Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 1 Nov 1917, p. 5

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Lfl31~,LÂK" COtUNTY , THISRSDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 1917. dis d tIis ves oinIg tte W tIs l Mr. and lire. Louis Lanc. who baye S ~~W CF t1< 7l iez ooa bomaition tP %0Wisnomeu Péaueon o"" WauksSsl l à vltb tir. and Mms.& JiYoug. P Vie, A. L4e »W WVee udymOrulaiT for an .ztedi lwéitb bu dler, Mr@. il You Kn.ow 0 > muof Davies, Wh'l" et i0*9, Wéab. P Iooe~ I !s m s 1 The JI~M~ tWoibii SUds! uhIl b IIOMI1ut« VIM %Où"s cdmsvid h1.14a bM ae msSaturday j T0160h0»e UMboe 1. aitetoi, Boy. 8M a Mr. Ksr'à store. ------------________ Tb@ sad nei"peie 10 berliyvlle 1--èw- tloano Mrs. y tis Williams of tb. Sals Wrabt ,eturned Monda7 troinu&"itofiber 6"ve Tuaiolddaugbter lait Ca. Dogs.lov. oadq; c dipbtberM&. lii. William@. MIs e oncis l L.agrth vws bonie lomuiili utLIbertyvillenov reuide. at rou Kankkoo Suud*y.Moune.-Wl. Mns. Jobn I. tCineby la u uitgteilng The W. W. Bihla mly'on Mlwauke ber mobirfio Mlnampolto. avenue, wbo bave bien onderquarantim @ Miss lvins Muslof hIego, éenst 1ISurin lule paralysie, whlc b tiaoked i Sel wy ii ber puscits bors., the infant son Charle., baye bien rulleaeed. i Mr. and M19. HaiyMM& aodetîined W -i InlOrtael that b. chld la iting 1 ee.tssay tramU nuakm edl, &long nicelly. Atbougb i lit atm andC Mr. d' M Joh Krukaff &p u bould liesses tubu teted to soune Mtda i. pd r. sJobrKi ciman er.citent, it la thounabt bat this vill b. T. A. ReBynolds rtnrued Saturday trilnvroe a viei; wlth uelative@ sud frilnte la The Bed Cross auxillllary vill bayec Kou". Ibir roomu, lu the Protor bulding.t open for varb on Tnesdays, Wsdnuudays,t MW-IMary auglt bas scceptcd audaean sd Fridays front 10 o'clack poltion wltb Montgomery Ward at inithe moruing unlil 4 o'ciock iu the. ai. oueme.ternoon. Auyool e ling t ames inl The Presbyterlan Ladie' Aid mttes auj of the departmneu sof work-boupi- week Thureda>aflllnoon witb Mre' tai @appise. buttlung. surgira drseifg 000. Wright. or refugus relie-vlI bu veryisslioniu 5 Mise Maris Petrlck lemteesou; ime. kesper ai lb. local gaioffice lakfalitbem Meusi. Dcker. Bulkley. Ilupabam and pluis ofUmssDelle Bart, vbo bma ur.verai ocher of aur citissuabave of lats ceupa aposition as the 8Sidon cbool. lorméd t4@ babit o avisng sauil1butq A spoliaI car vws ebarterud Weduss. buvever. l doms ut misu 10bu tbs toila day uveing teIilktahe tcL. T. IL 6. of à day liai asem be extra ambition basket bai l uu to Waukegan vb.rthe but 1bey bav e ien wu com* n two igb snbole bad a gamn. bâctir t owa itb a suas bagof ducie. Tb bof ils.8. J. DulalinuWe We viwon uable to lesaujin" vbo boldo M»e mmaulut Pridal evecing of a prety thé. bag or Wia carnes tbe sait, but tbey amgood casi sports and are eatiolying bslbday Party bed lu houer of Mie thir raveulsb appetltec for the flavor oi Clama Bo.lg. vild meat. FPARMERS! 1It's Up to You RIOIIT NOW RAISE MORE GRAIN To Feed -the World and Its Friends TILE ALL VOUR LAND It Wili Pay Big Interest Wlth One Permanent lnvestment OUR STOCK IS LARGEI Dov. i :r à*0OU DapiBmt. es, w u20yasm LPhone 47 JL A. Biahop, Mgr. ,~IManure Spreaders The Beat'Paying Implement on the F&rm Nisco Al D 5ere Good Nlw Idea lEferson Ones Corne in and look them over. Priced Right Mr. and Mrs. P,. H.Doremus aespend- inga wvesinluCicago. Hièbert Dow#do f Camp G rant .@peut Iunday vlt blbisparents bure. Mme.LiuMattocke tels today loi LAtwerp, N. Y., ubere s wvil peud the. triasse. Mr. and Mms. Scbuyler AVpiey are tbe pro"d parente of a baby dangbter. born Mr. and lim. Willis Oeiboît are tbu proud parents of a seven pouud boy, born Oct. 25. lis.kWeboltwvs.lormeriy. lamaI Wood of Ibis City. lire. 9. E. EAIlsortb. lire. J. B. Morse, Mire. Ida Latabsv, 1M1lu lioreuCbtever aud lire. Jo.Bousm made a trip so l*Wcso Mouday. takina Instructions on ths reffietration for womcen wnlcb starti Nov. 5. Tii. Novumber meeting of the parent- tsachor.Çassociation vIli bu bld ?riday, Novitubur 9, ait 3:30 o'clock p. m.In. lhlb asembiy rauni fbtésblgb sebool build- ing. Mmlii inagertrgd Whiite. 0f.tbe Wasington smret scbool, gEvanetoul viii speak ou 1Tii. Sebool am a Social 0».01."The hlgb sehoQI glas club viii render everai suluctions. A uuai nimber os uises prakewere pelled off lent *,eniâu cammeuoration ofa! oellosu. Bad thé youtbful perpée- tramsori bheutrequired 10 expsnd one.balf tbe amoulât of eucrgy la dolng somclbhing musni. tlb.tuera would bave bien fui] of broken beartu long betore b.doimite. Lait Friday mornugLittle EHarley Bpoor wAila pisying vltb a loaded revolver. dlacbargsd Ibueuaponn d the huiaIpainngthrougb the tls tband. Tii. veapon bovever, wai iîpt lu a salée place but tbu boy gainât!ise possession lu soins manuer aMd biais tihe motber coufid cet 1ht ram bim tie accident bl hapeusd. lPid .Jacob, wbo boabien empioyiil nt lb.eliason barber abop for ne.érly tirs yare. tlst $ouday for a visîl ai bis homs la Ottawa, Kan. F red vill Biret vieil: as St. Louis and gbna City and fromi hrevwlgo to bis home for tev vieke sud tIbm vill returu 1< Cbicago veewu vii spend noso ilme buaot. takiuy Op bispe P"aga in r. Wamen of Ibis community are urged tu remenaler that Nov. 5 tu Nov. 10, la registration week for évaincu. it il aud 0,cr alto reffieter. Ounr amin la c have every wommu and girl regiîtered, sbereby puléuicly acinlowledging ber patriotieim. There vili be. two placsof village bail and the lRed Croes roan. Thece places viiilieho pen tram une tu Oive every mternoton and fram 7 to il. Tueaday e.ening, Nov. 6, and wili he lu charge of trmined regiatrars. At a meetng*of tlic aflicen. oithe County Club ' at Lake Bluff and tboe of the tavuspeople remarning ail vinter, lait Wedneedm.r nigbt, it was decided tttey needed a community meeting place aud it was voied ta open the club two niglits a weel ail vinter. A plan bat bé-en formulated to pool a.nd billiard r.,u-naînints on Frî<lay eieng and Saturday alternoons. On c ai aternat Saturday .ýveuiusr a diunurc cmîcunitj elyle, with cacrdî alter. i'lie tiret mett Lng taiep plaré e oi $atnrday. A meetinig wa@ e ei hie week ut Hal Day for the purposée of organizintéiih Beinon unît af the National Councîl o Delenoe. The following afilcere weri ielected: Sire. Sfaud K. Knowles. prefl dent; Mie. Lloyd Meathere, ciairmanc iegiîtraréé, Mmr. J. 9. Baird, publicit, Ichairniau. Soune ai thc registrars vil b. at tue to wu ball at Hall Day everý day durinz the neerlifaiNoçrwbr 5tt' IDo not forget ta reg!eter durinu ti wcei. Elgil yeans ago last nigit t Ballon- s'eu), Denuli Linierry met wlth ils first accident wmule lu tie disciarge of il@ public dutles as village maraI t) ur manibai baislet vib Ina otier occi- dents since bhat tino. one beiug a shart tînt. ago, nblcb uemrly canied bil s th antie hm ascausei hm ta b. ail dnty fon snoe ine, but fast igit, elgif s-arg iran bie tins b. met vîti bis tiret lu- jury, b. again aisumeti bis full raie of dutici andthile mornile h sien o ur streete a Inl gone by. looiing aiten thie eafeîyand veltaire of tic public. iii. Llnberry bas been of grest service taaun ovu and t ifvan luguartiing the saeiy ai ne chiltiren tint be so nomrly iséeet deafli a few yens ago. HIs bas been eoneviat otan uniortonate latin public service, but hoeseemsdetermlned tuhrave tic ripit anti continue bils ttie.. even Ihaug I l tay coîb hm bis lire. Alpha Club Adapt Resolutions, lu fie proeu national cris- le. a poic, of rigiti conservation lIa been adopteti andthti retriction o! ail unuecessat'y expeadIture iî urgeti, andi Waazs, the truc epiit afI Ubnitual can ict b. manifestet inluservice aud lu saciicetor thonse ho a re tevotlng tien. cuves tQ tAie deisuse o! bumauiîy, tuec- fore b. l, and i ilale erby RUSOLVE». that Il lastlb mnse a1 lie utembuma ofthlb.Alpha Club tbat tlb give lug ai Chistmas glftc b canOned tu tl utoget ouklsplioilhM th be edngot gvuslngsidc Mb. hncle,,sud thât hli iuramd 1 t saWuasisl b... liRIS INUMIo M FORT AT VAIitEi FOJNDRY Two Amazons Expiais Their Love for Each Othîr in Pisgstic Encouriter The mouctoay cf Mla lu lievlcuity ai tic apenb ett mtory vas soneviat ns- Ileveti Wedumevetruing. wb.u tva gills-employss ofithtory--gave an Impromptu e.tusmaluit of a pugillatlli cbamater, viibi r BiWtea.'feet, inger- »alis sud touqueselor, veapons,. indulg- Ing lu Ibereruathon vitbout intenter. enpby tAie polce or anybody sise., ntil tbey quîtot a huA civaccord, eacb d. larlug thst ibe beof" fi' otier .jay "euougb." .c The troublaesiens ha bave ariginaitd frein tlb.DOWna anuolhing. According to the slry ne rlateti by by.elandereand fzilediol the beliggerent parties, 1lU.tiuling bau beunbrew inu since the latter part 0f lait week, nicu a number atleuded a party and eaiiu-dig" isshortldlstenc u$nl0 tew i, w hore re r- dlry ras bigb snd vice-e kilesng came tca @Iovw for the oid4eabloued ganüce of '"post- office." it le uMMdcose. of ticgirls lu lie mrap kep4br "sisady" under ber ving lhe entire evelug, sc tiat noue of lhe cther ginls could nut a chance taels rbîn. The auber gis accuseti ber ot be- rlng jealoanud 1untair, tentalizing ber 1until var bruies ont se above etateti lb in fcarsd tbey viii both recaver. 1 HIOH 8014001.NOTES B The edltorW tal aiwbicb viii publisi unr Breut nne leas u oilows: Editor- in-ebief, lUQiasseul a; Business Manager. Haroldi Heguti. Ueirmry editor, Dora- rtby Harding; Sociai editor, Frances Blsbop; Art edtor, Paru Ray; Athietit edîtor, Hard itBIemu.» We are ho bave 00ie llovlng mana, y nes en aur readlig table during the i ypar: Woid' *~ork. Literary Diget, yPopular Meobaule sud the Chicago aTribune. 0 Dorolby McLasigblln bas oecured a o$200 eub.tilption Ici the Liberty Loan vbicb viii b. soccrsdid ta the efforts ai dL. T. 0.S8 s Te reelis cf lthe eclion for mner s of the Studenh Councll arc as falovi: Focully. I" sabefs; seniors. Helen Spate, Alla Novolie Juniors. "leBu- 1ev. Ronald Strmii; SphmreJeanlk Scionci. H[ugo lMouausp: Freehmeu, t)orothv Suydoàm. Paul E-uiout Wi ti bhil sPlendid corps of vrrer, vi f-1l sure that tha orimaflztiton viilhe a suc.eespft one. TAie exact amount of power vblcb Ibis board la te bave lis, not been fully deee ai yet but corne agreement bebveen tud0uetu antiltb vîli probable hi reaced hetil en bccoulîil mccl. Huga Mntanus bave boen ciosen ciairman ai thbecoanuil viti Alta Neville scretsry. Tic chorus under lie direction o! Misse Allyn are praelling for au operettn "The 'ronnai ftAie Gypiy qucen" whlî' nlili be giveti snon. Tic folovinz rules bave been fpesucti for basket bail boys: 1. playerm are stnlctiy larbldden hi, sotoke ut auy fine during Ihbiaket bal season. 2. Avail cating poetry or meetelied fiod stufS anmucli ne possible. :1. Pinypre ttc ticorne mare efficýient shoulti average iront six 10 elgit hoars sleep ecrinigit. 4. Tic day hefore n gaine, play.'rs choulti not enter info aay wvan requiring bcnvy pbysical exercie. . 7). Playerm arc rejlulirti ta bave Plnyt.d lu i ve camilets gauc orI tir isequlvalent la halves ta secure an "L" at tueensd ai tic asgan. Violation ai any of tii. ahove raies wilM, on sufficicuf evidence, put bLe viola. nier off thce quoti for the pinioti ai ont week for the tiret offense, off tbe iquad for hwa a ela for lie second offense, a third offense viii Put the ployer off the sqund for tic entire baikel baileeaon. Bazaar snd Chicken P* Suppen Tb. Presiytertmn ladies' said soclety viilhaldt teir aDLal basma lu the Lib. @ýtyvIIle Hotel building Weducedy, Nov. etitue, ,commencingabai1:80 P. M. They wilii old ticir chinien pie dinnen ut tiechcbn bTliursdayîeveiug, Novent. ber 8, froua .30 O'clock until ail aie serveci. tlilckeîî Pr Masied l'ctafaeî, cantage sauti o Octry Pickles Rlis Dourhuiite Pumneiin Pie Apple Pie turc,, e Jelly A'ea andc oles Planer,. 50 ptente. Ganlo Almot a Panac. Garflc "«seeans ta lie svlngIug mbt tberapeîati favor," remarke the MeS- icaiaRecord, lu camuentlng on bow Âmericau physicians asdehierists bave avokenedt o a desm for a rc& tainta natur'sa ona nemfles,. siler 0 aujryens-sof Ignomnie«u depeudeace > pe. Gurman palentcd chemicali. Gar- 1101..nov »0useia a reniedy for dipli- Iliue. wltooping CouIi, 14ttJp1oId fever am ubocuclo.le ~~b« 4mveVe mWaKed Vol Fhee3 su s ~u otge Persans as"nturnedfrm fl ' IItems of_ _I f joje of tht iaCreti on.LIIAM.L Z r......e -Au Il It aroveti( t a r i gi avcv meeting! vd"I I I interest Taen From or Zachogar carde bave been received for LakeJ Counity vanen and ti lateexpecteti that tbey al *i11 be used by the vomn ln thisi registration movement oeil week. A yacht, 50 fret lonig, being tauncit. eti by the Charle Willlts campany at Wiatltrop Harbor, lies on thcebore as a rpsulf of liavlng bren knockedt off tbe it enteredth le watpre a beavy sea making tie tank bocard- ous. The boaI le far enougli up on siare ta be sale. Lake Forest varnen came t in rat Lakes Suntiay'Inu autos, a score or theu. anti at the detention camp tirs' presenfeti huadreda of kits ta fie new lads 'who alid anrived ta joih le ml ors. Il van an auspiciaus accaio3i. anti, despite the muid. it was a vers' Impreesive siglif. Caunt Jamnesafinaois. Italian nole-r man, wia ta a son-la ian of Louis F. b.d licen placed la arreltand lafri reýleaxeti under a $50,000 Iâîd elgard is' bis iather-in-law, flie Lake FoeiS millionaire. La'e Farest virtually bas solvuti the problem aif foadiprIcesansd citi- zens nov cao buy potatoes for $1.30 a buebel. carrote and beeli at $105 a bushci. This exnouncement nos niade Baturday by Reulien H. Dan- neiles'. tbe lavn's mhllitanaire food di- ' rector. Last -eiiriutg al cits ownurd land as planteti andi turneti ver ta - hlm. All crope have been banveeteti anti the sale begias tonarran. Preti Scbnifllçer, 17 yeare aid. a Isckle at the Great Laies Naval Training Station, leit Salurdas' night for Granite Cils'. Ill., in searcb of is parente and ta Sund out uba lic le. The sîght of letters and packages re- ccived "trou bhome" by hie comradeâ impelleti 1dm ta go ta tic NavyRe lief Society Saturday. He 1014 ban lie was bien tram flic Bebeida Home ta St. Lousis' Mrs. Matilda Scinittiter af Granite Cils' sben lie was 6 monthn olti. Slie dieti lust b'. fore ne enlinteti. He was immednIat iy granfed tea tiny8' Icave aiab. (nc. la the Lierty parade in Chicago Wcdnesdny tva tGreat L.ates jackie,* D. P. Gasebe andi C. Meuler. vwert- operatlag an automobile fioatntthle concealed nitliin tbe 'submarino" bull. aud tic accumulalutg gasolin" fumes made boti sa ill tint tic ma.. et thie viiec faiutcd andthe bbc ot veereti at La« Salle andi Waslitngton sîreets. surging againnl the sidewnlk, anti kuociing Hofer dowu. Tlie jaclkWs weru dragged out andi takf'n t0 St. Laite's lispital, ebere Ilt wzi. 6aid their condition wâs, fot s, nuit. Making a i-ouai s Home. Iu planning a bomne Il: heesseutiel ta building satisfaction that the prospec- tive bouse owncr decides vîtler lie icents ta dwell lu hit, own oîr some oti- or persan's borne; tinthe tlcecjuBl tic sort af borne lc le 'Lhe9ta erect aud oalinw hase Plans. ia thtitli rbuilt i is bouse on honhst Unesîltha couforîn ta tic îinciplces afgooti ar- chItecture. mriatidis ana i nei r rangs. Ticere arc fotir prinîcipal kiotis af raltiers: Black it tloouti oUntsin, prairie, aud Texas. As lfO comrnty knowu. cvcry kind of airttler te poisoin- ous. At tue age of two monthe the firet set aofstungsupper. If bbc. teare bremaveti, tva norit-48.' cme, 0h10 B days npart. If the Ibîrd stt le re* uave'l tic rattr lq sttid ta be"ftl, andi no more fangs appear,caonsequeut- ly thie suai. te ni,'. dcnerous. and one af the main taîks of the sei- ~ ' V I UM~t Mion wae that given by Ga)v. Loccden an Friday. Chicago judges wbo iMenbere of the 3fIk Pr0doel'V spake durtug the meetings ineluded: Association at Dudee and iifts,y Judge Arnold af the Jur enile court, Ill., viii bold out for $371 a baairl1, Chicago. and ,iudgés Krain and <Cava- paunds for mik durlng Novembi4r, Ij- naugh of Clitago. Frldiy .ludge Per- u o29cnsvethotoi sang epoke on -Tb@ Experiment l i2ncat arfi Detention Hlomeq," nith especial rel nc IS 2 erence ta Lake County. Saturday ai e- non10t1ethsaclo teroonthre jdge, JdgePeran reacbed on Oct. 2- ' A;tuetiu ., teroo theejudes JugePeron ;louai branches ofi the asdIt~ of Waukegan, Plater of Ta'.loriltle,' hyvte amk hedmnM and Cavif of Joliet followed up the 1eyanasociaioke lie as nd, .01 diccuston on the subJect ut Ji e'This distinction, It nas alît, W« Arnold on Friday Tley discussud 'tnmaie ta avoiti Prasecuticu under tbii at ieagtli anditheir lalit proveti vcry ti-rs a inlereeting as the jutiges gavee u -'.This te the liraIi 1. fInYeana the. pericuce ihey lied ,l;oliuoî,'i a,.cit4on bas nat tdecitird to ac ase Judge Persans was lionored b,, being a body lu rstabllghlng a price canin, made chiîrman of the noinattn., o, h commnittee and offieers were elertl.'i for the' ensuing Ysar. Xicss Ilinîmil- '- The Lubetyville Indepeudent CO>~ rclch of Waukegan aud Miss Pommaý teer and Mns. tionît were thtr ai_ tains the LATEST county newn. tendants ai flic meeting. F'uily (10FOR RENT-Cttage juel outleeo delegates were present. tovn.-W. n. GDigi ity LAÉ w - r-' -ecooidru reciion, if OaleeA w.n yt-dinkoa Cali, eiu bak àki.aa n. 4/fo # «Or Mr /fYco0A- dzc Ato f- *vw. d44 AI2..,rj',ma~ I. ONE can't say there la money inIicoal, and stii it Is. a good inveatment tbese cold days. A ton of coal in your bin is'worth a car Ioad i aom other f ellow'a yard, if your home comsfort la of amy, account. When You Want Coal, Yoti Want It Good and Plenty High' Quality Coal la the Only Kind W. HlmsRlk *.T F. FRANZEN. J.R. Telephone 5 Libeibyville -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Table Llneln-loweýl" IT HAS long been the cusiom ta refflenish the famnily supl of table lnens and other household inens before Thankogiving da1y. We are well prspared to téke care of your wants in these fines tbis jyear. In spite of the increased rices and growing scarcity a good linens, we have a fine fine of patternpmric considerably below their present market value. Pure white. bleached goocis, two yards wide, inin any dIferent patterns, auch as *"Thistie," *'Rose," *"Lily of the Valley," "1Chrysanthe- rnum," etc., at, per yard a $1.50, $1.58 AND $1.85 Napkins to match most of the patterns in table finen, 22 inches wide, at, per dozen, $4.00. Others ai 55.00. .Toweing crash in many gradesbath lîneri and union elatham ioft- ly leached goada with neat triped bordera. Fine values et, pet yard 15Sc, 20c and 25c. For the better hand towels, we have a nce ine. fanocy lia 44 W c W.CROL&sffl SCHANC HARDWAR]KE

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