LJI e~MA%~ARE GEIIAWS. saen l nsu, ciairmau oetu11.mEate comncil etdetmoos, taM Fort Sherian ible the Uitedi Owuen hla nthe vau ap&M bisithGirmau peopleoas' wél op iU=t 1the aqm".n rers. lat it e ha lpeech. ilunahina tmnle«, lie muid the war miglt laut tbile Yom lou nd thedUdi.utedi aIt*s vuspreparne on a tlvs-"'.r mel.. 8u»pllhs Miequullurent '10 »ualua an &My of noarly 10,000,000 aftm-blas Aagei for by the inotlin- ai 6=00 of eteeuma nd the ver ý partmtt accodnig te an inipreeslon, giiiîi. mile cru"h donni c Wé a use mot djfewute 151v1 dbe mlnip oethle GerntauPeople m uw Miel. 01 th'ir i-lem" #AWI $' Ui "lab4 ameu 1 aito rs l * mme, # mi lievefI 4Ib.wbi&j 'Oaq4oaw 'rIIIb. befte*'gasiaiê bbV*vu are nfitng lof Mos barteI gsUimtortifU la 'bella -;0 "MM ammt eut il t tn t t.semm is rit o4tn«mmrbl " asçt o<um m thea lig sees, bt um x ads.tmg s Oume la hgeggalié et *0 i* »holi adesteit by 111eGe OnmeIo hblild toemeter their ~~. .Auselealgg e n otbe. uI#Blrge iulug &My. Via ~~t4%Itbiwe loMd xt4V, 6qm t, t.1ýW mutMentoualade for laci*"Misofs Our uav. but la deS. - actioDur 49Mau betme»We !I ~ ~ t a&g m1eu ita e » w.me mug l. We. *We Umm ri* ob atw«i AM W* "4.4OM«,iM as*1*1et the k* t*bu uelisatu. WO g aev YreslA ute lit preid eOf »rWllMoad iI'Matsas gieul t is a&ihu ies, &W. are living >u sldm W PaN, , 104 wuave. aul dise e, »«Ugb tmgo to usAking a poo- %45i ii n i4A:camiapUIi te te , ervicee (di. smate saset fe ýtU tl iMdlove cofcorurspubli." et4* faItes, sou of James Ai#l5bae Viller of th iWiU MT hll ma laptiom of fi '1111t ÇWChff o teMente Au 11.11sabacacIl% Pramce. ilu té lfdr h deecnbed ie s the>lîM tis e vu sundar etu P'l*en. hetow n ti h &t wmrle as employdat e ti le is- "11111Y4lu tac. ho acrke Itcosatruction au lub eL o~if mimer impotance *amg e plet. tiu hl hal 1 ho, » IV~ vote your Pitten ta dig, waà us il a> vus mal -l trom «t t tehsp vhluWlou eder as ~. th.111 eplesc. "Ogoçiuqia Iboug itil th. 4*. mieltidrne, but lu li 4*e '44t at eve$ity yaffdu - oeg'~1l >o vi t fet ik 101,.tw otfl anetlatg Wtr;tYeu n baoat 1ltt Il 1l s a affll* bout - biel M Cer lJui i f »lhtrlcI 64 alibi Induie tbe m'uth i 4 Centmll scirool vill begia work cedc&y, Sept, lti, The repaira on +'Se ondi chool are nov about cern- Leted andhit laeoxpeeiedthelbteucher cýu heglu vorli Montiay. À ev changes bave been maie l'i th. t iugstaff. The follonInia have been assignel te lie 'PllutW-P. G. Hudson, 7tI anti .Miss Merceîdes Neaous, 6th grade. lxilasRulli Johecms, tir grade. MII argrel t nyle, 4111 grade. Mus ramcePrico, ird graie. Mi ss aielL61b7, lindgrade. lid>arn eut, lot grade. 'Tu h ir saietasdllg saff vlth miéasxO Il Ion o fr1 newa Hfudson a, at contral lait yeux. Uhachool teacbing taff lu as à>riuc»O NM39Mao taley, 'tIi anti MI QeMlude Maie, 6111 grade. Misa lune Kelleyt. bdgrade. Mise UnIsah - Carolya, (lii grade. Utss Nul. Smlirh, $rd grade. amiii rancesu A4lon, 2ni grade. Mie May Mtchell, »st grade. .'" ticsool expect a mucu larger enegt tissulaid Year. get lla. 41dee -et théeacoud vand left Thursiai fer bis newpoui-- ties iti tire Public Service Co., at folet. The Auatrians of tih enrh aide are planning Uic rection o! a large clJb bousesad auditorium on 101h street Ma tal. vitha 'Tmuluie thfcryaif,~ . N uit atuIf>An irir'ê Klg4Icgflata ou 'outit Park, s ltmuarc hein enculasatst as tlnleie& . rKWIOgly planas1teluili rfl- everal more li Ibm user future. r The rei et Friday vwu à fins thlng for tde lote gardens.j ,Tbore Io a icuit tat the ltir itreet1 -livw et s4V$»s.eh vil b. cempisteiltu fI .,*£ho water prblem oNorth Çbk1- ire. ilu tacts preaeMaMibi 114* tiI neican ireiti t lfcr l gi tls ect andI a letter el lu eipected tdat n.anywvi e vs 1 feelings uanau ttiftrtien plant aeeg hpil tire,. viIi come oul for el nov. The lietltir rbalance cMcer mado' Il plain duat thre cuIt tannani a»Y te gel Dare vuler from the laite kd hers, vai !Jtler et. tee toqk Ste. Payue returuai trem ic lgvaca- e lu ep» lion loataunai anigit. At the SuniaY .monrulug ervce h.o apoire la beau~ serg «x. tenniofet oca vll thé rk liai beu > is tIo. l aiopurlui-JQbab"rse..ueand beoti king my t ntiresl wVol" a ndriouSl- itaI ali ot tde Yser. 1Ur. puy»e alIXasi hs tbingý take Up bis vorrh t tlie licCormicit s et gel sem4*7 'uemiar. iimca raccu anti Elizabeth vone lu Neye. 'qt Sti Lou, la teri cf lire.' W. i realîl> T. Powell v-reNorth Chicago vise- aavy. 1 tors unday. They bae. luit retuaeti ie, as 1 froua Calforit vbene they vlaited ege tna aRev. an Mmiw e lel. bat place Mies Stiél artley Satie tit sire sav 1ev. Aleiecn;a, uformer Douter .1 tifteoa f et hePresbyteriau chaumi hore, on we ksa ber eeat vlut lu tic veat. Mn. Atçlt- Cu- anti eson Io nov Preachlng lu Washington. te marrieti anti bop ono cili. Jobu Jgala luson the ai )et. Ria*Bleuila -111 aia t2rpei ~t isataiohol pea4 t enr S~r*te That the. Sun'a in&ilt tpolce Ia It la U 4 mothers te watcb h 0i irl.; tti la their short cuIti. R04~ IOy eiraip vich entice tie s8110«S te ."tlirtŽlis borne'out by h. ttol i *' lUig artqie lu the Aurer Be- XWvebeuling muci abouS the,110* eP artMë ditwvhch th $un ha ued, M*léym ary TPbillîpa t6iaY' loquei aaa.itmutum te mothera ef YoUZig gils 1a tAurore. She tbld them 4et umie they ltept le5 watOli ove, tira girl liat 'Ibère vl! mt bé mmnili lute tat oe.for gîrlu te W hsiite* a&L" 2' ~ 1"irl syeung as la jears are par- ading eur treele flrllag vitb oeM7 in tliay meet," the polcevomn said, 'a4 eea their mefitera ltake cacm f then I amn golug te. Il la ebameful te oee girl. -9' *~h drese« Up Ici' theïr bue.. giglng and zamUieS St i 00340 me& oenltce treeta. Aniy Min via.. 10a t au veli dresait or cicistraged lJoÔýlu fl valk deug 1the Otýtiere euistrike up an acqualal- lx v.se at motters MuaI Watch Girls. 'Mottera mail keep btter tab on thelr "MtuugOue.. A girl of 13 yars 811»M POr homo with lier parants aft- er park Inaeai of in he parka andi on dhe 6devulcn treeta. Yeu, ami a- girl ef 16 or 16 years bai ne busines.s iloiug abat 1 se. corne ef our Aurore girls dolug every day. Fiirtlug andi carrylug on other siauneful conduct a"mg to be tirir biggect object lu Ite. «'I vaut t vernu the mothers of thece vaYatri girls dhat If they do net attend te then i yin. unlesu. tbey keep ae loper Wtch an theftrchiliren I am sgeng te tart arrestlug tire girls anti If 1 do tiare vIl mnot b. roo&m In the ulule hoe.fer girls ut Genova te od lie 1cmaau.", Tbe Polîcevetuan ha. maie peracu- ai COMPlainte tute eparents of noe girls. in dire. caseathe percuabave doue notilg. Steps ver. being takeon teday te have the gil pluc.i lna1 Institution. AWEN1I 81 04 West Side YOong to Pefis Verse on. aàJiIt %lng Up the Ki ad-own Omis Graham. M40Claikwcu ave. Dure. agedt lelve" aahml'f ttire m4 aIxip1aiues '1 rote li but tiret verae,,Theic tli vue»vai lu a cét book'*&M ailsi' varia I decide t t make up mer. lik$ê The Kaiser's AdVOuiit s .Riser Bll vent up the bill T. take a smash et raue, But Misr Bll cernle den tde bill Wltir bullets a l 1115 gue. KmBSerDlient np td illi Te take a look t SPaa. 'lion Kismr Bih meia evathe hilU 55. ddlnt bno iesnane. Xr Bll vent up the hmll Leoklug lfkm' a riat. ."eu aier a icauciaovu the I Ho mrcbed-bcvtore OUr tiag. Rimner Bill vetu aitde 1bill Vian be va> la c ,tmane. Vian Rimer DI c . th@ trebill Ml bilt «d«ri Rimer Bill veut i ie Nilë 'f lii bitlvai very round. Whou lcalaer Bill o.ue dean 1the billi lMe dldu't hla e 01 u Rier Bill veuit up tde bill Upan a bai et lbar. kiWen Rmer Bill camp dean tirebill! Mie came Ilie edier **y- Rmuer Bill vent up de ilîl My poemIS nearly doue. Whn Mier »Inl cme den the bil 'We tuai. lie dcvhi ru ltWSf% b. iwrtlif fetmar4oNI, Who, a nor Lowdon atel ThuýrO. d ay à t W ktO, W&* his "rig t' -e drnt.fmaIon -of the aba 4.1 atltvflod*h jIiIoit# he*fl in$ that huKtieff might net run anain for.th. levilature, the gevemor ln- ael" hut.it Wee up te the. people teý dermfgwt aii ho.do se.à Fort BSheridan.,.111.,Sept. -il-A "Sat1 blizer" that wlll secw-e the equlilb- iqnxn of Chicago and the iaf.*ty îf1l. cena againet off iciel or anarchistlc 5io ermanleim la on Ils way today for Fort Sheridan f rom Port Snell- Iiug, linna. The "quiet produeomg" machine con- ilots cf tour companift of United Sttas regularu. Inchiding a machine gun company, fully equipped andl ready to do business at a moment$ notice. Tliey make up a battalion aîefgned by the. war department to duty bers' ln ruaponse te the request of Coloniel ityan, post commander. bgeked bY the. Mate councli of defen:", 'for a petmanent trained garrison thst may b. beld avaliable for use ln asoaaf niote lu Chicago. Che! of -Poice ROYý5 boe II t'rh. nast'- ai Phodlevfoer returneti »ebis home la Nortir Chicago Tuesday. Jobn Grimer la on the plek lHat. Thecfront of bMoufletnigit di nt do an much iauag9te thé garieàsu bore au Il vas feesiat tirt. Mayi people covered Up lhelr piaule and ornie had tires placed, amuong their lira. 3erry Sullivan vie hai beeaufil wlth typhold. foyer -et the booptal en- peet te rturn home noe time this weel.' A cemmittee cf tire Preshytertan Sunday sehool met at the 'borne ef lira. John Gartley Tucsfday evenlug te select new gong bhocha ,.,r tue Sanday achool. 'The hooku vil be purciraeod' t once andi vili bc used1 unet Sunday. lire. Henry Braascir la 111 vii t7pld foere. Tire Preabyter1tn choir wili ment fer practice flday eveniug oet dis week Rov. Payne lt for .Cileuoagthis morulng ahere te la utenilug pcheol- ut the McCormlek Btiary. Long Winded OiDfl4umei "Vwlat la moant hi tljA# sterlns?" 'Talinlg againsl ime, my aou" "Do you, ever flibuster, pal" "No. my boy. - Wth ttheeption of lirat Imposed.hi byai~1qaude tièle ria o limit to the debattéslu tdia pafficular bcua."-Bitnmlngbaiu Ag& Oh, t9Ce hFrssl "*» tUai BorbbeMi."sai' bis motter, 0"»M oô er 11111e bldoie re -expkiaua -agi have De papa o marna.teo cre A*hret oia weumgji'11l» te be's "x1 fla '1t »lMûetmeis.,w "a Bobarep*.-Pogrman 'Wesky. Rosi te Happineu Mie rosi toirtpplnems la lie coutin- nouseffort le"u*ake ethens happy. The eblif au tm ofl1e oat te b.e tal- unos, nethappiposms, 38t iappno. ai- ara»tellove «ueu-Tacags. tis&XcM eaely believe tdat daugitet èdl ber beasu are faut tfiendu-ýJn tact' tir. "way div stick l t i eodauis h. s livec they are faut 10 ltii sof,-lii- Ia Tmes-Union. If thon hast a lclterlng mevent seu& hlm of tiry rrand lut betc(e s ilà- nor.-Pol1er. Bie ae hie tttj&fi. et miulilpO ýWee t I et*f r thi fld y'1eié 0 'tu reqa1te, men couuldýt ue19m: lh. ord m m r tua ylutor twan. lpect fs vonl4s'rfsp oves lb tul luý a ievaattt*ng. 5004. y5i W%* tlilng venU iussppsr a iuçipe lend. The larda, a* dc' ÎIItEè cJ1 are our amu*ailag»àekeepere% i ydt va maire meusi rem tluer Bmuo ae ebits d3at gluardi 0y peusanmdcherres uito iuat. ftbec fruit they preserve We aar ca~~ war npou themn ntlby mai I>ute-tf ve are taugit tbit leh a tbete-si lugea pleuîy oft ilotead lover cer- riensd antialtde bbs l diurnes Lt. &IL The bavbu, agnt ovl i tIme.of PàtlteronaeninVuAiDow AspiUibg tate a chickn9ral 1*ie Wle iàeY»r n j aian oüh b ig dg e.. Vs *pot a du118C1Ck4&Y to4O **geb 1 ran » yïaie o" 'Ste Jfathu *J t i ire ýï#kll. f*ies ril e K#.osfylfl IS ~i<tte marêd. Te dloago live, thè.'rea aIaeorsr 1% JtMbula0tthe- ChIigo M . éaru é iter bien FAM1LY W Rký.".tebuad iPreveulal hism Prwactd la eutagccrti>hoi <cidk %0 ooea PEfl*outOdhi Atissia rive yetM 4ag. bKaby, tee a grsat A Viiu*degan veman vho la watcli' et t*enlbera111.1w éir S râfer 1w.. lit *Iiih ken intereet developfls s ied.balai- ao pnuoedht tbey [Ï# lkUs»juansd Who 'believes evérl.v 'rg et t i*RWËuu 142 th.Old tNag t MPremier lerensky do., la gVf~L jus t ta S an uttla ]Iis. Sgt e- ltrs..D*el atu alaIse the inoyer heter' S SetiGonese treet'W, bu. iaporomily himard tra he Rumalan fflO iacoerei recevitly. la aaJubi dpale aimt bop",t. te 0 ngbotase cousin ta -the yevoltleaary leader. lbeut Cheagerelaive. Mr, Corn.,ln. Asn a recouit eor réent lfnile 0*-ç- toIs le I11" te. 1the leader uni ex- oenleottholaut that aie vwu rde&tai giai ig trelatimiaip. Làte 111 Rumn leader, )ine. DeUs~s, MiUW& Dkeyaer saM ber huibalid vioenaume forment vwas )KatY ýMw "oumt a paUi sor 1ber«. 8h.la 42 oirkY, lbas eot&ilaled lier s"14»te- yrs g9Mand bas tac greva children. ablp vrith 8. A. Corn, a merchet Bb» lii, absoînte Confidence lu Ker- eperaUing a place la the medilugli 6awW4 .10111, 10 audi the Ruualn Temple. »'lf lb venue, Obicage, alto, *lttnateo nd eniilertret the pros- sic statej. deçlares himsecf to b6: a bat' exciutio la u ulteal fot ta h.e nepbew or the ROUAUla premier. #»axpeei, la tact. it liai to lme as Rending lln.p@ "0 tiat lMr.,De- j réeuof tbhe verbrev of the aId . ircyser clAllned relationubip tt O 1 *Inulft. premier, Corn, vice name wibepla f Ituselewee Keronsky. arote bto te Waukdega vean. sxpleilu t le thet, fer 25 Y«T» beh.4 12d boom r15 te local, &Ooiofethlie Kerbneelit -tlm- ily lain "eica. lira. 115'o5755r liuivg hlmn te.-ane to Waukffln to '0t.t lier'ai Ire came ad pent the iag viti ber. Totier tiey reiriarsd, t. trlbfaa±2 hkhlcith, eraniky 940> Ury pïaed tirraghi R uw el.Il via becatlu. the f amUy bai ençeaetore auh constant perecutien' lu RumsI tb.tl the Cicago merniant, sita1r reaching lhe metropolis, inopped lie "isky' frem ihie atm.andi adoptai. th& shorber word "Corn." lire. De. keyaar in telling cf lhe malter sald: "Af 1er thea rti<f es.erei staS tuaI I1vwu relatai ý tob u~uA"IlPMe mier, 1 g«l lhe letter Itom 8. A. Cern. Re tli me tdat aile bai beau lui Amerlo. tweuty-flve teara h.oliai noy- er been able tW gel trace of any rois. .1i ab.tab at yul ne ilewyo 16.W~e~li5 ubd«r. it IrIiiW atw UIItamb Iam lang luparmee ~ 5f, t lufauee. of ligbt and 1.dmpér a tding lethé wepo"ufti lb. odor it glues ocL ISBB-WWoef tf ttc u be bai ý14WeiWe la a gaude *fiter nraiti là diwvPar et a liqui that an"ilau'D lt de. IId in luthe mmiionue. The Balaacell Utile W. heur much of thé balaneed ra- tIon teda" il amontlimportant whau FOU are teedfins cova ad chicliem b1ut thm u le"eyUitie fear Itat ti. average b.althy human belng vill fanX te, Set an adéquate amount and in pro>- er and baiânacc proportion efthle dit- tarent biais cf food If b. la, gives & gond tableaund a free choice.. There la ne pborer eeooomr than trring te, atmp Q& Sod.Waogenon ot. 1U ~~AT zEGXJ p -f. 0f 'sixty A conip1te uhowing in itself for great diver- sity of style ini the favored fabrics and hues i represented i tbýIs notable specWa group, which is the pro4uet of , iuch planning to get 80 much quality for so D-l Price. Rach of h iaysyes la' chiacwterized by some littie difernttouh f fosion. They' are fitting ejtgmples, of the unusual value-givîng of Our entire'autuni uw'li.ne presents to those desiriflg uncommonesu and elega.nce. h l! a t c 401 NocIj -new, desgsatre tively prim WYao Hèd, iu, Oos0Mvàf 2'owe CJ.rk'Gentinm eu!~ Pt 4 Yq1-~D.. 4ftw' fleà t IWO iD&i7&