pbllutou imumd ehva1 i e.ff îh dagI1he Nonahia 'w ' lotee tUoabg uoa0wmg my bu« ~th DOW Mma. w~bath, clectfic Ne, Nê em cd Ltiw tE ào PMU gJN" aad ru a.ou&) Wbm Wp fflÇ*ut Io -;'Mt- 14 en- IlJ. J WSi* à& £lo dtUu4*V .q W mai ouais ou oe bowoo tk ute, teUUlm e fSilà oSlattg e -amf pflS Ju tb1h m»=« bhuer au w I v t e s -g q B, B e W v. 0v 0v 0v 'e 1'~ E 5k s. n. '4. vo s. I.. ils iv Ste ni 'I. v. Sa, Wsspw là dashme- 2011S r9 aurvoliw teselvse1 tbe. gIe in falid iea ti la tudIth wmel* wekoiL cdtot aftu'abe dw kossy EbonI*m t 0 BrcSm la? I Cols, T. NUlm 'es Ai« Gall5<»e lm fIs bt, t uq4-1 la a vuebt ft K. dopes ab"ved h.emc thrse day prior f i ployai oi the salirrd&w lne goMIn, lavetlgsted hows ouad. LAter s more t Ugation Wviamidiie I dscovery that tv I Son&. The fading',' bottie fiat bd ost f from ilchithe laO moved. caused tic béAitf icId ovallowed tie bol oldal Intentions. Tii. uttered vire attribf eaaed 1w the posiot id tiat iClner, »0«~ tiea of tie poison *vga matters by leaplas lafe body iva.reegveredtka Tfl4ki afteraoon. If lm tilt.fiat If the bottle vire fou#t fist, It *ould be 4 52,. eroot tiat lie dl.. The tact fa eenut -of douit s. fWia bot; tound In hle itésa tieoi'y la concerned. -An Oifuri l "àonw ire Was a 4Slip à Jius erfoioyu. 1, t122 meà tl r Rock*f o ioe et la, the bo"e r st »Mi 'e but vom'me mwuiters It4 l* SaIT au the >é» iL the train. M1og:. hor dinnerwu, on that tiia Ow lved at Rocifed. affl11ns at Rock- fhey were termeS put into drili 15- wt taie»Y une. &~ ta est "Ad It ir rne bemte . id natumry omo hty iuùmgry. la l Ne Wankema ' 6 the"d vifli ts 14 bave been glvmu iRte comm»ui. kiiV t UpIVte bner ot dàmi - z to Rockford boyms aid- me sud pilove. e.- ,puomfortabe for do git,0t và ecg- t'ef1ws- S~estt at on *te mi hôadlstheabotxwé rstcytc febturp t4 ~ I ib.r vsc r4 tn W "8515< t vwr.l imé, hie iSue ~CO0ut~ ayj tin "hê a- s b ft1mb wu s so.dvR Puy, moiew»» emwptti cthe lm u tc rSn viic lgbod 4e la thet.ée. If; it Ne »t Ietpdfr t' ie m, 'y dy mot orguea »- olgi ls1body 1,it lu f. feu 'Me 4WÇ et kia frisaI.. roe If a lb14 o em for fi ho Usuos I. voe u à testtelwcf Juif Aaboewu il piles a&" r4 àâlst'l au wU%àvb mm Rot e1a fli* Aec t u it i It staes4oet Joli'PMndoa grouai. ne iisu W," M 's* Bueomr-$n Ibm» lust tl.#lel foreltes persa a eftei ci.,b mfle.,m fia my mt1t*~y o f 1* veeT.sUésvr lsi os * fila osa i. - de. tol A bR4ut it he#A bob51d îeo h4 sut- im esau tomiy stockc of Meganad'u*W PéSWtlo umrve yon bottr th" &vért beore- This stock l Halgjust arrive Ol saI.aud, ard beauad lmo *i~va ~ o4 are beloneyii aIp IOI belote og Dt bq% »Ô why ai.kI you ;.ii~ ~ 0.11 at oui dore todq sud Iiiok otit WtOE~ êVtt 'À <a. ence a man on his say té one-town sft11theB bute#givg > 2iSgi mWy *hey h No Dm ae o bep the oist U tbo sdyoeliàg p e4 builnem o bpe the, .xpos xila ea~1 pmto *~-ut oI~ oT piqW, wiiU.-de -J n4 hol rior e re o w rov ou mus% *oee*W w Ie igh¶ad