L LAKE~< INDEPENDEN Lake"t S 11gWek WAUKEGN WEKLfSU LT~ILE, LKE Om4TY 3U~O1,THUB8MAY, 8EPTEMBJIR 13, 1917. ONE TO EISHT. $OPEU YEÂR EN ADvi By The ChaWe it WIII Cost You More Té Go To Naval * Slation Or N. Chicago. UTILITIES COM. RULESO Change in Rates. Said To 6e Du TolfloreAWdC8t of e Operatlon Anid.Building. oWaukegem. sept. 11. j A mutiden anneutncegnent vUeaIP cipltatati on 1.a1e counti Paople whan offilal of thse Chiego &bdi ganY ansaucet thcerelne lu rataa ".vichs baeme effective et rnttigh* Sept. . Thue chang lin ratée le lM#mpata r. see for the firée ige mime t»c elecOrle rond vU usaie&i the rafte W s- ~~ tue.. Wauhagmn andti Oe naVa Mte ti e ?eimmgod. la urw. Wu k.'l'h, oange ln ratae com« as rectt la 01 the ullegof th Uitecom zd&u il aie.ý ehio permite the North Sisa clmpami te raie ita rat. aMd 1 ha :1- umdermtoi a a1.01r raima la ma". trougbout ha etate of 1111inois bogom- mta iouligt et miml~t. ru Pi the redlutut ofrate$tiW twE somet~ ruai Ira. »n amie coU- oq la saint te cisarga 2 ceetsu maile, mublat, ft otiser varda. they bave er bai perttai by the ullitae ca* jlule ato adogt tii> £-cent a mile proposition au la pe. Iltteti umier the l6 on 29 mlle 0ni. ma mattng tihe e" or rat. 10 la eboarvl thut tise eMpmnîy ha@ ma4e tise abago fling 2c e mile travt 'g ~ ~ Wb d te 0-mnat figueti ou the -ll- qW ee ouin l« aiveanlem for thse tiebot 's- eur*0metbten a>?,-te aIdai ta thc gare on tise train euiflignt te. brim lis. *0th tar» up an evea fiva-ege "me le aUmo Word, if thse ticket fe le N 3c thon vlan ron cot cm e car souý bave o ta py cmii yen are cisargeti Ec ty. The eampany ia dase ts In Ordtur or te bentie tares on tise ni'e tl beufl or even moner'. TIe increem rate ua applial on thea ci. Nerth Share elccric accoing lii of- flue ig dite ta tise tact tla thle ln- cremai colt et ,ntnins Uic eau et. ~ass praerty. the cmof labes for et. enfluatio -08 a"d Ohe lia vuae ais poil Othe crevbm.- baLva &il ted- a le moite 0t ».«Mms t. e. *0 Ual ratee..at ue- .vere haude ce the coa opestlon )ln je hm Iptati &bout 20 y«aria mgo. Sinoe tbat time Uic rata« bave neveu boom ru chituei te sur extent. and lt la ad, uniteti tiset tise inemit -ot of ov- SUE tration au veli ai Imremsedouot ail .mâtesl -amd labor bu Mioe alseeti greatly dornna tiat perlio. Aoast ingly the cop ampu si nqWaedt ta tici bei la bave a reatjueins ofa rai« lu asies ta malieufl teur prou- Ory. IloteRata Chmae. Natuselly tise rate vsfcis intereti WaukegaiL paaple Most t tisatlme lu tisai applylua ta tise-naval tralitin station. Tise rata up t0 ibis tuMe an the elec4s ...,*,I bac cIwavm bhem uItb a bdMi eé d eie etotuehe, hobad itibT. Nrd*.Tirogmortan. & Tb@ .urollcmt uedad a Il exp&cte Ma». tieà baMg O122enroibtion the book@ Uo@day, timing, mmd mny more am eté ieto »taaroldunlng oh. vaek. Prof. Tiragmorton vibn u ad vhat )ntouth.emroUm.nt vould b. h. muft. 'Il vii allygo ta 150né @DosM a " Oding of diba. sud oser ruas vork t. don* o $Tiasm.eo ébeboy@ oe" nt aval'." Heeieettedttattbe DomeeUc Bcie. use hlamofa igeth guet approva sud Mmaure ts king op th. ilIm0e tty, e.im more hm. as. seticipatati. Tic ftidesteoeiarflgoIota the wort vitb s" grat ptbuume »and gratPlana ai. belg lid for oaa 09 theaaiiebea- lbtosgaem lài.verypdttvOth"gmet preWu w8111 bu xpeslsi bath by t*0 elsiu Mdabjatib tpublie dim the * ,- "opséri. ?h.e.m*mmdo$Mto miBi suBi. that s'bg t* lh beloe â~AlUN tiétmai aise, Tlàà p«PM Wb» ntims Mml"mi Itructor lh Usen aoeh grto uoSt m le aJ gBieàta t eimmd aer @liiuSopuhbtiol Me or bar gise.tu of boo(b moe eoe foi ili. 11 SaGIl &aebell gale" 'u*1 uhgp6t vIflaelafaàool et Med mmu" uSkive. vw"c viib. vgleq br 0c a9 4 atulet.-me»On m vnuots %eaub. mad.for' a rW =ebooapese lmoh boodg ab 0~ th W. ia. Uumm'r .4o -1eiMiW carbat. li teMa . Mgr&de;Mie Wieer. Sd rd W*Nailoton, 4* gtt.' Mse sOmu SIL&grade; viii Mà Saa1 Is ta. o woem md ,Prot Kammer vU bose6. iti,705d 8* Vu"del Havent.l1le esp.tud t e4mtok* !ue«J#$ l bo I u playe imïdïvlê .t*e gadua. Thi.eesromlmt edai snOMai 80 »md Frai. Kumeath hoti. iagt 10 *oUltiMto880. Arreugmasteviiibe me tle.vaek tg bave t emasaaiom »ete la tise ladeiesd.at «" eel.- ERNM, f BSM Aolhot On Elootis At Lakeo9 mf. LEHMAN BI.AMES CREW. autos. fCar adiyHurt. Weukegfau. Bopi. 10. Ernet . Loisman. oeeoaitise oav or's o! tise ChIscaga f-Ir Store, vîtis hlm vite and a guet end chauffeur vesa vîctinse lu au automobile accil- ent on the Telegrup il ouijst anal 0f aka Bluff thîs mnorulng about 1It fîv cets otvcnWaucogn ctI IeO'clac< vison a Norths Short- electnic naa tain car truck tiseir Frdt ounllsg car andI naval matien.hurlai tise part>' Inta tisa dtel. tinter te new change thec rate la Tise victime: differeut, and 10 la tnteraating te note IRNIE4T LEMMAN, 0one of tisaeao- that itt>lisdfereton the sat anti aafcitise air. hac hatîr Injuret, westhUe of tise altOd. For steia- t# stIc s boeltt pie tise rate btycen WeukPgeu sud hadly bruised, suer have Iternal ln- tise naval station au the cuit lino uiu vison D'lahure a ticket ls no* e- e, nMRS. £RNÎST LEHMAN, InJurias t he west. lino It Io 7c. Andi il you do about tise body anti haut, anti a frac- irai boy a ticket 10 lu 10 couts..Il' le tureti akijî. thos soin t tat b>' hoylng e ticket ont-LEE PURDY. chauffeur. betty eut Faves quta a litte lu tisa total as tis a le; cisa nd baud, bail>' injured; fart-ha atwayu heen .5c lu thse at condition ctlcl). t neonsciaus masO <t ticktts an cas. iy net huyliig a ticket dy herete son wie heave o PY walota H. H. STRIDIRot',, Chicaga. guest antse Gn5ta(ries ttioen as uie t tise Leiman home at Laisa Villa andtheGret Lite sttio asln heoves Suntay. hatil>'bruised ciset und puet. passible internat injurias. Tise rate betyt-et Wuukogau coi tise Nortis Clicago Junction, 5 cents, . Tise electrlc car vas No. 25 anti va8 rmisuncisaugeti. bount for ULItrille rtrm >ke rt-maInsBluff. M. and lMs. Lohmfan, vîtis Tht- rata betWeOn Wau<cgaf n dte1 usi r , drohd'p Itvangtan huB ee-n cianget couettes- Sondai t thiol home t TLake VUla, ablet. Tise rate hae alvaytu heen l5c Tisa Laimsma ala la oua o! the fln- tciet or cash. It lu nov 48c en euyauu at lu tai tpart ai tiesa mi bury a ticket anti 56 cunts visen yau iser sierteti for Chiscago about 10 do nt boy a ticket provilg yý oclook ujit moninuluu lgain utsei travet ou tis e acitlino, If Yau bappe Fard touring ecor* etol1 n ae oa, - (Mvinuac -on page Ufl> QoUueoPl"s, i Had- Been Quto Crlticaily lu For Two Days Preceing Hlm Death At 3:40 A. M. TOWN CLERK 44 YEARS. Oldest Off" li n State n Point of Servie; At Co. Hosital Sinos Deoember. George W. Ilutciaem, agoi 79, tavn clark of Wmkegan conttuuoualy for 44 juan, pasetiea sY (Bet- urtie, moraiug at :40 et tise lake couuty bogue! isere ho hati bacc lrIng mie. laat Deember. In a vY tii.. t ioat f tise fatMul014dtovu ai- Dmluervasadien, for up ta a couple of days ge ho bai bea ltu beusnal bmmti. Tv. dain eaho eufferod une of hie perlodicel attacha af stan. sois troubleanmd liaconditon bocame eora. Wday afteoon il wvs.Seu tbat Uic end wvp ot far avmy. Cir- cuit Clark I4 . Bracives. itrIwsea. office Mr. Hottilmman se beau ou- playeti aver mince the former vwi alectati, »a oe m onyeni&go, ta- teliservith deputy Short!! Chale Thayor, a lfelong frmntarrivati-et lise Icepiteleaaly lu the eveuns tandi »euMi"et 1i eiide aof the ageti Mmnit thse lait. ATVENDED ACUNION. Mr. Hutchinacama tu Wgukegam il Mr. Doeckveym euiiem ou Ana- et ILS ant d.4,tis iayd ta to Umd Labo Oouty huNiers sudSallore' se- Union. I e smeaid a utanam and uaaued to bavt pao -0f the bout ttimsof a Uhi. file codition W>1 peaedaita ha Impreveti osiuaehy tel frient, remarketi upon tisa fte tILt le vau looking btter tisan ha has lm»v"esa ar. Mr. Hotciimanad belIthtie office of tovm clark for 44 yeuse, InciditIo ta 1hspueta ii iveti me clark il th. otftfitheiccircuIt clork anti cuuty recorter. He bai held that pu- .ttiea 45 rems.Mr. lBtcisnaubeld tise record c etblet thc oldet tovu lark l laUlui, b hisvitis regard te, m«0 andt tm o er evtce. lie celebrat- et bie 79th birtisiay ou January lOtis lest. HILALTH WA» FAIL-NQ. b For the last tva or tisse. sears Ms. c if utelm bai. Mat leen lu theabuet1 Se asili. Advmeig eematieIt Umai diffiult uonatamt fr icihm teta fi! 11 the dette ot hi Office, ma" set leà twàa tg taadoit s*01 10 va. thse ad- vaos mg yeas wu0affeettug he 1 n M aite maie himmeif balice eta ila iis oalcoltin en sunîmpats-q ad. . Iror dcca400 ise bus nain foonti et1 Ii Geai dlr-he triai ta keep up thse rccord but tisera varc days et àa Umne visen ilinoas cauped hlm te .005 bia bot. Durlng tise lest yeer of hi@ service et the court bouse tis condi-1 tion bai been mare marked than ever.i REMOVED TO MOPITAL. Leut Dacamiser ha contractad a se- vaeecolt visicis threutanedtetareslt lu pneumonie. Ha vas remavot te tihe ganeral hompilal. visera he biledbtn avrsince. He occupled oaie af tise Cary uttle cottages ueer tise main ispital and vs> shaverei vits attantion, nclug giron practiemlly evarythlug tisat heart coolti demira. lia racavarei tram hie ilname bot netutil visat litte ramalnlng strenatis ho pameesset. hati heen sappeti. Evor>' Possible comiort va. pravîid- ed for hlm. Ha hai al]tisa cigare ho wlised teanite aanti recelvai aIl tise datiy papars. Scercely a day passei tisat smrnaoa!hlm ah friande tiid net visit hlm. I0 vus hart for Ms. Huteis- Ison ta realtua tisat ise neyes vault heablhe ta resome hie dues, but ln asita of this tact ha vas perfactly contantai. WANTEO TO RESIGN. When it vag seen tisat Ms. Hutchi- non neyer vaulti regain hfes trengois Caiinty Phymicleni A. E. Brown ap- pearci bafora the couuty board aut laidthe lmtuatlan bafora tisei. He s alt that viie tise ispital vas net lutenieti aqa "bomae' luan>' meume af tise word he vqa villlng tae tpetois a paint lu thc caa!oftheu agadtotav r oe*Aaiall lin ta teIe tisaseas long àpaistiUvot. Tic membroetaithse ;;i; (Co î Ulta uVigtiss. TO TRE COLOS Sime. e hJuly Chicago BrIoma M4d oN= » bu a ive bec.gSklag 10a molet oiq*~prlme at tse Srltlb RecsltI.'Pb.54and 66 W. Adum etatiome twmiy oponhd thtaugbont thse United Opi ai t-1169oelago recrulte. vWho maut fWr*0h.dutteof athe as. elst ta oIe OW4lan Ezpedltlonesy Foreaaed mo ta* 1» weekly comtlngete ta Camp Iotd.¶ nier Toronto. Tb*. Ca.aernSame~%Wlnnlper, tb. Royal VlyI< WIpo< 'VoOto; the. Bri"hiEx. pedlioeq Alderabot; and the. osu-aie sueSieron. Ottawa. The. OmmlaWW» d0r la pald 01ilo per day, andtlà#*6IWtiwltb evyponcible bodlty ea#o#M blose.way ta Tram M.d ahmthbo *ms. la addition to tala. thei* W -Ilio!Fond looks mter th mub OL-c* - 0dente dumimg hi. abmee.4 *jà ta thi e afflmom mlowemeof -met, ta"Kaep *9c Bop@ v5leg"bdeigtand bmmu. dia. wU and kitUile. vi vent is vll halmu Ati ftiarbh tai ntake, ie voriti aure@hforOh. Amulcan- rmmw.iv boe.mturullae ta volus Ns bt" la Vrudwa' the.1La M"am beappiud eSSor ~ ~ Che md oogeaor Uulom ee Nu ~ 11Autpe « rPublic lbeftyvillem f4é *0,00 iîu scisol building vu eauatet idlay mtarnoon an* cvemlag, alargcecorn- ber of People being.encMe bobth occciomn.s. 6LDowa e. wm or l..bcrfsvlec. dm4 uagv 0f IMinole. save the detlaeew O4sams lathe iMent. e or t *O~~gée irt tialla. County 80 ma4mt ai SOMl . .A. hnutjaea f"inal Uic aiternoan lu visb"éhigmltbt. 0& tise peopleaior ltoutiyl uon bavlns one ai thcéSia.t 31gb chsow buitlngs lu Uicéstat. Itbwfl*ml. It aold ho dIMC«aItotlmagine a more modern anti up4bdtitb uilding. Tise ventilation 60te tayý ondIt. tan. ara perfect aMdi aelpueut ta ai tise bout. Al 0the room are la- catoti ou one fboor. Tise building luameBo* Mtructci that tht-rt-Io a large aeuitoffum vîtis a meeting capuclty of 1.00,. vii cisCn ha tsrown aopen ta puiel gatisoringi It lu so arrangedt Iple balcontes that It cen ho oseti aas'&grmnasuu anti baket hall gaza yul bo playad thare tdle vinter. lu a»MUiitto iera le tise main ausemjily roaouai ltisa clau s ooma. Natisami beon omit- ted lu makiug Uha peoie Ucbailtisat monay coult purciseai Scisoal la open SRepteinier 10, et 846 a. m. cnd tiese tudeuti ara an- tlcipating tise rovlng mb tistais ncv quaterm. Pallovrlng le tatesmoon prograsu visicis arted et 2 P. M.: Recaptian ta puhllc-Boamrd ai Eto. cation asslsted by tiseir vivea, tise fac- ulty cod the parant aud teechors' as- soclation. Tent"rlng the isuilng ta tisa pubîli- for deiaication-Chars K H.Avertit. preiant of thse hoird ai etiocation. Song-"ýThe Star Sýpanled Banner" -Auience. Prayar-Rev. T. 0. Reesu. Adesê-T. Arthuor Bimpoan, caun- ty suprltndent of scisu Dedicutarlal addreea-Pracla G. tBlair, state soporlutendant of public Oqtilisao! scisoel vork--J. Narris Tissagmorton, principal oi tise new Ta&lit o ver intermissmion. Tise evening Pro#"e: AMSÀES 0f SICKmmaiSA Ubertyville Girls And Others Keep Him Surrounded With PrettyBouqluet. ANXIOUS TO RETURN. MarslWa Decares Ho WIIS Soon Be Able To Resume His> Work As Policeman. A patient lu the MeAlletor isaupital viso Onde muci solaca anti comfort la thse preseuce' of flowerm te Denuls Ltmberry. marsisal o f Uberty*ille. tr th th tb hm m SI wha bu beon tisera for nme veek, follovtng tise accJtent lunvisicis an automobilat ran hlm dovu lu the -aIn etreat af tise village. Thonsese . metisln;pecullarly toucs- Ig In floyer. that bave beau. seut ta, Mr. Llmbossy beSaum a mord many mi them have coma Immn tie little girls oi Libertrrvlla visalook japon Mr. LnîberrY au thoir IMoud land vIo. over ince hbu aibeen lu thc boeWtMe havc kopt imsb upplied Ini oyers.J Thse tact la tis.. ttlc gil. ron Liii-, ortyviDle have boom eoetimg ina m1 laUqUet o0flitavrsm pacticels everyt otiser day anti naturaloIrllocha upahu bhat partlculer bouquet 1101mssIn- :arpt Mantpprecletia. tien et My, of tise mens th ave been .cnut rirni otises source. As Mr. Llmberry pointai ta anc of tise girls' bouquet. standing on tba table lu is roo inutise hompitai ble eyee illeti vits 0cr. mi le told loy ho appreclate t tiI> ittlc token of seePectwIe vise lrte 0chilisren ef lbertyvile vere mbovlmg ilaK&mU 10 i. aguatius±mthet et lésât; ne cl iren bave contrlbute t Obus peunm te, thesadtiviicshbo en umed in buylug flovcsfor Ur. Limiserry. fi la meldom tisat a patient lu Uic MAlleter haeettal bai en mmi flow- ae ment ta lisazoaou sla *0hee eanlina MI the cent« rfethe lm ala corpletaly fliedti vii avri ati a rougisemtinsete pkMOtise nmb Mander mnuet 25. T"m preesue, ct 91l thoeaflovesIndlcetes thse pope. larlty af tis .employe vise bumet accident tvice ile oervlng on Uic police force. Ur. Umharry la secoverintg nelsm from the laus à"mdit la bopefu tlhe iwSi ho eIlle te um tohies bouc prebeil laior aeWv*e cr' m ia..el. mil yentoeiY: 111ansMie ta, seý,loc hom* vesy d'am*yaw falli «"«tt. e e ho&t. r m " uh as village mermîmi arn gttmgaima B"Fili.ami tier eortalmly araesiia me fiuane bo re ln tise ispital. Net- urelli 1 cm anxtoma ta get book home andti ga ition tise Job smm eon bWesble. Do 1 eppreolate tise flovexp, vblch th isa 101e girls 0etUbertyvlll isave licou uentilng ma? Wel I aiaul »ay 1 do. 10 hemnisaîpat more thau anythlng elme ta keep my spirits anti makes nm euat taget back borne anti sea smofaitht-se 1111e totasahisave cautrlbuted ta the fund vits viie theme floyers have been bougist. IJUTTON AÇSUMEs GAM WARDENSIIIP A matter ofinmt-rt-st visicisdid not isecoose generally knowu until ioder la tisat D1. A. Huttan. assiateant tire chief andi as§istant supervisas in Wau. kegan was named gamu varden for thîs dIstrIct andI ummumed office Sept. lat. Mr. Hutton succeeds He"r>'Kern who was warden haroemsnce Goveruor Dunne amstimed office anti uti nov. iei territor>' wam tise aast portion of Lake county whlle et Fox -Lake vas elatlaned varden NMcQuann. lHe, It je eald. has bt-n eucloamatientiraly b>' the- state department. Huttani as lq uncertelu yat. Ha may have a big- gpr territar>' than all Lake county for the, total wardons havé been cut dovo in the stute ta 25, Itlan't kuovu visa mu>' taise the- veat portion of tise coun- ty but report bas It thaLetarn mn> ha sent tht-sa. WlII giratton, George Blusse and othere are galdtaO have been citer tl'e appolntmcnt lu vestern Lakse county wviie JulINs Bal s asa candidate for tise appoIntment ln thse rastern portion. "Hutton'. '-job, pays $100 a mautis. Attrees-Hon.11toftoy B. Swift, state moenitor otflfb. Dicorse-Pot* iliam B. Oven, af Ch icago NcthiI$ eciool. Song-My çQutqSy-A.udIence. Miic LUTE OFfR W. *ae aimd.a yen Pleumt cmai ~aetie monl.),îDr. John A. Kappe. mmm. MerciReoi offiesaithi. dis- trt, ich taks@ la prcticll tise a.tem b« afLake coanti. Dr. KeIi,4mao tatultat b. vUl bave n i6 s mmeaitmeproblm *0thé bth ant emattan aifaililshecine a weli m tbe country ib.tlct Icluded la tii. terrltosyr. I@Ne.amelguteti look after tbe *d jummt of vstr, garbegu, mvw- ame, anti lua tm have a genem pec. taon osmiollm e rimlaltg ta bmMai1 hi.district, lnceing tse rappli of mlhIc ue rsam, mait irinhe, e. Dr. ltsppi.sna'ovieil ta bibtville s0tietiev tta lempetIoOuws tise fai groomtii, ta me* ondtiton tbey aue Dov lu andti tamleuny .uugestins t migit puit 01dm lemma situr ootltio Md eeG e tt bat vice b. bt bere tisas ««lsyW. *tiduer oll h. "iem m lpatu.lwvtjP tm of malas- done. 1h.p luvIlýw 1turerhfe 00 Iliaon wlg11»ie iettéé. IVIlllta LonsirOp ho Ama'sula. @Po" t n i h. vean Umm ge sgux mvo eil me m ubgq elued"c. Mr. Eapphim *hi t oogera tvti ri U poi e astW OUsho stOM4 A% ml. Dude to «IA Ore la "» 0. Ohmsla mue it tluWe l ue ne tiW Tb gas ofUr. ou "b is eme met m0 #u% i fb à , -h Sw v prai if -WOULD DEUY OTMEWISFe MàattorTo B ýe Pm$$ s éw ef The MnI %.2T,Lm$ County SBedtomorrow. That 1eto.la ml.ep~ se 1 ie, of Le cunty tue rae mc ta, match iehem a dii miI. nt Mai be no dlay ha-t-heéla aér lapprpristedr~ Buiemt* . oivanhiWwie am uumâ h a i l'y tiesataO. Tii.is la m * UutiO tiet Lake couiity aepureplmà 00. Tise overmtut t 101oves e Yms mgo approprieati $76,000.60 for poli atate or limuola mcureti about $400&- 000 of tis s mount. ludertise comdl tn., ths.appropriation lu evelleblu over e pasioti tire y*,mp. Under thea condition ,tise $400,M00approprlated for tisa rosi tram Chicago ta tiso Wl cousin state line tisraugis Lake coon- ty woild bhaaellblo lunvryla amounti eaci year for five yearm. Il I. polntad out by Mr. Russell tisat If Lake county cen reluelits allatmoiil lrnmedlately antinmre ai tisa cuntiai af tiesa tate-ee a Uile slow &bout raW>lg tisais allotment tisat Lai' coant>' may ho ubla to gola lii entire ullotrneut lineajeer or tva. Otiserlme uit- cunt> migist have to at altio recru batara getting tiesaoettie a>- pra'prlation. Ms. Russecl yul appear bt-fareth caunty' heoa5d -omÉow vanti urge tisutn tîme be lait lu calllng an elaction for tise bond Issue. MILK PRODUCERS Tii MEET A spaclal meetIng of tisa Llbertyvllleà mllk Produearutl a lotnigi afllai mu- FrlWay erenlng et elgbt ocloek. Tisae Ouruce tester vilI be pisenet ta gire a1 bll ta tisa inmbere, an bis expeience.1 Tise pnice of milk prOductIon vili Ib takenup for tlêc9tlan, eut a very lu tasestlfng m«etng î# axpactc. F9«uJ Nt Wantinq. Hae, oatiey mer, la pavai vIOl gond Intention&. Bvdelitly tisesbaye Iprovai to-be e tuperios sort «f ug* rial fatr Pavin£ purpoeue.smalt voudat do, y!Io knov, ta have tihe sait> Ct tisat place taom up all thse timae.-t-- changre WHjS$ZE LS&fY Miss CondlLaves pr~ PEOPLE MUST RAISE Coudeil of LIbertyvlla vi=lm* ed la cautr Court at WmtlakU% tiai efternOOn bauatha t dent. of LIbertyvilla aMd v$afalh um emsctimafltat et ee 38 M3ouO t e " a ouerectmge oriel iso%*Mthw iae. 313" Ville, Aqgmo 3fI&2911. et e * du TL. Tis*vivea w ilai 19 Seffl >Min H. Mllet o« [amtuUleu Oh aýtasmey for thceait"e.lý.& . 1. 1er la «marna izouw ter h.eafaOi 1T1be ette va.lait I la ife a 1. U. Taylor, JugeL. H.mË ville. Tiseyan. gibus ft mresai vith thi.erectisa« et Oh. Nb$ OetUMl grsvlela b a"l for *0 puîcet buegtal.t thé - et1 WhU ale «an atitlqe pviiel rdtiior «1tlsK X4cm 0 MI m b 09 bçr duemmet pami&.Rt m la tise vmtf t . * lm uoft00, iaT miib. o, lve: Dr. joie 1L Tbrlor. Urg. Drt 8ett r1eSaur. min Coumli lv« 4* faim ou thse TolepegiEbeAMI itne i klt baes ai te.b br hber puseta. Do lm. Ue»t"S ~çie~ * felfa OhM 0auita Vol uert r e nc ulla e* mea i me h ai ihi t ai tisaw. y r miMIsaou doeth. »4lduta a« ii. toa a", llhtd Lste t cpoat 0f gsPl1"p1 1 oeptloal for It la Wmii IeN moas h m hbe atud Sei50a or ûwv yu hiatrv-MURti havtL eskientlmg ptient> ta M f i unmit fIt a au IMttt' *Tise psemnt'ýOf the isoagtw la latyvillle t laimilasta.-tIe urgc mate b>' Jane MeAllatarta Wa* gan aeveral yemrsgo vises bdl 120,000 for tht- local ispitaL Bath Wulmtm' Fractureti tiloea-yosr-olG j>uut ('uidl on of Mr. aM ri Oeeslulwwi . pleyiug et thse Loqreleai bon ~ eveulug vitisam* ouyieua the eecomt .ry et hIbo 5 broie bath vrtL t . l M bayl$ver. playlnani tid > * mate for t*0 grounai ad * arias ta but *laplaymeis*tb îumpei trou ttheholdlm ta tic-I trou, su labe iseelà réapol *0 la buate. Tise 1mb ta vbielta broie, I.tting bin a OP nw~- hie Ovu vorie. bt>vvt, lo ijltit lov -ho* 16 1 above i. thec 'e O. mata. v isoa - Al 1. ý 1 .,