DelvytoM s ;4 W è .W and$500value . ..................... àlid 6 ande de.Chin blouses of exclusive stYle-46.50 ,ta, Beautifuly trin*ned with lace, fancy anid hand oubroidered ....... 4............... ity two-color .061übina- reda'd blne, 'blineand and red., 8erge a ad teet V - 4 ii i Chiffon T eta A Special $5 Vlue- Ment With shirring and pin fies; ail the new shades. Attrec3tvel Priced for Anniversary AUl the newest styleb in red, ttPau sd -b4ek fox, seal, beaver, coney, ma$An, muskr*t, raen. 14rre and amali ucaTf, ineludine kerarai sad ýÙA. 2fldt5r. reas 1?oein woman iÈ l have on-have need AtF Thls sa!l o"' 1y - abd Sateen PetticQats With deep flârixig flouinces, ruffles9 and pin tueks. $2 *is 'l -!.7 1. SLmen Ïb$mm«k (7~2,inch) -,9c. 'All-linen table damaak at notable ubde*rie1n g. 1.2-15 -WoÔoI fil(6ic>8~ Y r AII-woot'.flanXie i m IÇIà4q AtuielY ocfin'w ~~pe SngM. 75c Table Djm8s Yull-bleached table dainiak of fine mereerized quality. À remiarkable and tÀmslýy saving. 18c Colored OutWùTg Famiel, 12tc Yard, in a new selectioh of light and dxi laj41is fi*c Dress Ginghamgs (32inch) Now 1 6è Yard ýiripes only O)ùting Flannel (27 ini.) Extia heavy. 25c White Indîan Head This sale only , - Z I&and I& c Blkaines (36-indu). ,i r 8C A wide variety of pal- 0W81 terns; yard............ li thi b lu-e i35ý KéwPercle-(27-inoh). der; linen I4ht and dark; a chane to save athird; yard.., y4. '4 U J '(40- Now Ilc Yard Muslin 19ic Reg. 16 1.2c on en 6 .d1 u~ Od* at uoruofabz. ~~w it om uuch an auuoèit for aeIrii'm4ýdt i% wt I.L hs were bought «é thé advaneing market es, týnbli us to unake sun4MmuaZ uction. Sin- plaid *0dl. 98 valuie- Light anid .Dork FIÀânne1- ette P Godjaity; Vari.t of clr combmnations, fan- cyu oe edged. SPecial 4* EAnne1ette N 1ight Gowu Big. yariety of colora; somre are trinied with faney braids. Special 69C Extra quality; AnniversarySle Special Thrawnwork center pleces sund sarJIWf at...................... ]Regular 69e hand embroiglered dI S ii Baèch................... Broken lots of staxnped gooda--aijl neat deigm. At..... t'O Êj ý50c fancy enýtersa aid -Pl1ow Y3sY cm-~Qp~r8 Extraood uality,,in gtya1dtawith gaunt- ,et top. 25va ùe;pr$, C éyPillows tH ifPrc Fa fr MsupplY. a*, t~ utn, 1& aid 200s *6s40 on Sale *And we aine yougthe price neyer bough sc nés ai f rd u4l $13.50 goup. Chooe ormteve uew modela. Ail colora. Mater"al are serges, satins,'taffetaa. Lot of2e Twent-id a brought do wwerth stye-l#ngw4janwho mutliit htr«4parel ex- penditure en~taamt frock. M 8ril, serges, satins, taffeta& and wool jersey. ]xtaqualities. j~ 7U 7, E-,. Several rimogrkable pur- oh.. mk. itposaible Ctnham-e Sof, the.variety o! qT~ '4c~xnot aceept niaT o ~it' rdera and n6n4e 'l ,~sent on ap* ican, a Tai- eu=u Wo Thiais a year-and wiod vantago of it. --on acco accept mail o. Lot l-Coat,' kindsl favorte21 Lot 2-ThViIs el ( 'IjeviÔ elty tri Ail size Lot 1-We ma in this nungs, shade& during Lot Thr11'se j wool «Y ined. Annivq special Lot 5-STUNI thisj fur, k Aniv, Lot 6-Our pi able. tone, xingi nivers specia T*reé lkeàl Sale ietyo« ~Od ai Valu ry Si >t of Zibbe WIý versai ra gox terialm ai ané A spe Bary 9 coats id fai 1 keri *ide tra XATS. îPtty Fne, d d Veil 'tra SI tion- a arq [uli. relvet Surpri suit, $4 li$ZZOf 14.7- *From oir regular stocks'and suits just ree cd, in a. ie secla ca e lot we are niakiig: the -offering of theseasaonat this pricmç. Gabard -«001 velour, poplin, broadeloth. Values lUp ie brôsdd*th, iool -velour and ga xbpè dib I4hic ,îMo4ela uelected from tb±tee 77 orkUes as values. 9 c~ I and --o dope odia dodo ý 1 l"- -J t"""Uuo at so munable a :'r-- 9w