Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 25 Oct 1917, p. 2

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N. &DOLAN CITY AIRSTOW end Granite Monumnents Work of Ever% Description oiIcitec i. D. BOYD Wûiki Land Man. ucmmFamni with and WthoeitStock Uih" ITenus. Rd Bargama. k**;rfiuM*. Phione 53. kS. D. PROCTOR IWriE. &Hlkinda of IISURANCE Fire, Lite, Accident sud Reish, plats Glas, 4tu- tonsolll sud Workiuig. msan's Compeoalon. 10" MM lw Bor. Plading Yogi' Inurace 1 P . L TAYLOR "ci>-i ta 3:80 sud 7 ta 8 P. M. nWx1 Broadway, opposite para S DR GOLDMN DENTIST tMso 8 6t012 a.-1 tu, ô p... WOftr Flrsî National Bank . Phone 19-.les. Pitone 157-J, Liertrvlî. Illinois ]?. IL H. SIMITF, eDElITIOT. ýw-a tec 1 & a. nsd 1 ta à p,. ft.N. STEPItENS, M. D. - PUTEIN »à l UoItf Mumec ulvs sete .dmeunes09 ttie3 pu% Eý Noc s% T 0" GrOm o. T-et. les ubrye. - DR.L E.GRODINS Op01raetist aM Opiclas or ttucàeo ý ]MYWEINESD4Y ONLi" OMLOVELL DRIJG STORE UM »0.agM a. e. t 5u .00a.,. D O.F DUTTERFoELD. VJuruIIARY SURGEON. Ubertyvti.,inbois. - BLANAN W. COLBY Mo 4* Homne, Cook Ave. Phonpel6-j PiRTYVI.LE, ILLINOIS LYELL H. moRRIs AT052T.AT. LA'.1 L Ubertyvime -Illinois ~ ?bê. I~-M. office phsne , S PJ(MAC GUFFIN -ATTORNEY AT L*W. 'noIm 8 QUTF OR* WEEX Loans Reached a Total of But $464,930, With Total of 110 Instruments Filed. 87 CON VEYANCES MADE. Business of the IRecorder% Office for the week endlng October 20, 1917, by A. K. Bawes, assistant secretary Security TitIs & Trust Co. Number ef conveysuces.. 87 Number oaI bans..............23 Total mier of instruments filed...................1101 Total amount of luans ...$64930.00 .Business tas been rather quiet, witt losuts about t.he average. Thei foliowlng are the more Import- ant deals. In Waukegan. John T. Crawford bougit thie AI- bert Huoa bouse au north side. Ridge- land Ave., '.551 of North Ave.,fo nominal conteideralion. Ailison W. Green bought thte 14ln- terest of liel Parker lit 31test at Genesse St., just norti ofthlie Y. NI. C. A. for $60. Heur J. Dunîîing boiight the- fia 1 Itiildln!z ofEmna Bale-.on uari.b aide W. Washington St.. wes.t of But- ric'- St.. for nominal con-ideration. n North Chicago. Ca.4hus A. Kîngeley aud wit e tought 17 lots on Sa. Lincolun t mouthofltlth atreet. tramt F. Bt Har- per. (rude-e, for $4125. ln Lake Forest. Lena Colin bougit 3 lots lu Rosi Terrace Subdivision frram John Grt-t fltb lor nomnal conétideraîlon. Charles W. Yaung tought a lot on north eide Westminste-r Ave.. oppo- site 'Washington Ave., tram \Iiddl,,. ton Smitht for nominal cousfdcration and gave back trust deed for $15t0 In Highland Park. Ave, tramt Mary Stock for $1600. Emii H. Seensan bought a 40' foot lot ou north aide Ouweutsia Ave.. in loi 14, block 6,' Exmooit addition, for nominal cansideralion. ln Wei Oe0erfleld. Le-tty 1). Kellogg bouhgt Li, Tho- mas Carof se farm af 79.2f, acres lu S. W. 4. Sec. 19,. for nominal cousider- ation aud gave back trust deed foi $6000. la Beuton. Nels Malmberg bought about 1.28 mcres ta dec. 3 ai state lina frocd Alice A. Hbeklinberger for nominal cousideratian. Charles a. Stehl and '.lfe bougit 2 lots ou Park Ave., Wlnthrop Harbor, tram Rita D. Van Vîtasingen tû r $6,26 ln Newport. Ray B. Oixon bought the Star,' tarm lu N. W. 4, Sec. 24, tramt H. J. Hager- tY aud re-sald ht ta James Ax and Jomellhine S. Nuttaîf for nominal con- sfderatlon. In Village of Antioch. Àndrew G. sud Mary A. Watson bougiti 2 fois lu Cblunis Addition on %est Bide, Fox River road, tramt Wm. Podge for nominal coualderatton, antI conveyed to Emima A. Hodge a lot in Crafg's sut lu Part Payment. Ludra Rauson boughî 2 lots lu Craga sut Ou sasi ide Parkway Ave, sud J. J. *tlorley bought a lot In «Me subdivision on wesi aide Foy River Road from A, H. Cralg for nominal coniderallon. ln Antiocit Townshijp. Wuî. HMoumtelfus bougiti lot 1 iu Terrace Ls'.n subdivision lu section 36 Ou Fox Lake from Elizabeth Hil Iruman for $1350! Iu Libetyville Carl A. Suhreck taugt te Ger- hird Strerk tarm lu sections 9, 10» lu sud 16 tram te helrs tor a nomf- nal comnsideralion aud gave back trust dFe,îl for $24000. lu Ela Township. Henry FoImIfan boughi lthe Oea Krueger farm af 40 N. E_ sud section 23 for nominal considera. lion. .'ih .t a... naasoughl tihe Herman Helfer property on La'ie Vis'. Plaee, jLakp ZurIch ,e,,tfnmja ,nnnl ---01lIon sd gave b:tt-l<mortgage to!t MATNC. DECIKER j550 Iln Fremont. LLINOIS flermait A. Schwt-rmatt bought r, OffaS,.Pho» 848ert in 8 E.4, spection 54, front Re4. Piton. 1860-R Martin NI. Morse ton $275. lu Waucondn Village. -- ~H BE CEV R RaY A. Prlor bouchtia 6go foot lot AM 11sVRGEOr on sOutt side Slttcum Lake Rond sud au mowoM . ID remisex.- Luegue A. Pria,' tought 60 test, vent, au = a eus nd adjolnfng from N'edder W. Stousý It.IL f, tr nominal cunsiderationa. bw, h.iekach. lb. Ilver an c"re to a b.e'ai 0 mNm dvirtumocf mos. 4m "---"'-for dm ,le, Thse mont virtouof a iamm laho - r Mebo$tào, ttaieontegts hMmmci villa betog v>, raî~am..asr.At tcl st tuons flontten olu aapa .-e idv UA. STTETRANFU Furniahod bit LAKECOUNTY TITLE &TRUST Co. Abstracto of TIti.. TittI. Guarantesd. Masonic Temple BldX. Waukegan. Oct. 15, 1917.-Albert Hugo and e Ato J. T. Crawford, lot 4 ln block . gelndstbdivlsion. Waukegan. me. D. $1. M. V. Mors eto H. A. Schwerrnan, five acres lu soutbeast quarter of sec- tion 34, Premont townshi p. W. D. Juilia M. Nelson and huaband ta H. A. Johuno, lots 32 and 33, block 5, North Chicago. W. D. $1.700. Mary Stock and husband ta P. l. Johnson and wfe, lot 7, block 7, ln Wrenn's addition ta Highland Park. 'W. D. $1.600. 1 Estate of Elizabeth B. Woodbrldge ( to C. S. Edwards, forth half lot 30,. block 4, Wazhburn Park, North Chi- cago. W. D., $125. Peter Dabasinakisanad wife ta Mary1 Schalctus, lot 3, Smlth's subdivisioni lu block 9, Dreyeras subdivision, North Chicago. W. D. $1.280. Hý J. Hagerty and '.11e t Ray B. Dizon, tract of land ln section 34,t Newport township. Q. C. $1. Oct. 16, 1917.-Bel Parkcer and bus- band ta A. W. Green, undlvIdsd quar- ter 8outb 13 feet lot 6 lu block 3. original Waukpgau W. D. $600.j Anna C. Lewis te Eý H. Sesman.I east 40 feet west 140 feet lot 14. block 6, Exmoor addition, Highland Park. W. D. $1. Thonias Carolan ani wlfe ta L.. O Kellogg. 80 acres lu souih half sec- tien 19, Dperfleld township. W. O $16. .1 HermaRn Helfer and '.11e ta J. J. Radke, lot, 6 sud 7. block 2, Clark$ F.sst Shore subdivision. Lak<e Zurich. W. D. $1. Middlton Simitht sud wlfe ta C. W. Young, lot 1, Pratt's subdivision. Lake Forest. W. D. $10. Alice A. Hookinherger sud huaband te Nels Mlmberg. on@ and one-uarter acres est of Sheridan road lu section .1. Wnthrop Harbor. W. D. $1. H. C_ Edwards ta Benjamin Lndsay, ýniitt-'et quarter, sectioni '7 n ., t i; pý Q. t c .1 Oct. 17. 1917.-(leorge Krueger sudi wif e to Henry Woltman. nortbwest .19%. acres ot northeast quarter sec- tion 21, Ela township. W. D. $10.i A. J. Felier and wtfe ta F. J. Koe-1 hans, lot 8. ltelter's Lake Catherine subdivision. W. D. $500. ltais of Gerbard Scbreck ta C. A. Schreck, tract of land lu sections 9. 10, 16 and 16. 1.ibertyville township.r W. D. $1.t R. B. Dixon sud wlfe ta J. A. Nutt-a ail and wtt. north 78 acres, uorthwest1 quarter section 24, Newport township.1 W. D. $10. F. B. Harper to C. A. Kingsley and1 wlfp, 16 lot,@ lu North Chicago. Deeds,. $10. etc.1 Oct. 18, 1917.-H. C. Oraut ta Em- ma Draut. lots 1 sud 2, Oakland sub-r division, Grayslake. Q. C. $10. H. H. Abrechi and wlfe ta Jase-t phiue Vacek, lot 4, block 2. Dlsmondt L.ake park. W. D. $10.t Oct. 19. 1917.-H. H-. Rasmussenr ud '.11e to A. F. Olander. lot 4, Ras-t mussen's subdivision of lot '35, High-c woaod. Q. C. $70.1 Etta D. VanVlissingen snd husbands ta C. E Stabl and wfe. lots 5 and 6,1 block 12. Wlnthrop Hanboa,. W. D-. $626.E A. lH. (ralg sud wite ta J. J. Morley lot ?, block "B," Craig's addition t, Aniioch. W. D. $1. W. S. Rutherford sud wife ta T. T ('brIstisusen and wl., lot 6, tlockà Lyondale, Waukegan. W. D. $1. A. H. Cralg and wlfe to Ludys Rausar. lots 7 sud 8. block "B," Crairao addition, Antlocb. W. D. $1. O. D. Goes and wife to John Me- Mahou sud wife, lots 36 sud 37, block 21, Washburn Park, North Chicago. Q C. D. $10. A. C'. Reichard sud wlfe ta Samuel1 Schwartz, east 111% test lot 3 and l'art tnt 4. block 14, Sonderlina firat addition. Waukegaul. Deed, $1. John Griffith sud '.11e tao Lena Cobn, lots 25. 26 sud 27. Rose Terrace sub- division. L.ake Ftorest. W.; D. $10. Oct. 20j, 1917 -V. W. Stone sud wite ta R. A. l'nlor. tast 17,88 test, lot $1. aud weet 42.12 feet, lot 1, tlock 5, Wauconda, W. tD--$2.0tj. V. W. Stone and '.11e ta E. H. Prior,.wwcst (;0 teet, lotih81, Waucon da, W. O.-1I2.00, Wm. lodge and wltt-'ta A. G. WVat aon, l1toll', havt1. Chions Add. Anti- ach, w. O.1$100 Ue1WOre the Jeck-of.AII 'Trade&R The "Jack-of-lltradée" knowufa- mllarly an ihe haudy mats la a »eMt OUa drwbatck ta the Industries ofthtie United States,. beeaume bskuowlcdge Man Who Was Conspicuous in Building Ekleccon- North Shore Un der Frost. PROMINIENT IN PALMY DAYý Was Frost's Rlght Hand Man and Payâ Ilg Part in Ex- pand=Ûg Ae Raliroad. Robert L4 lien, one of the, chief en- gineers In te construtilon of the Chicago, North Sitare and Miw.aukee Electria lIne, dled ,oddenly 'at Win- field, Kas., while visltlug a sisier. Mr. Ive was very well known lu Waukeaan because durîîîg the admin- lisration of A. C. Frost as pregfldent of tee Ictie lins te a.elunWatt- kegan a tireat deal of te tinte. He. wam ans of the men '.to was closest 10 Frost durlng hlm regime aud was superlîîtendenî of the road durlng Ifs raltd expansion alatg ite North Shiore snd luto Mllsuak-,-. tBob Ives, ae he wsknown, w.., one outhttc bt-s knowt I eectric raitrosi -îîperint,-n- dpnts lu the countlry snd ai so ans othlt, most popular mito ecr couuected wlth th. ,I-lt-<- ritrosîf. He was ~ geueraliy itr,,- .-vert' etf ii f .lljve(l i ît l htt I i« utc hi,, tcrinas 'upert.t-- il 1fr. lysa wis about 50 y, ts ý!I andû 1mai rird. TV S.S.ASSOaÀTION Annual Convention Closed at Presbyterian Church. Lake Forest, Friday Night. HAD SPLENDID PROGRAM. Witt Decide Later on Place for Holding Next Convention- Many Resolutions. lentei J. Yager of Waukegan was re-eleeied presideut of the Lake Con- ty Sunday Sebool Associatifon ai the annual convention whlch closeI n te Preebyterlan church ai Lake Forest lt'lday evenlng. A. C. McNeill of ZMon Cty was reefIcled vice-presldeni.t Rev. G. A. Mitchell of Waukegan- was eleated secretary-treasurer,' vice Misa Agaiha Raemer. wbo hold te position fastt year lu a mast efficient man- uer. The attendant-e at tse convention thlm year waa ual as large as ht bas been nmre years tut Il la sald tse programn was ans of the bept ever air- rauged lu the couuiy. Many excellent talit were beard. The coflventIon opened Thursday marniug sud closedl Friday ulght. Waukegan was repre- sented by a good-slsed delegation. The place ef holding the convention nexi year wll te decldsd ty te expeutive corhlbttee early nexi year. Many excellent resolutions vers pre- sented by the res-ofutIous commutte. sud vêe pasedl by a unanimous voie. The offfcers elected were as fol- Iowa: Precldent-l, . Y ager, Waukegan. Vlce-prehdet-A. C. MaNeil, Zion City. Secrearytreaaurr-Rev. G. A. Mitchell. Wauksgau. Addilonal members executive com- mitise: F. D. Eversut, Hightland Park; H. D. Paxon, Higitland Park; W. B. Brand, Highland Park; V. V. Barneis, ZMon City; Rev. T. 0. Ream. iAberiy- ville. Disticlt Superintendcnts: North District-C. W. Hudson. Wau- kegaus. Second District-Dr. J. F. Enemer, Waukegan. Third Dlotrict-..George. A. Folleit, Libertyvîlle. South District-Willilam Norsnlasrg, Highland Park. Departmrent Superîntendents: Temperancs-Roy F. Wright, idber- tyvill Hon' Vsitation-Mms. F. Botker,' Highland Park. Teahers' Trainlaîg--Rpv., C. A. Montanus, Litertyville. mlulonary-ùmr. w. S. Farnsworth, Wauconda. Elementary-Mlss Iirons ltockeu- bacb, Oeerffeld. Secondry-P. R. Sberwocd, Lake Villa. Adults-Prof. B. G. Hess, Zion City. Many S e ' 'I orReee - lii re j. >'mtdt ALL ARE RILLED RJGIDLY. Maroh e .Fot Sb 'danSun- day to Make Inspection of Trêech Work at Peat. T1he Highland Parx aonutent of the Illlinol a TSeCte miltila wasor- ganlzed ariloiafly au a voluntes'ri training corps 10 prepare men of the forth ehore for the future part they1 Inay beh called upon ta play lu the world war. Their work gnder Capt.A Lucus A. Hine 80 Impressed milltary 'OMM mnu at vuen tas ns'. miltia was ofganlzed compauy C vas rnostered lu 'as part ot the north sitars batte.l ion of lte lei Many aoftsemembert, af the train- f5 f es nf Unale Sam's llghtiug force-. ___ Severat are lu the Fort Steriden o111- cers' tranng camp. Otherst are lu Ri lte natifonal army mobillzing at 65 Cents per ti Camp Grant, itockfard. All of (hem Lesat tan telI, nuits lu their Prais,- for the Pr)-e rin lirnlnary training they received in etii Hightland Park., Capt. Htne'e '.ork as te ral cont . + . . + . mander of lte training corps N535 0fj sucit a character titat li' was s-let-tI FO st-seraI wsseks sun liv the let rtpi + + *+ i. s.Admoue RATES ne eacn insert on. nmes, 25c firstin- SBALE +F ment for Ipromotion to thte raîîk to KINOLING WOOD FUR SALE $1 joi major commautifag te north -thure for 2 b)oeltad. Ttrgilscaal Anîîtr hattalion. T. A. Turlin, formenlvli' lRussja. RtU114at.II 2 firil lieutenant, la no'. captain ot FOR SALE-iligit grade Roielsttll, aomîîsnY C. Like hie predecessor, new umiliersa sud s1ringers l'liît Capt. Turpfin belfeves lu real work 267-M-2, Carl A P-chrck. -32t aus part of the curriculum a fihe Cent HOhSES SOL, bouithtsandexchian«eij Wili Make Long Hikees Câsti -t1 t,-ttt.. P. LaId. î 1.~ S'ifrmla1î practice, rifle range '.ort: lAiftrty ville5 1%t sud long "hltîke' '111it,l ndulged ;+ -------! ----- by lbe men as part or tapi. 'rurpin- plan tce condition the campauy for t- O IN erenunus duties thpy - nia -tlt d .... e- .F.. on ta pe'tfotitîas mut-t-t-sors ta th.' FOR RENT-Nly fuit 'wilfléI,. vat-ated fferaiized national gian. Sudas .4ttI Si , itti at v, ni i the entirs battailon, onde,' th-. lea IlutquIrs atcotd lit. Fil Sod"nterg '39sf dership of Mai. Hine. asembled in O EtT~stfntsht rpri Hightland Park and marcted te Forttitruiird rttînîs Mr, M .Andrews. Sherdan, vitere they atisi tht 1 lbi-nt3 ville. 111 4ael trench.. dng ty ltse candidattes ftt FOR SALE-191IU', Ird tttnrlig uir officers' lusignias. Itl la the îîurtto.-c-Fîrst eit-s. rtîuItit' ea tires ati of Mai. Hîne le take uhe baitalfut'extra. Fttr t-ast ontv F. Wilkeninir on long hikes ai leaet once a mouthPitons lIt lra.vgake . lt lu anticipation of titis comîtausC u _(.7_____________ tends la keep **fit" b>-t-ît-s.oftit- Courage. Teuaclty af il l, or willfulnu, lien nt thue rou:of ai ml courage, tut courage eatt ris. Into true maulluensaouf y when the'wtll las urreudered, sud the. more absolute tesurreuder outhbiewhiltse more perfect '.111 bete teîîîîr at aur courage sud the strengîls af ou,' man- Ildns&-Excitsnge. If lt'sa o any neya value. you '.111 find itlnluthé libentyvilîn Independent. . .-.- . . . .- .- RIuAL ZSTATE + FOR gLE HOME FOR SL-.rasgt-oi bouse locatrd lu iwrt>'valle, bas a large lawn, tins gtardptî 'pît, emalt Irulti. fruit Irpes; ail Ot -rut îuniv@nieut-p sud ,a ruuîuiv Itarut ,i i .tî tullt.W rite tau k Wký tttdtto M . 41It-4 FOR SALE- tr ijave t,! itis atnîelt,r >ai. , r r &t ltuttiAAtin, 1 I.lweity vIlle Itl' FOR SLENt - ,Xlilst ttC- ii gt2, %I thal rtit t suýà,;- t 'i th;rit,- l f ie-I gusa atîi lvn tSe . tîe5it arnd hutIdirge. -se, t 'rusmto 1 lie rlll li t ii t-liaser Itiquir.. 'niil Mat' ufb . 2ttt FCtl. S.b , It,,, i.ttAtît ot n bIcKliulsv A v AIllumintetîtt Mir B. J t(iti,,,, :7 + Holp Wanted-Female +1 ...........+i++ + WOMAN l1tfî, et ruting t t ltet TWO BOYS inutu 14 lu If, 3ears titi te 'rk etîlungi.s.ttiug pins, tîIt1ývat Co,-. & titose 1-arneogcitp 4t +MISCELLÂNEOuS+ MONaEv ru' Lii N WtA,- staît-I t .lu (lute i t tas dî-siiitg rd)t orrft'. m'tosy ., t.îs ,-r îtatrutt roîstiLkPt'ttijty lit-at l-.t. F 1-rat Natioual Riik. fi.ii rtyvii, hîirîta>18f1 WANTEr- t - tt100 4 it t-un! a toti MAiii pîtî ca.W i i i .47 Literîçyjileo Try an Independent Wai1t Ad. Lif e Insurance Fifty Years Ago---and No'w Fifty years ago, the mnan who insureci hhnîself for th'i benefit of bis family was looked 'upon by the average citizen as a kind of cross between a well-meaniug crank and a blasphemous dare devil who presuîned to cast dice on the inscrutable decree of Providence. 'rwenty-five-years ago, the aveiage insuralice man was regarded by bis average tieighbor as a nimble-tongued individual who gained au easy living at the expense of other people's credulity and -vague apprehensions. Today, the man who isn't irîsured eomewhere, somehow, for the benefit of somebody, is rather sure to be a badl risk--of moine .kind--either physically, înentally, or moeally. Few people possless the influence of the successfu1 Iife insurance man. H-e is the peer of ail wbo seli and this is a co mmercial age. We have fully awakeîîed to this fact; Thsurance is as much a part of modernt life as the telephione (jr'tie- railway. In tact, it, is one of the economie neceseities of life today. 1J is coal ini the bin, a roof over our heads, food and clothing-only a littie farther away tharn the present necessities. Life Ins'nr- ance is the best thiug. If you die, your folks.get the money. If you live, YOU get it. 4 John Hodge, District Manager The OId Michigani Mutual Life Insurance Co. ý 1 AREA -ILLINOIS Ofce Phone 162-R Reeidence Phone 296-M.1 ~~tNeiaaa C BarisChilcago.' IAugliet KIemien, Waukegau; Mima.- Alexander R. 'R.WarÉa, tWak.gai; bet ItLng, Racine. Nelle 1. Powell,' 1.lrtb Chicgo. Firank Scebher, South Haven. Mici; Walter Bate... Mlwaukee,; Metal Maria Keller. smre. fiebner, smre. Nichola. Ondzon, Racits; Lilli:tl Harold W. Goderig, Chicago; Flor. Leberers mre. ence Weeks, %ame. Arthur M. Panzer, Area; J~eI William J. ]3arker, Appleton; Anna SImpson, North Chicago. Johajn, sme. Oliver L. Dotzler. Millwaukes,; Frait. John D. Tyrrell, Waukegan; Mlldred tes Magdzinski, anme. Strong, Sioux City, la. Walter Russeil, Chicago; lesuma Fred W. Mleke, Great Lakes: Kath-. Puta, same. ýerinp Sluter, Kenosba. 1 Phillip Lout, Milwaukee; Lydia Ait Orval Dafls, Muskegon. Mdich; Lola: deon, smre. P. Moorman, nmsrn. Irven L. Sfsk, Waukegan; %IargarN Charles A. Reeblin, Milwaukee; An- Dawson, Chicago. na Nickel, sarne. William M. Camp»bell, Great Lakem; Pordinnd J. Bfinger, Baraboo, Wlo. Noma Travia, Okmulgee, 0kla. Thelma Hannon, Mlwaukee. Emil Suehoils, Milwaukee; Hele-n Hermnn Luckert, Milwaukee; Aug- Puescliel, am. ums Hagen,. mre. CIIord Wohifert, Milwaukee; Met- Gardon Riupert, Kukuna, Wis.; Ad.- vina Brown. sane. lino (loetiman, smre. Matthew Hamermiller, Ramcine; Ad- JoaePh Helby. Milwaukee; Charlotte die Johnson, smre. BusWord, arne. Hovell R. Morris, Waukegan; Eatpl Henry K. Carer, Zion City; Nari. le Risenftlder, mare. 1 1

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