Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 13 Sep 1917, p. 7

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THUR8DÂ'~'. SEPI'EMBER 18, 1,917. Pawa~i.waIs h gged by P.J. OBUCE PhoneIli 4 or i os Taken for Job Work I »dverttsIng rates on application. Mmra Carter of Janenvilie, la @pendllâ severs>I deys la Grayslake.q * Porter Dueli took a Chcago party to the Grat Lake@ Naval Tratling .,hool *"ad Fort Sheridan M onde. N1111. Mati Scholzen le apending a tew deys lni Chicago. Wm, iladatoneof LakeCount.y Tribune, entertained hi ife suad Mr. and lire. Potier of Chcago, over the week-end. John gikes lof t Thnrsdal for Western Mlltary Acadely il ton. John Morse reearn.ed bis dutilseai theJ bak Tmaday mornlng aite Wm..Bils le transactionghule lu n Mllwaukee iis week. Ivvtag Book taok a party ta Wauks- ga andai evlng. Miss Liten Adamslae pendlng a lew dal la. Wankegan. miss Bai e veland of PriS. it, aru#sd Wednesday norin. Oh. willIr «surs the Chicago Colage of Physicai fiueaUion ibis fail. Dr. and lira. Poil of Wlnneike spetE thîe week-end wth frtende. l?.D. tterbatl and damitters werei Vhiéeegpessengers Tuesday. Mms D. 0. White spet Tussdaîln I Chieso.à 4ieveu Urtmnsnd Barry Anolin motor- ad to GJenva and varions ailier Points et latemesi lu imeonain Frtdaî, retrn-& tog BSonday. Nr. and N s. Scbreck Pniqrtatned Mr. aid Mrs. renier af Par Ridge. aver the week-end. P. K. MdeCrack. wba baue beeu viIti-ý to m spant.tln owa. reiursd Mon. dày. *Hts brother Daen returret wihi him.a UÀtile Robrt Tholnas bas been un the elktsOL SOMOOL. NOTES Ohool opmedl%»sdai, Sept. 4, wtb ai enroimnut aif 28. The ichool hboseebas bean Put miat eider for the DOW ..hool year. Point and vainieb care f reely 130e11A nec frmaco leI ustalld wbicb le greetlyb apr-ciated by thé cbildran, choauseiored wtththe raid lai ear. Ail thas. enrolled the tire? vel wsre perfet lnasaiendance wtthomezcepion. XM ayPrtogy cas absent one day Leraî Ribok end Margart McCornack Malsn interestng char cass. is, fl.ebock vleted .Chnboi the Brai day. We hope ather mathers wiii folacw puring vacation the ichool board purchased a ec ses ai -Homne and Sebooleference Baok*." Herder ta Fin& . «Draine are a commun conMModi7. 'Tet so?" . "Te&. Wbt ras always Isekng for sa a Maen Who knows bow te use bhsbrains.'-Detri'OiiFre DldatKiww MécKItey. One cheu William Mclney wue goernor of Ohio, ho and Corbet lied a long chat ln a parlor of the. princWke hotelln Clubue. Ai 'tbey culked down the steps toto thie offce a drum-a nier standing near said. '?hereegSM Corbetit"-Intantly (bers wsy à tneur, anid anftber drummer standing nser ake!."Who letheli tile mlincii imT'-From "The Fightln m iu" hi Willam AL Bmad. Cider Makini Wtii @tart malng ctdsr Sturday, Sept. à and wcliimal. svery Saturday thons- N.MleuUitrther notice. J. C. Bte,4 Ir lalit. 36e2 Mlea for school books. 'M bhUPPLIl We are dquarters supplies and Text' Ve have a fulli une Pa ,&ta niof the ti snuj(uÂoe are oi 'ue bwt quality on the market for the price. Give us your order for. #Teit Bookào if you wanli prompt and efficient service TiER13XLL STORE DRUS"fflmO CO. Mises. Rmîb Ldgerwood adBs Ochtleber speni Modai cttb friands at 1cm nPlaffl bus talon aposititon wth Franklin MCVsagb & Ca. Mr. «and M"r. Wm. Ocirman a"dl daua4t.r vted E. B. Wlll"se the tirt ef the ced. Mr. and Mrsa Fred Horsuberor cor. entertalms Smdal ai lhe home 0o! Au. Scbepp ai Gleana.. Mrs. A. Mrner and san arae psndtng t1w1 week W ith relatives lu Chicago. àli. L. Vaut afiubcga, and Mu.. PieoraiArlingoia %tbte, spent severel duos ai the home of a. I. Vant. Irving Siryker of Menenus Faits, Wln.., baaouved into )Mis. J.Antese home. lie. Bol.. bas movediae Brwyn, 111. W. &. Punuam ai Wamcnnda, Wm. Muller ed family, Mise Eloanor and Jansi PuDmoaiAlingian Hietghts, Mr. and Mr. T. B. Puin- ofa River Forest, and J. W. Neson oi Dnndse, spont Sun- Delbert oeirturned Frlda havlmg speustwio ceeks camping in Wsconsin. Mr. and ra. . L. Vtnyard ae the prend parants aiea baby daugbier haum Siept.. Srd. Mdr. B. Krasa and daugbter Margaea reiurned Frida havi mg @peutaseveral days vileting fiaonds lnMilaukee.. lira. A. Sherma avtttinglier brother, Oaa. Book tn South Milwaukee, Wm..Barues and famlty of Chicao, cors gmesia0aiAug. Wlatar's Bondal. Mira»d IMsChrist Koblin. Henry Oegort cnd Mr. Wlintra atte.dod ihe Mseian Feasi ai ths Lutheran chuirchet Slbermerville test Sundai.. Umise aboil Barenberger *pen3t the week-end ai theho hme of Ose. Sehanieder oi Wlnstka. Mir. and MU. 14 Stryker and son @pent the week-end ei Dr. Knael. Mis. gllaabotibochait BuSunday for DsKeIb, chereab@ ewll attend the Narmal the earnlng yeae. The liid Evangelical Snday achool heid ihair ennua ie tnic on Arna Franiz lawn SaturJay atormoon. Mir@. FI Koeberand son, L J. Wimot Shd taumty aud Arthsur t'(limoand tarnuli&il o! Wibukegau, were the guenla uf A. Framiz, Saturday. Rlpb Pearoan ai the 7th N. 0. @pet 8uadayi tebomorneaibis father, Frak Paterson. Edcard Thernien o! Highland Park, was the week-end guest ai Vingt! Seltg. ClareeBuhn o! ft. ISheriden, cas homo@ over the week-end. The young peopla gave Miès a lth ftilereot a tae. eh part Frlday evealng, ah@ wtt! heave for it. Carroll Tuesday wbera @ho atieue schooL The Rod Ceewheld tbein ceekly meet- ing et the home oi M rg E B Jordan. Mr@. A. W. Safford returned home iran Wheton Thur.dayr. *lssIMargaret Gilbert ie attendilng Normal uchool n et. l)ob. UmssLenora Dawson and ari Prelst hevtng @peut a c*t citb relatives lI tht. vtlntiy ratmrned home Friday. Mr. ced lins. Eanie A. Whte spent a fsw dayis cihb the ltter'. parants, M. and lire. D. M. White. Tbey wcli make tbslr boum lu ChampMa ll 1. J. S. Durnan tu mel et pftuieu wrtilmg cilla janadice. Thée swtt! hoae Bd Crasse motilg ai the home of Mr. W. B. tear, Wed. eday allermoGn roin 2 te 4. Mr. and lira. . J. LeVai and son Jamesanad Mr. ced Mr@. V. K. Denme atiandad the Woodsiack fir Tbaradey. ThéeNtsenuMagglaWateon, Vivien Banner and Ni/cead ra. W. . Stewart wore Llbertyville vieltais Tuesai tu tbe Inberoii fLd Cross wank. Neawport tawnship le grellng tibis and oi thé town. Belon Marte Bughele sarne botter at prasent wrtting. Nr. and lira. Careras Bonnor and danîbter Jean, ofPark Ridge, 1DL, in qmadtng tht. week wltJs reatives. Ums.Amuit. Dage retuinsi toa br homo GO»*UCTED BY LÉSS IILP NOW Du ltno Jam IM'oVement Assn, ( 8lnterestýng Fact Rgarding HeIp 2350 FAIWAS IN COIJNTY. Farmers Are Ail Putting In Lon~ger Hours Now Than They Form.ry Did. The Couaty Farnu Improve- ment Association mnde out the fol- locing bulletin wbtch show the statue of frs helP, farm lands. 'etc., in'Lako couty: At pressaitt le a question ciii nome ai the lies dairymen of i~Ake caunty se tb whaitla the hest proced- ure ln order to make their datni ta. vraiment retura rofic. Conditions are radically dfferent tram previous years bécanseso! the scarctty of belp, tihe higis maret prices of fosi. and the uncertalmty regardtng the prices ta b. patd for mil. Durith 1e entre season tisere bas been a ahortage of comptent Imbor In Lak couniy. Nearnes to Chicago and other Industriel csnteuw bas a tendeaci ta lteep cages for faima Selp at a I13gb rate. Our locatton alzo ag- gravates thse labor abortage. The fol- lowing points are af tterest as the InormatIon wes secured tram average ferme. Number af ferm iingtvmgInformation 142. Number acres at cultlvaied land, varytng from 35 to 295. Average acreage cultitvted land 105.1 Number mea mac sed on faim (av- rage) 2. SNumbor men aarmaliy nerd on rame ferme 2.8. Average number af cac miliked per man 10. Average wage pmtd hîred bnp (by year) $36.70 tîncludes board). There are 2350 farme ln Lake coun- ty reparted by the Taet cenus. A num- ber af tusse areý undonbiedly smali gardon tracte, nommer home plots, etc. Thse assepsans reported agrtcu- tarai Information tram 1700 trse let year. Wlth only about 70 per cent normal suppli of help, this means that between 400 and 500 fermer* are put. tlng ta longer houris, have reducei the sise af their dalry herds. are farming less crop acre, or a-e nt dotng thse cark as efficiently agausual. Every aur ai these conditions have bren ont- ed ibis season, but langer bours for the farmner ba.e been Ilie only generai poltcy dopted, At present feed prices are 11gb euh Prospect ai greater adisances. If feede muet be baught, It ta gond polcy ta pool airr arders with, aIlierq of 1the ase aetghborhood and buy in car- lais. Canstdering present market prices there te a differeace af iras 4 per cent ta 10 per cent ia the ton andI car rate. Praettcally every farmner in Lake caunty le "playlng a watlng gaine" as fmr as the ferd question lé con- cernnd as ilsere has been but littîle cimier buylng as yet. The action oi FoodI Admînisirator Herbert Hoover WITT, no daubt, etabilize tbe market rdtuatit n. NOMINATE NEW, JUJfM SEPT, 15; W ELSII BAS CINCII A suceesor on.the circuit bencis ta thse laie Judze A. H. Froat wcli ho n-méA 1w Ch. a'reu)n ofr. h e se i Wivalworth County3 conxbmnation of speeýd events 2:16 pace--take-with twenty-three entuies - - $1000 Two-O-Eight pece - $590 2:20 trot - $500 * 1 Fatr Greatest.Couuty I Largeet Âmphitheatre IPair i the World in the World on hall mile Track, I 1OOOtIea~of exhibtion Stock 31 Exhiblton Buldingsi 10 Ilio idms Vde&ville Actsi SpecielTiains 50 Acres bfLIm!hibits a XaA KIMALL, Pres. Lake Geneva, Wise SAMUE!L MITCHELL, Sec"p DEI'VE'IAM 1a Deernieli, thence cauli Over Tele- T S O !( A ILIIIIUVION CW graph rmmd ta Cook cauatylins. ~Iru It in also prapoard to petiton t11e BD. FOR &lM on *i conutboard ta provlde la tis pro- IS NQSL g osed bond Issue for thse Impravesout ROD ~~NofBlelvtsere sireet ceit train Wauke- MrP 1C -Endorm ent of County TêI e case the *60,000.009 bond issue passès Tried Four Timu Before IAe Sought By Commttee Leav- (the Inaney for ibis road ta ho uaed Finally Suooeeded In, En-, ing Here Frida>. ou theruadi chrunie traminVieel. teilngThe Sevic. tng tu Vola and ton thse completion PMUST BRAISE $200000. ai Grand avenue. There leaone Waukegaas îoung man- In tinsaddition toth le propased wcm ta no lacler cli blo bauprav- Improvemnent of Sheridan Road raad tram Lake lForest la Barringoned ta a mont conclusv manner. And Belvidere Street Are clii give tise enitre comniy Improved Young Schmn.Whoda t 26 years Being Sought Now. uisroughfares ln mli drections. oh, lias heen employed for nme tUse Secreinry WWllile of the Cbanaheromeausbiiptuig clerX et the Aicliler Ai an Impartant meeting af reprê- Commerce said,(bat the estimmted Hrper ncorsit y. is atemv sentativea fraxp Laite ant! Cook caun- coot of these rmade cauld cli for a but cwas iurned doca becauge ai a lies held Wedneeday miiernoon ai the lýond troue ai iras $400,000 to 1400,- slight phyictal isioci. Chasher ai Commerce, Siate Buporin- 000 approxlmaied. Undeterred, 1e endeavored tai enlist tendent oi Highwayp S. B. Brat s- A cosmittee le gotng ouitata he the aamycdndan oau. ybt n plalaed tise terme and requnjrente cauniy ffliay ta secure resaluttons When the draft liai cas puhlisbed unden chich lisse twc cnities mighitfraonal ai the commercial and ctvtc Schuman cee delightod hecause btsý secure tise benefil aif(lie $400.000 ap- organisations. Resolutlons embodytng nase cas amang tise tirai fou hua- propratci hi the national ani 51mb' the above clii isa os reccred tram dred. Héougt hanitisuret>' ho could gavermentefu a nortb mmd south thse North Shore communîttes for pro. road tram Chcago ta the claie line, eniatlon mii he Sepiember meeting It cas liramîht out niaitihe corn- munities ssnved hi 1the propoeed lm- pravement road cauld have te ple the hat of tishe elk. Sb@attendedthé -U YbL.nwuacas o 'Lu ' I 1an mdtional 50 per cent or $200P0001 eteenth Jinilcicrcuit et a canyon- rnigtettlt 60fl nuirai oi John Banner. tian ta he held et cfo on isSaturn h engla hetotal t ga te600.009. lira. lNeDocoil a! Nbraska, la vltig day. Sept. 15. The conventio clfl lis Termil oietu uth ber dangter, lir. B. fi. Cannon. maie up af members 6f tlisecat>'m aapotrn i atT a The tuners] oi John Banner cas bheu cenrsl coomtttofaitise feur conn. cent ai lis distance. Tise iMnsi cen at thé bons. Wedseedei elternoon ea i îenconsttutiag the juaictal circuit, 12,60poplatirag oadorheIDaes 1:80. àir. B casr mhld lui btgh namel>': Boone, Lake, lMcHenn mundavent2,500 potpleto ani tue gaer sags. hihie neighbhrsandmii ends Wînaeîago. Tise spécial élection ai Ml flsaporain aisicis casattesetaibithse largs luerachîch a candidate clll ho eloctod hbasnull otIte mpopad u . D es nwmi aylacera. BEL. A. W. BSard been set for TuesdayC. 0. o.alla eno te mae hi#bW. D Bins ifilia li she bousemand thé limons Attoney R. K. Webbh ai Rockfo5'îproeieat Assiteatnemm.iQcinIl- ladchatathegrave. ThepatbOre te tue anîy asprat for tise bencb iaaetÂscataMmS un lais. Cool counu euperintenioOt, Bib- wone lnanmd oli friands. vacanci creaed hi (ho deetis of Juige lbard ai Chicago, Paul Wtilis, 011e. Front and ithienomination cl lie.un- usel and others. Valeahle Adaltanat. opai in the convention la ha e tci eiedteeîtolis ou A ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~t lt iwactlkesue'caeeeiathscletne. 1'bossd of empenvleou's la cal! for e or e wai co l ib>' ligiset hitut UwLers ai the four countteu are boni Issesprovldiug suffitcent fonds Aller àt e ime aise jIilni&lits . I » unuanîmaus La their approval of lIse t aecn iLiecut rpr hy mkedaita blp. "WeflMn.v, cat JudIill camIs4icy aiflMr. Welah chosq liontai tue iof veae ntY's e Nor confît you belp me dor' ho Joeular>lisn'ln fteIprvm o ot quir& _ ra. I ohhlp>ocaI"ae nsonatrecord et RocirdinIaone and South rami oven Sheria bai 1rentrci. tisai lierathse slamp ofeappraval, tram te tie Mbln5 ta Wau'<egmu, ex- _____________ hule tise mesure or soccees ettsnd-1 cluding Zion Cty; iras lthe senthis u- Ing is efforts Ia natiint short of re- Veny Head«&manIable. ais ho le necagnlzei m e ai'arsCbcgavnSeta Oneafaternoon tle rs' t (e itl eerrsluRto11- 10 ta Laite Bluff: cegt frias1"e sont li t thtsepoilotic, Oak eutf teals ayr i oten11-Bluff ta Telegrapb yoei: soolis on tC boy, Dotwvatimg te do ulie utraiti, iOIS. Ielegrapis roamieast above Bvrtt, lbIt«eai*loag ilie cay. HMauisse!5 Wow*eth lnteIeh. ia Sml esubetrpio l lmnsvaiing tise grade croselag tla rn ubo cattlýn u t les *" ot @O emai wpin aa eosparollellng Telegrapis rami and ra- ^Mtg irecty to towa. jfl IMUbeoui rsii for ail forme af Besema asid;ng lfto ?legrmth rosidlest bath or ta bumt' ieRferiuI.fleskadiseceosSeaul àgoalaec hSaMm lte a ni d 'iUal t n*iy. a 5e lartrialbotte in 'ishe Uhert>'vle Iieeen um o- OkM04 Freît as W isauu5F' lIidmgp00MeAiv tains the LiTEScoanty »ec. ai the board ai supervisons. li la nie' plans to cal! for the bond Isue la be ,o(ed an et a epecial elen- lion cula nntaety days, t! possible. The iolloclng nelu(lan. simlar la ailiers pmpeedb>' tIe couattes tbraugh- out the state cas msoadopiod: Wiserees thene isas heen afltaei la thse Chicago tothe sWI.cauislinsn road a road exleadiag thramgls the couny ai Lake, lhe sus of 1400,000 frrnm the comhined federal and aat. tond.aid Wiheres In orier that lbhesali CMs- Sfgo la Wiscoanslinorerad may aveul Itaelfof ali allatint t lecesurly (bat (ts cauntyraieluendliappropriais a fond sufIieni loaaet Inluthe li-. pravement o ai catiisghcmy and Whereas If lie road seleeiei for lm- pravement catsiies wiuh siate boni Issue >ysiem lise ameunaiProviei hi sai outy mai ho e hmbc la sai coualY la tise eveni sastibond issue te tmpraved hy thse votera of the claie. Therefare lie It resolved Tisai hls meeting go an record as pledgiag ourselves (o u>e aur influ- once euth tIse county bsoard o! suer- vîsors and aur beel efforts la ecure th1e pravisions af sncb fonda .ai may bc required tram tise outi(of Lakte lis o ti-r19 P U Éi saBM7be cou- ulruci t'the joit apeosea'tw iodera! goverulmont, tise oitamian eauuty. service.' He teck tIse physîcal ocam- Inatton and dld not dlais exemption. Hie die.pplnmen as cee eea vissa he renolysi notice tiie hold een exempted. Still he cas aai campleteli discaur- aged. He cent ta Chicago ane 011sd aid uccocisi la paslng thse oexa- ination thora, bsing aàeigd usith 1e llib Illinots National Guani. Hie 'cu arisrei ta repart for pervicp Imme- iteli mui>cent ta Chicago. Tise 111 rog(inet le stettansi et Sprngield but cacalsi ta Chiola oquoi! ai posaIbte riot (bat nlgit take place lu case tue pacifistlutesiupan meeting ani Mayor Tiampean ai Clii-1 caga dld not forbid (hem frons dolng su as ardoe4 lii Governar Lavien. Schuannaucampanloi tbe guardamen hack to Springfield. Zriande ai tumaisare sitremli prend ai (ho local iomng manmanmaoi sert (bat ho dpplayei tise proper mpm- ht. They se>' (bat flsi attitude cas quito ln contrant to tIsaI of came ciso cens called. alntmfe Paci afi tatenet. Sdlstingnibed Brtish udlot hea decided (bal (bore le aune fa,.et radiatIon iras chaik ani 'ranite cUàa, Poesilî etectical, chiclietis enl. matie differences la places ner ». gethhr. -dlummmgul usse sps'ega .45q 30M ~ ~ Ue joouffl wq pa Pm ffUq 0qU fl a UasaSMi m a *410i 141, M ;saiseuvBIu 3ueqâSU P ou W44M~ ~si.P 00P U &EUUT Ww New State Law On M Year Old Poys'Very Stri4', A loi of aixtetu "" ar ad boys girls la Waulegan cent ta carl ebova hy the va USlare iomnê. permsi hch la helng md et office ai the superlatendeat (, acisoole. -qg, KcIX t.oduy tited tht.*o0 dtata boardt iad senthihm anoU bleu» tIn be usei hi etudpeto, it tare ho bai bai noting but thoeiý' anse ani he bas used (bans. Be sont ai lise etate -faoWniy t1*00 aaling for lnstmnctto»u. Thse new lac. SIl ia asti, chl &01- lng chai muet h. dois doteea't AY cho ebei gland b geiecait ed clth carrytug onttheils ev' ir. Kaoell eamis thre la no lunusul deW nmad for thse permle lu ft te but abôut normal. Nobody ceeust. nuderei'and bise nec lac ver>' cleafli, and hecaune oaItliestrict ieae âcelool afIinstruction tar factery duc- exlntendente aud otberi emptaisi baysan em ils miglat not h. out ai plues. AUTO AIDETSM Abert Prsbm vas plalet o ng M eciaus Tisuraday aftemuona en traPa, atlne-Bamagn arS&, #= "5 accident ta bis Lia. se4bhl collapeing aiof ee t tieWua Prehin ce. funi pineai bebmati car. l2(e hack wubua lajris*~ Accient No. 21 occurrel 4m northh a baMesudia. vise n% Ç Ceieisau et UM IL* Wrt» ýÉcm Cht::i 4 Il%-, I~ tag tu cr uselitare OseL-I tkf alu144%Aue ber laf gj tise. »»eeW *"Ru nit aOiR Ob* vastaban. te I oa A car drIsse by aCt ecisucam" ni oraflefn uj roai mecu e oue v «< tse la and *eM Hauser, hoe eccpe athe machine cea fMo bis clesi. C. NeOhiuse, M &M a arunr Cmrniivai of Up-to- 1Date shows SI15000 in, Purses, end Special Attrectioos $6,100 in Racine 1 vorPv9m 1 $75.000 ives8ed Yearlg attendeice - 80,000 ELHORN WIS. S EPTEMBER 18-19-20.2 :1. 1917 THE GREAT SPEED. EVENT 0F WISCONSIN FAIRS Pour Days Racing, Conunenciug on Tuesday, Sept. 189 with the. 2-30 trot and 2-30 pace Wednesday Sept, 19 'Me two-eighteen trot (atake) with twenty entries PURSE $1000 2:13 pace - $500. 2:20 pace - -$500. Thuraday Sept. 20 EVERYBODY'S DAY 2:25 pace - $500 2.13 trot -, $500 2:25 trot - $500 friday sept 21 THE GRAND F'INL The Last but not, the Làeast. - A greati !1Wk~I ~ 9 elK r9 SFPrEMBER 13, L917.

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