weeding vilii valueasY fiit wictev vien motiier eervee aboie homu-canneal living beans. Mr@, Fvank J. Wrlgbt rpturtaed home aiter being lu lhe hospîtal ut Evanston for a week. Frank Kevu vas the siniser ai the 82 50 given avuy at the Beveridlge ehi ia@t Saturday ereniug.. Mie. Hazel lieKinzie ot lodianapaite, Indiana, hisvlitiog st the MeKeBzie and 'Cols. home. in Librtyvilie. Prof. and Iirs. EatIe ai Minua. Ili., vers iiser runday viaitave ut the home ei Mr. andl Mis. John Welcb. Tii. Junior enxillary ai St. Lawrancai cbuvcb vili méet vitb Mia.etRuth Wai. rond udxt Tueeday. August 21. George PouandLsud, 0Paîneette and vile ai Fort Wayne. Indiana. areviuit- ing at lhe Fred Jabheint home. T. E Swan attended lie second anisa- ai piseuter.othce Credt Ascatoet Sdgertau, Wisconsin. ia.t Tbuvsday. ,Mr. and Mv.ý Ray Cale ai Redfield, Sauth Dakota and Wills@ Coleansd iamiiy tb. Raipb Cale home. 1ev. T. E. *leam aud iantlly are spatial lnu a iew day vo itb relative@ et Camp Epwortb sud Rockird,l111 Tb eyexpest Roy Ke meset Sundtl*ci n ChicagoPESN SRRS BobWoo va a seuuda iesov FÜR LOCAL RED CROSS Rd Lynch le en3joyiug lus vacaetionan u bis liane bere..Our B.d Crises eaci'tY wac surPrues.d Mrd. EuhelMooare le tandling ber vaca- tOU in iCh'icago. ReMember b. o Baud n~tevery Wednessiay ev.ning. A daugbter vue haru o tM \r.and Ide. A. S. Dougb.vly lIt Sundet. hUe oMyrtie Forele i pitisg twi elter, Mrm O.orgs Werenberg this week. Tusl cai&yhm. bes'u tii.. scerîs. ai @everal accidents dnring tah. tissa week. Hoard uWiIcoi 11%Saturday for Uhic- neapolle Bter a visit witiî rlatives here. Mi.. Barriet Raby lsepeuding lie week witi ber Bunt Mms.GralbuainluChîcago, Mi». Minute Joeibeim and iiends iront. Indiana rntored to Waukegan lionday. Mié Franciselsiap leit Tueeday moraiug for UMunoepalis loy e risit vii relatives. Tii. Beverdge pisyere ui1oeed tlil veel stand hier. Surday evening viti a fuli bauee. M.sunitMsr@. ieey Lîcbt.ield andl fum'y spenls uudal la Austin wiabtire LIcit- teide cousin. The Rarneet Wortere Suuday âchatI cam. villmeet vISit MWseEllu Partir Sutuvday afternooe. Rasymoua nd md oui Rouer bave eurm. ed atter speuaisgiX beir vacation at Qolncy, II., viii relatives. Joseph Bod bus beau honoreal witb an appontent «eUcond Llieutenant ai Fart Saeliig, Minnesota Mise Betty. Jaceffl returued Man- day tram a tva eeks viil with rela- tive. and friand# la Indiana. Mr. aud Mm,. H.nry Licisieldalnsd Henry Numeen ant lady triend tactk su auta trip ta Elgin lasi Thuîeday. F. Aleman, Or., fait Wedîîeoday cran- irgta make anuextendealviit wiih friande sud relatives.ait Monroe., Vsi.. We bave heen havlaig esi iue uc. cool westiier tbe pat veek but the. corsnavalds some more "Covu veather' ta gise us a gaod crap. Sumner(. Kimbal i. tai; ng i vasa. lion front postoffice duty and caps e ta leava Sattsrday tar pointq in Sorthera ~5isconoin. Miss Helen Caeey an emvpiayee ai *be Counby National Sat here wa@ takeneÙ tbe.ane McAliéter lomiosal In Wau gan Manday and was operateal an ia ppeudicits.. A delegatian [ramnt ab-Palatine Fîre Department vue hore Sunday ta nspect aur liotar Pire Truîck. Tbey are cou- tentpluisg bnyingt a track anal vas vevy woiipleaoes i vtb ours. Mai Koliuer w riite a Idependent that b. lae ejaying his vaScatjuruna ironvood. àMicigau eeo*sg Ibe tran idies sud transping throngli fiewvassl. 13" expect@tt olab sateonorrow (Friday) eveciig. ta lie away aver nudt Sunia ass enhu ietie lRed Crasse voîers mise Dlle Hart vho hsîanrstn ave beau nteking tripe nier dieraut -1,.. n. rend inCanda .o ainesection@ ofthtei. ouitkylu the intereet iA lime returneal home Friday and al@s v- quntea ber duties uit the Noriah Subi. Gias offie. Iseverai front haesvent ta Hammonal, tIbdiana, Sunds ytase. the bal gante betweu the Wuukegan anal Hammapal teams wvilcireeuiteal iu a victary for the Hammonal baye by a score ai8 ta L: On Mouday Sila. Wrightcelebraled1 is 82ud birtidlay, by a motar trip ta Lake tGeneva, Willams Bay anal Walwortb. accompanleal iy M. anal Mr@. S. J. Young, Mr@. J. J. Wilson anal sons. M. andi Mre. J. B. Keler anal MIes Miidred Keller. Ciarle. Eerrlnita'I lttie san Herrick Oeil front hie coauter Sulurday anal brate bis colar boue but na. ho dii fot com- plain It vas uqt i allevreal htisa th. bon. vue brokenutil Monday. De la gttlng aiotg ig ley ut preeont vriting. Qutesa ev tram bore uttonde4, the. Pook Counby Pair ýUt P lno fa.t we.k. Tii tort "«allen," a. comntony ued lna ths Unitedt State es nDo ualnaqalta be offensive. Ail pereona boas lu ierelgn countrie, or subt eita foreigu govsrn- mouS, or rotere, are "len"untllthey siail bave 1.1051 Clope ta forve*r tii. alleglauco anal ta became Am.rleo 1c nul. sous..But theuê are threkndo olien.: friendi>, netral anal .uomy. Auýd i la s not difficuitt la aierantal. Iwe5v.1 lient, Il sont, poudiIn latlalta shah be onactsd, t vilI iiii.lm iifficutit 1in.1 Tise Ma.saclaaet. lghvay C(ntnià slan ie golng ta put thaslivih aye ben canviciesi of aporatiup maror car~ i ii. under lie Influence aifilquor "ou a long probation." They muettaite th lspesigo andl keep il for aue yeer, Tiol mut. obt ainaposition viii s rOs*ubl. employer, anal mOnit hig reconmenala. tien tor goodeceiuacti Thien'foêlp1tier thhnge are equa," tieirop.or'é Jicese wil be retmnftasd ho Si..Tii 4î0cuity t ei gai làîrtiun equat. Rovi*ver', lot hie nev roi@ le gv n a fatr trg~dtt migit Dot b. a iad t lng lar tises sete.' ' *Tb, irs b«1@0 *~Y>etandboard 1 uno tia Lake Couay Uapter. Tbay are meeting viit gaod aucce.. The. Local Draft Boar.i for District No 1, Late Couuty ara exaansung mon on tie second liât. 180 vers exumineal yesterday anal ihey ezpoctIio examina th. lame number taday whbi ii com- platse lit.s. Marian Jouas. iaremau af thse stable. an tie Amas iarm nrti oi Libertyvilie va. kickeal by a have. Monday aller- noon andl is srm va. broken. Dri. Stephetsai Libertyville andl Palnter ai Gruvslake attendeal hlm., The Libertyville Ridle Club i. preparicg graunde an the. iuadav on the. North Sida ai tie Railway trac. opposite the Yors MIII bottllng plant anal xpecata b. ready ta open upthe range lu a ev days. Msmbarebip cardon»a be secuieal iron thtei.ecrtary, J. R. Affaman. Tise Preabytevîsu churci anal Sunday sehool picnlc vas lal Idai FouisP ark last Tueday. Aler tha bountital repaaI provideti by lhe ladies, short patriotie exre., ver. held al clnding tie Fleg Salutesuanaltle miingof a anog by liti. Basalile anal ilvrea Krucarmn anad a reilation by Ruth atèmaun. INume.- oui abhietie sparts for tii boye andl girls unucer lie dîvectians ai Hugo Montanus totk up tie tinta ai lie atternoon anal vheu lie marci backto th le deoaias itartei everybady voteti the occasion a great susiee. The. specl car brougbt tbe bapp y tbotough tIreal picicer. buck ta tavu about 5:80. WEDOINII BELLS IMM# AT M. 1. PARSOAI On Satuvduy aveningat S o'clock Mr. J. liail Bsqtcbinusanal Iseu Mytie r rochman h of ai Damnto lLake, were e ulietl lu marriaga by Rev. T. B. Reant at tii. M. E. parsonag. The marringe obr.msony incindes tise besuttel anal t= - rpreesive veadîtsg ring service. " bide A. dgracia are veil kuavu young pAOP)ln luthe Dwmrnd'Lab. cnt-. ilan al havesa but-of blondts tuer. ho. WIsb hem -Mpaptytsdagc joy. WAftlo ashuni v.aldifpt $p ,»5.youg 4oule iiiM iq M,9 lbWvs&àDiamant Ld ,fch~ vea., -V IP U and vevy an,ih peaseed 1%'.sts.suay, ta final tiat a ins, surgirai cahinet tnad bes.n piuced lu the towu hall anal ansîther long table caveical v.ith îielthl ,riad for niore workerp as, the .gisuze drvessî,g The. equipsisnt avas dite ta the thougisi- tuinessa of Dr. M.artin.rThe aux.iiary gevo hlm a haarty Iistfotr hie tinseiy cotributions. olai) OSlare taàkiug up thii work that extra table sPace for matsng comnprepses wu@ b.- eomînig iery -eeS(rY. The Rled Crase ecuwiveal $7 25 whlcb va. hall oi thi,. udt prceedm ftram the beaeir, datise gisest, y te isu. ad boy. receetly. Alsa a rnnt'ibîstion oi $5.DO tram Mv. J. B MacOuffin. Every "sit" s.ounle ln tii@ wurt ad every -bit" le sppveciuied lsy tfie Red Cru@@ warkers. PRQMINT ARCII* TECT DROPS DEAD H. R. Wilson, Designer of Lib- ertyville High School, Dies From Heart Trouble. Libertyville. Aug. 14-Word was receiveit ber. tiis morning announc- lng the Suditen death of H. Rl. Wilson prominent local architect, wltb offi- ces at Chicago. Detaile have flot yet been receivealatîser than abat liw droppeal deaci tram an attack of hearf failuire. Mir. Wilson la wetl known livre anal abrougheut the. couîîty, iH.,* oidiucs an office at Chicago and wa. h,ýcu i- tomedta toleave lsertyville for Ibat clty eacb marning on the 7:20 train. He was th@ designer of the new high school veceotly finished here. He made bis bomr, a short dietance soutb of this clty. He hal licd sn ibis la. caIity nucherof yeeru. Ileis Is su viveal hy hia.widnw. No funerasl arrangemeýnt,, lai c iz yet been umade excepi tai the r,- mains viii be brougbt from Chicago ta this cil>' todaY andali lheucbody' viii be burleal bere. BUILD SUBMARINE AT STATION? NOT YET, LIEUT. FISIIER A report prevails abat naval sta- tion employen are ntaklng s suinta- rnue at Great Lakes station, one vbicb will ha o! the latest patern, etc. Askeal aboutL it, Executive Officer Fisher said: 'Oh. ibats, a joke. abs. gunticra gang l]m piaylng viali ame- tblng of thal so rt; tbey are tinkering on a toi' modellia', ;ail." Anal -i tlb..submarhop etory sica,, n'a ibe depuis-i of tic lake off tlreat I lakes 1%.illiam PF Jordan,. oie past.)r of tbe First apittchurcli o! Norwich, Kans., was ardaineti an eIder ln the Christian Catbalic churci ln ZDon atý an ordinaion service hed ai Shloh tabernacle, Zion City, Sunaay after- noon. Rev. Jordan came ta ZMon a few weeka ago le study 1theZMan movemena anal wtile ibere bc became convînceal Zion vas ticejroper place for hlm. He lastheasulbor of a boolk calleal 'Cretf&" andal a or', on the war entitled -The European War Prom a Bible Stanalpoînt." They'i Nover Belisys l'hie, One tiing negilgenl anal Inelliient parente shoulal remembar. Tii. legila- ture viii neyer have wiadont enougi to do succesefliy for chilalven et a dis. tance visaI parents faau anal negiect te do on the sot. Tise leglslature cunit reaci lb. spo.-Houston Post. ld, young Johansen induced the Nadelhoffer boy to go ta the barn and permit hlm tb take tihe Ford car out and "go for a short ride." "He_ has alvays been a gocal boy, and I am surpriseal tiat be voulit îub- mit te tie request." sal the father. adding. "but he aid, and they drove nortb Wto theWadswortla road and then veist. 1 can't t9ill oy the. acci- dent bappened. At au ie ra.the cMr watJAd$ TOO LAT£ TO OLAUSIFY LOST-A spoltdI = , olt4hofr18 monthe old, e.r ta& . ua&Ms Finder pie.... notity George Boner, Ilme Vuila, Ili. Wk. t4. FOR SALE CMEAP-& blg8loreltv. luqui re at The Fair RSr, LbertYvili.. ------ ----- -- - - - - - - - - Fe C. N0R MA&N 'THE CORR STORE Groceries, Fruit Candy Tobacco and Cigars SPECIAL ~L 0f Surplus Stock for 5 DaysOiy TUES, AUÙ., 21 TO SAT. AUG'25 Phoe .122 ~fU O EGULALY USOON DO EA$IY Ail fmouslie1'q il, Srdea Nai.,L b"M'ta$ i. i - - - - - - - - --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - SAVINGS IN MANY LUNES TO- OFFER TIS T issue Ginghams: We were fort-gnate in securing a smali lot of yard-wide Ti.,ue Ginghams at a price as loW as that usuaily asked for the 28-inch gooda. These.gooda are in beau- tiful patterns and the colors are very good. Priced at 25c per yjard Il Uosierg: We bave received a lot of wo. mens Stockimgs which were or- dered many monthe ago and ean ofer you fine values at 15c. 2!5é, 30c, 35c per pair Towels large white bleached bath towels of25 W. W. CARROLL &SONS CQNIAM Hay14g Tools 1 il zla P«e pivt ti h tg ti ti il Il lrXBERTYVUjLB, LA 00'UWff Uleffl, TH-URSDAY, AUGUST 16,1917. v ent unte the dltch a" dr boy Aà 15 YE R OL BOYpaying the prie. Jo. never kn.w 15 VEA R MOLDBOY N ho, drive the car but the city l1d BADLYhURT hIEN proes:ed to know ail about cars" CAR TUR S T RT e ndstarted bc to Giareto'bo. 4fîer John Nadeuboffer, of Gurnes.. Nadelhoffer mlssed hlm on the wq*4 had gone to his tields Saturday as he toolc another route to h mornlng to gpt in monme grain, he scene of the accident. Re ays bqe waited andl watted for bigs 15 year aid 1 understood that Johansen vas ii 5on Jas' td corne to help hlm 'siior'k" I omewhat bat flot sertously. the grain. The lad dld flot appear. A-cali for the ambulance camne It vas but a short time afterwardý White & Tobin of Waukffla idi th.y that lie receiseal word that his son iruehed to the scene, lalnu the. vie iaad been hurt in an auto accident. ttm to the. MeAliter hoopitiS. Rthing hlm team to the neareat hit- Flt>su Thoue WIh Hlm. cbung point, he hurried vith a frlend Trhe Nadeiotfer boy vas unWw to a point near Widsworth, where 1cious much of the Urne en route 10 the accident happened. Waulcegan but vhen ho raIllieS h. b. The. boy le In licAllster haspitai, came violent sud fougbt tUme. l with un extrsmely bad InJury tu, hk- the ambulance al l t.evay bte t*1. bead. andi perhaps internai Injuries, heybad to hold i iimdovu on tié as a resmit o! the. Ford car having aMbulance cot ail the. way In. turned turtle lin, the ditch a mile The condition af lhe Nadelhiffor wsst or Wadoworth. boy vas critical at pressU lme tus» City Visiter Took Car.. fternoon. It vas round h. hai sS%- The fathiiitlId of the accident. He fered a serions scalp wownit andt a said a boy naineS Jo. Jahansen. aged concussion o! the. brain, and 'littie 20, of Chicago, h.d been vIiting ait,. "evas entertained for hie recov- hie home for nomeo dave. Thlé, morn- ery. I.- f.-e ue rainer "A -géne 1,-n

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