Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 1 Nov 1917, p. 12

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Highland Park Chanfteur, De-j spondeMt Md juIou$i Takos Lite Tuesay Nght. lpw yeux&, rTWo~l to the Iloor. ah. was oxrre to mbautbetr 4iWlt' andth 11ebody' vas rernx)vOdti b.the' prier imdetaklng parlons v,.an, 1it 5t ho b bldai 6 o'clm httln eoenlng by Coroner John 1. TaYl<*-. l'h, deceae ' e ~leter lor h' vile. Iehe r9 the.letter iWice as ehe etood ovo e ib lody ln the rader- tajiug pa" tta = mrnilig. Tlrw ýa not a «y. Site p2me58thletter to ber mo*.er, andi then -to *ber a ther. T ho police tben tank charge d lb. l&st leter viticit RoeWilei ?'1,-f L bis bmle - Roemrneflé parents are realdentl or mwhte laiOoe, New YOrk. ow). at $1.00. LOST JOB, LIFE' USELESS. lît One Reason for Man's Suicde Said to Have RSm His Fear of BeingDrfted. Fredunîick ,RoeuMr.e. marrieti One t'SLt anti livin.g at $99 Onwentia ave- Une. Higlalnd Paek, comniitied eut- tie Tuesday nigt by asphyzlation. -4e lftI a note whlh raid: *'Plcaexo cxi my dear motlier-ln-law and let lier laite care of me." itacuimele. the police gay, atternpt rd t ae ite hie frirst on Sunday niglil, but hie wfe stappet i hm. Tues day night lie loclted htrnself ln the batbroon andi placeti u gaz tube in bis moutr. lie wae gcesmlvely jealona af is isfe, ih la mud.ý Anoth e; report vwas that the reason lie ended ishlmlite vas beesuse, B. . bietzrI, Chic *go shlae manufacturer, by wbom lie wasa mployeti au a chauffeur, tl i lm li vould fot neeti bis cervîces during thé viater. Ddn't'Want To Leave ¶îbf.. v }Highlandi Park, Octil 31.earln8 the war would seperate hlm froni bis bride of lourteen meints. Frederici Roemmele commtted suicide Ili asphyxiation ai bis borneononnOuvot. eia Ave., Highland Park, et 8 o'cloch Tnuesuy nlgt. Itoemmele vas one o! thsetiret o. the Hghlandi Park mua âIled, fot service in ibm draft&rMi. Mê- pleao mid ezffiptian bellauSe af a depeuideu. vife. Inventigatlon shoved that bi lm t wu nfot depeatient on ltaifer up port, wbereas aile vas laborlng as t Clark lu a pumbps atore, ami tit4 saa'y ansoubieti close tu $10 à veet lIer hubmai vaseuuli»yed *. chauffeur by E. 3. Motter, ailhitanai Chicago sitoe îaanufacturer. Rgeont 1>, ItIosalti. titeemployer announce. bim lntentlbis of laylgup hie car 1. the winier. He offereti Roemrnele, Il Ja laid, a position la Chicago at s greaUly reduceti satary. Thus the Highi Cost o! Living wa addtedt t the youag man'sm vannes Then ogalie hovas jealous of bli Young wfe vlio vas a girl of greai charm. lAmt niglt bis vite went t10th-, homeofaI ler parents la Higlivooti lier departure from thse home. it'I. soi(? folowed one of the chidist quarrels vhiell marecs ail nîptila happmv'ers. Her father Li William Cunsmtngb thc well dînger anti house moyer. About I ocloch R...;-îelle e tu the kitcheai wlire lie utiaubeta gava îîs-laken trom a gadmn- to one M thle big outeto ou 1the range Titen lie tuekedth Ie bote under thc hatllroor door. Once Inslitviith t poleanous gas lowlng la greot quan tîiy, lie tucited blaukets, vblcb b, ba taioen tram the bed-nuer the door and matie the room sound a d air proof. Titen lis loy down on bis deatli bed. A voman vti a six mont olic ciilti as s remuier ut the Roemrnelf home. She returneti home froua tbe theatre about 8:e luat aibi andu p- uni oppnlng the front oose ielisi sas. She ran Into tihe treet vith a Mr on lier lipS. George PhiulilPs, Highlandi Park lw Yer. vas iliîslng. He raLuti inoUtc bouie, then back ia the treet, anti tbea telephoasti for the- police. Edvard Maroaey, onu dfthile best knewu of +Highlanid Park coppena, an. swered'the eall for Xlip. Hes threv hi veight against, th% be. rom ont o anid it doigs& j:qaed tbodbiy'bacit far esougl I ntz theba uthroornte permît the door te open- 111W» not dead,' oilt Maroney. Dr. Jagale vas ummaneti but hi anounoesitha tmsuele hai beer duifor May 'minutas, ArtilUcial respiratlon vas esOrted te lu an me, * tespt ta »sve e yu"g man. lIte, but tene aseiL The yegiMa'£ fatbela-a a -i autmobet. li0,ssisetl W a ew ain. Ut... He Itu tn"ipaugollai unuilpr of* IXMbs.uUF. g4esldia- a&e we ~nta &CoaltUd8',m page Ou.)> an exeeptlaflally large vote tur id out there. In Iooking over the country Il la totIceti thut la practically everY town- hlp wherc there, vauld lieadàIreOtý or indirect licefit as the recuIt oli the. proposed roada, the people voteil in favôr of te bond Issue.. Ibié cit bc observeti IÙ YOD ili look down th". lie voting as it tookt place la the dît-1 ferent towuahips, sucli as Waucontia. Grant, Avot4 «ec. Tbe oppOsMiti lit Ma township, bowser, aimentt ulree to onu, cefifo. I be ftgured out tay the gooti roadsi pro aioters because a% townehiP, If thit' entIne *plans of the road builderb camry. I have the ativantage of the~ Uand road limprovemelit vblcb will net bl e vry farnfront the principal volage, Lake Zurich anti rinning ta Waucondu. Appsrently thati h wh5r ,Wauconda vas o strong fur the bondi lsue. h .,s spotîceti la Iis bond election tacse th=ainl any other election blol since wornen began votlng, the ratio of men anti vomen votlug "yes" and wu~'va just about thie sam"?. In pilier words. it looks that for tlhe girst lime,'the voinen voteti accord. Iagtta the dicta« tes t!heu lilasbifti titis probably beiag due te lte tact, thai iii. bond lsue provitied for tIh" expeikditure of moaey andti hat v u1 evatually surike the famlly pocot. bao'L. lu the came of Individual mret- gr*oes ai la tlie lient electous wberD te women bave voietithe-votes dld not staud an closely togetiter betwoen thé m« adttie worn as et tiI "re ai tho bond election. -Newport vas strongly agatnst the bond Issue because apparently the praposed mradeis ddetflot nany way strike ltai CWn1lp. Seoeal TIcs. il vms ral.her singulir that Usure were three precincts where there vai a île on thien~e's vote or lu the total vote on thie bond issue, as follo.wa: Avon 2-41 men for and 41 a&g2lnst. Cuba-2S total for andi 28 againsi. Waukegan 13-22 men for and 22, ig-ainot. JACPÀfl3tlVINS Canapiecuumbravery' las van the 'rencli var eross for "Jack"~ Patten, ,on of James9 A. Patton of Evanston, Ispatcheis ftrn' Parie announceli lontiay niglit. Pitten va" anc uf six Young men eiti for braver>' lan e- îoving wGlinded under lire atIl";11 '04 at Vertiun. Young PattenIeft 'hlcago ast spring wltli Wulbur Higli aven, former Northwestern football itar, vltbi an ambulance unit. Tho mbulance vas thQ Sgit o! James A. îItten. Priar to leaving tor France, "Jacc'l Patien, asulie vas known by bisi frientis, vas emplayeti ln very ardi- nary capaciies ai the Wilder tan. ey, Wâbuiegan. "f gave hlm an 'inbulance sud tld 1 hlm to heto Il, anti lit certaini>' 00»ks as H lie'd donc h,' gleetully1 tieclareti James A. Patien. Jack's la-i ther. "l'ai pnoud of fhlm. but lies mi>'y dolng bit; patriotic daîl'." Tspu« eto buy 2k cto 15e timl ,ortianf'- Fery attnl* ýt t stles an,-' 0! tJIQ w.) -for AU - Iefl Mn.Wor.ted Union, Suits' Ieliable tetture, wàrm wlnter weight wor- sted union mits in fine ispring needie nib. G)rey. AUM.50 6(Ëi floô), er mknt, ... 25 Men's e2,» ' p Saltag$1.69 A 8pec4 ' lot of ilrst quaty, healvy' Wîj i _e l Opmocemsunion suits, [in "ryI Sa brand. .m34,1 .69 o4 (n iu or),at 1....... ýMen's Wir Oü-, , Gowns vàt98c&il1.49 Made just a littie more earetflly thanu iu- ai; of good, heavy fleecy outing flannel. Extra room eutand ong.AUsizes (main floor), per gartnent.98e snd ......14 Men's P.1nh unîons at L49 &-4 This store is keadquarters for large asa-ort- mente of warm witer>p1uutber garments. Two piece Oiithig pjiis r one-piece pajun unis. Negt pink ôr bl4e stipes, silk frog trimmed. Ail sizes (main floor); per suit.$1.49 9 .9Y 5% cUp to 25 Whether it be warm kmitted eloves or- dre-'s [@ves uf fine- kid, unlined, or hined with silk r fni* fleece, the selection will pleast you, and le pnces are reasoable. (Main 2.50 oor) 598 to' ........ Dresa~ ~ ~~~i hft h maahineat tripes1 -'ee efs an, ies14 to1 ( 7.(Manfur;gj.a tt*kyp«iehse îie ot new atalvery I are hPe, iiewest'65eC~s pleasng siQeëién. (Main floýo), Women's SergeDrçs ~ eybeconing and iný00.m 1 1,esseiesng m»ny marked styjoli Nvill appeal to the critical womatn. 8 are authentie. Rea.4onably prled 1 (Second floor), at ........... -WOMEN'S &Mm SE,$SWEAtERP- Heavy rope stitchWool swatr coats for wvomen and mis ses, iimanish styles, with large Èhawl collars and patch pock- ets. Navy, oxford, or xnaron. AU sizes. (Second floor.) Splendid.values 8.9«5 at $4.95 and ........... ... Girl's Serge Dro eé-. at 6.501 Very smart styles; imi. blue serge dresses. With a dash of brightred silk sout- ache braid on collar and aleeves. Plaited mçd- .els with wide patent leather beiots. Sizes 6 to 14 (2nd floor), at. ..... ~irs' Warm Coats,95 ISplendidly tailored, fine quality wool Ivelour winter coats. Smaàrt belted, highý waisted effects, with huge collars.,ILarge selection inwaned orssizes Children's Flannelette Sleep-ý ing Garmenïts at 49c Warm a nd"eomfy sleeping garments with feet attachied. Opeu, front and back AOC Neat stripes and all-white (2nd flloor)9~ IWarn),WiterHose forMI L iarge sececuons; uaestuy Prîc...(Main ...., - - . ,-- -IP Womnen's HeavyFleeceHose Witer-weight, ywarnily fleeced 'tiued -ho"e with rib tops. Regular and ont sis ini black (main flor); pair .........35c' Men's Hleavy Wool Hose Men 's grey mixture, heavy winter-weight wool scx; ail sizes (main floor), er% pair ... .. . ... ..r.... Iky's Heavy Rib Hose Boys' heavy î'ib black sto"i mgo o good value. Ail sizes 6 to 10 (main floor) ' 5 Iper pair.................. Womnen's Finýe KShoes I ai al-bIaedc ê I 9-n h h g lac sbos. Mediu m solesleath1 Louis Ileel. -Excepti oei~ a l. 4 (Main fluor.) Per pi, ..... GrownQ GWIs. Waikng or àt3.75 the flie Modish Englieh last wlcn hei V un-metal.' Ail solid leatercnsrZtd he "J. P. S." brand; sizes 2 to 6. (Main fluor.> Per pair.. ..71 Isr Holiday Hoedkerchiefs Are' On DisplIsy-Buy Now A complete assortment f holidaY gift haudkexrc-hiefs are here fer men, wOuen and children;- plenty in holiday packages. (Main floor.) 4 stainps WOe iW SU e~oIe I!en!s to $3.00 Union Sait& Wlnter veiglit nb vorateluion 5>lits. Al sizes. Sub-standsrds. Saserneat.) POr suit ..., J9 Menia $ 2.00 Wool Undorwea Mu', gre>' vool shirts anti dravrers. $3.00,te.1 u.Saturday lu basemeni; garment....... 1.691 Obilden 18,lle imIOU Bu#01 , 1ýj eavy le ee ltn ud ilp on nit sa for boy s" " 'D ., gI. Saturtitty la the be4oina; suit .......-4-Y-c of warun, fleecy qu$litY tini tiailàdMitY PltI or bIcs. Nlnisho'I vih sImle andi pochaI.Bffrni.. 98 REMNAIIït F .i4undreds, freaIlY Cissbleresun 0 f ilinds; rè. duofld t. on"hethrnd eeblfof (a0nft.) vo gt oed liaued *iwtl suit&. Lay or ibn~lWov rleeveteam (BaasMeni.8 P« selb......... Tory goad el god leueh m lde'andi aIl-wblte and e Unst $UJ ma59C S..49c ',. Unusuallye4ienov-aortmk àftoItfMgf a eoice of'wil înust-to-be-deoired w inter weai', at prices ôi mdest. Women's Coâts at $35~ Warm winter coats of lovely indiîvidualitv,- that pnt express the best style thoughts and gracefu~.i ieg. . ebr Fine wool velour, beautifuily gilk lined. With huge (Main il coliars of Rudson seal. Colons of the momrnt Pleasing seleetion (second fluor) pniced Q. at........................... ii'Y$ Finle Il Womeu's.Winter Coats--at $25 liued, for, An asgembIageèthat typilfles thé newest 'ami modt & girls', sÎ beautiful wihter cmats. Silk plush,. all-wôoI ,velours, broadcloths, pomn-poins, etc. Made more attractive witb WJQn1 large.collars, of fur or karaiii* The tseasoû's 2 Sl best colors are hère. '(second fluor), at..ý...ý2 a s 16.50 H-an(Isome Suits at $25 Ul e dresses, Attgactive Aortmeîit->ýf newest winter ~ tures.ý that t«y1eë» Inebludê re beautiful velvetm, fie ", 'm- t>js that br'odeioths, i'nd velour winter suits. Broken union suit,. Sasortinents,' styles of the moment pniced, for qo hà a1 J quick elearance (second fluor), per 5 ='blt" la-- suit...................... ........ oelbov or si«. A. -Y 1G ?O TasEEOE 1 » m aI88BTlt o You when théo ovammof itsoI women el this tend te avold asking 'for uwoeaeary extra doliver. e, te carry packa&e whon poedel% t p avold raturu In g geds. 10 pay ca thon rposb e Vin$vo tet.he marchent 0o1t oaci MO mY 11, M811, A feW, conte perhapo, but many ouch , mvffgA WhIaverageason- aiderabis. This saving will i *uiohe werhants te koep lte rotait pricet.egpu deu m mliAn any cao.. gAlve -Yeu ibotter value for th. e O eey. Otherwlue 50 wbeoIfil.prios advence end lte usuel runoine ex- pana. c ittnua, Mal prices muet noeasarily correa- pondl"ly advenuo. A savlngi te th. merohoirt mnu iBeautiful Mîip~ery Ud.pr1e vetTmd Hats at 3375 Deirable volvet shape.; largo mnw aund su edima. Tgaletuuly trimMedth rli ancie%, vinas and ribitoa. Black amnd soaoaite clors (gecond bar«), at $3.75. To $7Trimmed Hats, at 495 Beautiful late wuter nwidels, in fine quai- ity Lyons silk velvet. Handsomely trimined with ostrich, faneles, ornaments, etc. Large and smrall shapes; black and rich colorings. j(Second fluor.) Pniced at $4.95. il 1 r - ' 4 -0 ew - - . -1 - 1 u Il- Il. "Il, *ýlý 1 n-1 1. ti

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