Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 6 Sep 1917, p. 5

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Lob ~ohoo1 Supplies - LANGQWORTHV'$s Now is-t'he timme- to put i YOUR WINTE1M.SUPPLY. CoaImWood wCkie. OUR SUPPI..Y 1$EQUAL To Ail'Donds andJ Clean' Our Service The Best. I LIKTYYI~E LII"Cou£0 * DOeva *il0 nBomtirr.20 Imms Phone.47 x shoP, Mgr. MI The time ta buy coal is NO W. Don't wait until witer. msob as te mak.atu&o touupply you in thet&* aanyudaikel,-strikai-and au bc r.os i il.a a po.aliflty. WE HAVE JUST TI1t QUALI T KAT WILL SUIT YOU Manur S~raérs Tli. Beet, PaymngInplement on the. Vrm Nîsco Corne in and look to ler >rc4 i il YoU u iw of Kèwa of Local Intsoeet plueu Tlophone N*=ber 1.-:: Mms oRett. VlieinSaa h getu ni u 1lMr. sud lim. Wm. Jolley spct qunbdoi viii reatlives. Wm. in#rWmm ain aan ont af bown oenler Mondai.' rnt MDoasd viii ot of towu tbe *ret af tii. we.k. .WUtlDocker ud tamly seat'iMoud&Y bt eNthr Clicago. Miii ergia L.Agwortby Lait fo sébooil Wednsady. , « Mr. and Mma.rtofaiChicago, dui- 45J1eii iaOu tOuiR. Arthur Wason 01 Chicag, vasà se lr et avusondai. lire.Daniai Le. ebo vas quit. .0i clatie soberai Ccagr, spenta veek st tIi. Jely -bain. Mitell Cote returid Fnday alterà lew dey@ vIdst a Wauiegu. The same goodldpapenast the "ai aId Pries. Tb@ Indeboaduut. lit"steia Lsugvortby retunud irau chess al~tera seeksa>mience. MIss BeuCraeby ai Svaniton. sPeu Sia alb. 0anil tL«e home. B. 4. Sm rasd famît> made an auto trip te Sarabao, -Wis., aturday. Mire. W. C. Qurks cnrtained friende froinoui of town ihalrest afthe wesk. Mlie. 0. Vicerman *»>i hart ber nSek iéveral veeks &go le improv.ed gruatly. John W.* Treuelte and wtt, frrnt Chicago. were sien onaour street Sudsy. Mr. Biddtesou te doras saimo repair Wark on bits two bonuse on Hat Parât .le. narry Holland made an auto tnp ta Chcago Saturday, returuiug Tufflday Sevral oi aur baud boys lfit Saturday te attend the doing i fthe. Red Cross ut Laliont. F. L. Jacoba nttended the German* Barbere Picaît at Hanime Park, Chiugo moandai. Mr. and lira. Cba..jochheim a.d baby spent the beglnnlng of the week with reativesein Chiago. Lec A. Warren o! Harvard, but former- ty of chia place. was calitng on aid friende lie Satundsy o! ltit eek. Chas. Kaiser and family made au auto trip ta DePlneissnd Bensenville Sun. day, vtittsg relatives. Mr@. T. L Cote leit fait Satnrday for Oriffitli, lsd., tu joie lier huabond, who bfa spoeltiOS atthat place. Mfr. and lir». JOB. Jeiley ai Chicago, ha. movsd to Lbertyville and ooeupy the 'Jet).y home.-lites Ana Roeiki intends t..*pend tiie wlntervtt theni. W. C Gurke, wbo ha heen con!tned ta Washngton hospîtal recoveriug* froin tiunib received sns@time go. returued Satarday ta i home lber@. Chas. Masqpl, fleury Smth and Ciay ton *kt4if t- lir.-ut. of-tii. e eef-W. Choblcawh.eotbsy wereealledta appear a-jrare ln Judge Landis' court Tues- "aY. B Il. Coe villetransferring ihome expreée tb a car a few day. ago had the inlfrtuna te hart bIseback sud 1Mr. Baruett la univ daing the. eavy set la Mir. and Mm r..lirneTrppentertained Mr. andâlis. W. P. Trfpp of Keut, Iowa, sud Mr. sud lire. P. 0. Dayton aud daughâtsr FiormSof e rnington, Kau., tb. fare part of tbtu vaek. The Ladie' AMd met on Tnssday alter- noon, Sept. 4th aetiii. hpm ora lra. Ç%ba. Chaiver. The. !lloflux oMest vere .lsetsd: Prealist. Mmre Spbea YOUng;Vies preudeaMmra.T. IBNe.m; Ssmersr, lir. . B. User; Tnoeure, lira. W. Viioser. ChIf.-wbo 'bu bien tj du t U4bertylll. aud Wadvo&,ôttlbsi tépont -ment reeslvd a teintas u"Mr.Wtbt tire of ber boys had bsn toall e Or i *?Miy Poe ltf louday aigu l j beW Tb$ &utM estiesge o!helpha ln WU e W l e t d.the homeol0 sUWho u Po al caU, am-Mt t ete, mias*i4b mr.Dair*nd. a4dree r * te rtg* pe"t. Luella U*7 an' lamnabrdj Addifflby lim Mur*ra!asoloby 1 "i Jcae~~t coupeo days- M'. in"" A Millr an o,îtisele.' a The youug men trônLakeecout la lagmo Miww tht. p and s sud ther ni W. E. luttler *eho are calUed into the National &My ù. P. "M"4 -%~ on business frrat died at bis home on filvautmeaveue w wl bO5 umeuetsOf the U4ud regi lueoio m i &Mt Wedneedy. Be va. ninet3-two y smeute of the171.1 lufantry bigade, j lirCuts, y aeSaccilig ttu itnrian lgven out to- il*"$ potasa 041!amilty Icit thie ai sgt. day. Thoge tramdistrict No. 1 vill v» er i r irir ra".48 Montana. mil"s Ruth Caréey @pent Latîtir day lu be design.ated au Ca. "Dl' and thase mr'à*Mb4:t -&frCyWCt bO rom the local district as Co. qcs lire J. . b~l'usda forCrytal liicago Jacob DeGraff, a farmner of Gray's Lais Wsàavi W1t ri. Ben Day. Mise 1Bo*eu liaude 8m& aI, lm n- Lake va. exempted sitar exemption làu1'3im'fbad Park, spent tii ber posltkra st th e tepoeoffic e 0 appeal No. thre board learned th,& Bobday a0 tbe ~ W. Iarol. asni screpted on t tàMrobtbil ieldg tvo of hie brothers, Anton aud Danlei viOloe@ tore, bave been acce.Pted for the army and Qh .C T. p lth Mirs. Emma have not claimed exemption. Maglan, ~u~fl~ruou, Spt il Puataern iWto Wo lOrSdys- Prday evening pupihs of ms& jJn lin.mmdlir. Vi4Jeleyut Cit The singera at p4vinta Park Mon- naval station. Tt vas Weili enderel but b"aiLirrfl4 U~lr- Jeitty'tfather. îiay ulght ended, the season ot ality- it seemasainme mieiunderetanding had M. s. bUélra-W. Kaiseki of Chic&-s-ix deys. The lovety reisort wvwu pe- eeurred becauge. al, tinie for tapa go, ofet Labor Dimi -t tht Ligtiody ed on Jus. 30 for what ha$ proved, it they seunded and many men teft thé *would secin, the muet ,uccesful. ln hall; ties s lttle later came tir' r point, af attendance. It yet bag leen situa snd &U had ta leve the prograin "17r1 Avra atmtiy are ruovlag through. 1'buig eut sbruptty. Paiure bô¶iotfy tu téws. ilaît l ,i -iat.o! town thîs Tb@ bras regaIn.' meut ing aitii. paient the men thaàtleaway wse ta b. shavu ieek. sud Teseheré Assocaton wilt i b ld l» caused the rather trying situaton for Chai. P. Suai. »M family are' enter. tht Aumerbty room ut tht Litertyvitîs thre fourtee.z,, voung people Who bail taintuag ihaft s tM ram Oak Park Tovnqhip Kigh sehouion <iFrdaby, atter gge tireveto ituertalu the lackies. 30 taes w. no0uo sept. l4th as 8:30). Tii. rou_- Band eo*uitt le beld Saturday iitie.lucharge' have arnangsd an nighlt nteaô!Wdtmday on account intot.tiagpeograut fuilowiag vhk b' 01 the rein. . eteption wlt bumheufor t'he teasire the ramnr actiool and the Tovssh -leipu l Uir. PM* yet 11% Wayne, va.s aSun. g ebt Atm brsadpeu. 'ar daPdctlib.' lara.- D os .*tA*DBdtutl rm tepty Coroner Courad held an lu. - . Dsen vII. iselgeI Sndly t the C. 1. qitest âa io onuday atter the haiiy a Mrz sud lima. 2glWhnltden etaicieu-he reaien au tnîuuest va. ordered val beeau. -shte bad!no medical at- k gaz. are viiU* ltii li r. and lMr. teda. Rh. jury decided se. <ied IrFJU R -cut). Vo. Louis Btckhol. r cuoute pzteumonia. She had I Icontrolet)by hie or1 a Helen Cassy le bu ta lier Position e a g.her an aonyar. RShe hago t a hool s the Lakes«,Ooua iy nal s)Bank alter a There'a o1e Wauikeg-an mnuwha necessary eqttiprnn -t.I v wesk' vacailo. ,dldu't go to France wlth lhe artilllry i itdéog w"uth T. A. Be" *"d a buatnesi t athough, up te, receutly lie and i lie nuhwtoîi C eeTUesier - frienda- fulty. exp.ctied he would go. bv aFi me agoT)is fellow la Herbert McNauy. Mc-W*h ,aF OJ. Gi. Gralg of lde, va. a bnci neus Nrs.y vae dieciarged tram the artSCHCOL calter ben eÉMo,4e lery about two weeke &go becauat oftC OO .. ni )dln. (e. P. ll**IF. 0f 13rrtugtou, na dipablity b.tng icUnd te de! ec- lte-long.redW *M.e, died Tueuday. ttve eyenlgit sud betfg under welght. Grayonu, PaitPei She vag bora ÙpugLake veut af Thre trauge Itus boveyer la tuet be St %.atvawucalled ato tire arefasat vee< au, Ciioli J ohn Bo"e.*à laub d Park. va. In aur tovn 8undéî$ud lionday. Mie. VerontêU:Uiou crlEvanstou, la viefttng ai the béiof ci ite.ldred EvliWzon. lin, sud MWIts, y Llchttld enter- tsined lir. eaê pMe.Willianr Feddler frein Cicago sI eada»Y. lis. Ha MW"n -Who a tea numrset the -Halineanea lUria. Chicago, la honi. for as mts catien. lin. and lira. #»y.Wrtglit aud huitt &auglitur. Hek*iUM«eile titunday ion s vsek'e vaci"atia.hWlecaneiun. S. P. tivitalSar eapmed'up an elpetnl @bop iu the J. W. Batbe bu:lding former. ly oecupied by Tba% Nas@e@ itsatore. Misses Joiephl"ne Yely and Berthia Swassan spent aven, Labor Day vlth Ir. nd lira. Fred J Q*Min d faniiîy. Tht Làbétyvilte E.Výqi* Auxliary wili meet .)s Tuesday.aitornuou lire- aSter beglnang feit T.iy. sept. il. E. W. $taflor.,wbhobinntio her. fon the St. Paul rre4 >but nov at Milwaukee, ha. moved lbis !asnt to thét place. lire. Chas. Trenuer amdironeste- trrrned home daturday fr*4o. monthes ri»it with lien paiuai., gpd lre RB Sl. Filat at Detroit, micm. Mannie Shurtlett, ou08 or E. D. Shunttf etr Marengo 'à»4 fgeeto Hauston, Tex., ta enter tgbiatinr the quarr-ater'e cOOUK Col. Roosevelt yUl addgi" thtecan- didates fer onlsoailracn reperve affleera training- 1 9 pla thé near future, If the effteb al! a çom- mittee naiued by cal. yan, coin- mnaudant, are succesatl. , 1J. Ruaseliltark sud brlid4v t«adreta tIve. bers tactesaturday 'fi.ey vers enrout for Rock Iland, UL, clii. lr. Clarklai. nstructor lu tý ire81b sehoot lime.Ed Carril sud chUêes Omienthe latter part of lait vesi IIIÀI the lirai o! ti vest Chicago. Obépelir. Ed CarroIt veut ta the d @ls md aeeainpanled lie lamity ou ihsr etaru trie bains. Indicatins te fportbof etthre hlM camps at Fort Sheridan it 1lu terest- fat ta note that a couple ofth iiig Chicago departiu.ft sipeme bave opeued tranches a!frer e4rS«at Foert Sherudan and apOIllelthe Chi- cagsamie te tieni. lire. Witt WdOtlotbàLOUte' woesviaitors at the C. F. 'Ws ig ieu aven lunday. Thsy lefi tin *âdirhnto»l i ..'. Mr. Wright vill tsOtbmgioM* eftho.National Lve Stock Onutido of viibh ho -àaàmemben. Mir.C. R. leKeasan 04 sldi«. W4, mnes mfrain Fnlesàdghl X. Y.. miterai juara mgo wltb Mr.sud li 0. eo Naos k 'd mode itbs hbains eraa DWWPt b IAm e.duat vsek lu * hfbçitI 0 k0ÙWM, N. Y. Beova. QbWM*.Mi19 = eL~but utter !utty nseove,4. lir. ve74 leste ad. Ahuri O. Sisitiormen1 QfjVqion. > hilorW lsépot% sverat *8ý*_ b u W qpumm*uou ai o! tii. S *ffl eat 4 #épbt i i. t Ke k.' mr.,Siîthois oaoid"ipalra aud rnt- *lep,.sIlinou ina -'*t foetin a Waut 14$ TOO LAT£ TO CLASSIFY LOST, 8TRAYED OR STOLEN-A Hlst.eincati on Frlday, Aug. 25. KLndb' leave Information et thi otitesand receive suitable reward. 85ti F09~ SALE-40 acres 2% miles trom Area; good solit, erviceable buildings; 8500 wlttbandle the deai. F.M1. Hardtug. Ares, llîttrit. SScI FOR SALE-One o! thetwett 240 acre larme iln Lake county; bst of improve mente; produced $6,000 worth of grain thle-wasoKn; $2500 wili bandie the deal. F. M. Earding. Ares, Illiuois. 35c1 WANrEO-At once Girl for general houe@ work. F. R. King. Drnggltt Anioeh, lit. 86a2 AGENTS--$ýpap of the secacor; 100 live agente Immedtately; big field; repeater; big profit@; psrtcutar fIraet. Dept. 12, 4f4o. a. Hase, 750 'N. Dt-arbori st, chlcaito. MI. 36p1 LOST-A gold Cro-m between Fois Park suid Fox Lake on Labor day. Beloved gif t. Leave Information et Independent office. Sutable reward wilflbe givon. ___________36p4 FOR SALE-70 acres, 4 mites fromi to*ii; black, tevet s-oi 1 prudurted 82,000 Worth et whst, out@ and bariey tht. eeon; 11000 wtt) haridie the' deat. F. M. Harding. Aie&, Iitnoi«. N 5Ci FOR RENT-5 roosi modemn fiat. - quire et Independent Office 36pa FARM FOR RENT-8Î.00 per acre for dairylng or stock purpoeeeonly toexpeiI- enced farmner wit tStok. 247 or 165 acres, 4 miles forth of Wauco.uda, 5 mite. froin rayulait&,11firote buli4- lnoe, silo, targe barn, wiltt oid 30 caws, 2 box staite, f6 horeee, 2,000 bu. grain and 60Otons of hay. Att black saoi, 75 per cent plow land. One of the Ipoit productiveflarme lu Lake Coun ty. Option ta purchaser Il deered. Apply ta Chas. Roney, Wancanda, 111. 36e2 T. A. Reynolds ciasing out sale witi contine for 30 dsys Yonger. Ail goode et re4ucsd prie-. , i Loo" Fonna. The. d*dlt aiouet t o * *0 91gb ehool, building wl# b6 h afternoce. The program wullopen itl tion af the. petite a& 2 p. 1»-1 0 the. building viii b.hagtroq, .w public for dedioiloli. 9T0ià rqmarke eud addremm s J Ipiè ms Wil ai»MOuswsh 1ao*ib frotu od4.oY4*n eu~ Blar, Si. 01 puble ibs la thte u"ll iueo. sny state Eknator, wtlt ,afte *a folfowed by Prof. W. B. Iwm 0 ber educIon.Dont Le îot M)y aupphod uvit e, le hardeIuptof ahadap imil Lino of "à,;*- PeSO, ibei ma Books, S$IllSg Mr, ete 7Tii U*n. Chabgo i Text Books There ban bee nmrnechangesm e ln 1h. 161 bdoks and ve are ntupplied with the new ouei to meet the demand, and wifl gie a Liberal Afifwance for 0101 Boqkà iqrmlu of Codiua in evhaige tor those adopted for the cOniiuj terrn F. B,.LvI l rugCos --------- Autun7Ntcd for, e coZ t Of Our D»%Ul took & bôt liat a few seaeo",b1e tbhingisW will pay you to se. Cotton Batts -Bleached MUShN Curt*in lmat.rJait WooI1IBankets Cl<ibes and Crý. ToweIing tonnes Apmi QitJih m - - - - - - - - - - - -

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