r - ,4~2~çAuGIST 30,_1917. .1 y EBRATION 1, Zion. 12793 John Josepb Kearney, 7961 Grand IN L A Il O @Ir e 2 2700 Water Nuibert' 116 N. 1160 Pmuni8E. Mauon, 216 Madison St- 11#1 Patul Thomas Cys, 1208 Otate St., 468 Ray T. Helmkanip 1726 Lincoln 3159 John Kiammer 3106 Hichol ave. - orth Chicago. et.,Norh Chcag. Zon Cty.306WaltorHudson, 211 Marktet-nt. at.,Nort Ciicag. Zon Cty.1143 W..Richard Milae, 2920 Eus. 2424 Lee Smith, 418 Lake et. 924 Wiibart Wilson Hanlin, 909 Bel- mu v. in 1894 Robert C. Mog, Liberiyvilllo. videre..557aes Ed in)er,261Gla 12464 John Burreil 424 Sheridan 57Jmsldi er,21 lbt 1456 Rylanti D. Miller, 325 Wilamnset. 1141 DaidRichtard McQuald, 32?9 Jave. Mion. -793 Frank Lereùowicz, I14th-andprow - EltJabtreet, ZMon ct-y. 11Jhn Ronron, 1103 MrAlistêr cot as., Nort fChicago. 493 Cyrîl Wilkinson 2901 Elizabeth ave, 3082 Oscar Ortquiui, 1207 McAllter av avenue. ZMon City. 1640 UI'e~ -.4 0 .nceln 1117 Wm. K, Santimayer, 688Franklin. 26083IRemi A. Vau Niewenhuze, atreet. 1748 Lauri 1. Bolomaa, 108 Matti ay, Gras 474e. 622 Edmunti Jas. Grady, 432 Nort h 2195 Joseph T. Stewart, 105 Spring ut. 841 Cha& W. Becinsn 230 Victory County treet. 337 Vincenao Bat-oani. 708 Mb[a t a.23706'Bonj. Johnson0f5313 County et. 2409 Lenerdo Bilotta, 2712 Odina ave, $76 Tho. Georgoplons. 7j» Bine In. 970 Carl John Chope, Wath.worth. Zion. landi av., Chicago. 1875 019 B. Ecein, 520 Hickory et. 2873 Edrard Oakea. 120 Waghington 3067 Andrew Unges, 1019 McÂlister av 1667-0anJ. J. Wagner 1012 Belvidera Street. 1267 Water Stajna, 1221 Jackson t., 571 UBUiOIEtiwarti Poirier, 1)0 2191 Frank Ocience, 110)9 MeAliter North Chicago. . Cointy et. ave., North Chicago. 2463 Wm. K. Buchanan. Mela 2102 -Henry O. Iladàen, Winthrop 1077 Frank Lanc, 428 Liberty atreet. 648 John Jarina, 1416 Watiiwrtà av. Harbor.1 781 Alexandier Luiewiez, 1444 Vic- 126 Leopois) Kuler, 1081 MeAtlster 2955 Ignaix Suchy, 90 Fourteent-h et t-ria Street., Nortb Chicago. . av., North Chicago. No. Chicago . 2690 Warren fIee. Ser, 118 Willilams 1679 Alfredi P. Croahauan, 1718,8. Vic. 1709 <leor. L. Rycitian, llý Madison street. torisa ut, North Chicago. 1067 Richard Geo. McEîroy 1119 Klm 1035 Walter Frank Stickils Antiocb. 616 Bryan Ilnteti, 2300 Bilav a., Zian City 958 Carl F. Ohîson, 508 McAiiter MIon Cty. 128 Fraik Kein Fiftenth & Dlckey a'e* 1476 Aten Fainui, 1000 Bheridia rd., North Chicago. 1343 Henry McQueen, 827 tiebrotu North C'hicago. 1287 GUiY Wademar Farmaer, Gur- street, Zion. 3183 Egil K. Ranet, Y. M. C. A. nue. 2491 Jackson H. Hawkins, Zion. 3169 John Klansmer, 3106 Esehol av., 6 Charles P. Huntngton, Grays 963 Michael C. Rynkszul, 1007 Msr_ Zion (City, Lake..Ion »treet. 1639 Bongus Sarkisichan, '428 Oak et. 2796 George W. Zeller, 211 N. County 878 Maurice C. Johnston, 422 Utîca . 607 C'harles G. Berg, 816 Helinhola av, 2063 Ali ZE Waîey 1391 î.enox 1019 Ralph Wayne Harrison, 116 Edi- 437 Allen Palmner, 307 Oak at. 93 Goreàt Levert May, 404 Soyard son street. 2967 John Morun. 1321 Jackson e, 1448 Richard Charles Brunie. 310 3144 Geo. Thos. Cunneen, 113 North North C'hicago. Powell ave. Sheridan roand. 604 Stewart Smith, Antioci, 1221 John Boni, 117-I4th et N. Chi 3102 Julian Marous Roquler, 114 Jef- 43 Clifforti Pearce, R. P. D. No. 1. OagO. ferson atreet. 1549 John Pluktac, 812 Oak nt. 666 Ouptav Mous 2011 Gabriel ave. 157 Jos. John Zvsl 210 Southt 106lFrancis A. Moghliman, 300 Elusa- Zion City Park avenue. beth av., Zion Cty. 3048 Wm. Trhomas McOrlrgry, 230 Wai- 1173 John Miulec, North Chincago. 924 Wiibert W. Haniln, 908 Slvee. ountet. 331 Joseph KnIetek, North Chicago. 420 Route . OIson, 915 Lenoz av 388 Anton Johinson Zion Cty 1108 tie,. W, Calhoutu. 424 Madison et. 1176 Joseph Granula, (Iraysiake. 260« Robert Mallory Vos. 1136 Twel. 2794 Louis Young, 118 Wasington ut. 614 James Trainthan, Win. Har-bor.. th et Norti h k5Ico. 2790 Joseph Ralbach, 512 Marlon et. 433 Eari L. Crawford, Wado-wort-b. 889 Oliver Wm. Conroy 1001 Maron 492 Wm. C. Wheelock, Zion. 2945 Herbert Bruhnhios. 185 Chnst- et- 1201 Wm. H. Beciman, 212 N. West fl'0 ot SteWe. 383 Leô MItinsore 238 N. Sheridan. sret 330 J0 Svte Wakegn.705 Arthur Floyd Brown 2900 Enoch 1081 fIeo. -ilson. 120 Browning av. Mion Cit-y 487 Max Miller, 1352 Wadasworth av. 1282 Vctor Balkois, 1235 8. Jackson. 576 Edwarti Strobbe. 431 Boivider 140 Barkla D. Garabedian, 23i) Oak L 2029 John Kauffinan, 107 Spirng ut. DIES AT l10S9 1I 2599 Peter J. Cook, 214 Vitory at. 1808 Wn. J. A. Wuîtf. 4.13 N.'AWest ;t T LIiL w r 1680 Nazarathi Simninan, 670 Marion. 3199 Morris Baen Lipsky 5, Grand TU-Lk m 1779 Walt-er J. Vandermari. Y.M.C.A. avenue. 42Frank Kozîna, 1114 MeAlster av. 122 Howard Webb Amas. Grays Lak4 ANOPER TION 2808 Herbert J. MeNeany, 447 Bel 642 Hugo A. Kottate 639 May et._____ videraeta. 939 Tors-anc. Michael Carney Wýadrc 1484 Homer Leftoy Faucett, 311S 011- vert-h Mra. Amande WInzer, ageti 37, pasa& boa av., Zion Cty, 222 Albert- Pearson, 635 Heluhboîz eti away et t-he Jane McAlister hos- 739 Ftrank Kani. 809 Market at. 1716 Josepi 0. Rlchard;s 222 N. WeI i *al tus momnlng at 1:15 a. m. t.ol- 2319 Walter P. Rechtenwald, 1012 Bel- 2226 Oscar Ray Benaewate, 2915 Gil o0wlng an oDeration performneti a week vider.a. aad avenue Zion City. ' go iast- Monday, Mrd. Winzer wa the 1771 Fred A. Newbert, 201 8. Park av. 1250 H{arvey Fraderick: Hilîman, 214 elfe of Rudoîph Winzer, chief master 46 Wm. W. Isaacaon, 418 Ravine av. Juiut .ea tImsa, Camp Paul Jones, Pi-st- Reg- 223 Water Petkewics. 14186Lincoln. 1195 Martin CuIt, 1029 Sheridan ed ment, ai Great Lakea. An only Son 402 Joban lApanja, 1113 McAliater North Chicago o an apprentie seamnan in the.saume av., North Chicago. . 321 PXul Vida, ZMon City. regiinent. 772 Leopoiti Karnowsii Grsyslake. 1828 Geo. Lit-inskne, 812 Eîgiit e tiMs. Min.,bu was lan teo MBone 2390 Stanley Tomaszewsii, 174 Vic- a034 Norman Dewit Mcregary 230 'doeMinhe, bubti as tat f rolnA toriaSt. Wlnutt 11h.lessa han tva years aga Mrs. 1476 Watre B. Huttan. 1162 North ai. 1425 John Petktua, 229 Browning at-e Winzer was transferredti t Great 9U0 Hogop Reizian, 723 S. Utica nt. 2908 Steve Grabeisei, 733 Martet St. Laites anti maies bis famIly t-o Watt- 822 Airew Kiejie, 1213,Vitoria ai., 2622 Wilhert- Gardiner RaSside. R. R. !. aegan. They resida at 107 North Park North Chicago. 2592 Myron Edw. Wîard. 111 Norti st avenue. At-iough Mra. Winzer bas) 1212 Hetum Surinîai. 719 S. ties Set 1054 Antan ttrbancic. 1118i Prescot-t t le)br htta-aaos6 874 udvck J Vae~bn, 219 Bini2226 Hacar Le. Booths, 3205 Elishia av. matie manfians av., Zion City. Zion City. W ytle i. oeain promt 562 Hamparason Kerbolan, 4432()akt. hl teoprin prfm 3176 Hugene A. Brown, Ant-loch. 11339 Wibur Jay Bennett, Y. -M. C. A. about ten days ago was regardes) as 2850 Maurice Hanaen, Gurnea. 814 John J. Hogan. 422 Marlon nt. a serIons on'-l appearedetti fret as 1799 Edigar D. Newberg, 201 9. Pari. 3179 Otto Kiehurnan, 720 Grand ave. if the patient vouldti .rweli, but 343 John J. Kelly, 130 Fult-on ai. 1234 Elntor Theran Wirth. Guinet. tiere vas a change ans)elie grew 2414 Frank Rosir, 1018 Prascotat.. 1781 James L. Hogan. 422 Marlon t. worse rapidly. Nort-h Chicago. 848 Charles J. BoweM, 2712 Eliza Arrangements have heen madee 10 15 Lawrence L Laroost, 123 M. But- bath ave., Zion City., bols)t-be funeral t the home ltrlday riait et. 2636 Louis Bail, Wa.tev-ortlhatternoon at t-vo o'cloci, Chaplaîn 933 Clarence L. Harihut, 3117 Encbol 3092 G-e. Grombach, R. F. P. 1. Ziot .More efthte naval station otflcîat-ing. av.. Zion City. 199 Ge. Ed~gar Whit-e, 219 VIctery biIinterment- îli taie place In Pins 1288 Bernar-d Folataif, Gurnee. 1151 Charles E. I- Dolet, ZMon. Viaw cemetery. Six naval station re- 462 Lelie R. Diet-meyer, Wadvostb. 1064 John Wm. 1cElroy, 3119 Elim. cruita vîlI act as pu bearel'e. 630 Walter Farmner, 205 S. St. James. ave, Zion. 1114 jae Padboy. 305 Powell av 1369 Nlei A. Nelgon, Home, Zien Cit-y. 4rani Kandix. 717 May et. 3216 .Henry' J. Callagb.au, 617 Marlon. 620 Wm. H. Grimes, 214 Julian st. 312 John Irving Seboît, 313 Grand av. OFRCLAL LIST 00 REA 660 Albin Jehnson, 904 MoAliier av 2953 Stephen Urbun. Gus-ee, i ESTATE TUANSERS. 1611 Giiouragh Agiiababian, 436 Oak. 477 John Lacklekae, 732 Maket et. by - 2047 Joseph Duffy, 121 County et. 1996 John Wotlan. 1229 Jackson et., LA coM ry ,AM TDOMM, CM 2884 Raamua M. J. Kristofferseu, 58 North Chicago. 0f .Wlu& V e»M M Glen Flora av. 2279 Charles Walker, 713 S. Utica et. oel TW0obpas4 2677 Ignata Jereb, 1101 Jackson 8i., 22 John Seager, 1114 Ash at-s-et.- Nrth Chcago. 199561Hugo Norman, 1009 Masion ai. AUGUS 27, il7 770 Joseph V. Kelly, Gunsnec, 176 John Wulger, 1702 S. Park ave., M. Hlt o eraBcklt 749 John Vernon, 3305 Elizabethi av., . North Chcago.M .HlettoHranBclt Zion City. 2147 Benamin Gahr, 60 l0th ai., N. 6, aub of lot- 141, county clerks' sub., 1211 Bia Cobin, 237 Genaeo ai. Chicago. Antlech, $1.00. 1574 Harry Gardon, 417 Agh i. ' 1086 Jas, Lec Haliow, 1.9 N. Butriei J. B. Burnett et- ait-o Mrs. Francia 2434 John Wolf, Âtiach. Street. Hela, lot 19, blk 2. Burnett's adtit 760 Joseph LeRoy Welch, 805 Waah. 3296 Earneat Theo. Enrich, Win- Laite Villa, $150. . ington si. throp Haribor. H. J. Broecker to Dolen Broecher 2695 Cordon R. Kenupdy, 516 Center. 1240 John Pasior, 1129 Lncoln at-i-et-, C. et10fo bkl.oiia 1276 Bennie C. Drury, Antioch. North Chicago. Wauitegan, $1,00. 2128 Jo. Raras, 146 Kennard-tia. 2461 Clifford Smith, Antioclu. C. A. Newcomb. Jr., t-o Fred Witte 3059 Raymond P. Vantiergraft, 224 524 Geo. Edwvin Thomppon, 109 Mott lots 26, 27 andi 28, blk 106, North JunIper ai. lave. Chicago, $1!E0. 5 Paul D. Hund, Gurna,. 911 Frank Miosek, 1106 Prescoît- ave, J. A. Ryan and vif, t-o F. P. Ryan, 260 Walt-er Zdanowicz. 1322 Victoria. North Chicago. lots 28, 29 anti 20, bli 1, Oris Bab, iâhed wlth a leader frein the. army will volunteer to care for at lenet roads wil Inot haut ofrcuiee at 'au-. or Day 50 men. ad none wIll contract ta nake de- Each unit shoulti bring rit least one Thisburden should riot be borne cn-lvees Tbt wyaareoifir larg machin fig ati wereer os-tlrly by Red Cross, but thr-v are de- sible à bandi or fil e and drute coips rusned uPon as the firganizato nt.o hw aene ult f i.ra AU) Civil War veterans should reu in ecri comnîunit'.. ('lurch and fra- entlrely ana sent their troupeiaioe report at G. A. R. hall where auto- ternal organizatlons are askea to l'elp -the' uncertalnty of getting froin mobiles wlll bue furnishedth Oe for par- and also ladies ne, affiliatuti with any tewn te town caused the decislon ot' a4e. particular organizatlon. o.wner. Spanish American W*ar Veerans l0ach table wil h.- marte.) with pli fihould report at the northweut crnmer carde loting te spart.fi)thb. par- Ildt eAcmltd of Court Hosise Square 'o marcb. ticular organlzation that will car, .r Leuishad ome B e c mlitied.te Ail Boy Scouts of oounty and Wio'ol such table ot- tabies- It is. tîerefore, in for luncheon lhe other day an&. cadets are askedti t report sanie place Important that the naine of the. organ- among other thîngs she had o01IVW.6 and fi me. ýzatien bt- algo furnishied b, ldi,,, She offered t-hem ite one li1tfi-er1 Position of honor in the parade wlll chairman. w'ho saliti she dîIdflot ilîe thein, wbere- bue given ta [ake ceuntys quota te t-be The gent-raI rommil tee wil urniil up.n Loulse replled ln a superior faah- a ce tal lycandn ncreantion :"Oh. 1 diint lîke 'pin at firot. flwayat ay rom acnrllcto o e rai'but you must accumulnte a taste for Ail laberuions, societies, fraternal stigar, ire water, paper plates and pie thm. Men and WOOen Committees Woring r on Navy- Arifiy Sept. ALL SOCËtlES AIDING. Expeoted This WiII Be The Blgest Thing of Kind Ever U ndertaken in County. Pollowing <hvrnar Luwdtensa pro- clamation,.LakX OImlty is 10 have an Amy and Navy Dey for te boys cf Mai county, who bave already or ar,, te become members of our armiy or Dlavy, on Monday. Septetnber 13rrl The plan la to omke tbithu greateal patriotie demoihtratitott Cicr held ini tis cont-y, tio.vrtlsan, tton secta- rian. simply Amerean, riaIt or wrottg our country. Ev. L ake Coufty Otan tîuw in the army or naty, algo every mati who bas heen accept-sd by ê1th -r of our local exemption boards. inmIudiztg aI- se men w4o bave volunt-ered anA have ben rejected are urges) and Itn vîted -to present themalie'ý, et the- northwF3t corner of the court house square at Waulien at 10 o'clock a. m. on September 3rti I lere eacb man will be aulaed te bis station antd unit. what thea Plan le. Eacii unit willI be furniahed wlth a banner bearint -4ta naine, anti wit.b a amaîl fiag for eftb man and aipo a badge. if possible, each wlll be fur- OFFICE 0FiLi4ANAN W. COLBY 139 N. CLKRK 0T., CH{IC-AGO, 11-L State of Illiînois, Couoty of Lake, as. IN THE CiRCUIT COURT 0F LAKE COUNTY: Octaber Torm, A. D. 1917. Frederick 0. onas- wiler. Blen Catherine Goasuller, John J. Gosarwiiler. Caroline G. Sauer and Charles Henry Gosawillier. of bake County, Uinols, Complainants, Vs. Florence Elliot ?Flou- erstein andi Hva Cui- ord, te unknown owr- ner or owners of thie Ifollowlng deecruheti ra entate, to-wit: "Tiie West One Haif (W%) of the. East One Hait (Hua1) of the North east Quarter (NE%4) of Section Twenty-Il» (26), Township Forty Threo (43) North, ýCh»cery Range Ten (10), East 'GeLN.o of the Thirti Principal 19765 Meridian, in Lakte County. Iinois: aise that part Of the West One Half (W%/) of the soutiieat Quarter (SSIi4), .and that part of the. Northwest Quart- er (NWM )of lhe Sout-heast Quarter <SSl4) lyipg aouther- ly anti westerly of the McHenry Roati, (se called)iniii Section T wen ty-four (24), Townshiip Forty Three (4,3) North, Range Ton (10), Hast ofthteiThird Principal Meridian, in Lake County, Ilinais_ or any part thereof, anti unknown owners, Defendants, The. requleite affidavits baving been Properiy filiet, notice la iiereby gie te the saiti Florence Elliot F'euerstein and) Eva Clîfford, andtheii unknown owner or owners of the tollowing de- scrlbed real estate. te wt:' The West Onu Hait (W'4) of the East One Half (»%) of the Northeast Quarter, (NI) of Sec- tion Twenty Five (26), To*nabip Forty Three (43) North, Range Ten (10) East of the Third Pinci- pal Merdian, in Lakte Couinty, Illi- nois; aiso that part of the Wèat One HaIt (W14) of the Soutbeast Quarter (SE'.), andti tht part of the Northwest Quarter (NW'£) of the Soutisast Quarter (E4,ly- Ing aoutherly and west-erly ot the McHenry Road, (go calIed), In Section Twenty- four (24), Township Forty-tiree (43) North, Range, Ten (10) Eastof tht-e Third Principal Meridan. in Lake County, Illinois, or any part tiereol, and unknown owners." That the above nanteti complainants heretofore files) thelr Bill of Contý plaint Ini said Court on t-he oanry aide thereot, for a division andi par- tition of tth. ahove deueribeti resI eotata and for their reInfe.; and that summnthiereupon Isatied out of saiti Court againat the above bnmat de- fenkdants. returnable on thb. Ont d&y oi the 'Terrm of the circuit court of 1Lake Coflnty, tWb. hboit! t the Court «Ouze la the City ot W effl, In M4 4 Lake County, on t-le n8tlonday «October A. D. 191ý, a84:, by law roqulred. ani wbich suit Id 'aim.)pend- organlzatîoneg, factorles. stores ant in. dIvîduals are tivîteti anti especled fo partîcipate in parade. AIl unît', are astedt t report- aI the Waukegan cen- tral achool grounds. Tht' leaderi jaî Buch organizsîloîts are requetcd I caIl speclal meetings at onet. lut ganize Ils nsetniersbip for tise pzrade. There vilI be fluais represpntuug the. Alles, and dîrferetît Pattiojac ord. er: anti soclet-es, anti brancies of uta- tional service ans) suri loat,',ar.'- licîteti. Decorateti automobiles at-t' also lit-. vitedt t uarticîpate in lte parade. Itt-s expeeteti every musicai orgarmii zatiOn la the oounly wîll te- gladti 1 Itartîipate andtito do their -bit" Ilus *Itvlng tbe boys a grand senti off. Esich unit la expected 10otgaîlae1 beforehandl tiis full quota is pres- ent as far as possible. W-ord shouldi be sent le aihehaboys aIr auly Intnie souvice reqtiesting theun to procure leave et absence Io be present. 11 Tiie parade yl be ot-ganized ilu Waukegan under experlenceti lesuers ant il l'Proceedti tePosa Park viere a dinner vilI it' serves) to ailte soltilera anti sailore partîcipaiing Ita lhe parade, including thome who haie ,roiunteereti anti bave heets rejecte-.) by Oie Red Cross anti kindreti organ- lzations. Oued sPealting, bandi concerta, a hall gaine ans) dancing vili be anme of the. further attractirons ai the par-k. LADIES ARE BUSY. The. ladies of lie Redi Cross and kIndres) organîzations In Lait- ceunt- wilp'ay a prominent part t l t'efes. tival. The ladies 5-111 giet- a dinner ai the park aller tht. parade in, ail thbe Lakte county beys 0w In tbe attafyantI navy andti latiose who have volutu- teereti anti bave been rejerteti anti t0 guesta train the regotair army anti navy Particlpating In lb. parade. Il 4s expecteti frein 1;()o00 le5L)t men wilt be entertaineti. Tables ans) seats wfIll e arrange-I in Fouis Park by lie executîve cons mlttee. Hlac organixallon yull be am'iet int report by Phone or leiler te hie chair- tien oft he Ladies' execulîve coin millet.. %ira, B. A. Ituneon, Wauke- gan. IL,. Phone 1961, staling thbe nons ber Oiat suri organîzalion viii ppr, vide for. Itlslahopeti thal saci erganuzatia:. Won derfu i Opportunities, For Young Men and Young Women to do Their Bit. This critical epoch in the nations. life has brought about a very peculiar situation affecting young men an-d young women. Thousands of responsible positions have been made vacant by the eniistment of young men for mifitary service. These places must be fiiied, and it followsthat these hausa therefore open to younger men and ta young ladies. When the war is over, there wilI bc plenty of positions for everybody, for America will be called upon to re-build the worid and to re-establish it indtuatriafly. Somebody will take advantage of this extraordinary situaion-somnebody will enioy the advantages of these exceptional positions-somebody wlll lay tbe founidation for big business careers. Who wiIl this somebody be? The boy and girl who have the foresight and tise good judgment ta start thefr courses now-to enroli with us Tuesday, September 4th and to work vlgorously, earnestiy, an-d inteligently to complete their courses i the shortest possible time. Not oniy are there thousands c4 positiônsopen in private business onterprises, but the Government is offering unusual Inducements to young' people to taire positions In the Civil Service-beginning salaries range from $900 to $1,200 a year with aimost sure appointment for every candidate. Remember, that to do your bit in this great crisis-if you cannot enlisti the army --you can at least prepare yourself to fi the business positions made vacant by tilose who have enlisted, and thus help to keep up our Business Efficiency whieh is so es- sential in the ultimate succeas of this conflict. Rçmember tbe date, Tuesday, September 4th. If you have not haud fuli information regarding aur scliool and its ability to serve you I a superior way, write to us or phone 636 or 1.961; but whatever you do don't delay-procrastinatio'; is the habri- cant that makres the way to failure extreniely smooth. WAUKEGAN BUSINESS COL-~~ plates. Tht.> alîl not furnisb dlsbcî. Thet. oIlowing neutît bas it-ei ut '. gesteti Meat Ina!, liant rp art, t î<r1e servcd on Pcdi plate) Baketi beane. Potato sattd. ('aibage sala.. Btread anti buttr-r or llu-mit sand- wicbes. icklestr htsîup or Cltili sic t off et.. Thoae.L2o;r&tilg IL. Two executîve commtte.S, anp or meut, OnÇ of women, aye srranglng de- taill. Theà comoslttees: MENS EXECUTIVe COMMITTEE. Martin C. 1ecker. presldent, North Chicago;: Charles Ht-i.Ing, secretar>'. W'aukegan: Williams J. Sackm,în. Wauitegan; Louis B. JolIe>. NîtrIt Chicago; Paul G. Ray, Libertyvit'; Ney Lanmb, (lurnue; Relia W. Churi-h blul, Grays Lakte. WOMEN-S EXECUTIVE COMMIT-E, __ Mrr,. B. A. Munson. president, Wu itegan; Mrs. C. J. Juat. Wsukegaus: Mrs. J. R. Aiken. Wintbrop Harbor: Mrs. C. N ('Urtis. Wtuconuia: Mrs. C. D. Wachter. North Chicago; Nimc. r' 1'. Smih, Wau'iegatu - ý%fr4. W. J. Fvf- te, Hughland Park. THIEWARIBITS EVEN THE CIRCUS; MANY HAVE QUIT lnabilit y To Get Train Accom- modations Causes Owners To Pull Shows Off. Waukegan. àugu>l 29. In connecît i thh le preaence of tise cirrus in town Tuestiay it la ln- Ieresting 10 ote that lie cireuses these Osys no net knovwiet-ier they are 10 move t10th2. e rtbaItevon. Tht' uncertainty o! Ibis movea t8 such liaI lhe show mnen are ail "up in the air." TIse reasou s l: Tht' ver. Il c3eenntatItle governunent vili sot pt'rmuit hse railroatis b contracî o bettl circuses heeause lbey want 'bc rnads kept open for transportlng troues. The tact la tiat sonte rail- Paoe. I eau The Wiae Hummlng Bird. Before a thunderstorm the Austra.£ lion hummlng bird covers tié top of it nlest witti cobwel, which le s non- conductor of uiectriclty. Absoiutely Fireproof .. . .Perfect Ven- tilation ... . Delightfully Cool on the. Hottest Olys. Monda y and Tuesday Sepit. 3-4 Elsie Ferguson Barbary Sheep" Wednesday Sept. 5- Antonio Moreno "Son of the Hills"l Thursday, $ept. 6- Madge Evans "The Little Duchess" Friday, Sept. 7- Emmy Whelen -ini- "Miss Robinson Cruson" Saturday, Sept. 8- Gladys Hulette "Streets of Illusion", BMonday and Tues., sept. 10-11- Mary Pickford "Rebecca of Sunny Brook Farm" -L% 1