rtyville IndePéndenitlPU nttym4"!!!!id0 - - aukegonweuy ý. I cMM 1otc ttIenvt, 1 Exa OU PICE Sio PR VAR TROTLY 1W ANCIr ...................... ..... . ....... .. . <dte. .... ......... ........... ............... ...... . ......... s uia .............. ................... ... RetientUsgiS M novmmtl is-beig started tb ralse a fev tio abc a iw mhm puobi.muuic for lbhe300pWocebond .1 Get ek taito-it viii1b.ail r4blt tbraîne it by pubhe m s~~intIiIf the Jackiepromiasthey won'1 dwmarte *ho, p~I~or paylug thst music alter th. public provides toh a Meof o!gtling it. Ar ib tu&UiondevÈhlping in Ru" in s ideed moot dis,'y' mmuagtog and make . bo outo* for the Mture as r.- ON* tbat utry- mon m iortaiiiad d"bous. 0 it tmult-woflld ixdIçats liat P«,"ebaaler ail *0b. i woPI 1e Iquit. roady for, the_ republica -hm of goerhnust viiiIl mddely ame t. thun. I ai wioal s tumDbl inWakegan" read a neya head- n ýb9 a' tleX1M day eved ont a e tumblel The lm$ brk lt.heai M nd w &"is vi t~ ~~~ ~Il ei. ibl. in.ai v ztle bsIine he fellov vWhoues asa a d,~tf6" -.Somedropeh? Il' to b llab.e ine and ton ceat &o.boasop-m î= nia"e and a dime a toE4 it'. algnfficantly Bug- Oonuimndautoffe«t o Grat Lakes somne lime ago u m à h* t10 rakethie navalstation the greatest 1at] h. vay, bel.vratIll eeiga ,~ 1*appruasif hle ii noelhbi rue... î uu g. -oind b. hope. and espcetailéns ho b.d vheu loie *itled bàImmlas.H. muatbave a -vendait .1 Ida ~~~~~~a wrofu ituif bs d auto vbt lie aotq*Uly de-t S*nito attatis.And lb. »Vermnu tasl i lon «vidanty have benon ou&d ibat picbur, for, viatever lb. captinséemSUDS t at a b tatMIon ho geta. bTUocmu st aIbauattsudsd hie eftorts haoeI éOvs tbat WadMngton bêela hlm and bis judg- lb ýNorili 8bore Mebstlc ee«» 10 b. 1iavlng a bard nmof b.d lu*li illirepM dto accidentik And, It cores aimathe vii e raffioad te, 'kving as nobody bauid- e l ngthébUIn utho put inied, 10 k.i blnu atanad ~'toeL Nok tlg8binug elu oed10prteci lb. publi :Mudyç*im~e boe-lot accdentsbave bqsa n ous. The.sl -anttu¶ la Mparfiays the pub- M& dihm ba te rnmd .l eerIng m-ilcm.- demoo sMob on fIat tact rzlrtban m Wd- employu. ~ie vps y "t houver . iarefla-I allirwàe oti ime.-8o, iueman'1=,ef4don tIbe toaturesuad mui tumlfbave a in ~luprote MU, »W' 1»lVfÀWeon tlb. vatch and on.thaliroads ua$siy meamures. dpMnd IdbertyvMle people muti fiel a somme of ed d at-i lat# a thlte t. $bat a vSkOvu rfi- à" d ope 18X bbrought vftithepro = ~~rU eto! b. muuleuo a of a velikuov o.a aukean,.t bo a vmante prodé."Me. is v*5 aid in do goô and3 lut 1 ATFOIT SliERI1ANÀ lte ig un s viehMr. Le hun Wat ý;ie;t AI TIc,' ge obtg aong a W te ln Enernies reSgtA f-doIte eegap ofth. N 1er wo Vluale H nes came to the cro.aing of the N Die At %b.Fort. iwrigBaaLeia- ISPECT ARSENICAL POIS. ÂeoOrdIig tn Lciian. the -nat glyeafi,'varnlns of lisa> tIVO See Ploime. from, *ver fIe 1b11sud an dl dn'b ses WUit 1%~ belleved te b. part of a tibm linlil It vi toc late to avold an despreat plot ta poion borsea in-u- cedeat uet for army use vis diacloaed Bt Tkie motorman of the car declares ort Sheridani earlt Sanday mornlng. thai il.ecoalqg la an open oeu an rien Il beesue known that tva tha vitle be »wv the auto --ilutg, hletm, oraes lave diet sud ivo others are Ibouett course IL vould stop befora re :out In dia froni arseuical poisonl- it reacedthe .crosals. '-loi ng at the vetarinsî hoapits.i. Thi. motorman vas Tom Marks, The animais vere part of a cousin- the couduotor, John Davis. Marks du cent of tvent'-omie exceptioualiy fine nover bad su accident before and la g1 trses silpped ta the remervation for oamaterei orne of tiie Most dsretut me aie ai Colonel Henry J. ReItlY's met; aAtig cars. The motarmnan g0 ne'Huond nd tFort,' uinth Field ileclarea the buto asva.travelIng st m krtilry. iThey arrivait on Thurod&Y 11gb apad oa llas obc sent vlth Colonel 11ktn midets yafter the crash, the < 's commandt. train a'mv gât out and removet the tc BIorti,' aitar detralument tva ai victima tranc the uptarned automobite '9 te horsas bhoame uddeteul Iand and placed thien thuce eIe,ýuecar. det bufore they could be taben to 'ne, Iummediately reversedthie car tP thc vatiinary haspiis.l. ma"iflrtei bock ta Lake Bluff sud TWO EXPECTEO TO OIE. brojight Uic victimb toaisuegan y Tva others arc nov under the car, vîe ai Wa»lington pireet, the Con- f Dr. F. C. Maiesîf. Pol veterinarlan. rad sU Wettel >bhloue awvawat- b andil la 15belleved that they vîli dia. lag tnd took aIl I ourthîe MekUcter f The ather animais baye beau Placcd î.litaL -l under observatio. iuse a&ratIer atrange clrcum-b - When the tact. vere rePRrtef ta Colonel James A. Ryan. the Poot Com- asacea fIat asthceteectrlc car,j umatdant, ha immedistel,' ordered an 1ouan IiSW&sbngion street corner ant baund for thc boapW lal ItIs Invesigation. vIctIzms. if lait fle islon Uic curve. Dr. Mietcaif exrp0d the bellai The ambulance the ~re bad la bu bhat thie borne# had been ,!given ar- cav it ente sud ai Colonel Ryau's order laIs ld uaklngsuan aolysia oi thelr intesti- At iltheaoptiDra. Kigît sud nei cuenis. Kaloval,' umediately examînat Mîa. DETECTIVES ON CASE Lehmaji sud aler su examlnation Il Colonel Ryasu amionatdatectives vas faunt cite ad a fracturat frram Chicago and iley are nov vork- abulLli er condition vaa aeen ta b. lng an 1the uleor, that alleu encules the vorat aifa»Y &Md Il was coneOru et r'. c h car during Itu tr3ný-1 for ber that occupied Mr. Lalmîan l throngh the . $ock yard@ansd put frthnth ti le ha arrlved at the ho,- Poison lunfile f ced boxes. Piti. The hbrses are sait ta bu part ofai a Bate's Attorney James wetch i. :1 large sîlpuent of ariny lorses sent t>ai jriends oai Lelman and ha ta CM-90g front San Antonio for dis- va baatlly summoacil ta, thc lospi- trlbution la pools linbile central àde- al.ArrivodthLera 1Mr. Lehmuuurge-i Partment. MER tulago tlaisls ve sud se- 10w la4a" ir, tthc faderaI building l inbdi,'siIe vas hurt and t ta -y a lit' Cicago raveaied tInt Uic poisoaed bai lorseg vere hougît lu Texaisuad "Don't psy an,' attention to me," casIn theUicChicago >toubyards for M Ia.eluizubut louk alier 1er, "t Inspecti. TheY Wet fIera Io charge bnov sie la badly lurt and Perlape ai A an Anotnlo borsamtan. who sid in fatal!,' hart." tva men hc belleved ver. st6ckmen TcLla hi isxmnh valunteeredtotaheip hlm lbadthelicoui- OitlahPPefedtotahava beau lattat maîi. lame. Tharefore Mr. Lelhman fouiLt Traces ai vInt le bellavait ta bu cousder&ble cansolaaan iu thai fart a*MenIc vas found lu île îay on thc When hé vas askat vllch, car tbhe floor of Uic car. a1ccident baPPaled ne, Lehnian replied, _______________ "Oh It vas tthrdamPart," the Infer- w, w.'auwuaue ~ seo.belng ibat lad ie lsd the iehg fi0Y. & JW1» 1¶ car' It lulgît have beau diperent. Loti- - mi'sa sttitude dii net-ifldate ihat § M D 35 lbamed his drivar Ips fi.. .m- caus e ecIalma bbcdriver vas cal. ___________fuiasd bas ban la hi-. empto,' for . WOe"it>uc , ISept 6-liciaur more lrne. ;cotrst,'usens in altendance at tefe IaLélmans p.o veli 'cnavn in connt,' fai,' toda' ivs Pregidontial Chicago snd aiseonomt at Lake Villa. boom lsijched. Bein& the ffirat ofis MiM is.Luman vasformeri,' Prs. waI- k a..%tu. the1.f .î.,'tti., ...i fT. ter mfrk. Mr. niribêlas &brother ta Prank 0. Lovdcn lng the. mân booMad, the populace vent ersa,' itl anilusiami. Judge Dominal,,WvIo lu troducedOYv. Lovden uponbihl$ &Mv- I a&t Ie fa&,'grounda atarfedthîe ai- Mair b,' saylng:'-Relu the bout gaver- nor Unls iever lad aud When le ilIs. ls bterni ve vut lii for Tb@ Mua lubiet lay b -u a pop«- ular andth.Ievieu vt wdgsthInait les,' tha governor speél vet vU&t -"as lte laii"Lovtea fo, r - identl Ne.sagit u the oWa tataO Cloa ta beed off fMg Pll pascefollovere. m gr a w v ii' bbonored by Labo mmr liaihm a Lo gouth l iund- 1usd,' to de » -bi C. P. Wtt mu 1» betrta ii oeby tuus, r- former«ie? lg'mn'v,'O f lAb a in ! ""t" tbui. b .y aMn r- cat ,ud falle r cit uer copi, b.bb u ,lmi oé or - rwerCati oluffelI. allhomb Of7 ot«pa C 72years eorge e Jtai"etu ebore ho part 01! umts Who, ms ýtt hb5lr gurds ln Indiamapots, li.. ast IM iw; c lo a boutand s"e vbere ey wcou rat,'tago ifnd aU,' bltOfiservies y«a net denv their meJgijyaj tbsi lia governuent UMy'an i btef do. Mfr. Wcsteefeld vas i meule » of the cavatr,' la the cd"vi vssad R and bis ftiends bave luti causelo fiel vas alwayi ,'a tliegueo vle md d Mbigbly ii ..met lb.mthénkea., This act lm proveit b,' bis ~e Ing to b scma mberote eHme Uv*morLowden a d o! liii tWooddstkOaGua..s. auoranisBtlon la adlasaP. p"E. yau My nld*l arm l-u-edJustng th.elle vîlich la ford m frtVa perio ru~tt l illIne$99 a.d tqw M'ae.nof 1 rotecuth fe at,' agalinsuMy r,~aa.W ho ».Maî t. H ouls' baet=mIb, teuil bat y M , igrMe bis Sq~S etap- Slti bo! Woblaeflad. it la-reea in a mau 'L. . e OMnmef muluil ebitfw oi»etbimeagp Md* ue »Y Use uIe atit~u the Birb Bratberieof ie B-eing Comaisu. Hj> Lilseli neyer vas lu the brevlug bhuais, lowver. beiug lu the cindy bulam n s uC1110ag0- The I*Insn ast&te S st A&OVilla édu bbc concret. roaidta ceiisdeWd one ofathe fllestit u ilspat of the country'. Mr. lAinuan sd bs it . aiy,'i s aliet to spaudtola eel met tLaks Villa &" at lbuvasatier cpamtmgSa-Mt'hiat tIe,' ptarted bgokla oChicago ta tale bock vIfI theni 'lfr. Stridîron. their STREET £aRIC TIRS INp cmrIaL CTATI3 The Condition et Vu-Es.Ujma Lsi- Min su thfe*aee e « mPart,, vicUIn luei,.aoadfif liuiD&Wu'c rem 1 0» unclsugsit. Bath iPelif l'aler 4tlscraqlig uliwl.1 Purd,' vasmsf111 nc500iItotal!,1 not having regaineit bis eoumsfr. tha iUe 0f the pewept. Mes. LaI- -sanlad co easpala lurins, feia nigut sud taa,. Mr. Léian sd1 Mn. Stridircnanara gtl u odal rIght Purdas ecoadttlaidét,'seemet omaI vrie tien M". *oac Hlover. îoepltaireport@ tata fada,' mal thIat lotI veto lusa Ctl t"@St sf1. Ai four vii e at the beepisil moc ime. statemSst fror a *USaS living at tba al*OtI- ut mt»- ChA urch Servtie 'J M1. Lawrence Eplacopsi. Roy. B. S. Whlte, Prlaot-in.charge. Samvicm vIli bb haIt îe VillgeHait antit frfhar ot.. Roi,' Communion excepf firet Sunda,' tu month 7-.80 s. nm. RioI,'CommunIon, avery,' unda,' 11:0 &. n.. Cbrch Sebool 0.-456&a.. Presbytarian. Sonda, servcai mfalioo: SuRdaymOclool 106. nM. moralmg vorhît> ait11 a. nM. 1ev. "o A. litchel of Wsukegan, vin lah1iver Ibm sermon.1Ev. Mitebli ba lie gaged lu reilons o an a b. Navai Station mmd uaiFf P. Sheridan. lsm viiIbimaprmah u infIaevanlg ai M:3. Obraflan Enitevar meetin si 6:.45. Me Cuarrm Clard wyul tng at tle moralsg aarvlci. d A. Maieur.. llai. Mothodisi-*MIcooei PreaclIns service vi[ hbo el it Bter botl mon*hg amdovamtagat *1 mna Um: Sand,' mbool sessonsai 1 o dock. - ioraiu misrvice ai Il o'ciaca agd Ibm evening serviesai 7:80 %v. T. I. a. the pecior vIE Punchl atbail services.In the eVanlup-s 7:30 ibtr vin b@ or bt sanMsevi. b,' tié clair Mdt cagregafiaD, anamthim b, the eboi adt oas all e"pallinunber. The pubmllaoorttlavitet. i.4mAgam lmd,' Cbaees" viiI b m subleef of lie E t 'I LaOnim -0089 WlitIia iniMM liedIMmeeting. Tfb* aptqubar mpmtfg 01 beWoma'n 1Bouc io@oemiomee alet, vill, ube bet mex Thurida,' altirnooli sept. 20, aI the boum q lite PsuJ iMmeuffiu. limm .i ma m Win vl i Ibmelt'n Mmma Bou,aTnipp atlire. Poe Mm UAIasbis cs.rrld a latter to lm, ca éta . eIf vauthe Pa- ' et- W*, t proercbcliletter. The lettér flJSIVgo aro,'minl.doea't lgulfry aliythin; neq svartbea"ucthe liadison strce' wouan cilt belp but tact "Why pick ~ m on mor' The. lette,' follova: pi m OrR OR 1 ord. 1i mpor. tige to ileu c r Waukcgan. sept. 7. Cr adma ra= - e>them ate Mâr. Edward KinualeY of Madeon rebt vltb thee. AMEN. met. Se Dot Superstitions, ahe te ual Tis lirayer vas ment tb me &aid ýkia that look on the gloomy aide bas beau sent aroand the. vorld. Capy lita, buàt, abe's vorrIad. .Ltis .and sne vbat bappens. il vie li> wooeued bacaUse somebody sait lui aDulant Urnes aIl vho vrote It ms to bavae pickad ber out as a vie. vould be free from harm and thosp m of a Xwyr-cbai4etter. and the who passed it ut> wolilàmecl vilh ay lattera 'are ouilag l ter, bac aogreat mlctfortune. Send Ift t>seven psat ber tbatsb l e nIt nie" >peso.. percona nly one eaeh dey. Oni the Mr Dial. It mAy b. a job. butil ,eventhd&y von vill' raceiee gent n't regardait W by ber.' oy. *art Iaday you reccive this. rhrft haieo durles the puat vOek Pleame do not breait tha challi -? Wt LaukovàczGels Himself gt Rfoid, Then Takes Frlends thé Out To Dtcb Thom. a WOUL.DN'T LISTEN. is Lingren Trlod Fo Argue With Hlm On Speed EU t I Was aunte UseleSe. Weukegsn,, Sept. 10. Paul Lackovlci, vha rune a lîttia tre at 1009 Marlon street brouglt or blmsetf a rord touring car tact e*. Sunda,' la declded ta taesa ride Md explalnng tu his prospective Musta thai ha underptood all about w-ing the fliver. he lnduced GuasLin. 0*n. Mike...Radi tva Young vo- eon la go for a ride. ~i vent fatrly watt for a-flue. Thay ftve uouth to North Chicago, tIen io Pive Pointeand lilen forth toward, laubegan via Green Bay raSd. TIcy lad gona along, ail rlglt outl Paut kept increasini bbe.pieed. *Omit It davn--dou't go no tast a you're not uied ta It," llrgad Lingran '*Ob, Im ail right." saidt! i u ae eudeavared la mile Darne,'(Mil, aIld look 111e a piker. He shoved oun thgia Ilthbe more, took B firm grlj> on the vîmet Iookd ttralt ailead and-tlere yoa are. And tIare tue,' vers. SIt ln the diteti, caLr turued turtle, ani throvn out, &U ln a hat. The car Just reseuted thtICextra pead'b, tile green driver sud th» front vîceek de- cided to go &sems Uic road. That'. ail. Guo and Mika vera the voret hart. Gus vas ln the front eat vîth Paul and sitar the accident viien the hapr turued turti.le v as vonderlng loy if bappenai that ha, not drlving. got &Il the bruines vii le te tuaidmnioc vain't hurt atili. Hie noce vas btit sud ha tbIis neebtie; Mike had hlm haad hurt. Tii. others vere meret,' se- veral,' jarred, mot hart. Muké and the girls. vaiked houe, Gus caugît a ride and the,' ail lait Paul telepiioning froin a nearhy farrn- bouse. tuditicrent as ta boy ha gai the car ýime That they dldn't get billet iaarnad nating short of a miracle. Gus, moralizing, sut: *'1t daesn't psy ta ride vîth a man for the finit Urne he's drîvIng a car; ha voutdn't eut dovu the epeed and lad 1 bot kept pultlng off ble, gai. ve vould have Upoat before. Neyer ride wlth a beglnner-unts h. let',% yan drive, and, PaVi voutdn't. ict me etthîe wheei sîthougli i knaw iow to handle If. ÀAsasbed car, a lot of bruised kada listhe result.-I COMETO THE CORNER STORE and you wiIl find anything you desire 'in the Une of (100[), EATS ... Our gode are a flreeh and webhave freeh goads arriving daii., We keep notig "out standard brande and you know what they are before buying them. Reduce t he price of living by trading at F.;C O. ORM&N'S ---u------ cou a ----------- Thi rd of Life a Vou $leep Theref are it paya ta treat youraelf wben flot awake- If you are tontempiating buying a new bed or are-about ta atart out houaekeeping be cure toame our bedraom atock. p M <'s 1 de bf . 1 4 1 1 Brass beds Iron Beds, Beds of. Cholce Woods Aillaf the brât quality for the price ASK US ABOUT OTtIER IPURNITURE Pblit 27 OUR AR-MY Qft Telephone'Workers âmems i* th teimm m teý mois to mec lem ntii. Natina It lea SPlcku Asmi. Tram ibm h*int la«nuisite b WMeinla MW M& m ymla med vu théi puxpoui 1sufthabo=àViedbmicIv lbomho m ap"h thébw in mibepuble. le le a TeniWArmy'. Saab teâupim e feitaitsoricber fiel la Our bhpbom e alul.6vIm ie vufomndalic is lad fer futuer. sclmt ma'sdvI bam tm tr e mfacn It lasa SitaiArmy. 'fIe Mg ie rdci ofhniaahitd . l i h a id ai D he, l lis imstf iitel- Md t ta*Mmsuand la the 5,iimatc haalMgof Cabi le j@ & f lb. moevle laove? in u poim - l An i.ith bea ci he BaAUy. If smmrfa* folarupo in MY saier n,'elug Jfa t pi m effective vak. 2g.r.e o uils he be-pou" ew l- --@ à c. i la