Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 6 Sep 1917, p. 11

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LIBIMTYVHILE BX>UDETqT RaÂ,,Y, SEPTEMBER 6.19~17. Wat« Works Han<ioapped By Absence of Employe Who Was In N. C. JeR A MIXED UP - AFFAIR. Waukegan Pair Siay They.-Were Taken For a R14o And Thn Charged WIth Theft. Waukefln, Sepember 5. Commieioner Orvis la mati as a "hatter." lie declares tht the North Chicago Poice had one of thé vater warks iremen. James Tiernan Iockod uP tram aturtiaY nIgbtountil Ttiesday nlght anti thatthey refus"d ta let bhlm cominunîcale vith hîs cbjet and *« plain his absence. "1 May have toa tart action for oi- tortior." said Orvis. "We neyer refua.d tliem the. te- phone; tliey ~lit o.k for 18 but qce. and tht-a they couidn't Sot Orvia,"' sa.ld O.0. 1),(Osj, acting oblat. OCAs expiains that Baturday nlgbt Wm. Wcmher drove up ta h station and two pssengers vbom ho ha inla hià cal' wtîîn Tiernan and FMd Cavan- augh gatinl,, daim the. Pair picet their packetsaif 3wville rliling te North (lîl1cago. They avare out war rants charia: disortieriy cooduot. tut Tieruan anti (avanaugh. pra$eotitg Innocence, ver. locked np. There they stayed EBuntay, ItondLyandi Tues-ý day. Tuesday e-vening they wer., trieti and found guilty of dlaorduely conuct. Thse men dlaim they ver. gives 1h. ihirti degre; the offlo re dny it; the. men aay they were urgqd ta pinot guilty to Iarceny but tbey inulalet they vere ual gullty andi refusati ta pleati gUlity ta auch a charge. Orvis InsIstz lhe men ver. not treated as lhey abattit have been eàPecilly wben on. la an employé of the water vorks and the plantbas helped North Chicago out no much. & Northi Chicago oficera deny Tiernan « va sisatent that he vorreti E t1he h vater vorke. The men were bth fluet $3 atd costa, $7.40, andi palti $2 au account, pronting ta pay the balance liter. Tîrenan Insisa thât Wember anti one Pred Martin askd hi Eta takeaa ride In Wember's jilney. that they picket up Cavanaugli andtheb, f01 thlu.g they kuew theyvera haied lot Jodl ai North Clilcago. A REAiiSiC ANSWE !l.Setry id.i lHave t. Ce.ltst Dotalle Wth t4 .Omcler. IDurlng ma of cf aiga attacha ou th. Hiudouhurg lins a 'MinnWe" bit cma hvr& nocked al lb.hesluflng oui of ,a msstrg. Be sagted e ha is f..t-ax lbrt. tremendous shaking,,prac. l7 unlsurl-flghttng'for brealli. whbieb b. coulti ual get bach for sanie SIifflIes. White.ho.wvaso estanding a gouag *acer, novly out, lduedtheb cogner0aitii. trench. Thr, vua Ib.avy bombardmnt On. Tii. unexPe- eteucai ganeodiaBer. uot kuoving f"aba b appeneti an<aeeiug the. mu- try riflelesu (bis rifle iiâd beau blavu soenr yarde avagi, hneeu bout. body iimp, sesa. all ont at bis bot ntiu mouth i <al fli of duit) gapIng apen like a booenet sach besti, inquireti. rWell, viarte i&natter witbyoàF The. man tried ta ansver, but bati Da br«oti l, do se, and, huoceti ulllg as and i titcallY et the officer, wv iiiid aguin, iiUne ,More sbssplg, 'Wbai's thé. Ensier ville gor iAt Ibat Moment ovr icame anotiieri -iMinaie," fallilug snfficientlg near thei. oMeer te serve hhm exsctiyl as lbe Pir.- vlans on. -bati serret tise senlrY. Au hall blindati, wbole amotheret ant 'thrsêqleres sluann.d thei. a luni. * bied ta bis feet thi eutry rais f0*ard la, help hlm np. Thb*, standing the regulation tva pace came muatly ta attention aut, cr.- monlonuqslualnt sait, "Bag pardon. sir; 1 ellt u ne before, but thalle viiat vas the mater viimh "Lu don Chronlcle. American Wlsdom. Neyer give atice ta à voman vha, -la settlng forth ou a Matrimonial voy- age . . . -A voinan vcry rareiy sa au opinion or reqaires stylce.ou Rachian occasion until lier »esoution l farmeti. The plain Hugili aoflb. application zmny b. SUMMed up lu the#e varda: --I vii hyula thiaI as 1 do; but if uuhapptlg go- tiffor froma me in opinion, my heart, 1 mustcon- f eaujla xed."-O-efe laalogto Rond te WickdnU& lise many provoe lbviaoni et Hesiot, wbo saga that tbhefdad 'te wvceatneas ja moalli anti verg short, SUt there la na neet af peroptilus. But before vitue the Immot-l 99god b ave plaet tieseRet af lahOr, andi long anti aleep la lb. vag Ibibher, andi r etid t i ro1; but visai goiqbave ungeim Channel Ihall.w. Inlits dqs athtie EngIlali chan- De ulbét=âseto Canti Ci=lEdoe lot exeffl1W0fe a*d 'for a idng distance fral, i loe t: Abs t ercSdm i 'Pame q¶Ls~.~ r;. -'~~i~u. ----,----r- -~ --7* . -. ~Eu MAejING A START FOR BgR LIN SIXTYSONED MORE There Wasn't A, Tear Anywhere Around Monday When the 149th Artilleryj MNCLE;PS $*id Itt Good-Bye to Relatives and-Sweethearts.j QU«O0F 35 A scene lik hswseîce t otSeia ody as members o h 4t rilr ettefr o ie E ila, N. Y., where they are to bc in camp for a time beoreJL leaving for service in France. - LR~RN;3 AUY ELIMINATE 1AUROPLANE CO. CALLS TURED IN RUSER VU RANCH HlIS DECIDED TO AT NAVALSTATION LOATE IN'CITY ,eport Is To The Effeot Branch Chamber of Commerce Closes MaiyBe Abolished Within Deal, Whereby Experimental Next Ninety Days. Plant Locates. ýOME FRICTION OCCURS. LAWRENCE-LEWIS COMP'Y Several From Here In This WiIl Locate On'140 Acre Tract Branch May loin The Regu- On Flats And People Must lar NavyBefore Long. Keep Off. There seems to ho a straug possi Waukega4* September 5. biliIy liaI lie Reseense brancis af the For isonet urepanal lie division ofi ninetg day-at Ipast il la saiti thntý sucle a course le beiug causiereti yerYn enloualy aItie Great Laites ste- tion. One af the reasone for the allegeti propaseti action, là that Iliere le more or les- feecling- belveen the caularly extilstd man andt tsue vlio are lu tise neserve tances. The negular entilt- ed men ofteu accuse the members ai lie reserve branch nf havlIng takien liai action ta save themselvies tram being drafleti mbo the army. The men via are lu the lwo branches of tise ,erviec are ual kept tagether ai lie station. The resait a! Ibi feeling by lise enlisted men agInstt hase lu the reserves ila nid la bave caused mauy men lu lb. lat- ter la enlist for regular service. Olli- ers are saldt l have. atimittedt laI lbey madie a mîstake vien lhey en- lenedthe iereservesandant n etaen- liai for lie four year terra. This con- dition ai affaira, itlalereporteti, lsp Cames la the beade of the station andi bas reaulteti, sume eay, ln a çractical tiecîsion la abandon thal brandi of the eaon asepraclicable. There are a number of Waukegan men wha enlleted lu the reservea lu goati faiti anti they do ue aie kiutily to lie criticlsm that bas been releeti by same. Mauy ai Ibem sny tliey viii- iugly vili go int the regular eervice. i4aavy Plotur. Franits Passing. Pidlure-framlng lu Greatl fi1laia bos untiergone Mang traiistormations ln retIent years. The building ai amallen bonses made absolete the fashioit ai - ieavj trmez whlch Were the prit]. o ,Vitorieon dlulasg rooma. 'isere are pat- ierng tf thé Charl-esID, andthie Louis p t hcl ly Ibeir ment itde- sigu iavçesca e te$ncoW andi 'bave serveti as motels for ftranaegjg*" sot 0 " liontigdl lthp iiidustrial atfairs of the Chambes- ai Comtmerce lias been lu tosci vith O e Lawrence Lewis Aeropiene Company ot Chicago in the interest of locating their plant licre. Iu repose ta the ork htîh ha 8 heen doue the eeraplane people :)ave decidedti llrng Iheir demonslratlug xgachine -Waukeg"n-àauj-- '- Ihir expeimeulal flying f ram Ibis r point. A large cauvas hager lies liee ehfpped irom Chicago anti wiui arrive bere elîher loay or tamarrow. A molar truckt is ieaving Chi-aga wlh 'aller nccesrieg tomorraew maruing andthle election ai the uangar on lie Lake Shore aunIthe nartbeeelt corner of the 140 acre ludustniel tract wili laite-place williiu the next few tinys. The ne , demonstraling machines ell beo'hand vithil the next few tinys. anti tempoanliy tihe public vilI lic requiredti takeep Off af the 140 acre treckt tuntllthe neroplane dam- pany have ils affaire iu baud anti Fire Department CaIIed To 3 Dit ferent P ê' City; Fïnd No FM"è. HUTTON 1S 9RUSED. Acting Chief Conmdl 1. Auto- ists Who linpe e ~ es of FireDepartmetZt Waukegau, SelteMber 5. The tire alarm fienti lu &gain et work. Thie lime hes varkug villi à vengeance. Tueetiay evening ant inigt Ilire. taise alarm e ve seutlnl andth ie de- partment reepontietInluegch case ta fluti on arrlviug that semae persan with ese sense liu ang lapIM.etasat Elgin, heti calued them ont'ou a use- legs trip. Here le lie record utfta"a.alarmes: 8:30-lSheridsn Road 4»d Gien Fier*, 52. 12:01-Belidere and PqW.ii Ave« nue, 48. 3:20-Griând seanue--anti jackson, 119. - - Itlai thus noleti that lbe calla came tram dfiereut sections ai tisa city, lu- dîcetia5 liaI penhape sont, uioereant lient ou briagîng out lie tepartmeut spent the nighl watking about lava turning la the calue. Acting Chie! Hutton states tint au accident nrrnuwiy was avertat ou Shseridian Road vien an autaist Irleti tu lieat the department la lb. acane aeut lnl front af tise bomes. The liorees lied ta be Jerlietdavlos for sec- andi or there would have bagu a cal- Draft Board Announce Largest List Ydt Given Out Since It Started Work. WILL CERTFr 440 ,ln Order To Give Sufficient Whom Federal Government May Make Its Choice. The draft board ln dlstilc amler two L.akce county has Pa.esed their Quota ci 305 which have been ortiereti tirawn, tram the district for the nùw .rmy. Te date with today's drawng atidedte l those certifîcleti before, ma1 men have been certîfiet inlto tâe army- The number requireti vas'but 3ü5. but the,'liard wiii keep on certifying mure until probabiy Italal 425 or 440 have been certitled, tram viîlch the govtrit- ment wiil select its 305 afler uielg thonse certifled by the board andi pick- lng frram 1he liai of exmpteîi those whom the tetieral boarti belleves shouiti net be exempteti by the local boardse. The boardi experts ta finiA iup lis work 0f-certlfinlg by th-à latter part of the week anti Il l e flotigreti thal over 440 names vill be certified lu thej total. The board, hovever. viii con- tinue lis sesaons and probably will be on tiuty for a month longeritas Up matters wlth the district board, etc. Well knovu Young men agaîn lotisy vere Includeti la the liât of slxty-one certifleti. amour, them being: "Higli," Clarence Cumminga. oncly son of Mrs. C. D. Cummings of Cary avenue. He le employeti in 1h- freiglit .,-dg oaf the Jý - Hovarti Hollauti. undtking firm of Larsen anti Hollanti. Dr. O. W. Mesalck. aateopat.h. (ln the prevloug call Dr. Shellenlierger. anollier osteopalli vas calleti.) Dennis Crawley, local %lga painter. Robert Dake, brother of Door Daike, ai tbe pont office. Clarence Retiding, son utsl'olin Red- ding of Grand avenuie.. Maril Purtiy of Northi Caunty street, son af Mns. D. W. Purdy. The latentIliet of ixty-orie: 3162 Elmer Phillp Hangebraucli. 902 Belvitiere sîreet. 1702 John Brasier, Wadarlli. 111i. 16ü'8 Godtai Julias Pscator. Northi Chicago. 257 Irwin fÇ.iirIes Hevitt, 1234 In- tilana sîreet. 1824 Earl Purtiy, 309 North Couuty s1. 930) Julien IGardon Basa, 175 North Park avenue. 185 Arthur Henry tinytier, Grays Lake, 1l1. 3047 Oscar t.eino, 628 Southi ave. 2723 Clarence Cummins. 420 Cori avenue. 1720 Frank W. Harris, 407 Oak etreet. 2584 Louis Iv'uovclc, Nortli Chicago. 1602 qteveLenik. 110 Genese.e, trept. 1051 George Ruff, Watisworth. 111. 563 George P. Speilman, 228 South Genesee atreet. 280f Leu 8E, Shea, 533 West Water at. 2356 Raymond Hart Hiblierti.126 Chestnut atreat. 2883 Gilbert Htenry Keetivel. F. R. D. No. 843 Waitio 3-Jalmer Norlauder, 1112 NIcAlster avenue. 3191 Haroldi Edwin Fiuieber, An- tiocli. 111. 1379 Justin Skraclki. North Chic.ago. 299 John Frak Tidy, 606 Belvidere street. 2270 Thomas F1rances Rutti. Gurnee. 1075 Frank Latvastie. 1430 South Park avenue. 1654 Frank Pllschmau, Watievorth. 19 Haroldi Westou Allen, .C18 Sher- man Place. 2321 Clarence Rtiwarti Recltenvalti, lîsion; e second occurrec msr 1012 Belvidere streel. nature Irak place. lnhelie tai&csthb 1547 Richard R. Clapbam. Uliertyvîlie. depantment chie! claIes tbai l vas (1977 Clinten Cac krun Fuller, 214 Jul- have trieti ouItishe locality for tiyiag rle! ueeenrg rvnb ht! pupopaes, leur; ln the serond Ihat af a man The Chaniber ut Commerce la0lunamet B ykes o! Grays Lake. tuuch wilh a number aofallier Indue- TO CAUSE ARRESTS. trial Propositions, several ai vhlch "This praelice ai racing tise tire te- look gooti and ill probably malerlal- partmentlsl gelting ta a p*at viere ize vithin the 0ourse of the next tew It la a menace andi Muet Stop or thora veeks. vl lie arreste andi proseutln,' sait -Chier Tynreli today etlen IBitton bat Happnem-rePotedt la hlm. "W. wtll1la» dtrasi Happinese. tepa ant Iif people canUuq$rae,»-thlb "Wlien yau lhlnk you' lie ihappy lit nfeiy aiflise firemen lu se'paingta gati vas let nions," sait Undle 1Eh cl,-v'lhv aso ia "neasember dat ,ven Ilien you't moi"4ti $.e'.hae -sowtui, b. sa lonesome yau caultn'l b. linppy' As regards tse talzea. aiazflenti, Il, la staledti ttarreste viwl ifoliav the detection oi Ibis culgit e4d prose- Nq Noe.d to Worry. cdtia î ili b. the seve powtb>. A lady af nice. cnst4eratlon *hait: Tise' poig a but ire.dtepS*iià are "Manda. î'm not going ta sent goq woîk1us tri hariony in tUi *:Wo At MY vaslà ta dt bisweek becani e m , t.t or aifaise, alarmetw~d tora cliuItirehave scàMjtever, ind I 4oai anist lltierfeiting vim 1t~i~ vont goir cillreu la pet St sJ.& i lia teij [laIe a, povwaM4 mai, lan sîreet. 832 Adaipli A. Oison, 318 Oak street. 1180 Purlîn iB. Englisi, 1025 Northi av. 18651 Hovard Lenard Hollanti. 156 Northi Park Avenue. 2J78 Oie! ifrieti Styfs', 114 South West et r..t. 872 Walter A. Komieczny, Clevelanti, Ohia. 2803 Merlin Sasam, box 2ei W.aukean. alreet. 2592 'Leu. J. Dutiy, 432 Southi Sheri- tan roati. 2344 Clark M. Kalliat'u Anlioci, 111. 96 Samuel 3<etekelu, 422 Market et. 1519 Joe Maz10, =2 South West, street. 570 La. Pleper, 106 Clayton street. 544 ERimer Johnson, 90* M<A.lister avenue. 2540 John Brasier, Wonukegan, Ili. 1883 H ugb Henrg &OCan, Quee. 3910 Charles GrIsin, 174 Manda Bet. 2006 Denus Patrlk Cawiey, 239 dm4 'ýavenue. 1268 Orvilie W. Mlaalcl, 231 Nonti 0155e. str..t t 3029 -IaisI L 13ke, 2lu Papular et. 3088 Swan Oliver Peterien, Pleasant Praisie, Wl.. 2410 Clarence E. Bayler. ZMon City, 2045 Patrlk Tooakslan, 436 Oak stree?. 1194 Dominik Czpolio. North Chicago. 1965 Paul M. LâRose, Zion City. 2618 Clarence Barker Reddlng, 779 Grand avenue. 2763 Josephi A. 'Munlihoff, Iowa City, Iowa. 1199 Louis Perhavec, 714 Market st. 3029 Niekolas M. Keller, Dugdale Rd. 838 Chas. Van Fleet, 208 N. Genesee ptreet. 2717 William Il. Cameron, 1204 North avenue. 2802 Eddie Stokes, 205 St. Jair/s et. 2593 John P. Weaspndorf, 221 Center street. 3182 Walter C. Neely. 118 Second st. 302 Davîi-J. Kemman, Zion City. IMEP WEMLLS MAI FURNISII WATER TO THE LOCA.L SCJIOLS Board of Education Practically Decides To Make Test 0f. Plan At iligh School. ABANDON CITY WATER. Figured That Deep Wells Could 'Be Sunk Cheaper Than Cost of The City Water. Waulcegan, September 5. Deep weila may salve the pure va. ter situation lu Waukegau so fer as the »eIsools are coucerneti. for the board of education bas uîken the mat- ter ap andi are coualtieriug il very se- riously. At the boarti meeting nighl extrade vwere reati tram a re. cent report matie 10 Mayor Pearce by H. B. Tefft. consultin« engineer ai Chicago. Amang other thuxige the report states that nature lias don. muci for Waukegan lu furniahing lier a source ai pure vatar aupply. The roport re- fera ta the great gravel lieds, lying 10 tihe wesl anti soathwest of the city, whlcli beds anti vater bearing aIrata are Pratecteti by a greal coat of blue dlay, vhicli le Imperviougatlawvater, preventing lb. surfacei contamination tramt leaking îhrough th.e udergroundi flow. This great coatolfai ue-clay, Il la poinled out, cavera the grave] de- posuls for miles lu eacli direction. The gravel lieds tbemselves are great lu extent. anti ar lacatet about 180 ta 220 teel untier the surfac 'af the grounti, ant are tram 20 ta 50 test la thicknese anti pratecteti by a blauhet o! blue day tram 30 ta 60 t..l lu tliicknees. From Ihese gravel lieds. It la asrteti. au abuntant sa)pply ai pure valer, cap be secureti. Mr. Tefit ln bis report staI.. fur. Ilier that there are buntretis of large dieep vei s catterectinsumany paces su the country, teacli ai vbich la pro- duclng tram 1,500,000 ta 2,500,000 gal- lons of pure waler ver' day. This va- terlie sayg. le wbole davait 0f.harm- fui ingredieuta. tae ual coutalu hac- berts, anti requires no trealmeul 0f any kinti. The expert declaree Ibal the cities of Aurora azut Springfildt gel their vater suppig ln Ibis vay. The coal ai elinkiug Ithese veils, il vas etated,.la $1225per toot ton a six lIch spe,"and $2.75 erotori elalit luclipipe. The board deemeti il atvisasle ta luvetigate t6. matter of building a velu at each sebol lu lb. city jpdpinL the samne to tise buildings anti cou- necliug them ta the tiriuking taun- talus. Preaident Buck appainteti as a speciai comnaîttea ta maletehle inves- tigation the talloving mentiers- Dr. M. J. KalawAky, L. M. Echatrau(t, auj Mrs. N. J. Robierts. This comisittee la ta malte a report oaitil finlgs et an adjourueti meetinig ta li e laitSep- lember 18. Itlais nid ta lie quit. probable Ilial the commilîee yull recammeudti t one sucli veli bi suuk et the higi schoai ans test. Ilf illa succesetul there the anme plan voulti b. failaeti lu the allier achoala. At the prejsent lime tise higli scliol la paying tram $250 ta $280 per year for valer. This valer la lu sucli de- pbarabl e contiltion aI limes thal il cannaI lie used fotartilking purpases. For $4010 ta ot0a <deep velu eau 0e suuh, Il la figureti, vhich viii suppiy the neets of the schoal for all Uie. There seeme 11111e toubt but that tbe plan wiii lie givea a try-out aI lie higli achoal. Constantlnm's Crosa. The crosvas the emlm ai a slavesB death aud a murderer's pun- lalmeni anti vas naturmliy looket Upon iy 1h, Jev vlli horrar, Aller lie celelratet vision oaiOoatantlne, tht ruler orderedtot be matie a cross aof gaît anti gema sncb as ho bat amen andi the Iree ai cuiulng aitame sal upos scepters anti as engrava and signed on lie toreeo et kfInge. LEaRnSCOIsN, IS NIAI D EÂTIIN LoNIJomlIOPIAL Irving CoUar of Waukefan Hears That Relative IIa Die, Resuit of W ud INJURED AT VIMY RIDGE. Another Cousin of Local Young Man Lost His Ufe In The Samne Big Battie. Waukegan, Seplember 5. Ici ng Coliar of the wesl side lhas Juet recelved Word that hie cousin An- drew Swick now lies ln a Loudtonli- pittIl extr"ýmely slck with tuberculosia anti. If he succombe. he wili ha the second coupin thal Couac baot as a reait et' the famous batlle of Vimy Ridge.. Il vas on Mardi 131h that Collar tlid the Sun Ihat hie cousin Charles tlvick. formerly of Bemeat. II.lied met dealli lu the hattie of Vimy Ridige; lie mentionedthel . act titat bla allier couia Andrew vas also in the regiment vhich fauglit Ileri ibut ie, tditi ual kaaw lie wae Injureti. il now develope. however thal Andrew was- aien injureti et tihe lime andti hat, a a resuit oa ieisnjury lie lias ultice coutracted tuberculoasan9M nov 15ta a crlîlcal stale Slnise hospItal. Il la certainlie cannaI long survive. The tva brother isappened tu be ln Canada vhen the var broke out andi hIle Amerîcans, ver. so attrisa- eti by tb. var f ever itth lelitet anti ver. sent abroodt ilthle Cap- adiau troa.,. Tise Swtc't brother, lied viailed lbe CoUlaralier. several times and,. er. somneviat kuavu bers. MIL412 OR", PIWIÇTD av An advanue ai tWa or three cents lu the relail price ai milk by Oct. 1 la predicteti ly C. H. Potter, chairman of the milk committes af tie Chicaga .Mi9k Producers association. Final stops for tleb. amuzation ),f the Miik Praducers' Cao-opetative Mar- keting company ver. discuaseti by the diractors aetithe Morrison halel Clii- cago, Tuestiay. The company lg ta lie capilalizet ai $500,000, endi stock vili selu et $25 a ahane. Uutier 1h.e etata iaw, no one con ovu more thon f ive shares. The stock, l vas reporteti. ha%~ aimait ail beau soiti. A Lot In the Sun.uapt Ashutteret i vldov tioes co op t the suit, but il keepa Il ont. Dlncus- lent lu a gtla heaet do.. uaotchange the beauty andi baiptulsiesathor a ail about lier, but l keepa lier freen discovering il. Open l.the h'Uttfra et lhe soul's windows. SIt aill nut a ms', uny dllference la the. anuýliluc bqt l viii malte ail the difference là thse world, ta yon.-Ezchange. Port#* o*f Fatigue. Medîcal science lbas long beeu Dreecbipg the perils aofatigue, andi new Investigation shows that t àan- aflW Doisons tie blooti. lesviqg lhe teEn open to ail manuer 0f infections. That fatigue La lb. dIreetct ause a m#ny accidents lias been proved aine. raliroads reducedthet . orklng houms ef train creva and i dspaiters. French Asad i n South Amerlos. Tliroughout Southi Amerlea FreDAc la aimoat unlversaliy rend; editiofiS of the clasale are lu mast homes, snd book stores are Iiled i tls materal Frencl itiers af prose or verse, balla in translation anti ln the original. Chm. Metlowed ln Bible. Cie.. la meulloued oi lires lieue in the Bible andi on eaei occasiontlà- dier a tiiaerent nams lu tise Raheav (Jaob, 10:10; 1 Samuel 17:18; Il Sam.- uel, 17:-29>. St la titEcal la dccIii- boyte tiese terme correspionld vth aur notion of chesese. Artifleal Léïather. A receut Amerlean pateat relat« st the production of artiSalal loathor, aad tonalats lu appling 10 a tabrtechba caating contsialng nitrated ecoRon aid a vegetabie cil andi a uo-mpq: baketi coatihS ofai eta-a composition. What # ule. Wbat a Mau laelesnas ertsl l up bis conscience as tin ls beoit, lstip- noue or bWsacquainluaces masl-4w t la reat il. The vers- Intere0oirse but may bave reutareti il more dge clt.-OGeorge bMacDonald Ginger vas veil hiovu1a la Ne oen before tl ormais eqto&ê,Wha lng oflen eei'ted W ha 1 «* W. Saxos msswcrlt a lto-.m usce- te teautiMW d ieuteeth *4 tue *me1 te ai i t F '

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