Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 4 Oct 1917, p. 9

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___ AKEcomtr Y 9 M M Lake C9umty's Big WelyWUVKçG(A4WEEKLY SUN Ck*"aoe ur e v W àe m Cm Glubb" YOI; XXV.-NO. 40. 1 ?O IERTY VIME IN)EENDE1oT OCTOBER 4,1917. POUR PAGFES $1.50 PER Y£"R N4êW M. CONNELL DE- CLAURI3 E 15MOT Physician Moves to Chicago to Assume Important Posi - tion in Hospital. 'MYSTERY' STORY, IS FAKE. Left as He Had Planned Some Weeks Ago, After Lelsurely Closing Up Ail air. The. other Waukegan paper Tués day nîglit endeavoredtu t croate a sensation by publli»lng lu glarîng hcadllnes the tact that Dr. J. A. Con- fleil vas mysterlaugly missing f roui Northt Chicago, ading embelllshmente Iothe lb tatgcnent wltb insinuiaton» that lie owet many buils and thai lits retitors ver. wondarlng viere lhe le. Not only la the act not true tivtt Dr. Connell owes buils in North Chi- ragé or that hpie s xysterloasly a.b- rient ram the elty, but lnsteati It de- velopc4t tat be bas just aasumeti a very Important positonan luCilaga as house surgeon in the. Bye. Bar anti Tliraat hoapial In that clty. Not only haa lie not dIsappeareti fronm North Chicago andi toeg nat ove anyiiady anytblng, but he pian' remaining awsy framt North Chcago only a few mentbheben he plans r.- tunting anti ereciing a hasptal ether tiiere or IVaulcegan for the. treatment of eye, ear. troat ailm'-nts e-xcluive- ly. N'ai anly do* b. net owe anyb0dy~ lu Norih <Chicago but It la admitted by frientis liai be cau write a ciiecl for up te $30.000 and ti l oulti iii'bon- oreti. The tioctor blmself admîts ho bas made $20M04 lulnite papi tbreê years ln North Chicago. lu is uev position It vas neceS-. sary for Dr. Conueli ta mave te the b«epta-a»d isaeup hils ranidcne., Hia plans ai ance coniemplate re-ý msiniug tuer.three monthp anti att- eti thai Urne h. yull speclalize la eYO,. throqan sd car voiS - a brooder *caie. lie hiuabeen rastusik aPont graduais course at the. Bye anti Far bospîtal, Chinago, for some tinte, go- lng there frequently tiuriug bis prsc- tic. ln Northt Chicago. lu vas after lie bad finîsiiet is course there thal lie vas afferedtheii position of bouse surgeon andt tat la vby be matie ar- rangements tae ce out bis practice ai Nortb Chicago anti go ta the me- tropolis. Tiiere bas been naublng mysierlaug about Dr. Canneli's départure herause ho even ativertised bis office fîxturet, anti furuture for sale ai for nome weekaq past be bas bee,î making al plans ta leare. Hlp vas just s rase lke many otiters whiere a man de- cidtietamaie t loc ation anti de- s8pîte tint act. te other local piper f endeavaredte t maire a big ado over It anti attach micciimysterY ta It. Dr. Cannelîsa relatives lu North C (hicago are naturally very mucb ln- * cenacti orer the. matter aud they gai lot, communication witb hlm Ilsat eveniug lmmedlatciy afier the appoar- snce of the article iW the piper. Appoors to Réfute Charge. Imm.dlately upon besrlug of lic article, Dr. Conucli anti bis -wlfe bas3- tenedt t NorthbChIcago tusa morning anti b.sasît: "It 15 a malictous state- meut, made ta, barm me le possible. 1 beltere lu vas circolateti by a Nortn Chîcagoan vita desîredt ta urt my> reputation If possile. I aud my ivf(> viii remain lu Nati Chicago for a few tisys anti If eliier ot us ove auy- body auything, ve're he"> for tem lao preseni Ibeir bis. 1inltendt taremalun at tb- bosPîtal fan perliapa tire, montie sud theu expecita oretumu ha North Citicaga or Wsultcgan anti builîtia lospItal vieri 1 I vlltreal eye. ear andt liai execlusîvels'. "I bati ben planning for some tlmc' i-a ale tbis Chicago position but word came ta Me Mandas' v.bereby I vais askedt t tale charge ai once sud n e lefi Montiay, lu fui vlew of everybbtis anti wi no intention ta avatti belng scen as the ather paper Intimati." t aras. Mitletan Arnoldtidd l lte West Suburban haisPital, Chic&- go, saturdas' aitih age of 76. He vas bora la Lbertyvile anti vnp en- ga-eti lu 14 civil van hattles. He vasq vounWdtilà lb. baille ai Monre..- bora. tIagcap»$_oaer, anti couinsi lu LIhits'prisse - lot lire. Montis, thon çxtubawged. l . 4, ltâr M»aIa sa jft olftgv&47"d in«ans, . BEAUIEN NAM SLACKERn~ite'S DEADJ MASER.N»,W* If!EROWUMHE US READY CERY BY Ul*WilhJS Vrauketàn, Oct. 3. Important Position FiIed by o Below are two stories, one furnishig au illstration jdu Who eonizes o how one displayed his absolute devotion to laukeganAttornY. the Stars and Stripes, the other relating how *notber Aîs.- trian preferred death to serving under O1l Olory. One IS PECULIARLY FITTED. died to escape service; the other refused. tosubmit to an operation because it would prevent Win going to Rock- Experienoe and Knowedge of ford Thursday. Realty Conditions Big Asset 1 in Takingon Work. THIS MAN, AFRAID TO i THIS MAN AN)UUS TO SERVE HIS COUJNTRY, SERVE Ht, CUNTRY- Jutige Edwards totiay appointeti At- torney Alec Beaublfen 3'.ster ln Chan- cery for Late county. Mr. Beaublen'à cppontmnent places bitm In one of the m0ot Important positions ln the caun- ty anti on _Oct. 5 lie succeedis Paul Macfuffin of LAbertyvIlle vicu bas heldth te office for the. past two years. E. J. Heydecker vs. MacOuffln's pre. deessor andi Elam Clarke vas Hey- tiecker's predeSeatuit. The appaîntment or Mr. Ileitubler meets viiit tegeneral approval of tihe attorney's of Lake county becau'c. hie ta regarded au anp of the. county'c most capable attorneys. ln coming Itere a number or ybars ago lie bas bulît up a lucrative practice ana bas corne te b. recognizeti as one o! the couaty seat's most succestul busi- ILAKE COUNTY'S NEW M ASTER IN CHANCERY. AI1'-TOANEIV ALEX BEAUSEN Waukegsn atorney whiom Jutige Eti- wards ha appointed master in chan- cary In Lake County vice Paul Mac- Guffin. ne.. men. Tii. general understautiing la tiat M. Beaublen'p appointmett vIii Ifeitva eyearsansd tbat ite will make goot ish a foi etrawu conclusion berausie he hba s sovu bis ability aloug tiiese lhue. mauy times. Mn. Beaublen wag tormerîs' a part- uer vitb J. K. Ornas but bought bis lutereat in telav firmmseveral xears agoa, irîgcondncted lh aloae rnce tiien. Be bas met mnarked succens ln varionse Ues lu legai miatterp ant i bs frientis are pleaseti aven bis appoint- meut for thiereasan tbht h la ame ward toa a soung man via bas sac an active Inlerest lu the varlous tbinga of ibe cammunît y anti bas lent his effort. along many lhues lu lng thecocmmunity toa atv4nca anti expauti. He vas au. of the active men i-ho launclted the Nortiemu Illi- nais Industrl association. He has beeu active lu the Commercial club anti lu various other Unes. The posiion o! Moter lu Chanrers' la one oi tie mont Important lin th caunts' becausef, h teasso 0muci vthb Important ltigatlons lu realîs' mal- Iens, Tite extensive vork vicit M. Beaublen has carrîcti on lu real esi-gie deals in lb, couuty for tbe pasi few yearls malte« blm peculiarîs' fîltedt t hoidti s position. There la periapit no man lu lb. counts' wbo bas a bei tir ]kuavietge ai eal esiste values anti praperty situations than Mr Beauhien. Theeore iie sureîy viii mile gooti lu thle nw positioan vicb Jutige Edwiards bas appoinietilahlm anti be vî111iear tiie trust lu a mont comuientiable mnsner until ils term la fllsiteti. Thte Wilmetie>village counciliou Tuestias'nîiat afferedti tagrant tie roquent of the. Public Service Coin- pans' ta ihuilai s power plant at lie terminal of lhe Nativesteru Elevat- eti ralroa t aiUnitea avenus provii- ed te compans'agres» ta .rQÇl lie buIldinig accordln& tÔa speOCti,4llBbs fwursabeti ts ivllage. fTheic >11 MBSENcE0FNORTHI CIIICfio«WOMAN 15 CAUSE 0f ALARM However, Message From Her Shows That She Has ?dot Left Lake Comnty. DECLARE SHE IS TO RETURN Relatives Prediot That She Wii Corne Back - Domestic Trouble the Causé? FNDS ESCbAPE INUD.ATI . HEFISE$'pý. OPKATrIUN. North Chicaga la; aIl agog aver thel k. reported i isappearauce and unknovn W.rkmeuastiihe plant or tiie Amer. TOny, or Anton Xagetic, bas furm- wbereabouts af Mrs. George Andersan.1 Ican Steel andtiWre _Company chia labeti Waukegan meu vltb an cxampîe daugitter of Alderman anti Mr. Jae mornlng about 11:20 oclock .aw vhsý- of patrlotlam whiehifg naparalîci ln eMeLearu. Inquiry' abowa that Mn. lappeared to be the body ofa! miantits cammninty. Anldrten, loaulEHihand&Par floatlng near Uic lake shore upposite This man came in the Lake Count y anti tiat iemalln Highv l eaînd Park the. plant. They vent ta Investigate, Goueral hospital fatst rtIday aud wa't pendlug adJuatment of domestlc mis- snd ther. faund thte body of an Aus- given a tharougit examinatiolc by Dr. understaiings. * ~~~~~~~~~Brawn, It being fouat that hý- hatid a om ta i.rpot aebe tinan who Il ;as later determîneti as Itanethe oltieheofebostnehave ich exaigeratntthasataeiiof actsnsurrounti t Jae L&anile. 1113 MeAllter aýcnu'. appeareti ta b. a large tumor. Accord- lngberdarturte ra'Norti Chcag Hia ldentlfy w a establiAsctid lngly Dr. Brown arrangedtieto perate last be eptuenead Noreltivesicago thraugh lavlng ln bis possessionante On film as sooi as bis condition couli plain that site leit ln' compatiy vîti draft carul wltîcli howet i bI, serial b. got luto shape 9n" the plans ver. Mrs. Laura Smith (Bjork) and that 9number ta b. 602, andti bs order nuni- prt itsmmn.we Ms mt eure ebrhm 8ber, 610. prevalletonthatdtyip min gaI the Tueaday Mr@. Andierson renined ln 0 Areport évle httsma letter ramntthe draft boardti c-ling Highlsnd Park, vbere ahe ibas taken v- as lu tie draft calleti for îamortUw hlm b. vauld have ta report ai tie n position. talaefor Rackforti. Looklng 0,cr draft headquartei'sTbumccday and tiinl stateti furtiter that ber hust. - tiieleîst, however, bis name do.. nat leare for Rockford. Wltb this notte baud uat anly bas talked v1ti ber. appear anti altbaugb lie wss examînfIl lu bis possession, hae legan ta show aver the. telepitone but that bc veut »0 ln Atgust,> h may be bie namne vouiti feelings of worryr and accartinglv, Dr. teoHitghlandl Park Tue.tiay aud talkoti have appearet.iîn thie luter îîst, pzsý-Blrown knowlng hIe codtion. went Iaowltb ber titere over thte miauntier- bly tme month. However, be bail naohtidrafttiboard a",- conferrE - -i-. astandings tuai have arisen, and that -resson tet know tbip ta be the. fact. Secretary Waudel. Re expanea tu lie bas been led to belleve she viii JA a. bai vrklin the wire warks blm the condiltion of ?any's neck anti b. home vithin a week. for W langt time anti lef t bis position tieclaredti iat au eperatIon wa3 ab Relatives declare gossipers have at- g8ept. t5th. that Is the lasi day ite bolutely neces"r. Me e vntereti 'bar tacheti mare ta thte yoivng vama vr.licil tere. The preêumptiln je If because the mmn bad been calleti departume than tbey vers justifleti lu illai bismancouti ot ecocil h inlutbe draft tbe opeltstion vouiti ae Iing aud tb, bellef in tbat matters If a g ino te 1. S ary a.cltaelbeabantioneti. Mt. Waitdel inlorm vIl .adjuated vîthi a afev tisys etenualybc bough in omb tid hlmubat under no clrcumstanceq by vbicb everytblng vHIi bave "blavu 4erentaly b broulit lucomba at have to'te doue. He said over.» Bitainst bis relatives, the bn ad a eg baivt >fi a.%baslîveti ln America for same the operation anti »erfoaui It juatas u p n e raLstil gi js 4eeIarçJ.iiy i Iri tttueu~ud l ti ends at t bcalways bas displayetidat ant-iMa c.nh rQuei l lit h ,t te C Utiiiw kll ale ta Smr.-engageti lu ibis worlti. hi. Place. P SSU o nmso heohrdtidf ni MiIte sîruggîe. cAccordcngly, D6r. Bravn went teck M5KIte a .paeiute reib ý'ILl nt'ion Hn ejupd otaie bospîtal Tuesday ereuing aci -dIIfAI EIICSheriff Ea J. Grtn vbo bas beeu ILto tlaite bto t lwn vlien lie jumpt IIythtteoprkin (lI fAVI R U sau.uuSu sent out armeti viti raptase sud mia ue îkebutci cc laruti ramI vth Instructions ta brlng tiem iul.a 'te soUth aide that be bas ueen mys- taits place tbis mornli. lIti5Mlu h. cutfrrrlnet teriously absent for parne tiays. Th.>-e uier amazement wvite l'O ca£mp'e~rtff olvu l lt0 .Tr e foreýtheconlusin l tha he back vith "No acires, me Solug tue a R lution Prof' r$50. e bare bie nI onthe atbar ote h . iysaltiler. Give me xmy cloties. rmgo- i 000 for Two n Roads, vbve.ndttiaivano ar baebenl h vtrfo aeti 1 lu cu.ptody: Hi. buody sbaveti surprîsîngîy gooti ing ta get out of bsre anti g? aud North-South, East-West. "Rer." Bdv. P.PiMnley-rape. preseravtIon lu casc e iuad dtrovuedgti , 4 Tony Yetovitcb--assault viii lu- soute tiay ago. Titereaore, Il la bar.- Anti no matter vhat Dr. Brown or TO COMPLETE ONE FIRSI. lent ta commît rape.. ly possible that b. thougbt be vas lu- te nurse« caulti do, ths> coulti udt John Britt anti Joseph llurluc-lar- cludeti ln totnarrow's quota vhlch [tileiade Tony ram bis purposef" Board DeidesNtt rce ey louves for Rocklord anti tal vas vby leaving tic hospital nat h&vlng. anesNto r edcey be faunti escape luinith lakte eitber operatiOn Performeti anti respondti t With East-West Road Until John Klrcbener-bumglary. yestemtiay or the day befor,. the rail ta the colorsý. cOdingl3-, Other Is Completed. F e tiisuti-ameaul itît viattent -tbey complieti vith bis requeut, gavetu il hot bis daubhes anti le left ths bac- Woukegan, Oct. 3. "'Rer." PIntle'wus placet untieti 111P12 M N n 1 pilai lat te evning. He bas sînce Tii. boardi of supervisara titis after- arest on coxuPlaint of a yatug gir: been maklng haplan suduconhe- -formalîs' atoptedthetisresolutian lui Mon Cils' vb a I.acidtiutabave he-1 S CLJII- rail caîl la matie tomorrov moranug, caliing for a $500000 roati bond Issue camte a motter receutls'. 8iulay vasi ~V..dJJ Tony wyul be lunuthe crovd, bis uecî7 election on October 30. foilovedti t Oregan vbere bis arrest: rn-uu ill be swollen as hatily as ever anti The btoardi also Yoteti that the nottb took place. A vealtiy vaman front SER, FOU D OIbYvie ii b. ou. man vbo bas diaplayetianti sautit matishallbeb mut ira: anti. the vernIin..idtiutahave lnterested bis patritomwvIlcit sbould serve asthat, pouding its completion, no bauds hersait lu bis case aud tas retaiuetli an exemple ta Amerîcansa lu Cit. c for the east-veat oad shalb. Issueti. counsel for bilm. Clever Auto Faker Whorn IL la learueti, ony le an Thte estimateti coat of tbe bond Issue Yestovltcb la a Waukegan man vho sell Man Helped Apprehend, Ausirian bY birth but cemtilly ds ~toi.t taxpayers will b. 20 cents on each w"var aesîtid several weeks ago ou la Sntecedto Piso. fpîayeti a spirit todas' vîli shoveti $100 valuatian for a perloti of 20 years. comPlalut of a girl via taiti of an as- 18 entncd t, risn. that b. bsp removedth te hyphe« ram 'The board sal tieslgnatbt the $sauimatie ou ber. Thi. girl wita Cbas iep oget, insurauce brriter, tellfront af ti~e Word '"Amertoez.u routes ta ho followeti: Framnt ihesouth madtisie complalut «as Itauule Lau.. vas founti guiîts' of larcens' ln Chicago counts' lIn. near Shollotryille, IL fol- Brltt aud Burke ver, placeti under Tuestias nigbt ity a jury luntte crim. s-Ioasthe. Ritige roadti uo je a Point attest ai Highlandi P-lk on a -A@ fual court. Sentence viilbeite I eti ons anti ons-baifemiles norti oý Ever. of iaving stolen a qusutîn ,ut cop-1 fster by tite Jutue. Ttc penalty Ilanai I tO, tien Telegrapi moat noruli ta *er vire. ILla is asi they vers bundsag Indeermnat senenc offromoneto ait Bluff, theuce east to Gien Bay' off tii. Insoltiton viton tios' vere en dermnte seniten f raman t rond, north t t Grand avenue,. Wauke. sorprIseti aud placeti under arrent. Hetiges vas one of those caughî by etate lins via Sherdan oati. Tii. havlng entereti anti robitedthéit houle, State'. Attorney Hoyoe at the lime ofi Char1es S. Deneen wmc retaliti osst-west mati la the. Belvitiere rond of Robert JeThorneasiat Lal Forept. bis camnalgu against automobile Wednestisy by the. RIlk ProducciW% acrasa the caunty. * Lebuian vas ÇmplOyed oas a fam titieves. Evitience puiîted ti he~Asociation ta Tght the prie* f11111 Tbe norti-soutit mati la the. propos. hauti its' red J. McVelty oT Wsucon. trial aitavetithat lhe vas ithe leader 0f lndictments viich vîlI h o sagla t by et Post rond. the au. on vbicb ticetia. Beverai Wee'u &go Lehmann anti a gang via.. opteraîlans accounted ti tie's Attorney Hayue ef tie COo* siate sud federal goverumeuts vf Oet'ht on ad sarci fortits- ini. oliit' Olobr ran Juy.donats $315,000 andtihte couuty 5111 of vhlch Lehimann la saldti o bave He in the man viam Bon SciIaoer, A p00sc$blitY ihat milkmy igl bare o ta pybut $186.000 tavarti lis s110t lic latter viiiaabsoi, &un, &er- tien Of Russell, Lakte countY, aldeti eren bîgiter than 13 cents & quart r,- construction. *e ftesttetnah.bty lu caPlurlg as a resuît at a atc taelvas Intilcateit by a stateanent Tbe board adapteti a resalution Caacerniug theit, ler neveu indict- 1053 vltb hlm wvick Hotges put aven. IbY Char].. H. Patter, chiarmau or lte vici provides tbat any moues' revent- otsu It vas pantlally tiraugi las acts fur. Milc cmnittee of the pfflneergas- lng la the coupty ronm.the stats bond iomaelhs s t rneymenutc te- Disheti by Schîacnenthbat the vitale sacialian et Elgin. Issue Abal i.applieti towaa r5 tuoMddfendan s asetiuen auto gang lu Chicago vas rua tu "It bas iteen proposeti by some tu rUnniganarth thIraugi Lakte Zurich part bas ILthuat some ar the llet- eati. Tfi te prce ofimlik for NOVotuber ta Waucanda ant i uprtta Foox Lako. ménts bave been returneti agait It la rocailedt ta Scloesr bougiti et $4 a huntireti pountis," te caiti. Anaîber resslutlon pravidsoltai at sîlegoti lnclpîggers. a seondhan ca in hicgo nd I ielieve tbst titis pice i9 LOO anY tiane tic state desîres la put dova . ltai -IL laterwap toad unt tbave beau bâit. IL la more titan voetan gel. Ir brick lusieati Of concret. an Belvtdsre The grand jury vent inta session a stolon ca; t';ii etge apps vo can'l Wtmaire mlk fan, les. ve migit rmatita Gaylske orte matn nti Montay maraiag. Tii. vont la neolty bis home, preteudad hle vas au lu- as vel go oui loT busines." (On. bigof 1*1. Bluff tual the counly shall vss comploteti Tucstiay'afernoon but sitrance adJuser for lite insurance relaller put bis price bck ta 12 cents grant s bonus of $3,000 pan mlle. the evidence af one or tva vtteccaes Comlpany' anti agreeti for ejl"0 10 Wodedai. Sheridan Rad, lan1the Prti part o!ws er t - orig square matters sa ScilepsercouldFort Sherîidan, vicitunu beaun nbulît At the lsaRoti l raining camp Ed. Irei lte car. Ochlooser got lte monos' ne Was Inb veetcL <trtng the. nommer, sa nov open for gar T. G iu o! OtHighland Park, IDI., paM4 il o ba ati fl tho n lter the ca c dWbo rettiiirl UOO*d loto the tafc arc.Mrn0 alen a4Hus kvri t~oIni3 'MW "oveed b» lte real Insuranco uelabbos'bocd homme à50 lterc.tu t rfd* are MiaIf.a i adHM ýiwrbo,»bWee #prc.n ti*c. Sbooueultieoîo. gi t un t t itly 91» Wn1 bad the conlisai. Wib tiI rond open 1Mlns., via o is arnusicton RUi PIcio atbronut abOu:t IetiSOl'ant. dés' bcM e lketirigit tlu tii. vomàma'.reserratlon li as fixacm eauh.faunti aSIs' mon-on. Aa a*rght 5«4 t", - ~5eU*imbr ov oks là the uIv'aiBook MWIllg g5id. "Wbm nâmfusa 'whiruIlà b. 3as4'-eolicgclcla tie ethor loi aUutnt-ve e Sa sneur mitit n4 ~ ilitgeai mue-lUM, art compieenssi. aa nes. vi*M or ta h. paU bythbe océ i.itbe gait; Il seeme fram l. the ..MmO edtu lult.e dfferent ila sltaI e ris andi Doyle Uvrci M> it .0k0f ci at Deerffeui. MTM OvnMa« 'VIlci haoissîgrol mn buDoyle f &- hoeseDoyle ovacésever" m~1p à s'ear laler ho vent ta mcl bis yrnlg aud refose t la aeplt themule vilci Doyl 'io pOlulout01 vs bis. 1551051 bal seleeted iaoter mule viticiho" cIels-' eti iteonged tdW uta. 1Doylepre»»W - rephevi#eé' the mule, and thc floit. vas 0&. etartetila lte laver cart but prstels' as carridlaiew cuit court vitete At IIp iteen ~vo glace. 'frTe evidemue preftealcMtci.% itearnmg bai hem or sucb saeemflletâAiq oauvre liat no jurs' bas bem aMWuAi, s'el vîleit voultreaeb a V«', 8w, At lb. lalit triail tse.*Nlante put *Om v! oral expert vihcesmes. wbio im.v P a dis' esit am thelr epe tuhts'lng.-Titeeexperts via haolé. ed veionlmsrlatm aofvIe .xpqajom& vers put an la tic bape liat lielt aumycrs ta i>ciIetllonaqusllea îvoulti convnelthe jury. But lie Pe suit vasthe Mme as ti n MImu KiSOSUNECAUESDEAT. Mania n Cueler <lied aIt te Jao.ue o Allster htoopitai Tueodays' aIguibW0 10 o'cloce aiofpacumonla. Kuclr bal been lui aIlthe West aIdebois. la Tuesas' nith wvi es o gu.o4 oils' pai'tialis' treued. i vats aXe thi t ia tuhe uts »a4. ?rs moruing ho wv abhueste is boss. 732 Mar'ket atreet. la'-*ie sftc,*M a-s pbysicla vas. cailol and lehoa W maovedtitq lte MoAster beqlUag viere Il vap fou"dho.wvaM NI 'pueumoals vieib.ole sueo te$ have coaitrace<tas sarel"t t ue aire vitile rouitu thbe minci TO HAVE ART11OMMWEL. Thé.sabhol hourd At theo 4 retcmacdahlea0f1 ha uIb -j sattee oiadai ' . W. &mS> mlï WaukcpaMaisehol 1 lte planu f et ui lit ______ OFFICERÏAI«~ Circuit lutige Claire C. -Etvartis ta- I (I I U ,A day lu Circuit court appointeti Re.,, J, A. J. whippî. ta the positiono 1 T CO TN CÀ probation officer, vice Attorney Wil- liam F. Weias. vio ad eldth ie pa-- alîlan Tam the.last year. The salans' FamCaus Mlule Cm ofM i op la tie *present hlm. has been $800 VS. Do(y le Win fMot ,?Ikd Il yean, but ithe caunts' boardi at its luai at Tis erm of Court. meeting reducodtheii amouat to $M0 a year. It lo felt ihat Rev. WblppIe viii mal. an excellent min for thé CASE IS ANOTORIOUS OIE poost L igtion for $6651M^.le, w Ded-Has CW oitSver IZINDICTMENTS Thousan oim ARER TU ND1 Theuov feulons Morris vs. D">li mue scase vilcitba iem tr«Ixif TiF(I6 ~~the circuhint U tWuosr4F four on f-vo yeurs, viiinlite trIai 'Rev.' Finley Is lndlcted on the At the. promeut termi, aittougoit bu Testimony of a Young ibaset l <ova for trial. Ai- termes'A. Zion C'ity Girl. 'P. Beattieos vcgre4onins JaephILS Marris, tic plbthit la lthe cýasc- SEVEN CASESWITHHELD. plalsedi lua petltîto ietilaucenrt t0. tday Ihal liti. cit vpéet itû ee Capiases Are lssued so That the- ver P" elroum ht >4 t la t These 'Delendant Can Be tte UiltaI I*&tu mimW SiV iu su Served lmmnediately. miio.;; bt h wfl m INDIT WLLIM BRTHES? ho' db-sm asdbt yul Ie ho *thuci tê INmCT ILLIA SUOTHRS? *Qci t UP te Marris able te at Althaugl ehaf nioii lliam lMd continue bis efforite .e Brothers vas sotaMonthe . list cf danâ"&e those Iidiceff, as anneusqsd tay>, Thc value of lthe mulesaémmte thers la a persistant <report .&bout theh. avabos&bout $OU. Allumés' IbA-ht' count houes thht ho. ha s ldieWgatianw b"s oslt -ti@suep t «ceettar en 1h. evldettsot four. @Mai boy*- AntUieteha u la yi au. ia hmit Beessis. no capla"Swoeo #Otsd thiP viii Sat- mubcimore beoeit le i.. attente.., whloh made I iI 0401i fl Mtial. laiemlsjk il it dîlis ta «place Iln custody tlie sapabsat .151 tint thc éstb af hi.-mule O411 .whom Indielmonl, limé bOSi l 5u5ed t uethave thc offector amu«"a«glb wqs Impossible ta secitre a posiN ative «r of the Iianfte. stateme nt Bath JosephIL .MorrisaumaJames I. Doylie, the UiSmis llthe coin. Mar Tveve Woukegan, Oct, . 2 veatts'1nou. Wfth tio e .u- Tw eIntictmenis vere neiumnp.i l cllon of, lie, suit la »eulster tet by tihe Octaber grand Jury wviîcbcom soeur. s judgmeist c -0&- It lisp b.'- Pleitd îlie vontIodas' andi npcrteil tu cSaa -spmli e o 'tqi4tp Circuit Jutige Bivarls shout no4a of the twolve Idndcues o anis' 10. e sii ; ..# t vers matie public. -Bltate's Atîucruey the casebas éxiow stsfe James G. Welch vftboldins the ans'................. th MI

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