~ WeI Lako * NQ.3~. Litte Demonstation As 15 Waukegan Young Mon Catch Early IMorinq train. RELATIVES 810_FAREWELL. Serious Expressions On Faces of Alil Shgwed Reason For -' Absence of Cheerlng. FIRIT INCREMENT FOR ARMY, DISTRICT TWO. Ray T. Haimkamp. Leo eSmth. Ryand D. 1M1ller. Herbert .J. McNtany, Peter J. Coolce. Allen Pelant, Max Miller. John JUrmina. Walter Van de Mark. Ocar Oriqulat. Mnard HuIs. Warren 0. Siver. Walter . Mitton. Edmun J. rsdy. Themie Mrchant. IN DISTRICT ONFL In district one, Lake cowlt, sai- teen men vene notIfisdIn10Of~pet0 thele bentyvlle heaiqustil at oclock Septe!nber 4 and tiey did 80; from tien on they vere in tbe fQosssal &rmy service and tbeY ituck %bout ie .dlrtere ail day siaiting <e final or take a tran for Rool. ford to enter tnalln. Siohi lu tb f iret cIli via ieff WednoodaY fur Roc atord olc. 1486 WiliUamnCrell. 3424 Alan byer Flyan. '1748 Auaiinle Powerà. 96 (lmCii. M. Bernard. 2467 Oliver LageilolfL. 726 INert Carlson. $57 Johnn etiffer. 926 Waller C. Flynn. 1206 Wm. H. Moria. 911 Harvey Zimme. J 1616 Lewis W. Boeielmanul. 1-464 Pr"eeil A. Ciimcrey. 2145 oscar Jemng 1680 Thomnas C. Scboefl. 1206 Kdvard W. 1100. 1091 Daniel Parr. Tii. above nimbai >Onngmen cou- * prise the tirt lucemeef for the nev natolosiarmy ta b. sent fnomdoiic No. 2, Lake eaunly. TIene are fllai l a&Il aid fie ful it v4s ,deignt lite Tueada>' iternoMf by fhe draft bourd. At 6 o'cioek tfii morua& filese six.1 teen Young menfinmW*uign vee 10 the Nativesteil depot ami liene fon the tiret lime during fie preselt crais, a coningent of Lake cout>' mlen started fan Rokford wiene fie>' * are ta enter fraiunini sud become a * Part o!fie greaf national anmy. iltvas flot s joyfi ¶aid elleerfut gifierîng fiat assernbled a'ý the Mta * fIon le IefaIfi a a a RlaIua j'.*opI- alfion. a serlaus ime, aid utýrybOd>' l ooked upai it as gucii. Tuer. vas no S eeennt fer. vas no laugiten. If irai Juif a case a! set facea, detennihi. ed .expressions an fie Young înen, and a serlous eflection apparent on the faces of elatIvesansd freds as- * sembicit ta bld thenm goodiye. iAP fihe Young men boardied <he :56 train forChicaigo. thfie>' en tfUng on fie finit lup or thoîn trip ta Roci- ford viere the>' vii le aishgol te variol companieu and glven instruO- tion n hmfiil*r>' orl. *The fiffeen Young mon deignated ane viii comprise fie tint 5 POr cent off te quota O! 305 'fronatfils district. lifvasnef a large crovi milci sali- erebi at fie Nortivostornidepot. lI tc.coeslderng fiat if vas the tiret ctingent f0 tat fan fia nev aMi> Tt Fias:urpnlinsiY aa.HW6ir fhiS irisdue fa fhe tact fiat fie>' deatds *0 Y 9temrl n Ppeope generally dii uot khou irit L tinete i>'er. fa tari. The me ai ineasuiftoae# viti -'e lieE ut tfiee si il be sent lacI froin Itookord ho relative uer. 1tI fhei Oclothlng mci iili be dlil'd ed upc. lieu arrivai ah Rookior. k Tuere lii>'recelvo fIe mulitu? euip iuei twwlb Ithegoverument viii huis [ ove t ite 15.- Ta 'mçint ie sfU.e"& 9 !1% is thefelor cfW4ukegas g n etitied go thé f f 0 atari bmdtheor*ratal e. Ti6# it th ros C oM&o Lari~t ordnFrac Tei*nt M#ry loft Moaday for tii. aat, do lhave oahorttyaft Mo» troAlaýj for thé. buknoMia ini France. Col. A. V. aflethe ii.s n laoem.ud of th*. rséhnt whièh con- tais,..1,200 mon. The W.ukedon nnre: Lhut.-Ct.LA. V.y.11h, neud lu cmma 6et rogmo Sorgut sMagdu I. Wood.ae sodtoe MàuOt 0 . uor Am»&o.Oglsby privai. Ju. L.Brown privai. Jolu L Davis Prvai. Uui.ii A.Flur PIONEER RESIDENT OF LAKE COUNTY DIES R. C. Gre en, aged 86, Pat ber of DeP- uty Siierif! S. J. Green, Paased a.waY atii hibornein Waukegan tuls morn- ing sbortly affer 2 o'clock. t)ee±b toi- lowed an ilUnes. of aven two yeas. t fr. Green vas a Pioneer resident of Lake county. He vas a Pioneer la Masonry having been à member of tile relfor 65 years. tbey cillai flese mon ta fied&Ut board beaiquartera Tuesd&Yay ifen acon1 and put np tue proposition te them as f0eviiefbon tboy vont nov or later. If la sahed fibat practicsl]Y everyoue o! tbooe via bave gone to Iloclford gave a very decialve expres- slon ifayot o! goicg 1imeudiatelY, tie aoouier île bettun. If deveiQiai furiben ft fiitere ver. a nuiner o! otiera vio appeared ai the draft biard aid expressed a de- tire t0 go vitil lie finit contingent but the board could not taie ti.m b. cans uder fie ruliiig fhy are f5 sfld but 5 pen cent ofthe quota 09 SU5 ta fthafinat contingent. Eýveone o! hti ffeei vho have been ment th, Racîford corne frou' Wieteegauirafler fiai front othei parts 0< the districtfmilchIincldi Beiton. Nevport, Autiaci. Lake Villa aui Warren tewnisiip, as veli as War. wegan otvnsip Hovever, filh cilauces are fla.o other townsips vil be given tue pro! orénce tu mubseqon quotas tobeb.dram le Inte Immediatg future. Thetlaittfire elected 1>' fie hoa are ai l iiluowe Young Mon. Huisý la fieenet son o!fie former edife o! the Gazette; Huffon la fie son0 Assistant Flro Citef Hut tan; Gnaihy i the. ouest son of Paafmatsu' Grad and bai wonled for the Farmeli CMu pany lu Chicago for nmreUrne; Me, elant i. fie youageat son o! J. 1 merciuif, fie mentfmminetaonrau bas vorkin i*isfaf her's placeta Ion fine. Ho la a brother of Jay Mei clint o!f ieirt.'National bail. If la interegting ta note tuatInluth dasje of a few o!fi.heftint fiffeen calle inho service, hene are tire. Or foi] who tue inovi ta leavebund tiel fhaucea. engagemnenis nof havlng beu maie public but thoin fionds hal owv they exiifoff. Tin,fie lvea mmy Young people tins have bec chauiged. ai o! a stidden b>' fie ciii colore. Tilomas C. Scioeffl, No. 1580, E v and W. 15001 No. 1205 and Duni Farr No. 1001 ver. auhatitufed Itl draft frSm district number 1In lu places o! Mari Richardson, Bhuer N Laubiîu-and Lyle Bringtlon YaM, tday at UlertyvilieM«md hft lier. lu nittfor Rocifrul mIen they Sgo. ho trailuE . tU The àbortyvlhl* baud"and, *ka 'pair 1ie 'boys'off tOn télu,. themasu ovation 11ev 4*111 long reum .ber. Privai. Je" . bibI Prvi RdeutC. Wrlgl BATI!RV "C"- Privai. Ward Y. Starr Privais fraiESas .5 Di Weil KnovWii n Man Arraigneê ustice Hoyt; On Bonds. CONTINUE DAYS. Mrs. Frank N torth Chi- IN NMOT SCiIOL Board of Eduôalon 'AdoPts PlnUge yGvi= lht Sotiool To Oe on NEW TEACHERS HIRED. Some Have Slned; Others Have Beso Grantied Leaves of AbenceFor a. Year. Waiiluan, Septemben 6. Tei.grapby lanlrq be Installe&. as a coure. et tbe liai meool wilch vili be opened at the Waulegi township ilgb ichool building comne lime neuf month. Tbe govemument bas sent a re- quesi o thfe local îcbooil toInatali ui a source asaif la dealred to have n boar.,d heu-. ..fnvued the matterrtoi ysIm SunT BIEAI4TIJZONE3 Dr. Kappeman Sent To North 1 Shors To Look Ater Water, SsWage, Sanitation. f SEEKË- TO CO-OPERATE. Says He WIIIAsismot De- 1 taie To CiMes That Want SeterHealth. Tt developo that the state board of heaith lias cremtad a new hoalth ii di trict which Inelude. g>it*tof XLake counfy and a ipeeil manl has been aiseoud te, It to look after the ad- lutmènt of buter. garbage. gewage, and in tact, bave a genolai lnaped- tien ovor mli condition. potlhiWh< ta bealth ln tua district-, inludlng tlb. uuply of milài, Ice cream, sort drinks. etc. owyab .ae. the. evenlng sohoûl cmît. iiiThe man sssgned bto thePosition .i8 SUPPY CMAN-praeuical assurance il t h i;l-jJohn A. KwPlem&n, M. D. vbo 18 novr bva Gt . Neeluder Carl SaYior, for" rbai oOf thé stalied.. located at IÀ*e Forent whichi ho cou- iNoth Chicago b144h promater and LUI detalie for tic re-Opeàilng of aider*.tg the sfrafngic Point 1froul head o fIhe 104*1 tqsqlaal et one Ime, the nigit achool bave not yet been vbich fo operate. iand prornoters aÀ, boad 'for tme oeeorneau sismalter fis up to fie This nev spell district Createl mige of"the Nort15e l iblils Indusi- coirittee lu charte. It 19 Mid boy- by tbe state board starte at the. nortIt p I a~ocafluifia yuognzedforever, luit evr effort wiii b. made jing, of Cook county and runs 10 thé i4 f0 iuppiy courses vhlch meet Vi iIgWla îs state lionand vestwanl Mrpfl I i( yearsasauOn. - aUltegan's tndtemotd ad.mideoLa? TO TIOSENoti Chlcagô'i' l t , ictizens. ttha moont about tu was placed saisi, arusot tils mrnrung Tiie board formally endors« th@ eounty. In otiere vorde. t la practlcal. ON M HU1 waran d~rSig hm wfb an-action o! the speelai commlftee and i lie e oit llof Lake eounty. A N ff ÀT BLIN S.ceny in the ouim1n0f .$100. The van- the. 10gb achool faculfy lu the matter Dr. Ifapplemau etates tiaf he vill ran - tas igned W "it. Frank Pitel ofstandardIsation o! dresasof ligihbave as iehlm inediate problim hbe 73 Hait a Milion~ Dollars Paid OUt o North Chcafo. '1f. maylen was an- achool pupole. liealth aid sanitatian of aIl the. cilli Car i- S adepty'ihr- The boand also requsted Supi. W. as veil os the couutry districts lu'ý in Last 30 Days To Cr- rest.d Ibsnond4b 1 eut 31e C. lnoell and the teaere o!fithe cluded ln fi territory penters and Laorir. Nortbveuteh oputM bl warrat vae Andrew Coao o ciiol in set a date for He admit& thone are eeveral proh- bel on ou abot 'I ýeolwarorbt wIf holding a meeting hi huit pChOOl and lemsa confronfIng tie varions otie. MAY FINISH IN 30 DAYS. Bwr u bt, ieraobti rag rga t he iete&ogtelk hr n h neet asnot poosible.Ib suire service un- aragaprranavictmetialn ,lbaorsdtoiteet - tii tue maniaS. publoic ilb. invlted ho viev fie tn- lng part of! il ai efiat the problonlt Drill Halls 600 Feet Long Be- Mr. Etyler &PPeaIàek befon. Justice terlor of, the fine new building.. on escii mutually interent tie, otior. .,&s in Blt, 2,00Mn 'To Harny Hoyt as" éb~ 'for a Continu.- Orderi vere givon for the purchase The. vif r Probiem W a oP«IlmIlY théta~ BHused""n'0dditon. mes for tirtyd«.heging h. vould o! six Uiiderwood r-bulit yDevini'monie vilch vili be giveii sons ittê5 U b. aIle t serain *ddiaffira out for use ilafthe commercial deparhmnent Itou according te the. doduftiouis mode à Tuttii capeter su iiioe lsnithattir. A u~ ontinane, ortii. nii. -wloa .by Dr. Kappleman a complote cycle lid * Thm t ted nculdngtrps aj-vs .-ti iie-e,31Iji4hformidalong thie nortii abore lunfth Upoe f itn rafL bid n avae21lffstaion *conà bl e î graant- L aVISARE OàRAtgED. .matter ce vater, ssa" and fumeralo.. * rintoteeat $50000 nval mution ed, if needeai. Mr. 8&31« *iaý.r.loased Several changsesare mode ln the Tunofiler vondu, Pirter, oWage aid 'h have r ,ed$0.00l ageaduîni denesa voIS bd a b Iaudi becaute *te thrty days fiey bave ben et on bonds of $3.,00 li WS w i.oguis- tencing staffs o! lhe achooflo. woil tiere la the. slatornt rocelved anc. belng accepted È£4» A leave of abseonce ton a year vU efr wti.tit aePY üho elimnkten' ute~ hoday trom a source eonsiderod au- mm.Pitel, o. eedi. bxteber grant cd f0 Misa Helene Cooke 0o!the tilloir vith e PIagèe aIe nthes W fiet l. her ar atotl o 200 enproponty ln North Cil1càaV4ft. Bay- bigh mebool as Miss Cool, la ohllgedltheyadmpte ireut ro l Pus tbe tempoic. hert ae.acotton vo0 mn er for $2450. Tih ne I 04'tO the ta romain ln Californua .ifhbehr broM aosdterslf r i nse Âmlocady Ine! the stutingobave present lime bringa te léUO't nP ta Ihera chiidnen fortfi e fot year. Misa and funerala. i boc cn>letd idar beugacu-$2,800.ESaylen, IR aPUe44I .014 the Olive Beibroal o! Chicago. va. eleCt- In Order 10 tari the bail a rOliln *4 bed.lifhun ltbud ay at felong c- mtaiaS. wA. F o*l~.uWue-ed ho f1fite vacancy. propenly, a meeting baa beau calleai' -est it l4 expected fiat fie construe- gn aircniuil S 10ii isGogaWr a rna fNrhOia' irdyeeii E tonvo viihoconpetshan al eroot but did not pty ,nÏIIng on leave of absence for one Yser. Lette at 7:130 under the. auspices or tie state a -the. buildings viii be notdy for pccu- filricpo.t0 absence vas exfondod for anothor hourd of hesiti. Tblpin a meeting aM id psuy.itmt tlea tte ~nerf0 Flai>' 1r. Beaubien feNwbmOn hyar f0, Miaa Elil Hntcin. rggd entirel>' by file eata boaut ne$lé , nsaiiîthe COmlete severago aYstem it ltid, uioigP8évIM Celi>the The !ollaWlng teaciers bave resign- overYbOdy la Invitadt i seusatted e but tus vîili b no seriouan icap ludd ivug e iiful i d pince theienst meeting o!fliehe e .i>ioflinsnt figures dsn.ii f0 mmefae ocuatiê f fe uil-îprincipal fn Sayler. Tiie' fh00loeu bahurd: Misasildifi L. Dvis, Umseva probien tIti Confronta the »_ 0 ingi. I g-s ll f* endinsE -uLnsd Miss Pearl Fiabacb. aboie ilee.. Tua viii toalli Du Th e idn gavlcsregie Mr%. Phltel neallsed tuat 550sOO1 Tii. foloiig -teaciier e veelect- vator SPYsuplad fiheaiit&til.4Si faTe b ulinswIc r oigt oae &Il fie maie>' aie baipoui'onicd: heide tiose talla iY Dr. KappleMh Ia Oà up viii boule about 20.000 men. This, th motgage unleai ahe rooovere Minga Edith Benson, Mlima Bunice P. Aud Ototerle vhi le munie, PIC- 0 a, added 10 fie numbor whieh eue ho froniESayler and for thati r.530i sicHtnaen, bîndengarten teaciera An- fures, etc. Tiare la 10I o b mdab11811408 1 u- houied t tic prenantlstation, viii eoa¶d lbi. urreat. drewv e001001oo. and ithe ladies oapeffltllan Invited, I ie mare fie camp neariy as large as fie Miss 1111e Russell, linderganten to1 attend. i Il cantornent ef Rockford. Tien. are u>~t eaeîer Nati scbooi. Dr. Xapplemuisil id lu au Interviev t about 11,000 men it fie stafilai athfe IlllMIa.Emma Bowling la pla.oe o1 1have bea ent bere by tie swAe - te prene i îe but rny Of them are Mies Davis. and Misa LuetTe Pet ersen board fon thé express purpl"Ofs O ,tc ] living l feuils.Thea. teta viii . RIflEle place o!. Misa Fisciiback. bofi ai opeiatlng viti îiasai flll BAD lio! the. norti ahore citins tu Lake. ouw - rd aliandoned viien tic veaiuer tonnaot shol ar co he uiling unir oure TO ai -1Mise Greta Haman, kiedergariei t>'. Tho probiema COO&rotn ecb n ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ R Amn iebulig ndrcus UIaUcher af MeAilter scicol. muniiltity ane mutuel and tiieretior.sI Of of Cnstrucion arethre mmenseMisAilce Kyseiku. West achool, t meeoms as tbongIS tie CMIIi lg drill balle. Tii. trs.. for Z'Isvere on Sept. 5 about 10:30 olocl le place af Miss Ward. could set togetein o rtobing aboutsau El-dniI all vii . 60 fethi engî;ligituueg afrucir.tfe i>g farmi bainonadslet!coiln. du- orillle idr o 60 esfeentlog v ,ffh;z- 4. 1 ':0em a. a ime tiat vitili z" ie tho vii h 50 fef lng. they JamesS Siayer place. oàe.balf W- thei baedi' lor m50 Iftest lon.-Ted Mlle east f fGrange hall, ami lIe bih-l='-- great boa f w ater thioe ltet d, sci floor ouil ho m are conducive ing vastest oed . leteu aîbout10 N orth R 0] t ipoe1s.dma -fiinlnB by n fefai dvile. It *0abecsn oisdrnu g 'dnllu.standing for about 50 years #Va cou- Las regarde Wakes, If la regret.- Dr - -adrif b ugo o1dLa~Be n i Mn., VWlilm Enent are table that Waukffla dld sot Ptwrt ____________________aides the bia, about 30 tofs o! %*v mOving luho fie Brytthorne on Lin viii filtration imm sre o. The prowe1 ha coin treet. Mn. and 1frs..Brynt an vay lu trait the.vaten vouli Ia to1 IU IU ihay' vasdestnoyed and aa uft i tmovlng ha Waulegan, vien thei vii o! tols.pieca 0fmu4léq.etc. maie thein home viti ber isugiter.n frP utsSte u ifebp 1.ilO euutM'Ame BaIN t kOo- Theii. bo isstlrnated' at ao fâÉ,00 Mz:. Rose Nelson and duugifrM-afnadmtfnlmssobipl U enWIiHveTer1 grsnnrefrned froniVirginila lundi>'iag o!raMy posall>e bacterla tIlt MMY îft AilpdI lctAiPu n aiM.Sryns h1 nitg.h t wer. tic>' vent in, speîuithe bave bleunomitted Ir fie filtration. Ail R.o ed ln lec Ad ut n os n now Jutf ov ni. Me.*Dauorer viti relatives..Marlou viif ,va Poor& ou, Wllur, operates the lmTiiand enfer ti. Waukegan hilgih hoo asTii. siat. board dosea ot ltend ta ai-1 of the policies are vifi hlm. * fte banid. a sophomoro fada>' . sumo amy rosa inItiative exooptint eu The haS oouity Yong, mcien ho gasvas'complet eîy deafroY*edl îs U rM. turgeon ia moving bis !amlY t»hthuiu îe co-operaflo viti City' Ot- o luRceodbefrlecm i fot !nlîr ~* 1.loo oie of tieuiev flett )uiding ou' fuWIaiofet file..tom«a aeg the lake.1 90tORckOd Oene teCo heefot o eihor % l teSouth Park. Tue tire. double fnate 1 uo der u mrv i o. over fier. 10 i. tnainei for fie army Itams. an, nov ail renfed. .I i uraiei mrv h ot e clU h1 ave ho auhmil. beir fingersanAd Tue îoloving graduitea et fie cosdition ud do ubatèver vre can by Ie flumbafor Imprint. If ilevlopi fthâ-Nati Chicago achoals clansao! 1317 0ecoperatlonand s duggn. on fie lia f1h0 Iedical Corps ine cled upon Nature seou a eu" i. are ennolici ln lb, Waubcgifl lgi otiler baud, ve are open lo u 5158e he Io taIs lie imprnts o! all git fis' lios augan la purely de «»S f ood,' sehool. thons and loge people O! lia Comma>S wOc- erp and 0one tiurnb onuery manIt1hlà5 hceiuar7thutat row .balane Geraldine Jalley, Harry Gartie>', tty vii sbwovior Internatsf lu v ýé via entera fie t lineg Camp ti.r..of *ueIe.naking food gg .wth hi, Harold Wilensen, Joseph McKhIloi, vo*are tffing lu do foi lieu by at-1 iA lal oune for the purpare of! ieep- . aus sames iaubiet »W*a erd piiol Movo>', iueseil lllotr, tenkding tiisma"a meeting Tiusadayý -le las a record oi fhe Young men. lai basbeau at-tue appetile, Wulb uor- Hennietta Kietu, Floieuce Daidese, SigbtL" '0 criai ho trace tiem la Case tiey de.-Wa&OF regoses'nuore anorbm the Evelyn Siarvin. Deafnîce Jackson ai d_______ Out set it la5O"oiiided fiat 16,000 or âqate eneli care foiTins Karnnli. 4w 81,000 men aire 1>go imbtrinng at The Noth achool oponed Tuesda> Samunel luisuhl, Jr., vbo vent hil t, 5Oîferd oi it1hàlevery apparent tiot vifi fie largait ttendamcaor ! aiià i- Pt4itydepatment or. t»e onO Pl- If Voel4 h. ome tal f0 mike.lm- S~ omvab, tony for tub tiret day. Thle ttalifor ofidense of2 vital is tailler Samunel »8Ptta* c *1 turne flngeres ad progeil 'Itla 3bord teho teve 110 e mirsIfi te lv. sobools v»i 325.Thssabonl l5kiÏ laiud, bon, bw*ee ue 11110t vIe obu stolen jor IM dg or »oh ed 30 monoetbu vas engWoftihe jinst lhouét iit m lsbuse ausignedau zm s ,ipume oins. I' o if-e ,but aveu lh.'*0 1 44X lui ay lest yia. Il luhi5fT akéeeabout, batW fliàt& :«-nt hi ,letmes« O "W i train,,botter sget t111* tya.veek to.et la the, tuuaro0ggiest M&Jueovai, 0.4btIES' *1 ,fi-ylwor u101vastM t là euci e ta 1tue O emmUI1Urm mais," p ie à ms*Ï ep 1 liee *b WaRs >1 vol U] 4er~ KaIrity of 73 De- 'UT ÎDOE AGAINST IT, ofetve Twelv, Srtk THE BOND VOIE IiLtCir4oN. wth 8140, "a 1..... mtis h14,women ... 6 8ezl 04sf1 , 4 m ...... 17 3 emrth çIdo, w m n .... 38 4e leae........ ... 3. US... a W,Pk.gan.bond hlunecamild br at Qv 3M qteSOUs 3itisels uM-? iieoew frqed to&M lythe A Mi-1oa* mute by thildIVeoum0f emaldthé b Iity' d wiifkêhaef*be wbnfri.awaésPe gla*:, As* a fEotet Uk t.b 100,lOf se i j.d gà n «t uai o mt t h e , qu i - Vaue .*d the, tufflvOO& 105 b e a u l e "I i d o r a i l Mt 1 b u e % , » t o b b -o liert yept ii ar t tge * It la ntf!d- tbat*thie uoutii aid. w 4"t by-a aiWI~ty oft vMaia viÀA gainat thé. bond lue and the 80th ide cu«aed by x fair wUaibtrt, 005 M44e'ustbý.ota t vus out. et, dAii . u n o e Il lu a » M ~t hti $m .aide 4dtt ?*IMM ,* the. bood lboUe 17 a, Oet valve aau»wthe ii. math tado e avei '" 0tt4 it by a m nl miy et N ho, vote. 'WuJ. O t 14 T' Mmgr màait,on the moct i e. t e w e I MP I n r t he l k ma c m l b . e n o m ie an mi ela th.le. t 10 ttiiu teua ta ite tbt. Lb. qmen; vote weo a*wt a Wle * h cly.T %e to m l q uaal? fo r & M st spinal. Sokmtwdé vo.sby MOM ty t our vere aawttii uez1k the. nerIli >I0e ,oea uMode ip 4Mçî4 Ir by slving ai vote et «.. fore* againîat. 4 majorlty et but mevoI. 19, the.total Rte Bat favoo e we s a .najority et lefMr st. a.the bond lau. atu36lff' àic s it usuafly lu lepi * a etio n. Lt W i bausi4t - & ii opetg undersand the. boulè , ei qiotoa va s on a nd th fe to , tiiere. bu ibeau no puamei t »"W Dai " "a e ice lit ust u, .Wîa . larqp Vote' 1#ntg p fls. Poe,fQc- 1 - lier. an oletin umts5. ý aturquylj dty' Utfgab *un V" m uch plessoo ovor %4b. mu i *( U bond seetIosa fId laine iSt *01 bWý .big tep twa'td reviU S the 5 ~ .situation et the Cary. i S IT la PLA5<& COMXUlhO0. TbeodoréM,»104 t es «M" o ý eI*ý Ye.asureow tIB thsOur, MW 0e - M lvO in . SeO n M 3au kço the liteci." h. uuiê,» il .IP MhMQ uauCity wbb Wý RI W » ila. 1 d »M VIIP *z t i af hba1. iii la tm mtm e $ofiret hiott 't ti b a t 1 e t a t 1