Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 25 Oct 1917, p. 6

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.CSix LI»~TYYILL~ Watt kegan ~et*sr Fi AI1VE~N vflINC. envillinteresteA in lb V.aukega n R I WA R M ïO Nf Dil Gze tatgetitur a b James LE VI ES ON -!11,d a, dit.,of atGaet # ARRIVE AT 'A N anild th" Gazelle Publiahi ng campanH AI~ action frai- libel filed la circuit court~ A E T , II S " vere y maddefendats l a $ \-0Re kW Oris. M erell tae praecipe of te suitVINI EAMcKr~ WAR C was filedand vhile ttg sknownan bsPtA SU William Moran, a Waukegan In Thrirsday igbt's issue et tbe CR- Woodmnan Scurried About and1 You ManWrtes Parents,1 tackii aga last em ber: of tei,'i Raised $1 09.25 to Pay an te 7 liqofthe Trip. the dead." Mi- Orle said I ada>' in 0W iJudgment. spealing o!f te malter. "i1 bave1 -S pisserd over ia>' of te lurs viticht WEBE FETED ON JOURNEY.j have :upeare inlatlhe Gazette -butSALE FOR A TIME. I v te deiberateiv accuseaie o! Ille Served Witti Lunch and Fruit at'l, Ga ndur At i onto ar" Sought to Intimidate Orvis by Ma"y Stations-Are EnJoy- Mr.i- hdi esîlniate taas Saying He Was Reoeiver, ing Themselves Greatly. srtit Ilan hie opinion that there la a . Appontdb Cor. i - - ~~~ dlitherate effort ta cast aspersionne y or. i X. and Sire. ~F, Maa of 313 auh hasatr and record, and Hickory itreet have received a Ict- whir- J wvatld net aile »mait a- That readors of Titi Iaily Gazette ter front their eon. William, Who vas miumionsa ta that effect. it van re- recelved titeir papes liriday nlght porte od 0m> tat the October grand wsdet an tl utiL"i h euaocf the Waukegaa yeung men dt jury miabt b. recalled te iaveseugatevadutaam aîhutiglaie Cmp Grant ta enliaet it the dOSi-d a charge of alleged conmplnacy. Gazette office about prose lime firt- Slervice Engineers vite departed a "It 1tonka if thera vas a delit- day ttîrnoon. Tita tact titat Jiai few aysago or pnaly, ew er-orale effort beiag made la 'gat' me. WOd(mnn vito boldo; davate edi- fev ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~n dymofoTealNwJrmidthat an> musni yl e ensPloye.d se>, aller they itad came le Wauke- ta altîmn titis pur,",,," Mr, Orvia tortal chair. manaaed ta0- acrame up gart ta bitl relatives aimd friande a sald. "Ail t have ta samy Altat the $10925 ta pa>' a Judgmasalt icit ia l hurrieul fareveli. Gazette and John Barveli have a secureda aiist the paper ]at Jone ted The letter fronm Young Moian leIl, flghtl on their bands as 1 dnt Il of te ariva InNew ersy an oftend teaist back paseivel>' aad allov vas .a it at allowed the Gazette ta q.i cf im arivI a Nv erea ndo!theai ta binmireb a>- record mn a get out Its réguler edition. ni tihe eala>'maenl lita tentY4fve Wau- City' officiai. Titi> ca't accuse me Severai >eans alo Commlssioner E. vb kbfl un ag aiea hmd on th, way. of corruptioanmad get ava>' vithit i." V. Orvis wrote the insurance policy J. Hesaeys tit people alon thie roule commission vhlcb have appesred la abawredattatloe u Itm. t iis publication froai lima ta lime, for te. Gazette. Ha amys hi never ah, sholrerd atentons n tem. t 1p i ave& Lthe va>'for te ultimate ac. recIe ie bamona>' and &fier the bill 1 trait tite Redl Cross sarir tem witiî lion. hait been running neari>' reven year. Va luniches. Camp Merrils. where te' I Pnpar Accues OrsrIs. ha vent lin court andl secured tl'e fa( are stationed ai the preseat timeé, c.1 Tite Delly Gazette on 'Ptureda>' aigiti utider the titrea cntama cap- Judsaient. CO' cor'slng ta Moian, tg netnullitée Cam!) ion "Robin>'City Of Thte Dead." Athougit he secureelte judgmen*'aa, Grat. itockford. Poiiowing la the viicit appeared.ort te flrst page o! on Jone 6 o! titis >ear ha rayalitithl latter recaiveul b>'Mr. sand Mrs. Mia the paper. cotatned aarticle wviicit a as en 5algbetof ri4bjgcmltewt h xe-cent eflecîlons on Commissianer Or- Womnbsbe liighmof ran, bein complele vittliaezepvshio le bond o! the departmnent glving iirtana excuse and Ihen an- c.i lion o! pereonal allusilons:viic i ncludeq Oakwood cemete-y, it~er. One excuse, ha syw as usat mi Tenaply, New Jei-sey The article. hy ]atuendo. made fil 50 Leonard Sawvcl, a tai-mer avuer of -hc Atived itre 0. K. Haul a filr pear that Orvîs vis juggling th heppraouic Ite ugen.t trip. Itlaiswoititsometiting Io tak- cemper>' fundslt.apisoll a'lt Jdm .f atrip like tiis. We. veal litrougit - Ttay're accusIng me of rohbitng With itgIsPatience exitausled, Mr.wu tunnls tat mnt hve ben bit aOrvis accompanleul Consale "Base'di tannis LtaI uaI avebienbai!a 1lotI i H ilckts Llte eGazett, office Friday af ec slle or more la leaglt. We vent IV4I*JqJJI n <1Etirnoon and announceulte pu-pose an traiter a river in one place naand Of bis riait. b tlsrtsugbculs of solid rock. and F Rsav I Eve o heGaete19yqDn abru tal montans. e mde qItýdare ta ev>' on anythîng bei-e l'Il ai \,a tev top& et stations. chaaging an- Ata I~ A AN bIl taI you are ciled tfoi-contempet th aitaenmd geting coffée. of curt,"Orvi saysthatWoodmIAje W. atoiped la Chicago tramn 1 o! court." ni a' hlWoma Wrigodl until about 2:30 P. NIt Ail LadDOi thse va>'out at stations alaag te, Asked by Lake Bluff Police to 'Coad ond-Bos ei-y u'v gyou ilai te imer a peope wit baha enad Helfp Find Miss May Barket ev'adbn-tsglbs." Orvi>kbe sald as ha starteil la the direction o! a 4mâtiela of fruit and taff te>' vauld, of That Village. tbe Prisromno! thei avpaper, iied bandte nustrough te windows. Il neto adet e> o h fa <4un tbat vent good. dame o!fte inteAtPonRED THItaA.eM.ynonathedîtlon Ubva s e et becausa 1S0 anStI>' PAE HI .M Sneil fellava vould grab for lthe sama b.aRvna Hi on there a minuli--perbaps i MMa vo»d &Il Miss il but vat e vi neWoods and the Lake Iv a a ciiziisu." rtha Sot vent tuaid- iShore ot saidta havecriadof At DeriMicit., tie RediCros i oii< 'e He goI bus>' lmaidiately and a b d30besrof ucest uto* Other Cities on Watch. short ime latei- hipetid ta Orvli the s the ratn. hatwasai igh. ater$109.25 la salle!>' tie Judltmentmid t tis tsAs.Tiatvanataiit, llr1 WmukegnM. Oct. 20. Instruetions vane given ta the proe- 'ar kart bad supper, no vi itsd Liman The aid o!flie Wukegaa police man ta rua off te editlon.n 1»~ bmk1ut. The>' vira good t a a ffipted thIis sternoon at 2:30 u We arnived here at 4 P. M. >'e- 'elck Inth litvde searci thala is ha- tuda> (Taindan). 1 a nev cama. lng made for Mine May' Barker. aged IWAI? 1 BROUN IT about te same an camp Grant. oui>'25, rldtimg at 125 CeaIe- avenu eP 1 da't tinak ils as bIg. It isn't s aBlf.viodsapaad taU4l I~1A ani abut hedtasa me ran t. Weaber home titis mornlag about 8:30 101IoI L)rA areU aut balaremi Cr. "C"vi,-aA. M. According la the Information f1 b 'ii~ n " ' amai pac. W a laCa."C te1 upplldthbelocai police Misseliarker O ir AIILE IRELIL'a at'aadof 01,ý.E.I ai imes, bas 1lapses o! mamor>' and e Tbere van a slretcit of 111 miles Isoal aiesesmtm fi on the trp bei-e tial va madla a sibonai 'manitai ymplm o!Gas Mask and Helmet From 0 an8go-inutes.e yaung voan faileul go- EuropoanWar Front Sent i Iutno mre. 1 dcn't tbini e vwvlI i eaWethYon wmn iedo1il ber moe ita avee o so Idont PPear her parant, enlisted tbe aid Mre by Robt. Edwards. kww were w aregoingbut o !oftiti Laite Bluff and Lakte Foras Sau e ie aare goig bt exs.me1 Police. A idesprpaul seareti WaSALSO OFFICIAL INSIGNIAS. vouldn't careif vi vould move eviry coadlicted Ibrougitoulttie day buta] l week-tie trip camiig aven bora thousi tae ieasitore, ravines aud Many People Stop at Ingals' t didn'l seout balf long eneugit. voods In the viciait>' o! Laite Bluff Store and View Suggestive ~ t. ~», vre scoured no trace o!fitei- viere Ehbiin fReis &M m a boula coutld hi localed. Waukegan. Oct. 19. Tiis aflernoca titi police o! Wauka. Much interest la belngdemoastrat- gan. Northt Chicago and Hgghland Park ed lu te displa>' cf relics f ront e M O0A0 5Mwî'iult ere enlited In the searcit. Theteig- Ituropean battleileld nov bîing sitova ÀU M .U ELIS gestion bas hein made that the Naval lante Inglis jewelr>' tri wtndow. tStion authoritias bi app.aled ta as The>' virèent a bthe famly of AL LIDa atant resort If tite young voman la William lEdvards o! Jackson strict ~ T D Y lo fun b'>' Robert Hdwards. their son, vito. IF iteIsdencrlbed as veigilng 126 an a membmr cf Dr. Besleya médical Poande, ig à fait 4 ines uttl, itemstafl aliavnzsi rne Jelm . Bawefl J~ms M.dark lhair and a ver>' palecmin e lpagt kaft n n te r zoe sIck andê u.Witen'site disappeared site vas vear- avouadeedckan Woodman and The Daïly lag a black coat and brava itat. Litae selltîg !Itr Gazette Defendants _______Ama3ng teséilti fItr SUIT IS FILED BY ORtVIS3sot ii!Ola steel itimeait, aue sisi SUI 'SFLD BYOV Do Yen gît ap at gt? Sal la aare wvan b>'man>' cf tb.evaàriaorC Story Thursday Night Entitled surol>' lbe best foi- ail kidney and hiad aitroad Thia blmit 1ooks like a big -RMig Ciy ofthe ead, der troubles. 8Banal gives relief lu ketîle and ls velgat Isncb that ana CsOaityforfSt.Ded24 houri frain ail iackaako and bil-.vonders boy they canoearanthema. I la ai rSi. dir trouble. Sanol in a guaranteiul Anotiter thlag a! nterest ia a long F John W. Barveli. Pratident of hé eaied>. 3ie and $100 a baIi set tai Place of plaid dtotb sucit as l a ued W&aUkega National Batik, itead o!rdrug Store. ta malte tbe Scotch klties. On titi, »e itcbfesa Cl! Meat fartai-y and *Av clat appears about fftv inalgnias. la UIY FINDS E» VATR WAS INAÀN UNSAFEI.CONITION.j md Alto That Elevator Was lmprpii ighted-Vlsited .Plant Thi s M orning., OLD MILLARD INQUEST. qelativec of Deceased Employ Atorney-May Start a Suit for Damages. VIERDICT 0F JURY. ~W eths Jury, find titat W. 9. P411i- ord came 10 ihie deatit by accident ln MR tievitor, usd ns a freigit eliva- er, wileln haetsempie>' of lte Ne- iiiil Iellagtona Company, iituated si Wailksgsa Lakte Count>'. liilnoi* 'W l thejury, belleve thît lte evater wam improperiy ligbtmd and i n a eniiiy unsaf conditio." 4. W. Swanbrough, fonamma., James Malit. Louis Guilidge. Franke A. Webb. Chias. . Kittredge. W. J. Whitney. Coroners Jury. Thei faregoing s erulLe vas returned >d-a>' b>'ttie caronar's jury>' viitlu- alired ista ta deatit on Tuesda>' light of W. B. Militard. Titi inquest. bhicit was presided amer b>' Coroner 1.L Tiýl-yTr, vas beld at lte Wblli' td Tobla andertakting roome. Titi prIncIpal wilneses s era Adain aogîl. nigit vatcitman aIttie Manu- rcturera' Terminailthe man vito dis. Doerad ci'. Milllsrd's pi-edicamet. and Dr. F. 1. Gourley. vito attendeul me accident victiai. Mr. Vogal eaid bis attention vas caIt' ta MIIIsid'scondition b>' s man vto, board, aIi ti- Chicao loue nearbu. This man leapeu lthe rance atlte ci-minal and tld liha satcitman ltaI ha bad hieard cries o! tstress caming fri-n the building oc- cuplaul b>' te Kfilastona cancern, sd ltaI someone titaepmuet bave en Iajunaul. \'ogr-lconducled an vetigmaton immedialel>'. Ha vas licted hi>' gi-ane la Lthe point vitere me victim wae pinnied fast vitan bis ef1 leg became jammed hetwaaa lt. power alevator and lte floar. Mil- ld toid hlm. ha saidltaI hi itad ben heid fart ltera fan a long lime and titt ha tîad almost bogun ta dempaîr of an>'oaa coming 10 hisa rA- tue. Thte valcbman itad la laver te elevalar belon ha coutlexîricalatte 'ictIim. Haeten îummonîd lthe am- bulance and itad Miliard ramovad to thi Jane baspilal. Dr. Gourle>' ld a!fiavingbhen summaned and o! havlng cared for be Inlured aman. Tram lthe teslamoty lte jury did not gît it chear tu thair mindaas ta Jul boy ltaeaccident itappeaed. For bhal reason lte>' paie a visit ta lte plant and made a peraonahl nveaUtga. ton. Thoodore D.'Hurst. Président- W. 8. Smithb, Vice Presîdent. F. W. Churchill, Secretary and Manager TrELEPHONE 8 1 SECURITY TITLE & TRUST CO. AUTRACTSOF TLE TITLES GUARANTEED Capital$125,000.00 1UK~GAN - - ILLINOIS bras,. wbich denote tue ranlir of the varions amen vio contrlbuted ta the relie whlcb, Mr. Ed'warde desired ta Pend bacl Ioblbisfolks a ahme ad tb vhlcb the mztn abroad gadly con- trlbutPd. There are aga a nîîmber of brasia buttons The 'weird Ilodg ras Maslc which the mrn wear infIghting the ga>ta il tecks le aira In1thelst béing dis- latY-ed and thiz. uerhapis. attracîs more Interest tIbm an>' nîber article. Itsl grPwso)mepPPeaenr-e carrnes a etar>' In Itîcîf. l'eceist a! a report from lte Narths Shore Municlpaitie asgoclion. a1 viticit Waîîkegan le a mambcr, tit. Ing the result of the igbt. mand titi approximate cost, wbich, by the way, amaunted t0e onething amer $1100. Il waq sugge.str-d it the -communt Et Lion that If Waukegan In no desîrolt. that a checJc sbouIdlie. malied as soan as possible. At te lime thu. Ilgh't axs planned Waukegan pledgad th. Bum of $50 toward defraying lte texpen$eesof experts vba wouid taka cara of the cities' lntereslm. Thte futl titat Attorney George T. Ragers of Lilce Forest., vio rapresented tat cit>' ai tbe herlng, put la a bill for $250 for services rendered, causod disapprovai on titi part o!fae members of lte commiemian. Orvis for onme, vent an record as belag op- Pased ta Waukegan's paylag aay* thlng toward the cenl of titi heurtag uniles. Rogers' bill van eliminated. It vas practicaîl>' agreed b>' members a! te commission, however. that Waukegaa vili maire good on ils piedge ta psy $60. CorporatIon Counsel Arltur Bulk- le>' wbo atteaded thaeitearlng, made the statemeat thet the figitI put up hy te munilpalties availed vanb 11111e for hoe said te rallroad coin- pan>' gaI Practicaîl>' everythlag it 8ougitt. Ho said titat vitat conees- 'nnsveres ecured vire necelved as a resaIt of tesîlmon>' olered b>' te IltIlt>'Commissions avn ilpertn. He said Ibat befora the North Shore muncipities entered thte filgt titi> coaaulted wit ion J. Arnold, recognlzed a« tiýe greatest authorty on electrical Oegneering, and sat! that Mr. Arnold sald tial even If lte citles empioYed hlm ai a cast of $250 a day that Ihene vas no probabllilv lta the request of te railrOad com- pan>' for an Increase In rateg %could bi forestalled. There was no other buinesâ brougitt bafore the council. LFrewige the Meeting orfte Board or 1bocal Impravements consIsted nerely ai calling the board lao rder. ci loy.Ili, i-oie.*and adjourning. ME3N MIO PLANND IN RO@I-STOR AR (iMVN SENTNCES As a resuit lte>' aim ta have i 1ound tatlte elevalor wvu unligitt-y id and ln an unsafi qondîtion. Tito>'c ixpresid ttie opinion that Miliard anal bave heein ljuneu anslte neault if aaaie suddea joît wicb caused t hm to lose bis balance' raîber titanI bat hieîateaipted ta etefOmfom titid elevaLar vitile It vas la motion. Titi>' sald Ibis vas tadicataui fnoa the poLqs- tIan ýf lthe body. Rtelatives o!flime daceaaed havi n.- tained an alltii>'e and It la Iatimaled tbat suit me>' bo started againsi. thet company. Under the vorkman'i comai' 9ensattio act lte relatives ara au. tllled to damages o! $3120. Titis s.r tour timas thte amomnt a! hie annam slaar>'. lING D0OST It RTESf City Officiais Are Not Pleased, However, WIth Failure to Get Deslred Resuits. FARES WERE BOOSTED. Oblection la Raised Beouse Attorney Rogers Pts in a Bill for Services. Ttc question as te vither on not Wiukegan sitaîll hane tisa ex- pense o! Nor-th Sitars uinnciPaliles< Ia titi-rîcent dight bileflte Pab-m li ticltilem Commission wtea tite1 Chicago, Norlt hahre and'Mîlvauka.'4 alecînie i-ali-aad prasnined ls p i-1 lion for pu(i-mlssIon ta Incrase' o! fane, vas dtecuesid at soma lafiKtit il lthe ramiear couacil meeting Stan ilay nigitt. nemadicuslan vas ivokid b> lthe M TisaI Max Hasanhitet and Edvisid Talunlt tva >'a Yung min wbo vere arrested ln Waukagan a fewvveks ago vitea tha> vire detected lalte aet o! seeklng ha break inta lte rear of titi Sargent and Tardoif hardware tare, have hein seateaced ta mie vao yemn alte Wisconsin state aenalantiar>' ai Waupun, Asl taeln- frmation canvayed la lthe 1,ocal de- panIment b>' the iRacine police de- partment Manda>' aigitt. Thea mee nre eid ta bave bien sanlenced Man- ia>'. Wblo Incarcerated tal taeWauka- gan lu the Yocung aien confesaed ta îav-img hi-otan lotoand rohhed a stoi-a at Racine. This tact vas con. ve>'ed ta lte police depanlmeat o! bhat cit>' vîith titiresulî that lIme Young aien vire latin ta ltaéi- home City on lte alahl a! Oct. 13. There ha>' made a compieta con taslan to titi police andl aigaiieul hbeir Intention of plaading gult>' whbn arralgned lnlacourt. This.lthey Aid Monda>' vit thlie resait that the>' recel4ed mach lgitten sentences titan .hey 'eould, ita<lthe->'dpcluled la nake a fight. Mucit of the lol vwas ricovered. It hal bran itiddaa under the Iorcit ai te home oro! na o!ftte Young titeves. liaienitain aad Telaert tld lthaa cine police tite> vera praparlag 10 rab lh local store viten caught b>' Policeana William Coun. FORT SHERIDAN OFFICER GRADUATE ENDS LIFE. Vancouver, Warb., Oct. 20 -48hot, fead b>' hi. onhiand,bLeutenant M. C. SîcCa> cf titi Fourteenlt lin fanl-y vias fouad ln bts tint at tite ridae vange near itera. His revolver a>' beslde hlm. Lieutenant. MoCo>' van comrniuatoned necentl>' at]Part Sheridan. Hie fater, Robent McCoy. van colonel o! the Sixtit Wisconsin Quards hefare il vas federallzed. Hi bail necînîl>' faien bit a afortune anmd relatieva are ai a luis tb ac- eeunI for itis mct. R. K. lWaitlm vas canliefid ta th,. board c! electlan commîsîlonars of Hackfcrd as an Independent candi- date for circuit Jndge of titi sevan- teenth judicil district yestenday, conaidîrable uncertial>' xlstlag as totae Lime rpretaton o! recent stat ules uegandlng titi nmiation o! candidates for' judîcial positIons.- ltoclcfard RiPubltc. rTue fest: aser. "Titi. la nO Chie" botter timan titi chier taICamles from glvtng gond cimier 10 athers."ý-leSi P. Cape. FILEI-REV E..OI VI John Brel Jim Woodman and =Gzet Publishing Co. 1 Are Defendants. One Suit la Against Woodman 'Indlvldually-Others Are Joint Actions. Damage iuits aggregatlng $76,000 have hein bled agi insl John Bar- well, Jia Waodman and the -Gazette Pubiishlng compan>' b>'<Commission- er B. V. Orvîs. Oaa of th ite atia bled Frida>' aftsrnooa the athar tva beiag Iled titis monning. Merely tlb. praeiiPes are fild. Thete ltes of the suttanmid the amounts asked ln eacit cme orea fllovi: E. V. Orvis vs. James W. Wood- man,. LimaGazette Pubhi&siagCompany' sad John W. Barwel-$40.0f dam- ages. E. V. Orvîs vs. James M. Woodmant. lte Gazette Pubhinitlag cospan>' ani John M. Barveli-2.000 damaigis. E. V. Orvîs v.James M. Woodman -810000 damagea. Casae i Senation. Titi $40.000 il.uita tated la Pi- day nigitte 'San, vuan bed as result of te .taiementi conaaned ln i'Tur*- di>' nigit's Gazette. Titi article lit question appeared nadir the ltrie ecluma itîading "Robbiag Cil>'o!flime Dead." Titi sor> latins-led tit Ibîeehail hen unaaful juggling of lime cemeler> f Unda vtlct are lnn Mr. Orvia' care. Mr. Barvîli was iaclud- ed la tte suit as a delaadaal heause Mfr. Orvîs conlenuls hpa s tarlisliit- teneaaedlal theGazette. Juil vhal Ig tock or thme $2.5.000 suit blled this mornîng le not knavn as Mr. Gi-vie le outo! thie ctti and could flot bhaoskeulfor an umplan. lIon. It lo aainaied timat ltae suit la haaied on quie article wbiciî appear- id la titi Gazette, posathl> Prida>' night Siander la Citmrg.d. The filing of lthe $510,00 suit agaînast Jiai Waadnam. editor o! tie Gazette, le not a complete surprise. il la based an aliegid aland-rome alatemenîs made ta Mn. Ornevit,-bn lie vimlled titi Gazette oMoie hlaefl- day aflernoon. Ifiesys Ihat Wood- ana ld hlm than lthaI he bad not Iiteadod ta coave>' the Impr-ession tbs.t Orvs haul "ncbbed tthe desd" but ralthenltat ha had *"roahed tIl cil>'." Compieta datait. on timis mat- tir. Includimg Mr. Orvis' statîmplit, vili ha found ln anotiter columa. Orvis lanseafkimg o! thte matth- as- sertid thal he a imjust eglnlulng la igit. He sald titql ha hes put up with lnsulling statemants lantthe-Gaa zille unlil te sean no ressor t> ha h ahould do It an>' longer. SWEARS OUT W*R RMT FOR ÀIRET 0f Je W. IARUL Commissioner Orvis Swears Out Warrant Bottins Justice of the Peace Parmer. VIOLATEO CITY ORDINANCE. Barwell Is Charged With Run- ning His Fountain Outside of Regular Hours., BARWELL 18 ARRESTED. Tit, warrant ws turn.d over t0 Consable D. A . Weale wto lImmed. i-mel>' net Out to flnd rweii. He had a prott>' good "huachu" hi would fInd hlm ett1he Gazette offIUband hie sur. mise prcved te be correct. Mr. Bua- Weil and W. S. Keltit won* found ia earnest convensition wlth im Wood- man. "Mn. *arweil, i have anwarrant for your aruI," te conmtmble sold. -'Ari'et gasped Mr. Kelt, hle face pâlin. The conetabie pnq4ceeded to te warrant. Sui'well thonainquinait tse *Mount of thé bond aad upon Wa lng Infonmedttaet It was $200turaed ta Mn. Kelth and asked If ite womhd ot es hie boamans. This was don. and tite caseiw»a set for itesrlng ha. fort Justice Fermer on Octobdl 26. Cbarglng a violation a!f'Rule 9 a! Section 3, o! te Wnkigan Cl>' Oi-- dinasce nelntiag la water, C00mi1- sioner E. V. Orvlis tada>' appimned ha- fane Justice o! thea Peace Leo Parmer and avore out a varrant for lte an- I iest of John W. Barwell. Titisuit foiova lt e nveintlon bt-ougitt ta light b>'Titi Sun titat Barvelîs foun- tain ai hie home,4 corner o! Jultan sIrait and Steel court, bas hein rua- ann algitt and day. vanting itundreds o; ltaousanda o! gallons or valer. Titi section o!flte vateuordînanci] mnder whlch Mr. Orvis Io tîklng me- i4on rendsaua follows: SECTION %, RULE 9-110" for l5.wn sprlnkling %hall beu ui*d ufly from the lot day of Nlav ultIlle lit of November, froni 5 A. M to A. NI. and froam à P. M.-l10 10 t' X. anmd fountains from oW M. ta 7 P. M" Section 6, entitled "PenslttC5., reads au ftallowe: ',Any pereîon or persansa. tirai ur corporation, viola ting any of the pro vbtlons or tht, chapter, shall be euh lect tu a penalty, and 1w fined îlot lese titan $6 nor more titan $200 for each offense." "I haven't quarréfled with Mr. Bar- well--all 1 ashced waq that he i)'Y for the water 1w. bai îîspd," <'ommIir sioner Orvid sMid tada>'. "When the Gazette came out Thursday nlght and accuseid me of robblng the dead, 1 conslder It )Ir. Barwell's anower to me. If hi wantA ta flabt be ougbt not to have picked a fitht wth. soln ane Who knows how ta, flgbt." In sweartag out a warrant tor Mr, Barwojlls aiiest, the hfad of thte wa- ter depament Maid the faCt that Barwelilah preloideat, of the Wdukegsn National Banan id bond of the' Blâ Weil Tactory-ý,,ade no differende ta hlm. isaid hi wauld cause bis ar- rosit uitanquicU>' as Rhe would au>' other mon wham hi constdered bat! vlolated lthe City' rdmiUCea. In' addition to swss.rtni auj the warrant fer flarwelVe s*reat, COu. instvoner Oryis announeed thîs maf- lng that hi had given ibitructiOns te lampectarsIn abis departnhett te.abat off te City watsr at $hà Dsrwell horne until *14 back viatrrente bare been Wad taniful. He uMid tht. as na more tbhao b veuldadoviti the average individuel Who decllmsd te pay for water hi bad used. SaOCI sema Pri @cIption la a famon old remsdy for ail -forme aofU.s.a»Il skie diseais. Banal la a muauaabsd remody. Gmt&a85,eflatriaibattin at tbe drug sotan. Adi' Do'OU reaJimo thst hun- dredu of thonsands of Âmerican boys M egoit acron the Sm obh$tà you m»Y ontlnme W .i!99 yonr ileiimnt libertlat? Do you appIreciate the im- mensity of the obligatî0n that devolves on you to help miataîn and enoourago them? Il you do you vill heiv. Yen cSn beet do that now by buying a LIBI3RTYýBOND By the sot, yen 'Md your money to your geverumraent te be exfflded lIn keePina your moldier. in the w"a- in winnin the war. Yur DSa& Cma iv. Ym Paitisebaas s. T.ia of Paym Take a trip along the North Shore. Stop off ahsmot any place mmd go trmmping thm theh woodeanmid acrosa the fieds ta mrcb CEw f vlfoves Therm in .t ata. sky-bhue sa" upsrkiing la lb. unligt.Walk along the buff and glips tse heaullées ofnature ahit gluer. North Shore Une Roomy, easy-rid- îng ail -ateel equip- ment. Palbr md dining- car service. Quki am~ch, coaeimbit, --nint .Thlrty lilmitsd trans d1>; fraqusat local trains; loy rates of!fer. Elevated Eyautn EqmsTrain rnake imniediate con- nectiana wlth North.Shore Lino limitedftralinei 8 Centrai Street, Evanstan. Ask an>' Rlevnted ticket agent fur descriptive foidex ad ime tard. City Ticket Office 137 South (Clrk Sbi*et Piton.Central 8280 The Electric Way -TOPA Y! îIditg C.O0 vbstedéi land lai John I titi seho, bien lina Thie wwaf being cal San R Ffunlaugit angle but ben quli &B. L. 116cha. Lagran@ Titi lit ho#pitai The; rami hurli. ,>aeu. i Lo itr i"re'id day. Paul, viuuî Mair j Aroci, Ol niorniî.g. lstic of ti, cbrietiara Bear b lu atiir. m1e %Ii enaugb moura hi siens. am boat of 1 Tuieda> Wbite 0ne Chicago I LMn. Mvi ~edrec 1 à Aenali Stohbelp lu ver> pia menti vp wishedtil %Ir. and $ peut Oev, tir, sanE wood an ~Sanda>' Foreat li for a suai Alleédale iradiator travel an. thei boy h Selon fou WilllBr '~Saiurdsj M tr. and Saltrda>' Indiana dellghtful M. aut Mir. and iduday a are la tra day wltb Tom IM day vitit tob talî ci P. Lob proveinet town anc Ray Ke le nrw il at Piffi. Mir. fin(t eetla 'ton du i Roy Lie Joil î1 ïarrowli a' mm . - 1 - . 1 -RMRM-Cu" 1 ti ID d

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