lied ït more th" Ab uio "Iwrfot ffbteitd.,,"a 611 M. -il M 1L'~ A i~ ~Vm4~7 Wl> II* Thoras. "How couil 1 bel a oRe L IW- i UÇ I 1 e04I lke masch àYoung chais Ihai lit *5LIO1J~13D~J3AXER ould b. bard to imagne hlm a de, ~ RII M E S - s 1 voalt iqpçto any gu propp - ,Mm. RObe Thorne of, Uke xW h Z*mdimiyîi." gv.£tlward F. FlndleY, Ac-. -oetEnables Polios te Ar - "u'vas becas mr. Th wu,' cused of Stàtutory _offense, rest Boki Burglar. £rigteued thiaItiie bur&mwuvaCp- Reusseto Taik. tured, bho &lM. "If mise lie4 miovu a Iý#0 $7,000 IN LOOT. situ olf rigt 1 beileve k. :oaid ba: SPENDS* TIME IN PRAYER. #~'kMos le Fom ewquit5te 51rU1ae& ett tii IvsAccused Evangelist Passes His tor- ot Impulsit Cap- iit amleTime in Nia eil Prayîng tire of Years Rebordod. ST E > o sÇ S and Reading Bible. Mrs. Robert 3. Thora.. otclti *4 A*I WPE.IY U Waukeffl. Aug. 21. or, captured a darlng bilgr AUP"I1WhoAr That bc hati "retalueti tthe Lard ta brokelatotii.Tison UW'meuî~ -- defen i hm," vas tie reply muade by 14#é. ioret Au& 9 1, andi *W"Mr. ' 'll M I Ttise Rev. Edvard P.FIn'liay to BaIs'. Thorne, presldot ci Moàu*w7 iyIW II(L J Atorney James 0. Welch Nfonday af t- WardA Cop.a, <~l~W. ~ -ernoon, vhea the evausgelst appeared tise situatlio rv0vertOiT! (ConUnncie rom page One.1 belon Magistrat» Taylor for jrellm-. lier captive over to tihe hoUesa m niu-i ary iiearlng and vas bousmd aven ly as If mise ver. pftrlIst« t MUs a bosir. He deciared i bs car vase bthe grand Jury andpr $5.000 bande. sitteracOe affaJr. 4' I1 *oding passengers eithtie tinse and "Bellevlug In Lb. eflcacy of pray- lu the poets t isa. ». ieauidtbat aus lacisas ho beard lthe vbImIe er, 1 vil relain the Lord ta defe,,d iso vas an Austrila sud tisat bis »ameofC the inatei be mu bok and gave a me" dcclared Plndlay 1wben iskeJ le John Jadas of New York, vas fud "fit stop" sIgnal. MeVay auswerod isy tise praecutor If he vlebed la se- s- notebook. lu thé book verre a InM- vill a vave of bis hand. cure caunsea. ber oi dlagrama cfinianT orth silo"e Motoru A. 9. Richards, ln charge îmmediateiy after arrlving et the tsomes. stinwing locations8 ofbedroorna, of thLb. ch i as standing at the costy 3ail Monday, the ev:sngelist *te. The prestumption ln hat 30"< statIon, %taled ho vas a fev ulluates feU upon ils knees and pro)ed for pblimnid wbaIsaIs rabbete. FrOns behind time viien ho arrlved eat tbe severel minutes. Sînce that lime he soClety papers ho bail made lIotiO». staion. Ro repeated the story told bas remained lu bis ceil readn-g hi of where promnînt people bad goiiO by Malcolma, and on halasqsetioued bibieand vas faupid occuplî-d bIb is for thes umner, as: M r. Joues bas by Attorney "aphs Dady. repreoinilg narmuer wben approacbcd hy a ce- gone te New York," Mec. tise rallvay brothenbooti, doclareti tbat porter af tie Dely Sun Ibis soorn- lai one sboe ho fini! $200 I lu £04 Ifbis car, bail isot beau laiteeelag. carefully hidden, lu thse otiser W" twas "à possible chance" tst th. "Do rau cars ta moite any state- $100 la gold. H. dit! not carry a ne- waack mîgisiot bave ccurrei meut about lise charges?" the evan- volve?. 1Tisat McVay vas ruculug s-t the. gelit vas ssked. Whou ('bief Gordon sesroffl fiodainormal rat, of peed sabserveti by lins- '-No, no," ise ansvereti nervously as be. tpa4 $700 vortis or vlsibles la ited trains vas the. talsinent of Cou-, h. lInseret tise pages of big testa- bis pocietz; lie found *as.tisaItiMe dactor R. Nooke of the llmited.Memnt issaniar baid about $7»0t 09 1141111b1*iVay, vh isoldbos sed ai ar bis "To whs-I denomîinatlan do you be- rapsed lu a buntle lilh bhob»A counsel, Attorney J. A. Mitller. lten- long,?" vos tise next question. piianed la carry off. lag Iftently ta thse evîdence, vas the "I amn a presclier of lise cisureb oi Dîsmeode In M4011. lat it laess calleti. Go. That la my denomlnation. It lu arcing hlm Ibhe QficArS comib' He anavereil the questions tâchent- la tbe o551y churcis mentioned Iun the -i bIsig îr. li h ar wfu f0055 taipgy aud lu a cieiar ton,, even the. bible. You con ese for yourspif in many aticispns and iMOMt i dmodsvlb suutinawvilci liai! a tendoucy to Pnl's leter ta tise Corithiens." becaas of Ils saggy nature, the iair comnpromise hlm. Ha declaredthetise a- "I bave been a preaciser aifbbhe biati cancealeti- cîdeat occurret ou lie s econd trip on gospel far the pont six pers," Flnd- iodas bail a cîgar box whlCb vas a lmiteti train but tisaI ha hail ba lay vent on. 1'l gave up my position foundtot conaial a full brgiar'. kit. considers-ble experleuce operatîug lb- as a telegrapher 10 tots np the wont Ho isad opene tise ma1ela tisaTisone col ais and stréet rallway cars la 1Ihlie5 a home. i go about frarn homo sud wissu ssked boy lie diti It ciicago. place to place preacblng the yard o-thout explosves. . o id thai.tia "Dbd Tou observe lhe smies of yôur oif(lot." vas easy." Compansy visn yoa approaciiedthti The avangellat admittelt batl "at- The barglar la about 1" Yearm Old Training Station?" Coroner Taylor tended" a number af meptinzs at andi mso c otOiss roUR NoeYork- umked. sitar collilug lthe sPOtomau ZMon Cty lagt vIiter. He derlarpsi Tise polie have an Ide& 100. S à* ont-attention 10 the&that acars are ta bced voiet one lIis aIt Caîro, 111. but ed tier. for nms ornas offenus and rua at a speeti not 10 excced ton vms retlcel about dlacusslng hie Chief Cordaos vont ta Chiscago todaY mliem u baer. pnt. Whon saked by . gistrate Tay- t0 ciseci up an hlm. HIe speake bru, 1'lmadmit 1 tidn't," McVsy ansavered. lor If lie vas married. be refuseltu ken zngils. 'I vas lots aund vas tablas a lîttle 55555er lhe question. Tise police are st vcrk On tbe thOiT chance. 1 boil plenty oa i I t hoagit, 1 tndley la mid ta bol! eul1 tisI lise young bousbresisr la tise and idil11itou Go'à esrtb ta stop MY vneya on the sabeet oai matimony Mmin.tiief vbte stole tise $10.50 geins train," and sai e-d ta, have preacheil "spirit- o Casolilis White. o5lera*intser, buà*'Hov fast vers yoa galug visen you al-Imarrages" wvblîe holding revivals ighland Park tbreo veeka m«0 appllad the air brakes?"'et. Zian City. -iIâW &satsfroid of the £511," susillet ,About Se mille an baur ai Dovu- - lb. Youag burslar. "But 1h15 omais ors'croaalus. i aipsiled ail lhe air,. bal me acaret-Bi a s 0go Ilu lut reisd Ilonce ond loou onmore air. l m e g s i -veil, 1Iwuvasut buffaloed- î1mde the. éther ase w In aa mach B u b r ' ~ t Rea.mbes W11&114 Theft. mioter distansce." Be sure and inîrestîg& Tise Tisonne bmoaeraalu in la 1 -M"id you ses Conductor Malcolm'a low, as they mean a consi oai feutar«resoambled tisa C-ar-o igif l i- Wbbîte rojibeh'y.To &612 &Bffl10 the "Tes mi. i vas worblug ou mY $175.00 Three-pieee Tapt sleeping porcli on viîcitise ë55'r car tsylag ta stop ilt Lisheime. I specfal ........... and Pau Laissase, lier htiaisSd. alept. thrcv ot my bandil b enaver hlm. 1 $48.00 Kroehler Kodov thc burgiar lîmbeti e porcis pilier. did not reailse tb.dauger unail 1Iwva s pea....... John iodas Ilthe o teont ram the otisor eu." p ia. ...... Thoras porcis. "Whou titi yoa isave your pol!" $1 1.009 Two-ineh Post Sii Mrs. Tiiorne vua Wakeaad vben "I1 nover loit IL I vas liera vison Martin l3ed; speeial -. ... ,ise isard agte<isY fOLffali lu lie tise car eloppet."r 150C miaon el living_ roci. Bshe quletiy 81100k ber Wlle ntuaL us a ny urstatemet I speei ornbii.atio..i..... huslsant. tisaI vouit ahlft th& blsene on the seila..... "Tiere'm geomsbody Iu tihe oage, company, McVay, appereatly bimng $5000 Detroit Jewel Rai Bob," aie alt. "'m 90111 tO b ie laexperlence In operng 5 .&fosecal........ him." . cars, consedl a mild sensation bY U pbis......... M. Thoras atemptedtot stop lier, ansver ta & question put by Robert ý5O.0O Detroit Jew'eI Ca but coatld not cali out fan, fear o! C. Lndmay, foreman of the. Jury. Range, witli white elianii aiarmiag thi nînsder. go bc reachise "If you llvad up to tisa rulea, eaitd $32.00 Roomy Baby Carri for Ma revolver ln a bureau dreyer. >you mantain lie speed tie comisuiy î'eed; special.......... 13oy Bondit Surpid. demanda?" Mr. Lndsay ambeti. Jadas vas stugling valuabl55 i nto "No, i," repliadth ie motorman $25.00 Baby Carniage; is pockaet itii. living roon albi eauphatlca!ly. special ............. vien Uns. Tharie entecet. MêVay concludesibisstmalament "Young masn, Viat do YaU M-" w iti tise assertion Liat lie hiai per- $25.00 Genuine Leather 1 sho domaude.' atet i cty cars so long hoe vss no coaa- speciàl............. j.onoa ooked up sutdeniY and trOP aomos f tise danger vWhon bo SP- 2.jSep olwR pedl s- Jevele tIrbabel- O!er Mma. proaciethei station at a blgis rate of special ............. Tiocfle'a ohlIder pobedthe lbac n i eut eai. beUIelas h o olltistop flus noi. a arvolverland over thse sigt O0<t Amuiongtsa. préenet at the lnque e3450 54-inch Plank Toi gun . Tora'. ei'et yc as e,-~ sveri sttoney rerotaeu.g Dining Table; special. elet inl a perfect "bc" latrstet parties aud viso tram tIme $6,00 Geînuine Leather SI pdoos texsled tovs-isltise Oison' te t ips.pledtheli vlacea vils<(tuf&% blaek or Spanish leather: dov. s-PPretly feeling lnLthe vs-y. ticus. Tiie attorneys preseat vWre, ~i Stop, or l'Il shoot!" <scalmet Mn. Stte' Attorney Weicb. Attocncy 3. $18.00 Dresser'; plank tc Tisorne. A.'MIie.r, 9. B. liocis.Ralisi D&«4y oak................. Thse acuos ousebreaer sied repreaentlag McVay andthtie rstlWsy s60 Desr fns seresielY andtlob enoliaèr mRap. Mn- broherboos; former eiator Tho" $60 Desr Thorne vaibet ais ta hlm. Davson muid Atorney HsisnVth oi Chi- o&tk ................ "-Nov, ses lie, Young msa," abc cago. vioa sppeed In beis-if af tie Crex Grass Rugs, in ali sali, "my busbs-id visa:'as Nrti liore j.*; ant Col. John P colo fom ...... ga-ys. Tou stop! Moiti ap y3rat sia t" WelLrs,reDreabilu£tle etate ai Jo. Pute H lm ln Ciotat. itii Portney, on of!teie vHlac lmmes oc u Jooas aheyed., Tien Ms., Thoras Lie vreck. McVay's vit, mndustert- Hose, LawII Mowerg, ws-ibsd aven 10 a ebaBet toor sad iniav occupleti sesta boulde Lise a*. at gie4t1y re "Put himlmnbhbrs, Bob," sait Mno. blaucbed faces. 10 thse iorrors of tisa septu - Thors. '*And l'Ilclilie P04ýICe. lrs-sedY. Cone on, Young maln-" Te Young mavent. 1He backet lu ' An Unkîin fltesagl la me as tiosigkIt tula p ta the men tbesssselvs. ItL int tiese s vere ans man holda 111ie <rossing for au unreasanabie lenith ai tinte but visere Itla .one- train alter ianother thai dosil. "For Instance, 1 foundthIbs morffnng that ai ILake shoot thse -J- usît a trafh standing thoere for e long, long, lime, lu tacttlbe tss-tss as uiractl'- ally ebantioneti. Thse crew vent awAy and Isit Iltisher. O»t nobatiy caald get acros s-Iatill." P*iger If Fjp'o 001. "Tise greal 50i.? said tise oan- cen. "le tisat lu Sde ot a Dre cal should came froul"Yis> i flsar le- calbty vsene these Isile are blockIng rtise croaebng. Thlsios àhlsstbg that shouit be coasiderçd as"l as the lois tas ownera of IeaM*%o are beit ssp there foc a louegt hIe." "Are you g ga s k e cccvs 1-Season Pý ate the bargamns listedbe- iderable saving to )rpu, Davenpoit' IllllO118 Vernis Mattress; - abinet Oas tf ael spiashiers; 3 4 riage; in fine Rocker; 1 eker; 1 p Fumed Oak 24 3p Seat Dinenîni3 r;special .... .30», op; golden 12 in goldentI sizes, designs anid Lrniture, Swings, Garden Coaster WY.goîîs, Etc., rded4prices. in rturnfor heirh&Nlg aoe maagne I d Oil every pair of shoes you purchase at this stoiîe Tuesday, August 28-Dollar Day-.youwill save ollV dollar or inore. Take adv"ntage of this. szale aud leave an extra dollar in your pocket. Ijere are som1e of our special "D)ollar Day " bar- gains: Ladies Pumps-Anyv pair in the tore, 2A for ............ 1................... Men's Pumps-Any pair ini the store 31 foi .......................... .... Ohildren's Pumps-Any pair in the 16 store for ..................... Do not fail Ùo niake youir pur I ase earlv, as voi will thiei get vour pick of the stoek, wiceh will go fast at these sac.rifice pricles. REUTLINGIER, '. SHOIE STORE. 206 NORTH- GENESEE STREEÊT Waukegan. - r l f the per- na ai eun- fxed t day tiser ,0 thse hilci s eoh- tci tg et or . If round iercal grssp. eh he kmenta or the. W. reati- skéep syisy- ta us. lshefa' y 1 manded to jail.. Saout thé cross ngs' go thfD I V g e t *0 * w waaàked the assistant chiet lHAVEL TjJJUJ a year for the us 0f the hosse, I <on'i. know what course Ae are Tâe young im : ve il biy> a0tr (F1t IiT; golng te adopt yet,' eaid hofe OWN UPMENT -upetfonterli rýa " but It seeins as though oceOmt, 'U eia et of the tisve etli t res as hango 1obedon l orerto u a resaIt of thgoeueavit xi* àYt IT W4S 10 MI1NUTES &so tti pitcewihlegpt INULOS. CAVALRY mnt ao tany oul u ! h ing to an extent where leaaters and commlesary depa.rtment as te 01411* cotractors are kicking very lnsiq.- arily the caue. Nor:h e8 TelpMd-o ia ed orehn.Tt Men Who Selected Cavairy Ths toeteenv1764 sonStr*~sng orTen le no reason ln the sworid why cros-i- Branch Are Finding It Is a 1ot ts ee ht yb lt Min*.jO s yrei. nggeshouid bc blocked in tbis meal. Costly Place. nase to pay a greater prices tbea i tq ___________ would mder ordinary lOUdllýS POLICEWffETCIiÀACTION MINIMUM COST IS $300.jThis le due 10 the tact that thse a$# Comlant Mde o eprt ~ C ~T I a aEWX-s G1d r emad o be rmade forvarYMiia ý.CopWns .Mïae t Deart If Ma Wats God Hrseuniforme, etc., and therefore the c01t. meto Us o iead . e C U L Y tWl otHlm $0 o mlssary department sas »Sn dei41fn Money'by Contractors. lI Equip Himself. lehed and waonfnot able 10 supply My OUSJ&AND IJ a of1te mon who, are belng merely .sý _1li3ke9aaî Au-, 22. 48 '" Waukegan Aug. 22. iated. Trhe police do$rtmntl havi- started lomer Dabrîinger and other Menlf The cavairy branob ln the ser*ce, w ar on thb )q*rtwestërn iliiroid .4)omlnie Aleshewski Has Fre- ,h. chose the cavairy as the depar- of couseIo ne0f the mach desnd ,,&Bblacklng t_e ut Mal t. n pp e o am ent lni the federal service that they brancheg but at the sme Urne lUita bo sreet. W*lngton sropi. Clay-ed o-Sam were to enter are just now finding now apparent timat it la a very ex oontstheet&jt eeeo-nosile chhoiceHpensive îuxury for thse vha hapNla are u"s exprejl by tî-amxstcrs g>- them. to choose that bramcb and wbo 414 ing ta and f£osi the lakFe Waau-egan Aiig. 22. It le understood that in looking noe before realize that tbey foald be This morntng *sisnt(h1fi Domlici Alesheveici, of 131A Soutatb-out la Suid what ecjuipinent a oav- calied upon themqelves ta pay for.b Police Tyrel 51INt Cafsider-able time Park avenue, whoase epeparences at po- airyman hae 10 have Ihese younir greater part of the equipmient. hUa at M"sIgs1on etrM *"4 le i-îîortq lie Ilice station on the compiatint of hIe mci, iind that they SlaYe 10 pay 9Out plan daceflot prevail sither ln is found one train hbolding thc ot i rLng wifé have been frequî-nt, vas agaln about $300 out of their own poieet to navy or Inf.întry branch ofthtise"r. 10 minutes aM » Jveral oi ii-r trains arrested Monday afternoon by.Patrol- ret th.e equipment ne-cessary. This lee. holding the crooglung ablout 10n't1m onMt adSlono hag rIIncludes boots and ln tact. every- Uteets. Slono cage0 hing that gops 10 make up the eqal- Mre. Anna White was lu- Tho officer maI41, "Tbî.re fias g, 10t Intoxication and disorderiy conduct. Ment. And the Man who wants ta stanîîy kilied and ber husband, WiI- he a change ln th*mti f-~ù~<r ile case vas confinued 10 days by havîe a horse of his own or have a liam F White, probabiy fatally lu- ing the croussl inb Wauke-gan. Magistrats, Taylor tbis mornlng. good horse will have ta buy it. and Jurd an;d a friend, Misa Eleanor Cav- flontractors andietose rs are loeing Alesbewt5kis arrest followed after t le figured that a man wbo vî5hee anagh, escapeti unhurt Saturday: wbea too much moasiys a re.sult orthSe lu- 1n alleged attacit on bis wîfo andý to own his own boreviii have ta Pa White,'s auto.vas struci, by a trolley dîfference of the croeal iyn pmtte-, nildren et their home. The vaman out ln the total about $500. Tise or- car ait a grade eroaîng at lCeaosals af elcivlng these crossinge itFurrin- did nipt appear against hlm tis sMona- olnary equipment without thse horse Win. stance, 1 figuore that tlhe Bail-stow ing but It le exWictei ne. ill cati represents un expenditure of about Company loes, m»*t $4 a day ib hv- the attention of the state attorney $300.- ing the train fcral iold tthese cross- ta ber huabande atieged mistreatment The gavernment tender ]te rulo Loyalty. luge whlle thse tpmq are waling ta of ber and fazilY. furnl>hes eecb man wlth a horse but Tbe lîttie girl iooked luaOsaciAb get across 10 go'to the docks apd IL. Toman, thse second delinquent it ls sald tisaI a harse dos fot lence at Niagara falta; m&"dtbeon. -la ta the yards g oLtit company. iltat be calJed befors the magIstîrale, amoutat much and the average cal-. ansver te, her motiser' en ie#9 o l, iB probably lua Mt tie-fauli of the com tileadeti guilty tW an Intoxication alryxan deaires ia awn his ownWflevrt do vîthi laofUl bt, otipab [paay itusîf bocalisnofadoubi there charge and vas bined $7.40. He vaj, bore. 'hereiare those vho can imalt eed, would.a "Oh, au b O ei49 are orders wh tehllu the cbew Ihey anable ta pay the fine and vas re- jIL a point ta, buy a tirst clsesbore, that if it bcd a cac.-~ mu.t not -, 1 -1- T cuss. utoa manucu ta 4ai.1 .u. A f»-t-r - tmr D... UN.711 Affas