uwaa su vaer poblnz.valiwc eysl ~e~ t~at Ifa putn the state board of heInvsti- éal tt M ci' t i ies wiblino bduis Wric and No odupllet .un dig8th .si Onp vay Wdqlb1 athe ud mwteo is meethe l orl ý e00nfturudTh a eg, or there ii be opd ntik blal i viiu bi mden% hcl ae oare ieti- h oi *Uiitl. lb la admto dthae rblthofhagoedari "d0W titis , Wugsbout ugesd Thwt hanW epu bUt ag=do p&bt. a tt getion th a wIll 'ande fr in. tate ThIr st Waukegau min starte4 today for Eockford Wo bicorne a part of 1h. nov aatiouiWLarmy. ýThus lake conuty fowmaily entera te uew ain l a tangible wç.. ?bor. iffl no cleerng aIt the depot as 1h. mon boarded lte train; the . as,no laugliler; thlere vws no joyttilex- pituoibwvasemrious business au d the few pereoms a*erod ltere. W bld 1h. boys God-speed as voll as te Iioy thmmlven fuily reallzed lb. Tht'. why jubilation. im abmft, tbta wbvheybody looked at the. iatt 'faesse, 811 ya te frt sud vibli êta Iwé îg VIh lafo *0lb. safet tonly o! th.é mn 0 .0 e7a7ml;battle but for th. eIf aa s ecurity ë of= unmUy. thirhomesand th. stabillty oft tlfl fre-M»P blla ifo fgvrmu.This was- an lin- a the b. U*WY o! Lmke coimy o Iemon *sdfor vux. Zay thuy aU corne home witit hoor ý«* èt. théir r»IL Tity ail voulb core back; W 1thone vWto éiîet wrIiW sthte Illvufor 1h. cause of hu- u» ** le, oietMit I. ees lu prayer and hope andi $.ge t jid.qftp è d. for th.ervice they are tW reuder. tusa I ap.lsy fS rb s ewffpie .eih acm thq jackt rOb muaet oe» ni - c"m tlu opl 4h.vuI o - 'se ac ~cmtàii te wiu Fâ,i"elFayot. pflol mrap arn stilciiel on lie front &" lboc slmilcliag hoz-plalta. The front anehob bttouielup lu 1the Meci and reliaI1tuoriarevers. Tii suit la vnny effective carrici out la brovu lhomepun cul vomuviti s fo-pllsceskirIclosely f01151 about tie bip. Mainm Ize requîtes 4% yards 5-nch mnerlal for 11e suit. A Norfolk jacket te, b mallr anert, muet hava goolilnea;anud gool linen depend languI>' upon tbe manner lai whlc h1e design lu eut Witb e conuietent guida 10 show how "i0 tin r lA uthc pattern. oeeasoul have no trouble miti I3 I leulgu. , ÀVurIthe materiml la foled angoly !and plucel on tic cultîng table tom au>'flIat surface), place ton I bath 0ftltte patternu ding tlnthi %FIse fol. Tien follov viii the norer leeve section cul cuf, plmc I ng tisse viti large *Y, panlora tbAns ou a lengîbvîse threal. The -aie' ald coller cone exî, bing laid on'tie leuglhiaîe fod, but tfi la#, with large "&" perforations, fan a lengtbwlse timeal, coinc e itweeft lié coller anul 1he bl'i. wvilchla laid 73M along the lengtlivise fnld. %sWI v Al of thiemaInilg plecas of tSi r.350 pateta.e place.t mn the bomeapul n liaS lthelarge ~"perforationi mcml on a leugtlise thmead. The traps and underfacIng are place ouseepsaide19iied I o aboya 1the bac; h. front la arranged La slylluh costume tcth opposite thie upper siceve section Uti cnd hrec-piece sktrt. vili elmagit lionaalong the selvaze t malt e aode ioih or anul 111epociel, yoke aculo1w.i woe. sîseve section are placcil oh lie r Lh, vise la the weys of m'iniung materiel. SaMble on fularlîle,. but Whcm mmad vitla a yoka, tic uppei deubt about the favor lie parts of lie front, ack cul trapi îet vAIl enjo>' înmng'tîe may 1e cut off along thie uppcrama 1sad Wlalo. Tic jackt "o'*parforations. a hbu no yoke, but the A 11.11of elf-matrtal holde n lth W", ssfoi om. The. AD- funa of tic jacket. wmIewsSur. 16 5LVAGt. ID6t. FRONT 0 h FOL.Ofr54 tricti mATteiZy-WiT1INAP tiTil PROBLEW UI MAX-ES_ TOTAL 0F 268. StriaI I me DEMO f4TrpAloM. got sloting tbtrePmesatitatlves 0< ie b@j«W-4d~I trainng camp t o b.bll lu- caunectlon viti ïbe Illnola rIs are members of Unécle Sans JuVenle afin>'et 0&W'«»0 Mas daelatii betai of1 dèaa.sratb'u a 1 te eple lie bleg. Atlonsth youtbf ai. thenie "gveennent reprI.sa- of agricuilture and the UnIitaaesdapàrtuOnteofari. Rien lu0 do for thetr eoilntfY. AileRefuse tu Est. I lIn the , .mlnburgli aoo liera le a Inspiration erocodla *"w18 ucontent vlt1 e rai or a pleeý et ior-ellesb ever>' fort- j~ist Misceiante an anaconda wbich - f081 0f Yan bsSiic tatyunI s Habit» Arm Forc«sptowlbur EIvon vithout conaldering et ail lie voiiiiilrll ftabo food.- coiimon hed babite, justt hhlk of t;he liouaandand oeelttie habitse1h51 The 4L1y ot Francse 7lagly determmne Oua'. evar>' thouglit The a 'LiUW0<Frunce," the tlime 'Saw- and set. lu lie comuionest thino cm de Inca," lu, ris Florentins. PlaceS ai-emy one la lnlufacl b>' nnuinerable mpon bannera. shIiel, coule of 'arme, litte habiteta 1hobseldoni suspecte.' etc., t bas led boli armIes andl mIA- Hardi>' an luiprealo, ernoton, opta- vîluais. but It* Ji nuw propemlthe 11 ton, msolution or cctloùi la$ooete,10symbol of a loiStcause, liougb 11e une ui tint la noS Iniluencol, drecteld a s a national emlilem lias bm npal cooraI b>' Oral corditlons wiln our.. selvea--habits. ____________> AImnt ever>' nove lu lie poc»of l1IaInio thi admrningi dressing, for exemple, la  ca nio I niolutary ancllei for no, couicbous Chainta dscorered by rmeaeamcb thoaglit. Tour mInI lu bseh in l >re m go tic poe'e'. of maktng mla uiaPphutg out tie day's vomi ville 1 iclal todigo, but Il was ouI>' viien e *habit la wahng alddresing yen. tliermiaoater broie lu the solution tiet Habit ategatome uastu bIng Most thl' oujad out bow 50 make tho Indigo of lia everd&Y thlginupamtc-ulr ch«eneonu 1 hacommerctnl>' val- w!ays. andul scunactoual>' tua tie uabme. fl.s.'rnrcumy so hnemm e i mInI, te, tiu oI>'viiNw .they chance"Iielî u e,, vtda dd tintthe i. rc t0 ho doue dllferentl>'. The divlllug euS vus cheeieeilufficelc u10malte Une betu-een efflclency and inefffleucy a rtifictal l51oe' lesa expensIve Ihan la largel>' rWglt hem An>' oua wlo naturellaIdigo stops tu0tilnk about Ilcmeash>' i.. m that InnuMerable 1111e lhabts akup A Sueccefuýperfrmnafmt. a ry large part of our.. les. It te.. 're ~asstet concermmater f lhe lnudced, 'WiaiWrthb villa carcfimlly 10a Chicago Sympui'orches5tre asic slnd>'thi. bot of 1111e habita fuit ies fou-yam-old eau boy li enejoyel breed cnd ile lu tic muet acret cela an Orchestral performance wliIcbha of bmmlu sud muscle. Noue of Iliernila bal condurted. The 11511e fellow au- t 00 amalilto. ha vorti attention. swered: 'I vatehed you balauciug % Bad habitsan tre li 151e tieals with yorgel for two boums, dmddy, and you ,t wcieb tie vea Lillputimns bound the îd'tfati off tcel. e" strong Guliver in ielple.uce. (100 haitasmo11k a ~aA, mle ar. Why bien Are Loved. il thesa.onulng uh ss 10 dooumanomi lii Mont men are love<l merely because 6 lb.t oîleti lesfrctonnu va te ny :are ina nI dnoî bccouue of uny L hIabita va cannet miol.. Nomr eau uuuu:l chiri.--APtcilson Globe. escipe heing grenîly ecoutrolled b>' them. But we hate freea le bAe h- ORLG14 OL 9 v c li e a d habits tint ar -a doo and l baîptul-C sudaIt lit ra bal cul Motion lstSbewng. and the Day la e mfLCilte Hrî.Growingl)'n"or. L_ Our orti appeers 1u be ,siowing eMon'* Fr. Wili. lova ls spin.. 'vo Brillshai meono- Man' freea ilil labut a bird lu a - rae. Be eaustop aetihe lover parcli erswhbavine fluishal a long .tudy Orholenaumount 10 a ilgier. Tien Of thbmnatter report tint Il now taies 19 itaI vic-i. Iau novo vW enflarge adm051 exacti> tire seconds lomigar foi iii cage, Uvir ha lgbea andua igi- the. %-" t 0 u wn ovar once tlieulIt or pérth end et lait break off tu took10ynm s.ed et ýd ofbils cage cul jet hlm out lu hie bmis mli suotier Ibreesaccns will wii the free vm of the. imiverse.- bave been adaIbtult.ela>'. e Loard Teunysouý. At tlus ate Shakeseare bad nealy leuseone lu n ittwenl>'-foli anars jun-ue- aMn draatis te r Cs ýUs110,1w Jacket No. 7383. 8 lze. 14 to 20 yn-ara. Prîce. 20 cenâ. Ir W. 1800. lSs. 14 tg 20 years. Price. 15 cent. n88. e cosy One Lit. Propellers Run Tandem. OU«, le edr otifèr allowed the Erperîments made lni bout . propul- t4i to t. aj rom bis knee Alice was elon wth on propeller, one behuind tihe vie tosciied and told blinu to hW otlier, showv thnt but lttie ncmufed WOl or be woaid har-t the. kitten. j Peed lg obtulned by the arrangement; Épçihe. tolà bu -a cat nid aune and ottlng the. two screws 4ln oppo- sgtAD-m o nfeimesite tlleetons, -aither nt tiie -nme &,*ntSmomet i-tien rePllad:. dfferent spaeels. littie affect on 0. " e t»ila 3 4Wininti Ue»the r.Aml. hI t, lîowever, clamed t ____________ liIN*i double screw gvea better con- OosildaI Ha$sAnctiter Tmsnk-comlag. jOb mmTi.la who thInka he knows t ali pseay ritez a 'foman wto bliv a lot moe.-BoooTrais GirlsVA.oWork Hore te th IM.oglas fsdlscoaton eaIl a bîusiness conference: .uThere'. notblng eaer tien te get out of date lIn ogi ob. Because YOU've made a ood 'record doWt thlnk You ran le mciý i.. d lt il;dutlatYOU tir ret of yourlilfe. - YouIl fn Your- self lu. backwater in o Uie. "Youve sot te keep grwlng bue un, la te keep Inttreseola hV being dones.11 round lyo«. ePeCiallY tin youx own basinss. Another Wey la t6 get goreofriand jon eu trust to poinft out lii 7OU wbers you are ainci. hi;, Another wgl la to brlng a few tasts to bear on yourself et toast once or twlcea year-Uot alry testa (thee mn.y ha deceptlve), but work and Ides %%" women need to do a lot of grow. -. whutever our work may be.-Jcssle lubets lu New York G(lobe. Charcoal Ephs Thought. "What 1 caislacocport," éud Malr- eoal Eph. ns he renched for the bhan. lIs wen an rin ntuTu ¶owvn a five- doibi Job 'kase lie donc got haîf e dollar lui hlm pocket. Try wme sait 81111r Jackson.l-lcbnod TMme- 1)lptcb. L Arltocratlc Nelghborhoed. Rean intte Aget-There au .- strictions on the property. Toit cunst keep biene nom a dog tint tracs hi*i au- catrY bock for teri s huai tree genara- tons. Willam fie Conqoaror vas handicap- ped.e haît minute lu ieeplug ap vîti bis leseudants. Juflai Casar vas a viole imInute 10 tbe bal, ville even If h. badl li-el tuold&eUnilsit* vould aIlE bava icen son.- 5Wenty of aur leys. short or viat bie blographers onl hbav. clelmul forbhm. Abrahamnanul the enr> Phamomo vonl have beau eM,1 mort preasel for lime. Tic sarlIcu »ou, My tu the >'eur 1000(8. O h'aoir ae liaIdno nes fW **'Hov h In *on Twou>'.oiir 17-tires boums te do thoirliving lu mg 'vsre reai ,ouin wvet'-ul yeau vian She>' hbougistic>'1el"dençW toumscon.-Elwlufme>n.Wsel WIlbur and f*gIllé-Wrtal.tbegan lbir atponimoita wib . aseplama fouteen yogi, luc» . grat Gcm> M etavaienel 4àqi6m" 4tii.VoS. denti al t tihat 'i «W44 a, p33elayIn j vafam .The daIttghý t 0f feooa. noua batmd ov tl»sbutestend dSneaet Kit>' eul, . <.,L;st luit Swev..eeeils I wb m onAmr- leau, on EI. Ç*0150 vie flad* hie IraS eecnhfu lapi i rAmaboaS. nes vas l voa m ce Wfor the. mav, Ma . capenl a hiplane q*peê Wft l@t& g(3t«s stnalghtvae me ou.Tnatlme »M an1.sd the Iu fh*.t -~~~~ ~~~ 'a avngl.Mska-UV i et o<flsbling boa 0fiai y$lowed 11re yemns iteswbUm âasvo. o aile 82500010*~i ilàcs4 BAY RÀO As STATE EFXPLAINS AILL DETAILS. Ail Parts e of nt; wc Ame isla ing helI ai tie Charnier of Commerce rOOMeIhbs af h -o at wblch smrne linite actioni V2nny ha etaken vîti regard to tie pro- posed State and Govemnet aIl 111gb1- vay lirougb Wcukegeu ndAlLaie commlsslouam, wyul ha p.-eaot &t'the meeting cud outllne the proposltleu. Thie meeting vas 10 bave bem bell Tuesda>' atterioon b u asotPoaed vutil tula aftanoonviien It vas leamnal htic Mr. Brbît coul be se- ael ed a aspeaker.'Tie Imeeting vas cillaI for 1:30 o'cîock. Tie rouI and -bridge commlttee et the. oieS>'board, tlugthur vlti otuer supervisoms, bîgliva>'comadtMaoners cul othters Intorealed lu £01 ouds,1 are àtlendlng the mtIng. FTiere apPeami 10 h. a pouslll>'t liaI Green Bely rama nie>' . lectedl as thie course for lhe 81410ald gaveru- meut i roal, sootag lAie Ibis would bc advlab la te Improvluu Sien- 1dmn Road.aS Ibis' lian If tha state iou4 Issu go Ilirongi l prevîles for the lanrovlng of Short- Ian Rond. -Tiasntàreen Bay' Rond 1 or son.eocier bl f>'vore te ho lS- provel 15 voul permIt Si. counl>te _,'put lu c goo mad at 11111. ool. Tii.ýProoltion.. vil h. gens luto v emi tlioroughly et thbe aeetingt tai Iafternaon. Hawai Ha& 24M000People. Havail vs. anexel b>' ti. Unied States lin IMTh. e tliluàecover a,- 740 square mlles. 'rie hast United r OItes canas of thcéIslande gve a population et about 192,M,00 alit la ielAeved ta b. now simeheelu lie nelgibomhood of 240,000. This country' Importe more thon 150,000,000 vorth dt*augar anail> tram Hawaii. Pov- ertu ni irelesstations luni up lie UilaI States nul Japon. Pear l am- ber lu ouaetfour mont Important naval stations. The. suez Canal. Thie plan et valer coonectIon ho- tween lie Medltermanenndu, the ReI soi goe bnci 10 emmi>' Egplian liii tory. Suan cnal seema te have heen censtructa luthe lie agne of Bel 1 n ca meses Z ,about MO 00O.. ax- tendbiig tramein the lta Laie imuai nid Siance to lis Red sec. Mal te De Accumulated. Loulse bal soinsof ber 11111e frianlo lai for Juacheen liehoSier ie>',ald among olier IMalle zusbalt olive&. Bihe oterad lien 10 one U11111 ms upo, Lolse veplie lelua aupeitor 8*5k. Ilm: "Oh. 1 ddutie - ?Ma et finit >but you muet accumulais'*a teste for Oroign et Jean MU"ie Tie fascination oft jase mniie lies lu Itagaild bombarlty. Jana vas trst <iv.. to tie vorlb>' Ove nggro muscensm viee mpieyniun uaecarhareS resort lu a Souliea ucIl>'. Tie>' piaval'eltK enlimo abandon, ald lie âfects lie>' obtaluel ver. no trange thet Ihey ai- tractaI il ie attention. Latin the>' loured lie country' ou a vaudeville eh- cuit.- An tndleeeJob. @ho-"Yoii eau torreneoIea boy lrigi ni>'lttIa ,gIrl la. She repente éer>' word 1samrY Hs110 uSbO nui gel tIgitfallyt ired.- >The. Dasageof 1h0 enila"tI 51% lVY or4lsnwll"J ioM*e et tho js4iripéi Atees* ibuaison si th* ~ba i City couse tmis aluel$Orp ss- sonu toummero'wxhgt. The 1t v wIU ha t telghotborhaod of 040e- M0. t" rheog the ainounitthUar 4%0 City na Cais . t»b>tasta sfor e.zor- *e -purpose...1 Asothiior gtter CtntproiiblMy NO ho bronobt up le norne dff oi f the. iet llghslg £webl*.~l natter hbu boes aider oaumoestlon for ons lUme but no 4.111ai ution Tii. Pl*ile -servie com paul? ss millaI a plan of r.duelmg tue asouft of tue 11<111bilîl b>' îbuttllu off tue arc lighai1 Ià. n. This plia et vIlli an Infiate protootfrtan yn- traIs 'of cotloneacul iii.car eme m-Cod tie Public Service eOr ahyt Subait "M ine oienprêpoultlo vblc voulI aUew- 1151118te =human ighl long but stol reduoee. Siut0..1- bas beu puggestel uhal eamller IlitbU pet Io il* replace alan notluinie>' places. This proposition id I nt neet vt favor oun1the part o eli ele fi110. conjian>'asvas w»11. ed ut 10.8111 veuld neceestato lie sbandommnat ef mach équipotent. No other pnoposlt*>u bas been aumlttedtate smaonI stuce tba.tliii. but vISth e 90006111 af thie bond lue.Tuse>' whi vili maie Il posible ta puy 1the emepen> the Iait 1bill tint bas beau aaegmu- latung for morne tino l la fa1t tuaS tue company ny b. la a botter iuool ta lalk binss. Art in Aerlo.. The firet wsc.o f pating -tee- tai»lA i Isait on Anieia »mli va liaI of lSpein, folovlng la the train of vicero>'. al ps-.ateo after tue la- dla eouowmltusbe boumbêe h- - al Stl Soa"s tembe" us bulit. To tuehess~ aMy he. s la tue mt' f et 18111<. 410m8 usl Myot die om'e I» ne <a tu u 84t Lomn eàSmo«a s.es . sentestrategy. Mare Mlle ( ai lie benc)-"Kit la quISe a cleven ociïal generci" Jane GIls"Y h.' vnt Ibrose l at sane uoceipelgu vlionl tus 1lm of Iruih oper Tth'e Selce. «To love rutu ior trt'.sabke le tie principal part of innen psee-1 tic. la tSila orl, anul thse elplot 0f ail oSier vrtu&"-John Locke. Nluuls Worth OftwSLep .Utile 'rhume vaied Up freai b« afenson uaP before .1be bal siepS & *g oI as crue. sud 4#1111W mw sunt>' aser osifthe vowiid, W »mn.more If .@ho gave hbu a flueS Theina smm- stoppaI cr>ingsel nid: "I dontl iao*, sat>'. but l'g b'tri sleap aalela v orti!" new.. Eyeht. 01er la ivea doyen ho atticet lu. -ela, t mn e, 11.bat brighI colonsq» iot, as I la conculed lieS insecte 0*» Iver>' uer-slghel an cei maie'ont obJecta clearl>' bât sigfoot av>',*4 scientise sstate tuaS 3>ecs, vsOpail bonnets eu smo but lys foot cai' Whesta abo>'the ie ter. k»»we& emui seshlm Ivo * tcIrI iqp aibbéf hudomtuS vM>, aimesthe lo- 1c« o bit beldyva w ueri>' locmenmd at 111hsan«M egcabo stn- Mwaime of Aurumatum' "Tl le a .iLm ageel ouclis mui- culture tint notung must ho dgne ton let*; SAl. astn, liaI everytbig bmuet Se donmo t it proper pisum; vMI* tien ls a1111 precapt wbicb renhIIs s liaI pportuît>'bat eu ever ha regaIned<-Pl the ic ider. bolsregemsislà, îlis 00000me 1 bafs. th u amebaggsns nsts fevl blInI mes The Pilpne l Pllp&.m duetlm or0fbegnlmd piu te tsu, begoula expert leu~ilaust* stâement l t or<ltesu xi'ae cie4 and variehteoA~ ueviai te es- M"o ebave 0ofite boa fleellu enr tan i cate u mila psseiep. t fa .Tii. pove. la e local conteet belug hll 9"o1 clubs. wlio iill demnstrîate for tbe-gOveme« ao Itata Paim, BPringfleld. 1it8.. Sept.7-15& Tbea. l elîlîdren tlioughout the nation.,50e womilie gË« lu'eticl-'ieliods of cenning and lrying triAls t ives" lave lied yeamm of experleace under tW#ta culture and are Weil lîtel for lie vOn lbe>' ba 1 Pr-len p in Ibo n Augu e lt ft 30..lt »» wiiaa draft boitrd atnh.. two daty eIldtSe theii. r'Waukoa toile 7oUas ie"t- ie r e .M.>r- moeu or Wel IMOvia Sudpromînent Irakganliesthanbbasa .. in l MW pMvien 4DOtk summnoe. la *bol VordS. ilbIdts home barder 10- My' tih on ois llat-on f a-Y'Pr- ioua draft. T1% 0 W àcUed ta date la Us. Amoag 111et promnent young meni ale, 4med tu lb. colra, ae: Tom Mesehant, rompuet son of .. à, chntt, eNorth vne;ui plvaI b> hie father In the Ment Mar- Axel Ohumon. 0un MeAllter avenue, Wel lmeown In sutth Id* cimels., Clarencs lEb, son of Io mer aider. Dun Rd Liii, se Wdahoploa Street. Orý N. W. pasldnèOr»ef. local os- fleorgeStroel, »On of Charles iffld end brother of Mm. Fred Funk. ANrthur flulnoer, propeletor of lhe telage*or sipq store on OGose.. Mhird 9. Hoa, edeât Son et El- plt Nuie, fonmer>'of lteé Geette. . %%00, illà, seenthatthetiti n 1 .u judas sons of tb» clty'X bout known irngmmnThe latest draft: 32» Thomas Jos. Merchant, 602 North avenue., $61 Axai R. Obuuon, 509 MeAtlater aveoue*. 349 John Zolliewlcs, North Ohicago. 1596 G.0. BidlIsn. Ille 1112 bth at. 542 Aloyalus J. Mohueniaun., 416G Marlon street. 178" Corl L Hanaen. 517 South Ullea Street. 714 Oecar Ivewon. 201 BrownIng avenue. 1628 Ilpi Jenkine, 218 Nortà Gens- sqstret 1083 Clm»=ceA;bert Ein, 814 Wasli- 2212 Iteif W. Sbollenberger 229 N. GOene...eStreet. JUS3 M. Lawrenoe ilurSsut. ZMon City. 71 Jess C. Dalidson. 322 Conter etreet V2427 Stepiien Rieuse, Northi Ottica. »80 Prank Norkls, 919 Blgtb Ot trect. -Mio Andrew 0. W. llobbins. ZMon. 555 Royal H. MîffiUn, Zion »875 Thoms JB>. 1512 Marlon stroot. "58 Les P. DalUga, 404 Cliaton Street. ,2221 H.vsoieL V. Sheni, 211 North SMe James »erorsat. 223 North Gen- eue, Street 2773 George Utr.ed. 796 Grand *venue. 1372 >Martin Merticaitls, 12060 Uncoin aVenu. 1535 Jooba E. Johnson, 220 NoriA 4M Robert Cstrton. Kencpha, Wla. 1478'«r HUr> uoeng, 10164lNorth avc. 1919 Pae Turle>' Snyder. ZMon City. 1472 10e. Morrleon, 6is Bluff Street. 126 salvatore Orifice. 601 Waler oet. "M'. C.laa. Beaen. 136. Ganoee atre«. 1 140 ster.,P. %â.insou, 123 I 1604 Uuastreet 1r't SM8 MereOlage.Zon City. 215Cha rel1 )rtivs. ZMon City. 481 Jubn Osunlg. 1111 Blgbtb Stroet. VS1100M Msem C5roopto, 1os Plcldlly cour. U86 H. J. UcMeamn, 808 Belvîdere 1232 Arthur 3P. RaUtllger. 417 Madi- Snstroet., MO EhlA . GrImai, 310 Markeoln.. 1477 MIUan 9. Nuise, M3 N. Genea coplemr Tises Frewtasse. T'he aImOw tie ela ome ditthu*usai u.à-' e uh l.~ a âi atta staSes. Thi teog fw yOD Inbelges 15,fe jm**tw *ý1b% «Wtbè*"Miae of ou 4u~Uslesé0t~poulIe 0f asunoer. ?*Wa sus a preaut profit le» UVse M pille, lées047 :alarge partlis xêa~, mu ehmpure Ma «Wsii imdieet cde wida, cul wile I-i On la tfron f pille tlteAM e b0 ave agentl',apes'laét, la. WA«TxD-4iùj eor1$00 troin rivaeo b* MM i*eeaeO I ert'yfo. «k It LIC L SUE