iâldted by F. J. DRUCE Phone Il ~.~ Orders Taken for Job Work.n. Sidvertiuing rates on application. Mmre Perry a a guet of r.'intiyee and fiipada etai ltertyrilllcTueade,ý Mises fOtTontem,, %ho la one i tti offratore ai the tMlpboue offic ewar. "Tye Satoîday to @pend ber vacation wiih ber mitir as Canton, Oho. M. V. Clevland of Waukegan. spentj bond"y wth frande lin(irayaa".. Oso. 'Crackett apent the week-end la Obega. Mir. Craf te n tbe Amerk'.n type fatfiidry, Chicago, îranurted business bore Tun»- day. I. B. Oodfrey traatsacted businesuala Cicago Tueedmy. *WesThoras. EWR of Kanouba, Wl,. le églsnding bar voation vlstiln fi.;de and re"u abrs, Mm a.h&&s.TonioW and dangbier vol ted &$ the borna of lMr. Mcd lirePrM l)sJaedln at; Borington)sus Taeeay. L. Y. SîkeaMdsmon AthefI Md R. W. Chrchill aient la Chicago lut etuek to bou.,Thoodoro liooeeetialk. Miesure. Careon Newille. UonelRIard- son aujd Boy Turner ware Wàbukfgan vWos unday. Tb Tiinnth aaaliveraary of St. Andrews' Suudiby achool wulîl hobeld nazi Sunday as 10:80 a. m. There il ho a wpecil program, lite.LUIaBattarall sololel. Everjone i# lnvlr.ed to attend. Chaw. Fenton recelved m telegrarn fron New Yor-k. Tueaday tha: h@i. obier Who ta vistng ibero W@& I wluh pneu. moula Be lofs on the. trt $iin for New York. Th iri 3r"le Bd Crue, eocety le dong excellent uork under thi.e edWmba leadership o! thalle prouieldns.MlFe.Louis. Thomson, Thi e etig uasbeld Tue.- dar at the bon» of the.praldst Mcd Swrety-Ive nWmbera urm pret , Tii. lad"sen ,devutng lunucbof their Iluato kadsing Pou, prepartu: tthe knitted.ut- it. for the toua boy* ubo are walled. Butiessere Md meffleru ucre pr-esaed toi Un. boys wuho it Wedn*..d Cider Maklnig liille eider sveiy Wedoeay and Sat- day uni lrtmber notice. J. C. Btta. rittabe. liI. 40eâ LIBEUTYVILLE INI>PMIDENT, TUBDA Y, OCTOBER 4,1917. SAYSTIIJ3Y 5kW aud Mi@-@ Vlnie Janimeon of lieuonaa FOUR f1 N IIIRU M Û Plient ae'..ra1il day.psck o1g Up ilier houee- hold guîûdoanad wiIl mnikotioir peruiaiî eu hmeatorynlI Mejuiesn NÉAR DURANI.JFAR14i anud ai r.' eu-r> ; t., he old ieighbora Mis Scott Durand Gives Furth- eavium. er Facts Cfom efl Fears Mmr. John Bues of RIochester, Wb., About Poisoninq Herd. @peut Thibrsdeay with ber aut, lirm. l000. Janileon., MEN CE STRANGELY. lire. A. W., Safford sieud ise. rckford TE aistu file . uetsetevrldy uMms. Durand States That In- WbMe [le asnretui-ned home Satur, vestirtion, Has Showin Thoe day [romni iotana. w bore àalpent a Is eAntluaz in Coejnty niontb with ber nelae, tire. Florence That Itr,. Scott Durand of Loake Cook. Bluff hlictes a, concetted effort le Mmr. Joa.pbine Mattae retoîrned froni bcbg smade tîê annihîlate the borda Buebestor, Mienu.. the puet ueek. af Lake ponnty and tb#t poaeublY Mmr. Jane Jamimeon rturued Sbi weak soute Qerman plot la back of t hal 19 front Farno, Y. Dakota. aeconpanled by iudlcated ha tie statement that a.e ber randon, rvln Dunan.makos regarilng an Incident whlch ocurred near ber place Sunday miord- Mir&. Barry Ousdn sud daugbtrof 0f ng about 3 ocloci Marne. loua. ie vsitiug friands lu tht. lits, Dqrarf*tjeIt at about a vwillty iis Week Oc'lock lauthe morun teand ber Dart. Janileon le conined tobe b h uaband heard a nobSeeOutalde the. hou»e, They gai up and looked out ituh a dileated blp. Ohe la retlog sel the wludow aud Ibee gw thiee mon *&ease cap h.e pectsd- and a Young Man wbo appeared tu Bey. 4. W. B*Iord heave. Monday. ha about 18 years aid. The. quartet Oet. 8, fui- a tht,. uesks vacation. uer0 argnlng out ln tfront of their gste and IH seemed taoiMr. and Mns. Durand that they wer. endeavoring LA EVILLA to Set the boy Wo go Into the. barn. Mira. Rohtu b" uee wae ln a Chicago Tii. concluslono ftie Duraudu belug hosita lit eekfo ti. rnivalofthat tbay vote trygg to got hlm to bouptalbutwee fo th reove ofgo tutu the barni snd spread poison tonaila and adanolde and ta now doing ont tua hstable in order the catie ulcely. would ha potiuned. Mir, aud lira. Henry KeIri. ubo former- Ftua!ly Mr. Durand. vent outalde ly lved ber, are, cou oceupylag the and aked themn what they a-are do- building formorly. occnpied hi P. M.Ing. Taken by surprise et >eeing hlm I.appear, they axpianed that tbey were Lund and Mir. Kahn Ila uorklug oun Sb@ restJug. However the slgnlfeaut tact L-. Lehwnau ri. baS heen lefi.down tha ratS, poaahbly W. J. diehors ni9ved lest .reek to tSb@ 60 yards. Mr. Dnrand though it vas Dlck cottage on the north aide of the. a singular thing that they ehouid ho rond sud Dr. Taiboit niuved tii tbe retUng and be uhat far away frrat takentheir car. Waka bugalo. use apparent that thoîr automobile ,L.WaId bas tkntua lu f MMr. Durand la authority for the vegtbbiee, Imts, sic. to tlîe Lake Bluff Ne Serina. Cam os. ea orphansge. statemnt thal; the prusent tine there (jeu Wic.h# ad Ma« Mell An ar nuCetes o anhm r gandra n Lie hhchig sd M... lti'ha Adtîe terdSa ofLake coany. The.report oelî.nKerrt $Peut th@ wweek.end lu Chicago. ha. henclrcujated ilmt tIse.two liai KPrr wua@called to ithe colora laitloea* hmd made their appeamace ifeean sd will ituen ucamp a& Columubue, lu the berde of the. eouiy, dos e te Obiu, fur6soinStue Port bolng that Germaus bad sent the MIa. uf Uleag. bterme tutu the couaty la via]* sud It Mie ulp o hia o aslu e bas heen aPread about sud la ibis geus ni iii. PottOr fàmiuly duriag tbe uay an epldemio u sPending. This la paua w. .wbat the Getnzanp have boisaicbarged IR. A. Dongimawu me raovor Sunday. wth doing ln UFlnders. i'eteriuaty Mr. andS19ira. Paul Avjery mad& a busI- Smith uf Waukegau snd Douglas of Lae Porest have laventlgated, hou- Mem tlp So ithe Cty fasut weit. ver an deciare that thete la notb- lim. Dirymple *peut a lu days lait tng ta éils report lu Laite counnu. meas ul thte Dr. jamieon lamnuy a. Mlhhru.. lin. asud lira. Fi-a"tHamillu. ai-isd j 1nhsitay morning toi- Kutucit> for a. >tun uveeks abeence. Ties aretniaking The. LadIes' AIS a«Ni-. Homide us e itp lu theFord and a-tII viei vefi attendeS, Tha ladies areailthuairelatives,. wltifRed Cru« work kainlugondcsug. lir. and tii-. Fred flamliu anS Mi-. The sociable on FriSa>' uigbt uaa uell asdlir*. Fi-ek Sadr- vifitedCia> tutu patnanizad. - Bamîtu atbace 8unda>'. tir. Biriz gave a ver> lterstlug taIt Roi. Evana t. aitending conference ei on Suaitsg oveblug un thei. un i e vas llsividée &bis veot. îla xpedls hotu .ugased in uhile lu Europe sud out he tranuterred tew anuur charge. 1ev. prison lm@,. aud ira. Evano have made niany waa-n tir. anSdlira. Win. liCmakeil lef t for frianlee rou regret thue cbange. t1h01 homé la Bouth Dakota baving Mrs, Pitu anS Mariaelicensaie are spet hbrfeueeko ulch relativ«,. roving tut etiBruniptun bhueneu à e f thébeousnelabore apeut Tue@.- inas j n lm -Kentie bas goue tu Rock- day evocing aitlilf-ie Brus. linoni-of tord. Mrn. and lira. PIcmken. Tiie Laditee' Aid social>' met tii wek1 Mri. anSdlMra. Forleson rtnommaSo ucitLiralw'iman for letIhon Ot ottcerfe,- tboir bous uCla Megoalaler a veet tMr. and Utra. Cinreli oI Oak Park. aoJourn ulti lMr.,and imir. I.L. Biter, viitaI at lie Aver -> bote te -t n uthe9 A usait&go lait Sondi i M. and lira, wett.1 Il. A.Lav.. 1.A. ast. ati Frank tiberoond vas lu the cît>' lon-1 E., . Rree.1. . Bevesand ontay &ad ' ua.day. Mélara te '1gbo, thay ve riua n'unO-The Telephoue Comipany la buai trinm- anS 4armged iheis' ueu liltchell qutto mng smn o ur village lhie wek. Tb@ y.'.. people are armuglug fui- a B I IB C nlo e' oclia. lira. Jobn Bonnet i-turned tui bei-bonie Saini-Sa> having spins siueek a-ltb bei-rlL j. brotbera andSmter. R . IO O;18 I!8 Mri. ud lira. Eluar Boa-e and tir, anS Mrs. Rimer Mlire attenitéd churclil 1. w irc >E E ION, vion cty sunday a! loinoue. tira. Powell anS Saugbier @eutn th@ v'e5k-.d' viiilMr. and lire. J. L. John Benchina of Wadsworth liedtng.Avenue Deeited Wife and Mri. anti lr@. Snioger are the happy ThieeChildien Here. parnts o! a baby girl bortu Sept. '29ti j Wauu.egin, sept. 27. t Ilva a rathar deýected loting mnaho came luacituhoWankegan jThursitai nigit in cuatody 'of Con- One pound Opeko Coffees stable Carence Hcke, Join Benchita, 1uho -hoforo ho l.f tta coninunît>' retail value ....... $0.38 lIveS au 'W adsvortb avenue,- came lîscitla tlavu a-aing wa-hithe ald ot One-haîf pound Uggeutm I tvOs &go he broklliet leg antitIneu Tea 30taitnte bas heen about on ci-ntdeja. Tii. man faces a cierge ut vit a anS cib4airen abonda umpt, having tati ()ne botie Sirnond Inn (hin about threet'tsag ihu Vanilla.............. .30 an yinoana ut supporth. There are lire. masifchiudrenand a ttar bhed guine bis vite heard nothlug frontbhla ()ne botile Simond Inn fon a bang tirnta.A feu daye ago. hov- Lemon ........ .... .25 evar, hae unote ber a lettar tellîug ber- -lie a-as vonking ln olliug milI ah Mlddleton, Ohio, and aunounca t hie Total value .......$1.23 tact that hae hait mat a-îîî a rathijý serions accident iu uiicbh leait ibroitan bis leg. The fat that liea-as go afflîcted. 1c 1 houeeddntcanetedcao a! lha vite ta have hlm arresteit and Specia p 89c make hii face thie caurt on a charge ofiaviug ahandoneit hie tamli ta theur ovu resaources. Accordingl>' aie laid the mattoer e hi.eantitil. STORDE 1nd a vannant a-as sa-onu ouitfor hie TH1E REXALL %S ai-ast. ArmaS a-tiit> a-ai-rant, Cou- stable Hicks a-euttahuCtuolnnatt and th len ta MiSSiton, Ohio, uhere h. lu- liThostore mut Saves YOU bMony caleit Bencbr4g an4S.thoe, eudant 515 ntmake ahi proteste about uue DRUCE DRUO CO. ulis«. He diS net luisit oni poporo beliirsecureâ. 'He"ï1 (3iayslake, 111. ,t Ktei CoureIle, - . Sd em.t tu rotuibrtuwtw .ha$b ..,a *Wb"% Io M. dË.W FI3LLOWS W3CLARES NOT JUSFIABLE Former President of Milk Pro- ducers Assumes position As- sociation Was Unfair. b-lai-eone' mits jpi-uceè atjthe dis- trict viu els 14#t the raceat piie sel fonrnthhk iy producera ufthile dis- titl, $3.42 la tue, igi. Hi. nume la M. J. Paliova, ut St. Chai-las, sud ho formai-t>' aaiprasîdeat out he Mite Pi-oSucera s &clatlon ut ti-e istrict. In a Ircula- dateS -Sept. 24, fsvil omut t:otheetincal preaidaenta anS satire- tariesiluthe district Mr.' Feoflsv Alîhougi I bava heen ou t ofactive a-aik ut the Nlik Producera' aseociag lion fomrta-o years, 1 havenual tut ai Iutai-est u inas veltare. 1 teai that a gi-eau mîstaka vin maSe b>' tue Salagatas a-ho met I- Chic'ago un the lisI Inet., la naming a pnice or $3.42 toi- October miIk. viii a suggestion ut not lese liai $ 4.00 for lia noxlt ive monthg, i agents a "itaka, because thi prîce la tho ihîgon tliasoft$2.20 for uheal. uicile Must he considenai a ver>' goene spnîca ta proS ucer. hy ail tairmindeS en, sud iIta eduty nov 0f ai loya Americans ln co-op eratewa-tuhie goteruimeul lu ail mat. uers, eiPecitllYinlutle cantrot ut fooi pi-admets sud pricea. BýaseS On $2.20 vieat, I tinS ibmi cash uhea un the Cicago mar,ù[ avenaged .993 cents par inabeb fou's perlaS oftehn yan trams 1904 tu 1914 wbhile for the smme penlod, the prîcf uf ntlk averaged 1X43 1per, bundraý poundB. Appiiing the sanie rata oi lucnaaee la mutk as ta ithe goveraimot hai appied tota vent, (aud nu faim minitet man a-ha knea-s the Sati- nans Position vomiS Sa lepsI vaulc maea aYaarly prica $3.10 pen bundreî pounits, or about $3.26 ton the vinheý PerlaS, anui aI liipie, lhe danasî traieS teedS wvaa-I hbave thobu WJII nat seent hîgh evan mi pi-Oes pricea, anSda-a muaI nai fanget thé the pnaduepr outhuesa toadg, bas jus as mmcli nigitta Inls8price as v. bati Tlia,,gvruient li Suint' amght: vo)k nt uelimnutîing lie ur,aonabl, pi-ifis oa tuafoot 'an1upulahars. a a-ve ai-a gattîngt'he banatit. Tharafone, lai us do aur ii au Show ami- patroiuism b>'a a-bole hegua'tad co-oparation, sucb s ag w,ç»> la Juse tu hoea ain>' fuie-resta,. Anuthen baS teatureofuthle Seli gates meeting, vas the namint' of prie. foi-one mant, which. l inth mînda ot man>',ubleas prompt sud S. dialve action hlatan viii ha moi dsI*toma ta the laIt'>'interaetiiia a teiuporany mlatake lu price. 4 Tiesa.. glve his maties' caretul co' tsliqailon front Lie standlucnL ut luis-I anS patrlotte etl*eu. raîher Ils a grtstlOg ftd atripélistur, asu4 1o -- . NÙIUiCHOI »FR LAAAAAAA~:~:L..~.~.tAAàAJ Li & U IU %HeUA4KSeI'k Inspiratlon IN LAKE COUNTY; À iA FOSTER I Miscdllany REPORT IS IN I3RROR i CF Grow, but Dont S.weII Dr. Butterfieid of Libertyville 11 How a Conspuracy Waa'Oir- ti l ~îll or yn t liue "uuîîen-u' Denies Truth of Articles in lu yaur atullty. but uben l ïui -. t Chicago Newspapers. gaidte oblr tage ut *swelledb.eýdednps,,' V(0r1*- ; vaine la yoursit «r te an>' une vise» TAKE PREVENTIVE STEPS. 1 m EsTER vANDEvEER beglus te, dvilzmIê____ «Souss. men grav viietuouuhil Up to'PeetTm H a n "" vvv niions mereby suoli." The ».. i-. 1ee ieH HsI- vvvvvvvvv.vvy oWells bu qeamd te grua-. jected Serum to Prevent Hog £Etau Trowbridge, a minari-nl Col Hie bas i*acffl à aptiaharo ho Choiera Developing. rit", ubo bal heen praspectlng Oan i tinlu e b.bais dai isknowiebdge ho--evuwc couas, carne ho bis -caiouc = .ud nSntnaj3«Il grue iiila5 i- - Chicagu paîlerm announce tinhat ogevening oeianSd dlscouragoil. He hi choiera ias beau dlscovered ln Lake @Orne rime blioarse ntored àa daimi Tihui vay-4he nMost coîtvluctng caunt'. and une papier wa-su foai- hieli ho b.d faund evidenceofutgo] vAy-hu p ovtue cpaîtl>, as la daclara liaI 3() cases bailheen s and boom sm deavunlng te siov UN o ie tolov v ie untinually bmat'discavai-el on. une taim m'ari- Llrty.- h vas o a iialnt value o ablO i glus about wiit ba eau do t. seidona ville. Tlhe paplir aso quotaS Dr, . o1t secure capital ta Se-n.iop 1. WhI Of mnnch acc"t .11- ' P. ButtenlIeld of llbertyvlile as say- worklng lu the ri-in be bad cangit Il la lie an 'wpdomuastbLngâ ila a îg: "We have dîscovareit 30 casessavore cul sud"bliedon ibis memai qBcinatel lit goer huud wie oun aran ashort distance ftram Lii- hIe evenlngecome to ishume nover1 bectusolha deomon Uto lho there. .tvile. Othars nia>'deveiop Inter lbava It agalu. In s feu deys lha die Ail concerne.'pgt hMn, becaus o h but a-e belleva vo bave vîpeit oui all Troa-hnldge lftI a vIte and a titi not only accujlloflmncb as ..Ipsblltes of a generai onibreuit." 1daugtetitresilia.YeirsOfuteg. Ti rosuit ut bis eocadgsihted endna- Houera. thîs mstatementisl untrue. vldîîw vas absolutal>' peuniles. 8S but i1slIauence la $ ud n thao rAcrlgh r utrll ir ismade erer>' effort ta absuppnt horse employees. beau n essDr.utt og ter b sud lbar ltta girl, but dse, ton, soi savae Leeesiles Il akes t eli enn as fhtchoiera diecovar- broke dowu in ianlti and tollbovalb, uhat yi on udo astuuse 1hin per-. dl Li on>'a i.UP tu lhe ubnanud ta tie grave. formIng yonr tieeiç. lu tuis va>'you pi-eat tmlnie habnsInJectesoant- Tha unty tuarcomi aho mniusiereit viU gel sn muet sderatlon evenîn 1c hoiera serum luniman>' hugs luanS her' in ier lat Illoass vas a negro w afi> that yau ul neDM hateniptei totaabout Lieryvllle lu lhe hope of iui- ' ainimainnly i-alilSAunt Sua. b-9- - ventng an>' passible contagion of ibts 'rm. Trowhrldga s Seti Aunt Sue cf _The othan iflnov '01 do Il toi- iou.- sort. The. use of lie serun ua eauild tisa ittie girl taulier ovu home ai !Âlunilbo leraIS. ehe> îogpee itîetnes rater taok cura o! ber theineasme aaofb entfelyalog Prvenivelinp raheroua child-en. The. Settof Life. tha endeavoring ho cure axbellai Ta-elve years passqed. Edlth Tro, lu God'a eye -Mta dlfterance. of casas. The alarm causal b>' Chicago bridge, nov lltteen yeurs Of aie ai social postion. eq#iatobiet, o! drose pupers lu statlîmg fiat such an api- aiS encugi ta uniiorstand liaI sice w vhlch differnt MJM exhllt sud aii lb.demiecliut brokpn ouitbai-e la unjns-IlIvIng ulti à dîffereut race trunt i oierrarMitt n; 'pificitbe o ufan. titll u nd Lýaitecounty ftuners a a vuw. lott ber toaler mother vithide tasticaiiy plu tbor ùé'le. mueat lueauognu'tîy rlileved ta learn the. real tacto gratitude foi- ber kîndnes la go for *MRai as'PaatbIV tbaWsanissd ait ln tha casa. blino lhe wuciS larnuber ovu n i liait suld reaaa*tMe camman tact The ouI voman partait viii lieri tual hom e M are Outiees mmitI uctanîl>'. But bar nn ebtîdren vu tuai of vessai.et i*, sci cf us peut 5Iet flllm lC aiurk, and dlle reslgedliai l w la lu Pecilar M eUX1e0, ultia uhicib A SJCLII)tilie Edt hanîS b h..Besides, us muaiest llgi i»àt8e by %singt'wva% roper ibat hehite î.girl caio uib*over ut -tuettuj 'mndSguduesa H VITI nsocIai. viti the«of utber oun cula] vs eau summsum egl ok-WMI$m ,Jamne. RU E U1.diUUWl a1 Edith Truvhi-idge tou" apoulti i , csvu - 1a seunrse. vith a ira.mKtmwiail.aJ bock tI long. *,ths nasssof utheb.- - tar interesied ber eotyae9 Mt n liear mnisS. ses how lnability to Dispose of It to Lo- that "cie sent ber iu achoci. viere,1 sip9l a, tg ver brigt, @le letre apid almJlrn IktitalZ&auie, a elois- cal Grocers 18 laid to Have A Isneobe as!be menot 0of wnt«LaSuua. eut ainuot lho Caused Condition. Ot the Kîibu anll my. tbongb aie.cc ciuge& L sse r 5ela yTlunyoiv -____tlnued ta rellera itre. Kimniaof ma power. -Wite, IS PLEA FOR CITY MARKET. liausehlad Suie. Edi Tmrilge vas knoutsi PO ERCFUOEY Claimned This Condiion Is One luylit ie* asie lv. iii ,tat bel *ed the. Danger T&WIh . aiC... Wîtia of Strongest Posslible Ardu. Aunt Bes n 8 0 tai-as $aie bau ItbCuvnue là e bu, 1 W . Wu .ments for New Plan. nasme nwhlla>uib tsKiMUho &Il see many vays le tuiicti ue wund Statemeute tuai a numben cf ti-uci twLenty yotrm ai age %lie va. enju>i lii. tu use tIL But mihen v. have gai'tlnere ln the vidmti t ofWauke- Ulaay soiai advantageesutId-vas a 1money ue are ail cptIo .weaih I3msta a nare nnablc W dIseu ftlhlr tatite. Amoig ber >'onus men Mres Utile mor. wiia ta e ei bea othe pi-uSr adas a result are obliges vas Ai-uri- lgersoli. uho had recel exact *Mount lt ls right 09st wueaionld tto eaitIftho cattie and avina brîngua -beau adualttcu tn hîe bar and gt pamue 'Whabas. tant te r a; it . ~ han tuhh added e ont.ste aigu- ta-omI" setauudii cureer. lin fer. We curselva. do rdtks r noS bat mentathiat have hoon made fro-t lime sali t.!l Ii la va il, t uitl. itha re( ho tinte fon a municipal marktet berd. racrurel. îînîh thi'>'becmne engageS unrb tm1on mebm h lo. "I 1b i -lkno flu tseveral Instaiscea vicee Oue a iy i.man iappeured ut AI WIis lu mci uuauoa-.I 5h1>'mon ln the vîclity t>'!Waukegmu vere SuesasuuhnendaloIIlil ber Ilial 25v lu becomenedncot.d. Lê ites ,Dptl acbuated thle piea to Incremaia Silgc.thenistr -îeuaiet and hoe bard boarte a"sd cpmMts drap output," one 'Waukeg an srn r e maibuassuc bller anS ei hr llkouy rffegad Ofa thes messe ha taitesRaid. "Tie>' plantait muci lurger truckt her cailavlaî,i dieda-hd l eea 10 dlta ltiote. lbIf ha lo 11111gandang than nouai Iluh bli bllt lat e i lru$.0 ah i h lie mai lie envions et otbimets, elier. peaple vould put ln a euppîy for ulu-. to do lu secture lier hlmert.unce waa oS tavard mclai>'. tompéid te dlafao- ten and tins hausarve the Deuaitop-glu-e Imu a ILt uf ber ciudrn. A esty. or iliere May lbe*reli oorhmg pi>'. Oua man lu partîcular rtlsed a Sur uîîiui t wrIte. but $aie gava tut neod of ubai money oaa iuy. Ne tangoe uPPty et grean corn, Hoe mmlman te nmes orequired end, luai tune. nole vthte man in a ýaison colt, trIeS nepeateilti>o oeil thst, thie la- ta serve lier tasiar chIld,.*Inclut i. an lIre iu au>'degme ottifiit .I- cal marchants butlians heen Drainc- Edîti. Thaemian took dovu th aontmuouey..ls y ho caisfnlefor tha> put hlm off wlth the naulu., andi Aunt Sua made ber ni Yeftors ar may difflgýt amertatamaunt liai tha>'do flot nead, ant ailmebottamu fthli t.al. e agl loiIbroaremay ii~ 9 gmaerof!ils praduce. ,heing calledtln in vîtues e i a e vaine than mono'. ina titi"î moo>' "The. onl thing ieftt ior vumIo do tore. - anut buy, tiat atm UO.0sUte Ourva. ho teed the. greeni cornu tais pigli. 1h vu$ antt h15 time a L a et u.lfar.. Undue lova 4. Wa This made rallier expansIve tuaod but cama ta the St. Louis poatafce poion t u t.De iug '5%.-.Vbh a t w as baller than la allow lu lu ha dresmed to Editi Travhridga ai Of muet vorti. We n",May U» fns Mi vateS. 'his man huIS me tiati mmapodses.E-tlîeue a -prise for its scqnlsliog. ..Ne shfflu ibllbie h lghhave soldsioule outhîe Kmalade.Eiboe judi.e Our- loutre for meisss b>' huVronr Iam lie he hld the tinte to go lelter, vondarlug vbo iL vas vîmoksi apurpose. ont' motive1is v apgia IL. front une houae tu sauohar but lhe ber yber hn nai mDame. Thewvi uoy la a paiver tut gogsi.wbev*l.uasait lie vats o abue>' ulhhielgardonaked ber If sise vonlsalI a f e. ve chou.« te use it-luuie.Jour- tiat lbe dIS not have turne." acre loit ulwieiRbise asaLie oui 04L It la pointes out tbat If a municipal on Olear creek, near C.aunietovn. Cc market wem to, i IIl he. e btsnd Irfmno whais-ic lie pub iit inon a 4. Dr- lt y- lt et et e t ae- au M. an hounsevive. coula i vsit lu aach moru- TI-IINK IB:TI4INS. Me thaîr freai esupplesa of egeabls.The. price voulit ha î Gît. leur Imaginatlf ion 4 é WTi->'ta muci mura reasotable anS lbe goudna Utse Up ta leur Dsveepe6ý. vouid ho treshai-. The gai-tenons conidb lap't ILt tno liai the un7 i> JPghCh kseenre as much ni- more' tisu they maka. 1h possible or -us te partrm hie vauld gai hi salllug tthle grocera. Sait> drnasigeo of aitsb, l0,, thé poPe fou' btter tilga uicb biopsetu oit iEop laroam mWMl r BOYS SIIIVERINi 1 ut lits ane iomntuie. Bqmaffl esa te schlevement. unies IL hioisoftu lu -6 T A YTIIINt ihs mind cf a lexY, ehiftfles m-mateT wois Incapable ut action. TO SEUND TIR14? Tie =ah a-holals, a iornisas ope lat romantie. Tho boro -bu10vuafl Oie ôghtlug a dread disease o lu ieCiho e cn x llso lm imunu auccumbe, but agé.lnet uiCIehbe bas Commerce dSires Watkagau Peupla Insured bumanit>'. ta rouat5iei Ra- ýh r aJgsetr,»c t. mtauce .ta the tlilng wulu l ata.~-i iemkn't-aes uis t. vuorti ubile for maxi te çriuemas- for tie hoys blimte truainng camipe, ta i hsrlal Comfoi-ta and dSee n,.. auge saut hem o thie ('hamber of Comant fildlis of banai'.' merci- astaon as passible. Mn. WIlII,u Iu a rnateialis oldtiI. viote v ilI make airangements ta have tie bae Lu deai wvhs the tacte uf eazulIng articles takan lu Rocktord and ie ltrlb- Ctjivn adfghn r lacntioai, Lie tblng -hil ite U tbovc utîut monnt te Wauikgan men. Tie d tlaS utnci je romance Cisatai eauther la gi'ttimig colS anSduîuny orf ,yonr dreas, for tuel gore you, a the men Saclalie lie> have lnufuticîaul le tostirugf e h eauy udMsM lnU VII- haîngt' takeep vs-m lghts. Wa Weti'bsgo Ott crel tNWll»5apeat, Mi-. WilIls su>',. 18 tari urgent, a boubsiplains. to the pt 1 olt4 6*anS peuple are urgeS n-at to deam> ie- ll>q rapbuvea anSd- e M&t re Vie flueu Sreary rest> a<muge ou parln ut lihe Chamisar ut Cummaefe te am a t la big sud Snm -ebm o ffice as.»oan as possible. - m Dnad for Shnt'tei' tim'e Do yau gai mP ai nîgni" Sanol la Tiiemi dfat, sioi'tev ve« r s one urai>' the hast for ail kldue>' audtbiad dMl.o#«X 'a Lie oldteOt*.ut rantroubla.Banal gîtes relief lu ~4apdeS h abo~ iliiOut14 houne front aIl hociache sud 1îaza- fiin oi c #,,#Mdale der trouble. Sanul la a guarauteoit - Ith ti. d vi t pt w remeal>. 35.c and 8.00 a hotl. ai ie sid This vas Greai tutaEdlih, aho no kuowledge of sncb lot and belle b.e vitorhad nmado -sainiatake. ae vroIe hlmto tht. affect. lHa v back tbat the. land bail beau pro-or id by one Etban Trovbrdge se, tson years hefore snd JI;wae supp bhat ahe une ber tather. only ho Edltb nov refsgred the lettera ta lover, ubo itklte zuatter np bruugh a coerespoudaut lu Coloi iscovered tuat a vainabte valu uf baid hean discuvsred on ptaperty jolnlng the. daim aueteroti by EM rrowbrtdge shortly betore bts de The vein vs apposed to ex througb the Travhrdge edaim, mauy pe-8(uis vole trying toafand iivnar of tha Trovbrdge propert,. >rder ta buy IL On iearntng le. acts lugersoll, lhe Information to lia sweotbe&rt tberé vas a ,loytul meeting, Edilli limg hecome an het1ress. Xl vw" range hetween theni that bho ahs go to Colorado amslher agent and tutu the malter. Soa altar Edlth alguad a puer of attorney' ta liai fect they parted, and tl ie azida) gr.raal earted westward. That was (lie test lueeting batsF the lovera for sanietUai. Tii. word Edluh recelveitt ram bar I vas a latter tram Colaorado tu v he InformeIliear liat ha bad rocs a severa hlow. whtcb moai alo l ber wltb equal farce. Hoe lnformed that hie had Remn conviuclpg Proutm aie vas the daughior not uf E Trovhnidge, bût of a negreas m BaaOpringer, uhe bad, cortitub Ediub vas ber cbiid. 0f course aIl vas oves beiveen t aie, he coulS not bring hlum. 11carrya sgil viii Sgr*MesS dla tein. H. *as ha.rtbrot Pagze *1lie ui.ock ta Edti vas t su 1.zii lugvra.ll. $he liai t 04tbé r lue i. ec kbat n lsîîîc lt ed t% o.i u. 4aiîul Anti t Sue Lit cet- - ie[1i u %a ,rthde hîgro Mca. 0 gwl i % as 'u,far itsiad. i ,.' îî.ut uof îakiugan Sliait pa-eied, shte made borconfession to, aiMrs. Kiiobuili. Thit lady gave har tueu.rtfelt lu> mopitîli. anid a-heu 10111 asiucured her thnt 'lic bail a tai;r..- uLrait(ie utfibi- white muotierthe lady offereil t) au*Jut her lu seeurlu4 prouf as to lier ra pareiiiage. A taw laya inter, bnvlng beau fur- ulsicd with waaimouey ahe jîcaded Edltb started for Colorado. Pu aille lu ng tiare sie waut ai once to'lie Oah ies lu or lier fosier mollie., Aunmit$,uo.e "Blasyol hari, huney'@" sa theolnd voman, '"yo' mlgbty g" '-4 9corne bock tua eo me! Rab yW o' gitl"- nioneyl" d W hat rnoney?" ba Aunt Sua then tatI ut the vrIaIt chie 1b1 bail recelved and tie lagacy, addlug. - À lef dido' -vani yo' tlu 10e y0' hare. frivy,~ ia ce 1 tole de mani yolvas une or Sy 'sa- own cblieu.*' te *arI>' dat righir - Ih ..Have you sud the cidren reffliv* hbà our ligaclear asked Edith. ignodu sef N-. and 1 ha bau't saee île geutlius er "t'm atral 700ual-i-r a-IIl. Ai bu ta eited utf you was la gel yur att- tatuufinita1 Iams oîîr îlaiigtîter." t, "Oh. my good>' grai-lous!- AtArthurn Intrarsol returniel ltaBt. Lesta arleep>' dlaappuinlad umou. He ri. br friied tfin alteniptiag lu seeLldhb. btait%%rote e noie t.IiI t Io~lt say tint he tought l t he and Me wa N1 t'rS. Kîmbail repliaI liai Edlthb Ud brgalie to Colorado tu collect prouf that lip aihe a-ot pure wile blond and lb. orhdauglter of ERhan Tro-bntdge. iti liîger5§al w mistua quaudally. If be eiîîleumvored toai,isi the girl bdefllei. i-ta prove huit site wvuexcluivqiy «Ç Ci-C th woile race mîud Il; qrned ont Itt ra e wu as not. lhe vonîd ho rnos ee W I vledW mg. Il, on tii. entt5s$ >id lie lde l Wsncb aesiesuace daté' o lor pi-aval thai aie wusanIl wite il veïw tion be tantamonut ta deseitlug ber lu tbf dy of trouble. Ho pandeS lon the.»M f t er, but for a long ville came ta s» lt' daclalon. fa' À week'a Indecielon vms eoeg b&im. He deciddit tt lie wuld e iy- deoait Edti. liIg Como te Ibl ho. counclusioun . tulooksatrain ton Cota- en He ftoau Edîti ai a boiel la do1. towu. He advauceéd luoieei ber wUllîl dur opeu armbut abchew i-ev ok. lue "Thore auan honothIng mut. beivuas tiiag ne," oie -saidi. --tili Ibis mattes laeie- Rd a cd up." the "You vili let nie ielp yon cbeu. 15 At UPT' -ting Fulth hea.ltad.,tint he plo*dod.et e f'bard tual iqe e aldad. Sha tlid l nud1 of lier htîru Cie V -th .nt Sue sud ï lly bar muNjiuii thut soitmuea iSlaR t gave frait.atieastlier out ut lier tuheritanee« er Tiei they hou vaet oi io onte uê eli.- cantl i te ienhie. L Trt ivere nol long lu lioel 1nllt ib.. mmmiluof lie lianle te , Wiliffl ai-i Truwi.riilgebactlalid ,'iam l i )te pt0@1 b.d ert>'litiueîîstion. .:lamimîilm i.. ho e Mtusu 'and1 Truivtrîdge's ouly hirotiier: thit e1: i bieS l-tilîi îhmu i iivr lid aI iit-roun 18 tui ilently IVilllnib was tsole bir-at-iSV. tiUnt logeraijl osWUt ai oaa tth ia rolleit tbe grotinet on vlmtch ta dispute tilsmaSso ,rdi- .iaîim was liar Eîllth îi-s Eth»n Tr0an. tded bridge'è dang7bter *115 eousérqueally 'he hetr-at-lau. But tihe anemi>'b4S Âumý Mai-k Sueé,sisatenut ftint Eduth waa', but' daughlar, The ouly hope vas Io ptlieo 14a- Ibat lu Pdtth'a hlood tiare vas ne, ne g-o htood. eter Havlng 11105 ilS uecetary papu'1s 111 A . theca@% théloveià returnekt* a I, the Louis, 'Whese ihoycoalt the ciscs end mea et sciencew"tba4** cne Io discevotlng vieie ethw UMVaa lIi-e ituav ta.i for purewvile blue tour vers InormeS that htbe rne =. ibý nar. vould ho neconsta far Edihte g. W fp 3ile..th le autL. bertho muet adtaugMed 4é- IL. dalis ot ee localeS. hait Ig tap es.UlMh'a immedialte 4lzx ieved wm» concerned. lier. vas nu necdfh go for mukhng the, jourey te anheatt le vrote gci a test f« it wvaspIsaa te lit- ti.t Liera hsd heen a couaplracy viý% i-pli- a visu to secnrins ber tnb.nltaacc,. E 'iffl the provins et b«er aselu la* e s4f ir. to i-e e i.mateft lu tR7* b«. lust aà M4 *UvAs aut tueh m," 'ado b«,â " *bddvieb"S hu'at4 for WISWO ioliy, baS beau t« lM r a- ihkEilliivas hotu aud ja" Zhan efflglaetothie dati otf b SMti. gii5 ber reyMvstu lthcle a t.. rtnd elle and Ou recepi t ibis nvs the 1lVais 4W 1ihe cieSlu ratutu te obieh~ t lu depoltion of ibis vua.t8q4 viii the cot pa Peom frîbu i ' tuloik Ingersutllliaihefm e terlng tbM suad ibey lho marrieS, et=* ha as w u 0nfl- bav- 1.8.5 as t ta Sh*u tM "Me cetos- a i-- elatid, sud ubey vaut veatvam !M ut miesuad 'pife, look ByIbtis tit.lWilliem Ttrvhe1». it !- liai Edih wuvasbr daàgiler l u vas aM ta bribe.gnIW bridge, teeylug he vwule p ho r wean fer cepiraey maprJx naxt e..01u the. iSvit O bý lovar vbo had kqoWn lu the Ti->b whàch otiet r OlSIotb«Ot %Àfi$I ulved put lapomaaiuAo« ber! il