I d endn- - Kar vus", $1.50 PERy" i-t 1 ..................UodfMâge i It veut abovethe quota-aud that' Omo- t Nor* bim h11M as doue a ulce thlig lu hiring a yislUu mat wS*k aang ohildrau of ti b6holaThe lot me bS ftirit u e e àq it#lc a te b -'as te tbor hoo:. 1f.a4 fq to o i*mdé muoft0mroV h.ai Ê~it la bs&t oft Ob1C took a"olluul 1. et, Vfflva tbat ~âs ~bi Ob- tbttboiit th le' a good oneand ai il. vawmimeviv iele -filme mui t the »«"fI bobas. 1sf.,in la top' Mr, Ont iln gnae .la court vilt e l. ,ýnp the lan* tmoti" alter agueas aa, o. aid dme tisi. pt veItotI ymber lat At ba ts . vZ x W~ S ~0ai ia 'a u the court ta hanàtafeh e bé «4la lfb fait m aiMba fi. r n te dmnsretthe etet% a rigista r-cOtent u fiS n teMar Tboh M a wide van'toq b0elve$17 lit or lu bab,02% fis nflUaeM It o buam S&obpma or 45o bina. Wbs hoÏ a viii *11mot 8 16 .ia u. »-kiI»«Ogbous *é vaut. M mliv hl=fi » avor te th iC M bd 1 Iii inU.17 iake ta' 44% dupudimu upan the abigna the motion té. have the court imîs elaugbtared fi. lniuom aï.Busela U.h ioalh. axpentaitrm a If i t il m att ly onu chap- 1M50pèmmi ksV85 Paunieban%1114 te, cf the wviola ter lacident mapoeaum buo, 2, 5 Paund@ Ihiotdieu clossi filamürmlng hy tne action In 20 pouIdo t" 81sd".780 Pound& lard, 18 mr. %mes cort.pMWSai. uusug40 pounis apure rlhu, hW.ilbt m«J bacbone. PAY UP OR" ET- NO WATER. Ik be mit Piof thle varile Wauk.ga. Oct. 6. * rueuauafor a revival ai tii. oh 15- vas revemed itoiY, tint coin- te'goUlgdy"Btodrmg mai miasioner E. V. Orvia an Tiuraday b.idoauaet athmnof lhe par m the i retained Attorney Oeorge Plaos iesmort lu dtno iuhlcg. You om persa1 tois~t 1c rier ta ast for vint yam ar&M eatmg mien jon pinte tn lsitoaor t he iniuctlcin jour owa mai ois the famRam vhieh Zolm BEqreli btained &anit eniMiinnt. Iuffre biovmga sopply o the city tocentjviahn Orvisachut oir d# Omaia ased ehoisoe.artaginel the vater leasing tle hi% property on on tie. liave boeugo Perieèted thaf julinstreat, se e.resuit af dia- hexmd eutino danger of inavng amY chisureait Barvell ha& been usint*spali m tnou.nniof ai liona or voter a jer "mu ns-vo el coleti beiore curing for seagrai yusrs pa snd pai thura. hlebegnia. Wh e b.animal le nnOS fore, anly $6 per y- O1 nsiteuuli niu aarm Xi la recelled fiat ris ee ai lb"me"% say have a etraag cdpr. Irered hi. miréet«S tga abt offthe Fros" m@ Ua'iinoS care eveni!l be mata îadim t.tut fantan sd ~bribsecnr lu plcb&bly ibut for gpuerai Ibe Barve ecid ience. but tut Bo, tof ar onido..amka 'iod barvfor ou von vent befaro juge Buivaris and btase lai im at o ustii h --Md Au W-Od- th" The brim e Cure. -Rbmbp«o City of Wkgan tram interfuring *mmuli hmmo LPck lbmi v» iti h m h obad ieiiwoikaen l.a &barrelottbgbbains Midilesuo tmm th* voAialater -- he tctdlOoan the bottam. To mssci100 ie. of ~ 4~ShiS8~ 114 lAispe@i fM thgii oursemmiibu la éfect amti t vau br à WtSrepide tAI . l otlnldm 'Simce tien Commtlasater Orl. bas- ai Md I tv«y 12 tg eauprepurtuafeforntier actioUn o I . A-fW .~ OId ulithismoiter. Re retalted M1r. Ieu W. for ou ja 8 e~k, ~andtieas oon au nos o!fie judgea f ~ lit rositlîiu thalcames liera, th. plans are teta lt.u V* rt cidaiteislonby lthé SMW" bozd Of the mtter np ami inist tmat ttu- lu junction b. maie permanent. Mr. v »W.14 iii reprosent Ords peisonal- wv m cideul wb.o a ayounc nuaiton s motorcycle 'y whilec Attorney' Buhkley wmliirPa lait v hol rau bad-on iuto tb~e rei,,r of a biiggy resrnt the clty. M flu .res ËJght is another argument for cvw'- M.Oti1ad0o1 ua i vui< dMIM bM t £ mfofiataS liai the court authorie a per-4( 1iIa~flurwa - ~"lgh U."The IaW minent InJuactiln untîl bc bas reach- 0 wu tu lbgds.Very fOv ose0 ei a satlafactory' settleumat vitin bat outhQUat to .OMply ththe aUDIO Barwell, i. dainxbelng fiat Barmel< W f*tYolunii es '111ha"e ta psy for te mater lie used ,Ju r 1 1 e rl . o e aunh a ci e ts f oa tain, vhlch, h la nov adm itted l w s~adIf he wues e ar.1tthbhu.beau running day and ngit dur-ou *0 lwmére01 t o«t tflùln s heseveral suasons. Tartiner- ru 0f 1181? o wuiOPDI*Sy,'nS nave t.oxpeCt more Orvla eMY% Barveil i viibave teaïs pay isages sud attorilujo tees in (1 eon.ctlan vih fie Injonction ac- WU19 boyS eMBOW daeOld GIOry, the Lake ]Bluffton w i e han carrieti us>ta titis t h.mg m em uithat il as dolug eveb, more utha n N =iu the proet ci"u .To tbluk that one luttution ut boy muci damsages tic Citya ~~~~tia ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ w am a .tê4 k .n i4 k~vi i for 15ta fnavikno utthiIs urne, soert an pit.o act *mssoe's lie at-W 1, anl sd the niouat of moncy t.voîved bin =*«'f YUngMM'*O aVOréOPOndad 10 th*-r OOUfl- wvter used turing the paut scierai d# oi mut bu gr&tlfylng t. those good vomen bo ae uansby the Darwefl tauntain viii a. bar ud gMil oitvier Uvtsth IbtnOst or- m@abave ta bu settieti by mathemati-b Ci.The dail" Io od tIM tthôno'Who are cal oaicuiaon. Cty audois are nov t AwtUnmte enoýugh Mu o bave obilUen oft heirovu sund Iguring oui aboutwmittea nemoanta q bav oontlbntd 10 he sunoitof " ivter ued voulti he durlng a 0 bffl dfret tey to te 8U crto te b' ff." iven perlod.-p M U fircu rprse w ikui ri 9"*'b C1011 bYIDO ln epeaking af te. mater toayp nit Orpbanage ?dUt.OrvIs aani: "Mr. Barveli ha brougintd I nlimeif into -a court of equlty, uome- il Wheuonsgoe Auo Wacoulu ud the sttessudly the Circuit court. andt tireforu ha b s l. fne 751.1 f radamaltaied u rral~j~Jj<tjsiaul camne thi'ougin anti be vlingC m~~~~~~~4~~c hom lceveeo5 ~ ~ ~ t ufaitrln fie mtterai aijailag flics stuation vith tue City vierelu iate-onecanut bu tblk tht lb bon lase fo bhnsused no mutin mater andi bas .6 radalu ske ounyahuld arr shioetunahno apli but $5 pur jear for it. Re hlm-1 Wleu ucndie ieate"Pl uWa<>ansdslf brogt fthe matterit th ue court1 09ýtM mt a thmmetim l»trave1ng over or equlty andi therefore 1 can csee no «MMiroada, one wodarso it in UMO *le a reason vhy he mont b. fura inte nta1k ob couuty, vue&h la n euttled, could matter and pay fie Cty ai1ha5 le hos e b..many yeara'with the poor systeni of r o mlnba uta 1 a h ae ith ut bsbs malutatned bam. TUe reabon in that lu la-in.udl MIW tbe furmais bave resllzed lati t las ecsàury to WIRE MILL SIIPSCRIBES Cdrolt order to proporly niaikot their ca - $0i YOWdý ft CD#&them o 1 =10 iicto jet 1Mai =oa Contiuu T ram paieOU) 4» kbýpder a systeaniof lsd i'oas8uaat they 5 w RSî a o.tSnria, iqfor a aystsm of gpodrS&dansd voted to bava un. sliher»ave utFot heidan, lie M=eouty lup 10 th.proeut lima, tlb afeeling ba moth of bonds. booff prevaleut sm4d Ut hans o benu reased gonsi- "Thea. mua not only have valua. boy MUCh I masut 1 fIUMers tU haver theme bard sereti their service for theu defensi. fS hepur" of zgetiuug teïr crops t10 ulaukt aitheli country.~ ha saint, -u4t 1h07 AU onue bas to do to persade binisei to favor the haveashoma their poirlotwmain tf fur. bpue lunquestion la te tke s trip tbrough sdlclnhng tber hy subscrbhla ilburaiiy for Liii- »0dm. te system i fgood roada there,thr ete«-cn"Y Bmoi5llate f. 0f flaco- dition te average citiftsa baihitieel wbrone fludsa-s farm bouse onlY 1novWsnndthen. ashameti not tto doiii part" agero&&a iu that ktud of s comnninty, cer- W .Itt Se Oversubtctlboed. =Ity W. Lake coity should.hsve even Lake Couty's quota, se Sxed by bo itter thbsu theseIf_ asbe.-the government, la $2,192,400. Mr. Burnett etiai ha;up t i_*Pes- loèmSwwill Fied 9.4 fie b blcedeganstMr.Barvell, ent $2600.000 wortin of bonds have but that lnsteati he vauld. asic the becit subîcrlbeti. He tinns t fie (Cotinued tram page one) court to admînister a minimum fine chances are very goodti ta Lakse brporUon Cuzwe Bulkey t a i f$5 andi casta. - ieexplanatitan Caunty wmliisuhecrihe iuiy $3,000,000 hirtonwuConcee& it iey t Btat b 50 ain fn-Wrth of bonds. Tisiovercubscrlp> he vs cocerai. t wa ni. ms tit hyBanvli avin a tie nnoulu tie a splendid record for e of precuton I. lua-e oae miî>itered ln thiswaly e"v" te OuaSy anud evereffort la helng modoitacorfilagly. lie flOagi It vus a minimum ine, It maie ta accomputah sncb a condition.. 1 ï wZr :: ZOkj ta dcmand 1waulti nrobahlv serve as aa exan»ie Wlth only tva tisys left la vhlch fin aàltu1f. Mr- wveilaven tn afierc la lhe cty tint anybady jta conduet fie campai=u for fie sale -e 'arsvdi) iakv admt .hviviltes one Clty law u I.mt as ofaiLierty BondeoIl la plaunei ta :?Lf.qbdow trs ism.a. muaslee t a acourt actOIRon authe matea n villwlnti Bai, baoth la Watt. Ibo 094.w»iisi;Md PttJ.< fie dii asIf b. vti0tai enYj kugan aMi'thzfugbM i» oeounly. mtneVI.aLaiflrLnO naa a t paff ub cS.ma ;k wlot- -DM f h i -- oa nvna sOu"r Mi Smo ouosuof sait atm. DiesoietUe abélàatifour gallon purei ala ate*, pourtlb mistuin ver lbement aMidmugitle 5dolm Vatéb ýUwbrisu eloelyamili t heaumes fat ami strlngj. St sonti db. beffls0o vs brin. pas an. Ramns sholi b. 1W lish bite.trom six ta elght veut tbile bm lienli ruquirs irom tour taui sets. The ment i. tien reiy ta bx Trhe sugar Cure-()ry m.ithoi> foi che thoasani ui ment ta bu curai th Dlowing inimete eboali b. uéed kpounde of eommom sait, 10 pauadi fNew Oileans sugar, 4 poanie bloci Mpper, 1 panail saltpetre, X potin saene pepper. ,Mix the Ingreiunts thoranghly, velg] ne ment. and rab one-baif the mixtur méi in theii ment. Partsihenot ta moi, dry place fur abansivo veek@ thes rub a)n the.remainder of the cure. Aite six weeke the mentile ruady ta bang ni (Tis depeinde apan Sheia.of the Plecet The ment ebauli b. veil inibi eu Uie liait the cnrs t. applled. The jli requir. u&ore aittention than tie tii F'or long keeplat'. unci ple. ai mee bhonli b. wrapped la paper aidputln musla biig. EarIa bag sauli houdl unp an lime wmiutewamo.i ta vli glîhi bena dded. West pat up properly aidla an attîn Ivu manner wll oeil nsuild and b. ja as gond or butter tbaa tlepacttiitthot prodaci. prepared ior uee b ohltag antil past daue. Tiie meatabonld lien ho pac. in glass jar@, pracessI tnbot wm bath iar three hours sud .onld.-IÉ Eoid Pack Proce 01o Canning. *m ib. the au4eet Cd t'a P A uITY AMOIVEENT - Wtulti ente. aàl mambera Md , .ryy~ te pul la si>. d -sa'. u toaoN raae tmI, (brtm ""Plot #mir. ,Tblé attend. ywi, b l'a uI. ntnsat said ta be ti Tbun viiihea VeryiimPOrtant m.tlmg Mght idad-f0 o Mlo a on theli po.*aiumpouo. a esiethe hrellrue St'«aIIu' Aid aaulsyml wuek "Mlveshe, o BO ie .ehctnlftiom lm haaiilM l*9 gritamomwuoS of £"Mis ayaft.rfloou, lNo..4*0 l'bo ue Snu$mm*$ aathmsuvi lld (nov b.W t'aste. ep.otàdta hrose.. U ak o K. J. B Ue M.eie5,Tbobotuss. lgozteiodd thrçugtbeCo.cadbesg> nb. ragroade nov ir ar. tle.proble. .ofvwb.ulire MUGI**. Vrs, L.tsaw kvui,4 ii* mnamala4aOau a hrrer to- hflulingfiegarrnt adtuudkv ud ir. Fine. oekù eu meulw-WreitlUi-btbau aiea ise 'to bli leOMi " o sill t»,ta ili aat ber1 Broed taeattend.. plat atomeof ai uletrenads aéri ry Oirltma. aboppir gthe*,e ii h ita Tb*wonivinimetfor, rehersIbeis Ilaiother m muo.neddpurpousa bu ma e Obi br»i. *B ta maie làiko hra vnmatSouab ,ttiun l.h htowse ae posile for the'a raà ae vit .lihe lïra ita iug agraha. vwiii mods 0l1a? oupitaa atofalie ta mov. the caverMmelta emma&Mrthe .transporta. Ie .X. Lchoir h"protosI chrob ysar. be * svauei t IMlaMs emaethe.,moutâtalm tim lathe n. aing met. Tbe tBi!nçut Voiturasunday sebool of ton uirtbweet. shoraei le erved OMpe of t' a met af Imporlt thiagi isem viigiva a batteuW 1s l eek vuiauailiover a quarter oi a million ta remb.r rsi je liai an iobrISWas aturday aiternoasa& R. B. er'a store.. tome ci cati oeî a bon ilmlin le~ gifta thatars mtieto solilsî Trmm o-ail>and.îthe thousinda ai ca ebouli h. mathiby Pavamer 15. iista transport ttbe l au r ed ta se vii "e»s' tw diutuation sa *6grellitPresbytsrian. aUner pressing noda of transpartatian. Mxent -a"i mlii emabl tha poutaliS la tbis morld criais, viien ev.ry ro.- iupartmemt teate the gOb tfa the. soldlnr 'nia" .ofth*i natint W e txpd ta lte nS-; b!r the proper ilme. Thie WmlI " W P Bodsioi 10a. m. 'mout, tlii. ulaukes' neblevement ta sallghtsn the ïlaorai athe.departîmentM orb otl a l .m a .on extreme Importance. for thie Chrlstomnetre e hiçit vollIo htoEdaor etiga 64.WII.I nut yan jouroey ta tii. citie. ca.eîy. ln taut parmce smWmll ier lTh e l shete ocer o Me0 I fthePadde Nortimuet travail the MNovembor 15 viii ot Cet ta b.boy* S r: relu- Me Rl il. moth, smokee". cladttleuselftei lt "iront moui ltomg at., Otelsinse. Vic Pr&, Hgo antea, 8eMýy nd ay-vlo tbheCilcago. Mlwaukee & St. ranoube motter tant abali bha -n oe , Mysisdm", Pal8t. RoPPeun Railma. is mini t. that unie, the trmporta- Moaan. The tapie for mzt Bandoy inErtriomction Ilter&ture frtee on re- CI;m psibl . la bravos t -itt b: 1020, coneratlon meeting. 1Leader, ___________tieedwa. 4e t l*btm muaai. TiesepaMr. Ruth Price. ontla soulii bu o5alesifr.jnaflag , Evsng service as 7M0. Tb@ peetor Hsd a Pull. sa ia t. petuusrm.j~aee wMli beffin a serisouinon *"Haven tse-'în.e ot hie litla- I non"te tia tae mi-rue bt.anaidgoit. Iflolnerastei ai ndsrsli al Isurtxi lu Jne un' h'. iesd sa quick. r a"t Mnt no prohbltes d tiu ~artogIMto abu, jan e nvlted. tipecla Cmaady-Share be pont bov bad a i o taiiereia. *rangre ta camplj 'Ode.pull viidueinaurnce 4ommany. wmlhtb Ue.. directions vUiiiCames1ong9 __ C.__A.____________________________ ,t eglaalg l>e. 1. a ltume mairevenue - -------------U--- 0tamp vi b. requiraifor e*&M 25 sia U .pâli onpW -pou cae S= enrl o r Lo al Store ta an aauonoumsntmae bîVut bmonter WilliamB. Dorte. Spueltmpe will b. salifor tht. pDrPOeuaad ordlma stampevilii mt bu acaspis. Y ) R . A T paiersaomurne lbheasoue for il'a Mtrasaele.am aiCirW tsh.l.amd Èuss.M«m ta boear la mim the pastal lu logsan: «"Mailarly, Peck Secnrulr, lx /k cie rroagcY. je St. Lawrotic.Eplecopal. Di Bei. 9. B. White, Prieot-la-chorge. id Services ii bu e dln theo Vilage Hall th ountil turliner malice. 1 mr Haly Communion oxcept tiret Suinday 4 aa gl Commuionevory Snnday 11:00 er a M. bolW L BUY direct from nianufacturers and therefore cani w hrhSho,9.45 a. m. sadi funniture to you at the loweat pasaible price. We 6.)do nat carl the burden of the midcman's profit That £b Mthodist-Ppiscoaal. profit GOES TO YOU. Our stock is purchased only teé Nuit Suaday servicee. mlii bbe l a after exaxining the leading makes of articles. Nothing lan the nuaitlime: Snnday sehoal session as 10 o'clock. )Moring preaebiîng service poorly made or 0 shoddy here. We (ht up every part of at st Il o'clock ami as 7:30 la tii. evening. your home. la Bey. T. E. Renaomvili presac i tasbath 66QLI Y G O S O u o t wd services. At the eveiing service tinure "Q L TY G DS Ou Mot Ma wiii h. spéial niusic, short sang servie suqbirad congrggtatlon. anthem by a&e choyir ndvitsi. ube rrnod T d-% w & iV id2on a" by Mr&. Ingi'nam. Tiie publie cof catit. ,L*avumimg ths Foreign Avalanche" -- ---------------:S 00 : zSiêU SS5o 1 17 ter 1(e Busineuu»meFlret Some tinte mgo tvao hlufe.gSOIS liai planned à atl,ai la tfia Cleagl plat% wmutes Owen WilAM a luhfi QwrMtaa Harali. If vas mifiluate dffs or fi. nice barvui.The peopie petiliti ne g uerasis f0 «Ul0ait iai baille anti the rie WUsbarveatul, and Uney dia. Tien fl ea et on vith the fightlng.But tfi a jso eamman meff nu are -. lbim la caming f0 demmni M"r 0 oait flan tult. 1 cure fer Unreat -nia ira, curefor mlcoboiusn, indu>- trial fatigue and unrait" 5557 lhe Mdedicai Record. j'le the provisiont0f" tieccal surreunings la fie factoil a" la the home, nieqiiote, gulaisuru andi relaxation." mnasethal the pur caPlA ased is1 $39.82. The foilowtug tabla chows tue di- fernt townshilpsla 14k. CoIntSY, te- gether vlth the estlmatei population. sud te quta fixet by th gavenu- ment: Townshlp PaPueallOfl Quoas Antioch .............,08 $91,904 Avon ...............1785 1 71,078 Benton ......... . $224.824 Cubia............... 1,310 $ 52,164 Deefileld ..........-.7,02 $298.728 Eia.»............... E1 8 51 63898 Fremont...... ...... 1,079 $42,966 Grant..............29 $33,011 Lbiertyvîlle ..........8,07 $122.48à Nevpbrt........... 1,171 1 4619,1 Silts .............57 $M,1671 Vargnn.........1,26 1 49,117 Warren .........~.. f 4 4,912 vnus......... S IA N Life- Insur ance Fifty Years Ago-..and Now Fifty years *sgo, the mani who insured' himself for the benofit of hi& family was looked upois by the average' citizen as a kind of cross between a well-meaning crank and a blasphemous dare dovil who presumed to eu.t dice on the inscrutable decree of Providene. Twonty-flve yearg ago, the average insurance man was regarded by bis average neighbor as a nimble-tonzgued individual who galned an eay living at the expense of other people's croduulty and vague apprebeisiofli. Today, the*man who lmn't- insured. somewhere, soxnehow, for the bonedit of soniebody, is rather sure to be a bad risk--of some kind--eithër physlcally, mentally, or morally. Few people posases the influence of the saccestiful life insurance mian. Ho is the peor of aIl who seit and this io a commercial age. We have f ully awakened to, thii faét. Insurance iii. as mucli a part of modern lite as the tolephone or thq railway. In fact, It is one of the economic nocessities of life today. It is coal iln the biti, a roof over our heads, food and clothing-o nly a littie farther away than the present necessities. Lîfe Insur- ance les the bestýthing. If you die, pur folks get the money. If you live, YOU get it. John Hodge, Ditrict Manager ne R Od Michigau Mutual Ldfe Insurauce Co. AREA IWNOIS *Osfce Phone 162-R Ru4deëuce Phone 296.M. i -1