Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 13 Sep 1917, p. 3

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LIBRTVI~L I~DP~DE T ti SÂ, ETM 18l, 1917. .w . IUTC&round ~:thel? lests wtii perfect ae IIVLVIEdthe black onalce and the spider, the ~5 corionandthe entipede wulU ho en- lUiOWN LE K tlrely harmuless, for ail poison will hae .tr.cted front the.t sud thaîr vious Fnature yl beo changed to that of fIE I IOS IT L IIIfIC LSneltr fear man or each ohr id (Continued Prom paeloe.)ho a omn d pîayfo te s eOr the wlu _______ At Critical Moment The Chemi- roi, h bak l te ongle amd board aseurpi Dr. Brown thal haot- cal Used By bion Firemen lb s ulture to ,,fcd together i thr, - odý nd io aven galber ap tbL doing the rIgbt tbing. Is Exhausted. crubs in the doorway. Mr. flitchlnsans te-rm as tov-n Thare will he no tobacco '.st clvrk docs flot expire unti next LOSS OVER $6,OOO. tbisle. no' briers. nu tbora butbes,, 8Prig. W,-n e sar tht howoul nonetlas-in fact no noxiuos veoa cpi-e. Vh~- be55w halha vuidaiortinglug or pricklY plante ofa Dot be able ta fulfli hi dute ha de- Fire Discovered By Two Ziori kind. There wll be no deperts or -jr.d Iot tender his resignstion but YotwRtrig Fo astes. The gi-at Saraba desert. thej tbhe tawn cummlltea wnuld flot listen Yuh ltrig FO Arabian dasert, and the United States to luis arrangement and rnade pans Kenosha-Place lnsured. snd AusîrUian dseai lU he as.frj ____-tii. as the Canadian w¶toat hlts, and t to bave the work of the office laiten The home of Duncan G. Bllows, Instead of the iiundreds of mles of care of. They were deterrined tat manager of the First State bank t arid plains lier. will be luxurio us be sbould serve out s aM terni. zion City, vas completely lestroyed grapsee andi beautiful hloiers. Malt wll no longer be required ta A BRIEF REVIEW. i y tire on Sunday mornlng. Mr. Bel- m hlbi bread by the sweat of is Thora ara f ew men vbo have devot- lova on Frlday aftérnoon bad movat brow, for their viii ha no veaisota o-I sat uch of heir life to serving the tal is furnilure, wltiithe exception kaap down, and food vill ha planty puli. ololn I abre Weth fi o otrtbe too h hisfor tbe curse upon Adamt and his n pubic.Foiavig i n rif setc ofL~fa cnle tble tw ortbre caisesed, oho hefound In Gones, 11:17,e bis Ife: and a few Ilbrai-y books and theze ad the curse upon the ground, Gene- 1 Il(, was a brother of former-mayor wepri aved. es 17:18, wl b. resnoved.a Henry Hutchînson of Wauhiegan. lie p'raanGergi' fichoepl) of the fahe a es HutchInson,vbaw ho :IIIonOO 'StL the eariy daya, and visa, ln co-ope-- mai-fin-g sating that Mr. Bellours' stion wihb Dr. Jase. H. Poster, ga;., house was onlire. The calu camne SALO N IILDIN6IS he lan d for th e F irst '.ethod lst fro i 1. B . K ah n, a b o t eels l v o ehunhIn Ak cont ~ renntout no tinte in rush- ARE NOW STORES 1 George W. Hutchison vas born lu Theire-ma_ Gee,.., N. Y., January 28, 1838, andI Jng tha chemnical and hoevaÉon ta ntoved ho ladependance Gi-ove as 'a te cen o th lre us ouisde heChicago Stores Open Branchest chlld vils bis parents. Hae si-ve- on city lints and viien ha arrived thora nStsW er ooiu the Union aida lu thse civil var fr I ho found Mfr. Belows tiae ~ I ie here Notorlou Jan~ry 184, a he nd f î~ nr p a carpet In ona of the morne. Places Once Ran. being a mambar of the Sevanteentli IThe lire bai started In th- attlc, Wktnois cavaI-y. and lad gtten a fairly go0d hod, but If vou chance ta be roaming Into' ln April. 1973, he a eleted to% Mr. Scboepp wuab ale wiii is chant- the north boundaries of Highland elon for the town of Waukegan an-d Icals ta check the. blaze and If there Park. and should you chance ho go bai heu tthe position up ha tthe tinte bai been morntevoter suppl' iandy so far as Hlighwood, Wankegan Ave., et hp deatit, making forty-focxr bars h. o old have e slly Overcoma the yau wouid cartainl' think you ver. of cÂntnuous service. In May, 1872, flainfm.. As Il wsu tiere vas no , ater lu the loop. Chicago,- The. id delap-( Mr. Hutchinson becante a clerk ln the avaiabit. and strangoil' onough, an Idatad buildings vbicb have adornai raerda's ffIe ad bh t 1t j lectrie pumpîug apparatus vbfIé Waiikeguls Ave, for tise paft numberm ion ointly ih bis towa clerkshlp. suppliai the property viti aa iyashveienoea pa Il ;m aafe ta sal'ttfo e from a vaîl. vas out of arien, accord- iranch stores of certain of the. storesi that fe menlinCIcago. Mandel Brothers, Roths-i throughout lhake county wve obotter In-g ta Mf1BeliOWS. kclian for th5na are few vhose dut- Tha li-a vas sai ta have been child, The Huh, The Golf Sisop. andc is did not brin-gtant i nto contact caused by croos-wires. and no doubi Noble Talaors, have establishei wtth hlm ut ané- ime or another. Mr. Bellova la glai tiatI îby croae ah-ncb stores in ighwood and are1 It scas sait of Mr. Huteiinson that t"ninghtae.ter uis furniture vas re- ready ta serve the O. R. T. C. men les, men possasua sucb a retenti,. mnoved, etharvIse tiare wouit have bast as they wauld be servot lu Chi- inmriy. It has been sai tiat Olten- been considerable I10.. Wban Pire- cago. ha was able la racali iiutlnctly the. man Schoepp arrived on the, sCen Thae buildings In the. palmy iays exact drawen lu the court boue vere thora ver. only ttrea or Igur men of Higbwood were usai as saloonis. ha placed sont. deed or othar papar there. thase inclnded, Mr. Kahn. lu fact, nmre of hent vare the mont several 705.11ago bofora. 0f tata years gtmmnOng- and Mr. IIOws. A stap notoriows ofaI al places conduchai bis memintitad a not aai-ved hlm no ladder vas fOun-d upstairs la a room Ibtere. For years thoy have been va- taitifully. where tiera vas a trop door leadlng cant but nov things are cianga- ?Pavmon vora more eccentriec han ta the garat ad tite lire vas burning the. cominig of the sluera bas braught Mfr. Hutchinson but It use ibis pecu- tirough tliaroo. The fireman was mercantile establishntents. llarity. Mun chas snytilng el% tal comntneded %for bis prorntness. but eadeared uns to vo sial' daiienta of viitaOul vater it wuimpossible ta 4iIYE C1IREN Wauka-gan adLaecoufty ave te building. Te fiames leaped maebshoeI h town f hetire building foor a baze.n Bh an- TO lUARIAN SO oeurt bouse. occupying a ruant justlilght the building vas daluolihed. and i sadier tbe masivtown dock. The. ail thiat vas left standing vas a largo HE AI~N IO T 5om as of bis owa chooslng and chirnneY. sjtbough helilvei alone ha neycr 8Mr. Bellows la varY unfartuhitta as seeme tcnmnd the lonelînass. The to lires. About a Ye * - , abarn Ulysess R. Reed, Formerly ecuaty. boari ftted ite room uti vitlch & aImga used as a gauge and Machinist At Refinery Sets ail modern canventene5 no that ter. vhlcb contai-ai an automobile and Example For Am: Men. w« notbing along tha lIne ta lie de- certain tooll and lmpleentlt. vas- alred. burned ta lthe groni, and had the. HE'S A RAL PATRIOT. . Th asd toià ler alwys ntaa prperY Bt befl OllProtected by - Inde? a el. L*pyflCation le boeki sn S he" weuW hve oo Dfted For Army, He Asks AUn. vEsIdiea1s, paihape causai » cansiderahle financliAl10 oua h Court To Namne Custodian tim 10 Pom ry plessactiy fon humaunei. FrCide n nts LOD" AMPIAIoNS. in te are SuARY morning, ai- FrCfde idEls lEr. MtUmhimiOvsa eha&or mois- thaugh Mr. Bafouabai moved lY 7 The. item helcu ifrons tise Sioux City ber of the. Reah and SMfor yeffl ail11 Ma fumtitire ttgte fnbe bleck la.,journal lm of lnterept l Wsmke- àai bea a. member ofet b.Odd Pl- on- Shridan Road and hait takem UP ga for tva rossons. fîrst bocause lovoa ida. Tvo or tire. yars ago ho Mis realdemie tho, lvwu fortilllte MT. beid foi-tony llvod la Wauke- vasu honored olý bis blrtbday -*t a for hlm that ho. fleed t ho haOu gan ad vonhedInla thei. aidur re- awetIng o une is ge. HIe vas pro- hand beicro even tbe fIre dePartiseli iinery: second becaume ho ha a brc- secte.! vlth a heautiful gold-hoadad got titere, ton~ ho WU abale ta STO ther. J. A. Reai living et 222 South cane bicis ho alvays prized very orne library bo>oksanLd 8h. romainder Jacksoca tret ad a ulster, Mrs. T. E. biglily. of hie funnituro, makuh gtbe loua other Bothb, living et 414 North Jackson The living relatives Mr. Hulebîn- titan te hanse. aiL Tii. BelOva atreet. son are: proporty vas situalai on Norh Sber- Mr.. ieod In a veaatby tai-mer la Omar Heahh. L.iertyvillia. grand Idan Roai, near 201h iliat Iowa, ad Ince leavlng bei-e bas mai-a nepew.outaide the. city limita. I ut vsnl- han maie goat. Whilla baie ha was a ( ,-~ surai, hut forvisai atountadl n j l ah presout. it vas net long ac liai Mn. Bellous1 madie nany imProvemnents on ilsg honte, incluing a eatei garage ai-1 jalnixsg lie bouse, etc. UTOPL& WILL BE SEEN WRIEN CftJRIT RETURNS TO REIfiN Voliva Says Lions And Lambs, Cats And Birds And Rattlers WilI Be At Peace. (By B. W. -Omit.) With lbe rature tae arth of Jeaus Christ te eigu ai Jernsaiern. tuera la ta ha a complete change ln tisa ani- mal snd vegtable kingiosis. asys Volîva. Hie backa up tiis assertIon b>' fsasisis 11:6-9, and-ilsaaiis 55:13. Tha cow asdthle bear ai feadtel geiber aidthê, lion uil val'e up to tise shallo hfli. x -ani est stru vth hlm ln~ perfect flarmny. A chili viii wnIS up te s lion or a tîger snd pal tisenton tie bac Ir 1liai' rcauli a colt or a pet ieg, ad Il viU b. n-a 'uosulnon ublng ta aee a chili vaiS- ing threugh the wveau leInig a lion- bthe lie a. The *iamb viii-.gambol uIti. volfia»4 çi lie ocps« M ie dovw ltu teabais vltbe iigat. aýMd. Ptere aWlllieneear ono! 'lhUwas, the.bornaI a*"bd iPl4 58~ ~~~* $àa~to hMr~ machIn-IcI. The Jcurnal says: Whou tliyaaes R. Reai vas selected b> tise draft board of the first Sioux Cty district to serve ln Uncle Sams tiret national army ise acceptai tise ohallange sud dît not filue ciln for examption. The tact taI hhattv sanal cisliran dii not leaen hlm de- tarrnaliou to ieadi ue cout-y'soeil.i. Hlm vite la dasi. Toiay 8Mr. Reai appearai aI Ut. court hanse. In6-ici- tisaI lie tvc childrau. Lys Rins Reed soi James Arthur Reai, yull he provided for dur- lag hle absence he bai T. W. Grnbble apoltai guardian for lie chili-en-. M. Raai sai hitmt be hellevei ht possible, vils tise ostar>' ubîcisho vonhi recalve irointhtisagovernoenh, ta send baok enoush mone> te Mn. Grlbble to care for tha chiliren-. Mr. ReEi bas.heen employai as an iran verker ln Sioux City. Mnnrpiysbomo. I., Sept. 6--Goy- ai-non Lovien. referring tereceat paciflet trenites ln Chicago. toda3! aenved notice on alluinis majors that b. expected tiem tio ititi peace la their eitiea -eo bsapeseied Is contraI hi' the sate .mllilam. Leesaal teeuaomulngas 11e» n= dat alluga sIte ha oelUal»eep la Bei» ' deooeW ý ed d~t*pnaeiw ,ba# s~ m'10 EIrIIotBOÂRD STILL lAVE MUCII LAOR- TO PERFORMI Pull Not Be Rushed As ln Past1 But Work Is Far From - Completed. IECEIVE MANY CALLS. kai Take a Month Before Ail of The 440 Men Are Certi- 1 fied To District Board. Waukegan. Sept. 6. Alhbougi the. mambirs of tia local examptlon board lias. complatad the most laboiqus portion of their 'labor, Êt iaast for the. praseut. thare stîli re- inains nsuch vank for them ta do. Tiiel expect that tiseY yull ot have theur work camplotely mtrvaitî-oed out for another mouth. and by thai tîme tiey may rocolve instruction to begin car- tifying mien for à posiblle second< irai I. A total of 1570 men.were catiai for. sxaminatiod before the local board. Ouit of ltai a total number of betwean 425 and 440 mon appareutly ara la line for acceptalice. The quota front thue district ia 305. Alraady a lai-gar isumber of nanses bav-e been certifie&8 to lte district board but tha lacal board viii not consider itls worli comn- pletti un-ti thea anti-e 4401 osmes have beau certifiai. Then ltera are a number of i-oi4tine Inatters 10 occupy the attention af the board ntenbers. Fromt nov an they viii nol ho obliged îo devote al cf Iheir tintehW the work as two clerks ln their entploy will bcle t l attend ta most maltai-s but it viii i-e- qui-e considerable lima ta prepara th,ý nanias cf thoe viaare ta be sent away lunt.erarious draft.. A draft 0f fai-ty percent probably wll be veut front haro about tile:xh ohf the moulu. There are other uitIle matters which corne up fron thirn ta time which have to ho dlmpoeed of immetiately. Oaa of them developed yestei-day vhen s man us founi liera vbo had_ ual regimiered. Ha vas raquired taý regisier and titoi file dlaim for axant- tien on tho ground tual he la au alleu. BOB OFAIRL TO WEAR cUIFORM4; PE091A S13LS hM Manager of National League Team Wants Waukegan Player In His Lise-Up. "Ba3bbr OFamneli uaoobtédly viii wear a& Cbicàgo uttiforis Udt sosson. That mucis ns indlcatM iy asis- Patch tram Peonla ~iqh, ajtates that the. CulaSgaNaition4l .I e tam Manageazaipurchami* OVïrel for cauh. Dotanlaof tuh.e *Sb9*tm 4 Doet b. bean..!to4ay,»Ia là la knovrA that thoe ne P > &keas star catcher .uet hae emoouiar able, for miwvas cmiii' tjï w deu aaga tiai Peoris refue.!the EW 'S g maie for hlm byte iMolo Gias. The. ChIcago Cpbo Is&OTarrel June 21, 1015, &fief ~oftihe Cuh on the. Mo(ann "isat*wàcwane sh@ued exc.odingiy Wal l ntryfolsz but it vau docided 1%te pit lm la- to maJar bague c0 ium uil h. bai bai a littie mor.ezpx len«. ln the minora.1 DurIag the renidner rthlie 1915 meeson 0'Parri usa usd la verm- ingup" pîtchars. He vas fsrmei oui" ho tue Peoria leain la lh. Thre.e ye league ln 1916. and made a vomi' rai- fiable ebcvlng. Again la the. 1$17 sea- son ha vas sent bîck to Peenla but al lhe tinte the Cuba kopt a valver on hlm and bave iaeu ualchin la s or closeiy. -Tis ya O'F'arrel's shoving vas more sailfactom, ihan ever hefore and Peaons gives hlmm ntcb credit for wiuning the pennani la lte Tira. blye biague tis year. Imt.dsaely sittr- vand the league ibasOed 'an-i Paons jolned lie Centrai TAaqp..Grand Rap- Isa-won tha pannant inthlitaCentral Meagueansoistart taday, b pisy a mev- an ganta sertes vitis Peoola. It lathe bellef boe. laIthe Cuba yull put, OF'arrel lo tiseir ragular lIna-up ho finish ouitithe present sm- son, liatIRl, as goon as lie senles ha- Iveen Peorîs snd Grind Rapis la cumpilti. Thp irait bas laken sever- aand heiaCuba are short an osîciara. Bllot uhù bas been 'gaing gooi' al' tesson le ual in condition to catch soi Inasmuch as tee Csibp arecul of the ruang for tie pennatital lMay hava been decîdd a IbaiIs vouli hcana excellent apporlunlly la give hlm s good t-y-out. Itrlends of "Boulie" pi-e- îlot that he wili make goqd. The local yeung man Is not Yei 21 years of age anhbasnot beau called far lhe draft. Otiar teains basides thie Nev York Olants aoi lie Cuiseihave beeau îaci- Iug O'Farrai'e---uerk. The Datroit Ainericans maie s ietemitned effort ta sgcttre hlm. àPeorla playei lie Detroit Tîgers 0on Wednesday of tis voek an-i Peorla palpersare loundl uhoir prama af * 0Iýkmi. Tisey tel Jouty Coh ah- lejpted h tosi alIsth bt abeavei >y OP0'arrel vlt wo t eet ho $Pare. là uere tý-O1PMiel guItith a bgeat oVation of lte, *1W. lot -»~nIOX>16fflEa" TUÂT FuLOW WliO FASTED TO SEAT Amy, IS IN Waukegan Man Who Dieted And.Smoked Cigarettes To Escape Army, Didn't Make Good. UNCLE SAM GETS HlM. Despite The Fact He Madet Himselt Appear "Under- weight," He le CalIed. If l'on iad smokai cîgarets to thea extent viiera they had made yau eick and If l'au bat dictaito sucb an, ex- ton-I tat yau itad lopi tels pounts and If yen bai doua il ail for the soie pltrpoee of ratuciag your waiglit se yau vould ha under velgbt viien the governnsenh board examinai l'au for the. amy AND THEN IF You bai laid yanr fri-ents that l vas ail rigbt sa farai s yon wera cou- cemnod. tityqu sureiy vouit lie cx- emphed becauta l'au were far undar vèlgisI. AND IF yaur friands by the score had beau bold bau your ueigbt bai iroppeti off and lalar iaaruad that l'on bad doua It yonrsalf for the ex- press purposa cf escaping gervîce AND THEN IF Yon recoived a notice tram the i-att. board taliig you thal you had beau acceptadinlto theaaiml', - WOULDN'T 1 i7 malta yoîî feal paav- ed and il>aplntai? That la ubat bappenad in Wau'Se- tan. Yan. the yauug manl asployed lu a locâl sloi-e visadid tbe aboya thlngs as rogattu tise ual and clgai-ets, ubo lost velght sud vise boastai cf hie accompiiairnansdlils purposa, bas been callet ta the colora. 1 Naturally hes tise moai surprised, the mont disappointai persanon u ova. Tii. irm by viionthe a iemployai bas aivaritsad for anotises man aud en, se far as bes concernadi is ail off- ha bas go 10 go and figbt, aud, unien uolghl or not, eIoll have a ckance te pick up hlm veight sftar ha gais ta estlng army gruis. TOWN BOARD TO NAM SUCCESSOR TO TOWN CLERI( Under Law No Election Neces- sary To Name Men To Sue- ceed Geo. Hutchinson. Wiiukegan, Sept. 8. In cennection- ulit lie deatb or Toua Cierk George Hutcbluson. il ase revealeçi tadaj' liatitwi Ulnaît ho nec.aaary teo, MU mai speclal election: le eleet huasumeosor. OountyCInert gispS..e tatea ual unÏder the. lau lb. board of appointmnt ic bhcan-ia cf lie justices of tho poaco, super vifferabsd lova demis C! 2 t&WUenb±j hop lie power ha mike an -atppoint-* ment Io nu a vaneycm'oads.!by, deat. Th.y cannot M1 vacaadtes caus..! ir doth 4laheficice er jui- lice 91 ltae paco or Constable but ti p n t v .a 1: e!U IChas. D. Proctè. Writes anil knds of Fire, LÀfe, Aecdent and Healthy Auito- mobil, Plte Gias and Workmlen's Il ,- __________ a traveler who knows W~ Sign P but t a t e os nocs iafi lie wauts to go, bt taasnoreason oxk ence a man on bis way to one town to go to anoth Someaedvertieing is of the SigupoWt»V"t ---it informns the people h the store la iiibusi but gives no reason why 'they should trade tlier The test of akillful advertWsng is added buafuMa No man can begrudge the oost if the advertilulg produoues uficliemt lk éed buainesa to pay the expense and leave a profit lt INDEPENDENT ÂDS will develop new bu= ---flot only hold present' business. Honest sol and fair prices will take care of that To grow you muet inorease roui salea The. riht advoettulng yUdo601 M-ý dr.Anna iieiwood, ?Wauegan. nioce, lives vils Mfrs. Giaile. N Mr,. Vary Gae, 3166 Pine Gravea avenue. Chticago. Mrs. Auna B. Huichinson. slaher-lu-r 1.îv, of Piafieli.1 Warren M. Heath, Columbus, Mont.,J grand nepiieu. The vbai-aabauhs of tva auone cf an- other brother ef tie laie tova lerk ara nt knovn. FUNERAL SUNOAY. Thse fanerai ef George Hulciinson wiil ba hlSuuday àafterinn t 1:30 o'clork ah tic Larsen and Rolland uutertaklllg parlai-s. Rav. . W. Chf-. dester wil officlala. The Odd Pellous wii lias-e charge oaithe services, lu- ici-ment a 111 take place ai Liberty-. YOU M4UST SALUTE; TIIAT'S TH1E LATEST Dancing masters muet cultivata the vezabnla-y aifi-rilsaigeants If ual' hope o sUCCedIbis fail. Wby? Weil, thae,îationt's ai war. Tise one-step wîîî be s qulck steP.Th fox-trot tIno viii he pracise an-i mil- tary. Tiie valîz is ho be done ai a calter. Wben you hâle a dance daoe vIti a snappy, miitan>- ainte; hou sttlfy fron thle vaut; clic your hoNs.L an.! 'Wcut peti they can In the matter of aosistant su- vote all of hl& Unete tIiO Woe*. * pervisor andi towu cierk. -\ Jack. howeyer, la eMlbpIyed by aiViI. A feeling prevails that hae Mr. abstract cOMPanty aiid l8 obUg" !toi Hutchinson'a unexpired terra heen spend much of hie time i lathe CO"tl More than a year it wouid bave been recorder'» office. It la th.efOt. Ude neceAgary to cail a speciai election. that he could assume the. duttos of . Mr. Ilendee says tis is not the case town clerk qulte resdily. as the iaw pros ides dietinctly thit Eugene Runyard aloo hbabaa nia' the board of appoIntmnnt ,.hall Lill ed as a poseible auocessor ad » vacancies. 1has been, doing considemabla «th Just who the board wil select ta1 work since M4r. H.utchinson has bhU succeed Mr, Iotchinson lv flot '-.nown MI. although two name*s have been heard There le nothing doing j'est w w -as possibillies. Charles Jack. rerent- the matter of town busli * ad tmWBS ly admittedto the. bar was mentioned fore It la likely ther. wifl be neoI isome time ago as the logicel succeesn- action taken by the town board but >A or to Mr. Hutchinson after the oId, due course of time a meetinlg viE 1* town clark bad becoma %o feeble that called and a succeesor chôm. Il 'sas feIt he would nevtr restiue the work. The office of town cierk pays a smaîll alary. mach tua small to The Independent la the IA"e caf*- make it wortb wbIle for a manl ta de- ty farmers' palier. " 1FO0R SA-&L E-CH EAP Five-Pasaenger Viehle Car-in good condition--Cen demonstrate at any tixne-A bargain. Ten.Room Houa» and Lot-centraly Iocated. about.a block from Mdlwaukee Avenue-House min oc shape-Ail modem convenience, bath, clectÈîc' lights. gaz, etc. For sale by owner. No agent néed appy Addres or inquire C A R O W N ER , ...a...................... I i$~ Psu ~ ~ .d

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