Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 11 Oct 1917, p. 12

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Great 1Départmients of Wommen's and CAhre Wl ~Xa II~Go~Breo* <dauor\&Records inthe cQ'eat, r 4 The 'Sale Starts Saturdiy,_Octuber 13-C ntifluei 10 Days I We were forced by our INCIEEAING BUSINES to take another store, wbihlon~owgives us three en-I Itrances, -six windows and approximatelY 14,00Ôf square feeLet sefling space, devod ,tolumvey -te wom enta and chldreii's rea.dy-to-WOar, maldig this the. L&EGEBT store et its kind in NortheflkIMinois.I If we coud take yod by the band and Sl3d ycu through this coat seclice cf ours -whi're thiesla cabinet aftér cabnet llteifiIy filled te *v.rflowiflg Whb the mcrt beutiful and wonderfui garmCfts deveioped this season-ycti'd bc amazed, bewildered, captivated; Itt a rsmarlcable ight; an eduçstilt SaleS--Over 3,0W00r aili;tAas in Norfhern Dahnois Largest Coat Departrment Coats Up1 to 12.50 Thee tty coats ,,;l -e,,i apldly-They are shown in several good-loolng styles sand popula? colora. Coats Up to 15.00 An opportufltty of ra:e exCellence-COats of good-wbaing fNb- nec luinnew styles, aanted colora; al Aises et Coats Up to 19.50ý Big-Solared c*ts wth varlous belted effects n lu to. navy. black, green, brave snd novelties; fur fabric trlmmed, MNasela a M ar eU bave Uc bai' uch a vonderful arry of lband- $1051k ad Serge Dresses -ai»$698 Cioodl-14xking new sty les in rnany eolcrs and 'most ail sues. 16-50 Serge $2-.5 Jersey DRESSES Dresses li2rdiaely ave -x IUDe L e FI.NhrDEv e ftr mo abeus modiotes i teU S. asgivei uz the «eluive âgency for her justly % r ,îuui .-..ce.5whie'j rw- o~di.ip!sy. Party and Street Dresses Ckver la designan nceptIon. beauti il ree. satins. nFts "and lac-s; gtls n mai coloriage; prlced at $1850 Values, $10,0 2.00 O Values, $18.75 $2000 Values, $14.5O $35.0 Values, $24.75 Shirts 01 Wool, to 4.50 Good colorings in ncw- pktids and cheeks and pretty ncw styles. $7.50 BiIk or Wool B kirts at $5.75 Here la 9. most unusual collec- tion or bantisome slirts in styl- - thI woolens and i slke In the amot popilax coloringa and pat- taras Coats Up to 25.00 Coats of velours. cheviots. beavy Scotch mixtures, poflpoing and ohir abrlea lu ail colons, styles andi aises. 6*955Y-ý 0l8$R 135 MISSES' COAS-That le, coats for the 'hard-tc-ft miss of 18, 14, 15, 16 and 17, are pientiful here ln MOSt beceng styles Kt Very rassonabie Prites. W e have miy very pretty coats in new colons and fabries and rnost hecoming styles at $12.75; then corne the .bandsorne-Wooltex, Sunshine ,and iRedfern coats. in phishes, velours, Bolivias, pom poins, silv ertones, broadeloths and not-elties; rnany are fur trunxned. 18.00Couts 12.75 C397.00, Coits 32.50 39..50 Coais 25.00 50.00* Coats 39.50 1.50 Colored Petticoats Hlighly rr-r,"rii,-d prtcoatm ln aIl colorA and a %ariety of aiylee ai $1. $4 Bilk Petticoats Deiicate andi fancy coloringa ln .11k jersey petit i cots; taffeta flounces 2. 98 Extra Bize Petticoats at $1.98. Extra size petticoats ln al colora, o! nercerlzed hp.atheàr- teen ai $1.98. n ~'e kearity of fui-s wil not be ne- Je here, so great is our assortment Beal, P'oxee. Kolinski, Beaver, Mar- i nti Min k. gSrfi Specù4 at- 5$75,4.50- 16.50 XtL1sa (}itr SiyisUh tltllinery Thé' fascination of the new Fal Rats is clearly dominant in this extrernely allurnig group wc are featuring., Ait ite nw sutumn nues and black are here. Hig crwnssudbrcad brime are mucb In evdence. Values ta $7. it aI$4.75. -at 6.50 Theze rlcb, beautiful bats, hIcladig about everY shape. are madie of panne velvet, Lyon' velvet and hatters' plnsb. The artistlc use o!fiowers. orna- menta, feathers and nlbbons makea this a vontier- fui groun. Tailored Street Hats i1 $5.50 values i pretty talîcrefi.1 N street bats of velvet, hattera plus5h - and comblirrtlofls of theue two lui black and colona. Great October Sale0- Childrenps Appariel Coats 2.69 SIZES TO &-i goodlooklflt new fu Etylets. Worth $3.98. Coats in Bizes to 14-pecial -at 4.95 )VOU'lI recoguize titis au a very low çricp. Checks, plain colora and iml- turcso ln chevlotsansd novelty ?veae. The. Ceats. -ai .9 Cheviots, velours, corduroYs and new novelty cloths i pleateti and hptled styles. Chdldren's 1.,50 Dresses at 79c SIZES To 14-e value.etrtodlfl5ry nideei. geessOf wSnted a518185 In a great varisty of clorings and patte-ma on sale BatudaY ut lic Chlltrena dresses In Serge and cordMWY rav ibes suca $ 2 styles andcloTs. - new style; ail sz. of dresses wltll .Ps*t heavy gingbsms and 2 1lesa*ther hat.; aIl aiss, Extra Special Itenis! -CHILDAEN'5 $1.75 AND 8P.00 SWEATERS; apecal 01 and 31.79. -VANTA BABY GARMENTS; pînless andi buttonhlSE shirts and bsme-29c and 50c. *-WOMENIS 5ec BOOT SILK 1408E; In al ases and fai'rage o! 0 colora; àgr. -75e UNION SUITS, 59e-for women; fleeed; higli or 10w neck; aI zies. -WOM NI$ 35e .MUSLIN .ORAWEAS; gootiqualitfl nlceY hlm- med . at 23c. -WOMENIS $4.50 BL.ANKET BATH ROBES; nice A"iwr; Me;& 22. 50 vatues-Latest styles. A very low price indeed-gabar- aines, poplins, serges and novelty weaves in suits, of excellent styles and tailoring- Thmt we have th. largeit stock le flot an cmpty etàim--come In and ls efer YeUIeif Ws've hundredu of suit.e ofsvery descrip. tion. £ 2 Special Lots- 2 5.00 SUits 32.50O Sgt' 1950 2l The suit pictured at the top of illustration là of âine gabardine, beautltullY llned. cornes ln plumn, navy and! brown at 111950. Then -e have dozens more in broadclOths, serges. poplins and tweced&, pom pana, etc., wth their long. graes fui ecatsdouble -breuted il ltarl eec«ts .Ail aise&,- 39.50 Suits .32.501 50.00 Suits 43 Here- are velvets, velours, ilvertofl. Chiffon. broadelOtlis wtb handsom ifl k llningo-a-Slie, wooltex and ltedtern suite wlth bande, colItTB and cotre ct seal and Koihski fura. suite pictu1red at bottom. o! po pon et $3250. Womnen's Healvy 10.50 Sweaters 7.98 Handbome, heavy brusbed w.1l or shaker knit sweaters, In uew greens, blues, rose, greY. gld and white and comblnatlofls of theBe wltb balte, saubes and large colas. -In Our New Corset Shop Corsets $,1.50, $2, 2.«50 We've an excellent assortrnt at $1 and from $1.50 up are the farnous American Lady and Frola- set Corsets in front and back laced styles. Scienti- fieaily boned for comfort and grace. Corset Covers Brassieres 1150 CORSET COVERS-ror 75e BRASSIERES-O! good women; lin new styles; ail ly011b1 la aises tn 44; ~ze. u............... 1c lely trlnned wltb lace à 3c SOc CORSET COVERS-Of fine endi embroldery; specla.. soft muua; lace trinmed;2 ~ * N RSIRS ail slxes; new styles et... » c $1AD 125BASIRE. $I.O CORSET COVERS-of Especilily well matie, i several nusln or giik crepe de chine lu new andi yerYtiesîrable styles; White or flesh; elaborate- ii trîmmet i th a profusion ly trnned ............ 1.3. 1 of laes,,ut ... ....89 -Iorordo, to1.50 Ail iegooti styles and ntr ~ U tla but tbey are.6 9 sllghtly sollei. Women's 75c House Dres Aprons Rompers -in 35J vaIueaj F'or chlldren. ail ases lu good color- Ings andi substan- tially made. 2 1c Childreon'a Warm Coa ts 1098 -in Sizes f0 6 values to $4; came ln a spe. clal purchase; wante<l styles andi colora. Womnen's $1White or Flesh Envelope Chemise -at .69c Dreses 43C itegular 75 values; plaIn col- ors, checks andtistripes in NEW styles; Mnost &Il aises. Women 'e L75 House Dres s -at 93c One great sssortmnlt of real. lY pretty styles iligbt, meium and dark colora; ail ases. Bloomers!!1 EXTRA SPECIAL Chltiren'. bl,oonà ers ln bl ak a colore; ail aises, 9 Worth 89e. Maids' $3 or White Dresses lJlach 1.79 &Ai AuET Ak LEfwOrcu5WM5S. -in our new spa.cious Waist and Blouse Shop 3.50' SUR and Loierie Walsts, at e jiautsome new effeets i slk crepe de chines andi "chic" lingeries I newest styles with laee etigîna, lnsertlng, large collars. 1.73 and $2-Waists ,at- . di - Silk Waist to $6 at- The greate8t veNt 'values ve ever hat- I Beautlful, dellcately Unatel georgette 3'0 eznbroier5d andi lace tnlnmed voilé., orgen- crepes fasbloned Intho thp monet ciarmiitg di$es, lavus and I bastes. blouses are lacindedt4i ma1lI 31111 Watss <7.50 Waists-to 1 25Ô J te î*$1 SiliI georgette cres chfflon sotegtAnî cestii»; 11ft valuesa 4flinl f« he snd lace oombna5tietts Wtiioaqule- elabcrately ambelllabe4 t mt tiainty antdWolig criS-- it. bandi smbrod!7 lavttutbeased Oi . rY UrëUEN ns; bsWa laes moi". white. pleIn, i pple4 ibsad; - aul i i llias anti hlghly coler 7 f Aes And "nVY. jColoa and tinta.-",etigeorteft« *.ý,s*d Mff Up' S! Were Neyer so Lovely as Now 1

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